The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 25, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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SEPTEMBER 25; 189;
Novelty and Fancy
In extent aud variety of beau
tiful effects our slock surpasses
nil former displays. Jlany of the
liaudsomest styles cannot be found
Silk and Wool Mixed and
Fancy Novelty Dress Goods
49c. PER YARD.
At the above price these goods
5ould not be lower had they been
admitted to this-couutry entirely
l :ee of duty.
Dress Trimmings
New ideas. Filka and beads
have coiue to meet the reviv
ing demand for dress trim
mings. Chenille Table Covers
Xew, fresh from the mills.
The colors aud tints are rich
and dainty; the designs are
beautiful and artistic. Have
bought them practically on
our own terms. One and a half
yards square, with heavy ball
PRICE $1.19
The slock covers a wide range
and i-oiuprises .some of the
host bargains we have ever
oll'ered. Full aud complete
line in Hucks aud Fancy
Weaves from 10 cents to 2.25.
412 Sprues St, Scranton.
Dr. Reeve in certainly gaining the confl
Cenoe ot the public. 11b iH ai-uliuit honestly
with tho Deorlo of Scranton nnd vicinity. He
i.-i good and considerate to the peor aud treats
everyone witu resiiertrul consiueration. ilav
ki,t luid Unieaiid varied oxpuricnce in prirats
uud hospital aerrW, h nlimdH uneiiiiilled iu
pnies.siou. Ho is nerformiua some won
derful cari'.aiul v.liita iih UMidsmne ollicos at
41'J .Spruce street ticr.inton.are daily crowd; d
with fli k audsulierin ',he always hud time ami
u vroril of choor aud comfort for everyonu.
lie ulvn a.ivlce. ser- rnrr nr rUiDPr
Mcrs aul rxumliiittiouH Mil Ul bllAnuI.
one is turned a way.
The dortur 1 opened a female department
for those who wish treatment exclnsively for
Mhni'LW pecniiur to lemales, so that those
wmio aencacy l:in ut:rttorore Kept away
ii.ay now rui-eiva the services of u "lady"
whose treatment will prove her ability in
Mrh cases.
lK. with his assistants, treat all diseases of
Hie nervous systum, disea.ius of tho cyo, ear,
in s xnu throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost
vitality, premature weak new or decay iu
fi t!i sixes, female weakness' and irreatu
laiitii'S. nervous debility, catarrh, tumors,
rancors, eruptions, hloud poisouiuu. fits, epi-
ilcpe.y, indiscretion and errors of youth, lost
inantioix.1, fczaina, scroruia. ht. vitas dance,
if'hoia, diseases ot tho heart, lungs, liver,
kidueys, likutiler, stomach, etc.
C(ui.ultljoi) nnd llxiiniinntlon Free.
Office hours: Daily, 9 to p. la. Sua
liivs. Ill Ui 12 and i to 4.
Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or
Jiemumher the name and number.
412 Spruce St, Scranton.
x Academy
A refineil school home. Prepares for the
lsi confer.
I tiorongli courses In Music and Art.
leachers' CJaas gives best preparation for
'J eaehijiifc
Comnierciai Course inclndes Typewriting
Sim Miurcuanti.
lor.uiuim secured for (imduates.
fceud for new illustrated circular.
V. M. LOOMIS, A.M., Principal.
We offer our entire stock of
Carpets, Oil Cloths,
Linoleums, Curtains,
Window Shades
and Wall Papers
at prices durijix this monththat will convince
any'iiii thut examines the iinality nf our goods
and onr prices that it will pay them to buy
during this great bartpiiu sale.
tii'UiomlMr, our good are all first-class, so
mat our extremely low puces will not make
you auspicious as to the quality you are buy
Scott Inglis
Poor doors abore Wyoming House.
.. All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's Now
Disoovory know its value, and those who
have not, have now the opportunity to try
' it Free. Coll on the advertised Druggist
imd get- a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your
linme and nddross to II. K. Buckleu & Co.,
ChicMco. and tret a sample box or Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Fruo, as well as a
copy or uukIo to Health ana aouienoia
iuatraotor, Free. All of which Is ganran-
'teed to-do yon good anil cost you notoin f.
ilattuews Bros. Drugstore.
Clark's Green.
Nathan Callander and J. E. Callen-
der and their sister, Mist Nellie Callen
der, attended the LleUr-Colvin wed
ding at Dalton on Wednesday eTsaing
Dr. Beeves. 413 Snrnee St. Soranton,
cores salt rhsuia or sorofula. 0 a. m.
to 0 p. m .
W. S, Fraw made a flvlo visit to
the -treat metropolis of New York.
t-aving bere on Tuesday and returning
Tbnnday evening of last week.
Archibald Conrtrigbt returned to
his school, the Cay una Lake Military
school, of Adarora, N. Y., on Tuesday
last, tie will finish his coarse this
The visiting delegation of ths Patri
otic Sons of America were as follows:
J. Qreen. John Miller. Robert
Eld red. Alfred Devan, Albert Davis,
Fred Dscker. George Monninger.
Joseph Hutson, Ira Newton, R. F.
fost, ttarry V rig ley, lidverly (Jbase,
Fred Gulp, Jacob BVathsrlman and
Lewis, of Camp No. 178; and Horace
Hepburn, of Camp No. 177; D. J.
Davis, ot Camp No. 833; William Dan
ker loy, ot Camp No. 170. After the ini
tiatory services the visitors were served
with a bountiful repast in the eleotiou
ball, underneath the Camp hall, Camp
No. 413 being assisted by Mrs. J. D.
Alysworth and Miss Emma Coon,
Fred Brown and W. B. Parker. All
were highly pleased, as evidenced by
the speeches and toasts given, break
ing camp at about 12 p. m , with three
cheers for Camp No. 418, ot Clark's
Mr. aid Mrs. N. S. Davis and family
returned on Tuesday last from a four
days' visit among relatives and friends
at Auburn, Susquehanna eonuty.
1 tie wedding of U. a. .Nichols to
Miss Fanny Deaeon will be solemnized
and Mrs. W illtam H, Swallow on Wed
nesday evening of this week. Bat few
except relatives are to be guests.
Will P. Coon returned on Monday of
lust week from a visit to friends in
Qeorge W. Decker and wife and
daughter Edith, ot Honesdale, are vis
iting friends here.
h. a. Parker and wife were visitors
at W. S. Frace's, his brother-in-law, at
whioh plaoe bis aged mother resides,
being the first viiit in five years.
Mr. and Mrs. Cerbett, who have been
summering at J, D. Aylsworth's, re
turned to their home in soranton on
Saturday last,
i. W. Churchill attended the Pro-
I ib Hon convention and lecture of Col-
ouel Bain in Scranton on Friday and
A very pleasant birthday party was
had At the home of Orlando Chapman
on Friday evening of last week at
which tbe following were the invited
guests: Mr. and Mrs. Samael Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Ju lson Wells, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas W. Pentecost, Mr. and
Mrs. John B. Austin. Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur A Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Aylswortb, Mr. and Mrs. Silas White,
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Swallow,
Mr. and Mrs. Giles Stanton, Mr. and
Mrs. Merit Mead, Mr. and Mrs. O. &
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mullloex, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Latsy, Mr. and Mrs, N.
S. Davis, Rev. A. E. Douglass and wife,
Mr. and Mis. M. H. Coon. Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Frace. Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. E J. Chapman,
Mrs. Irving White and daughter. Miss
M. E. Bevan. Mr. and Mrs. B. E,
Wheeler, Mrs, Irene Hall and Mies
Edith Lewis, of Benton. After a most
delicious and bountiful repast was
served Mr. Thomas W. Pentecost en
livened tbe ooeasion by some elocution
ary seleotious. Tbe party, after en
joying one of the most pleasant oi
evenings, dispersed at an early hoar.
Drank Barrett, ot Bingbamton, IS
vmting relatives bore.
chorea of this city at tbe fall meeting
of the Lackawanna presbytery, which
convenes Monday, Tuesday aud Wed
nesday of tbis week in Wllkes-Birre.
George R. Merrill, of this city, late
general seoretary ot the Young Men's
Christian association, will also attend
and apply for a license to preaoh.
Miss Jessie Heifer, ot Honesdale, is
guest at the home ot Charles H.
Rogers, of Park Place.
C. F. Watroos. jr.. and bride, of
Pittston, are guests of Mr. Watrous'
parents on Mill street.
Will Sl Read, of tbe Delaware. Lac
awanna and Western freight office,
Scranton, spent Sunday and yesterday
at his home here.
It is expected that the business places
in Montrose will be eloied on fair day
from 11.80 a. m. until 3 p. in., in order
that business men and clerks may at
tend tho fair in the afternoon.
Will Msxey and Joe Barney, mem-
berr of Company G. who have been
sick with fever, are improving and will
soon be ont.
Foster, tbe weather prophet, seems to
have struck the mark tbis tune wbeu
he said we would have a cold wave.
The twenty -five fall overooats were
not uncomfortable yesterday up here
on the bill. .
Nen Warner and Robert Jessup.
delegates to the State Firemen's con
vention, returned on Saturday. They
report that Montrose received 9 votes
for the next plaoe to hold the convention.
Dr. C. A. null, of Dunmore, will
conie to reside here in place of Dr. IL
D. Baldwin, who is to locate elsewhere.
Reno Of Williams played an "Arabian
Night" to a good sized audience at the
armory on Saturday. Last night tbe
sudienoe was muob larger and all were
muoh pleased with the presentation of
tbe "Clemenoean Case. The company
is first class and the managers are to
be oongratoiated upon securing sueb
an 'attraction for tbe entertaiument
loving people of Montrose. Tonight
tbe sama company will appear again,
the boate will no doubt bo filled.
Have used Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil for
croun and colds, and declare It a positive
cure. Contributed by William Kay, 570
Plymouth avenue, Buffalo, JN. i.
The office of tbe Factoryville Tidings
has been moved front its old quarters
in the Bnuk Hail to a new borne on
Main street.
Dr. Reevs, 413 Soruee St., Soranton,
cures nil French deseases, 9 a. m. to
9 n m.
Tbe yearly meeting of tne six rrin.
Baptist cbnrcb closed on bnnday even
ing after a three days' session. -
Tbe lecture of Bey. w. K. Turner, or
Binghamtou. is not next Friday even
ing, as stated in last week's items, but
on Friday evening, (Jot 0.
Tbe Mnd Pond Peepers and the W7
omlngs or the Faotoryvil le "kickers,"
as they are termed, played their second
game of base ball on the Peeper's
srounds at Fleetvllle last Saturday af
ternoon. The Wyoming! then and
there proved thai they were -far sn
perior to their opponents and that the
Peepers are not in it all a far as oase
ball is concerned. A colored gentle
man umpired tho game and bis de
cisions were unbiased. Seore 13 to S3
in favor of Wyoming. Nothwltb
standing the false statements by the
Fleetvllle reporter in tbe Scranton He
nublican of Sept. 19. The Wyomings
still lead. A large number of people
witnessed tbe game, abont one-half ot
which were Factoryvillians, while
Dalton and Waverly were largely rep
resented. Quite a number of tbe Peep
er's admirers were anxious to stake
their bard earned oash on the results
of tbe game, and found ready morwy
to cover all tbey bad among tho kicker
Stated by H. B. Cochran, druggist. Lan
caster, Pa. Have guaranteed over 800
bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters for dys
pepsia, sour stomach, biloos attacks, liver
ana Ktaney tronpie.
Thomas Crossley, of Forest City,
parsed Sunday with bis parents here.
On Frlrl a v itvoninir Rsnt 28. Proffls-
anr Rnhart Rpavm. nf Jtrmvn. will
irlvn his first lnssan in daneinff at
Pioneer ball, on Second street. All are
invited. Class terms, gentleman, 1 a
month in advance; extra lady, GO cents
rwr month.
Fred B. Crossley left for Harvard
college Monday, where he will enter
tbe law department.
Augustus Tnompon and George
Weston returned to Yale vesterdav.
Engene Welles and Miss May
Hnghes, of Washington, D. C, and
Miaa Martha Wallaa and Adalbert
Welles, of Sontb. Canaan, were the
gneat ot Frank iarnhain Sunday.
Miss Rena Daley, of Church street, is
visiting friends in Lawrence and Ou
sonta, N. Y. Her position at tbe pipe
organ in tbe Baptist tabernacle is Que I
bv Mrs. Lowrey.
Mrs. Haydn Evans, of Scranton. i
the guest of her mother. Mrs. Wilhain
Kivenbnrg, ot Laurel street,
.Mies Mary Watt has returned borne
from a visit with friends in Union
N, Y..- , .. .
Tbe employes of tbe Erie company
were naid In this city yesterday.
Rtv. Cbarlee Lee and H. H. Major
will represent the First Presbyterian
The heavy rains of the past week
have swollen tbe streams in tbis sec
tion. The Wallenpaupack, with its
bsantifal fall of water of over 109 feet,
dashing its spray high in air, and the
surrounding scenery anords a magnln
eent sight to the many spectators who
frequent that place. The many manu
facturing establishments, viz : D.xter,
Lambert & Co's. silk mill when In
operation, J, S. O'Connor & Sons out
glass works and Tart & Pierson s grist
mill are all operated by that stream,
while along its banks for nearly two
miles would be a most suitable site
for the ereatlon of other mills.
Dr. Reeves, 413 Spruee St. Soranton,
cures eczitna and all ernptlona 9 a. m
to 9 p. m.
Mrs. U. S. Hideaway, of Dunmore,
spent Sunday in town witu her parents.
Mrs. Michael iveiiy, who has -been
dangerously ill for two weeks, is
slowly recovering.
Rev. 8. C. Simpkinr, of Moscow.
presebed in the Methodist Episcopal
bnrch Sunday.
R. Teeter is having a new coat of
paint pat on his furniture store and
other buildings.
Harry F. Rogers, of Honesdale, spsnt
Sunday in town with bis parents.
A. J. Uollison has Improved the looks
of bis residence by giving it a new
oat of paint.
Tbe new branch wbisa tbe tine and
Wyoming railroad are building to
their culm piles is abont completed,
and a washery will soon be ereoted to
wash ont tbe onlm.
The glass factory will soon be in
borne JNew York parties have bongbt
the old brewery and are fitting It up
tor a distillery.
Conductor Eiward McAndrew is the
proud father of a young daughter.
The Home mission of the Primitive
Methodist church will meet this aftsr-
The Methodist Episeopal ehursb
holr will hold a social and entertain
ment in the ehnreb tonight lee cream
and other refreshments will be served,
All are welcome.
Miss Agnee Bigger, of North Main
street, was a visitor at Pittston yester
John MoKeon. of Newport News.
Vs., is spending a short time with his
parents and otner relatives here.
Mr. ana mm. ttooert Allan, who
have been spending a few months
with Avooa relatives, will leave for
New York tomorrow, from whence
tbey will leave for their home at Scot
Miss B, O'Brien was spending a few
days with Carbondale friends last
L. J. Bnxter, Mr. nnd. Mrs. Thomas
and Miss Agnes Morahan attended tbe
representation of "Jusius Cteiar' at
Scranton last evening.
Miss Annie Aikmun will return home
today after spending a few months
with Wilkes Birre friends.
There will lm a mi elal maeting of
Crystal Fire company this evening for
the purpose of completing arrange
ments lor tbe fair. All memners are
requested to be present.
Tbe Silver Lake quartette, wbleb
will be here Oct. 8, shonld have a full
bouse. They sing in tbe Aoademy of
Mnsio in Ssranton on Oot 2.
C. D. Winter is doing jury duty this
Tbe Recnbliean convention for tbe
Fonrth legislative district will be held
in the MeKlnley olub rooms at 8 p. m.
Toe annual parade of tbe Fatber
Mathew societies of Luzerne and Lack
awanna counties will take plaoe in
Jermyn Oot 10. A great deal of busi
ness pertaining to the order is to be
transacted, and a large number of so
cieties are expected to be present Tbe
citizens are requested to decorate their
residences and plucks or business on
tbis occasion.
A rebate of 5 per cent, will be al
lowed by Tax Collector Lire to all
who pay up before Oot. 13
Hogarth's Temperance blind mem
bers have received their new nnlforms
and look very trim in tbem. The cap
is marked H. T. B. They will make
their nrst appearanoe in tbem on Uat.
10, accompanying tbe Father Matbew
parade. Although the members ot
bis band vary in sise ranging from 3
feet 2 to 0 fot 8, and in weight from
60 pounds to 218 pounds, there is no
such difference in the ability ot the
players, tbe twenty different pieeea
harmonizing very nicely.
Miss Lizzie Lovering. of Greenwood,
who has been visiting in West Vir
ginia the past two months, returned
home yesterday.
Tbe funeral of Mrs. John Fitzhenry
at 9 o'clock yesterday morning was a
worthy tribute to tbe memory of the
deceased, who in life had been respect
ed as a model type of a good Christian
mother. The remains were borne to
St. Joseph's church where a high mass
ot requiem was celebrated by Rev. D.
H. Green. Interment was made in
Minooka Catholic enmetery. '
Miss Bridget Philbin. ot this plaoe.
place left yesterday for Wilkes-Barre,
where she will enter upon a novitiate
in the order of Sisters of the Iatmacu
lain Heart.
The cantata "Tbe Flower Queen"
was produced last night in Father
Matuew ball by tbe cbolr of St.
Joseph's churoh. It was attended by e
large crowd and well pleased tbem. It
will be repeated tonight and toincrrow
Miss Mary O'Mulley. ot Pittston. is
visiting Minooka friends.
Miss Nora McGlynn. of Avoca. vis
ited Miss Mary Mabudy Sunday.
bugene Driscoll and Ellen Mangan,
both of tbis place, will be married at
St Joseph's ehurch this afternoon.
Lost A 10-months-oId beifer. color
black, white spots on hind legs above
the hoofs. Strayed away from the
premises ot Martin Joyce, of. Main
street, Feltz. Any information regard
lag iu whereabouts will be kindly re
ceived by the owner.
Freedom From Freckles,
and from all
such diaflur
menta and
bleml sues
follows the
use of the
It clears and
freshens tho
skin wonder
fully takes
away that
dull and
mottled look
that comes
from stomach deraugemeuts. Even
in chronic and stubborn cases of skin
disorders, liko eczema, it is the pre
scribed remedy.
-The blood, the liver, the stomach, tho
kidneys all are acted upon powerfully,
but naturally, by the Carlsbad Spru
del Salt. You get the same benefit
the same cure, the same fooling of
lightness and clearness all through
your system, as If you were at Carls'
bad Itself.
Beware of the many Imitations sold
as "Improved" or "artificial" Carlsbad
Salt These are only mixtures of
Seidlitz Powder and common Glauber
Salt, sold by unscrupulous dealers for
the larger profit they yield.
'Insist upon the genuine Imported
natural Carlsbad Sprudel Bait, whka la
eyaporaten from the Bprudei Spring at
Carlsbad, and bears the seal of the city
and the signature of ."Eis.ver & Men-
delson Co., Sole Agents, New York,
on every, bottle,
At Cincinnati-
Cincinnati....! 000120004
Boston 2 1000130 1 7
Hits Cincinnati 1: Boston. 18. Errors'
Cincinnati, 4; Boston, 2. Batteries
Fisber and Merritt; Btivetts and GanieL
Umpire Mctjuaid.
At St Louis
St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-1
Philadelphia ..0 5 5 0 1 3 0 0 8-21
Hlts-St Louis, T; Philadelphia, 21.
Errors St. Louis, 0; Philadelphia, 0. Bat
teries Clarkson and Twlnebain. Johnson
and Buckley. Umpire Hurst
At Cleveland
Cleveland 2 7 0 0 0 3 0 0 x-12
Baltimore 8 001100207
Hits-Cleveland, 15; Baltimore, 9. Er
rorsCleveland. 4; Baltimore, 2. Batteries
Cnnpy and Zimmer; Qleason, Hawlce
and Robinson. Umpire Lynch.
At Chicago
Chicago 1 2 4 0 2 0 2 6 0-17
Washington... 0 0100210 1-5
Hlts-Cbicago,20; Washington, IX Errors
Chicago, 8; Washington, 4. Batteries
Hutchison and Bbriver: Btockdale aud Bug-
dale. Umpire Emslie.
At Pittsburg
Pittsburg 1 1 8 0 0 4 1 0 x-10
Brooklyn 8 0000000 14
Hits-Pittaburg, 16; Brooklyn, 6. Er
rors Pittsburg, 8; Brooklyn, ii. Batteries
Menefee and Weaver; Stein and Kins
low. Umpires Betts and Uaffney.
At Louisville
Louisville 4 0 2 0 0 1 0-7
New York 1 0 3 2 0 0 28
HIU-Louisville, 7: New York, 7. Er
rors Louisville, 8; New York, 2. Bat
teries Knell and Cole; Meekin and Far
rell. Umpire Keefe.
At Harrisburg
Pottsville 0 2101004 0-8
Harrisburg ...0 0 9 0 0 0 1 4 3-10
Uits-Pottsvllle 14, BarriBburg IL Er
rors Pottsville 9, Harrisburg 2. Batter
ies Joran aud Wente: Wilson and Dig
gins. Umpires Holland and Wetsel.
Mew Milford.
A union teraoerance meeting was
held at the Btptist church Sunday
evening. Several very interesting dis
courses were listened to. The attend
ance was large.
A gang of men and teams are busy
in this locality erecting new poles for
the Postal Telegraph company.
A new residence is being erected on
the Boyle farm, at tbe northern sub
urbs of tbis village.
tbarles Dean returned Saturday from
a trip through New York state fairs
with bis trio of blooded horses, having
secured a goodly number of prizes.
Jacob Bell has gone to Stonebam.
Mass , to accept a lucrative position.
Miss Jessie Brown, of Elrkwoed. is
visiting at the home of her brother, H.
Soveral of onr residents are lm Drov
ing their residences by ths addition of
nsw atone walks.
Miss Mame Merchant, who has been
visiting at tbe home of H. Garrett has
returned to her home in Sherborne.
N. Y.
Mrs. Edward Tiel. of Soranton. is
visiting friends in town,
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Svkes. of
Green Ridge, were cullers here last
. A. Lewis, of Potter eounty. is
visiting bis uncle, S. W. Arnold.
Mrs. A. J. Brooks and daughter
Hattie, who have been visiting Mrs,
Edward Barber, returned to their
home at Mew iorif last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaao Cheney are visit
ing their daughter at Wyoming.
Mrs Thomas U. Powell, of Bell
Place, is very sisk with pneumonia.
Mr. Henry Chapman ably filled the
pulpit of tbe Methodist Episcopal
oburon last bnnday, Doth morning and
evening the pastor, Rev. F. P. Doty,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Uren left last
Saturday to visit relatives at Lancaster.
The Consumers Powder millresnmed
work yesterday morning after being
idle several weeks.
Mrs. Pierce, ot Carbondale. was the
guest of MissGraoti Barber last Friday fi
Rev. a D. Wnterbury and family
have returned after a abort vacation
with York state friends.
Mrs. George Snyder is se riously ill.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hall and daugh
ter, Mabel, of Wilkns Bsrre, visited
jNiciioison mends last weok.
Miss Lizzie Coil is convalescing after
a severe illness.
Morris Bacon has broken ground for
a new house on State street
Oglen Harding, of Binguamton,
called on friends Sunday last.
Miss Grave and Jam ts Humphrey, ot
Oloan, N. Y., have returned to tbelr
home after spending some weeks with
friends and relatives here.
Cure for Headache.
Asa remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters bas proved to be tbe very
best It effects a permanent cure and tbe
moat dreaded habitual sick headaches
yield to its influence. We urge all who are
amictea to procure a oottio and give this
remeay a lair trial, in cases oi hamtual
constipation Electrio Bitters cures by Hir
ing tbe needed tone to the bowols.and few
rases long resist the use of this medicine.
Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents
at mattuews Bros', urug store.
Some remarkable cures of deafness are
recorded of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil
Never fails to cure earache.
When Baby waa alrk, we gare her Castorte.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla,
Whan she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Cbikuwavahe fats them Castorla
Mr. Ueo. H. IHetterich
The Plain Facts
are that I have bad Catarrh lO Yeara. Xa
catfUTh cure did me any good, but Hood's Bar-
Hood s Sar8a-
1 -I parilla
saparllla helped msdisAn
wondertnny. My bead f 11 rCS
is cleared, sense of smell W w
returning. Hood's Sat- 'Carer
anarilllfc U rintnir mv w w
nuaa worm nr enon rnr tihj vml
Geobok H. Diettekich. Hobbte.Pa.
Hood's Pills are efficient and gentle. 2So
230 Lacka. Ave.
It Is for Men Only,
but Their Wives
May Buy.
White or Natural Wool Underwear
regular 65o. quality 36c.
(3ee our window display.)
Red Underwear, medicated, ribbed
bottoms, (1 quality. ..85o.
All wool Camel's Hair Shirt or
Drawers, (1 quality ,.....1)0,
25c. quality, silk embroidered !2o.
SOo, quality, strong web....,.. 18c.
50c. quality, silk web..... 28c,
22c. quality 150
50c quality 88a
fl 50 Stiff tor Soft Hats 95o,
f2 Stiff or Soft Hata $l.25
All goods left from the Fire
Sale, which are damaged by water
only, at your own price.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Noxt door to the burned building.
We continue the sale of two
pairs Boys' Enee Pantq for 25a
A Hand soma Complexion
I la one of tne tieatsst oharm a woman oen
Ipoasesa. Jrocaaiu's Oomuxion fownsm
s I : . ' .' . : '- : 1
400402 Lackawanna Ave.
Friday and
September 27, 28, 29
goo $g oo
406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.
Our Fall Gift Announcement
The many inquiries that have been made regarding
our FREE GIFT distribution has compelled us to an
nounce that UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE we will give
American Onyx Fintsh. with
very parehas of $60 or
over, for cash, or credit
Or aa sUgsnt
wi th syery $76 pnrahaw or
cm, for cash or credit
Our S3 cj Bedroom Outfit Sale still continues.
That $150 Four Room Outfit of oars is now
ready for your inspection. If you can't call, write us for
Green Discount Tags are doing the work.
i" as I
- SI-1. I
im n jr.. .it ? w WaW.!foAk ifa"