9 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE -THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 27," 1894. WEST SIDE! AN EVENING RECEPTION. X Wu Tsndarsd Miss Ulnnls Davies, of Parsons. A reption was held last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Dan ielt in honor of Mra. Daniels' sister, Miss Minnie Davies, of Parsons. The xooms were tastefully dtoorated for the occasion. Daring the evening piano selections were reuderd by Miss Margaret Uibbs, and Belle Vipond and Miss Harriet Ward played excellently on the violin. Card parties were organized and in dnlj?ed in by a few, although dancing was the popular feature of tbe evening, At 13 o'clock an excellent repast was served. Amonq; those present were: Misses Florence Gibbs, Margaret El wards, Margaret Gibbs. Hand Vipond, Alice Evans, Jennie Daniels, Harriet Ward, Mollie Ward, Mary J. Davies. Jessie Prloe, of Schuylkill county, and Curt Andrews, Robert Walker, Charles E. Daniels, Burt Thayer, Elward Thaynr, Dr. DeGraw. George McDon ald, Georpe Williams. George Peek, George Silkman, and Will Price, of Sehuyikill county. PROF. PROTHEROE Will LEAVE. Farswell Reception to Be Tendered Him This Evening. A reception will be tendered Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Protheroe, of South Sumner avenne, this evening. At a late hour on Friday evening the family will leave for Milwaukee, Wis., where they will r-side in the future. Tbe reoeptlon has been arranged by the members of tbe old Cymroaorion society, of which tbe professor was coudnotor. Hon. H. M. Edwards will be conductor and Rev. Hugh Davies will preside at the meeting. It is ex pected that addresses will be delivered by Rev. W. U. Pearoe, of tbe Elin Park cbnrcb; Riv. N. J. McManns, Rev. J. T. Morriii. of Bellevue; Rsv. D. P. and Rev. David Jones, of this aide. Among those who- will assist in tbe rendition of a fine musical programme are: Mrs. J. E. Heckie, Mrs. B. T. Jayne, Miss Lydla Sailer, Miss Elsie Powell, Miss Fannie Jones Llew Her bert, Moses Morgan, David T. Rich ards and David Davies. Miss Sadie Jones will recite. Tbe Protheroe ladies' choir will sing. All the members of tbe old Cymrodor ion society are requested to be present as a selection will undoubtedly be ren dered under Professor Protheroe's di rection. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. S. D. Adkins, of Lafayette street, is 111. Miss Cella Edwards, of Plymouth, is vis iting friends here, Mies Ada Falrcbild, of Dalton, is visiting friends on this side. The viaduct ordinance will go into com mon council this evening. William C. Davies, of Lafayette street, is recovering from an illness. Charles Nicholas, of Wilkes-Barre, is the gnest of friends on this side. Roese Davies, of Buffalo, is visiting bis parents on North Bromley avenue. Miss Mary DeLong, of South Main ave nue, has returned from the sea. shore. William James, of Pittsbnrg, a former resident of this side, is visiting friends here. Rev. T. C. Edwards, of Kingiton, has returned borne from a visit with friends on this Bide. Robert Morris lodge. Order of American True Ivorites, will give an entertainment this evening. The Young Men's Republican league Will meet in their rooms on South Alain avenue tomorrow evening. A meeting the Hyde Park Choral society will bo held this evening in the Taber nacle Congregational church. Miss Pauline James, ofNanticoke, has returned home from an extended visit With relatives on Eynon street. T. Albert Eynon, of North Hyde Park avenue, will leave today for the Univer sity of Pennsylvania to take a course in dentistry. Dr. and Mrs. D. K. Harris, of Atlantic City, have returned from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Randolph Jones, of Jackson Btreet, Miss Nell Jordan, of Pittston will re turn home today from a visit with her aunt, Mrs. William V. Griffiths, of North (Sumner avenue. Mrs. Thomas North, who is visiting here from Pleasant Mount, is ill at the home of her mother, Mrs. Thomas Buckley, of North Sumner avenue. Practice games Bre being held every afternoon at 4 o'clock by tbe West Scran ton Font Ball team. The young members of the No. 14 school eleven are also adept players. Mrs. John Davies, of South Hyde Park avenue, who was abnsed by tbe tongue of Mrs. William Armion a few days ago, is now under the care of doctors for nerve troubles. The remains of tbe late Ellas Hughes, father of Joseph Hughes, of Booth Main avenue, who died on Monday at bis home in Pittston, were brought to this city yes- Works Both Ways. "It is remarkable bow your trip abroad lias improved you." "It is the use of the Carlsbad Waters that has improved mo, more than my trip abroad. I have gained in flesh and strength since I used them. Many persons use them for reducing flesh, be cause the waters remove all un healthy tissues and superabun dance of fat, but they also build up firm and solid flesh, which is a sign of perfect health. I also use the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt early in the morning with a glass ful of water. It increases the lax ative action of the same. If you aver suffer from . chronic catarrh catarrh of the stomach, bilious ness, gout or rheumatism, I advise you to use them. Every drug gist has them." The genuine has the signature' of "Eisner & Men delBon Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. Li' 1 ICM AL .1 terday. Tbe funeral will be conducted this afternoon, at &a0 o'clock by Rev. W. S. Jones, pastor of tbe First Welsh Baptist church. Intermint in ForeBt Hill ceme tery. Ivor Davis, a lad of about 16 years, fell from a tree in front of hii parents' home, on Washbnrn street, on Tuesday. He sus tained a fractnre of tbe shoulder. Dr. Robsrts is attending him. David & Reese and Daniel Thomas have been elected ushers in the Plymouth Con gregational church, to fill the vacancies crused by the resignations of Bert Eynon and Evan R. Williams, who have left for college. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Washbnrn are now installed in their new borne on South Main avenne. About a week ago Mr. Washburn went to Windsor, N. Y., with Miss Min nie Iieisenger, of Willow straot, where they were married. When So Many people are taking and deriving benetit from Hood's Sarsaparilln, why don't you try it yourself f It will bnild you up. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make yon strong. Hord's fills cure nausea, sick headache indigestion, biliousness. Try a box. SOUTH SIDE. I CC8C8KC0SMm6C8JJaS THE WHEEL CAME OFF. Down Went the Wagon, Driver and All. A big dray wagon laden with two tons of feed from the wholesale bouse of fl. Montgomery & Co., was on its course to this side yesterday afternoon. The driver was perched In the air on a big higb seat, whistling gleefully, ap parently at pence with himself and the rest of tbe world, little dreaming of tbe impending toss that was in store for bim. Opposite River street the front wheel of the wagon collapsed. The driver fi ll and struck on the asphalt and a dozn bags of feed rolled off the wagon and covered him up. Luckily he was notinjored beyond a few bruises, but tboie who saw him fall could scarcely credit that he esoaped with his life un til he got up and shook tbe dust from big clothes. Another wagon was brought and the load transferred to it. NJURV TO JOHN DURKIN. While at Work Yesterday His Foot Was Crushed. John Durkin, of Pear 9treet, who works in tbe Linden street car barn of the Scranton Traction company, had bis foot bHdly crushed yesterday morn ing, so seriously that some of tbe bones were macerated. He was sent to the Dunmore power house with orders to shift some cars. He was holding a beam between two cars that were in motion, the end of the beam where he was fell from its position and pinned his foot against a stone. He was brought to the Moses Taylor hospital and his injuries dressed, SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Ernest Batze has opened a piano and organ studio on Cedar avenue, opposite No. 8 school. Henry Bonn, sr., of Cedar avenun, was yesterduy obliged to tak to his bed, tbe ailment being a heavy cold. Select Councilman C. W. Westpfahl is viBiting in Philadelphia and Baltimore, and will be away till Sunday. The stockholders of the Scranton Axle works, will Hold nu adjourned meeting at the oQlce on Saturday ufternoou. The Sunday school classes, of the Cedar Avenue Methodist Episcopal church, will hold a picnio at Mountain lake on Satur day. The funeral of Patrick Connolly will take place this afternoon. Interment will be made in Hyde Park Catholio ceme tery. The winter entertainments of the South Side Young Women's Christian associa tion, will be held from time to time as they are arranged by the secretary. Miss Tomkinson. Mrs. John Kapueenski, of 1108 ProsDect avenue, died yesterday morning after a lingering illness. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock with a requiem high mass at the Polish Catholio cnurch on prospect avenue. In terment will be made in Minooka Polish cemetery. Mrs. Nicholas Heffron, of 419 Prospect avenue, one of the oldest residents of the South Side, died yesterday morning after five weeks' illness. Mrs. Heffron was born in County Mayo, Ireland, fifty-seven years ago and had resided in Scrnnton thirty-one years. She made many friends by ber kind disposition. She was an active and faithful member of the Catholic cbnrcb. A family of six children mourn her death. The funeral will take place Friday morn-. A requiem high mas at o'clock will be celebrated at St. Peter's cathedral and in terment will be made in Hyde Park ceme tery. Dr. Jenkins Is and grandfather, entertaining his mother A danehter of Reese Evans, of Putnam street, is seriously ill with the diphtheria. P. F. Martin, of Stanton street, has ac cepted a position on the Diocesan Record. Thomas Koch, formerly of J. J. Clark's cigar store, left yesterday for Philadel phia. Alderman A. C. BaDey is on a fishing and pleasure trip at Keiaer's pond, Wayne county. James Maloney left for Philadelphia Sat urday night to accept a position in a glass factory in that city. Mrs. W. A. Browning, of Arlington Heights, is visiting friends at Hartford, Susquehanna county. William Lewis, of Mauah Chunk, who has been visiting his father, Hon. William J. Lewis, of Edna avenue, returned home yesterday afternoon. Patrlok Jennings, of Hudson street, ap peared on the street yesterday for tbe first time since he was injured at the Cayuga Bbatt about two weeks ago. F. E. Nettleton is erecting a fine resi dence on Washington avenue. The work is being done bv B. F. Dunn, rnnfranfnf- Mr. Dnnn is also building a new dwelling uuuus vu inpuusB avenue lor i. tx. earns. More new dwelling houses are being built in Green Ridge at tbe present time than in any other part of tbe city. Most of them are commodious and costly and compare favorably witn residences built in tbe central city. John Moran, engineer at the Caynga shaft, was yesterday morning united in marriage to Miss Ellen McQovern, at tbe Holy Rosary church, by tbe Rev. W. J. O'Donnell, in tbe presence of a large num ber of friends and relatives. Thomas Evans acted as groomnman and Miss Ellen Duesan as bridesmaid. After a short trin they will take up housekeeping in this part ui iuib cuy. Tbe Loyal Legion held its regular week ly meeting Tuesday. Tbe Legion was organized in June and now nninbors near ly ninety members. An effort will be made to make tbe future meetings in teresting for young ladies and gentleman. Tbe work baB been ;oonflned to children. Hereafter more attention will be paid to giving entertainments and other work that will reach the larger boys and young WBU. Frank Mahon and Miss Minnie Ferry were united in marriage at the Holy Ros ary church yesterday afternoon by Rev. W. J. O'Donnell before a lares nnmbnr of friends and relatives. Miss Llbbie Nearv presided at the organ, Miss Catherine Loftus acted as bridesmaid and Anthony Cook as groomsman. A nor a supper at tbe residence of the bride's parenjs on Nay Ang avenne the couple left on a short trip to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Canada. A number of people gathered in the Methodist Epitcopal cbutcn yesterday af ternoon to bear Mr. Bliss lecture on the patriarch, Abraham. The meeting was opened by a short praise service, including a prayer by Mr. Bliss, who took as the text of bis sermon the third verse in the fourth chapter of ' Paul's epistle to the Romans: "Abraham believed in God and it was counted unto him for righteous ness." He said that by our lives is our faith made manifest thus showing tbe profit of our good works for no man can be saved by his good works. No one can be saved bnt through faith. Mr. Bliss will lecture at the church at 8 o'clock this afternoon on John the Bapti it. Fully 1,2:0 people gathered at the tent last evening to hear E. W. Bliss' sermon on "The Power of the Gospel,'' The meet ing opened with a praise service led by Tallin Morunn, during which Rev. George E. Guild and Mr. Bliss led in prayer. Miss Lydia Sailer sang "In the Secret of His Presence" in a very effective manner aud held the audienoe spell bouud. Tbe choir rendered the anthem "I Will Arise." Mr. Bliss took as his text tbe last part of Paul's epistle to Philemon. He said that we have committed a wrong, incurred a debt, and a settlement is to ba made. We com mitted the i wrong when Adam turned away from God. God gave man tbe fac ulty of thinking and reasoning and also tbe liberty to use that faculty; therefore if be did not allow sin to come Into this world we would have no reason for exer cising that faculty and would be no better than a machine. While the choir was singing he requested all who wanted to have Christ pity for their sins to arise, which a Urge uumber did. Au after meet ing was held in the tent to which about five hundred people stayed. A large num ber of prayers and testimonies were heard. DUNMORE. 44$G$$ $$$$$ $$$$$$ $$$$ S3 jj.s,j$ $t)QQQ Miss Mame Townsend has returned from ber vacation. Mrs. Samuol Cole, of Brook street, is ViBiting in Houesdale. Miss Mama Cranston, of Avoca, is visit ing friends in Dunmore. Mis Carrie Simons, of Lake Ariel, is visiting at the reiideuce of W. Jones on Brook street. Tbe Pennsylvania Coal company shops are working full time, but with a light force ot men. Tbe Epworth league social held In tbe lecture room of tbe Methodist Episcopal chnrcb last evening, was well attended. Miss Mame Seigle, who was so danger ously ill last Tuesday nicbt, is better. Hopes are now entertained for hor re covery. F. B. Simons, of Hamlinton, Wayne cor.uty, spent yesterday in Dnnmore on business. Mr. Simons has been for a num ber of years engaged in dealing in hay and will continue tbe business this full and winter. George Alger lost his pocketbook and bankbook near Clark's Summit a few days ago. Mr. Alger recoived word Tues day that they hitd been found, and started at once for Clark's Summit, bis farmer borne, where be will spend a few days. Tbe many friends of Job Ellis are sorry to bear that his eyesight is no better and that there are very slight hopes of any im provement. Mr. Ellis has worked for the Pennsylvania Coal company at black smithing for the last thirty-seven years and has been one of the company's most faithful employes. Work is progressing rapidly on P. D. Mauley's new three story brick building on Chestnut street. Tbe brick work is up to tbe third story. When completed it will be one of the finest brick buildings in Dunmore. If we bad more brick buildings in town we would have fewer fires, and in surance companies would feel safer lu placing risks. There has been so many mysterious fires in town during the last few years that insurance companies are Blow to msure in uuninore. COMING PARADES Board of Government of the C. T. A. U. of Scranton Making; Arrange ments for Them. The board of government of tbe Scrauton Diocesan union, at a meeting beld last ulght in St. John's Hall, Ca punse avenue, had for consideration the preliminary negotiations for the annnxl parades on Father Mathew's day, Oct. 10. It was practically settled with the passenger agents nf the Dela ware and Hudson and Ontario and Western railrosds that there will be ample accommodation at reduced rates to transport the societies on the occa sion. M. J. McHale, or St. Aloysius Total Abstinenoe and Benevolent society, of Jermyn, was selected grand mnrshnl of tbe parade for Lackawanna county, to be beld at Jermyn, The Luzerne so cieties will parade nt Pittstou. Grand Marshal McHale and Captain J. H. Duggao, who was selected com mander of the Scranton division, will map out tbe line of march and the hour of starting. After the pnrado the St. Aloysius so ciety will conduct a picnicfor tbe enter tainment of visitiuc; societies aud their friends. Rev. M. E. Lynott, pastor of tbe parish, is indefatigably laboring to prepare for a most hospitable recep tion. Tbe board has sent an invitation to R A P. Doyle, of New York, general secretary of tbe Catholio Total Alwtiiwuce union ot America, who may accept mil entertain with his elo qicuco. To convantiou of the First district will te belli at Peckville on Sunday, Oct. 7. aud that of the Seoond district will take place at St. John's ball on the South Sid", Sunday, Oot. 14. Both assemblages will eonveiw ut 3 p. m. It is possible that J. Washington Logue, the brilliant Q taker City tem poraries orator, may atteud the Seoond distriot convention. OUR MISSIONARY SOCIETIES. They Will Held a Meeting Tcday at Aibury III. E. Church. The annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Wyoming distriet will be beld today in tbe Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, Tbe following is the , pro gramme of exercises: MORNINO SESSION, 10 O'CLOCK. Devotional Service. Greeting, Mrs. W. W. Ives, Rev. A. F. Chaffee. Responses, Mrs. J. B. Summer, Mrs. G. C. Lyman. Reports, 1. Recording Secretary. 'i. Treasurer. 8. Corresponding Secretary. 4. Auxiliaries. President's Address Mrs. M. S. Hard. "A Visit to Miss Hall's School in Rome," Mrs. W. H Pearoe. Appointment of Committees. -Adjournment. iFTERNOGN SESSION, 2 O'CLOCK. Devotional exercises. Paper, "Do I Help or Hindor, " ' Mrs. F. H. Parsons Solo......... Mrs. B. Jayns Mission Work in Japan Mr- d W. Green Recitation. ' Our School at Lucknow, Miss Lizzie Raub . Reports of Committees. Collection. , Adjournment. Luncheon will be served by tht ladies of tbe Asbury Church auxiliary! T A Word. Want of all kinds cost that much, when paid for, in advance. When a booh ac count it mads, no charge will be less than to cents. This rul applies to all small want eds, except Situations Wanted, which are inserted FliEE. Agents Wanted. SALESMEN EVEKY COUNTY. SALARY or commission. No experience. New tariff bill vivos unlimited profits. Active men apply quickly, stating salary and territory wanted. MANUFACJIUKERS, Box 63U8, Bos ton. AGENT8 wanted everywhere to soli the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous urolits, sells at sight, delivered free, se cure territory. Sample in velvet lined case with full lnfurmation, 10c. Catalogue trt Aluminum Novelty Co.. 333 Broadway, New York. For Sale. NEWLY PAINTED BUTCHER WAOON, worth 10U, will be sold for 877; also, some low-priced carrl iges,at HELR1EU LL'S, Locust street, near Cedar. FOR SALE A FOLDING! BED. IN PER foct order and used but very little; con tains a mirror and linen chest; manufactured by A. H. Andrews & Co., Chicago. Address "Folding Bed," Tribune. St ABS IN ANY QUANTITY, 118 CLIFK street For Rent. OR HKN !' ONK-HALF STORE. Henn avenue, 8-tO per month: 120 IOR RENT-NICELY-FUR.ilSHED HALL 1 suitable for lodxo rooms. JOHN JER MYN, 119 Wyoming avenue. Furnished Rooms Wanted. I?OR RE v'T SUITE OF ROOMS FOR gentleman and wife or gentlemen. Wi Adams avenue. WANTED-A FURNISHED ROOM.W1TH fire-place, convenient to bath, Sea. Ad dress "H," cure of Trilmne. Horses at Auction. ATcTjaiCKTfATiL duy, Sept. S3, at 1 o'cloc k, sound, young, well-broken work h' sbs. W. B. MOORK. Lost IOBT-OVAL, BLACK ONYX LOCKET, J with part of watch chain attached. Has monogram "A. I''. L." on one side; other side plain. Reward at Room 1(1, Republican build lug. Found. 1. VUA.L. U, ill1111 I f UJ V U, , , 1 ' I.J Side, a dark-grey plaid shawl, with white stripes, forming squareb. Inquire at Tribune office. Special Notices. YOU WANT THT9 RELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations lrtJl-Wl'i. Two Volumes Folio, Hti.50; payable monthly, $2.00. Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. WOODY, (ilS Oibson street, Scranton. Pa. 1JLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA glues, eta., bound or rebound at Tub Tribune office. Quick work. Reasonable Trices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT H4, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets fur (XUi Uood table board. Situations Wanted. CITOATION WANTED-DRESSMAKER O would like to go out by the dav or take sewing at home. Address M. 2Li Spruce street. SITUATION WANTED YOUNG MAN desires a situation as book keeper. Ex perienced and good references. Willing to begin on small wage Address J. W. L. 4tf Wyoming avenue. WANTED-SITUATION AS SALESMAN, bookkeeper or shipping clerk, by young man with live years' experience. Addrees E. q SHERKICK, UiD Wyoming avenue,city. VOUNQ LADY WOULD LIKE PLAIN X sewing; will go out by tne day or at uuniB. ituuress ooi spruce street. OITUATION WASTED BY A WOMAN IJ to do house cleaning or offices, or Wsahing ny me ciay. Auuress o. v., uu 1 went let u streat, Hyde Park. KESPECTABLE WOMAN WOULD LIKE a place with child 10 years old as bouse keeper, no objections to children. Can give boat of reference, Mrs. Deal, 223 Penn avenuo. AN ACTIVE REJ IAtLE MAN, WITH good references, of middle age wishes employment. Quick and correct In figures, five yours experience as single entry book keeper nod clerk. Will work for any wages that will payboard. Addrest W. B. Tribune office CHAMPION PIGEON , SHOOT WILL TAKE PLACE Al Scranton Base Ball Fark FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, AT 9 A.M. There was never a shoot of this kffld tn Lackawanna county, v hv not turn out bring your friends even if you do not shoot Tell your friends ahou t it. The winner of a medal becomes the absolute owner. The following are the prizes: First prize, presented by Green Ridge Gun club, (To gold medal. Second Prize, presented by Green Ridge Gun club, SCO hammei li se gnu. Third prize, presented by Lumber dealers of Scranton, ?li gold stop watch. Fourth prize, presonted by George W- Scbla gcr.hnndsome gun case. Ft th prize, presonted by E, R Parker, split bamboo fishing rod. Sixth prize, presented by A. W. Jurish, Rcmiugtnn rifle.. Seventh prize, presented by George W. Fel ton. hunting ooat, Eighth prise, presented by Alex Dunn, jr sportman s umbrella The rules are 21 yards rise, nso of one bar rel only aud only 1M ounce shot allowed. The boundary will be the fence which encloses the grounds. Each shooter will shoot at 25 live pigeons. All tics to be shot off at five birds each. An admission of cents will be charg ed, grand stand free. The publio is cordlaly invited. There is at the present time 38 entries and they are the crack wing shots ot north east ern Pennsylvania. We expect to have at least 41) eutrie wl lch will take over 1,0X10 pigeons to deold i the contest. We1 have re ceived a number of entrlna from Wilkes Barre and Luzerne couuty. There will be no selling out in this mateh, every sho tr will shoot the shoot of his life. There has ben nothing In yearn that haa at tracted such attention as our coining shoot. Take Providence or Peckvdle car from Scranton to ball park. All entries will close Sept. SS, Address all letters to . GREEN hIDGE GUM CLUB, BOX 600, SCRANTON, PA. 0 c Ecranton's Business Interests. Thb Tribdni will soon publish a cars fully compiled and classified list ot tbe leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our pnbllo build ings, business blocks, streets, etc, together with portraits of leading citizens. Mo similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation ot Bcranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business . resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an ' unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as tbe city at large. Representatives of Tas Tamuits Will call Upon TBOSS WHOM . MAVCS sre disirid in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of thslr residanoes In tnls edition will . please Uava notlos at the office. CONNOLLY & 209 WASHINGTON AVE. , Opposite NO BETTER BEDDING Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here r in Scranton by the - - FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND A. W. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLES AND 6PORTINO GOODS. Oendron, Eclipse, Lovell. Diamonl and Other Wheels. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. CM! of th best quality for domestta use.snq' ef all sizes, delivered la any part ot lbs citj at lowest prloe. Orders left at my eUce, SO. 118, WYOMINp AVENTTB, Rear room, first floor. Third KatloW' Bank, r sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will twelve prompt attention. BMcial contracts will be made to the salt and delivery ot Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. L w-rtp-. OP Artistic "Ictts' ON Thursday, Friday, Saturday, We will show the latest conceits from London and Paris, together with many of our own original ideas. Every lady of Scranton and vicinity is cordially invited to attend. " AS. j A j.'E ..' S H. LANGFELD, Successor, 324 Lackawanna Ave. White Front These crisp, cold . days will probably bring to your no ticethat you need , a new outer gar- ' ment this season. Have you decided upon a Cloth Goat or a lor Cape?. We would ad vise vou to buy early. The styles are settled and prices are sure to be higher. Visit our new Cloak Parlors. WALLACE SCRANTON CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN We Lion Allen & Co, STOCK BE0KEE3. Bay and sell S'ockijBondsani Grata 6a Nsw York Rxohaairss an4 Chiaag Board ot Trade, either for euA or on margin. 412 Spmce Street CSTLooal Stocks a Specialty. a hi OIKSUCK, Uwi fKLEPHOKE 5,002. Maloney Oil and Manufactur'g Co, OILS, VINEGAR AMD CIDER 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN ST, fl 01 9.ncf onnets September 27th, 28th, 29th. DPEI Oonrt House. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. BEDDING CO. THE CITY. Atlantic Refining Go. Eannfactnrers and Dealers imC niaminating and LuLricatbg Linseed Oil, Napthas and Gago. lines of all grades. Axle Grease, Pinion Grease and Colliery Cora, ponnd ; also, a large line ol Pa raffins Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in tbe market , WILLIAM MASON. Manajsr. Office: Coal Exchange, Wyoming Ars Vi orksatHoa Brook. Well, Sir! "Spectacles!" Yes, sir! We Lave a special ist here to fit you who doei nothing else. Sit right do wa T I r and have your ' II eyes fitted in a scientific) manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. MOOSIC POWDER CO, Rooms 1 ud 2 CommonweELltb Bld'g, 6CH ANTON, PA. MINING andBLASTINQ 1 POWDER Hade at the MOOSIO and EUSIt DALE WORK& Iiifflin & Band Powder Ca's ORANGE GUN POWDEB Elsctrlo Batteries, Fuses far ezplod ' lag blasts, tiafetjr Fuse and ftepannoChemlHl Co.'s Hifib Explosives ESTABLISHED 1808. X6.000 IN U9EV InstrnmmU tn stwt sense ot the term si spnlied to Piano Exceptional In holding their original f nine Of tODA. NEW TOEK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth aTenua. SOLD BY E.C. Rlckcr 8c Co, 1 1 5 Adams Ave . New Tetephoie Bdg. Look Here! There are a great many cards, pamphlets, circulars and oihet advertising matter constantly being distributed among the public. Not everybody has a task for read ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw people's attention by somt thing catchy and rarely seen. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. is able to please you in every OILS A Aim respect. 1 . r