The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 25, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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.TStiv(53i -- r-sct.
" Once a sort of heathen as Mra. Fran
cis Armour had been, she still could
grasp the situation with considerable
clearness. There is nothing keener than
one woman's instinct regarding another
woman where a man is concerned. Mrs.
Francis Armour received Lady Hald
well with a quiet sbiteliness which, if
it did not astonish her, gave hor sufil
cieut warning that matters were not in
this little comedy to be all her own
, Thrown upon the more resources of
wit and language, Mrs. Francis Armour
must have been at a disadvautago, for
Lady Haldwell had a good gift of
speech, a pretty talent for epithet and
no unnecessary tenderness. She bore
Lali no malice. She was too decorous
and high for that In her mind the wife
of the man she had discarded was a
'mere commonplace catastropho, to be
viewed without horror, maybe with
pity. She had heard the alien spoken
well of by some peoplo. Others had
seemed indignant that the Armours
should try to push "a red woman" into
English society. Truth is tho Armours
did not try as all to push her. For over
three years they had let society talk.
They had not entertained largely in
Cavendish square since Lali came, and
thoso invited to Greyhope had a chance
to refuse the invitations if they choose.
Most people did not choose to decline
them. But Lady Hakhvell was not of
that number. She had never been Invit
ed. But now in town, when entertain
ment must be more, general, she aud
the Armours were prepared for sooial
Behind Lady Haldwell's visit curios
ity chiefly, ran. She was in a way sorry
fur Frank Armour, for sho had been
fond of him after a fashion, always
fonder of him than cf Lord Haldwell.
She had married with her- fingers hold
ing the scales of advantage, and Lord
Haldwell dressed well; was immensely
rich, and the title had a charm.
When Mrs. Francis Armour met her
with her strange, impressive diguity,
she was the slightest bit confused, but
not outwardly. She had not expected it
At first Lali did not know who her vis
itor was. She had not caught tho name
distinctly from the servant.
Presently Lady Haldwell said, as
Lali gave her hand: "I am Lady Hald
well. As Miss Sherwood I was an old
friend of your husband. "
A scornful glitter came into Mrs.
Armour's eyes a peculiar touch as of
burnished gold, an effect of the light at
a certain angle of the lensi It gave for'
the instant an uncanny look to the face,
almost something malicious. She guess
ed why this woman had come. She know
the whole history of the past and it
touched her in a tender corner. She
knew she was had at an advantage. Bo
, fere her was a woman perfectly trained
in the fino social lifo to which sho was
born, whose equanimity was a, regular
as her features. Herself was ty nature
a creature of impulse, of the woods and
streams and open life. The social con
vention had been engrafted As yet sho
was used to thinking and speaking with
all candor. She was to have her train
ing in the charms of superficiality, but
that was to come, and when it came sho
would not be an unskillful apprentice.
Perhaps the latent subtlety of her race
came to help her natural candor at the
moment, for she said at once in a slow,
quiet tone:
"I never heard my husband speak of
you. Will you sit down?"
"And Mrs. Armour and Marion are
not in? No, I suppose your husband
did not speak much of his old friends. "
The attack was studied and cruel.
Bnt Lady Haldwell had been stung by
Mrs. Armour's remark, and it piqued
her that this was possible.
"Oh, yes, he spoke of some of his
i friends, but not of you. V
' 'Indeed 1 That is strange. "
"There was no necessity," said Mrs.
Armour quietly.
VOf discussing me? I suppose not.
But by some charico"
"It was just as well perhaps not to
anticipate the pleasure of our meeting."
Lady Haldwell was surprised. Sho
ad not expected this cleverness. They
Lady Haldwell presently rote and al&
talked casually for a little time, the
visitor trying in vain to delicately give,
the conversation a personal turn. At
last, a little foolishly, she grew bolder,
with a needloss selfishness ' ;
"So old a friend of your husband' as
I am,1! am hopeful you and I may be
friends also." .
'. Mrs. Armour saw .the move. "You
are very kind, " sho said conventionally
and offered a cup of tea. :
- -Lady Haldwell now ventured unwise-.
ly, Bhe was nettled at the other's self i
possession. : "But tnen in a way I have
been your friend for a? long time, Mrs.
Aimouf.". : ' :!' . ''.
The point wne veiled ia d vague tone, !
but Mrs. Amonr understood. Hor reply
was tot wanting: '-'. ;
v. VAnyone who nas" been ' friend to
my husband has naturally claims upon
me.'t :. v. .'.
Lady Haldwell. in spite of herself.
1 1 i in i ii
,' !893.BYJ,B.LIPPtNC0TT.,ta '
chafed. There was u subtlety in the
woman beforo her not to be reckoned
with lightly.
"Aud if an enemy?" she said, smil
ing. :
A strange smile also flickered across
Mrs. Armour's faco as she said, "If an
enemy of my husband called and was
penitent, I should offer hur tea, no
"That is, in this souutry, butiu your
own country, whioh, I believe, is differ
ent what would you do?"
Mrs. Armour looked steadily and
coldly into her visitor's eyes. ''In my
country enemies do not compel tis to be
"By calling on you?" Lady Haldwell
was growing a little rookies. "But
then that is a savago country. Wo are
different liere. I suppose, however, your
husband told you of these things, so
that you were not surprised Aud when
docs ho come? His stay is protracted.
Let mo seo, how long is it? Ah, yen,
near four years. " Hore she became alto
gether reckless, which sho regretted
afterward, for sho knew after all what
was due herself. "Ho will como back,
I supposo. "
Lady Haldwell was no coward, else
sho had hesitated before speaking in
that way beforo this woman, in whose
blood was tho wildness of the herolcal
north. Perhaps she guessed the passion
in Lali's breast perhaps not. In any
caso sho would have said what she list
ed at the moment.
Wild as were the passions in Lali'a
breast, she thought on the instant of
her child, of what Richard Armour
would say, for ho had often talked to
her about not showing her emotions and
passions, had told hur that violence of
all kinds was not wise or proper. Her
lingers ached to grasp this beautiful,
exasperating woman by the throat But
after an effort at calmness she remained
still and silent looking at her visitor
with a scornful dignity. Lady Haldwell
presently rose. She could not endure
tho furnace of that look, and said good
by. Sho turned toward tho door. Mrs.
Armour remained immovable. At that
instant however, some one stepped from
behind a largo screen just inside the
door. It was Richard Armour. Ho was
pale, and on his face was a sternness tho
like of which this and perhaps only one
other woman had ever seen on him. He
interrupted her.
"Lady Haldwell has a fine talent for
irony, " he said, "butho does not al
ways use it wisely. In a man it would
bear another namo, and from a man it
would be differently received." He
came close to her. "You are a brave
woman," ho said, "or you would have
beeu more careful. Of courso you knew
that my mother and sister were not at
home. "
She smiled languidly. "And why 'of
course?' "
"I do not know that Only I know
that I think so, and I also think that
my brother Frank'B worst misfortune
did not occur when Miss Julia Sher
wood trafficked without compunction in
his happiness. "
"Don't bo oracular, my dear Richard
Armour," she said. "You are trying
really. This seems almost melodramat
ic, and melodrama is bad enough in
Drury lane."
"You are not a good friend even to
yourself," he answered.
. "What a discoverer you are 1 And
how much ia earnestl Do como back to
the world, Mr. Armour. You would be
a relief, a now sensation. "
"I fancy I shall come back if only to
see the 'engineer hoist with his own
Ho paused before the last word to
give it point, for her husband's father
had made his money out of torpedoes.
She felt the sting in spite of her, and
she saw the point "And then wo will
talk it over at the end of the season,"
he added, "and compare notes. Good
"You stake much on your hazards, "
she said, glancing back at Lali, who
still stood immovable. "An rovoir!"
- She left the room. Richard heard the
door close after her and the servant re
tire. Then he turned to Lali.
'As ho did so, she ran forward to him,
with a cry. ..".Oh, Richard, Richard!"
she said, with a sob, threw her arms
over his shoulder' and let her forehead
drop on his breast Then came a sudden
impulse in h'is blood. ' Long after he
shuddered when ho remembered what
he thought at that instant; what he
wished to do; what rich madness pos
sessed him. Ho know now why he had
come to town. He also know why he
must not stay, or, if staying, what must
be his course. ,
He took hur gently by the arm and
led her to a chair, speaking cheerily to
hor. Then ho sat down beside her, and
all at ouco again, her face wet and
burning1, she flung herself forward on
hor knees beside him and clung to him.
"Oh, Richard, I am glad you have
come, " she said; I would have killed
hor if I had not thought of you. I want
you to stay. I am always better when
you are with mo. I have missed you,
and I know that baby misses you too. "
Ho had his ouo. He rose, trembling a
little. "Come, come, " ho said heartily,
"it's all right, it's all right my sister.
Let ns go and seethe you ngstor. There,
dry your eyes aud forget all about, that
woman. She is only envious of you.
Come, for his imperial highness'. "
She was in a tumult of fooling. It
was seldom that sho had shown emotion
in the paHt two years, and it was the
more-amplo when it did break forth.
But she dried hor eyes, and togother
they went to the nursery. She dismissed
the nurse, and they were loft alone by
the sleeping child. ... She- knult at the
head of the little cot and touched the
child's forehead with her lips, He
stooped down also beside it 1
"He's a grand little fellow, " he said.
"Lali, " he continued presently, "it is
time Frank came hotna I am going to
write for htm. If he does not come at
once, I shall go and foteh him. "
' 'Never ! Nover I' r Hor eyes flashed an
grily. "Promise that you will not Let
him come when he is ready. He does
not care. " Sho shuddered a little.
"Bnt he will oare when he comes,
and you you care for him, Lali. "
Again she shuddered, and a white
ness ran under tho hot excitement of
her cheeks. She said nothing, but look
ed up at him, then dropped her face in
hor hands.
"You do care for him, Lali, " he said
earnestly, almost solemnly, his Vips
twitching slightly. "You must caro for
him. It is his right And be will I
swear to you I know he will oare for
you." . ..
lu his own mind thero was another
thought, a hard, strange thought, and
it had ,to do with tho possibility of his
brother not caring for his wifa
Still she did not speak.
"To a good woman, with a good hus
band, " ho oontinued, "there is no one
thero should be no one like the fa
ther of hor ohild. And no woman ever
loved hor child more than you do yours. ' 1
He knew that this was special pleading.
She trembled and then dropped her
cheek besido the child's. "IwantFrank
to be happy, " howonton. "Thero isno
ouo I caro more for than for Frank. "
She lifted her face to hint now, in it a
strange light Then her look ran to con-
She lifted her face to him now, In it a
strange light.
fusion, and sho soemed to read all that
he meant to convey. Ho know she did.
He touched her shoulder.
"You must do the best you can every
way, for Frank's sake, for all our sokes.
I will help you God knows I will all
"Oh, yes, yes!" she said from the
child's pillow. Ho could see the flame
in hor cheek. "I understand. " She put
out her hand to him, but did not look
up. "Leave mo alone with my baby,
Richard," she pleaded.
Ho took her hand and pressed it again
and again in his old, unconscious way.
Then he lot it go and went slowly to
the door. There he turned and looked
back at her. He mastered tho hpt
thought in him.
"God help me!" sho murmured from
the cot
Tho next morning Richard wont back
to Greyhope.
to be continued. i
Colombo! and Queen Isabella.
As It happened, Isabella hod so money
at hand. Her war with Granada had cost
a prodigious sum. She found herself m
debt even to her own servants. Political
reasons, of great weight with tho resolute
Ferdinand, who was justly content with
the practical results of concentration of
power, and economical reasons, of great
weight also with the conscientious Isa
bella, who was most anxious to bring
about some system and regularity in her
revenues, induced their refusal, in view of
the fresh outlays required for the expedi
tion, and of the ex&Kl-rated demands for
rank and office should the expedition yield
its promised results. But to the friends of
the discoverer neither of these considera
tions appeared sufficient to warrant the
abandonment and rejection of such mar
velous plans.
As soon as Suiitnngelo heard of the flight
of Columbus be went to the queen's cham
ber and implored her to order him to re
turn, being supported in this by the Mar
chioness of Moya. Aud when the queen
complained of the exorbitant demands of
the discoverer he reminded her that the
cost would be but a trifling consider, tiun
if tho attempt succeeded, and if it f lied
could be reduced to next to nothing. Y m
to this cogent reasoning the queen objec id
the emptiness of the Castllian 'reasury,
end the need of again pawning ) it jewels
to raise the meaus, Santangelo unhesita
tingly assured her of the flourishing state of
the Aragonese finances, doubtless because
of the revenues yielded by the expulsion of
the Jews, and. of the resources there avail
able, promising at the Bame time to win
over the perplexed and Inert mind of Ferdi
nand the Catholic. '
Thereupon messengers were sent post
haste, who stopped Columbus at a neigh
boring bridge some two leagues away and
mnile him turn back t Granada, where,
in April, U'.tl, the articles of agreement
known as the capitulations of Santa Fo
were signed, granting to Columbus all ho
asked. Thence he went to Palo. Emilia
Castclar in Century.'
With rarest of roses ray garden's repletej
lied roses coquettish and dewy and sweet;
Palo vestal robed roses born of a prayer;
Young bl nulling pink rosea, sweetest to wear;
Kuby red roses witli deep golden heart;
Kwuw of Ophir, by winds kissed apart;
Kosce wlio've folded the sunset's late ray
Clone in their velvety petals away;
White roses that hide 'ueath a veiling of sno
The dainty blush of the pink shell's glow;
Posos illumined with ruddiest gleam;
Hones as pure as a young maiden's dream;
Hoses cream tinted as foam on the ea;
Wcarlot lipped roses, caressed by tho bee;
Slurry eyed roses drenched with the dew;
Variegate roses, like hopes ever neuj:
Jacqueminot rosos, martial in mien;
Hoyal blood roses, balTrana, the queen;
Fair Duchesne rones; with beauty of
Marechal Nell roses, pompous and great;
Rosea all yellow with buds of rare gif.d;
Roses that whisper the tale that is old;
Roses aud roses, gay, lleetiug and uew;
But where is my rose love, tender and truo?
Of all tho bright beauty tho garden discloses,
She blooms in tho summer, the queen of tit
Boston Woman's Journal.
of diseases and do-
ran gemonts have their
origin in torpor of the
liver. Deranged ap-
headache, sour stom
ach, gassy belching!.
indigostion, or dys
pepsia, are due to
siuggisn nvcr.
Mr. JonN A. Dn
BKiutr, U. S. Inspect
or of Inimlgrutloa
at Jlutfolo. K. Y.,
"From earlr childhood I suffered from shnr.
wr ifli hji in nv
glsh liver. Doctors' prescriptions and patent
medicines afforded only temporary relief. I
tried Ur. Memo's Pleasant Pellets, taking
three at night and two alter dinner every day
for two weeks and then one " Pellet " every
day for two months. I have In sli months in
creased in solid flesh, twentv-six Dounds. I
am Id bettor health than I have been since
childhood. Drowsiness and unpleasant feel
ings after meals have completely disappeared.
. .. iicspecuwiy your,
U.S. Inspector of Immigration.
TtrazlUan Coffee.
Does it net strike you as strange, consid
ering the fact that more than bolt the cof
fee consumed la the world Is grown in
Brazil, that one seldom goes Brazilian cof
fee advertised? Should you ask your gro
cer for "beat Brazilian" he would not know
what to give yon. The reason is because
the best coffee grown in Brazil is sold un
der the namo of "Java" and "Mocha," and
a largo share of the inferior grades ore
marked "lJoorbon" and "Martinique."
Yet nowadays tho latter island produces
hardly mora than 500 sacks of coffee In a
year a mere drop in the world's big
bucket; and Uourbon ylMdS perhaps 8,000
socks per annum jast about enough to
supply the markets ot Klo far twenty-four
At least nine-tenths of all the "Mocha"
coffee thnt you drink with such gusto be-
causo it costs an extra price is the small,
round bean of the Brazilian plant, picked
from the tips of the upper branches where
the tropic sun nas hod most chance to In
fuse richness into It, and afterward "sepa
rated" by hand. The fozonduJros (coffee
planters) of Brazil, nnliko those of Java,
do not sell their crops under any special
trade mark. Between the faxendeiro and
exporter a class of "middlemen," unknown
elsewhere, intervene half bankers, half
brokerslocally designated as commisa
rlos, who lower the standard of the crop by
mixing different harvests, thus relieving
individual producers of all responsibility
and depriving the product of its true value.
Hio do Janeiro Cor. Boston Bulletin.
Make a Beginning.
A good womuu in Philadelphia tweuty
odd years ago asked two or three of her
friends to join her in renting a little, room
where they could meet occasionally to
drink a cup of tea and consult together
how to help other women whose lot in the
world was harder than their own.
Out of that little room has grown the
stately New Century club, with its col
lateral guilds, classes and clubs of working
women, which have helped and strength
ened many thousands.
Many readers who live in inland towns
are bewildered when they visit the cities
by the great libraries, hospitals, associa
tions for charity, education or mutual aid,
and wish hopelessly they hod the same
helps to broader aud higher life In their
own homes.
Let them begin with a little elort, and
persist in their good work. Setae good
will como from every attempt of this kind.
The most firmly grounded institutions are
those which grew out of poverty slowly,
and were not built to order. Youth's
Why a noy Obeys.
"It isn't 'cuuse, perhaps, he'll get a
whipping, mamma," explained a six-year-old,
"tluit makes a boy do things you tell
him; it's 'cause he's 'tcrmined in his
Which delicious bit of child wisdom is
referred to parents as a valuable hint.
Teach the loy or girl the obedience which
comes of "'termining in bis mind," and
the battle is over. New York Times.
Incessant Novel Headers.
The general notion seems to be that girls
ot from sixteen to twenty form the main
audionoaof the novelist. But we are in
clined to think that tho real audienco con
sists of young married women sitting at
home in the first year of their marriage.
They find themselves without any con
straint upon their reading they choose
what they will, and they read Incessantly.
Yankee Blade.
Killed III Man.
Cowboy Guess you never killed a man,
did ye
Tenderfoot-Huh, I helped to kill half a
dozen of them. '--' ' -"Heref"
"No. At college."
"Fightin with 'em?"
"No. Initiating them." New York
Matthew Henry's Dying Words.
When about to die Matthew Henry said:
"You have been used to take notice of tho
sayings of dying men; this is mine: That
a life spent in the service of God and com
munion with him is the most comfortable
and pleasant lifo that any one can live in
the world."
John J. Taylor, of Streator, Ills., once
wrote 4,100 words on the blank side of a
postal card without artificial aid. The
words on that single card if printed in
regular newspaper type would fill 2 col
umns of any of the great metropolitan
If you are painting a boat or anything
that will be much exposed to tha atmos
phere, take pains to buy a good paint,
made of white lead and linseed oil and
other reliable ingredients, from a trust
worthy dealer.
In Australia there are caterpillars from
six incites to a foot long, and when a young
lady has one of them drop on Ikt back
hair she says something in a seven octave
voice, with a calliope attachment rung
onto it.
Gil mores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and all
run down, Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold
by Matthews Bros., Scran
Made a
i.tu.Mf jrKvveii mar,
IMbDay.fW of Me.
THE GREAT 8Oth bat.
produres tbe above results In 30 days. It art,
powerf ully and quickly. Unre when all others fall
Youuk meu will rcfcsiu their lost manhood, and old
men will recover their youthful vuor by using
KKVIVO. It fiulckiy and surely restore Nervous
ness, Lout Vitality, Itnputeucy, Nigiitly Emissions,
Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wsnllna Diseases, and
all effects of solt'-itbuge or exoewtand ludlseretion,
which unit ope for study, business or marriage. It
not only enrtm by starting at the test of disease, but
Is a great nrrvotonie and blood builder, bring,
lug back tho pink glow to pale chevks sod re
storing the lire of youth. It wsrds on Inwnlty
and Consumption. Insist on having ItKVIVO, no
other. It can be carried tn vest pocket. By mtil,
1 .00 per package, or six lor SS.UO, with a posl
live written guarantee to core or refund
the money. Circular free. Addrasa
For tale by Matthews Brot,, Druggists
Ecrauton , fa.
Beecham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free: pills 2 qc. At
drugstores.or write B.F.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
Stay be hidden Imperfectly by cosmetics nn3
powdors, bat can only be removed perma
nwntly by
Hetssl's Suparlor Fact Bltacli
It will positively remove Freckles, Tan;
Moth, saliowncs., and cure any diseases of
the skin, such as Pimples, Aoimi, lllaek
hearis. Olllness and renders the Bkin soft and
beautiful. Price $1 por bottle, for sale at
330 Lacks. Ave., Soraaton.J'a.
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
City Musio Store,
Utl ktrf stock of Ont-atast
Third National
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
Thla bank offers to depositors ever
facility warranted by thalr baJanaea, bust
Mat awl rastMBslbltlty.
ttpaeial attention glvsn to business ao.
eottata. Intorwt paid ma, ttaao aWpoalta,
WJX7.IAM rONNKf l, PraUmt.
UKO. H. CATLIN, Vtco-PrMtdtint
WILUAM H. rKUl, CaaHleat
William Connall, Gouge IT. Coil In,
Atfrod Hand. James Archbald, Heary
Ualln, Jt, William X oltb- Lotbor
ROOF tinning and aolderlnr all dona away
with by thanseof HAKTMAN'8 HAT
KMT PAINT, which consist of IngTcdi nt4
well-known to all It can be applied to tin,
galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick
wolllnga, which will prevent absolutely any
crumbling, cracking or breaking of tha
Wrick. It will outlast tlnulng ot any kind by
many years,and it's cost does not exceed one
fifth that of tbe cost of tinning. Is sold by
tha lob or pound. Contracts token by
ANTONIO UlKtlUNN, 67 Birch St
. " ... .- . I
atfaawwa a ih . atnalnl
Aatu imAmr snstsata hsutwaatl In aVMliftt roc Al.
friitlvw proofa wd 100-p. book, ..lattrmtod fm
llf.fVm nf.niaamrMl fWo bv moil hMI Hat abavisM I
t4 MflmvrhiJ, Our MnttlC KeniACty wt"l
poawwlymr. COOl McaKUY ou- cu, U1.Z
1 mutmrniwum i' mm m
'Us -f ':fT4-i
iiKJ rr Lff, . 1' it"
Gfflifl: TO 0
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many
patrons that they will this year hold to their usual
custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the
new crop is fully cured. New whaat is now upon the
market, and owing to the excessively dry weather
many millers are of the opinion that it is already
cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby
Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow
the new wheat fully three months to mature before
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above all
other brands.
Wholesale Agents.
Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits.
1437 Capouse Avenue.
010 YOU
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
All Grades, Sizes and
Of every description on baud. Prompt sMpmenta gnar
anteed. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn
buckles, Bolt Ends, Spike3 and a full line of
Carriage Hardware.
Scranton, Pa.
We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at
prices that warrant us in expecting a large
share of the trade.
Pacific Coast Bed Ccflnr Shlagles.
"Vlrtor" and other Michigan FraniUof
Whits Pine and White Cedar Shingles,
Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum
ber and Bill Timber.
North Carolina Short nd Long Leaf Yel-
Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Bails, Mine Ties, Mine rrops
and Mine Supplies in general.
Commonwealth Building Scranton Pas
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
V. E. CROFUT Proprietor.
'llHIS HOUSE is strictly temporanre, Is nsw
I and wU furuishoj and UPKMXD TO
located midway between Moutroie an1 Scran
ton, ou Montrose and Lacaawsnna Railroad,
six miles from U., I., & W. R R. at Alford
Station, and fire miles from M mtrom; ca
pacity, eighty-five; three minutea' walk ( rom
H. R. station.
Altitude about 2,H-0 feet, equalling In this
respect the Adirondack and Cut ikill Moun
tains. ' Une groves, plenty of shade and beautiful
scenery, making a Summer Resort unex
celled in beauty and ehespness.
Dancing pavilion, swims, croquet grounds,
&c. Cold Spring Water and plenty of M Ilk
Hutu, 117 to eUO per week. HI. 00 par
Excursion tickets sold at all stations onD.
L. ft W. lines.
' Porter meet all trains.
ur Patrons
& Gonnell
Kinds kept in Stock.
Juniata County, Pnniylni, WhIU Oak.
Sullivan County Hemlock Lsmber and
Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards.
tlk County Dry Eemlook Joitand 6tu
Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Villa, Ls
erne county Pa., and at Wil
mington, Delaware,
General Agent for the Wyoming Dhrtrlet,
uB Wyoming Ave, Scranton fm
Third National Bank BuOdla
THOS. FORD, Pittssnn. Pa.
JOHN a SMITH ft BON; Plymouth. Pa,
K. W. UULLIOAN, WUkes-Barre. Pa.
Agenta for the Repaaae Chamloal Cos
panj'a CUgb, KxplosiTea. .