4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNEFRIDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 28, 1S94. (e cranfon fortune PuUHID 0llT IN 8eNTON. Pa., VI TNi V.IBUN PuaUHUtO COMPANY. E. . KINGSBURY. iniiui divYonamui mmi Bunas" Fa"" " hav, Manaokm. Sntikis T TMt earonn T osmto", i COOM-OtAM MAIL MATTSB. "Printer' Ink," the recognized Journal Tor advertisers, rates the SCRANTON I'ltlHUNEastlie bent advertising medium In Northeastern Pennsylvania, "i'rlnter' luk" knows. rCRANTON. SEPTEMBER. 28. 1894. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor! DANIEL H. HASTING Ul' CKNTKK. tor LUutenant fiomnor: WALTER LYON, Ok ALl.tUUtNlf. lor Auditor Generals AMOS H. 5IYLIN, or LANCASTKU. lor Secretary of Vernal Affairs: JAMES W. LATTA, Of PHILADELPHIA, 1 or Coiiyressmen-at-Larye: UALUSHA A. GROW, or SOHVUKHANN A. GEORGE F. HUFP, or WKsTMont; la.no. Election Time. Nov. & REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET. lor Coaarem: JOSEPH A. SCRANTON. For Lav Jiitlqe: KOfebKT V. ARCHBALD. lor Sheriff: FRANK II. CLEMONS. lor Coun'v Ttrwnter: THOMAS D. DAVIES. 9'or Clerk of the Courts: JOHN II. THOMAS. lor Prothnnnlnrn: CLARENCE E. PRYOH. For District A t'nrneii: J OILS K. JONES. For Beconler; CHARLES HUESTER. For Register ef Wit's: WILLIAM 8. H0PKIN3. For Jury Comminsitmer: T. J. MATTHEWS. Klectlon Time, Nov. 0. REPUBLICAN LEGISLATIVE TICKET. For rettnfur, Twentieth District: JAMES C. VAL'UHAX, of Scranton. Tor Representatives: ' First district, JOHN H. FARR, of Scranton. tveond district, ALEX. T. CO.NNELL, of Scranton. Third district, FRANK J. OLOYER, of Woo sic. Fourth district, CHARLES P. O MALLEY, of Olyphunt. Election Time. Nor. 0. When the unterrided torn torn beater of the rescusitated Times speaks of The Tribune as If it were "dying," bespeaks of the liveliest obituary event in the history of Pennsylvania journal ism; so lively, in fact, that the alleged 'corpse" itself leads the dance at Its own "funeral." Speak Out, Like a Man, When the Harrisburg Patriot, repre Renting, as it does, the state organ of the old-time Pennsylvania Democracy, recently declared, in effect, that a rrotecuomst wuo uuuertakes to mas querade as a Democrat should be drummed out of camp, it was address ing its observations directly to Edward Merrifield, the Democeatic candidate for congress from Lackawanna county. The Patriot evidently thinks that a man who tries to ride two horses at once is not lit to be trusted with either. The trick may do when the road is clear; but when the divergent steeds come to a mudt puddle, some thing is certain to drop. With this growing volume of criti cism reaching him from all quarters within Ids own party, why does not Candidate Merrifield say something in self defense? Can he, as a man of honor, comfortably sit still under such an arraignment of his fairness? Is not every moment of silence an additional acquiescence in the proposition that he is deliberately attempting to trick the voters of the Eleventh district by pre tending to favor both sides of the chief question? It is time the people of this district were clearly informed where Mr. Mer rifield proposes, if elected, to stand on this fundamental issue of threatened tariff revision. The people already know where Representative Joseph A. ncranion sianus. mere lias never been a moment's question of his entire loyalty to the cardinal doctrine of pro lection to home industries. He has never promised one course and voted for another. He does not need to be interrogated upon the foremost present issue in American politics. How is it with Mr. Merrifield? Who knows definitely? Who can say? With election day scarcely six weeks off, there is only one faint glimmer of light upon this subject, and it squints both ways. Mr. Merrifield, in an in formal manner and without manu script proof, told a Tribune reporter that he "was a conservative Protection Democrat of the Sam Randall school," 1 - A .1 II - now, wuai uoes mis mean i .Let us have Mr. Merrlfleld'a own "elaboration of this insufficient phrase. The col umns of this paper will be cheerfully placed at his service if he shall be dis posed to act fairly by the people of this district and frankly tell them where he is at. No sailing under false colors. Speak out, like a man 1 That portion of Senator Hill's Saratoga speech wherein he sought to credit the Democratic) party with the recent repeal of the Sherman silver purchase law moves even the half Democratic Rochester Post-Express to laugnier. -inougn it is partly re pealed," that journal cruelly asks, "Where is free coinage?" so profusely promised to the west by Democratic orators. "Moreover," adds the Post- JiXpress, "the repeal was not carried by Democratic but by Republican votes. It Is a matter of record thift on several test votes a majority of Demo crats la the house of representatives voted against uucouditiou repeal. Tlie Sherinuu act was a compromise to avoid free coinage, and was ac knowledged by even its friends to bo a cowardly makeshift; but the mere repeal of the purchasing clause was also a cowardly makeshift which left the whole money .'question unsett led. The attempt to magnify that legislation into supreme importance last year was a shameful political fake, and the course of events has made its character so clear that the less said about the special session of congress the bettor." A good many persons who are not Democrats are beginning to share these same views. At all events, Hill is building his political structure on a mighty uncertain foun dation when he builds it upon misre presentations . of his incompetent party's bungling work in the Fifty third congress, with reference to the currency question especially. The Common Sense View. Ex-Counciliiian H. C. Llatton of the First legislative district Is to be con gratulated upon tho failure of his re cent call to bring about organized Re publican dissension to the embarrass ment of the candidacy of Mr. Farr, The sober and unbiased judgment of disinterested Republicans strongly condemned Mr. Hatton's original culli as an act both irregular and uncalled for; and this sumo judgment must cor dially approve the discretion of the overwhelming majority of Mr. Farr's Republican constituents in refusing, at this late day, to be drawn into an un timely controversy. As The Tribune has said, there is not now a question of Mr. Farr against Mr. Auybody Else. By Mr. Farr's fair reuomiuation in response to the wishes of a clear and large majority of the Republicans of his district, it was in stantly made a question of party loy alty against threatened party revolt and possible party disruption. The Republican who would sacrifice the party organization In order to vent his pique over the regular party nomina tion is fortunately scarce iu thiscounly And the scarcer ho shall become, the better it will be for the party and for the people. The Republicans of the First district have iu Mr. Farr an experienced and capable legislator, who ranks well to ward the front. No new man could in one term equal Mr. Farr's usefulness, whatever might be the new man's abilities. From a business standpoint. not to speak of politics, one dollar spent in employing Mr. Farr to repre sent the district in Harrisburg would bring two or three times as much and as good service in return as would one dollar spent iu employing Mr. Davis or any other beginner. The Republi can who permits ward boundaries or individual disappointment to blind him to the common sense of Mr. Farr's candidacy takes a narrow view of the situation, and ought to think twice be fore giving sanction to schemes that tend toward party division. A San Francisco court has refused to grant a divorce to a man who com plained that his wife bleached her hair and used paint on her face. This seems to be a good iudlcatiou that art Is gaining ground in the vicinity of the golden gate. Sleeping Innocence. I'nder the terms of their contract, the builders of the Nay Aug bridge are to have their structure completed by Mon day next. When that shall be done, there will be a continuous stretch of smoothly and nicely graded roadway reaching in an unbroken line from Arthur avenue,at the edge of Nay Aug park, to the very heart of handsome Eiiiihurst borough. This driveway traverses some of the most beautiful bits of rolling 'land scape to be found in the United States. It offers superb possibilities in way of delightful scenery, pure air and natur al inspiration. The merchant who should travel over it would forget his cares, the mechanic his worries and the wife, child or mother made to glad den in the bracing atmosphere. The opening of this new boulevard would, in short, give to Scranton just such an advantage as the city has so long needed ; the advantage of a really re. spec-table and well-kept thoroughfare stretching out beyond the forests and the hills. It is proper to state, however, that this magnificent boulevard will not open on Oct. 1, There are seven squares of ungraded hillside between it and Scranton. The Scranton Traction company once obligated itself to pro vide an approach up this hillside, but it has apparently forgotten its promise Only seven blocks of dirt and sod keep the people from the enjoyment of tho superb beckoning driveway; seven blocks which the Philadelphia stock holders in our local street railway sys tem evidently don't know are there, and don't wish to be in a hurry to dis cover. Is it not time to prod these laggards along? News from the seat of the Korean war 1b becoming a little labored in its rhetorical construction. The yellow warriors are sadly in need of a brace of Wilkes-Barre mine rat correspondents to give the proper color to their move ments. Hill's Future at Stake. It is expressing an admitted fact mildly to say that David B. Hill, in his candidacy for the governorship of New York, is battling for his entire future. The prestige of a victory won in the face of present odds would be tremendous, if not irresistible, in the next Democratic national nominating convention. Tho Ignominy of defeat, while It might not, carry with It utter oblivion, would at least be an insur mountable bar to national party lead ership. ' It is one of the signal characteristics of Senator Hill that he is at his best when most strongly betct. The Re- publican who shall fancy that with tills adroit, daring and magnetic op ponent in the field this year, the Re publican ticket in New York will have an easy campaign will make a mistake. Little is ever gained in politics by un deservedly underestimating the eneuiy. When the enemy chances to be a man who has, in two years, transformed a popular sentiment of distrust and eveu open hostility into a feeling of secret if not open admiration, as lias David It. Hill, it becomes the policy of wisdom to face the facts and attend strictly to business. There are reasous wholly apart from .Senator Hill's resources of strategic leadership why the state of New York this year should elect Mr. Morton gov ernor. The citizen who permits per sonal liking for Hill to blind him to tho glaring evils of Hill's party as demonstrated iu state and national records, will commit a grievous error. Because Hill, at the beck of partisan destiny and at peril of utter defeat swallows his true convictions whole, to such an extent that he can now laud a tai'ill'bill which, a few days ago, he could not vote for, is no reason why others who have none of Hill's party reasous as un excuse, should imitute his bad example. The interesting fact is cited that at the recent election in Muiue the Prohibitionists polled 2,(115 votes. At the election of September, 1802, they polled 3,732 votes. Iu two years the vote has fallen oil" ;t0 per cent. Mean while the Populist vote increased from 2,888 to 4,i).'i0, a gain of 70 per cent. Tho Third party pendulum is evidently swinging. Tiikhe is something apprehensive and unrestful iu tho handshake of the average Democratic candidate this year. That idea of the Pittston council men calling a policeman when ofiered money is really very funny. POLITICAL SOTES. In his Willlnmspert speech ex-Governor Beaver gave notice that he wanted to say fomethiug to the Republican conferrees of tbe Sixteenth district, who have been so long deadlocked on n nomination. Tbe conferrees occupied a box and the general pointed bis linger at them and said that not only the Republicans of the Sixteenth district or of the state, but tbe Republicans of the whole country had au interest in the work that bad brought tbem together lie said that a nomination was not only wanted, but that it was demanded, and that it was a very serious business to en danger a Republican district by a bitter personal tight. The ex-Uovernor was very earnest, declaring that it was a shame for those, men to sit day after day frittering away time, creating dissensions and aroai ing party feeling when the next house of representatives might, be lout to the Re publicans by a single vote. The speech created a marked impression on tbe audi ence and amid the applause were heard shouts "Nominate Packerl" "Hive us Packer I" and of like import. The Demo cratic conference of the Sixteenth district has nomiuated James B. Benson, of Potter county. The Rochester Post-Express, au able independent journal ordinarily with Democratic leanings, thlnkB that Senator Hill's speech at Saratoga, considering tbe dmiculties he had to face, was a master piece of clever word jucgling. "The Wil son bill," it says, "may he entitled to all the excuses that Senator Hill makes for it; but he did not tbiuk it good enough to vote for; President Cleveland did not think it good enought to sign; and both of them are on record as condemning it in unmeasured terms. Neither of tbem was willing to be responsible for the thins, constructed without principle anu freighted to the decks with fraud; but both of tbem ask the Democratic masses, who had nothing to do with it. to sauctiou and defend the perfidy and dishonor at the polls. We do not see how all Senator Hill's eloquence will avail against the fact that he is pleading with Democrats to bus tain action that the highest Democratic authority has pronounced Indefensible. According to President Cleveland and Senator Hill the Democratic party goes to tbe people and asks for approval on tbe ground of inability to do what it should have done." Snys the Wilkes-Barre Record: "The nomination of J. C. Vaughnn, of Scranton. for state senator by tbe Republicans of the Twentieth senatorial district is a just tribute to a sterling Republican and an honest man. Mr. Vaughan will make a strong candidate and although there is a natural majority against in in, it Is con fidently expected that be will defeat Mc Donald and redeem the district." In revising tbe base ball rnlos for 1895, the Chicago Dispatch thinks it should not be forgotten that Editor Singorly, of Philadelphia. Is the greatest living author ity oa the subject of sacrifice hits. CAMSIION'S ONE HOPE. Tittsbwa Dispatch. lie looks first to the Republican party He believes the organization will be com pelled, by the condition of things, to break away from its moorings on the financial question and nominate someone who will be sound on the tarilf, and who, at the same time, can propitiate tbe halt dozon of western states that are committed to the rehabilitation of silver, to say noth ing of a large element in both parties in tbe more eastern of tbe western Btates which is in favor of an immedi ate increase of the circulating medium, During the extra sessiou the Pennsylvania senator otton said to his mends he sin cerely believed that if tbe question of free coinage were submitted to a popular ex presion in Pennsylvania a large innj jrity would vote in tbe iilllrmative, He has never believed that the masses of the eaBt are in sympathy with tbe politicians, who must always ran in line with the party ut terance. All of these things make tbe Cameron buom interesting, to say the least, and there are scores of shrewd politl clans in both parties here who believe that tbe Popullst-Silverite-Cameron combine may yet be a potent factor In the election or 'no. ; LOCAL PATRIOTISM. Ollphant Ktcord. The Scranton board of trade Is composed of men who have always considered tbe affairs or ttielr city psramouut to all others. They have dune much for the city, and their plans for the future cbieflr con cern tbe larger growth aud industrial de velopment of the Eltctrio .City. It is surpassing strange that this body of Scranton men, should be gutty of so gross an error, as to permit, us anuuai report to be farmed out to an individual outside tbeir city and county. We cannot believe that the members of tbe - board have wil fully lusulted tha efficient canvassers of the Electric city. The Scranton Tribune has taken the board to task, and Us acliou is this is com. mendable. If this Insult were nassed hv in silent contempt by tbe lesding printing Or mi-of the city, their indifferenoe to the excellent workmanship of their employes snoom ue reuuneu, auu ineir lacg or local patriotism should be censured. Scranton is no lunger a "mining town." It name shines brightly amid the famous galaxy of centers oi inuusiues in tne united Btates, and its sons engaged in the typographical art have kept pace with the rapid advance ment of all other departments. Tbe work turned out by The Tbiuoni job office Is second to none In the country for artistic taste and mechanical excellence; and there re In the citv half a dozen other printing firm?, whose production ranks in tbe first class. Agents of "printers' supplies" affirm that in no other city of the site of fccrau ton, do they do as lartre a busiuess as in the blectrio CitY, which proves fat more money is invested in this industry iu the capital of our county, than in cities of equal po n'ation. This fact should be known to ius board of trade, and especi ally so to its secretary. This investment deserves patronage, and should decidedly receive it from a public body that exists to enhance tbe industries of the city.. Patriotic seutiment for ones city and county is praiseworthy. There is much of it in scrautou and Tim tiiibunis is replete with it. Its present stand in defense of the members of the Typographical union in general, and its own otlice iu particulur, strikes a sympathetic- coril in the hearts of tbe thousands who love Herat) ton above nil other cities. May Tub Ikiuunc live long to engage in such laudable work and ever be as sound in local patriotism as in tne present instance. HILL'S LAME APOLOGY. K.ic'eiter Post-Kepress, Ind.-Dem. The senator throws tbe responsibility for the bard times on the Republican party; and as this is a matter in which nothing but downright falsehood will serve, we presntne it is best for a politi cian to dig his spurs into bis eloquence, shut his eyes and take tbe hedge of truth at a flying leap. It may be that the panic was not altogether political, but nothing can be clearer than the fact that, in so far as it was political, the responsibility rests with tbe Democratic party. No rum but a fool conld expect a general revision of tbe tariff without something of a panic, and benutor Hill incidentally admits that fact. SMOOTH MR. HARRITY. Pittsburg Times, Mr. Harritv la still exulainins to Mr. Singerly that he had no baud near tbe knife which did for McAleer, though his appointee aud creature, Harbor Master Ryan, was foremost in tho job. The Ryan incident would be a fly iu the gravy of most explanations, under the circum stances; but Mr. Singerly is by nature a guileless gentleman, and Mr. llurrlty, both by nature aud practice, is smooth enough to skate on at any season of the year but thin ice, very. ADVERTISE. Advertise! Advertisel Art, in taking him who buys There the merchant's secret lies. Advertise I Advertise! Advertise! Tie succeeds is be who tries. Who is asked is he who bnys. Advertise. Advertise! Advertisel He is heard is he who cries; Waiting never won a prize. Advertise! Advertise! Advertise! Wealth is won by enterprise, Slow-Uo sits and sighs. Advertisel Patronize! Patronize! Printers' ink if yon would rise; Busy wings mane busy hives. Advertise. Just received a nlo new Una of SILB SHADES in choice colors and styles. Oar stoik of Banquet, Piano and Parlor Lamps it complete. Eaviland China, Carlsbad and Amr lean Chins, Dinner and Tea Sets la many styles; also a number of open stock patterns from which you can seliot what pieee you want. COURSEN, CLEMONS St CO. 422 Lacka. Avenue. For Fall Wear CONRAD 305 Lackawanna Ave. Scranton Tribune Job Department T well equipped with the latest styles of type, Superior Workmanship Low Prices and Promptness ought to be Inducement to the trade. BUY THE 9 S 3 TNT 00 For many years this Piano has Btood in the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its pure, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com pllment that can be paid any Piano to say "It resembles tho WEBER." We now have the full control of this Piano for this section as well aa many other fine Pianos which we are selling at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you see par goods and get our prices - i ! GUERNSEY BROTHERS' MEW STORE GOLDSMITH'S Two of the Greatest Book iL $5 Hook: for Schepp's "World's Fair Photographed" and Clark's "Road to Heaven" are the titles. No books ever published are so well known, and no two works can be a more valu able acquisition to' any household and library. One is radiant with and Historical Sketches that the world ever saw. CLEAEIXG SALE OF BICYCLES. A Child's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new SO A Child's Bicycle, Kubber Tire, new.,,.. 10 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 12 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new IS 1 Boys' or U iris' Bicycle Cushion Tire, new nodown to 28 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic Tiro.new.. 35 t Victor B Bicycles, Pneumatlo Tiro.sec- oud baud 10 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, new 80 1 Secure Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, second-hand SO 1 Irt.vcl Diamond Bicycle, Solid Tiro, second-band 10 1 Ladles' Bicycle, Solid Tire, second hand 85 S Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, second hand IS 1 Viotor C Bicycle, lj in. cushion Tire, second-band 33 I Victor B Bicycle, 1 in. Cushion Tire, secondhand 40 1 Columbian '92 Bicycle.PneuniatlcTire, 65 1 Chainlcss Bicycle, Pneumatlo Tire, nearly new , 100 Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Racquets at a discount of one-third for two weeks. J.D.WILLIAM8&BR0. 314 LACKA. AVENUE. BOOKS . A Fall Assortment Letter Copying Books OUR SPECIAL: A 500-page 10x12 Book, bound In cloth, sheep back and corners, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING, Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravers, 317 Lackawanna Aye. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists i et teeth, tSJfl! beat set, SO: for gold caps and teeth without plates, called crown and brldm work, call for prloee and references. TONALOIA, for extracting teetti without pais. Me ether. No gas, OTXB VIB8T KATIOHAL BANK. WEB ER 224 Y, M. C, A aUlLDINGa, i iL 3.50 Bools: for 5c. the Best Illustrations and of the greatest exhibition The other contains Philosophical, Physiological and Religious Sayings, and advice how to live, bow to die, and how to act all through life; all founded upon common sense; hence its title "Road to Heaven." A Great Cut on AT- HULL & go: THIS WEEK. A Solid Oak Table, with, top 1G inclies square, . . . ftOc 2 A inches square, . 1 If you would have the LARGEST amount of heat from the LEAST amount of fuel, you must have a HOWARD FURNACE FOOTE k SHEAR CO, Cauliflower, Pickling Oniona, Horse Radish Root, Green Ginger Root, Rlckllng Cucumbers, Mangoes, Hot Rep per s. Garlic Dill And everything used in manufacture of Pickles. PIERCE'S MARKET, TENN AVENUE, and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON, ) TABLES BAZAAR ON EARTH. BICYCLE BARGAINS Dnrinif the month of SEPTEMBER we offcr tbe Tery best t nvuiiii.s ever shown in this city- None but flrst class Wheels in stock. Cull aud exumine. Open ereu inuti. . COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY aSbnnT' Dr. E. Grewer The Philadelphia Sppcinliat. an 1 his associated stall of Kntrltali and Uermnn phynicia is, are now purmaneatly located at Old rout Offlco Itutirilnir, Corner Pena avenue and Spruce treet Tho doctor Is a gradnato of the nnivorsity of PoiiD5-lvaiila,f ruierly domonitrator of phj-si-olniry and surgery at tho Modico-t'hlrurgical ooIIoko of Philadelphia. His ppeciftHins ar Chronlo, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and blood disoasos. DISEASES OF THE KERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which dlzr.i nis, lack of cmitldowe, sexual woakness in men and wo man, ball rlsluR In tho throat, spots lloattnif befiiro the eyes, l.sof memory, uuable to con. contrato tho mind on ono subject, easily startled whon suddenly spokon to, and dull, distressed mind, which uuflts them for per forming the actual duties of life, making hap piness impossible, distressing the acti- n of the heart, causing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil foreboding cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, fouling s tired in tho morning as when retif Inif, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thougnt depressinn.constip'ttioii. weakness of the limbs, eto. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cared. If you have been given up by your physician call uion the doctor and be exumlned. Ha cures the worst cases of Nervous Debility. Scrofula, Old Sores, Catarrh. Pllos, FomnU Weakness, Affections of tho Eye, Kar, Noss, and Throat., Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can cers and Cripples of every description. Consultations froe and strictly sacred ana confidential. Oflrae hours daily from V a. m. to A p. m. Sunday 9 to I. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symptom blanks aud my book called "New Life." 1 will pay on thousand dollars in gold to nnvone whom I cannot cure of UPILliPTlU CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E. GREWER, Old Post Office Building, oomor Penn nue and Spruce street. KCHANTON. PA. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Dentist TELEPHONE X91. . Prompt attention to calls for treatment all domsstio animals, Veterinary Medicines carefully oompouiil4 and for sal at reasonabls prloes. Office at the Blums DIX COURT, Scnuton, Carriage Works, 1 wherI direct aho! Ing afternoons. Gradnate of th American Veterinary Cc leg and the Columbian bchool of Cuimpar tk Msdlclna.