TILE SCEANTON TKIBTOE-MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1894. btwtRAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES The snccesslon to the lato E. B. Lels onring iu tho presidency of the Lehigh Coal nud NavijruUon company is re ceiving disousBiou. Mr. Leiaonring, it will be recalled, auccesded Joseph a. Karris, now president of the Reading. J lie vncaney natnrnlly suggests thonchts as to who wilt be e ailed upon to till it. The board of managers of ilia company comprises Elward W, Clark, Francis R. C'dp, Charles Par rish, James M. Wiloox, Edward N. Lp wis, Snaiaol Dickson, Thomas Mo Keau, Edward S. Buckley, Abram S. Hewitt and Chnrlotiianeo Tower, jr., nud it is probable that one of these will te -elected to the presidency. The l'liiludflphia Stockholder intlmatts that "possibly, however. Mr. Harris, who is understood to be physically breaking dowu under the groat burdens that devolve upon the Reading's chief executive, may be induced to return to l-i is old post." The Philadelphia Inquirer takes this view of the anthrauito situation "The only question in the anthracite coal trade now is whether next yenr's busi ness can be saved; this year's trade is irretrievably ruined. In the month of October, November and Deoomber the iiirlcat will probably require less than 10,0i0. WO tons. Thcro is now above vroiind fit various stocking points fully 8,0U0,WI0 tons and after allowing for a fair working stock to be carried over the utmost that need he mined in the l ist quarter of the year is 8, 000,000 tons. In the same months last year 11,807,000 tons were produced- To get the (rule into good shape at the end of the year would require pertinent and regular restriction to tht extont of 3IS per cent, of last years product, a desirable con iliiion that is by no means likely to be brought about. There is a strong pros pect, therefore, that next spring will open with enormous stocks of eoal on band and with prioes fully as low as those now ruling." The Inquirer is probably a shads too 1,'lootuy. The present disposition of tlio leading faetnrs in the trade is favorable to resolute and honest en tailment pending the wiping ont of ac cumulated stocks, while a break may occur a,'iit) ai it baa often occurred in the pmt, it is believed that the self interest of the large coal and carrier companies will prevent a eontinuance of the "road to ruin" policy of the pait low months. Tho fact tha't these com panies are beginning to see the facts as tliey are is a hopeful angury, "There is a disposition'says Saward, "on the part of some of the producers of anthracite to befog the vital ques tion with outside issues as to the pro per percentages of this or that inter est; they will talk about sneh matters when the main issue is and must be, bow are they to widen the area of the consumption of this fuel for domestic purposes? The insanity of certain of the leaders of opinion on the matter of a demand from former soft coal nsers, ftureiy is responsible in a large degree for the utterly depressed condition of this trade at the present time. Events prove what anyone well acquainted with the trade might have known they vAild prove, that there was but very mmtm in all the gossip as to a shortage of fuel that eould only be filled by shipping anthracite. The tonnage had been kept fairly well in hand up to the t of Jnne and there seemed a possi bility of getting the schedule price, but with the immense tonnage done in June and July this possibility ceased to exist, and the effort to stem the tide by issuing a price-list was as futile aa it was absurd in the conditions then en vironing the trade." The No. 1 breaker at Silver Brook will be abandoned after Oot. 1. It is almost a year ago since the main slope was condemned, but since that time the colliery has been proparing equally as much ooal as when the mines were in full swing. This coal is said to be of the finest quality that enters the anthracite market, and has been mined from s trippings of capacious depth as weljTag tho No. 5 slope, wbion daily .rfiucea almost 100 cars. However, the indefinite snpension, of this col liery will have little effect on the em ployes. It it the aim of the company to transmit all the coal that has been Torinerly prepared at this colliery to No. 2 by route of a hw lokie road which is being built between the two collieries to forma connecting link. Tbis intimates that No. 2 colliery will have to prepare 200 oars a day more than was ite usual eustom. This will be accomplished by the new pon derous addition to the breaker, with its expedient mechanical devices being put in operation . The breaker is now double its original size, and a trip through it, says the Huzletou Stand ard, would convince the best expert that the mechanical equipments are up to perfection, but for it to prepare satisfactorily all the coal mined in all the strippings and slopes remains to be axen. There will be scarcely any men thrown ont of employment, The em- oyes on and about No. 1 will be re- iirnri win na cancin n n i Anm w m u vnu wj lie soonest posoioie route iron No. 5 ope a trestle win be erected over the no, o stripping for a distance of 1.000 feet. The preparations for the new system are extensive, and are being vigorously pushed, e Minor Industrial Notes: The Cambria Iron company has deolared Its usual dividend of two per cent. The Brooklyn coal dealers have come to an agreement and will advance prices. Railroad officials nt Chicago have been unable to form a Trans-Contiuental Pas senger association. It is reported that D. W. Caldwell will become president of both the Lake Shore and Nicxel Plate roads. The Wabsgb. earned in the second week of (September t2!25,507, a decrease as com pared with the same week in 1S'J3 of 153.126. . The New York and New England rail road compauy baa contracted with the lthode Island Locomotive works for sev eral new engines. . New and costly drawing room and state room compartment cars have been put on the Pennsylvania's limited traini between Now York and Chicago. An order has been issued transferring the headquarters of the general superin tendent of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg railroad from Buffalo to Roch ester. The green glass workers at Olean, N. Y;. will start in with two factories today. vThey will employ about 200 hands and will be mostly operated by South Jersey blowers. The Bessemer steel works of the Troy Rteel and Iron company's plant started last night, after having been idle since the middle of March. Five hundred men were given employment. , The meeting of the members of the National Association of General Passenger Agency, at Quebec, was attended by al most 160 members. A. 8. Anderson, presi dent, occupied the chair. The meeting was held behind closed doors. It was de cided to hold semi-anntfal meeting New York. It is stated that the earnings of the Pull man company are now the largest of any time in its history, except during the few weeks that the travel to the World's fair was at its maximum. The new textile words at Bramcote. Pa., are now rapidly preparing for business and will be placed in operation in a few weeks at the latest The company hopes to start about fifty looms on Oct. 1. The Pennsylvania lines, up to the 15th of this month, since Jan. 1 had handled 10,089,088 tons of coal, which is a deorease this year, as compared with the corre sponding period last year, of 2,000,543 tons. J. M. Weddel, the veteran engineer on the Louisville division of the Pennsylvania lines, commenced running a locomotive on that road in December. 1853, aDd is still active and in good health and running the fastest train on the road. All locomotives on the Michigan Central which are run between Michigan City and Chicago are equipped with an improved smoke stack, and bnrn smokeless coal, abating the smoke nuisance. The New River smokeless coal is now used as fuel on nine switching engines in Chicago and on thirty-five freight and passenger engines that run into Chicago over the Michigan Central. Bucklen's Arnloa Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rhenm. Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It it guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 0 cent per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. Fatal neglect ie a little short of suicide. The consequences of a neglected cold are too well known to need repeating. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures a cough promptly. Sold by all dealers on a guar antee of satisfaction. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Btooks and Sonde. The range of Saturrday's prioes or the ac tive stocks of the New York slock market are given below. Tho quotations are furnished I'M Tiiibl'NI by O. du B. Dimmiek, manager of William Linn Allen & Co., stock brokers, il- Spruce street, Scran ton. Opon- High- Low Clos ing. est. est. inir. Am. cot. on wt 3iw :u4 Am Sugar. tlVtf Hti VrM WH4 A.T.&8.F 7 :x r Can. So. Chospeake Ohio... HWf, 21$ m Colo. Gas. TILs 71 7IM Ti Chic St N. W....,..lll-im 104 TO! 104 C, B. A Q 74M 74 75 C C.C. A Bt. L.... 40 40 i 40 C. M. A St. Paul.... 65 6tl 6oH U5 Cbicago.K. I. & Pac. til 1 UUH 614 D. A H l&M ia.1V iliom l'Mi I L. A W 1721, i). a c. ft 1044 ny iwa 11 o. . Co as 40 mi Wi Ills. Cent. Lake Shore L. AM 07 S7H 67 D7 Manhattan. Mich. Cent im SM 914 HSU Miss. Pac as?J W 0 il Nat. Cordage IBl IfiCS 15fci V,i Nat. Lead MH 4UJ, 404 4U New Jersey Cent N. Y. Central 101 lOl'i 101 IOH4 N.Y.AN.E N. Y., L. E. A W.... 1014 154 J51j 15$j N. Y.. S. A W N. Y., S. A W., pr.. North Pao North Pao. pr 1K lit IW 19 O. A W 171 1714 17Hi 1714 Phil. & Beading..... S4 Vlii Wi '2JH, Rich & W. P 19 ltijj W8 T., C. A L Texag Pac Cnion Pacific VH M i3(i 1W Wabash lift W4 04 tr Wabash pr 15 ID 15 15 Western Union. a9tf mi 8K t'JH Ntw York Product Market New Yobk, Sept. 22. Flock Dull, offered weak. Wheat Dull, lower with options closing firm; Ko. 8 red, store and elevator, SGc; afloat, ' 66at f. o. b., 57Jia57Jfo.: No. 8 red blank, ungraded red, 5Ja57c; No. 1 northern, 6c.; op tions were dull, irregular, dosing steady at Kac. December most active. Sales included No.2red. September and October, bXc ; November, 57c. ;December, 58 0. ; May, 63c. corn Dull; exports, 20,5(50: gales, fu tures, 30,000; No. 2, 58a59c.; elevator, 5a9c.; afloat, qotations dull, ajic.j lower dosing, weak; May-December most active; September, 58Xc; October, 68c; November, 57 c.; May, 55c. Oats Dull, easier: options dull, lower, weak; September, 33c.; October, 33 Vc; November, 84a; December, 85,Va; May, 8$c; spot prices, No. 3, 33c.; No. 2, white, 32c.; No. 2 Chicago, 33K&; No. 3, Sic: No. 3 white, 35J4C; mixed western, 3uXa840.; white do., 3Ca4Uc; white Btate, 36a40Xc. Beef Dull; family $10al3, extra mess, $SaS.5U. Beep bams Quiet; $20. Tiekced beef Dull, steady; city extra India mess, $17.00. Cot Meats Quiet steady. Pickled Bellies 8H'e)o., as to aver age, pickled shoulders, 7a; piokled bams, llallc; middles nominaL Lard Quiet, easier; western steam, closed at (9.15; city, SXc.; September closed at (9.20, asked; tlanuary,.8.27, nom inal. f ore Dull, steady, mess I15.50al6.00; extra prime $13,b0$14. Butter Quiet; fancy firmer; state;dairy, 14a23c: do. creamery, 1825c.; Pennsyl vania do., 18a25c; western dairy, 13al7c; do. creamery, 15a25!o.; do. factory, 12a 16c; elgins, 24aiJ5c.; imitation creamery, 16al8c Cheese Quiet, weak; state large, SalOc; do. fancy, state, 10c; do. colored, lOalOc.; do. small, 8HalOc; part skims, 4ab,'4C-, full skims, 8auc. Eoob Quiet; fancy, firm; state and Pennsylvania, 18)al9o.: ice house, 14a 16c X. ; western fresh, 16Xal8c ; do., per case, 3a2.50; Canadian, 18al8c Philadelphia Tallow Mark.t. Philadelphia, Sept. iX Tallow is steady, but the demand is light. We quote city, prime in hogsheads, 4a4c; country, prime, in barrels, itiAc, do. dark, in barrels, 4c; cakes, 5c; grease, 4o. Dalton, Noah Mother, of New York city, is spending a few days with Mrs. C. L, Bnggs, of this place. J. M. Shortman, of this plaoe, met with quite a serious acoident one day tbis week. While be waa returning home to bis dinner and in climbing a tone wall one of tbe'eapstones fell off and hit bis ankle, cutting it very badly. Mrs. W. . Smith was at Scranton Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parkton spent a few days this week with relatives at Tunkbannock. Mrs Edward Ivis and Mrs. H. Ivee of Sorantoa spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ivee. Quarterly meeting was observed at the Methodist oburoh yesterday. Mrs. E. A. Warren attended the W. C. T. U. convention at Mosow Thurs day. Mr. Coon of Lincoln, Neb., visited relatives at this plaoe a few days last week. . Mothers! Mothers!! Vothtrstl! Mrs.Winslow's Soothiug Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their obildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic and is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. HASSON STARK. AT THE OLD DEPOT HOTEL FACTOR YV1LLE, la prepared to receive summer boarders and furnish rigs for tourists to surrounding towns and summer resorts. CTJRKS m Constipation. CURES ' Constipation. CURES Constipation. I write that yon may know the good I have received from B. H. B. I was 11 out of health and snfforing with con stipation and biliousness. 1 tried other medicines, but they failed to do any good. At last I bought a bottle of B. B. B. and before I had used it all I went to work aa well as ever. Glis Nklbon, Box &Vrvlntuo,Warrnoo.Pe Acts On the Bowels. E. s Sons' Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100.000 Bblt Per Annum. Eidomib by thi HioHrrr Mibical Airmorrit .lnUi-miiii 1 & . . w . HEADACHES 1NI7ALFR will cure you. A wonderful boon to suffenen frum Cold, CkireTbroal, orllAY FEVIIt. Afonit immediate rtliit. Ancflidi nt rcmeily. convenient to carry 10 pocket, ready to tise on flrft iDdieaiion of cold. Continued l"e KTeeta FeraMicnt Cure. BfltisfACLlonsnarKnteedormoneT refnndfrt. AO rt: Trial free at Unntglsts. Keslstered mail, COcenM. LII,COSaMll,atr.,rkntajnn,aici.,D.S.t. CTTSHMAWB MFHTHfll Thu "urert and safest remedy for IIL.ni nUL. all nliln UHeaaes.Kciema.licli.Salt BheumjiM Sorea, liurns, Cut. Wonderful rem edy for PILES). Price, E5 eta. at Draij- n a I a glata or by mall prepaid. AdilrenaanabuTe. PHLit. For sale by Matthews Bros, and John II. l'helpa. mtC CANNOT SEE HOW V00 DO ttirC IT AND PAY FREIGHT. A Ban oar 1 elratrer walnat or otk tm Anal UrJjaisxl. nkktl DUUd.ftdftnUd lo Uahl ittid htirj work; fruarantetd for 10 ieiri( wltti ADiuiMue bod ui b vTitwer, w iMmriBauig tyiiaV der ShillU,Hlf.Httisi Wrdlnd couipkl .t of HtellitMhmitittblpMd aoy wbartoa TI.OOODfiWfB 80 Dny'l TrUL. N o mootr reiruirtd In dvioct , . World's Ftir McdftlawardedirtateblDa ftndaltach- menu. Hut from f tciory tod uti dlrl tod agtni'l profits, rDFP l'" ThUfat tud wad to-(Uv for mac bin or larrt fre W (it t ftUloRTit.ttaltmonUliirrlijillBopMlof Ih World'i FaJr OXFORD UF6. CO.8iiWttatltArs.CHiCA0OlILL, Ladies Who Value A refined complexion mnstnse Pozzoni's Pow-I der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin. lob Work . I NEAT TASTY OATOHT The Scrtnton Tribune Job Dept mm Robinson 9Gm 700-HSLE SEA TRIPS By the Beautiful New Steamships of the Old Dominion Line TO - OLD POINT COMFORT CHYGEIA HOTEL), OR VIRGINIA BEACH (PKINCESS ANNE HOTEL), AND RETURN Mo9t Delightful Resorts on the Atlantic Coast for AUTUMN OUTINGS " FOR $ 10" Old Point Comfort Q Virginia Beach - - A day and a quarter at either hotel. INCLUDING , EVERY EXPENSE of meals and berths en route, a day and a quarter's board at either hotel. This trip is an ideal one, as the course skirts the coast, with lit tle likelihood of seasickness, and passes in review many watering places and points of interest. For printed matter and full particu lars address OLD DOMINION S. S. COMPANY W. L GUILIAUDEU, Trafflo Manager. MOOD AjOsiAiannooa, Niutttiy In (iiRratlTAnivanB of excessive use of tobacco, aumptionur insanity. by mall prepaid. With MfV.nH bEFOREANDFTER USING. nootliur. Addrow NSKVC a)EEu'co Masonle Tumule, CHICAGO. liJ. For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drugpist, on. Washington md Suruca streets. S, Iheinwitreinedy ; Mm younreuTit Blii'OHJJ ABD AlTKH UUUItt. ant4-o to cure or For Sale by O. M. HARKI8, UraKclst, Hw iliacflVArv. aOallANiSKtoCora J InroluoUry Bmlmtont fiafuaand Alict Uuiia. "IP" unaouy, 1 PBAI. MEbll'lllli OO.. foraal fey JOHN H PHELPS, Spvuc Street, Scranton, Pa. ' ' Nail!' :?.- ,tv COMPLEXION BLEMISHES Hay be hidden imperfectly by cosmetks and powdara, but cau only be rumored permad neatly by Hetssl's Superior Face Eleacb It will positively remove Fracklea, Tan; Moth, salloivpm, and carny dleeaaee ol the akin, such as Plmplea, Acne, Blaeki lie da, uUlueaa and renders tho-kin soft ami beaut if uL Price SI per bottle. For sale at 7 E. M. HETSEL 830 Lac a. Ave,,3craBtona,a, . Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & GONNELL CO. DRim SHOB CO., Incn. Capital, MM,000. BUST S1.60 SHOB M THE WORLD. "A dollar tatti it a dollar iamtl." ThlaT.adles'Sollil French DooRola Kid But ton Boot delivered free aayvhore In the D-S..OQ raoeipt oruaen, uoaayuraer, or Poaul Note for $1.54. Equala every way the boot old la all retail stores for tLHO. We make this boot ODraotres, therefore we guar ante the fit. tluU and vmr. and If any ooo fa Dot aattafled we win reiuna ue money or loud anollior pair. Opera ioe or uommoa rente, wictna c, V, B, aa, lea 1 to 8 and naif iliea. SndvourtUt: vui Jtl you. Iiluatrnted Cata logue FREE Dexter Shoe WSSSMk daedal Itrmt to jMater: Hold Waverly European Plan. Firat-olau Bar attached. Depot for Eergaer It Bagel's Tannhesuaer Beer. il Cor. ISth and Filbert Sts,, Philadia Vott deeirahle for residents of N.E. Penn tylvauia. All aocTenlences for travelers to and from Broad Btreot station and the Twelfth and Market Street station. 1 air able for Tiriting Scran to nlana asil pec (le in the Anthracite Kegton. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. - $16.00 $17.00 Pier 26, North River, New York. RESTORED! iS NERVE SEEDS, iferfal wtd, fa iar all amadU Seeds aDd ik is avw m i H I ?a K tJ Pt s 1 vl.il.tfv . $17 aaea,siich as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Ilendacbe, Waketulnfis. Kbissiooa, NerToainea,aliarainaanaiosROi powar either MimiiMrfhrovurHiiirUnn. onlh fill error. opium or stimulants, which load to Infirmity, Cott- Lan oecameaia vesipocaei. aiprwi,an""i a HA order we trWe a wrtttrn araawauitee to core rirnnlmvtrt U..IA V, w 1) tn, ,..,.,. A k f OF It. take RESTORED MANHOOD DR. Mom NEBTEBHIl Pll I ft fornerrons prostration and ollnervousdlaeases of unnnsui eitner sex. sucn as Aervoua rrostratlon, fall- V." . " impotency, nignuy Emissions, Youtnrul jcrrors, Mental Worry.exoesatveuHeof Tobaoro or nniiim. which ImiI tnrnn. Bumptlon and InsnnltT. With Hfrv aus txrAu Htn ...h refund tbemonoT. Hold at N1.0O per box. 6 boxes 11 feun Aranue. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will tiFM .k. n.u my aJ .tiv wiiimte HMTouiDrblllty, LoaaofBaxaal Powar in atthai . from any cams. If Dtgltclod, inch Ironbles lead I n.iiiper (wi sy soail, e boxi-i for $5. wits omit' tleTsland.Oliio. t Pharmaoiat, cor. Wyoming Avnu and BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I'llTSKlANH ANOkUUGKUNS, DR. Q. EDQAK DEAN has removed to 616 Spruce street, Scranton, JftL (Just op posite court-bouse Square.) DK. A. J. CUN NELL, Office SU1 Washington avenue, corner Sprue street, over I'raucke s drug store. Residence, 723 Viue st. Office hours: 10.80 to 12 a. m. and to 1 and 6.a0to7.30p. Sunday, o 8 p.m. IR. W. K. ALLEN, Office cor. Laok U wanna and Waaliinirton aves. i over Leon ard shoe store; oflice hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and Sto 4 p. in.; evenings at residence, GUN. Washington ava. DK. a L FREY, Practice limited to Dis eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, Hi Wyoming avo. Residence, (tit Vine street. lR. L M. GATES. 125 Washington Avenue. xJ Office hours, to It a.m., 1.30 to S and T tt) 8 p.m. Residence 9119 Madison avenue IOHN L. WENTZ, M. D., Offices 62 and M w Commonwealth building; residence 711 Madisonave; office hours, 10 to 12, 2 to i, 7 t 8; Sundays 2.30 to 4. evening at realdence. A specialty made of dUeases ot the eye, ear, nose and throat and gynecology. D R.KAY, 206 PennAve. ; 1 to 3 p.ra ; call 2062. Dis.of women, obstetric-s and dis. of chil. LAWYERS. JM. a RANCK'8 Law and Collection of. nee. No. 817 Bprnce it, opposite Forest House. Bcranton, Pa,; collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond' ents In every county. JESSUPU it HAJMD, Attorneys and Counsel lors at Law. Commonwealth building, Washington ava W. H. Jebaup, Horace E. Hano, W. H. Jessup, Jb. W1LLARD WARREN A KNAPP, Attor neys and Counselors at Law, Republican building, Washington ave.. Bcranton, Pa. PATTERSON St WILCOX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law; offices 6 and a Library building, Scranton, Pa KOSWKLti H. PATTITWO William A. Wilcox. ALFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. vv, F. BOYLE, Attorney-at-Law,Nos.l9 and 20, Burr building, Washington avenuo. H ENRY M. 8EELY-Lhw offices in Price building, 126 Washington avenue. I' RANK T. OKELL, Attorney at Iw. Room 6. Coal Exchange. Scranton. Pa. MILTON W. LOW RY, I Att'ya, 227 Washing C. U. VON 8TORCH, ( ton av.. C. H. square. TAMES W. OAKFORD, Attorney at L,' 0 rooms 63, 64 and 60, Commonwealth b'l'g. CAMUEL W. EDO A It, Attornoy at Law. O Office, 817 Spruce St., Bcranton. Pa. r A. WATRES, Attorney at Law. 421 I J. Lackawanna auo.. Bcranton, Pa. I P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. Office, . rooms 54, 55, 56 Commonwealth building. c 1 R. PITCHER. Attorney at Law. Com- . monwealth building, Scranton, Pa. C. COMEOYS. 321 Spruce st. D B. REPLOULE, Attornoy Loans noeo- tiated on real estate security. 408 Spruce. F. KILLAM, Attorney at-Law, 12U Wy oming avenno. Soranton. SCHOOLS. SCHOOL O' THE LACKAWANNA, Bcran ton. Pa., preparee boys and girls for oollege or business: thoroughly trains voung children. Catalogue at req,ueut. Opens September 10. Rev. Thomas m. cam Walter H. Buei.l. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupils received at all times. Next term will open September 10. DhNTIHTS. p C. LATJBACH, burgeon Doutist, No, llj 1 Wyoming ave. R. M. KTRATTON. offl Coal Exrhanifo. - I.OANB. fpHE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso A. ciation will loan you money on eattior terms and pay you bettor on investment than any other association. Call on 8. JS. CALLEN DFR. Dime Rank bnilillnir SEKDS. GR. CLARK & CO., Seedsmen, Florists and Nurserymen; store 146 Washington avenue; green house, 1360 North Main avenue; store telephone 782. TEAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO., Jones Broa WIRE SCREENS. OS. KUETTEL, 61S Lackawnnna avonua, Scranton, Pa., manuf'r of Wire Screens. HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS, THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin ave nue. Rates reasonable. P. Zi eoi.hr. Proprietor. ESl'allNbTER HOTEL. W. O. SCHENCTf. Himw Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. Amerlran plan, fSbU per day and upward. SCRANTON HOUSE near D lT AW.pai7 aenger depot Conducted on the European plan. Vlfron Koor. Proprietor. ARCHITECTS. I) AVIS HOUPT, Architects. Rooms 21. go ana ao lommonweaun n hi b. Bcranton. tfi L.WALTER, Architoct. Office, rear of J, 606 Washington avenue. ? L. BROWN. Arch R Architect, Price building, 126 W ashington Ave, Scranton. MISCELLANEOUS. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR balls, plcnlos, parties, receptions, wed dings and eoncert work fnrnlshed. For terms addreta K. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave., over Hulbert's nmsic store. H ORTON U SWARTS- WHOLESALB lumber, Price buildln Scranton, Pa. MC.GAROEE BROTHERS, PRINTEH3' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Bcranton. Pa. II uRSlitt AND CAKRIAUliS FOlt SALE at ICJd Capousa avenue D. L.FOOTE, Agents "LMtANK P. BROWN ft CO., WHOLE J? sale dealers in Woodware, Cordage aud Oli Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. W.L Douglas C'S CSUfC' 18 THE BEST. Qlj O livb no eaucAKiNa 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH. ENAMEHED CALF. 4-.5?2 FlNECAlf &KAN6AR01 ' &U POLICED Sous. EXTRA FINE. 2.1. Boys'SchoolShqesl LADIES h SEND FOR CATALOGUE BROCKTON Mat Von can save money by purchaalug W. L. Douglas rihecs. Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, snd guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices snd the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by E. J. LEONARD. Compleiion FrGsorvcd DR. HEBRA'S VIOLAiCREJl Bomovps Freckles, Pimples. Liver Moles, Blackheads! Sunburn and Ten, and re. stores the skin to its origi nal uesnness, proauwng i clear aud healthy eom-S?fo XjwKpi reparations and perfectly hamleM. At all rugs lets, or mailod lor SOvia, 8eud lor Clroular, VIOLA SKIN SOAP to Haply lawapanbM si a kla purtljini HMD, aoniaMI ft tlx Wet and vttkoiit a hill br Utt nuneiy. AbMlulclr pan and AaUoaMly awdi aus. Aidnniitt, Price 25 Ceirts. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, a For sal by Matthsw Bros, and Jofata n 111. . CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGH A (10 SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal need exolusively, Insuring cloanliueas and comfort. TIMS TABLE Ilf IITECT MATO, 1HW. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes. Barre, etc., at S.'M. V.1&, 11.30 a. m., 12.50, 2.00. &a0, 6.01V T.i", 11.05 p. m. Sundays, 8.00 a. m. 1.00, S.1.5, r.10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 8.H0 a. m. For New York, Newark and Eliwiboth, 8.39 (express) a. m 12.90 (expross with Buffet parlor car), 8.30 (express) p. m. Sunday, tl5 p. m. For MAucr Chunk, Allkntowh, Betbli hkm, Eahtor and Philadelphia, B;3J a. m.. lifiO ,130, 6.U0 (exoept Philadelphia) p. m, Sunday, 2.15 p. m. . For Lono Biiasch, Ocean Grove, etc, at 8.MJ a. m., 12.50 p. m. . For Reading, Lebanon and Harrlsbnrg, via Allentown, (j.ao a. m., 12.50, 5.00, p.m. Bunday, 2.1ft p. m. For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m. Returning leave New York, foot of Liberty 1 in6!0 river' at. 410 (express) a. m., L10, 1.30, 4.J0 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, la) a. m. HhiUdelphim, Reading Terminal, 8.W a. m., 2.00 and 4.AI p. m. Sunday, 6 27 a. m. lhrough tickets to all poinU at lowest rates may be had on application in advance to the ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, J. H. CtHAUSEN. "- Agent, (Jen. Supt. ?awsjuti 1 nil IWali UAV 18 UU Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. & H. R R. at 7.45 a.m.. U.0A W and 11.86 p. m. via D , L. & W. R. R., 6.01 106,U.Ia,m.,and l.aO p. m. ' Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wllkes Barre via D.. L 4 W. R. B e.00, &08, U.a) a. m , 1.80, ast). 6.07. B.SOp. m. Leave Scranton for Whito Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottevilla branches, via E. & W. V., 6 40 a.m., via D. SEE R, at 7.45a.m., 12.05. na, MS p,?.,TimD- h- W' Rl -00' ll.Aia.m., 1.30, 3.50 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate BoinU via D.& H.R.R. 7.45 a.m.,12,05, 8.83, 11.68 b-m.,vla O., L. & W. R. B.6.00,8.08, IL a. m, L61I p.m. Loave Scranton for Tunkbannock, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all ratermedlita points via D. St H. R.R..8.45 am., 12 05 and lUb p. m,, via D.U4W. R. B 8.06 am,L30 p. m. Leave Scranton tor Rochester, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D. Ss H. B. R H.45 a-m., p. m , vU D. L. W. R. a and Pittston lunetbra, 8.06 am., 8.50 p. m., via E. W. R.R., 8.41 n. m. Tor Elmlra and the west via Balamaoov. via D. A H. R. R. 8.4., a.m., 1496,6.06 p. m.. via D. LAW. R.R., ,8.08 a.m., L 80 and 4.07 p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. St B. Junction or Wilkes-Rarre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge. HOLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt CHA8. S, LEE. Gen. Paas. Ag't, PhiU .P. A W.NONNEMACHER.Aaa't Qea.Pasa. Ag't, South Bethlehem, Pa. DELAWARE AJJD HTTD. - SON RAILROAD. Commencing Vanday,July 30, all trains will arrive and uepwi irom tne new Lack awanna avenue station as itollows: ' Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondale and intermediate points at r " 2.20. 5.45, 7.O0, 8 26 and 10.10 a.m., 1I.W, -A2U, a w, 0.10, 0,10, ijo, 9,io and 11.20 p.m. For Farview, Waymart and Hones dale at TOO. 8.25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00,2.20 aud 6.15 pm. For Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondacksand Montreal at 5.45 a m. and 2,20 p.m. For Wilkes-Rarre and intermediate points at 7.45, 8.45. 9 38 and 1045 in. 12.05, L2a 2.38, too. 5.10, 6.05, 9.15 and 11.88 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton Station from Carbondale aud intermediate points at 7 40, 1.40, 8.34 and 10.40 a.m.. 12(0. 1.17, 2.34, 3.40, 4.64, 5.65,7.45, 9.11 and 11.33 p-m. From Honesdale. Waymart and Farview at 1.34 a.m.., 12,00, L17, 3.40, 5.55 and 7.45 p.m, From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 154 and 1133 p.m. From v ilkes-Barre and Intermediate points st J 15, 8.01, Laos and 11 65 a.m 1 IS, 2,14. 3.J9, .10, 6.08, 7.20, 8.03 and IL 18 p.m. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and an points East 1.40, 2.60, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.6o a. m.; 12 65 and 8.50 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 9.65 a. m.; Uat and 3.50 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p. m, Tobyhanna accommodation, 8.10 p. m. Eipr.as for Blnghamton, Oswego, Elmlra, Coming, Bath, Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 216 a. m. aod 1.24 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points m tha West, Northwest and Southwest Bath accommodation, la m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Mcuolaon accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 6,10 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, 605 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, tjtica and RichSeld Springs, 2.15 a. m. and LM p. m. Ithaca, 2.16 and Bath 9 a m. and 134 p. ra. For Northumberland.Pittaton, Wilkes-Barrs, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for William port Harrisburg, Baltimorsv Waatr ingtoo and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate stations, 6 00. 9.55 a in, and I SO and 6.07 p. m. Nanticoae ana intermediate stations, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and intermediate stations, SAOand S.bl p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. . . . , For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offloa, 828 Lackawannaavenue. or depot ticket oilloa. ERIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL HOAX) Trains leave Scranton for New York and In termediate points on the Erie railroad at 0 O a. m. and 8.24 p. in. Also for Honesdale. Hawley and local points at 36. a. m.. and 8' All the above are through trains to and ftum Honradale. . An additional train leaves Borsnton for Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from the Lake st 8 26 a m. and 7.45 1 p.m. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barrs at 8.40 a. m. and 8.41 p. nt, 8CRAMTON M1TI8ION. la Elfeet June 84th, 1804. North Bound. WouMi Bound, 203 203 201 208,804 806 Stations (Trains Dally, atJ Ij"2 fejl I cept Sunday.) P g gff Arrive Leavei Ml N. Y. Franklin st. T 40 7 85 810 West 42nd street weehawken Arrive LeaveiA ST Ml 8 20i 1 151 UuncocK JuncUun 6 001 816, 8 101 1 00 Hancock Starlight Preston Park Como Poyntelle Belmont Pleanaut nit, I'nlondale ' Korset city Carbondale ' White Bridge Muylleld Jermyn Archibald Wlnton PeckvlUe Olyphant Dickson Throop Providence Park Place scranton 21 7M 12 56 , 12 4M . 61H 625 8 39 64ii 845 6 56 2 22 7 61 7 4f. 2 31 12 40 A 241P M 7S8 12 251 IOIOi 2 5 4 50 T 12 181 10 01 2 68! 8 08 4 59 7 218 08j 605 60S 618 6 84 53; TIB 7W fl6f: 9 48 Ire 6W 8 o9 II 4W N 7 118 8 19 661 1181 915 rv4i 8S4l 64t4tlia0 Old (9 01 7 27f8 881 f6 43l fi 82,13 48 (6 42 6 41 1I23 9 01 7 Bl S SO 74rt 8 61 74S 864 64S 661 6 61 6 6 604 607 610 614 818 820 11 18' 8 6; 8.12 MllSi 854 29 8 26 60 7 49 W 11 071 II 051 8 44 7 521 4 04 754 40? 7 581 4 10 8 00) 4 14 8 Df4 17 8 0S 420 6 21 8 41 19 614 ft 18 10 11 03 11 IMl 8 39 8 38 1 1057, 8 Ml r m 'a ma m Leave Arrive! l Mr P M AU trains run dally except 6unday. t slgnllles that trains stop ou signal tor pia. nfc6rs. ... Seoure rates via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets and save money. Day and Wlbjjt Express to the West. J. C. Anderson, Gen. Pass Agt T. Flltcroft, Dlv. Pass, Agt. Scranton, Pa. WC CAN OIVI VOU SATISFACTION Work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. h l""yflHaW LH'i 11. ..,..IIVI...J .... rio .... .... 7 00 .... P MIP Ml I itwl Come and see us about the Tab AMUSEMENTS. -THE FItOTBINGHAM Monday Evening. Sept. 24. I'AIIE WEIjL TOUR. The Celebrated Tragedians. FREDERICK LOUIS In a Suprb Scenic Production of Shukespeare's Tragedy, Julius Caesar Mr, James, as Brutus. Sir. Warde, as Casiu Mr. Lindsley, as Marc Antony, Wr. Walker, as Julius Caesar. Miss Chtpman, aa Calperuia. ' Miss Everett, as Portia. Special Scenery. Orand Prodnctlon. Special Costumes. THE FOREM08T COMPANY IN AMERICA Sale of seats and boxes commences Friday, Sept. 21, at the Frothlngham box office, at the following prices: 11.50, (1, 75c, and 50c. THE FROTIIINGHAM THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 87, ONE NIGHT ONLY. THE LONDON SFORTS BIG BURLESQUE CO, 30-PECPLE-30 I6-C0MEDIAHS-I6 w- DANCISCi LADIES. if any brilliant stage beauties. New acts. New songs. New costumeB. A strictly "up to-date performance. Box offlee open for sale ot seats Tuesday. Regular prices of the house. ' ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ONE NIQBT ONLY. MONDAY, SEPT. 24. A NOTABLE SOCIAL EVENT. The Distinguished and Brilliant Artiste, Miss Marie Wainwriglt in an Original Four-act Drama, DAUGHTERS OF EVE Presented by Her Superb Company. EanoV somely Costumed and Exquisitely Mounted. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES: 25,50,75,$! Sale of seats Friday, Sept. 2L at9-a.m. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. ON'E NIGHT. 1 TUESDAY, SEPT. 25. "YOUR OLD-TIME FRIEND," BARNEY FERGUSON Tbis time In the BRAND NEW VAUDEVILLE KARCE, DUFFY'S BLUNDERS AN ALL-STAR CAST. STUNNING SPECIALTIES. SPLENDID SCENIC EFFECTS, .tncluding-TUK HOOK UAUJUKN, New York's latest soinmer erase. The entire firoduction nnder the maaanent of I. Wee ey Rosenqueet, manager of the Bijou and' Fourteenth Street theaters, New York City. Sale of seats opens Saturday at the box office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2ft, ALL PLAYERS OP ARTISTIC MERIT. PAULINE Pauline Hall Jeanoette St. Henry Kate Davis J AJdrtoh Llbbey William Brodericfc Charles Bradahaw H. Downing Clark Chas. Movers HALL OPERA COMPANY Kate Tray er and others. Presenting for the first time here the new1 Operatic Comedy, nnP P A Q By Harry PauLton, author of UJB,jJa iEminie."and Ed, Paulton. Elaborate Costumes, Bceaeryand Accessories. Prioes First Boor, 91 and 75c; Balcony, Too. and 50c. i Gallery, 25c Sale of seats opens at the box office at B a.m. Monday, Sept 'U. ACADEMY OF MUSIC ONE NIGHT ONLY. ' THURSDAY, SEPT. 27. The Great Racing Drama, The Great Brooklyn Handicap STRONG CAST. Thoroughbred Race Horses and Lady Bicycla Riders. A REPRODUCTION OF THE GREAT BROOKLYN HANDICAP. THE GKKAT RACE TRACK. Showing the Judges, Grand Stand and Mul titudes of People. THE RACE TO THE FINISH, One of the most realistic and exciting scenes ever witnessed on any stage. . Sale of seats opens at the bos offloa Tues day, Sept. iia, at 8 a.m. Davis' Theater. WONDERLAND. Week Commencing Monday, SEPT. 17a Every afternoon and evening. THE FAMOUS WATSON SISTERS' Extravaganza and Novelty Co, ISeaded by the Peerless Lyrlo Artist, IDA SIDDONS Bright, Breezy, Buoyant. Better Thau the Best Yet. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two Performances Dally at 3130 and MS pjn CHAMPION PIGEON SHOOT WILL TAKE PLACE AT Scranton Base Ball Park FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, AT 9 A.M. There was neror a shoot of this kind in Lai-ka wanna county, why not turn out bring your friends even if yon do not shoot. Tell your friends abont it. The winner of a medal becomes the absolute owner. The following are the prizes: First prize, presented by Green Ridge Qun club, $75 gold msjdal. Second Prize, presented by Green Bldge Gun club, $60 bammerleas gun. Third prize, presented by Lumber dealer of Scranton, $45 gold stop wsteh. Fourth prize, presented by George W- Sella ger, hand some gun caaa. Flith prize, presented by E, R, Parker, split1 bamboo Ashing rod. Sixth prize, presented by A. W. Jurish, Remington rifle, Seventh prize, Presented by George W. Fel ton. hunting coat, Eighth prize, presented by Alex Dunn, r sportman a umbrella. The rules are 21 yards rise, use of one bar rel only and only iU ounce shot allowed, u ha boundary will be the fence which encloses the grounds. Each shooter will shoot at 25 live pigeons. All ties to be shot off at five birds each. An admission of a cents will be charg ed, grand stand frae. The public is cardlaly Invited. . . There is at the present time 26 entries and they are the crack wing shots of north east ern Pennsylvania. We expect to have at least 40 entries which will take over 1,0 m pigeons to deoide the contest. Ws i bays re ceived s number of entries from Wilkes-Barra and Luzerne county. There will be no selling out In this match, avery shooter will shoot the shoot of his life. , . There has been nothing In years that has at tracted such attention as our coming shoot. Take Providence or PeokvlUa oar from Bcranton to ball park. All entries will close Sept. 22. Address all letters to GREEN RIDGE GUN CLUB, pox tee, SCRANTON, PA. ' HE