The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 22, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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The few sporadic aud informal din
ners of the past week promise to wind
up society as far as the fall season of
lue younger circles Is concerned.
Many of the uien aud young ladies
have returned to college or school and
the few remaining will depart either
next week or the week following. No
dancing or other parties are aiiuounc
ul for the immediate future nor is it
probable that society will ripen uutil
the Christmas holidays, However,
now that families have' returned from
a summer spent in the mountains or
at the seashore, the usual number of
older people's diuners and parties may
be expected from time to time.
Miss Jessie Penuypacker and T.
Cramer von Storch will lie married
Thursday, Oct. 4, at 4 o'clock in St.
Luke's Episcopal church. A recep
tion will be held at the home of the
bride's mother, Mrs. Jennie Penuy
packer, on Terrace row. The bride
elect is a daughter of the late Heury
Penuypacker and is a popular and
winsome member of prominent social
circles. Mr. von Storch is a nitm
lr of the Lackawanna county bar
and a sou of the late Theodore vou
A West Side wedding attended by
many guests, was that of Miss Nellie
Mackereth, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs.
John Mackereth, of South Sumner
avenue, to Charles Keller, of 003
Adams avenue, Thursday evening in
the Simpson Methodist Episcopal
church. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. D. V. Skelliuger, the pastor.
Miss Mackereth's maid of honor was
Miss Martha Connolly. William Mait
land attended the groom. The ushers
were George H. McDonnell, Alex
ander McTaggart, E. J. Davies aud
John Mackereth.
A birthday party was tendered to
Miss Bertha Tripp, of 1413 Penn ave
nue, last evening. The following per
sons were present: Misses Anna Row
ley, Loretta Itowley, Mane McTague,
Ama Mangan, Very Mooney, Phebe
Stuart, Anna Loftus. Julia Loftus,
Anna Gibson, Nora Cadden, Anna
McLean; Harry Grattan, Frank
Grattan, Hubert Horan, Charley Lof
tus, Frank McTague, John It. Kelly.
Peter Grimes, Walter Tripp, Stephen
Invitations have been issued for the
wedding of Miss Bessie Baird.of Potts
ville, to Joseph Archbald, of this city,
Wednesday, Oct. 3. A large party of
Scranton guests will leave here on a spe
cial car at 9 o'clock on the morning of
the wedding day. Miss Baird is an or
phan ami a niece of Heber S. Thomp
son, of Pottsville, who has control of
the Girard trusts in and about that
The Yale college year begins Thurs
day of next week. Paul Belin returns
Mondayjto resume hisstudies at that in
stitution aud,Arthur Williams and W.
J. Torrey leave the same day and will
enter the freshmen's class. Joseph
Boies' friends, Messrs. Morgan, Clel
and Gerneau, leave tomorrow. Albert
B. Jessup departed for Lehigh several
days ago.
Among the young ladies who will
be away at school are Miss Annie
Hand, who leaves for Brooklyn, N. Y.,
next week, and Misses Gearhart,
Sherer and Matthews who left for
Wells' college Thursday. Many others
will depart the lirst week in October.
Mrs. Henry Belin, jr., gave a dinner
Thursday evening for her son Paul to
the Yale friends of Joseph Boies,
Messrs. Cleland, Gerneau and Morgan.
The other guests were A. E. Hunt, jr.;
T. F. Archbald, A. B. Williams, jr.,
WT. J. Torrey and E. W. Archbald, jr.
T. E. Brooks gave a progressive
euchre Wednesday night at the home
of George Urillin on East Market
Mrs. William T. Smith gave a small
and very informal party last evening
for her niece, Miss Semple, of St.
The Misses Coursen will give a tea
next week for their guests, the Misses
Wheatley, of Americus, Ga,
Mrs. R. W. Archbald gave an in
formal dinner Thursday evening.
Personal Mention:
Dr. Sullivan, of Providence, returned
yesterday from Baltimore, where he
accompauied his ' cod, John, who entered
the College of Physicians and Surgeons
at that place.
David Thomas, of Wilkes-Barre, a stu
dent at the Baltimore Medical college, re
turned home yesterday from a visit with
big cousin, Gwilym A. Williams, ot the
E. Tilson, of South Sumner avenue,
who has been on a five months' visit with
friends in England aud Scotland, will ar
rive next Wednesday on the steamship
Mrs. William Unangst, of Forks, Col.,
accompanied by her daughter, Jessie, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bert Freaae,
of Providence road.
Mrs. Morgan Price and son Frank, of
Lost Creek, Schuylkill county, returned
home yesterday after a pleasant visit with
Hyde Park friends,
Mrs. A. M. McLean, who has been spend
ing the summer at the residence of J. B.
Dimmick, of Sanderson avenue, leaves to
day for Baltimore.
Mrs. Helen Rockwell, of Providence,
left yesterday for Brooklyn, Susquehanna
county, intending to spend a few days
with relatives.
Miss Irene Coleman, of Herrick Center,
who has been visiting Mrs. CL A. Town
send, of the North End, has returned home.
J. B. Dimmick and family, of Sanderson
avenue, will leave Monday for Europe,
where they expect to spend the winter.
Ed wara Eisele, of the city controller's
office, has returned from his vacation,
spent at Princeton, N. J., and Albany.
Miss Carrie Priee and Minnie Hoealer, of
Pike eonnty, have returned home from a
visit with friends on the West Side.
E. J. Trimmer, of the Lackawanna Iron
and Coal company, has returned from a
vacation spent in tne Adirondack.
A. Bridgen and family of Green Ridge
street, win leave Monday for Meridian,
Conn., on a two weeks' vacation.
Mrs. Thomas North, of Pleasant Mount,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Thomas Buck
ley, of North Sumner avenue.
Miss Nell Jordan, of Pittston. is the
guest of Mrs. William V. Griffiths, of
nurm oumuer avenue.
Mrs. 'Parsons, of Washington. D. fi. la
the guest of her brother, J. H. Fisher on
w asmngton avenne.
Alderman Bailey and wife, Mrs. fce'.sey
and S. M. Sloat, all ot Green Rldgev will
leave today for Lake township, Wayne
county, fur a few days' Ushing at Sand
Miss Lizzie Gabriel, of Church avenue,
is visiting relatives at Plymouth, Pa., and
shall not return for some time.
Ada Steele, of Miss Leach's millinery
store, expects to return today from a busi
ness trip to New York.
Miss Grace Sicklcr, of Main avenue, ex
pects to return home from a month's visit
at Tuukhnnuock.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pond, of South
Orange, N. J., are visiting M. C. Carr, of
Dickson avenue.
Mrs. R. B. Cissen, of Elizabeth. N. J., is
visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Foster, of
West Pittston.
Mis) Clara Simpson spent a few days of
the past week at the home of Miss Wmtou
in Providence.
Berthold Friend, of the Hyde Park bat
and clothing store, is on a business trip to
Charles H. Smith, representing the Na
tional Life association, of Hartford, is in
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McClave have re
turned from a pleasure visit in New York
Miss Bessell, Miss Mott and Percy Mott
have returned from the White mountains.
Mrs. Robert J. Bauer, of North Bromley
avenue, is visiting friends in Delaware.
Miss Belin and Miss Welles are expected
home from Europe in a few days.
Ex-Alderman William Oram, of North
Sumner avenue, is seriously ill.
Eugone Kleberg has returned from his
Europeau trip.
Will Airy, of Hazleton, is visiting
George Brooks.
Robert Snyder returned to Cornell yes
4'iion' Correspondence of The Tribufit.
London, Sept. 13. The laud com
mission inquiry has been the absorb
ing topic in Wales aud a brief review
of the origin aud partial results of the
inquiry may be of interest to my fel
low countrymen of Scranton.
The reason for the commission is not
far to seek. Every Welshmau or even
any one with the slightest knowledge
of Wales or taking the least Interest in
her welfare is aware of the many hard
ships under which the Welsh farmers
earned their livelihood and while
Wales was represented in parliament
by the fossilized "stick in the mud,"
complaints of the farmers were not
only shelved but treated with mock
sympathy, which was worse than gall
to them.
During a few years, however, there
has arisen in Wales the mighty and
irrepressible power proudly called
"Young Wales," who burning with
indignation at the criminal negligence
of the antiquated representatives, un
ceremoniously relieved them from par
liamentary duties. Once in power
they soon demonstrated to the house
that justice for the Welsh farmer was
their motto, aud in a short time their
demand for a commission ot inquiry
was conceded. The inquiry has un
earthed strange facts: In the first
place, it is right to state that the great
laud owners as a rule have emerged
irom me oraeai better tnan tney en
tered it, inasmuch as upon estates of
extensive area various benefactions
hitherto unheard of, have been dis
closed which greatly redound to the
credit of the owners of such estates as
Wynnstay, Mostyn, etc.
With the small owners things are
unfortunately different. These are a
class of people born with the proverbial
silver epoou in their capacious mouth
who live upon a small estate 1. e.,
live in an extravagant manner upon
what they can extort from a half-dozen
struggling farmers. They live above
their means, hence their estates are
heavily mortgaged, and in order to pay
the interest and other cost of their own
maintenance it can easily be seen that
the farmer gets the heaviest end of the
stick. To work would be a disgrace to
them, but to be a burden upon a farm
er's back is no disgrace in their eyes
at all.
The political iufiuence was also a
disgraceful disclosure. Farmers have-
been evicted for voting contrary to the
landlord and rents have been raised
for not voting at all. Evidence has
been given that a landlord thrashed a
tenant "like a dog" and yet the farmer
said nothing and dare not complain.
Crops have Deen ruined by the land
lords' game.but no compensation paid.
Various schemes have been laid bare
before the commission for the legiti
mate redress of these grievances and
the principal one is the institution of
a land court which under government
authority would inquire into all dif
ferences between landlord and tena nt
and with power to render a decision
legally biuding.
Penal clauses in leases will after this
inquiry be a matter of the past. Farm
ers in various places are restricted from
selling straw and hay without the
landlord's permission. In cases of
bankrupt landlords who swallow the
rent and are helpless to carry out any
repairs the court would act as receiver,
so suggest some, and carry out repairs
and allow the landlord what might be
The commission will undoubtedly be
a great blessing. The generous land
lords have received proper recognition,
while the fierce light or public opiuion
has been shining for months upon the
greedy and avaricious owners, who are
now compelled to make restitution for
their wrongs of the past. Owen.
Th City of Carlsbad Brines a Suit
Agaiast Imitators of ths Celsbrated
Carlibud Sprudsl Salt.
The oity of Carlsbad, through the Eisner
& Mendolson Co., representing said city
for the United States of Amerion, has
brought an action In the United States
eanrt against Kutnow Brothers, of New
York, for selling an artificial and spur
ious imitation of the genuine imported
Carlsbad Salt, as "Improved CarlBbad
It is claimed by Eisner & Mendelsou
Co., that said Katnow Brothers are sell
ing a Seidlitz Powder Mixture as "Im
ported Carlsbad Powder, and the public
is warned against such imposition. The
genuine imported Carlsbad Salt Is evapor
ated from the Sprudel Spring at Carlsbad,
nnder the supervision of the city, and has
the seal of the city of Carlsbad, and the
signature of "Eisner & Mendelsou Co." as
agents, on every side.
ob Work ....
SJAJ Ths Scranton TrtxiM
oatokt JebDsst
Notes of Interest Concerning Artists
and Abroad. .
Forecast of the Musical Enterprises
for the Coming Winter Scranton
Singers to Attend the Allentown
Eisteddfod The Laurel Hill Festi
val Music to Be Repeated An Ora
torio Society Organized Culture of
Welsh Vocalists.
The choruses of the great musical
festival which was held recently at
Laurel Hill park will be reproduced at
the Frothingham on Thursday, Oct.
11. The prize winners at the great fes
tival will tender the committee a com
plimentary, aud Mr. Frothingham has
tendered his beautiful theater to the
committee gratuitously. The leading
members of the Cymric association,
upon three former occasions.when pre
senting the great Gil more festival iu
our city under the management of J.
II. Laine, the people of our city, re
sponded handsomely to the call and
were more than delighted with the
brilliancy of the unrivalled efforts of
the great baud and the home chorus.
Mr. Laiue, who Is one of the foremost
managers of lyric aggregations, had
the entire charge of the Oilmore festi
vals. He is at present the managerof the
Frothingham aud he has kindly con
sented gratuitously to take charge of
the entire business end of the great
indoor festival. "Thellunting Chorus"
(Mendelssohn) will be reproduced by
one of the victorious choirs, number
ing 120 voices, under the magnillcent
leadership of W. Evans. "Gloria"
(Mozart) will bo reproduced by the
victorious Catholic choir, under the
superb directorship of John T.
Vatkins. "The Bridal of the Hirds"
aud "My True Love Hath My Heart"
will be reproduced by Mrs. D. 15.
Thomas' unrivalled female party of
fifty voices. The victors iu the double
quartette, quartette, duet and solos
will participate in the grand adair.
Our own Bauer's baud will reproduce
the Zampa overture, and the crown
ing glory of the festival, Mr. Laine,
will introduce for the first time in our
city the Boston Ladies' Symphony
orchestra, au attraction of great musi
cal interest. This will be the grand
est musical event ever held in this
ii ii n.
It is very foolish for anyone to say
that the Welsh people of this city are
not musically educated. From child
hood up they are taught the hardest of
oratorio music, and nearly every Welsh
singer one meets is perfectly familiar
with this class of music. There has
been produced by the Welsh singers of
this city such oratorios as the "Crea
tion," "Messiah," "Samson," "Judas
Maccabeus," "Elijah, " and others.
Carl Zerrahu. of Boston, says that he
never heard such perfect choral siug
ing as among the Welsh people, and
as for male voice they could not be
equalled by any nation. So impressed
was lie with the singing of male
voice music by the Welsh people
that he took the old Mendelssohn
Glee club to Bostou, aud had them
sing there at several concerts. Edward
Lloyd, said to be the finest oratorio
singer in the world, is a Welshman.
Ben Davies, of London, one of the fin
est tenors in all England, is a Welsh
man. Edward Jerman, the composer,
is a Welshman, and so is Francyu Da
vies. who appeared with Ben Davies
at the Queen's theater, in Loudon, iu
"Ivanhoe." The music of Dr. Joseph
Parry ranks with that of the best com
posers iu England or America. The
Germans are ahead of the Welsh peo
ple in instrumental music, but all na
tionalities readily admit that there is
no nation that can equal the Welsh as
i II I!
Tallie Morgan has just written a
song for Mr. Weedeu who is the sing
ing associate of Mr. Schievera in the
evangelistic work, a song that is bound
to become very popular. Mr. Weedeu
says that he never had a song that he
likes so well, aud he will sing it at all
the meetiugs. He sang it for the first
time yesterday noou at the meetiug
held in the car shops, and it made a
deep impressiou. The title of the song
is "Dare to Say No." There is no at
tempt of course at any intricate
harmony, but it is a simple
song that is bound to reacli
the heart of the hearer. It will appear
in sheet form iu a few weeks. Mr.
Stebbins while here looked over Mr.
Morgan's compositions of gospel
hymns, and he was very much im
pressed witli their excellence and ad
vised Mr. Morgan to send them to a
publisher at once. He said that "Dare
to Say No" is bound to become a very
popular sacred song iu revival aud
temperance work.
!! II II
"A feature of the recent eisteddfod
at Laurel Hill park, Scrautou, de
serves," says the Wilkes-Barre Leader,
"rather more than a passing notice,
for it appeals to every patriotic Ameri
can. A competition ot school children
was had for a prize of $75 for the liest
singing of "I ho Star-Spangled Ban
ner,' 'Columbia, the Gem of the
Ocean,' and other patriotic airs, ilt
seems to lie a fact established without
argument that next to the preparation
of the standard choruses by the big
choirs, nothing is quite so worthy and
so worth commendation as this train
ing of young children to sing the na
tional melodies. I Here are many rea
sons why this should be done, aud not
any cause why it should not. The
teachers of all our schools are urging
the importance of teaching the chil
dren patriotism. Let them teach
themselves, catching the inspiration
by singing such airs aud words as shall
bring every bit of latent patriotism to
tlie sunaee. A cliorusot children thus
taught could teach their elders, for the
chances are two to one that the parents
can't sing 'The Star-Spangled Banner'
through one verse."
Ben Davies, the English singer, de
clares that from a musical point of
view the United States is considerably
in advance of England.
Prof. Llewellyn Shields will produce
the forty-second psalm with a full
chorus at Nicholson on October 3. The
solos will be rendered by Mrs. E. M. Tif
fany, soprano, of Foster, and John T.
Watklns, of tills city.
The Pittston Choral union will give
a concert on Oct. SIU. ilrs. Kate Cros-
sin O'Brien and John T. Watkins, of
this city, will be among the soloists.
il II II
Signor Mascagni is a hard-working
man. He would, perhaps, be the first
to admit that the production of operas
at nigu pressure is not tne most cer
tain way of turning out first-rate work,
and that such a strain does not tend to
the prolongation of an artist's capacity
of carrying his creative faculties Into
the loug years that come after his
prime. But the composer of "Cavall
eria Rusticaua" is determined that
none shall wait, even if inspiration
will not wait on him. The new opera
is to be called "Serafino d' Albania."
It appears first In Berlin.
After Madame Patti has finished her
present tour through the Eugllsh prov
inces, she will hasten away from the
fogs and rains that no singer's voice can
combat, and seek the sun in the Ri
viera. At Nice she will appear at the
Opera house in several of her favorite
11 II II
The Scranton Oratorio society was
permaueutly organized last Monday
evening and officers were elected as
follows: President, Dr. Allen Norton
Leete; vice presidents, Hon. H. M. Ed
wards, Dr. ltoberts; treasurer, Edward
Haas; secretary, CK A. Long; musical
director, Kichard Lindsay.
In a Minor Strain:
Paderewski will not visit America this
Anna O'Keefe has been engaged for
"Kob Roy."
Jak-abowski is to write an opera for Lil
lian Knssell.
Anton Kubnnntein is at work at a sacred
opera called "Cain."
Dr. A. K. Harroun, a musical director of
Bingham ton, was in the city yesterday.
The police at Munich have forbidden
the playing of pianos with the window
It is now said that the opera on which
Verdi is at work is not "King Lear," but
Kabinstien has returned to Petorhof,
where he is at work on a new sacred
opera entitled "Cain."
The piano, the billiard table and ths
game of tarock are the favorite amuse
ments of Jolmnn Strauss.
Paderewski claimB that he has received
50,000 requests for his photograph and
bis autograph from his fair admirers.
Eugene D'Alhert's new opera "Ghls
moudft" will be given for the first time in
Dresden during t he coining winter.
A book of old German folk songs, selec
ted and with piano accompaniments by
Brahms, will be published soon.
Jean de Reszke. the singer, prefers
French to Italian. Ho says it is impossible
to be "mysterious" in the latter language.
There can be no possible question as to
Francis H. Wilson's having scored another
success with bis new opera, "The Devil's
Deputy." now running at Abbey's theater.
Anton Bruckner, who bos composed
eight symponies aud has had to wait so
long tor recognition of his nonius, cele
brated bis seventieth birthday on Sept. 4.
With one-thii d of her engagement at the
Casino with "The Little Trooper" now
finished, Delia Fox still continues to face
each night an audience occupying all of
the available space in that pretty theater.
Verdi has just sent to the Qrand Opera
the music written for the first production
of "Otello" in Paris. The chief addition
is a ballet to precede the entrnnco of the
Venetian ambassadors in the third act.
A musical journal called the Director,
devoted to music and musicians of the
Lackawanna valley, will be published iu
this city by Tllie Morgan. The first
number, it is expected, will make its ap
pearance Oct. 1.
John T. Watkins will organize a choir
from local talent to enter in the competi
tive singing of "We Never Will Bow
Down," at the Allentown eisteddfod on
Thanksgiving Day.
Miss ZelledeLnssan returns to this conn
try with as strong an aggregation of oper
atic artists as bns evor visited this country.
Since she went abroad honors bavo been
thrust upon her, aud the best of it is that
they have been deserved.
Zolazowa-Wolu, a small village some
twenty miles from Warsaw, the birthplace
of Chopin, is to have a statue of the great
Polish composer. A simple shaft will be
erected surmounted by a bust of Chopin.
Paderewski has give 2,000 francs to the
The Italian consul at Bordeaux has tele
phonic connection with the opera bouse at
Bordeaux, ns well as with that in Paris,
aud he says that be hears the music from
Paris (375 miles) as distinctly as that which
comes to him from a distance of only a few
At the Broadway theater De Wolf Hop
per is scoring heavily with "Dr. Syntax."
It is by (ar the best comic opera he has
had ot late yenrs and as a money-maker
promises to beat the fine record of
"Wang." The house iscrowdod nightly
aud then is a large advance sale of seats.
Edward Iiisler, a young French pianist,
hns received moat favorable criticisms in
London. In his Chopin playiug be is coin
pared with Puderewaki, aud as a Beeth
oven interpreter is placed above him. He
is a pupil of Diemer in Paris and has
studied frequently under Eugene D' Al
bert. Baltimore's new music hall will be
opened Oct. 81, with the first ot a series of
concerts by the Boston Symphony orches
tra. Besides the main hall, which will
Feat about 3,00(1, there are banquet, lec
ture and assembly halls under the Bame
roof. Scranton ought to have a mmuo
hall. Will sue ever?
The death is announced at Cernobbia,
near Como, of tiinvaunina Lucca, widow
of the famous Italian rousio publisher,
Francesco Lucca. She lived eighty-four
years, was a great Wagner enthusiast, and
did much to introduce his operas in Italy.
Six years ago she sold her business to
Ricordi for ttOO.OOO.
It is said that for several years Madame
Calve has been afflicted with cancor, and
that during the last few months the
dreadful maiady has made rapid headway.
Several operations have been performed
recently, but thesurgeons hold forth little
hope that the life or the famous singer
can be spared for any length of time.
The principal members of the Grand
Opera Concert company, consisting of
Mme. Nellie Melbs, Mrue. Sophl Scalchl,
M. Pol Plancon and M. Maugiere, and
Signor Bevignani; the Uaderof the or
chestra, will leave Englahd Sept. 29. The
opening concert- at the Metropolitan
Opera house will be Wednesday evening,
Oct. 10.
A new conservatoire of musio is, by
commaud of the czar, being erected at
Moscow, and the buildin? will altogether
cost $150,000. In the square by which the
new building will be surrounded are, by
the czar's wish, to be placed statues of
the late Nicholas Kubensteln, who was
once turector, and or Tschaikowsky, who
for many years was a teacher at the Mos
cow conservatoire.
As one result ot the recent discussions
atBayrsutb, it is possible that the prices
oi admission win ultimately bs reduced
one-half. The profits this year 'and next
will be devoted to the oost of the elaborato
mounting of "Der Kind dns Nibeluncren ."
iu 1600, but eventually, if tho state of the
finances allow it, seats will be 2.50 instead
ot s eacli, the free seats for impecunious
musicians likewise being increased in num
ber. It is only within a decade or so femiuine
names have begun to appear on the title
page of sheet music, says the Musical
Courier, and occasionally among those of
othor composers on the programme of
a concert. Withiu that time she has done
some meritorious things all along tho line,
from the simple unostentatious popular
song orditty, to the stately oratorio, the
profound hyinnnl and the not less arduous
aud genius-testing couiio opera.
Tu fourteenth season of the Boston
Symphony orchestra will begin Oct. 12.
The usual series of oonoerts in New York,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington,
Brooklyn. Providence and Cambridge,
with single coucsrt iu other oitiej, will be
given. The Haendel and Hayden society
will pivo during the wiuter also, "The
Messiah" aud "Israel iu Egypt," Bach's
"Passion According to Matthew," and a
new oratorio by J. C. D. Parker, "The
Life of Man. "
Muslo Bozsa Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes. Gautschl ft Sons., manufacturers,
1W10 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won.
derful orebeatrial organs, only 15 and 110.
Specialty! Old musio boxes carefully re
paired and Improved with new tunes.
Doings of (lie Dramatists, the Managers and
tne Twinkling Stars.
Roland Reed's New Play, The Poli
tician, Scores a Big Success at Its
Initial Production Delia Fox Reads
a Lecture to the Foolish Youths
Who Are Fascinated by Footlight
Glitter Other Readable Chat and
Gossip About Stage Folk.
For Vie Saturday Tribune.
Hprightly Delia Fox gives this re
cipe for making au actress's acquaint
ance: "I don't think that if you want
ed to meet Mrs. Van Astorblltyou
would write her a note telling her that
you have loved her for ten years, and
asking her to meet you on the corner
of Mott and Thompson streets at 4
o'clock in the morning, and that you
had a friend with you who would be
so glad if she would bring with her her
cook or maid, and that you would all
go out and have a bite. If you have a
mutual friend, and he does introduce
you to the lady and she does accept
your invitation to sup with you after
her performance, remember she is just
leaving her work and wishes to get
away from it, therefore do not start
right in and talk shop. As a rule,
you will find that she can talk about
something else. Don't ask her if the
footlights hurt her eyes,or how she gets
the paint oil' her face, or if she can see
people over the footlights, or what
would she do if she forgot her part.
These questions may be new to you,
but they are not to her. If you take
her to supper, never ask her what she
will have, but order what you think
she would like,and make as little noise
about it as possible. If you want an
other bottle, get it, but don't sing out,
'Waiter, another bottle!' When the
check conies, if you have credit at the
place, sign it.but if you are not known
have as little counting of change as
possible. In short, treat her just as
you would any other lady, for if she is
one by birth aud educatiou she will
expect it, and if she is not, she will be
pleased to have been treated as such."
The Rational Economist has been
investigating the theatrical business of
last season as compared with that of
the previous year, ana nniis that In
forty-seven representative playhouses
in the principal cities of the countrv.
for every $4,700 received during the
lirst three months of 1893, their re
ceipts amounted to only $3,403 during
the first three mouths of the present
year, the loss being 27 per cent.
Decency has triumphed at last.
Itreckinridge is beaten and Madeline
Pollard can't get a manager to book
her for the stage.
During his recent performance at
the Academy Tom Kcene had occasion
to interpolate in Bulwer's play, "Kiche
lieu," a vigorous command to the gas
mau in the wings who persisted in
turning the electric current on and
off. In the same tone of voice and
with the same imprcssiveness that he
had just employed in uttering the
celebrated passage about the pen being
mightier than the sword Keene turned
to the offender and said: "Do not
trille with those lights, do you hear
me; do not trifle with those lights."
So well was this commaud masked
that many thought it a part of the
regular text of the play.
Tub Tribune, it seems, is not alone
in its weariness of the Madgo Kendal
fad. Says the Philadelphia Inquirer,
apropos: "And so Mrs. Kendal has
como back again to her dear 'American
home,' wearing a Stars and Stripes
pin as a conspicuous ornament and
glad to get here once more. Well,
well, we feel better now. Ever since
she sailed away the last time, after
telling us that we were a horrid, hid
eous people for not liking her 'Second
Mrs. Tanqueray,' aud that we were
wrong iu saying there were no such
personages in good society when in
point of fact she met them in her own
social circles in London, we have been
haunted by the fear that maybe she
would not return to gather" in our
American dollars in the dear familiar
way. But the fear is removed by
her arrival in New York and the
publication of her theatrical itinerary.
And of course everything is lovelv,and
she brings 'Mrs. Tanqueray' back be
cause she feels convinced that we will
enjoy that kind of tiling thoroughly as
soon as she can educate us up to the
'Mrs. Tanqueray' point. After this
evidence of her kindness how ashamed
her American critics will feel! When
they found fault with her play they
said that if she must come to this coun
try for dollars she should at least come
in respectable roles, but she has for
given theui all very sweetly. Un
doubtedly some oi tnem win repeat
their criticisms after seeing her again,
but what of that? She is back again
and that is happiness enough for us
That rather questionable English
novel, "Esther Waters," has been
dramatized and is soon to be brought
over from Loudon and produced on the
New York stage. The book recks of
slums and alleys, holding the attention
while it takes away the breath; you
live and sull'er with Esther, whose sad
story is counterparted by hundreds of
others of her class. Its &0 pages force
you to put It down while you take rest
and refreshment; but you are uneasy
tin you get at it again, lor an or which
George Moore, who Is a kind of a com
posite of Dickens, Zola and Howells,
does not seem to leave an v moral cling
ing to the story of the girl's troubles.
William H. Crane's company this
season comprises the following: Orrin
Johnson Hoyd Putnam, Joseph Whee-
iock, jr.. a. A. weaver, Percy Brooke,
James O. Barrows, H. A. Langdon,
William Lewer, George 1 De Vere. I).
J. Fingleton, Gus De Vere, B. Riar
and II. Hall, and the Misses Pfolliott
Paget, Lizzie Hudson Collier, Annie
u iNein, uiauys wains, v. Augur aud
Kate Doulin Wilson.
Here are some crisp and up-to-date
Nym Criukleisms:
It seems to nie when I am listening
to Mr. Morse's music that much of it
was written for that queen of instru
inents, the accordion, aud that an or
chestra is an impertinence.
The long-continued drought has not
Buttered the stage to escape. The vau
deville crop is parched and thin. There
is not an acre of fun anywhere that
doesn't need rain, and the actors ought
to pray for it. .
"Shenandoah" has come with wild
horses, and they have dragged it up
to starry heights of success. Bronson
Howard ought to write his next spec
tacle with A. nnrrvivmih A nil Inf If
"" j " v auu J v V a v
not be supposed that I depreciate his
ability. Neigh, neigh.
I cannot help looking upon Mr.
Rice as a sanitary provision of natnre.
Ha kAPnn tlin snrinna nptincr atom tol
erably clear of the girls who cannot
A - 1 I 1 M , ,
aui, auu real opeitt uiear oi me girls
who cannot sing. All these girls
would lie trvlng to Dlav Juliet or Ca-
mille if Mr. Bice hadn't allowed them
to take their elothes off anil stand in a.
Footliuht Flashes:
Couuelln will act '"'Don Cwsar."
Australia is to see "Shenandoah."
New York is to have another theater.
The "Little Tycoon," is being sung in
Applause Is prohibited in Russian
Moscow Is to have a new theater that
Will seat 3,100.
Mrs. Laugtry will opsn her American
season on Nov. 1.
Tho King of Biam has bestowed a decora
tion on Miunie Hunk.
It is now thought that Marion Mauola
Mnson's insanity may be cared.
This week; Rose Uoghlan has been filling
engagements in Toledo and the large cities
in Michigan.
Ada Gray is booked to play ten weeks iu
England next season. It is not necessary
to sny what bIio will play.
'Edgar Foe," a one-act play by Henry
Tyroil, will be produced by Nelson Wheat
croft Borne time next season.
Tho marriago of Eleanor Mayo and
James Elverson. jr., of Philadelphia, is
announced to take placo soon.
Ted D. Marks is negotiating for a West
end theater in London for next summer
for Primrose & West's minstrels.
Sol Smith Russell has been playing "A
Poor Relation," "Peaceful Valley" and
"Ueir-at-Law" In Toronto last week.
William Gillette is writing a play for
Charles Frohmnu. It 1b intended for the
use of the Empire Theater Stock company.
The three best singers in the theatrical
profession are said to be Richard Mans
field, Robort Mantell and Joseph liaworth.
May Irwin caught a forty-pound xnus
calonge while trolling for pickerel near
her summer homo at the Thousand Isl
ands. When "New Blood," produced at Pal
mer's theater, has had its run it will be
followed by "Tho Capital," by Augustus
Miss Martha Ford will be a valuable ac
cession to Augnstin Daly's company,
whose season commences the latter part of
John T. Kelly, the Irish comedian, will
not star this season, but will stay at home
to write songs and get a good piece for
next year.
The plan of the "aerial" ballet Is to
take out altogether the dancers who hold
the stage and leave in only those who are
to perform in midair.
RusseU's comedians this year include
David WakeQeld, Will S. Rising, Bernard
Dyllyn, James E. Sullivan, Margaret Fitz
patrick and Amelia Glover.
"They call me a laugh-maker," says De
Wolf Hopper. "My boy, it was not Al
ways thus I I bad aspirations once to
sing Mephisto and act Claude Melnotte.'
In addition to "Arms and the Mau,"
Kichard Manalleld will prodnce this sea
snn "Japbot in Search of a Father,"
"ibe Kane's Progress" ana "JJean Hwirt."
George A. Bakur's new company, nnder
the name of the Bennett & Moultdn Opera
company, will open season at Pittsburg
soon. Tom Rickutts will be leading come
dian. There are two "smoking theaters" in
England, and all efforts to reform them
and banish the cigars and cigarettes of
the people who patronize them have been
in vain.
Roland Reed produced "The Politician"
in Detriot last Monday night and it was
successfully received. This he will play
m acrautou next montn lor tne benent ot
the Elks.
Alexander Salvinl begins his tonr Oct.
1 in Milwaukee. While, in Paris he mads
an arrangement with Sardoa to write him
airomantio ploy, founded on the life of
The house on West Twenty-third street,
near Ninth avenue, New York, in which
Lily Liangtry used to live,entertain ber ad
mirers and have merry times, is now an
ordinary boarding bouse.
Knea openca ner season at tbe Academy'
in Halifax, JN. f., one week ago last Mon
day night, in "Much Ado About Nothing."
Her new play by Elwyn A. Barron will be
produced in Pittsburg on Oct 1.
"Athenia," a comic opera, by John
O'Keofe and Leonard Wales, was given iu
first production last Monday night at Mc
Vicker's, in Chicago. The piece purports
to be a Batira on tne united states senate.
Augustin Daly has engaged Mrs. Unntly
McCarthy (Cissy Loftus) to take the in
genue roles formerly played by Ada Reban.
Mr. McCarthy, son of the anti-Parnellite
leader, and himself an M. P., has been en
gaged to do adapting and translating.
James G. Blaine, Patrick Ean and Ad
miral Gherardi are impersonated in "Old
Glory," the new play by Charles T. Vin
cent, which William A. Brady has pro
duced in Boston with huge success. All of
these noted men figured prominently In
the Chilian trouble which is dramatized
in "Old Glory."
Oil more' s Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting th(n and all
run down, Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold
by Matthews Bros., Scranton.
fy be hidden imperfectly by cosmetics n4
powders, but can only be removed perma
noutly by
Hetsel's Snp&rlor Face Bleach
It will positively remove Fraeklm, Tan.
Moth, sallownnso, and cure any diseases of
tbe skin, sucb as Pimping, Aom, Black
heads, Olllneia and renders the ekinsoft and
beautiful. Price $1 per bottle. For sale at
830 Lacks, At, garwtona
Monday Evening. Sept. 24.
Tbe Celebrated Tragedians,
In a Superb Scenic Production of
Shakespeare's Tragedy,
Julius Caesar
Mr. James, as Brutus. Mr.Warde, as CaslUSi
Mr. Lradsley, as Marc Antony,
Mr. Wdlker, as Julius Caesar.
Miss Chspuinn, as CalperuhL
Miss Everett, m Portia.
Special Scenery. Grand Production, Special
Kale of seats and boxes commences Friday,
8ipt, 21, at the Frothingham box office, at tbe
following prices: 1.SU, $1, 75c, and 5Uc.
First Scranton Production of the Great
Russian Melodrama,
In the Name of the Czar
Realistic Scenery. Superior Cast
Coatunies Historically Correct.
S St Nicholas Belfry.
The Nihilists' Den.
er ;9 Imperial Opera House.St.Petersburg.
Tne Plunge to Death.
Sale of s?ats opens Thursday at the box ofllce.
tf Brilliant Dramatic Event. The accom.
plished artiste, Marie Wainwright and a first
class company Mept lit
The Distinguished and Brilliant Artiste,
Miss Marie Wainwright
In an Original Four-act Drama,
Presented by Her Superb Company. Hand
somely Costumed aud Exquisitely
Sale of seats Friday, Sept. 21, at a.m.
This time in the BRAND NEW
New York's latest summer craze. The entire
Production under the management of I. Wes
ly BofeenqneRt, manager of the Bijou and
Fourteenth Street theaters, New York City.
Sale of scats opens Saturday at the box office.
Panltne Hall
Jeaunotte St. Henry
Kate Davis
J. Aldrlcti Libbey
William Broderick
Charles Bradshaw
H. Downing Clark:
C'haa. Movers
Kate Tray er and others.
Presenting for tbe first time here the new
Operatic Comedy,
TiflT f A C! By Harry Panlton, author ot
UJB,jJAJ3 Erminie," and Ed. Paultou.
Elaborate Costumes, Scenery and Accessories.
Prices First door, SI and tic. ; Balcouy.'jc.
and 60c.; Gallery. 'c Sale of seats opens at
tbe box office at 9 a.m. Monday, Sept --L,
Davis' Theater.
Week Commencing Monday, SEPT. 17.
Every afternoon and evening.
ExtraYaganza and Melty Co.
Headed by the Peerless Lyric Artist,
Bright, Breezy, Buoyant.
Better Than the Best Yet.
Two Performances Daily at 2. 30 and 8.15 p.m.
Scranton Base Ball Park
There was never a shoot of this kind In
Lackawanna county, why not turn out bring
your friends even if you do not shoot Tell
yonr friends about it. The winner of a medal
becomes the absolute owner. The following
are the prizes:
First prize, presented by Green Ridge Gun
club, f 75 gold medal.
Second Prize, presented by Green Ridge
Oun club, tW hammerless gun.
Third prize, presented by Lumber dealers
of Scranton, $45 gold stop watsh.
Fourth prize, presented by tieorgeW- Sella
gor.handsome gun case.
Filth prize, presented by E, R. Parker, split
bamboo flshiug rod.
Sixth prize, presented by A. W. Jurish,
Remington rifle.
Seventh prize, nresented by George W. Ful
ton, hunting coat,
Eighth prize, presented by Alex Dunn, Jr.,
sportman s umbrella.
The rules are 21 yards rise, use of one bar
rel only and only 14 ounce shot allowed. 1 he
boundary will be the fence which encloses the
grounds. Each shooter will shoot at S5 I've
pigeons. All ties to be shot off at five birds
each. An admission of 25 cents will be charg
ed, grand stand free. The publlo Is cordialy
Invited. . . .
There is at the present time 28 entries and
they are tho crack wing shots of north east
ern Pennsylvania. Wo expect to have at
least 40 entries which will take over 1,000
pigeons to decide the contest. J?,hBV
ceived a number of entries from Wilkes-Barre
and Luzorne connty. Thorewill beno selling
out In this match, every shooter will shoot the
shoot of bis life.
There has been nothing In years that has at
tracted such attention as our coming shoot.
Take Provid-nce or PeckviUe oar from
Scranton to ball park.
All entries will close Sept. 22.
Address all letters to
Ispropared to receive summer boarders ana
furnish rigs for tourists to surrounding towns
and summer resorts.