The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 22, 1894, Page 9, Image 9

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Next Thnriday the Woman's For
eign Missionary society 'ot the Wyom
ing dlstnot of the Methodist Eplseopai
church will hold its annual meeting
in the Asbary Methodist Episcopal
church. There will be two sessions,
at 10 a. a. and 3 v. m. Mrs. W. W.
Ires and Rer. A. F. Cliaffae will Rive
the address of welcome. Mrs. J. B.
Suramer and Mrs. Q. C. Lyman will
respond. The reports of the secretaries
and treasurer will be followed by the
address of the president, Mrs. M. S.
Hard. The morning session will close
by an address by Mrs. W II. Pesroe
on "A Visit to Miss Hall's School in
In the afternoon session a paper will
be read by Mrs. F. H. Parsons on "Do
I Help or Hinder"; Mrs. B. Jsyue will
sing a solo; Mrs. G VV. Green will
speak of "Mission Work In Japau;"
Miss Lizzie Raub will spoak on "Our
School at Lneknow." The ladies of
the Asbury church auxiliary will fur
nish luncheon and serve it in the Sun
day school room. These ladies will
rIho meet the 10.15 a. m. cars at Green
Ridge depot and eseort the delegates to
the chnrob.
Frederick Sobievera has done some
food work on the West Side this week.
Considering the inclement weather,
the attendance has been remarkable
and the people regret his doparture to
the central part of the city.
Mr. Schievera is prepossessing, has a
pleasing address, a beaming counte
nance, a heart fnll of sympathy for
humanity. He is a flnentspeHker.makes
good use of an illustration, feels deeply
every touching scene he portrays and
vividly pictures it to the audience.
He is an enthusiast, never shoots over
the beads of his audience, has consid
erable mother wit aud his warm benrt
edness makes him a friend nnd a
brother to all he reaches.
Fred Sebievera before the year 1870
aspired to the stage, and was employed
in a variety show. That winter he at i
tended the Moody meetings in Brook
lyn and was converted. He instantly
obanged his life and before long be
gan to preach the Gospel in the high
ways, where Evangelist Pentecost, of
New York city, saw him, and called
him to conduct one ot bis missions.
From this work D. L. Moody called
bitn to condaet meetings in bis tent in
Chicago, and never has Mr. Moody
seen a worker more successful in reach
ing the masses. He has been in the
work now seventeen years, and the
success that has crowned bis labors in
this valley ia a veritable type of the
work done by him all over the Unitod
States and Canada. After another two
weeks' work in onr city be will leave
for Montreal with the confident expec
tation that he will again find his wuy
to preaoh to the thousands of our val
The good of conventions has gener
ally felt in increased inspiration and
consecration among the members of
tbe church where they are held. These
blessings do not generally radiate
throughout the societies that form the
association. Tbey seem to die away
before tbe member at a distance is
touched, while the local church is gen
1 erally revived. The faet has been ob
served by some of the Sunday school
workers of tbe Green Ridge Biptist
churob, and tbey are about to try a
scheme that is calculated to inspire the
individual worker in tbeir society. On
tbe last Sunday in September tbey will
dispense with the regular lesson and
hold a convention, when various phases
of the Sunday school work will be de
bated. This will give each teacher
nnd scholar a clear idea of the wor k
that is expected of them, and they, it
is hoped, will be filled with greater
Esal to perform tbe tame.
Tbe Penn Avenue Baptist chnrch it a
joyf nl mother of children. This week
she gave her benediction to ber fourth
daughter, the Danmore Baptist chnrch,
which is now an independent organiza
tion, having reached its majority un
der tbe fostering care of a tender
mother. Fifty-fonr letters were granted
to members who, in future, will wor
ship in Danmore and be recognized as
the Baptist ehnroh of that place. Rev.
A. B. O'Neil is pastor.
About a year ago Penn Avenue
church granted seventy letters to the
band that organized the Green Ridge
Baptist chnrch, so that within one year
124 letters have been issned. Before
these churches were planted, two others
in the city had gone forth, viz , the
North Main Avenue Baptist church
and the Hickory Street Baptist ehurch.
Thit is a praiseworthy record and it a
living witness of the home missionary
spirit cf the Penn Avenue Baptist
Rev. J. J. Jenkins, of Parsons, has re
signed. He will close his ministry In Oc
tober ana will return to Ohio.
Rev. H. H. Harris, of Taylor, has re
signed and will return to Wales. He ex
pects to leave on Oct. 24 and will reside at
Penartb, a beautiful summer resort on the
seashore. Mr. Harris has been pastor of
the Calvary Baptist church of Taylor for
three years and has done good work. It is
one of the several Cambro-Amencan
chnrcbes that have been organized in the
valley of late years. The nucleus of this
organization was composed of a band of
young people who left the Welsh Baptist
chnrch of their town. When Mr. Harris
took charge there were fifty -nine members
enrolled, today tney are about 200 commu
nicants. Three years ago they vronV ped
in a hall, today they have a 17,000 ,:dce.
and tbe standing indebtedness ib only
fa, 500. The people are very loath to let
their pastor go, but the health ot bis wife
is such as necessitates a change.
j The Epworth league of the Elm Park
church will bold Its regular monthly liter
ary meeting next Thursday e von ing.
Tbe Sunday school at Dutoh Gap will be
held tomorrow afternoon. Special cir
cumstances necessitated closing the hall
last Sabbath. -
The Epworth league, of the Providence
M. E. chnrch, will hold an entertainment
and social next Thursday evening in the
parlors ot the church.
The Junior Christian Endeavor society
of the North Main Avenue Baptist church,
which was organized some time ego, is
flourishing and doing very good work.
The self-denial committee of the Green
Ridge Primitive Methodist church will
hold an entertainment and social next
Thursday evening. Tbe chair will , be oc
cupied by Mrs. Annie Wells.
The Sunday school of the North Main
Avenue Baptist church, will donate the
collection taken on the second Sunday of
each month to missionary purposes. This
will teach the young people cystematio
Last Thursday evening, the cabinet and
the several committees of the Elm Park
Epworth league met, end planned work
for the winter campaign, which, judging
from the Interest mauifested, will be a
very active one.
To-morrow will be Harvest Home day
In the Holy Trinity Lutheran church.
Rev. E. L. Miller will preach a sermon on
tliis subject in the morniug, and in the
evening the childron of the Sunday school
will reudor a litorarv and mimical pro
gramme, suitable for the occasion.
The St. David's Sunday school will pio
nio today in Laurel Hill park. Two street
cars will leave the foot of Jackson street
ut 8.30 r. m. to take the children to the
park. The cars will again leave the park
at 0 p. m. All the me tubers of the school,
togutUor with the parents, are mvited.
The Rt. Rev. N. 8. Rulieon, D. D., assist
ant bishop of control Peunsylvanio, will
hold confirmation servicos at Tuuk ban
nock aud Hamilton, during the first weok
of October.
Rev. William Coney, formerly of this
city, now locatod ut Tuukhannock,
stopped over with his friends in the city
on his way to Hamilton where he prosched
ast Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Wood, rector of the Episcopal
church of Lock Haven and archdeacon of
Williamsport, has recoived a call from the
St. John's chnrch, ot York, this state,
which he will probably accept.
The Lackawanna Presbytery will meet
Monday evening at Wilkos-Burre, in the
Memorial church, of which Rev. Thornton
A. Mills is pastor. Rov. George O. Smith,
of Bald Mount, the retiring moderator,
will deliver tho Introductory sermon.
Tuosday evening will be given to mission
ary work, nnd Wednesday evening will be
devoted to the Christian Endeavor move
ment. The morning and afternoon services
of Tuesday aud Wednesday, will be de
voted to business.
Tho Baptist Ministerial conference,
which formally reBumed its sessions with
an excellent banquet last Mouday at Key
stone Academy, will hold its regular
weekly meetings in the parlors or the Penn
Aveuuo Baptist church next Monday. A
full programme is prepared, which will
consist of an address by Rev. P. J. Will
iams, of Peckvillo. on "The Relation Sub
sisting Between Keystone Academy and
the Baptists of .northeastern 1 Pennsylva
nia," to be followed by "Vacation Remi
niscences'" BRIEF JOTTINGS'
Rev. R. S. Jones, D. D., of Providence,
leaves today for Plymouth, where he will
officiate tomorrow.
Nicholas Stahl, son of Rev. N. F. Stahl,
of Green Ridge, has returned to his stud
ies at Princeton, last Wednesday.
Rev. D. M. Kinter, of Providence, went
to Wilkes-Barro Thursday, preached that
evening at tho Rescue Mission station, aud
buptized some converts.
During the early part of October the
archdeaconry of Scrauton will bold its
fall session in St. Paul's church, Montrose,
of which Rev. E. A. Warrinor is rector.
A Prohibtion meeting will be hold Mon
day evening on the corner of Dickson ave
nue and Green Ridge street, when Charles
uawiey and Rev. U. L. Alaice will deliver
Next Tuesday evening the Men's league
of the Penn Avenue Baptist church will
meet and organize for the coming winter.
The league will be addressed by Andrew
D. Warman.
The Ladies' Aid society, of tho Prnvl.
dence M. E. church, will give a public en
tertainment on Oct. 2, next, when Ralph
and Ruth Bingham will render a musical
and literary programme
A number of new scholars have been ad
rairted into the St. David's kindergarten,
and the school is in a prosperous condi
tion. Many people are constantly visiting
the school to see the work, and those who
do not know anything of tbe school will
be interested if tbey step in and see it.
Rev. N. F. Stahl, of the Green Ridgo
Presbyterian church, will preach a tem
perance sermon tomorrow morning. In
the evening Rev. A F. Chnffoe will preach
a sermon on the same subject in the As
bury Methodist Episcopal church. Both
sermons are preached at the request of
the Women's Christian Temperance union,
of Green Ridgo, who will attend the ser
vices in a body.
All Souls' Chuhch Pine street near
Adams avenue, Rev. F. E. Adams will
preach tomorrow in exchange with the
pastor. Rev. G. W. Powell, at 10.30 a. m.
Theme, "Tbe Unity of tho Human Race,"
and at 7.80 p. m. on the "The Religion
of tho Future." All welcome.
Penn Avksce Baptist Chchch The
pastor, Rev. Worren U. Partridge will
preach at 10.30 a, m., and 7.80 p. m.
All are welcome.
The Second Presbyterian Ciiuncn
Rev. Charles E. Robinson, D. D., pastor.
Services at 10.30 a, in.: Sunday school at 12
ro, ; Christian Endeavor prayer meeting at
fi.30 p. m. Tbe pastor will preach in the
morning on "Following Christ" In the
evening the congregation will unite with
the union goBpel tent service on Linden
street, Court House square, where Mr.
Schievera will preach aud Mr. Weeden
Simpson Methodist Episcopal CiiuHcn
Preaching morning and evening by the
pastor, Rov. Dr. L. C. Floyd. Seats free.
Trinity Evangelical Church Rev.
W. H. Whltmore will conduct divine ser
vices tomorrow, "Little England," in ab
sence of Rev. J. G. Whitmire, who is at
tending camp meeting at Zion's Grove, Pa.
Sermon at 10.30 a. m,; prayor sorvice,
11.45 a. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. ru.;
preaching, 7.45.
First Baptist Ciiuncn-Pastor Collins
will preach Sabbath at 10.3D a. m. and at
7.80 p. m. Morning theme, "The Elder
Brother." Evening theme, "Man's Part in
Salvation." Seats free, all welcome.
Howard Place African Methodist
Episcopal Church Rev. C A. McGee,
pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10.80
a. m. and 8 p. iu. Tbe annual sermon will
be preached to Lincoln lodge, No. 1,
Knights of the Black Cross. All are wel
come. Saint Luke's Church Rov. Rogers Is
rael rector. Eighteenth Sunday after Trin
ity. Holy communion, 8 a. m.; service and
sermon, 10.80 a. m.; Sunday school, 2.80
p. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7.80
p. tn.
Saint Luke's Mission. Dunmore Rov.
A L. Urban in charge. Sunday school, 8
p. m.; evening prayer ana sermon, 4 p. m,
Elm Park Methodist Episcopal
Church W. H. Pearce, pastor. Preach
ing at 10.30 a. m. and 7.80 p. m. Morning
subject, "A Transformed Character." In
the evening Mrs. Clara Hoffman will speak
on temperance. Subject, "Our Legacy for
the Future."
Oracb English Lutheran CnuncH
Rev.. Foster U. Gift, pastor Services on
Sunday at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation at 10.80 a. m. and at 7.80 p. m.
Everybody welcome.
Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal
UHURCH-Rev. A W. Cooper, pastor Ser
mon at 10.80 a. m. Theme, "Preparing
the Way of the Lord." Evening eermon
at 7.80 o'clockj Theme, "Salvation
Free" Sunday school at 2.00 p.m.; Ep
worth devotional service at 0.80 p. m.
Strangers welcome. Seats all free.
Grekn Ridge Prkrrtterian CHURcn
Union service at 10.80 a. m., Mr, Schie
vera, the noted evangelist, will preach,
Mr. Weedenwill sing. Tbe pastor will
preach on Temperance next Sabbath
morniug instead of this Sabbath. Evening
service at 7.30.
Church of Ciirist, Scientist Spencer
building. 610 Adam avenne. Bible lesson
at 10.80 a. in. aud church service at 7.80 p.
m. All are welcome.- Seats free.
the Winter.
The educational and industrial classes
of the Young Women's Christian asso
ciation of the central city, with tbe
gymnasium classes, will be opened the
first week in October. Instruction will
be given in weekly classes iti common
brunches reading, writing, spelling,
arithmetic and in rhetoric, physiology,
geography, physical geography, alge
bra, grammar, tewing, mending, but
ton-hole making, chart cutting and
millinery. The Chautauqua Circle will
resume its regular meetings next
month. A large number enjoyed the
study last year and many more can
find a place in the circle on applica
tion. Iustrnction in any of these lines
of study can be seanred by payment of
DO cents in addition to the yearly mem
bership dnes of $1. The Shakespeare,
art and German classes will be opened
later, but placet ia the olasses can be
secured now.
Vocal music and cooking classes will
be formed if sufficient numbeit make
application. Tbe gymnasium offers
extra inducements to the young women
this season. The price of tickets has
been lowered to to non-members and
$2 to members, entitling the bolder to
one lesson a week for seven months.
Mist L. Lois Shardlow, the efficient
director of last season will be in fnll
charge of the work thit year. The
work of tbe classes as demonstrated by
tbe exhibition brought only words of
praise and approbation from parents of
pupils and the pbysieians of onr city.
Clerks, dressmakers, teachers and stu
dents will find that one evening spent
every week in tbe gymnasium would
be of untold benefit. Morning classes
for housewives and afternoou classes
for Misses and Saturday classea for
children will afford all on opportunity
to take advantage ot thit rare chance
to gain and possess a strong physique.
Make application at once for all these
One of the many good features of the
Yonng Men's Christian association
evening school is its complete business
course in charge of Professor A F.
Tappen. Professor Tappen is an ex
perienced teacher of this department
and will this year be aided by a com
petent assistant.
An entire suite of three large rooms
will beset apart for the business course
and fonr recitations a week will be
given. This gives evening students
two nights a week for exercise in the
gymnasium, or any other desired oe
cpnation. The secretaries at the office
are busy enrolling new members and
getting ready for the big opening
reception on Thursday evening, Sept.
There is no institution outside of the
Young Men't Christian association
whleli conducts an evening school
which is at the same time thorough
and practical and yet almost a free
school. To the ordinary observer tho
nominal fee of $7 a year for the multi
form privileges offered seems a small
Never in this history of tbe South
Side Yonng Woman's Christian associa
tion hat itt outlook been brighter.
Doors of nsefnllnoss are open on all
sides. To understand the association
idea and its supreme aim, is to be in
deepest sympathy with it During
tbe extremely warm weather, tbe at
tendance has been marvellous, and the
good accomplished cannot be esti
mated. Tbe following is the course of study
adopted by the educational committee,
and is free to members. It may be
completed in one year by giving two
evenings a week, or in two years by
giving one evening each week.
Tuesday, arithmetic, review of frac
tions, woigbts nnd measA'es. percent
age, writing; Thnrsiay, reading and
spelling based on reading, elements of
grammar, common forms, letter writ
ing, etc. A higher English diploma
will be granted to those who complete
a course in higher arithmetic or alge
bra, history, rhetoric and writing.
Graduating exercises will close the
year, and diplomat will be awarded by
the committee.
A cooking class will be organizsd,
the members of which will be given in
structions in preparing and serving a
series of breakfasts, luncheons, dinners
and tappers. It is proposed to close the
class by a banquet, prepared and served
by class membera to their friends. Ger
man, sewing, chart-catting and literary
circles will be taught by the best teach
ers available.
Tbe gymnasium classes, under Mirt
Shardlow, of Brooklyn, who wns so
successful last veor, will be well filled,
it is hoped. Only $2 a year will be
charged members for this class, and all
women nnd girls should take advantage
of this excellent lady teacher. Any
one wishing to avail herself of these
vast privileges should become a mem
ber and band ber name in at once, ns
all classes begin the first week in Oc
For the Sake of Profit They Will
Sacrifice Principle, Health, Etc.
Unscrupulous dealers aro trying to sell or
dinary Glauber Halt or a mixture of Soldlitz
Powder as "Artificial Carlsbad Salt," "Hpru-
del Salt," "German Salt" or "Improved Carl
bad Bait," and undor othor similar names.
The Natural Remedies of Carlsbad can not
bo imitated. '
"What Nntnro makes, man can not im
prove upon." Artificial made wines will
never replace the natural juice of the grapes.
Neither can tho natural waters of Carlsbad
nor tho Carlsbad Bprudol Salt bo replacod by
tho cheap substitutes offered to a guileless
public for the sako of tha larger profit made
thoreon by those unscrupulous dealers.
No ono would buy artificial wines know
ingly. Why buy the imitation of the Carls
bad produrti when your health is at s taker
The Carlsbad Sprudel Wators are a specific
for all diseases of the stomach, liver and kid'
neys, and have been nsed with great benefit
by hundreds of thousands of people. The
Carlsbad Bprudol Bait, which is ovaporated
from the Bprudel Water at Carlsbad, Is an ex
cellent Aperient, Laxative and Dlaretic; is an
alterative and eliminative remedy, which dis
solves tenacious bllo, allays irritation, and
removes obstruction by aiding nature, and
not by sudden and excessive Irritation, as
most cathartics no. Use the imported Carls
bad waters, or if it is not convenient to use
the waters, or when a more decided laxative
effect is desired, use the Carlsbad Bprudol
Insist npon the genuine, wbloh ia imported
dlreot from Carlsbad, and must have the sig
nature of Eisner A Mendolson Co., Bole
Agents for the United States, 162 and 164
Franklin street, New York, on every bottle.
DO 6 A
Paine's Celery Compound Brightening Thous
ands of
How hard it i9 to see the deiir ones
gradually losing their hold ou life aud
fading away.
No nonie, however guarded, but lias
some dear one for whom anxiety never
Father and mother breaking down
under heavy cares, or a sister or a
brother growing thin.pale, and weaker
day by day.
Into these sad homes Paine's celery
compound conies like a messenger of
mercy. There is sure to bo some near
relative or friend who owes recovery
from tomo debilitating sickness to
Paine's celery compound. The family
physician, no matter of what school,
recommends it and tells how others
who became vigorous by its use.
This is the usual story of the en
trance of this remarkable blood purilier
and nerve strengthener into so many
homes in every city and villuge in the
United States.
It restores healthy.uervous action of
the heart; sends purer, richer blood
soi in its
Suggestions That Kay Enable Many Tribune
Readers to Feci Better.
These Hints Don't Cost Much, Are
Not Copyrighted and if They Don't
Do You Any Good You Can Have
the Satisfaction of Knowing That
They Will Not Do You Any Harm.
For Vie Saturday Tribune.
If one and n half grains of common
alum, which can be procured at any
drug store, be put in a teaspoonful of
impure water, or a teaspoonful of alum
to a gallon, the former will act on the
water aud produce a precipitation.
This is of a slimy nature and will stick
on the bottom of the vessel, so that the
water can be easily poured oir almost
to the dregs. The water will be clear
as crystal, and if only this small
amount of alum Is put in, it will not
taste at all dilterent from pure water.
No matter how full of mud the water
may be the alum will act quickly and
harmlessly. This could be used in fil
tering water in large quantities, but is
open to the objection that people would
be continuously blaming the alum for
their illnesses. It is good, however,
for family use, either for washing or
"The old adage, 'After breakfast
walk a mile, after dinner sleep
awhile,' " says Mrs. Ellen Kichnrds,
who Is an authority on food topics,
"was founded on experience when
starch in the form of more or less heavy
bread, and of potatoes, and fat in
the form of pork was tbe chief source
of the carbohydrates and fat taken.
Does the same hold true at this date
when the more readily assimilated but
ter replaces pork,and when the already
partly digested sugnr replaces a part
of the starch, and when the light, line
wheat bread taxes much less the power
or digestion? In other words, how far
is it physiologically correct to encour
age brain-workers to omit the after
dinner rest by furnishing them with a
noonday meal which will not tax all
their bodily powers so as to leave noth
ing available for mental work For my
own part, I believe that whatever may
be the case for the morning and even
ing meal, the character of the food
taken during working hours of stu
dents should be such as to sustain tho
supply of force-producing material in
the blood, without requiring a largo
per cent, of the force already at hand
to convert the food eaten into anew
force-producing power."
Many of the current cures for earache
advise the dropping of various sub
stances into the ear. One of the best
specialists of the day pronounces this
'usually an unadvisablo procedure,"
and in place of such remedies, prefers
the application of warmth to the re
gion of the ear, either by dry heat in
the form of heated llannel, cotton,
wool, bags of hops, bran or meal, or
by cloths wrung out of hot water,
steam, or poultices of flaxseed,or roast
ed onions. Cotton should not habitu
ally be worm-wedged Into the ear, for
the reason that the air-passage is thus
closed, causing the secretions of the
ear to flow more slowly or vey little,
and thits causing an unnatural and
disagreeable and perhaps injurious dry
ness. As, however, many cases of
acute aural trouble nave resulted from
bathing, and especially from diving
and plunging in salt water, it Is a wise
precaution to plug the ears with cotton
at such times.
Believing that personal- cleanliness,
through the intricate ventricles and
chambers of this vital orirau aud eoual
izes its action by regulating the ner
vous system.
Paine's celery compound cures
ppecdily and permanently all disorders
duo to impure blood aud badly nour
ished nerves nnd nerve centers.
Mr. Claud Clary, a picture of whose
wife appears above, writing from his
home in Topeka, Kansas, says:
"I have been a sufferer from nervous
ness for years, and have tried several
remedies, none of which did me any
goou. i uis season 1 nad n severe at
tack, and tried Paine's celerv com
pound. One bottle gave me immediate
relief. I used two bottles and am as
well today as I ever was.
"My wife has also used the medicine
with much relief. I have recommend
ed it to several of my friends aud am
sure tliey are satislied with it."
Try it once and bo convinced from
personal experience.
fresh air, pure water, unadulterated
food, and sanitary surroundings are
Christian responsibilities, there has
been organized in England a society
caueu " i ne unurcn nanitary Associn
tion." 'llieaimot the society is to in
terest clergy aud laymen in an effort
to teach the laws of health by means
of sermons and by the wide circulation
of papers by eminent sanitarians. The
many persons who remember the un
sanitary condition of many churches
where the ventilation is poor, the
draughts certain, and the sunlight al
ways absent, will wonder, says the
evening rost, it it would not be well
for the work of similar societies to be
gin in the church aud work outward:
to provide a room where umbrellas
and rubbers and rain-cloaks may be
left in bad weather; comfortable seats.
kneeling-benches that will nnke it un
necessary to kneel ou a cold lloor. and
a method of heating that will provide
an equable temperature.
Dr. Charles A. Church, of Passaic
N. J thus writes concerning the care
of baby at baby's very earliest period
on earth: A new born infant should
be carefully protected against chill. It
is accustomed to a temperature of its
degrees, in ever leit one less warm
While if the temperature of the Iving-
in chamber reaches 75 degrees or SO de
grees there will be a howl from all
present. Therefore, the infant needs
protection, even iu tne warmest room.
Then tt should not be washed Imme
diately ; give it a rest first. Oil it thor
oughly, but quickly, being careful to
reach every crevice ot the skin; then
wrap it in a warm blanket aud place it
either beside the mother or in some
equally warm position, and leave it po
lor a lew hours and see how perlectly
comfortable it will be and also how
clean. Let it rest and let the tired
mother rest. When convenient wasli
it very carefully, but quickly, in tepid
water, a little bit cooler than the air
about it, so that when tho air strikes it
it will seem warmer than tho water
In which it is bathed. Wash it with
your soft hand, and gently.
Do not scrub it with a coarse
horny hand and with strong.
coarse soap. Uso no soap at all. The
so-called dirt upon the new-born child's
skin is a strong alkali, which, if mixed
witu good on, torms the most delicate
soap possible to obtain. The ordinary
or even the linest soars of the shops are
too strong, iney win irritate the sum
and make it smart. I have seen an
infant cry for a long time and kick and
writhe in agony after a brisk rubbing
witn some strong washing soaps, ap
plied by a callous hand or a heavy wash
clot h, and a few days later have seen It
peel from head to foot as if it were re
covering from scarlatina. Whatcaused
this? The washing process was too
rough for the soft tender skin, and the
soaD too strong, it blistered and made
it look as it had been parboiled. If
reasonable care aud cleanliness are ex
ercised, it need not bo touched with
soap for weeks. Just try the other way
for once, and see if your mother heart
is not made glad at the sight of your
child resting and sleeping so comfort
ablyprovided you do not give it colic
or make it uncomfortable by stuflling
Clean out that cellar. Get out all
the summer's vegetable and refuse,
8 wee ten it and fumigate it aud vent
ilate it. thoroughly. Equinoctial
dampness means malaria otherwise.
There is no more fertile breeder of dis
ease than the neglected cellar. See to
It, dear reader, that your own cellar is
what it should be.
According to Professor Berthelot, of
raris, tne epicure ot tne tuture is to
dine upon artificial meat, artificial
Hour and artmciai vegetables; drink
artificial wines and liquors, and round
olf his repast with an artificial tobacco
beside which the natural tobacco of the
S resent will seem poor indeed. Wheat
elds and corn llelds are to disappear
from the face of (he earth, because flour
and meal will no longer lie grown, but
niado. Herds of cattle, flocks of sheep
aud droves of swine will cease to be
bred, because beef aud mutton and
porn win oe manufactured direct from
their elements. Fruit nnd flnwara will
doubtless continue to be grown as
cheap decorative luxuries, but no
longer as necessities of food or orna
ment. There will be in the great air
trains of the future no grain or cattle
or coal cars, because the fundamental
food elements will existevery where aud
require no transportation. Coal will no
longer be due. exepnt. norhnns with
the object of transforming it into bread
ur uicui. i ne engines oi ine crent, looii
factories will lin rirlvpn. nnr, hv nrrlfl-
cial combustion, but by the underly
ing heat of the globe. In order to
clearly conceive these impending
changes, it must bo remembered that
milk, eggs, flour, meat, aud, indeed,
all edibles, consist almost entirely (tbe
Percentage of other elempntu 1m verv
small) of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
and nitrogen. Oxvgen aud livdroitm
are the two gases which, when com
bined, rorm water. Oxygen and nitro
gen till Veil lini tlm nip Mja i.ronf Ilia far.
bon forms the charcoal of wood, is the
main constituent oi coal, and as ear-
nonic acid gas in tho air is the chief
rood of the vccntnbln world, tlieun fmir
elements, universally existing, are des
tined to iurnisn ail the tood now grown
bv nature. thrniuMi the rnnirl mul
steady advance of synthetic chemistry.
Health for the Million:
A simple remedy for pimples is hot
water aud sulphur soap use night and
All hair dyes contain lead, and to
dye one's gray hair black would be in
jurious to health.
lo strengthen the nerves and m-
prove the blood take one 1-2-5 of a grain
of the arseniate of iron (in tablet form),
one tablet after each meal. Take it for
three or four weeks.
The best soups and perfumes are
made in France, and in selecting a
scent one will find th French makes
more expensive, but ci: a more delicate
and fasting perfume than all other
niaues. violet, Lily of the Valley,
Crab Apple and Ylang Ylang.are those
of the finest, freshest fragrance.
imea circinata, or ringworm of the
general surface, is a contagious, vege
table parasitic disease, characterized by
one or several circumscribed, circular,
variously sized, reddish, inflammatory,
slightly scaly patches, accompanied
usually by itching. It begins asa small
spot and develops peripherally. Tinea
circinata is caused by the presence of
the trichophyton fungus, and is highly
contagious. Local treatment alone
usually suffices for the majority of
cases. An ointment of precipitated
sulphur, one drachm to three ounces of
lard, is a valuable treatment. Apply
night and morning.
It is worth while, these wet autumn
days, to keep a strict lookout as to the
coveriugs of the children's feet. When
they take off their shoes at night it is
well to have an old stocking full of dry
oats or beans. Put these into the shoes,
tie a string around the stocking just at
(he ankle, and set the shoes away for
the night. The grain will not only
draw out the moisture, but will keep
the shoes iu shape without allowing
them to shrink. There is nothing more
uncomfortable than to put on damp
and soggy shoe leather, and with fore
thought and precaution it is entirely
The proper sterilization of milkj con
sists in wanning it to a temperature
100 degrees Fahrenheit, and boiling it.
Boiling it renders it indigestible and
unlit for babies. No matter how fresh
cows' milk may be, for babies it should
always be sterilized. A large percent
age of cows from which the milk sup
ply is procured are tuberculous, and us
the bacilli of this disease may be killed
and rendered harmless by subjecting
them to a temperature of 100 degrees in
the manner described, it should al wa s
be done. Moreover, milk is particu
larly prone to contamination with dis
ease germs from outside sources by
uncleanliness in milking, exposure to
foul surroundings during milking, un
clean utensils, the addition of impuie
water.and by various accidents, agaiiwt
all which sterilization is effectually
protective, and therefore should not be
cBeecham's pills are for
biliousness, bilious headache,
dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid
liver, dizziness, sick head
ache, bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, loss of appe
tite, sallow skin, when caused
by constipation ; and consti
pation is the most frequent
cause of all of them.
Book free; pills 25c. At
drugstorcs.or write B.F.Allen
Co.,365 Canal St., New York.
Hotel Wayerly
European Plan. First-olass Bar attsehaA,
Depot for Cerguer Eutfoi's Tannnomwr
li Cor, 15th andFiWotj,, Phllaii
Jfnst desirable for residents of N.E. Penn
sylvanla. All conveniences for travelers
to and from Broad Btrent station and tha
Twelfth and Market Street Ktatiou. 1)
ilrable for visiting Korantoulan and po
Vie in the Anthracite Region,
ROOF tinning and soldering all done away
with by the uso of HAKTMAN'S PAT
ENT PAINT, which consists of ingredlrnta
well-known to alL It can bo applied to tin,
galvanized tin, sheet iron roofs, also to brick
dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any
crumbling, cracking or breaking of the
brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by
many years.and it's cost does not exceed one
fifth that of tha cost of tinning. Is sold by
the job or pound. Contracts taken by
PEITKR inOB CO., Inc'p. Capital, l ."00,000.
"A dollar later! i a Onttar tttrned." .
This I.adiM' Holld Vnatk Itongola Kid Tint
ton Boot delivered free snywhere In tbs U.S., on
reeeipionann, motmy vrair,
Eanali every way the boots
sold in all rotall stores for
2.50. Via make this boot
ourselves, therefore ws pilar-
ante uia il, tiytt unu wniri
and If any one u sol satisfied
we will refund the raonov
or send anouier pair. Opera
Toe or Common Bents,
widths C, V. B, KK.
lies 1 to 8 and nail
fixes. Sendyowrtite;
ut mil ni you.
logue FREE
Dexter Shoe CSKk'
CJMSMI HTM e jrtaisra.
1 iiurcwjfv
Bloody Water Oozed Out Constantly
Sufferings wwe Terrible. No Peaco
Pay or Night from Itching
and Burning. Doctors v
Failed. Cured by ,
My child's disease, which was tha worst kind
of Eczema, started on one cheek likea ringworm,
u anreufi aiHi licneu so tne poor
little fellow had uo peace nVut
or day. Then it sturted.on tho
other cheek and cum, until all
were raw as a iece of beef
steak, like a hum where you
would rub oft the skin, and
Moody wnter oozed out cou
Blmnly. li is millerin wero
terril k'. 1 tied his hands that
lie would nut scratch, then ha
would rub bis poor little cheeks
on his shoulders to rclmva thn
Intense itchinp. I hail as good a doctor as was
Iu Philadelphia, hut lie failed to relieve him. I
read of the Cutk ijba Kkmkdies, aud at once
purchased them. Strange to Bay, tluit vtru night
he reiltd without scratching bis lace, aud from
that on he Improved and toon mu entirely enrtd.
1 would like anyone sullerim; from this terrible
disease to see my boy now: big coiuplexiou is aa
clear and smooth as can ta. This is an unso
licited testimonial, and every word is true. I
thank Clod lor my child's recovory, and I thank
the manufacturer of 'uticuha.
Mhh. K. H. OAMHLK,
852 Jf . Forty-second St., Miiladcrpula.
And have effected tho most wonderf if) cures of
torturing aud disHrurini;sklnand scalp diseases
of infants and children ever recorded. They
afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and
iiolnt tn a sH'cdycuro when tho best physician,
lospitalu, aud all other methods fail.
Bold throughout tho world. Price, CtmrCTtA,
60c; BoAF.iiic; Krsolvknt, 1. Pottkr Dmiti
AND Oiikh.C'oiip., Solo Proprietors, Boston.
Mr " How to Cure Skin llncaas," mulled free.
Bkln and Hcalp purified and beautified
by I'UTici'RA buAC. Absolutely pure.
Growing pains, and weak
neiisos, relieved In one
minute by the Cutlcura
Autll'aln Plaster, UM
first and only instantaneous, pain killing plaster.
Let Radway's Beady Relief be used oa
the first indication of Pain or Uneasiness;
If threatened with Disease or Slokness,
the Care will be made before the family
doctor would ordinarily reach the house.
to twenty minutua Not one hour aftor read
ing this advertisement need any oue SUF- .
For hoadacho (whether sick or nervous),
toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago,
iains and weakness in tho tia k, spina or
idneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy,
swelling of the joints and pains of all kinds,
thn application ot Kadway'a Keady Relief
will afford immediate ease, aud its continued
use for a low daya cfljet a pormanont cure,
Summer Complaints,
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus.
A half to a toasnoonful of Rcadr Roliof in
a half tumbler of water, repeated aa often.
n mw
as ineqiscnarges continue, and a nannei mi- j
urated with Ready Relief placed over the .
Stomach and Doners will afford immediate
relief and soon effect a cure.
Internally A half to a teaspoonful in half
a tumbler of water will, in a few minutes,
cure Cramps, Spasms. Sour St otuach, Nausea,
Vomitiug, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleep
lessness, Sick Headache, Flatulency aud all
internal pains.
Wolnrla in Iti Various Forms Cured and
J Here is not a remodlal agency in the world
that will euro foyer and ague and all othor
malarious, bilious and all other fevers, aided
by RAILWAY'S Pll Ls, so quickly aa RAD
Travelers should ..' -iys csrry a bottle of
Rad way 'a Ready Reliof with them, A few
drops in water will prevent sickness or pains
from change of water. It U better than
French brandy or bitters as a stimulant.
Minors aud lumbermen should always be
provided with it.
Price 60 cents per bottle. Bold by all druggists.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coatod,purge,
regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen.
RADWAY'S PILLS for the cure of all dis
orders of the Stomach, Bowels. Kidneys,
Bladder, Nervous Diseases, D zainess, Ver
tigo, C'ostiveneta, Piles,
Observe the following symptoms resulting
from diseases of the digestive organs Con
stipation, Inward piles, fullness ut blood in
the bend, acidity of the etoinach, aauaea,
heartburn, dUgust of food, fullness of weight
ot the stomach, sour oructatious, sinking or
fluttering of the heart, or suffocat
ing sensations when in a lying postnre, dim
mss of vision, dots or wobs before tho sight
fever and dull pain in tho hrad, deficiency of
perspli atiou, yellownoss ot the skin and
eyes, pain iu tho side, chest, limbs, and sud
deu flushes of heat, burning In the flesh.
A fewdoscsof HAD WAY'S PIL1.H will fresi
the system of all the above-named disorders.
I'rico 25c. per box. Sold by druggists or
sent by mall.
Send to DR. UADWAY CO., Lock Boi
866, Mew York, for Book of Advice.
E. Robinson's Sons'
Kannfaettirsrs ot tha Celebrat4
100,000 Bbls. Per Annum,