The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 25, 1894, Image 1

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    South Sldej
Weat Side ew, on
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16 $1
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Bee page
prof. Davles' ' - three.
Tt Kingdom to Bo Recognized by Nations
Of the Earth.
Offlciali of the Japanese Legation at
London Claim that the Sinking of
the Kow Shing Was Perfectly
' Proper The Army of the Mikado
Contemplate Making a Dash at
Yokohama, Sept. 24.
n RESCRIPT has been issued con
fin Yoking an extra session of the
l Japanese parliament at Illro
LTu shima on Oct. 15, for seven days,
In order to discuss matters requiring
the sanction of parliament
A letter received from Tien-Tsin
says that the Chinese fleet landed 7,000
troops on the banks of the Yaln river,
iq spite ot ;the attack of the Japanese
squadron. The letter adds that the
Chinese ships engaged in the battle
fought off the Yalu river were short of
ammunition. They were ordered by
Colonel Von Hannekin to rain the
Japanese vessels; but the order was
given too late, as the Japanese were
already retiring.
London. Sept. 21 The officials of
the Japanese legation deny the story
sent by eable by way of Vancouver, B.
C, that the Eow Shing affair has been
settled by the Japanese government
apologizing and paving an indemnity
of $75,000. They add that Japan holds
that the sinking of the transport was
fully justified.
The Daily News, commenting upon
a diBpateh eUtinsr that Japan has a
fresh army of 80,000 men ready to take
the field, says it is unlikely that tbey
are going to Korea and that there can
only be one other destination, namely,
a dash upon Pekin. The Jspaneae gen
eral has announced with unnecessary
frankness his intention to seize Muk
den, bat be is known to be a master in
the art of deceiving the enemy, and
could now easily seed an army to Pe
kin, a great part of the way by sea.
, A dispatch from Berlin to the Stand
ard savs it is stated that the Japanese
army, which is to march to Pekin, will
be accompanied by the Japanese squad
ron to the mouth of the Pel Ho river.
The army and fleet will remain in con
stant toueb.
Tbe Times this morning publishes a
leading article, in which it save that
Japan has already effected enough to
convince intelligent men the world
over that henceforth they must reckon
with a new power in the far east. Ping
Yang and Yalu have opened the eyes
of all not wilfully indifferent or blind
that a new state has taken her rank in
the hierarchy of nations, and that her
voice can no longer be ignored in their
"The Navoe Vremya," the Times
says, "reminds us that Russia still
bankers for the possession of a seoure
oven harbor on the Pacific. Such a
possession would be a great menace to
botb England ana Japan, wno are
likely to be found standing side by
side on some important points should
the powers intervene in the present
In another article, discussing the
war, the Times calculates that the
Japanese will aertainly reaoh Wi-Jn
from Ping Yang at the end of this
weex, and that they will meet the
Chinese troops that were landed on
the Korean bauk of the Yalu river
by Admiral Tin. "It is not
clear," the Times adds, "whether
the Chinese transports had time to
disembark their stores. At any rate
toe condition (or tne Ubiness column
must he precarious and there seems to
be nothing to prevent a Javanese
squadron from revisiting the mouth of
tbe xalu ana destroying any Chinese
transports that remain there. Fur
ther, it would be easy for tbe Japanese
to move troops by sea from Pins
Yang to tbe Yalu and to shift their
base of operations further north, thus
supplying re-lnforcements to tbe
column marching northward from
Ping Yang. This is almost certain to be
done if an advance into Manchuria is
A Spokane County Folltlolaa Not BTur
dend, bat a Herns'.
Spokahb, Wash., Sept. 24 Charles
F. Gloyaieia, a farmer of Mica, a vil
lage in Spokane county, who disstx
pearea in tbe early morning of Jalv 81
last, has been found by tbe sheriff of
SpoKaneat Urant, Ore., at work with
a threshing outfit. The disappearance
of Oloyetein eaustd a big sensation in
this stata. It was claimed that he bad
been murdered by pnlitioal enemies.
Oloystein was a Republican and an
active partisan, fie bad incurred the
nmity of his neighbors, who, it is
aia, were mem Den ot me ireemsns
Protective Stiver Federation, a Porta
list organisation. He was hena-ed in
efSgy some weeks previous to his dis
Governor MoCraw offered a reward
of 1500 for tbe arrest of the murderers
and the sheriff and several posses were
aotlvely engaged in searching for him.
Oloystein when be disappeared left
his wire in destitute oiroumstanca He
refasea to return, alleging that bis lite
is in danger.
Events on Eve of tbe Saratoga Conven
tion Prove Bis Popularity.
ocraov has larrived and Saratoga is
packed to tbe roof. It numbers indi
cate victory, tne ticket to oe nominated
at the -convention wnica sits tomorrow
will win easily.
On the eve of tbe convention, after
talking with the party leaders, and the
exhausting every avenue of Informa
tion nothing can be promoted wttn
certainty ae to He aotion. forth than
that it will be Democratic in every re
spect even to selection of . the ticket.
Several men will be named, and voted
for according to tbe belief of tbe dele
gates as to their ability to win in No
vember. If there Is a slate it is ear-
fnlly cooeealsd. At midnight it is
anybody's race.
David a. Hill arrived a little after o
o'clock this evening. Senator Hill'
talktd with scores of statesmen, big
and little, dnring the evening and not
one of them seemed to gather any defi
nite idea of who is tbe choice of tbe
senior senator.
Judge William J. Gavnor undoubt
edly bad tbe strongest support and was
regarded as tbe candidate most liiteiy
to win by the influential 'men of tho
party dnring the day and evening.
Ssml-Aonual 8sssiona Held at WUkts
Fzecial to theScranton Tribun.
Wilkes-Barre, Sent. 24 The fall
meeting of the Lackawanna Presby
tery, which has nearly or quite 100
churches within its boundaries, con
vened this morning at 9 o'oloek in tbe
Memorial ennrob.
Following; is the progrsmmn of the
sessions: Devotional services, 0 a. m.
luesday, led by the moderator; Wed
nesday, led by Rsv. Charles Lee, of
Carbondale; Thursday, led by Rev. N,
F. Stabl, ot Green Ridge.
No Legal Meeting of Grand Lodge of
Elks Can Be Held
on Sunday.
Reading. Sept. 24 A snecial mseU
inn of the grand trustees of the Grand
Lodge of Elks of the United States was
held here this afternoon . to consider
the disagreements and dissensions in
the order. When the order was
founded it oonsisted mostly of
theatrical men and those who
found it convenient to meet on
Sunday. Finally the Sunday meetings
were severely cntioued, but tbere were
a number of lodges wbich refused to
change tbe day. Among those present
at today's meeting were Grand Ex
alted Ruler William H. Friday, of
crooKiyn, jn. 1,; urand Secretary
Clate A Smith, Youngstown, Ohio;
Grand Trustee Harry Robe, Buffalo, N.
Y.j Judge D. Y. Murdough, Portsmouth,-Vo.
; Judge Fielder, of tbe su
preme court of Georgia, and J. Ltw
Rake, of Reading.
After some hours deliberation, Grand
Exalted Ruler Friday issued a procla
mation to all lodges of Elks to be read
at the first regular meeting in Oc
tober, lie says in pursuance to the de
cision of Judge Ward no legal meet
ing of the Grand Lodge of Elks can
be held outside of the state
ot New York nnder the exist
ing charter, and tbe Jamestown,
N. Y., grand lodge is thus recognized
as the only legal and lawful body. In
J one, 1894. a circular was issued warn
ing all lodges to discontinue holding
Sunday mee tines. This order was
obeyed by all lodges except New York,
JNo. l: roiiaaeiphia, Mo, 3; Baltimore,
No. 7; Boston. No. 10; Washington,
No. 15; Denver, Colo., No. 17. and
Norfolk, va.. Ho. 38. and in oonss
qoenoe the charters of the above were
today suspended by proclamation for
holding Sunday meetings, and Balti
more for holding a pionio on tbe Sab
All of the suspended lodges are for-
bidden to hold any further meetings
or to transact business as Elk lodges,
and all lodges are directed to deny ad
mission or recognition to any of the
suspended lodges or the members. If
ssven or more law-abiding Elks of
snsDended lodges desire to re-orgsnizs
tbeir lodges a dispenslon shall be
granted upon application.
Pllmmtr and Murphy, the Bantam
Welg-hts, Fresh at the Finish.
New Orleans. Bept. 24. Billy Plim-
mer and Johnnie Murphy, bantam
weights, fought here tonight for a
purse of 2,500. Mr, Eckhart. ot New
York, was referee. Time was called
at 9.20 p. m.
The twenty-fifth round ended with
tbe men sparring and the contest was
declared a draw, aooording to the
agreement, as botb men were on their
feet at the sound ot the gong.
Tbe fight was a red-hot one from
start to finish. Murphy shows ths
most signs ot punishment received, his
race and bony beinst cut and brnised.
Plinsmsr's Hps wsre badly swollen, but
outside of this he showed scarcely a
Norton Will Optn New Store.
M. Norton has secured the store room
at Wvomlnor avannA inA a.AA.
heretofore occupied by Williams' candy
oiurt), buu ib now purchasing a stock wltb
wmtu ua wiu open is st once. .Norton's
nil! BftnrA An T afh-a w. nr. V. 1 V.
he oocnnled fnr win w AaMrnvA in
... , ' W.WJW .1.
tun ure wmca won piace on tne morning
vi nopfe 10.
. Bl Fire at Erie. .
Erie. Pa.. Bent 24. Tbe Erie Car works
are on Are with no prospects of being
saved. The works were built by the late
w. k. uavenport, twenty-six years ago,
and were valued at 25a,noa The Insur
ance is estimated at 100. 000. The works
covered five acres. Tbe city is in a state
ot lerror.
It required 1,556 ballots to nominate
James U. spencer over Congressman
Hooker rrom cue neventn Mississippi at
A Democratic mass meeting at Berwick,
Pa., addressed bv Charles R. Bnolulaw
candidate for congress, and. District At
torney t. B. Hardy.
The Belief on te Keystone Gazette says
mat Judge f'orst, or the Huntingdon Cen
tre district will raaon An OntAha- 1 frh
governor could then appoint Candidate
Bower to serve out the year.
The Sixteenth dlstrlot Democratic con-
itrence nem a meeting at williamspo
last evening, but owing to the absence i
the Tioga conferees, adjourned nntil ti
dr- w- H. Holloway, of WlUlnmspoi
will probably be the nominee.
general Hastings' itinerary tnis week
included Mini lutown and Huntingdoi
yesterday afternoon and evening; Will
day; Towaoda, Thursday;. Lewiaburs and
du.uivhu, riiuny, sua Heading, Bstur
day. I
Governor Watres Declines to Be a Candidate
for State Senator.
Chairman La Touche, When Inter
viewed at His Moscow Home, Ex
plains That Attorney James C.
Vaughan Is the Only Name He Has
Heard Mentioned In Connection
with the Twentieth District Sena
torial Nomination.
Svtcial to the Scranton Tribune.
Moscow, Pa., Sept. 24.
ITH a view of ascertaining tbe
probable result of tomorrow's
eonveotion, one ot The Tri
bune reporters interviewed
Hon. John S. La Tonobe, chairman of
tbe Twentieth Senatorial committee, at
his home in tbis place today. Mr. La
Tonche expressed his views freely upon
tne subject, as a portion of ths Inter
view will show:
"What do yon expect the Twentieth
senatorial sonvention to do tomorrow,"
was asked of 'Chairman LaTonche.
Will Lieutenant Governor Watres bo
a candidate?"
"In my judgment, he will not." Mr.
LaTonche replied, ' "and for the reason
that it is generally understood that his
business interests demand his attention
at present. Governor Watres bss now
been in Harrlsbnrg for twelve years
during which time be has necessarily
been enable to give his privste busi
ness interests the attention that tbey
demand. I know be feels deeply grate
ful for the kindly interest wbish the
Repnblicsns of tbis district take in
bim as evidenced in their unanimous
wish to confer a third nomination upon
him, but from conversations I have had
with the governor I am inclined to be
lieve tbat, in justice to bim, somsotuor
uepnoiican shonid be chosen this year.
"Whom do you think, then, will be
"The only name I have heard men
tioned in tbe event of Mr. Watres de
clining, which I know he will do, is
james u. vaugnan, Lsq. ll tbere are
otnersi bave not beard of them.'
"Could Mr. Vaughan be elected?"
. "Most assuredly. See here, when
Colonel Watres was first nomlnatsd
for state senator his district was re
garded as surly Demooratio by at
least 3,200 plurality. The solonel
turned tbis exoess into a 1 200 Ropubll
can ' plurality.' Ths Second time
he ran ha. . not only had
to face a strong Dsmocratic can
didate but also a strong third party
candidate in tbe person of Mr. Brad
bury wboi polled 995 votes. Still, Sen
atar Watres was rt-leeted by a plur
ality equal to his first one. Tnis popu
larity win be at tne disposil of Mr.
Vaughan of whom the Lieutenant Gov
ernor is a warm personal and political
friend. There is no reason why, with
tbe loval support of tbe party which
Mr. Vaughan thoroughly deservss. he
coald not defeat Senator McDonald
handily. Yes, Mr. Vaughan will be
elected or any Republican who has tbe
sams elements of strength tbat he bus.
tbis year, x on may quote tne as pre
dicting that."
"Bnt wbat will Lieutenant Gover
nor Watres do?"
"Take his coat off for the whole Re
publican ticket, state, legislative, sena
torial and connty. and work like n
beaver for its election, and after tbat
devote his time to private interests.
You know bow lie can work. Tbat
was shown vsrv olearlv in bis sens
torisl career. There was no busier
man in Harrisbnrg, and tbe district
can never have a more active or com
petent representative."
"I know that, Mr. La Touobe; but
wbat ot bis future?
"Now, there you have me. I am not
a prophet, but if there is anything in
the sxpresslons of party sentiment tbat
I boar, not only in our own county, bnt
elsewere in tbe state, Governor Watres
will by no means retire from active
politics. In my opinion bis election in
1890 as lieutenant governor was one of
tbe highest tributes that could be paid
to bim by the state, he having received
23,000 Republican plurality at the
same time that Governor Patlison re-
seived 17,000 Democratic plurality
Governor Watres stands high with bis
party, and deserves great credit for the
magnificent campaign be eonduoted as
state chairman in 1891. lie has al
wave successfully mt every emergency
and is a man of the poople. He would
make a magnificent candidate to sue
ceed Don Cameron In 1897. There are
many who think tbat Senator Cameron
will not be a candidate lor re-election,
"The people in looking for a man who
stands sqnarely with tbe party will, in
my judgment, find tbat man in Gov
ernor Watres. i shonid like to see him
a candidate for tbis position, and I be
lieve the Republicans of Pennsylvania
can do no batter. Bnt, us I said, I am
no prophet. It is a Ions time now nn
111 1897."
"Then you think tomorrow's nominee
will be Jamea V. VannbauT
"As I said before, I bave heard ot no
.other candidate, and with tbe llsuton
ant governor ont of the field I know of
no better one. Do you?" And the
chairman winked significantly.
Mr. Wldsmann Will Preie Her Claim at
Washing-ton, It Is Ssid.
San Francisco, Sept . 24. It is stated
on wbat appears to be good authority
tbat tbe errand of tt. a. wiaemann,
of Honolulu. ito tbis country is to com
mence a damage suit against ths
United States oj behalf of tbe ex
Queen of Hawaii. Tbe amount of
darners asked for is said to be
S300.000. and the friends of ths ex
Queen declare - tbat this government
baa been lnstramental in mulct
Ids ber to fully that amount. Her
claim is that tbe provisional govern
ment ooold never bave been established
and herself' deposed had it not besn for
the unwarranted action of a recognized
agent of tbe United States, the eantain
ot the warship Boston, wbich action
was subsequently formally disavowed .
by the president.
Within a few davs be will so on to
Washington. When asked whetber he
was going to institute a damage suit
on behalf of ex Qaeen Liliuokaluai, bis
answer was tbat be bad been accused
of that before.
Iferohant' Hotel People Are Annoyed
. by a Qiesr Female.
New York, Sept. 24 A mystsrlous
young woman, about 21 years old, was
taken to Chambers Street hospital tbis
afternoon from tbe Merchants' hotel,
said to be suffering from Insanity.
Later she was sent to Bellevue hospital.
An aideny woman took her to the
hotel late last night and procured
room No. 2. The young woman regis
tered as "Miss Sbelton, Philadelphia."
Tbe elderly woman remained for half
nn hour in tbe room and then left.
Since then she bss not besn seen. The
yonng woman was fonnd wandering
aimlessly about the hotel about noon
Shs had not rjaid for her room for the
day and as she acted queerly Proprietor
Burke urged her to go to Philadelphia,
ror wbich place she bad a tickst on the
Central R ill road of New Jersey. The
young woman refused to go. She said
she was afraid to go. Sbeaotedas if sbe
had commited a crime. Policeman Mul
ligan called an ambolanoe and after a
little struggle she was taken away. At
Cbambers street hospital it was not
heved that Shelton is tbe young
woman's name. Sbe is respeotably
ciotnea, bss plenty of money and some
jewelry. Tbe elderly woman had tbe
same appearance. Ths younc woman
bad dark hair, brown eyes, freokled
complexion and wore a brown dress
nd straw bat.
Lively Existence of a Girl Who Mar
ried an ' Ideal New Jersey
Jersey City. Sent. 24 An aclien
for divorce was commenced in tbe
oourt of chancery today by Mrs. Jennie
racKer, who wishes to be legally
separated from her husband, on the
ground tbat be baa been unkind to
ber and at times bit treated her
wltb much cruelty. Mrs. Paeker
Is the duughter of James Van
Blarcom, of Wyekoff, N. J., known as
the "swearing domiule." In October.
1889, she married Martin Packsr, son
of a well-to-do tnrmer at Wyekoff, and
ail tbe villagers said wbat a lucky girl
Jennie was. , About a year after the
marriage a baby, was born to the
couple. It is from tbat time that Mrs.
facker dates the commencement of her
Paeksr didn't bslievs that bis wife
should live the idle wife of a lady, al
tnougo ner nnsoana wss considered a
rich man, so he sent her into the field
to work with the laborers. Mrs. Paok
er says she bad to take her baby ont to
tue neid with ner and make a bad for
it on the ground tbat she might wateh
it while sbe worked. Shs savs that her
husband was not satisfied with making
ber dig potstoes and hoe corn, but
forced ber to drive wngon loads of can
bages to New York to market Sbe bad
to get up soon after midnight and some
times bad to be up all night. Packer
went along on the wagon but, she al
leges, she had to do the driving. On
ono occasion, when they were driving
bask to Wyekoff from New York, her
bat was blown off. Shs wished to stop
and get it, ont when sbe alighted, sbe
suys, be drove off without her, and she
was compelled to walk ssven miles be
fore she reached borne.
One day while she was out he took
a truck to the house and strippsd the
dwelling oi furniture, bines tbat time
be bus not lived with ber or contrib
uted to her support.
Caipir Finagle, of Hamtown, Sustains
Painfnl Injuries.
fptcial to tin Scranton Tribun.
PiTTSTO!, Pa., Sept. 24 Casper
finagle, a min about 00 years of age.
residing in a smoky Plttston suburb
known as Hsmtuwn, climbed upon the
root of bis bouts this afternoon to
make certain repairs upon tbe covering,
While thus engaged Finagle in some
manner lost his footing and droppsd a
distance of twenty feet. By the sud
den collision with the earth's snrface
Finsgle's note was knocked out of
plumb; bis jaw was broken and bis
frame was visibly agitated. Mr. Fin
agle Is now in tbe hospital.
ins neciTmoken.
Sudd.n Ssata ot Conrad Litter, a
Warns County Farmsr.
fytcial to th Scranton Tribun.
Riwi.BY Ps Sunt 21 CnnrA
Litter, a farmer aged 65 years, was
driving aiong tne country rosu near
tiemiocs tioiiow toaay. wnen no was
suddenly thrown from bis wagon and
TaII tn the oron nil striking on his hnid.
His neck was broken by the fall and
deatn was instantaneous.
The Atnsrican Protective association
claims 28,000 members In Connecticut
Simon Adler poisoned himself with oar
bollc acid in New York.
Wbile in a snlritusllatlo trancs Silas Bill
ings and Lennie Darling were married at
Hastings, aucu.
Henry Frost shot and mortallv wounded
his father, for opposing his marriage, at
St. Joseph, Mo. .
The oolosial globe in the government.
building at unicsgo, wmon cost fiu,uoo,
has been soia tor f iv.
Wbile oleaning a revolver yesterday
Dr. W. A. M. Walnwrigbt, of Hartford,
Conn., acoldsntly shot himself and will
Disappointed at the few passes he got,
Tom Magnire assaulted . Harry Mann,
Froh man's stage manager, in New York.
Tha inrt in thecaeof Pension Claims
Agent Moore, at Buffalo, N. Y., tried for
taking illegal lees, nas Drought in assaiea
; An ex-confederate marshaled the pro
cession that welcomed Commander-in-
Chief Lawier,. ot the Qrand army, borne to
Bookford, HI. '
Cltfzen) Organize an Army to Meet tbe Tax
The Tax Collector Says That He Has
a Force of Determined Men Armed
to the Teeth and He Declares That
He Will Get the Money or Trouble
Will Ensue A Grave Crisis in
Union County.
Stiirois, Ky.,. Sept. 24
F Captain Black well carries out bis
tbrsat tbere is going to be much
bloodshed in tbis vicinity in the
noxt forty-eight hours. Bl ask well
baa declared lie will collect the bond
tax,andthe taxpayers solemnly de
clare that he will not. Preparations
on both sides are very warlike.
The big oannon at Dekoven.
which did service in tbe civil
war, was rolled into position
yesterday and rammed to the muzzle
with powder and sings. It was placed
on the crest of a hill wbioh commands
tbe entrance to the precincts affected
by the tax. At tbe approach of the
posse it will bs fired, and its discharge
will be tbe signal for tbe psoole to
form ranks and mset tbe enemy. The
situation is critical, and an armed col
lision is almost a certainty.
Captain Blaokwell was annealed to
by tne ministers yesterday to give up
his project, but he was deaf to the en
treaties, and announced bis intention
of collecting the tax He said:
"My men are ready, and my guns.
which were ordered from Boston, bave
arrivsd. Where they are stored I re
fused to state. When we start I also
decline to say, not wishing to give my
plans away to ths enemy. Those peo
ple owe tbat tax and mast pay it. As
for the bullets tbey bave for us, I
guess 1 ean stand tbem, as none of tbe
men I take will be other than men who
have stood fire."
T. V. Powderly Admitted to Freckles in
the Lackawanna Courts.
T. V. Powderly. ex-general master
workman of tbe Knights of Labor, is
now a member of tbe Lackawanna
county bar. He was admitted yester
day morning, on motion of ex-Justice
Alfred Hand, and immediately after
ward reoeived the hearty ooogratula
tlons of the members of tbe bar who
were in court at tbe time.
Mr. Powderly has been a law student
since 18T8. On Feb. 20 o f tbat year
be was elected mnyor of tbis eity and
on March 11 following registered
as a student-at law in tbe office
of City Solicitor I. H. Burns.
Mr. Powderly pnrsnsd bis studies in
connsction with his dnties as mayor of
Scranton until the latter part of 1879,
when he was elected general master
workman of the Knights of Labor.
which position he filled until last No
His duties bs the bead of that great
labor organization naturally gave bim
little time to devote to bis law studies.
but as soon as be retired from the po
sition of general master workman, be
began reading law in a systematic
manner. Be has besn a student in the
office of ex Judge P. P. Smith since
last January.
His plans for tbe future are not ma
tured, he says, but there is a possibil
ity tbat he may remove to JNew York
and reside tbere permanently.
Scranton Baptist Assoolatloa Bsoon
vsnte After Summer Vacation.
Tbe first business meeting of the
Scranton Baptist association after va
cation term wss ibeld yesterday morn'
ing at the Penn avenue Baptist churoh
when a committee was appointed to
prepare a programme for the weekly
meetings. The committeemen are Kev,
W. O. Watltins. Rev. James Fielding,
Rev. M. J. Watkins. Factory villa;
Rev. O. ti. ONeal, , Dun more and Rev.
Ellis, Hlakely.
Arrangements will also be made for
a rally or young people in tbe latter
pari of October at the Penn Avenne
Baptist church to discuss the work of
yoaog people of tbe Baptist com
A committee of laymen attsnded tbe
conference from tbe Elmhurst Baptist
shursb and a committee also from tbe
Jermyn Baptist ohnrch to seek the ad
vice of the conference with regard to
.appointing a pastor for each of tbe
churches, eventually Kev. w. i.
Partridge, Rev. D. C. Hnghes and Rev.
T. Jepson of Carbondale were ap
pointed to consult with thai Jermyn
ehurcb and He v. James fielding, ttev.
M. J. Watkins and Rev. A. R O'Neal
to consult with the members of tbe
Elmhurst ehurob.
Tbe meeting was largely attended
and laymen are invited to tbe tuture
meetings which will be held Monday
mornings at 10:30 at the Penn avenue
Baptist eburoh.
James Carey Trusted Toe Implicitly in
the Honesty of Eug-ene Fenner.
When Jamea Carey and bis wife,
Ta111a rt EVunlrlln mwmnnm mrara n .
tended to the sounty jell for term of
twentv-two months on Use 10, lbT.!,
thsv Invested Eneena W. Fenner. a
close friend of theirs with power ot
attorney in the possession of their fur
niture which was valued at $1,000, it
beinK insured for tbat amount, and he
wss to tske care of it while they were
iu iaiL
On Antr. 11 of this year their time
expired and when they looked for Fen
ner to give back bis trust, there was
not an article or furniture tn the noase.
Fenner not only bad aold the furniture
and converted the proceeds to bis own
nie, but be misused sums amounting
to t500 taid in cash to bim by Mrs.
Carey while shs labored in ths baatile.
This meosy was meant to pay the tnl-
tion aud board of her con. Robert, at
tbe Keystone academy. Fenner did
not pay tbe boy's board; in fact, ao
oording to the statement of Mrs. Carey,
oe provea recreant to every trust re
posed in him.
Yesterday, with ber bnsband, aba
went before Alderman Fitzsimmona
and had a warrant sworn out for Fen
ner for obtaining money under false
pretenses. At the bearing last night
Fenner entered bail in the sum of $300
to appear at court Robert Carey, the
son, testified that dnring the winter of
lovi, when he was penniless and hun
gry, he wonld have frozen and
starved on the street but for
tbe kindness of boetblacks. When
the boy besought Fenner for
assistance be turned bim away with
an excuse. While tbe boy was at Fau-
toryvuie ror three terms, bis tuition
and board was liquidated by Mrs.
Charles Manness, of this city.
After the esse was heard before the
alderman tbe Careys left the-office with
a volley of maledictions on the bead of
Excitement at Columbus Over the
Work of Hal Dillard-The Gales
burg Meeting's Close.
Columbus, Ohio, Spt. 24 Thero
was great exsitement at the Columbus
Driving park this afternoon when in
the free-for-all pace, as tbe horses cov
ered the first half mile of the first heat
the time keepers announced that Ball
Dillard had struck a 2 0(H gait. He
made tbe first quarter in 29$ and the
first half in 1.01.
Wben Robert J. set the present
record of 2:011 he made the first half
in 1:01J. so that Hal Dillard had,
when he past the half mile post, made
better time by a one-fourtb of a sec
ond than Robert J. did wben he broke
tbe world's record. But passing into
the three-quarter stretch the horses
faced a stiff wind that seemed to stop
them and all hope of evening or ap
proachiug the best record fWd. The
lime was 2:U.
After winniug the first two beats.
Dillard was distanced by the bursting
of a pneumatio tire in the ' third beat,
and tbe race will be finished tomorrow.
Dillard, bowevsr, broke tbe best hack
record, 2. OH.
Oakland Baron, who holds the world's
record for two-year-eld trotters 2, 1 64
won t trot in that class without ba
ing pushed.
Alpbonso Wilkes was an eisy winner
in the year old pace and David B. won
three straight heats In tho a Id trot,
never losing tbe lead.
Galehburo, IlL, Sept. "A Tbe
Galesburg meeting .closed today and
many of the horses bave gone. Alix
and tbe balance ot the Salisbury string
were shipped to Columbus. Rebert J,
Joe Fatohen and others go to Uaven
port in the morning. The best raoo ot
today was tbe $13,000 futurity for 2
year-olds, wbioh was won by Pansy
MeOrsgor, who neat impetuous, a
strong favorite in the betting. Sum
2.20 class, trotting:
Cellerima 1
Grace Simmons...
Best time, 3.16.
2.1(i pace, puree f 1,000
Joe Patcben
Frank Acan
Susie G..... 3
Best time, 2.13.
Two-year-old futurnity:
Pansv McGregor, by Fergus McGregor,
Impetuous U
Best time, &1X- .
Mrs. Parting-ton as Presented at Davis'
Davis' theater still 'continues to cater
in its excellent manner to the publio
taste, and Mrs. Partington will bs on
the boards today and tomorrow only.
Patrons of tbis comfortable little house
muBt therefore seleot either of the two
days to witness tbis amusing comedy,
where the heart of Mrs. Partington is
beseieod by ths Judge and the Deacon
Raich E. Cummincs and Charles Mo-
rosso are two excellent comedians and
keep the bouse on tbe tip-toe of expec
tation in their "love and war."
Tbe ending ot tbe contest is quite
satisfactory, but it should be seen to be
understood and appreciated. On
Thursday a new piece, "Parted," will
be civen. Mr. Davis has large audi
antes and expresses himsoltas quite sat
isfied with tiie attendanoe thus far this
At the Fourth Legislative Republican
district convention today in Jermyn the
nomination of Charles P. O'Malley, of
Olypbant, Is practically conceded. Mr.
O'Malley will add strength to theticket
and make an able representative of the
district when be gets to Harrisbarg.
The Democratic candidates and -the of
ficers of the county committee assembled
last night and appointed the following as
members of tbe executive committee:
John . Roche, D. J. Campbell, Charles
Robinson, George 8. Horn, Lemuel Amer
man, Patrick Mnlherin aud Charles J.
Conrad. Beside tbis tbey mapped out a
most systematic canvass.
On Oct. 2 a ratification meeting in&onor
of tbe Republican, state, legislative aud
connty tickets, will be held in the Froth
ingbam theater. Among the noted speak
ers thus far secured are Hon. Lion Hart
ran ft, son of the late Governor Hartranft,
and Hon. Gdbrge B. Orlady, the silver
tongned orator of Huntingdon, who is
known far aud wide for bis Drat nomina
tion of General Hastings for governor.
It is a foregone conclusion, so to speak,
tbat for tbe Republican nomination for
senator of the Twentieth senatorial dis
trict, the convention which meets today
at tbe court house will go unanimously to
Attorney James C. Vaughnn; and a an
opponent to John P. (juinnan in the Sec
ond legislative district, the choice of the
Republicans ' will be Seleot Councilman
Alex. Tv Con nell of the Twentieth ward,
who has wonfgood opinions by his clever
deliberative ability in tbe halls of the oity
SnEARl Wabhinoioh. Sept. 24. Fori
sixuvii iesday: for eastern
I ' Fmmiylhania: fair, probably
" ' slightly cooler; norliiwest toindt.
For wciUm Pennsylvania, fair, north
we -wind becoming variable.
Pall and Winter
We have now ouen thn moafc
complete stock of Underwear and
Hosiery for Ladies, Gentlemen
ana Uhildren ever shown in this
We mention a few specials
The Stuttgarten Sanitary Wool
In Yeats, Pants and Com
bination Suits.
The "WrigM" Healtii Uncterwear
For gentlemen.
Special drive in GENTS' NAT
Ladies' Swiss Riled
In Silk, Silk and "Wool.and
Cashmere, Black, White' and
We call special aftenQonvto ou
Ladies' Egyptian Vesta
and Pants at
25 and 50c. Each,
The Best for the Money Ever Offered,
And Ladies' Combination Suits.
Our special at.$l, $1.25
and $1.50 up.
Full line of Children's Goods, ia
Scarlet, White and Natural
Wool Vests, Pants and
Union, Snita.
5(0 and 5i2 Lackawanna Aye.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, Bif&Davies
School Shoes
Ton know how that llwly, enorgetio boy ot
?our's knocks oat bis shoes. We're beoa
binkina; of him providing for him sad his
destructive energy. We hare a regular wef
defying shoe from 30c upward.
Lewis, Reilly & Dalies
New Store
New Good!
Wedding, Presents
Wedding Presents
Fine line of DOKFLT&GER'S
ceived. Also, a fine line- of ;
4o8Spruce Street
. LWETCHEL, tela