THE SCKANTON TOrBTrXE TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 2.1, 1S94; uu.M OF NEWS INDUSTRIES jt'lllLAllELPHIA, Sept. 24. The 01-:ott-Kirle plan for the reorganization jf the Pnilndolpbin to deciding; rail road compnDr, was made pnblia this uf ternoon. Tomorrow it will be filed in tho United SUtes oireait court here by the receivers of the company, and application maue by them for author ity to pay theeomuiiBaloDi provided for in the plan. The plnn which it signal br a com mittee comprising; Frederick P. Olontt, chairman. Admin helin, jr., S. Ken nedy Tool, Henry Bniino, Tbomns Ufn iiv, George H. Ksrio, jr., Sidney F, Tyler and Samuel It. Bniploy. It ad dressed to the general mortgage bond holders and intiior seonrity and stock bolder. It plnces the unnrial fixed cliarpes of the company nt $10. 477,500. uud any a that the gimernl mortgage in terest would be mot by the earuiti(i vi?reit not for car trust paymonts. The ctxr trusts ouwtnuding aggregate $7,- In ordor to raise about fS, 000,000 to piy oft the priueipil and interest of the receiver's certificates, the prinoU psl and interest of the wcnred floating d'bt. and nho about J-.'.UUO.OOO to py off such equipment notes ajid car trusts :is may ni be extended, tho plun statee that the ineoui boudlioldeis and the stockholders nre required to contribute I0,iW,uUO. It it prvpoied to raise the l'itt-r emu by the holders of each $10, O'i'l f income bonds to subtcribe for in$l,uiH collateral trust 5 pir cent, iiold buud at par and interest, each 'Jyi scares of ftoctc to sub scribe for oue $1,000 collateral trust bond nnd Bcrip exchangeable io lots of $l,OUl) for the collateral trust hou'ls -it, par will be issued ratably to the holders of loss thuo $10,000 of in cMUie bonds nnd 200 shares of s too It. Holders wao do not sabsiuibe are oalled to pay au asseasuiut of U perceut. upon tiib par value of their holdings, and the bonds not taken by them will be purcifeasd by u syndicate at 70 per cent, of tUnir par value, luss a Rtur nutee of per csnt. Ia case the re adjustment of the ' company's affairs dots cot become eff ctiye the contribu tions will bo returned. OTHKK FEATCKKa OF TUK SCHSSIK. The pla-i tbjn gots on to say tbat stockholders are to deposit their hold ings with the agents of the committee for ultimata transfer to the Central Trust company of New York as trustee, on sneli terms ns the committee's eoua el may require for the purpoie of se ouritia to the general mortgage bond holders the right, until the coupons purchased shall be pud by the com pany, to direct bow the stock shall be voted for ona-balf of the directors and the president of the company, and thereafter to direct how tin stock shall be voted as respwets the directors at the direction of the general mortgage and income bondholders and the stock holders. The R 'a I'm? conipnoiei and there ceivers hV9 screed to apply the pro ceeds of the sale of collateral trust boudi, it is further stated, so that the futnr annual payments shall not ex ceed $iii.K),t00, "or such other sum as nuy ue snt;iactory to the committee." As p:iymnta are nude upon one of the -t trnts, the couirmny will reeeive $1. 800. 000 generil mortgage bonds now ueld as part securitv. It is proposed ' to allow tho claims of the Philadelphia, '.iendin? and New England bondhold ts aaJ the holders of "other imper fectly secured or disputed claims,'' the unonnt of which, a3reatia(r about .JI.SOOOO, is not included in the state m Dt of floating debt, to remain m tb-y now are If they should not ac cept the terms of settloment which the committer it willing to oiler. committee's PROPOSITIONS. The eonitnittee propose to aires with tha recovers and company to purchase general inortsrago oonpoas for five years, including those now in default, upon all bonds as sending to tha agree ment of May 7 last, in case the com piny shall not ho able to meet the in terest in any year from the earnings, i ich a contnet giving the committer the ri;ht of foreclosira in case of any future default. Ia this connection the committee will cause to be issued tea year general mortgago coupon scrip secured by the purcnascd eonpoos, to re retired net of the surplus earnings of the company at 105 and interest All bondholders assenting to the agree ment of May last, and presenting their bonds to be stamped under tbe read justment agreement, will be given the right to take tbe serin at par and ae- ereuit accrued interest for their coo pons. With the foregoing In effect it is then stated that the principal of tbe rar trust will have been reduced by 2,000,009, the comrmny will have io its treasury about $. 000,000 third prof. rene income bonds and about $3,000,- (no of other ntsetsio addition to the is0 general mortagage bonds. Go J ?n. 1, 1898, th company will also re cive $10,363,1X10 additional general mortgage bonds, nnder tbe ternn of the mortgage. During the next three years bo much of the earnings of tbe com pany as will be applicable to the pay ment ofithe general;tnortgage ; interett will be freed by tbe purchase of the coupons by the committee. Tbe offer cannot, it is said, be held open indefiin iuiy. MUST DECIDB IN SIXTY DAYS. In common, bondholders are notified within sixty days from date, to signify their assent to tbe plnn to the Central Trent company, New York; Finance Company of Pennsylvania, Philadel phia, or tbe London county bank, Lon don, by signing the re-adjustment agreement and depositing their tecurl ties. General mortgage bondholders who have not already signed tbe agree ment are requested to do to at either of the above nam ;d inslitutiont and all such bondholders are notified to pres ent their holdings to bo stamped and to receive the cash for tbe coupons in de fault together with accrued interest thereon, or coupon script ai thoy may uinct. .la conclusion, the committee states that if the proposals shall be rejected at me expiration of sixty days, it will foreclose tbe property. In tbe event oi too institution of foreclosure pro ceedings, tbe . committee announces that it will recognize such income bondholders and stockholders as may bave agreed to tho plan, in any subse quent re-organization ef tbe property, or at tbe option of the committee to return tbe money.paid. ; While the consumption of all formt of .iron appenrs to be slowly expanding the capacity for production is Increas ing at a rather faster rate so that prises are not at all steady. The market, as viewed by tbe Philadelphia Inquirer, is still far from being a broad one, but It Is growing at a healthy rate and cob- snmers are disposed to place orders. and if the capacity wets restricted to . tbe present amount there would bs some profit In tbe bnsiness very toon. But a number of blast furnaces bave recently gone into operation and new mills are opening to that tbe Imme diate futnre is hard to forecast. An encouraging tign is the agpearance of a number of large orders in different parts of the country, indicating a gen eral recovery in business. In pig iron there is a good movement of all grades and prices bave net weakened materl ally, although number of makes of Inferior iron are pressing upon the market at conoossions and a good deal of sontbern iron hat recently come into the market. . Minor Industrial Notes; There is a more encouraging outlook iu the paper trade. The earnings of Chicago and North western in August reached $147,881 in gross. Small silver coin Is scarce in France since the withdrawal of 112,800, 000 Italian siuall coiu from circulation in tbat conn try. Prices at the New York silk auction sale were only S to 7X per cent, below the market, which tbe trade considers satis factory. Iron ore which was to per ton deliv ered iu Cleveland la 1SIU, is now fJ.50. Coke bus fallen during the same period from $-.07 per ton to Hi cents. The London "Statist" offers a prize of 1,000 guineas for tbe most feasible plan for the establishment of a customs union be tween Kuglaud aud her colonies. A movement, bonded by Conrad N. Jor an, of New York, is being made anainxt the present ofllcers and mauugomeut of the American Type Founders' company. lu a recent cae iu the United States district court lu Kansas, the powers of tho interstate commission In the matter of ntorferenoe with railroad rates were af firmed. The Standard Oil coninaur is reported to bave iuvested largely in sulphur depos its iu Louisiana. Tue company uses large amounts of sulphur iu the manufacture of sulpliunc acid. The mills of the Columbia Manufactar- n a company, at Ureenville. N. 11., started on full time. They furnish the principal industry of tbe town and have been run ning only four days per week for tbe past ten luontus. Eaoklen'a Arnloa Balva, The best salve In the world for Cuts Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns aud all bkiu Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. II guaranteed to give perieet saiisiaonon or mouey refunded, r rice i cennt per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. Fatal neglect is a little short of suicide, The cousequences of a neglected cold are too well known to need repeating, ur. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough promptly. Sold by all dealers on a guar antee of satisfaction. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Fonda. New Yohk, Sept. 21. The tendency of pnct'3 at the stock exchange today was downward, lne special features are Mew I org Central, (. nlcago uas and the Grang ers, all of which were heavy and lower, The Grangers were weak, especially near tee closo, and sbow losses as compared with Saturday's closing ot !i to 3 per cent. Western advices were of a de cidedly bearish character throughout. and they were followed up by sales of tbe Grangers and other western properties. The announcement that the common council of Chicago would reconvene this evening was the signal for a raid on Chicago Gas and the stock was forced down from 73 to CW with recov ery later to 10. American sugar was another weak spot and declined from VGto94. The general market closed irregular out in tne mam week, rne total sales were 153,798 shares. Net changes show gains of X&t per cent., Bur lington leading. In ranire of yesterday s prices or tu ac tire atocka of the New York stock market are siven below. The uuotat ons are furnished The Tiiibi'NB by G. du B. Dimmick, manager or wiiiia n Liim A'len uo., atodc Drokers, 4U spruce street, bcranton. Open- mull- Low Clos. et in it, 34 84 7 7 Sltt 51 H m 'on llf.'i; 1C3 ;ut 7ssi ml w-vt llfiJ iW-t coh ton iriii viOi si 117 117 40 40 M ldo" ifc)4 M i:' ir" 4t4 17 17 uii la.J iiii i:," i7i" mi - HHH ln. Am. Cot. Oil M Am Sacar. WH 34 Wi 7144 40 A.T. A8.' 7 Can. So. 51 i Chespeake & Ohio... H Cble. Gas. 71M Chic A S. W. UttU C, B. HQ 75 U., U a Dt. Li..., U C. M. a HU Paul.... t C'hlcago.R. I. & Pac. dlii u. a a , L. W 1711 AC. F lla 11 E. Co 40 40M Ills. Cent.... LakoShor.,, I. a M Manhattan... Mich. Ont.. ..13,-iSa ,.. Kit ,.. US 1U.VH 116 Mine. Pan. Nat Conlave l-j IS 40 looii 83lJ ir" IHi 21 18 Nat. Lead. 40 New Jersey Cent. N. . Central KOl N. T. ft M. E mi N. T..UE.4W N. V.. H. W 17 N. Y., 8.4 W, pr.. 4tiK North Pao North Pao. pr VM O. a w i:i PhlL & Rfadlng.. . V Klch w. p IV T C. 1 , Texas Pan .... .... Union Padflo Vm l3-) wanaan Wmuaah pr 15t Western Union. Slltf 15t4 W CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES. Open ing. . ctu SIM xci ia? , W , IVM4 , 4S .. 777 ,, 842 High- Low Clos. osU WK 62 :m m 1XT7 1340 est. S9'i wl 80,lS a Till 44 77ft VM mi Ing. WHEAT. May Kept Dec OATH. Mav Kept Dec CORN. May tiupt Dec LARD. Jan UepU Oct , POKK. Jan Sep t Oct..: i M4 TT5 Mi m m lt!40 irtio 1340 Nw Yoik Prodaoi Ketket. Nkw Yokk. Sept. ii. Floor Dull, unsettled, weak. WlNTK.H W'UKAf Low grades, tl.85a2.40; fair to fancy, J2.40a2.80; do. patents. I'J.ri'ia $3.10; Mlnnoaota clear, $3.i5a'.'55: do. straights, f 1r:1.40; do patents, (3.4Da3.T5; low extras tl.S5a2.40; city mills, f J. 40; do. patents, $4a4.25. Whbat Kairly active, Jc lower, clos ing steady: No. 2 red. store aud elevator, W'.o.; afloat, 5rtc! f. o. b 67a07Jo.; ungraded red, 62a67o.i No. 1 northern, 6'JWo.; options declined ao. Decombei going below previous low record, allied Ka)d., closing firm at ac below Saturday, trading fair. De cember and May most active; Hoptombor, 80)0.; October, December, 58o.; May, 63e. ooRa Dull, lower; weak; No. 2, 50a 57o.; elevator, &7a57c; afloat; optious declined lalo. rallied 2i&iyHa. and closed firm at alo. under Saturday, trading fairly active. December and May most active; September, 07c; October, 6(ic; November, OCc. ; December. O&lic; May, 65c. Oats Dull, easior; options active, firmer; September 880.; October, 83c; November, Deoember, 85a; May, DSJiO.; No. li. white, October, 86ia; November, 87c,; No. 3, 33a; No. 2, white, ar,!a3fta; No. 'i Chicago, 83h38.c.; No. S Vic-, No. 8 white. 34i35Jo. ; raized western. S3Ha3'e.; white do., 35aKJc; white state, 8Ca40o. Beef Quiet, nominal: family $10al'J, extra mesa, ttatt.OU. Bkef rams Dull; 119.50. Tiekcku beef Dull, steady) eity extra India mesa, (17.00. Cut Meats Quiet, easy. Pickled Billies Twelve pounds, 8a 9Yo-. as to average, pickled shoulders, To.; pickled bams, llallXo; middles nominal. Lard Quiet, lower, western steam 18.95; city, BaSXat September olosed at 19. W0, asked; January closed (8.19 asked; rs- fined, qniet, weaker: contingent, . f6 35; Booth America, l'J.75; ooinpouuil, 0?a 8lic. fORK Dull, easy; sales, lou pounus; mess fl5.5QalS.7B; extra prime 13,W)i 14. Buttir Fanuy firm, moderate demand; htate dairy, 14a28e.; do. rreamerv, lPi'at Pennsylvania do., 18aS5o.; western dairy, 13al7c; do. creamery, loauoHc; do. rec tory, 12al6c: elgina, iifiXc; imitation creamery, 15a 18a. CHE18I Unlet, unchanged: state large. SalOo.j do. fancy, stote, 10,'fc.j do. colored, lOalOc; do. small, BalOc; part skims, 4'ic; full skims, ila ikc liof.s UiidorMe receipts, cnoice nrmert state and Pennsylvania, dOo; ice bonse, luWalTc: western fresh. lTXalDXc do., per case, 2a4. (Jor an ton WhoUaal Markat Pcranton, Sept 81 Fruit and Produce Dried apples per pound, tn7o.: evap orated apples, lOallo. per pound; Turkish prunes, oaBo.: KugHsu ourrnuts. .azxe.; layer raisins, ll.75al.80; muscatels. 11. 00a 1.40 per box; new Valencia ba7o. per pound. BCANB .Marrow-rats. s.vuaa.w per bnabel; mediums, tl.70aj.75. r-iAS ureen, Sl.lBal.i0 per Dusnei; spue, t2.6Oa2.C0i lentels, 5 to Hp. per poena. roTATOKS Kew, i oc. per ousnei. Onions Bushel, 70 to TSc. Butter 17c to 2;ic. per lb- CHEicBa ItaltXo. per 10. ' Eoos Fresh, lSalSJic, MaATs-llams, lUci small hams, 13c; skinned hams. 14o. California bams. 9c: shoulders, Wlc-; bellies, lOUat smoked breakfast bacon, lUUc. iShukko Bkkv Outsides, I.Iho.: seta, 15c.: iusides and knacklue, 1(1 o. Acme sliced smoked beef, 1 pound cans, t-Ai dozen. Pork Mess at 117; short cut, $18. Lard Leaf In tierces at lOJlc: in tabs. lOo.i In 10-pound pails, 11)4 c per pound, 6-poaud palls, lc. per pound; 8-pound palls. 11HC. per pound; compound lurd tienies, 75ic; tnbs, be: 10-pound palls. 8 .He per pound; 5-pound pails, Hc. per pound; S-pnuud pnils, bo. per pound. lou aiincasota putene. per Darrsu t4.0tia4.'.t); Ohio aud Indiana amber, at tS.2S; (iraham at W,-; rye flour, at i.oa Feed Mixed, per cwt, at $1.25. Grain Rye. &.; eorn. 00 to OS I oats, 40 to fiOe. per bushel kye straw Per ton, f U!aI4. UAV-tl4.50alA. Philadelphia Tallow Markot rniLADBLPBlA. Sept il Talluw ii steady, but tbe demand ia light. We quote city, prime in oogeueads, 4u4,c.; oonntry. prime, in Parrels. 4,-ia4Jc: do. dark, in barrels, 4c.; cakes, Co.; grease, 4c Hothera! Hotharstl Uotharsllt Mra.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions Of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic aud is the best remedy for di arrhoea. old bydiuggists iu every part of tbe world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no so other kind. Twenty-are cents a bottle- uKM(iii!i3iMsiHMi!i!iinui!enciJi;uiiiuiuiuiisiiiiiigtsa!ian9UiESUiiiiU 134 WYOMING AVENUE. & I THE 5 OF BEST PROPHETS 2 for the future Is tbe past. During tbe more than forty years of its - existence oyer 63, 000 people hufe parehaeed and played and praised I The Emerson Piano. B There are some pianca tbat will eost you mere than the Rwerson E will. If yon enjoy paying; hif h prices jost for tbe sake of paying S tbetn. probably yoa will bay tee ot thsss. Bat no matter what yoa g fay you'll nott a better pianso, nor handsomer, nor one mere 5 durable. It is impossible to improve on the best. S REASONABLE PRIC-CAHi-IN9AIXMraT8-BENT. EniiiiiiiM!iiniu!iMiumiHnnnnmmiiinnmnHBi3uiMiuniiiuic 700-H3LE By tho Beautifal "Htm Steamships of the Old Dominion Line TO OLD POINT COMFORT (BY OKI A HOTEL), Oii (PRINCESS ANNE HOTEL), AND RETURN Most Delightful Kesorts-on the Atlantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS FOR Old Point Comfort Virginia Besch - $16 A day and a quarter at EVERY EXPENSE of meals aud berth en route, a day nnd a quarter's board at either hotel. This trip is an ideal one, as tlue course skirts the coast, with lit tie likelihood of seasickneis, and places and points of interest. For lari address OLD DOMINION W. L. GUIUAUDEU, Traill o Manager. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO tCHANTON AND WlLKfcB-BAKRB. PA SIANOFACTCREttS '? LocomotiYes and Stationary Engines, HOISTING AND LustMuntaooiLNIiihllr HnmptioDormMMiity. 'by uihII propuld. With . . tEFOREANDafTtRUSING.oooU"r. Addroaa KKXVE SEOOO., Uawnlo Temple, CHIOAttO.lLI. For Sale In Scranton, Pa., by H.O. SANDEESON, Drugflst, en"-. Washington inrl Snriioo etreot. PENNYROYAL PILLS. For Sate by C. M. n ARRIS, Druggist, Botnaalnas needs e rabl, Uiepureitaiup insula beusea. u you want tne oen, get Dr. "Peat's Pennyroyal Pills They are prompt, sale ni eertaln In result. Tbe Rnlne(Dr. Peal's) avrraraiiay aoint, Bentanywhera, (1.00. Adurest faaX Maaiuue Um UeTtUod, O. Foreale by JOHN H. PHELPS. Spvuce Street Scranton; Pa.. - WEAK MEN your attention Ureat Engl lib Remedy, Gray's Specific Xediclna IF YOU SUFFER Ner- MHHm. una it Tons u- blllty, W eakneas of Body and Mind, Hpernaa torrhoa, and lmpotoney, and all disease that arise from oyer-Indulfenca and aelf-ahuse. a Does of Memory and Power, Dlmneaa of Vis- ion, Prematura Old Aire and many other dl. aaea that load to luaanlty or (xnaumptkD and an early irrave, write for a pamphlet. AddremGRAV MKDIC1NE CO.. Buffalo. N. Y. The Kpuoifid Medicine Is sold by all drncfrlsta at pnr paekaKa. or all paekag for tJ.or aant by mall on renelpt of money, ud with every 16.00 ordor WE GUARANTEE a core or money refunded. IWOn account of counterfeit we have adopted tha Yellow Wrapper, tha only genu ine, bold in bcrauton bv Matthewa Brm. Hotel Waverly Eorouaa Plan. Flrat-elaaa Bar aHaehaa. Depot for Bemner A Engel's Tanakmoa tint. it Cor, 15th MuFlMtti, Phltada. Iloat dtelrabl for reaManta ot N.B. Penn sylvanla.. All eunyaiduucea for travelers to and from Broad Btreot atatloii uad the Twelfth and Market Htreat ataUoo. D strahlefor vlaltlug Harantonlaus and p Via la the Autliradto Hegtoa. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR, Dueber-Hampden 17-Jewel Watches are known by rail, road men and other experts to be tin. equalled for wear and accuracy. Tbe Ducber Watch Works, Canton, 0. TRe Scranton Tribune Job Department T well equipped with the latest styles of type Superior Workmanship Low Prices aud Promptness ought to be Inducements to the bade. SEEL SEA TRIPS I RUBTJEWELEDi WW ADJUSTEO 4jl VUV WATCHES XlB VIRGINIA BEACH 16.00 17.00 17 either hotel INCLUDDnO passes in review many watering printed matter and full particu S. S. COMPANY Pier 26, North River, New York. Bota, PUMPING MACHINERY. General Offlne. SCKAKTON. PA. 'NERVE SEEDS llmlsalonii. NtirvouaneM.alldralnianilloMor powar inueiieratlTountunairaiuiariaxcauuiunreraiimion,ymaiuirrnr. ..u InluiM nl.1 nr n. lUn.. Int MhlklMit Lit lllllrml IT. L Oil' uan Daearnaain Teaipocia. iruu,iuiw 'i a SS order we give wrltM-n uarantr ! cure l1rim,..fM. h ll ilnutflfcla. Auk forlt. UIKO "8yaT1lllll3rBgFSS ne only ,afB anr f ouauio cauiaie 1 1 - ever offered to Ladles, especially reoommencU ed to married Ladlss. other. C5.00, i Ohio. 1D7 Penn Avenue. EVERY WO Rfl AN aaenthly, regulating medlelns. Only haraUssAM Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL 1H YH1CIAN8 AMU VUKOtONi O. KDOAR DEAN hu Rmund to SIS HDrUOa abast. Horatlton. I'm. Jnmt nn. Iiosite court-hones Dauare.) DK. A. J. CON NELL, Office 2U1 Warhingtoa avenna. corner Horace itrwn, orer rrancke a dros at ore. Roaidonoa, 721 Vine eh Omoe nonrs: W.SitolJa. m. and to 4 and dU to 7.80 p. m. Bunda y, t to 8 p. m. W. E. ALLEN. Offloa cor. Laok. wanna and WuhlH0tnn tni nmr Lann. ard shoe atore; offlca houra, 10 to 12 a. in. and 8 to 4 p. m.; evenings at residence, 612 N. Waalilngton ave. 1UL FREY, Practice limited to Dls nana of tha Eva. Ear. Noma and Throat: offlca, 121 Wyoming ave, Realdonoe, tot Vine atreat. 1 H. L M. UATlia lib Waablnston Avanua, XJ OOlce houra, s to l.i) to I aud I to 8 p.m. Reldenceaig Madison avenna It'HN L. WENXZ, M. U, OlUcm U and M O Commonwealth bulldiuir: realdunoa 711 Mldkuim nfflm hniim 10 to 12. S to 4. 7 to 8; bnudaya 2.80 to 1 awnings at rcsldenoe. A apeolalty made ot dlreases o( the eye, aw, nose and tnroot and gynecology. DB. K A Y, m PennAve ; 1 to 8 p. iu ; call Um.of womon. olxitatriia and ill", of clill. I.AWVKIIS. JM. a KANCK'B Law and Uilloution ot . flee, No. 817 Bnruoe at, oppoatU roreit llouae. Benin ton. Pa,; collection! a apeclalty tlirauKhout 1'ennayWania; rellabla corraapond enta In evary conn ty. I hnbUi'b UA.mU, Attoruoya and ;imol. u lore ai uiw. Commonwealth building) WaaUlDittoa aye. W. H. Jkhsup, Boraos E. Hand. W. 11. Jbmmip, J n. W1LLAKD. WAltBKN a KNAl'P, AtWr neya and Counselors at Law, Republican building, Waahiugton are.. Bcrauton, )A'ri LKtiON ii WILCUX, Attorueya aud . Couuaellora at Law: ofllojs 8 and 8 Library baildiug. BcranUin, Pa. nosWKLL li. rATTaiinoa, William A. Wilcox. LFliKO HAND, WILLIAM. I. HAND. At- I torueya and Counaoiiora, Commonwealth piiuuing. Kooms 18, 20 and 21. WF. IMiVLK, Attorney-at-Law.Noa.18 aud . 20, Burr buildinir, WaaliinKton avenue. HENRY M. BKELY Law ollloea iu Price building, 128 Waaliinuton avenue. I.'UANK T. OktiiLL, Attorney at Law. 6. Coal Exchange. Scranton, Pa. Kuoin MILTON W. LOW BY, I Att'ya, tli Washing U n. VON bTOHUH, I ton av C. H. square. AHUM W. OAKFOttD. Attorney OAKFOltD, Attorney at Law, rnoma 03, M and 85, Commouweiuth b'l'g. OAMUEL W. EDOaB, Attorney at IJ OIBce, 817 Bpruceiit, Bcrnnton. Pa. Law, L A. WATRES, AUornoy at Law, 423 Lackawanna aue., Bcrauton. Pa ) P. BMITH. Couneellor at Law. Office, i . roomnM, 05, 58 Oominopwealth bulliUng. c. R. PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Cou mnnwealth biillnlng. Scranton, Pa. v. COMEOYB, :CI riprnce at. DU. KKl'LOULE. Attorney-Loans nego- tlated on real estate eecurlay.4us Bpruce. Hi'. KILLAM, Attorney at-Law, 120 Wy- oming avenue, Bcranton. (SCHOOLS. OCUOOL 01' THE LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton. Pa.. DreDares bovs and eirla for coUen or bualneae: thoroughly traias voung children, Cataloicue at reuueat Oneaa Beutember lu. KIT. THOMAS M. OAS Walt rk U. Buxix. M183 WORCESTEB'3 K1NDEBQARTEN and BchooL 412 Adama avenue. Pupils received at all times. Next term will open Beptember 10. UKNVIbTS. 1 C. LATJBAC1I, Burgeon Don tint. No, 11 i Wyoming ave. U. M. hTKATTON. office Coal Ejchaniw. LOAN 8. rrUE REPUBLIC Bavimre and Loan Aiao- J. ciation will loan you money on easier terms ana pay you natter on investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. CALLEN- DER. Dime Bank bnildine SEKDS. GE. CLARK A CO., Beedsmen, Horiats and Nurserymen; store 148 Washington avenna; green house,1850 North Main aveuosj atore telephone 7X2. TEAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO., Jones Bros. WIRE SCREKND. JOB. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna avenue. Scranton, Pa., manuf'r of Wire Bcreeoa. HOTELS AND RESTAURANT. rpHE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin ave nue. Kates reasonable. P., Proprietor. WEBXalLNBTEB HOTEL. W. O. 8CHENCK. Hanamr. Sixteen th street, one block east of Broadway; at Union Square, New York. American plan, t-l 60 per day and upward. lCRANTum tiuunt, near u., i w. pa O eenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. IPTQIt mioh. woprietor. AKCHITKCTS. IAV1B A HOUPT. Arcliltecti. Rooms 2L J t 26 and 28 Commonwealth b'ld'g. Brrantnn. I L.WALTER, Architect. OfBce, rear of ij, nuo waan I rwton avenue. I? L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Trice 1 building. 128 Washington Ave., Scranton. M1S KI.I.ANKOl'S TJAUF.B'B ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOB 1J balls, picnics, parties, receptions. Wed dims and eoncert work furnished. For terras address B. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over nuiDeri a music more. ITORTON D BWAKT8-WHOLESALB H lumber, Price building bcranUm, Pa. MtOARUEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supptiea, enveloiws. pansr liaut, ttviua. Warehouse, ISO Washington ave., Bcranton, ra. TIOHSKS AND CARRIAUAS IX) :t SALE 11 at V'ii Capouse avenue snua- D. L. FOOTK, Agent .''RANK P. P.HOWN A CO.. WHOLE aalo dValTs In Wood ware, Cordago and : Cloth, 7-0 w. uickawauna avenue. E, Robinson's Sons Laqeh Beer Brewery IfaBnfacturars of tbe Celebrates PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbt. Per Annum, What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with fresh, bright complexion For It, use Posxonl's Powder. CENTRAL RAMOAD OF li J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHAMA 0IW13I0H Anttraelte coal nmd axcladvely, iasarug cleaulineta and comfort. TIME TABM IN BrncW MAT 30, 1MI. Trains leare Soranton for PltUton, Wnkes. Barre. etc, at X. 8.16, 11.80 a. m., a.00, g.;0, .00, 7.25, U.Q6 p. m. Sundaj a, 8.U0 a. m, 1.00,1.15, 7.10 p. m. Fur Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.30 (exproas with Buffet parlor car), 8.30 (expreis) p. m. Buudag, fclt p. m. For HAcnn CnrNit, Auntowk, Barnte nan, Eantob and Philadruia, 8 JO a. m. UuLiao, &.U0 (axoept PbiiaWpUla) p. m. Bunday, 2.16 p. m. For Lomo tin a son, OoxAM Gbovb, eta, at fiO a. m.. ll.'XJn. m. For Reading, Lebanon and ITarriabarg, Tla Allantown, 8.20 a. m. It 50, 6.00, p.m. Bunday, 2.15 p. m. For I'ottavllla, 8.'20 a. m., 12.50 p. m. KuturnluK, 1ot New York, foot ot Liberty r',.reo!Nortn rlTor' at a 10 (expri'aa) a. m, l.lii, 1.30, 4.80 (expnea with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Bnmlay, 4. IK a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, MO a. ni., 2.00 and 4.8U p. m. Bunday, 6.27 a. m. Throuirh tlckeU to all polnU at lowest rates may be had on application In advance to the ticket agent at the station. U. P. BALDWII Uen. Pass. AKenk J. H. OLHAUBKN, Gun. Supt MAY 18. imi. Train lAaVM Hnpantlnn frtl Ptlf1aAnTvl1a anS Mew York Tla. D. a H. R K. at 7.40 a.m.. 12.05, k.118 and 11.88 p. m. via D., LAW. B. E, 100, us, a. m., ana n, m. Leave Horanton for Plttatnn anil Wlllraa. D..m ( r I a if t u a i.i a nm 1 1 m 1 is., M. w f , l. I. , w.w, am. 11 Ul a. m., 1.80, 8.M. 8.07. 8.10 p. m. ixave ticrantoa for white Haven, uazieton, PottHville anil all nnhifta nn tha bpavar Meadow aud PotUvUla brancbea. via, E. a W. V..6)a.rn.,vlB U.SB.R.B. at7.5a.m.. 12.05. L8H. 4.U0 p.m., via D L. a W. B. B, 8.00, 8.U8, 11.20 a.m.. 1.80, 8.80 p.m. Leave Bcranton for Butblohem, Eastoo, Readlut. Uarricburi and all Intermedial rlnU H it. B. 7.(6 a m..l2.0i VM, 1L8S p.ia.,via u,uin, tt. tt.v.uv,, oai a. m uaj p.m. Leave Scranton for Tnnkhannock. Towand. Eliulra, Ithaca, Geneva and all hitermedlate pointa via D. a H. R R..1 16 anwlXWand 1L38 m.,via u. u a w. n HM aue a.m., l.iu p, m. Leave Bcranton for Roieater. Buffalo. Ni agara Folk, Detroit Chicago and all points wont via u. a; u. u. tt., Ul am.,lffuj,.10.ll. . m., via U. L. a W. K. B. and, Pittatoo. unctkm. 8.08 a.m . 1.80. Ate n. m vta B. A W. BK..atie.m. Sor sixmra ana toe wees via naumenea, via . A H R R .4fi a.m.. 1AOVS (ft r m . m n LAW. a a, ,8.08 a.m., LSU aud 107 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L v. chair cart oo all traias between LAB. Junction or Wilkea-Barre aud New York. PblladeJpala, Buffalo and Suspension Brtd g. KOLL1N H. WILBUR, Oen. Bapt. rn i o a t vtt il.n . p. AW.NONNaMACHEB.Aaa't Ooa-Paaa. Ag't, bouta Bethlehem, pa. DEL AW ARB AjST) H CD BOS railSoad. Commencing MoDdey.Juli w, au craiaa win arnveanfl depart irom the bow Laok- awanna, avenue statioa as attonewa: f Trains will leave Be ran ton station tor Carbondale and intermediate points at V!H. 6 ti, 1 W, Vii and 10.10 a.ra ,11-00, J.IV, S.U, 6.10, s.19, (io, .JM aad U.2U ii m. For Farvlew, Waymart and Boneedale at 1.00. S. 26 and iU.lU a.m., l..W,t.J0 and Lis am. Fcr Albany. Saratoga, the Adirondack end Montreal at 5.45 am. aad 2,20 p.m. For Wilkea-Bar re and intermediate pointa at, s.te. s ue ana io.u am, iz.a, lii, 160. &.ia 6.0S. V.16 and 1UI a m. i rains wui amre u bcrauton Btatton rrora Tarbondala and lntanaadtata nelnta at 7 40. 1.40, I J4 and 10.40 am., 1.10, 1.17, tAI, &4U, iu ft ut . a ii i ii . STom oonesaaia, wayman aaa rarnew as l.ot a.m.. uw, in, a. flu. aaa ana v.a p m. From Montreal, haratoga, Aibaov, etc., at tM and ll.USp.m. From v Ilkes-Barre aad mtarmedlate points si i d, e.ui, iuie ana u os a.m., i io, x,ia. a.ds .iu, o,us, i.aii, s.un ana 11.10 pjn. TVELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ASu U WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as toDowa: Ezpreaa for New York and all pointa East. 1.40, tSQ, i.lNR.U)andAoa. m. ; U so and .ni p. m. Einrasa for Kaatoa. Trankun. Phlladalohla and the South, i-ii, U00 and .U e a.; 11A na &ou p. m. wasnington ana way scaaooav a.oo p. m, Tobvhanna aocommodattoo. A 10 n. m. Exnr. aa for Blnahamion. Oswaeo. Elnatre. rornma-. Bath. DauavUle. Kouat Morris aad Buffalo, 1110. U a. m. and 1 M p. nv, making close connections at minaio to all points m tae West, Northwest ana soutnweeu Bath aecommodation. It a. Hinirh.inliui and v atationa 12 87 n. IB. .S icuolMiu accommodation, lit c u. and (.10 p. m. Hinpnamton ana Knnira axuress. 0.00 p, w. TTiirnaa far (Virtland. Svracuaa. Oswsee, Ctica and Richfleld Springs, i.14 a. m. and Us p. m. 1 x ..'. z.ia auu dmui a a. m. aw u. u.. For NorthumberlanAPlttaton. Wilkee-Barra, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making rlnoA AaniiaoLlons at Northnmbarlaad for Wllllamaport, Barriabuxg, Baltimore, Waaor lngton and the South. Northumberland nnd Intermediate stations, H nn a m m .nd 1 and MT7 n. m. Na&ticoce ana intermeuiste stauuna, and a. m. Plymouth and intarmediaU stations, Vuanas.a:n. m. . Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all XFor "etaUed'informatiou, pocket time tables, ... i- . v l. Mmith. oitv twket otnoe. S2e LackawaiuiaaveDUa, or depot ticket oflioa. T?RIE AND WkOsllU v"1"" n.tin nin. AJ ,v.-Vrk and In- . rln. "".fVll V-,?: Vallroad at AM termeaiave iu- ltllll. ftJ.A'iLS nut..4rrm..and 8 i v,.,w. . thronah trains to and HS'ilJSS 4vai. lv Bcranton for Uke Ariel at i.U P-m. and arnv at Scran ton from the Lake at a no am ... Trains leave for w.ikea-Barrs at 6.40 a. i and (.41 p. m. SrRAMTuM i.IVlSION. la Hirrct Jaae 4Hi, IS 94. North Bound. uniti Beeed, 805'803VOI e, in ui ? a. Btattuna kTralns Dally, Ez-g cepi hunuay. ) r- aV AAJM 'tin p in ... 7 .... .... T 10 .... .... 700 .... r mp a lArrive Lcavei N. T. Prankllii St. .... West 4;ind Ktrccil...., weehawken I...., Arrive Lravru at 8v lUancook Jnnotlou 8 1(H 1 OiM BancccK Slarllght Preston park cvuio PoynU'lle Hclmmit Plnaant Mt. lUiloiidido Komet I'lty Carbandaie White Bridge May Ik-Id Jermvn Archtbald Wlnton Prckvtlle Olvphant lllckHOit Throop providence Park Place Koran ten II! Hi , IK4II , 7 61 IS4lt TWItsVOOlU 7 83(14 IHjlO 01' 7 fc1t 0 61i T llXUi. 4 7 0S II 401 U.'IH II 81 16 ( 51 ( 4t4tUW 1: M48l ..lS (I S4Sl9 41 (41 11 01 1461 64 (S&1 II 18 8 6; 1611 15 8f4t64 95 3: (ftt'tlllfi 8 64 (;11 111 8 6U 0 86 11 07, 844 (uilii ui; 8 4i 7 S 4 011.6 04 764. 40tf( 7 W 4 iff 8 10 ( miu m 8 aul ( uii onl gas 8 00 4J4J til ft 18 11167 g m 80il4illU Sri41KM ( 10,10 si t so r aU mi a Leave Arrtveu r irt- Aii ...i. .m. iiaiiT atcfint Sunday. t signifies that traias stop on signal for pat- p?cure rates via Ontario e Western before purchasing tickets and save aeey. Dajr aatf Mtujt Ki press to w JO. Aademon, Geo. Paas ,Ajrt, T. FUtcrolt, Div, Fass, Agt. Boruiton, ra. mt can qive von atibfaction Com and see us about the Job work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. ui a AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, TUESDAY, SEPT. 25. 'YOUR OLD-TIME FRIEND, BARNEY FERGUSON This Hm In the BRAND NEW VAUDEVILLE rAACB, DUFFY'S BLUNDERS A ALL-FTAR CAST. 8TLNNrl4 SPSnALTlBfl. SPW1MDID BCRNIO KHPKCT9, Includlna- THE BOOV UABJUKM. New York's lataatiannaer erase. Tlaa entire iiroaacuon nnaariu nuauffement or I. Wee 7 noMnqaess, manatrar of the Bijou au. Poarteenth Btreet Umvtsra, New York City, or Cltv. Bale of seats opens Saturday at the box office ACADEMY OF MUSIC, WEDNESDAY, BEP1V 2 ALL PLAYERS OF ABT1STIC MERIT. AULINE Pauline Ball Jeaneette St. Bear Kate Davis J Aldrloh Libber William Broderluk Charles Bradsliaw H. Downing Clark Chaa. Hevara ALL OPERA COMPANY Kate Trayer aud othets. Praaeotlng for the Ont tine here tbe new uperatk! (Jomeuy, DORf! A R B Harr PauUon-anrthorof UWADAO Ernrinte." aud EdTPaultou. ElatieraUi Coatnmea, Scenery and Aocensories, Prioea-First door, f 1 and Uo.; Baloony.Iac. andauc;(iallar7,25c. Baleoiesaoj opens at at V a.m. Alooday, ant 24. ACADEMY OF MUSIC,- VHE M1UHT ONLY. THUKtUMY.BEPaV, 27. Tbe Otaskt Raciikg Drsaa. The Great Brooklyn Handicap BTKOWO CAST. Thorooghbred Race Bcgaea and Lady Bicycle moora. A REPRODUCTION OF THE GREAT BROOKLYN HAHD1CAP. 1I1E GUIAT BACK 1 HACK. Shoving the Judges, Orand Btaad and Mul. etu'lee of Peopkt. THE RACK TO THE IIIinSH. One of the most realiat.0 and esehttna' aaenei ever witnessed on any stage. Bale of wata opens at the bos-eSBce Sues day, Sept. , at V an, TiiE frotiiingham: THCBSDAT, B-ZPTEalRZa.-3. ONE K1QH.T OKLY.. THE LONDON SPORTS BIG BURLESQUE COi 3O-PE0PLE-aO W-CGetOJUKS-ia W-PRBTTT HINenrO AND 1 n IXAMUUiU T inm; AVI Vanv brimant ataara linsiiTlsa Bw acta. New aucga Maw oastmnia AjatxieUy uji--to-date" pertonnanos. ,' Box offloe ouMi f ornalfewaf tai TiiimIiT. Regular pricee ot the bouse. THE , FUOTHEfGEASI OKE jnOHT OWLZ FRfDAT, SEPT EMU EB !8. ate Gus Thomas' BuoeeaafDl Comedy-Drama, w urea vH s oi anuriaa riays. aa produced at the Madiaonfrinare Tneartsr, New York, THE BURGLAR A Drama of intermingled Tr'ig1'" and Tears. Pretented with wOra tCast of Pop. ular Play es. Sale ot seats commences Wednesday at t-ajn Hegular prtesavol tbe Bouaa. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Cosgreve It 6mfHmHalim ia The Oazler With FLORRIK WEST. CHARLES WAYNK. Saaon ft Balaton, tha De Witt Sisters, wad Westead-others. SPECIAL SCKXKR? A-VD Mew Costumes. New Music. N-ew Features. Sale of sreteoeeaeit Ihe-bexofflce Wettnes day at a. m. Davis' Theater. Week Onm mane lag kaooday. SKPX, S4. Beery atteinoeoiritaMibag; monoay, Tuesday amd wedsday4 The Aumieetef all FaxoeCkenadliA, entltted, MRS. PA11TIHGT0N FY Erou the FeonDar ot the ramone -Danunrx iaw aran. - ADMISSION, 10, HflmQ CENTS Two Performances Dally allSQ and . li-p m. UASBON STARK. . AT THB OLD DRPOT HOTEL, KACTOBYVU-UL ipnsared to reoeire BaatuW boarders and turniafcria for stniMeto4arroe3ailDa;1owne, and summer resorts. . A YLES WORTH'S Meat Market Tbe latest Lmprofed far nliblngi end appesatai for keeping meat, batter and egga, tn Wywila, ate. TkaUderSsM KM But. ta cha-O.Sea - -ri I sIsasST eyposul Note rtjj soli'a. 'Jn"m3 ao for We asaaw isna sw- -Ve wtU aalaae torn neaey rssaissanlhiiiiuiwpata toe er 4aaian, Baaas. stiaawl, aad batt BrjN0ssV4iswt Oata- - m lotne f ,UtUt Ulttil, vaw WMTOKtfl asialal leraaa ia ijmb.. . 1 22 I 1 ana a a m r2 .--.xV a inn i A