The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 22, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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. OF
From 'Penury to Great Wealth and Then
Quick!; Back Again.
He Was a Generous Man, Was Wil
son, and He Lived High While He
Mingled with Chicago's Million
airesBeauties of His Imagination.
Name Carved on Many a Mile
Post Between Scranton and Coun
cil Bluffs.
For Iht ftUurday Tribune.
"A chilly town! A chilly town!" mur
mured Pemberton Wilson as he Urupod
around to the sunny sido of warehouse P
and slowly lot himself down to a recum
bent position on the hot, tarry boards.
"A chilly town that's 'what even In
the summer time," said Pemberton Wil
son as he threw a stray nail Into tho
muddy slip and lazily watched the rings
enlarge and lose themselves In faintest
flpples. "You take any train, and it lands
you here, and the only comfort of bein
here Is that there's so many trains out I
B'pose my stomach thinks I'm tryln to
go without anything for a week just on a
bet. Tho country lanes must bo slghin
for ma I wonder if turnips are gottin
largo enough."
To designate Pemberton Wilson as a
"hobo" would simply corroborate his
opinion of himself, says tho tramp editor
of the Chicago Record. He had carVcd
"Hobo Wilson" on many a section shanty
andmilcpost between Scranton and Coun
cil Bluffs, and there wero friends who
knew him as "Rooster. "
At tho bend in the river a coal vessel
was being unloaded. The click of tho ma
chinery and the noisy dumping of tho big
buckets at regular Intervals were sooth
ing when tho rhythm was understood.
"Hobo" Wilson tipped with his thumb,
keeping timo, and looked through tho rig
ging of a lumber schooner in tho second
slip beyond at tho coughing smokestack
which reached up from a small planing
mill. The mill was buzzing in ohnngeablo
tones, like a nest of discordant buniblo
becs. The smoko rolling from tho stack drift
ed through the rigging, where the yards
and netted lines seemed to cut it into Ir
regular shapes. "Hobo" Wilson watched
drowsily until to his blurred vision thcro
wero many fantastic forms floating in tho
foggy maze. And ho was not greatly sur
prised when ono of these forms took on
theoutllneof a dwarfish human being and
floated slowly toward him. It poised fora
moment abovo a hawser timber and shook
Itself, .a shower of soot falling from it
Then it settled into a comfortable sitting
attitude and looked at him.
"Well, Rooster, how's everything?"
The voice was rather small and shrill.
"Hobo" Wilson could not answer at onco.
Ho was marveling at the appearance of his
strange visitor. The little man was hardly
8 feet high. Under tho slouch hat was a
good natured and wrinkled face, decorated
to the chin with a small tuft of beard,
which might have been gray at one time,
but which was now blackened and dusty,
the same as his face and clothes. Tho lat
ter wero of rough quality a hickory shirt,
a shoddy pair of trousers, fringed at tho
bottom and held up by one suspender, and
a pair of worn shoes, much too large, and
laced with hemp twine.
"Are you down on your luck, Rooster?"
asked tho little man.
"I'm livin on the air," said "Hobo."
'But where did you come from?"
"I Just dropped in with the smoke.
Don't know mo, eh?"
"That's what I don't"
"Listen, 'Hobo' Wilson. Do you remem
ber last Saturday morning when you wero
at Hammond and divided your handout
Yr ill
rt 3
with a brother who alighted from a box
car, a day out from Louisvillo and very
"I do. 'A man's a man for a' that.'"
"True enough, Roostor. That was a
good deed. More than onco I've seen you
give a comrndo a good place ou tho truok."
"Where was you?"
"I dare say you didn't look up Into the
rolling cloud of Binoko to see the good
fairy of the hoboes."
"Cert. You didn't expect the guardian
fairy of the hoboes to tear tho country in
all kinds of weather with a little white
robe and some ostrich feather wings?"
"I s'pose not." '
"Hobo Wilson, I've watched you. I
never saw you do a pard any dirt. The
good things of this world must not all be
given to brakomon and farmers and people
v who work. Are you hungry?"
"Sure." '
"Thon feel in the pockots of that coat
beside you, and bcllevo me when I tell you
that every man must live before bo dies."
"Sufferin brnkobcamal" gasped Rooster
as he drew front ono pocket aflor (mother
crumpled rolls of bank bills. Ho heaped
them upon the faded cheek cloth, and his
tears fell on them, "No more drillin in
the snow, no souphonses. Never again
In a bucket. Pard, you've done''
But when he looked up again the one
gallnsed fairy had disappeared, and ths
sino&o which posited through tho rigging
and rolled away was blaukor than ever.
He put nil tho money in his pockets,
first throwing away tho balls of twlno.
the old pocketknifo and the needle and
thread wound about a beer cork. On the
street car he could And no bill loss than
$5, and the conductor grumbled about the
change. '
: "Give roo the change, confound you
said Mr. Wilson, "or else I'll have that
number off your cap. "
Thoroupon-tho conductor quieted down
and gavo him bis chango. i Mr. Wilson
tossed 10 cents to a baby on a seat in front
of hlinjmd then .settled back to en joy his
riuo. no una never Known of a more beau
tiful day. Ho observed with much satis
faction that every oneclsoswmed as happy
as ha Tlie women in tho doorways were
smiling, and children romped along the
slduwaJks. Ho counted the money from
ono pocket and found that it amounted to
$05, or 1,31)0 glasses of beer. Tho other
passengers watched him curiously.
Ho alighted at Polk street and walked
over to Dinny 's place. Tho old crowd was
there. "Como up, you fellows," said Mr.
Wilson, "and drink all you can hold. 1
mean it," he added as they did not seem
willing to stand up and take chances.
"Hero's tho stuff.'
Ho dribbled out on tho bar the silver
which tho conduetor had given hiuu There
was a rush, and Dinny began setting out
rows of schooners. "Drink up that
money!" shouted Mr. Wilson. "And say,
Dinny, glvo me a good cigar."
Whilo the boys woro taking away tho
"scuttles" as fast as they could bo passed
up Mr. Wilson went out to purchase a
wardrobe. Ho know the placo to go to, be-
cuuse ho had stood before It many a time
looking at the brilliant neckties and white
collars. Tho proprietor mot him gruflly,
but melted into smiles whon ho saw the
roll of money.
''Fix me up from tho skin out," said
Mr. Wilson. "Give mo tho best stuff
you'vo got and hand it out quick."
At tho end of 10 minutes ho was a new
man. His neck felt the dlgnlflod embrace
of a col Iar for tho first time in years. The
stiff shirt hud straightened hun up. Ho
put Ids money into his now clothes and
strolled out Tho big officer who had once
kicked him moved respectfully aside to al
low him to pais.
"I'll hire somo one to lick that fellow,"
said Mr. Wilson as ho directed his steps
lowora a lancy barroom.
Ho drank cocktail after cocktail, and
tneir only oirect was to incrcaso his gon
eral cheerfulness and make evory one
around him more attentive to his wishes.
"Where's tho best restaurant in town?"
ho asked, leaning over tho bar and famil
iarly addressing the man in the white gar
ments. "It's two blocks down."
"Ill show you where it is," said a man
who wore clothes almost as good as those
of Mr. Wilson. "Como with mo." Mr. Wil
son locked arms with the gentleman, who
introduced himself us president of a bank
and said ho was proud to bo allowed to
walk along tho street with Mr. Wilson.
They met several distinguished citizens
whoso names Mr. Wilson had read in
scraps of newspaper around tho lodging
house They met the mayor, the postmas
ter, Mr. Armour, Mr Field, Mr. Pullman
and others. Evory time Mr. Wilson was
introduced tho whole crowd wont and had
a drink. Mr. Wilson showed them how
much money he had, and they slapped him
on tho hack and said ho was a good fellow.
At last Mr. Wilson and the banker sat
down to dine. They had lobster and pie
and champagno and all kinds of drinks,
and Mr. Wilson gave tho waiter $1 to fan
him whilo he was eating. Aftor that he
and the banker went riding in an opon
carriage, and all the people along tho
street stopped to seo them go by. They
halted in front of a saloon and had tho
bartender bring three bottles of champagne
out to tho carriage -ono for Mr. Wilson,
ono for tho banker and one for the driver.
Whilo they, wero drinking the cham
pagne out of tho bottles a crowd gathered
around. Mr. Wilson ordered a policeman
to disperse . the crowd, and he did so
"Now, what shall wo do next?" askod
tho banker, putting his arm around Mr.
Wilson's neck. "Oh, tnkoa little rido nnd
then have something more to drink. Drive
up, there!" ond he stood up In the seat
and kicked the driver in tho back.
So they drove up one street and down
another whilo tho bands played and wom
en at tho windows waved handkerchiefs.
Mr. Wilson leaned back in tho cushions,
thoroughly happy and counting his money,
When ho felt a sudden pain in his right
Tho pain became more sharp.
Ho raised himself to his elbow.
Ho was getting the "hot foot " A heavy
policeman was pounding the sole of his
shoe. The club was lifted again, but
"Hobo" Wilson ftrew back his leg.
"Go wan now! Get a move!" suid the
policeman, giving him a kick with the
broad of his foot.
"Woll, I'm goin," whined "Hobo" Wil
son, whoso head was ull in a whirl as ho
came to his feet. Ho picked up his coat
ond limped around the corner of ware
house F, and at each step the cruel truth
been mo dearer to him.
"Thank goodness for one thing," said
ho. "I cun still taste the lobster."
The Future Language In China.
The introduction of a uniform language
in China is only a dream. Two hundred
years ago the emperor Kang-hi founded
schools in various ports of the empire In
the hope of accomplishing that end, but
the result was disappointing. It may be
accomplished in the future when railroads
in various parts of the country bring the
people closer together. Centuries will pass
by before that time, however. The Man
darin tongue if any will become the uni
versal one in China. Ostasiiitischer Lloyd.
A Miner In High life.
Misers are not confined to one class of
the community, but have been at least as
common to the higher ranks as to the
lower. John Churchill, the first duke of
Marlborough, was the. greatest soldier In
E-urope. Yet when he was an old man, in
order to save sixpence from carriage hire
he would walk from the public rooms in
Bath to bis hotel in all kinds of weather
He died worth 1,000,000, which reverted
to his bitterest enemy, his grandson, Lord
Trevors. Cassell'a Journal
The SsortDsti, When Aroused, Is aYery
Truculent Fellow, Iudecd.
He Is a Veritable Privateer and
Wields a Trenchant Blade Can
Stab a Whale or Scuttle a Ship with
Equal Ease Fearless in Battle and
Curious in Repose Lively Scenes
Off the California Coast.
Far the Saturday Tribune.
A short timo ago the attention of the
passengers on a steamer off the southom
Californlon coast was attracted by what
was ovidently a fight between two sea
monsters. What appeared to bo a moun
tain of foam first caught their attention.
Then an enormous tail was seen tossed in
to tho air. Then tho monster breached
and rolled over and over, beating the wa
ter Into foam with resouuding blows that
could bo heard a mllo or more with the
wind. Nothing but the great black mass
could be seen, and for 20 minutes the
strange sight continued, to the wonder
ment of tho voyagers. If the steamer could
have approached, they woidd havo wit
nessed a most unequal struggle between a
largo whalo and a foo of insignificant size.
Beneath the w'otor several swordilsh were
literally prodding the largo animal to
death, running their sharp swords Into its
unwieldy form until tho croaturo was In a
perfect fury and could only fling its huge
tuil about in Impotent rago.
Such Incidents are by no means raro at
sea, and tho presence of tho swordilsh as
tho cause of the trouble Is often disputed,
but In nine cases out of ten It Is the offend
er, says a writor In tho San Francisco
Chronicle. Tho unrelenting and ferocious
nature of tho swoTdflsh is noc generally
known, but it may be sot down as among
tho most dreaded of all fishes. It may bo
sold that tho fish is uttorly without fear
and will, like a Cape buffalo or a rhinoc
eros, charge anything that offends the eyo.
The combats with its own kind are most
Interesting and may bo compared to two
export swordsmon who havo rushed to the
contest, not with foils, but with rapiers,
and fenco for blood. Such a contest was
observed in California waters not long
ago. some iisiienncn noticed two big llsh
leaping out of the water and dashing
along nt tho surface. Soon they saw that
they wero swordflsh. The senson wna
wiioa too llsli are supposed to bo Dftlrina
ana mo moies ore unusually ferocious.
Thoy had made several rushes, and when
observed woro at close quarters striking
eacn ouicr powerrui side blows liko cavalry
men. This was unsatisfactory, and final'
ly they separated and darted at each other
like arrows, the wator hissing as their
sharp doisal fins cut through It They
evidently struck head on, one missing,
while the sword of the other struck Just
below the eye and plowed a deep furrow
in the fish, partly disabling it, so that it
turned and attempted to escape. But its
adversary, now thoroughly aroused, also
turned, and with a rush drove his sword
completely through Its body, and despite
its struggles held It fast, only wrenching
his weapon loose when his enemy stopped
swimming. This ono lungo had finished
the battle, and tho victor left the Hold.
Tho vanquished, floating on the surfaoe.
was picked up by the fishermen.
iho writer later observed the wounds.
which gave ample evidence of the ferocity
of the attack. The force with which a
swordflsh strikes has been variously esti
mated, but that it is equal to that which
drives a 24 pound shot from a howitzer can
be believed from viewing the results.
in the waters of California at least threa
kinds of Bwordflshes con be seen Xiphlus
gladius, Tetrapturus alhidus and Hlsto
phorus gladius. Tho fish engaged In the
battle described were of the kind first
named. It is the ordinary swordflsh found
on both sides of the Atlantic, in appear
ance trim and shipshape a veritablo pri
vateer. It is a piratical cousin of tho
mackerel. The striking feature Is the
sword, which Is a continuation of the up
per Jaw into a sharp, bony sword. Tho
jows aro toothless, tho lower one being
hard or horny. Tho eyes ore large and
prominent tho tall sickle shanod and pow
erful, and tho whole appearance of tho fish
denotes speed and activity.
It attains a length of from S to 9 foot
and when working at full speed can nlorco
any ship of wooden hull sheathed with cop
per. Many remarkablo instances of this
aro known, and there is hardly a week in
the year but something of tho kind is re
corded by shipping agents.
One of the most romarkablo cases on
record is that of tho ship Dreadnaught.
Ono day at soa the crow felt a sudden
shock, and soon after that the ship sprang
a leak and was obliged to put into port.
It was found, when she was drvdocked.
that a largo swordflsh had struck her. The
sword had penetrated the copper, then the
thick oak hull, passing through the thick
pine sheathing aud finally entering the
head of a barrel standing in a convenient
place. The sword was broken off short,
partly plugging tho wound.
The ship Wanderer was struck in the
south Atlantic in the same way, and the
pumps had to bo manned. When she was
docked, the telltale sword was found.
Some years ago a fisherman was rowlns
his boat along the shore of Stolen Island
when he was suddenly thrown from his
seat by a violent blow. He recovered him
self in time to find that the blade of a
swordflsh had been thrust up almost di
rectly beneath him, so near, In fact that
it came near piercing his body. The flsh
wrigglod out and the demoralized fisher
man stopped the hole as well as he could
and pulled for shore. These Instances
and they aro but fow of many show that
the fish arovslmply actuated by rago or
by a constitutionally savage disposition.
Undoubtedly they attack any enemy on
sight without provocation.
A Wonderful Air City.
Many stories have been written abont
mirages and delusions, but none have been
more interesting and curious than that of
the Silent City mirage, which makes its
appearance- near - the- Pactflo- glacier . la-
Alaska. The discovery of this wonderful
mirage was made by the Indians, who
would tell of the city which was built in
the clouds. The mirage can be seen in the
early part of July, from 5 to 6 p. m. It
rises from the side of the Pacific glacier.
It first appears like a heavy mist and soon
becomes clearer, and one can distinctly see
the specter city, well defined streets and
trees, tall spires, huge and odd shai)ed
buildings which appear to be ancient
mosques or cat hedrals. It is a city which
would seem to contain at least 23,000 or 30,
000 inhabitants.
As yet no one has been able to identify
it, although several have claimed to recog
nize the place. There is no city like it in
Alaska, nor in any country about it for
thousands of miles. Some claim it is a
city in Russia, others say it is a city in
England, but none can tell where and
what it is. Tho mirage was given the
name of "Silent City," as it appears to one
like a dead city; there is nothing that
would indicate it is inhabited. Chicago
Bird That Make Queer Noises.
The bcllbird or campanere, which is
found in South America and also in Af
rica, Waterton, the famous traveler and
naturalist, states, can he heard at a dis
tance of three milts. Its note is liko the
tolling of a distant church bell, and is ut
tered during the heat of the day, when
every other bird has ceased to sing and na
ture is hushed and silent. How the bell
bird utters this deep, loud note is not
known, though it is supposed that a fleshy
protuberance on its head, which when in
flated with air stands up like a horn, is in
some wuy the cause of it.
The hornbill, a bird which is widely dis
tributed in India, the Malay archipelago
and Africa, has also a very loud note. Its
call has been described as "between the
shriek of a locomotive and the bray of a
donkey," and can be heard a distance of
about a couple of miles. The barking bird
also utters a very loud note; indeed, it is
impossible to distinguish it from the bark
of a dot;. Its English name, says Darwin,
is well given, for I defy any one at first to
feel certain that a small dog is not yelping
somewhere in the forest The Toucar hus
also the same peculiarity.
Pedigrees of Arabian Hones.
Tho Arabs have no written pedigrees; it
is all an affair of memory and of notoriety
in the tribe. Certain alleged pedigrees of
Arabian horses, couched in romantic lan
guage and represented as carried in a
small bag and hung by a cord around tho
auimal's neck, have been published, but
these are forgeries got up probably by
horse dealers, Egyptian, Syrian or Persian.
The breeding of every horse is a matter of
common knowledge, and it would be im
possible for his owner to fabricate pedi
gree so ns to deceive the natives, even if he
were so inclined. The Bedouins, it seems
necessary to udmit, are in general great
liars, and they will lie (toastranger) about
the age, the qualities or the ownership of a
horse, but they will not lie about his pedi
gree, even when they can do so with im
punity. To bo truthful on this subject is
almost a matter of religion, certaiidy a
point of honor, in the desert. Atlantic
For Many Years James Guyon Has
Foiled the Best Laid Plans
of the Detectives.
The recent arrest of tho Ilill-floyt gang
of counterfeiters and tho seizure of their
outfit at Bethel, Conn., was a groat
achievement. But tho king of the coun
terfeiters remains at large, and again tho
secret service agents of tho government
have been foiled.
When all tho plans had been arranged
for tho seizure of tho Bethel crowd, the se
cret service agents supposed that Jim
Guyon was at lost within the meshes of
their net. That is tho namo of tho ono
man who for years has escaped their
clutehes. For him their most elaborate
and costly traps have been laid. They
havo not scrupled to spend thousands of
dollars and many years In devising means
for his apprehension. And in several in
stances, whon a gang of counterfeiters had
been located, ut whose back was Jim
Guyon, o sudden swoop has been made and
all but him captured.
One trusted and experienced secret serv
ice agent received the solemn injunction
from his dying fathor to capture Jim
Guyon dead or alive. Tho futher had de
voted yoars to the work, but In vain, and
tho son, with painstaking care, has fol
lowed up his prey, but without success.
Another agent of the secret service, Donol
la by name, has a hole in his oar, made
by a bullet from tho pistol of Jim Guyon
as he fled over Ohio fields only four years
ago. Ho would dearly love to pay back
that injury with interest hut Guyon has
escaped him.
Guyon is not nlono a counterfeiter. Ho
Is an organizer of counterfeiters. In putting
up a job against tho treasury lie proceeds
with marvelous cunning. He it is who
finds the engraver and sets him at his
work, who procures the paper, who works
th press and who finally supervises the
d igerons operation of "shoving the
'.doer." Guyon keeps the gang together.
To do this money is needed good money
-and Guyon always finds it
Guyon has organized many gangs of
counterfeiters, and the secret service
agents have as often run them to earth
and captured the members, with the ex
ception of tho leader, who is a slippery
customer Indeed. But they havo never
been successful in capturing the plate of
the "Webster head" $10 bill, which has
been in Guyon's possession for a dozen
years. This is a very dangerous counter
feit, and thousands of dollars' worth have
been circulated. Many thousands, too,
have been expended by the secret service
agents in trying to got hold of the-plate.
They were sorely disappointed when they
found it was missing from the outfit cap
tured at Bethel. Tho original counterfeit
of the " Wesbtar bead' made its first ap
pearance in 1879 at Moberly, Mo., and it
has turned up since then at Intervals of
three or four years In different parts of the
Guyon Is about 45 years old. 6 fee tin
height weighing about 100 pounds, with
dark brown hair and high cheek bones.
The concession granted by the Danish
government for working the free port of
Copenhagen is for-eighty years, the state,
however, reserving the right of' taking It
at-the end t twenty-five years.
Lllllo Georgia "Bennett, Looks for Thrilling
Adventures at Six
When Picked Up by Mrs. Lucy Car
negie, of the New York Yacht Club,
He Unfolds a Tale Which Would Do
Credit to the Fertile Imagination of
"Old Sleuth" Himseu"-Dime Novels
Explain the Incident.
For the Suiurdav Tribune.
Mrs. Lucy Carnegie, tho only woman
member of the Now York Yacht club, re
cently performed an act of humanity that
many of her lordly colleagues would havo
disdained to trouble themselves with. Her
yacht, tho Dungcness, was steaming down
Long Islund sound, and when opposite
Hoton point at about 6 in the evening a
drifting flat bottomed boat was sighted,
with a Ilttlo boy in it Tho yacht put
about and took the boy on bourd. Ho was
apparently about 10 years old, was nont
ly dressed in bluo knickerbockers and
white shirt waist and said his namo was
Georgio. There wero no oars in tho boat,
and tho tide had carried it out about three
miles from shore.
Aftor her little guest had refreshed him
self Mrs. Cnrnegio asked him where ho
lived, whoro ho got tho boat and how he
happened to bo out in it so far from shore.
Georgio thought for a timo and then calm
ly replied ns follows:
"I lived in London with my parents
right down near where all tho big ships
como in. A few months ago my father
and mother died, and I ran away from my
uncle and went on board a big black sliip
that had a moan, gruff captain on her.
After wo woro out a few days the captoin
beat me with a big stick and had mo
locked up iu a dork room for nearly a
week. When ho let mo out, we wero somo
placo on tho gold coast of Africa. Big
black fellows, with funny beads of gold
around their necks and elephant tusks
through their ears, ran around without
any clothing on, yelling. The captain put
mo nshoro and said, 'Go, now, you young
devil, and bo eaten olive.' Then ho put
me in a small boat with only a gun aud
a knifo with a curved, sharp blade.
"As tho ship sailed away, with tho men
yelling nt mo, I turned toward the shoro
and saw a thousand bluck grinning devils
preparing to jump in the water and como
out to me. Turning onco moro toward
tho retreating ship, I hurled a mighty
curso at tho brute of a captain, who stood
on tho bridgo chuckling at my predica
ment Thon, resolutely facing tho savages,
who wero by this time swimming out to
ward me, I saw that their number was too
great for mo to fight single handed, so I
picked up my oars and pulled with a long,
steady stroko down the coast. At first
some of tho savages tried to follow, but
whon I raised my rifle and sent tho fore
most into eternity tho rest turned around
rapidly swam to tho shore. Then I pro
ceeded on my way farther down tho coast,
whero I landed and mado my way inland.
For 15 days I lived on nothing but lion and
tiger flesh. My trusty rlflo never failed
me, but I could find no water at ouo timo
for threo days, and I had to suck the blood
from tho game I killed to quench my
thirst. I shall not dwell upon these hard
ships, though, but will bring you at once
to tho timo whon I reached Cape Town.
"When I roachod there, there was n
ship lying in tho harbor which was to sail
that day for tho United States. I took
passago, paying with some gold I had
found in tho forest. I had an uueventful
voyago to this fulr country, but when wo
wero coming into tho place where you
found me I saw a beautiful girl in that
boat you found mo in. I saw she could
nut reach tho shore, so I went to tho cap
tain and told him. Tho bruto exclaimed:
'Lot her perish. I can't bother with every
one I seo in a boat!' At this I became
furious. I tried to arguo with him, but
ho would not listen.
"My blood fairly boiled with indigna
tion. How could I, a man, stay in safety
and see a beuutlful girl perish? No, no;
it would bo cowardly. So, tightening my
belt around me, I leaped into tho surging
waters, and with a powerful effort readied
tho boat. Tho girl had swooned away.
Sho lay there, a beautiful creature, with
long golden hair and a face like an uncel.
Long dark lashes covered a pair of eyes as
bluo as tho deep sea, and her skin was as
fair os a lily. I bathed her face with wa
ter, and as sho slowly opened her eyes and
touched mo with her soft tapering fingers
I was thrilled to my innermost soul."
At this point ono of tho ladles in the
pnrty which surrounded tho boy laughed
softly, and tho mon began to look a little
uneasy. At tho sound of tho laugh Georgio
seemed to awake us if from a trance. His
flashing blue ryes resumed their natural
expression and a blush canie on hisohcoks.
With a timid movement ho baoked toward
Mrs. Carneglo's seat, and when she reach
ed out her hand and took his lie turned
around and hid his faco in her lnp. The
party wore rather surprised at this, and
besides all of them had become Intensely
interested in the story. They began . to
question him bb to what had become of tho
beautiful girl, but Georgio steadfastly re
fused to say another word.
Somo tlniO'Oftorward, when he seemed
to have recovered his composure, Mrs.
Carnogio asked him, "What is your last
namo, Georgicf"
"Georgio Bennett is my wholo namo,
madam," replied Georgle, resuming his
Chestorfleldian air.
"And whore do you come from, Mr.
Bennett?" his questioner continued.
"Danbury, Conn., madam. My father
keeps a furniture store there at 1 Terrace
After much coaxing he was Induced to
explain that he had run away from his
aunt's homo. He was going to row out
on tho ocean, .got picked up by somo big
steamer and then go to Europe.
When the yacht reached New York, Mr.
Bonnett-was tolcgmphod for and oome to
claim his son. Ho told Mrs. Carnegie
how he and his wife had sent tho. boy,
their only child, down to his aunt's, who
live near Roton point to got a week or so
fifJtaeh. so alk fla Tuesday mQininjiM
mL& Jfe
left his aunt's house and went to tho
beach. After that they could find no trace
of him. Mr. Bennett said that tho boy
was only 11 yoars old, hut that he had al
ready read innumerable dimo novels, and
it was that ho believed, that caused him
to want to go around tho world.
Tho Acrotmtlc Art.
Ono dny an actor mimed Glllett came to
tho gymnasium, nnd tho moment I heard
he wus an actor I liean turning hand and
head springs in a way that astonished my
self. Ho asked me if I would like to go on
the stage with him. I could not say "Yes,
sir," quick enough for fear he might
change his mind. 11a took mo to his home,
bought mo a suit of clothes and I became
professionally known us Frank K. Gillett,
of the. Gillett family, bicycle ridors nnd
The first morning I went with Mr. Gil
lett to practice I shall never forget The
first trick he taught me was a backward
somersault. I was ordered to stand erect,
and when the word was given to spring
backward, throw my head back at the
same time and turn "for oil I was worth."
Gillett stood ou the leftside of me, and
when I was turning gavo mo considerable
assistance by placing his riht hand on
my left hip. I made the turn and landed
on my hands and feet. I was the happiest
boy iu CliiraiRo-my first trial was a suc
cess. After Mr. Gillett was confident that
I had tho somersault ho began to teach
me how to turn on his shoulders. A belt
was fastened around my waist, with a con
ner.tiny rope on each bide.
Eadi ropo was placed through a pulley
on the top of an upright pole on each side
of me, and I was again instructed to "ko."
1 lost control of myself while in the air,
and only for tho aid of the mechanic or
"lunge," ai they called, I would have
broken my neck. I was frightened almost
into hysterics. I discovered, however, that
I could not injure myself as long as tho
mechanic was used, so I continued prac
ticing until I had mastered tho trick.
Sometimes I slipped, to lxi sure, and then
Gillett was a bit vicious, but on the whole
he was a good sort Interview in Chicago
Oscar Hammcrstain's Sibilant Tend,
ency Raises a Big Row in One
of His Theaters.
May a man hiss a performance in his
own tnoororr
Oscar Hamniersteln thinks so and has
suffered for his opinion.
Mr. Hiumnerstcin is associated with
Messrs. Koster & Bial in the management
or a iow i oris music hull which is patron
ized by tho fast set and occasionally visit
ed by slower citizens who aro curious to
seo how tho fast set amuso themselves.
Mr. Hammcrsteln occupied a oonsoicu-
ous box in his theater tho other night, and
when Di Dio, n Vienneso Bluger with nn
Italian namo, appeared on tho stago ho
greeted her with loud and long continued
hisses. Ilammerstein'a hiss was so shrill
and persistent that It attracted the atten
tion of tho audience, nnd many persons
present were astonished to recognize in the
offender ono of the proprietors of tho house.
Occupants of adjacent boxes protested
against tho disturbance nnd were prompt
ly informed by Mr. Haminerstcin that lie
owned tho placo ond If they didn't like
Ills conduct they could go to a hotter ro
Among those who expostulated with
tho lrato manager was one Goorgo Kess-
ler, a wino merchant and man about town,
aud him Mr. Hammerstcin treated with
particular contempt. Tho men finally ad
journed their dispute to tho lobby, wlioro
Mr. Hammerstcin smoto tho cheek of his
adversary and was promptly floored for his
presumption. Being a fat man, tho im
presario promptly rebounded and was tm
mediately knocked down again by the
powerful fist of hisopponent. Thisopera
tion was twice repeated, greatly to tho edi
fication of a crowd of bystanders, among
whom 1)1 Dio and her maid wero consplcu
ous, before "tho only Italian policeman on
the force" Intervened.
On repairing to the Station house. Messrs.
Koster & Biul promptly bailed Mr. Kess-
ler, but rofused to help their partner, who
was left to cool his heels for a few hours
till bis messengers could find a bondsman.
In court next morning tlio combatants
wero discharged, with a reprimand, after
Justice Voorhees had laid down the law
on a subject of interest to theater goers
"The right of members of tho audience
to applaud is undeniable, "said ho. "They
huve tho namo right to disapprove. But iu
both cases tho individuals should takocaro
not to Interfere with tho rights of others
who wish to sit quietly and do neither."
This uffray has aroused n good deal of
interest in Gotham first because tho civso
itself is very unusual and next because
tho parties involved uro men of consider
unio notoriety, jur. Jlnmmcrstein was
originally interested in the tobacco trade,
in which ho nuwlo a good deal of money.
A fow years ugo he built two theaters in
Harlem nnd blossomed out as a theatrical
manager. While engaged in that capacity
his combatlvo disposition has led him into
a number of rows which have gained moro
or loss publicity. In lSDfl ho built the
Manhattan Opera House In Thirty-fourth
street and after an unsuccessful season
there ho entered into a partnership with
Koster & liial and converted the house
into a music hull. He onco wrote or
said ho wrote tho score and libretto of a
comio opera in SI hours on a wager.
Mr. Kcssler Is personally ono of the
very best known men in New York. Ho
drives tho showiest carriages In the park,
including a hansom drawn by a spank
ing team. His afternoons are devoted to
business and driving, but as soon ns night
has sottlcd over tho city ho appears in his
dress suit and wherever men congregate
thero ho may bo seen. Ho receives an enor
mous allowance from tho French wlno
house he rcpremts. Gossip has it that ho
receives f 50,000 for expenses and that he
sjM'iuls evory cunt of it.
Hodlvides his time between Hollywood,
N. J., and Saratoga Springs during tho
summer sotison, and in the great club
houses thero is no heavier gambler than
ho. In ono night last month In Snratoga
ho lost $17,ft00 in the United States club
houso at baccarat In tho Saratoga club
house ho Inst $8,000 at a sitting.
Mr. Kosslcr gavo a famous clambake in
tho hotting ring of tho Saratoga race
track In August Ho had invited about
COO guests and had turned tho entire ring
into a.glganUo dining hall. Nearly all of
tho turfmen of that section of tho country
were present Tho fenturo of the repast
wns tho dessert. ' An army of nbont 00
colored waiters filed in after the food had
boon idioaussod, each ono carrying an Im
mense watermelon, Into which a bottlo of
chMWgMwfl- bosu.' poured, . The bot
tles, head downward, woro standing in tha
This is not the first row In which Mlle
dl Dio, tho singer, has boon involved.
Four years ago sho was singing at Dan
zer's Orphoum, Vienna. Hor dnvotoi
admirer was a young Koumanian prince,
tho sou of a Uoumanhtn embassador to
Viennu. Ho was always with her when
sho drovo in tho prater ha the afternoons
and in hor box ut tho opera where she
spent tbo evenings until tho tiznocame for
her turn at the second class theater at
which sho Was singing. It is reported
that this young man, in a mumentof ini
pecuniosity, had borrowedthesinger's jow
els and pawned tlicni. This wae-vory gen
erally discussed In Vtottnaat the time, and
when thu German embassador to Austria,
Prince Kcuss, gavo ouo of his diplomatic
balls the Roumanian embassador was in
vited, but no invitation was. eent to his
Publio comment on tho young man's re
lotions to tho singer had reached such a
stage that it was Important for him to bo
present at a ball which Jill Vienna was cer
tain to attend, so ho wont without an in
vitation and told his hostess that ho sup
posed his failure to receive one was due
to an oversight This misconception of
tho situation was very frankly cleared
away by Prince lieuns, whotoW him that
ho had failed to rwelvcaii invitation bo
couso non had been stmt him, and that
his presence tlicro was not desired. He
and his fatlier promptly left the embassy,
and thero followed adiaUengo from tho
Roumanian embassador, who was a meni
Ixir of tho Buourcsco family. There woa
no duel. Mllo. dl Dio has hor jewels back,
and tho yonng prlncohas dropped into the
security of his fatherland.
DK. U. tLuAH DKAN has removed to SIS
Kprucu struct, Scranton, t. (.Joatop
losite court-house Sau&re.)
1)U. A. J. CUNKKLL. Offlee 2U1 Washington
J avenua. corner Spruce street, over
1 raucko s druK store. Keaidonce, Ki Tine at.
Ullico hours: lO.Sti to 12 a. m. and to and
1'.. W. E. ALLEN. Often nor. I-ot-
ard shoo store; ollice bourn, 10 to 12 a. in. and
8 to 4 p. m.; evenings at residence, 02.U.
V ashhiifton vo.
)lt U L. FRBY, Iractice limited to Dl
XJ caws of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat;
office, li Wyoming avo. Iioiiulonce. SU Vina
1 U. L.M. UATK& 1S5 Washington Avenae, ,
XJ OlUce hours, 8 to a.m usmo- 9 and I
to 8 p.m. BckIiImoco '.tU Mmlrton arrnoa
I OHNHTwEN 12, MrbOinceir and 51
J Commonwealth baildine; raadonce Til
Madison ave: ofllce hours. 10 to 14 2 to-i T to
S; Hniidnya 2.30 to , evenings at resHtemca. A
specialty mado of dbvasaa of the ey-ear. now
and throat and Kynooology.
li. KAY, J6 1'eun.Wa. ; t to3p.m. ;-catl2082 wommi. obstotrica and din. of chiL;
JM. a KANCK'S Law and CoUoetlon of.
. fice, No. 817 Bproce hu, opposite Forest
Houfo. Scranton, pa,; collections a upeetalty
throuithout PennHylvania; soUable correspond
enta in every county.
JEiSbUfS & HACiU, Attorneys and Coonaot
lors at Law, Common wealth bttUdmb
Washington ave, W. H. Jestop,
Horace K. HARa
W. H. Jp.sstjp.Ja.
nevs and Coiinnnlnra at Law. Rarmhttcaa
bnllding, Washlnirton avn.. Scranton, Pa.
IJATThKSOJ & W1LOOX. Attorneys and .'
i. C'ouusoUora at Law; oilicos and 8 Library '
buildui bcranton. Pa.
KcswELt H. PArnnso
Wiij.iam A. Wrix-ox.
torueyn aud Comnsollors, Commonwealth
ouildinii. Rooms IK, W and 21.
r. BoYLE, Attoruey-at-Latf.Nos.19 and
50. Burr building, Washington avenne.
KNRY M. HEELY-Law olBceain Prka
building, Washington avenue
nKANK T. OICKLL, Attorney at Law. Room
I 5. Coal Exchangn. jScranton, Pa.
MILTON W. 1XWRY, I Att'ya, 2.7 Washing-,
U 11. VON BTORCH. fUmay G. H. square. .
1A11ESW. OAKPOUD, Attorney at Law. -,
rooitig S3, M and 65, Commonwealth Wg.
QAMUEL W. EIXJAli, Attorney at Law.'
0 Onico, 817 Srnicoet, Benin ton. Pa.
T A. WATR11S, Attorney at Law, C
1 J, Lackawanna auo.. Hrrantnn. Pa
) P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law, Office,'
. rooms fl. W, m Com tnon wealth bunding.
R. Pl'i'CliKK. Attorney at Law, Com-'
monwcalth hollaing. Bcraatao, Pa.
C WMKOY3. ail Spruce Mt
B. KEPLUULK. Attornov-Loon urn.'
. tiated on real ertate necurtty, 4m ttprnca. '
I) V. KILLAM, Attornev-at-Law, tit Wy
1. ominirawnne. Hrranton.
O ton. Pa, proparoa boys and Kir la tarooHagm
or business: lborouMr trains voanccUldraa,'
Catalotfuo at request Opens September 10.
Rirv. Thomas M. Cam,
, WAETca H. Bovi
1 1 lei nvntuir.uo nmi;is.tiVjtAliTtSft
in ana hcnool. iu Adams avonna.
received at all times,
tNiptembor 10.
Next-term will open.
C. LAURA CH, Burgooa Dentist, No, US
w yuiujnfc ave.
R. M. HTKATTON. ofnc Oal Krchanw..
REPUBLIC BsvingTB and LnraAsw.
-I ciation will loan yon money cnastorterm
and pay yon better on investment than any
other association. (VI 1 on S. N.CALL&M-.
PER. Prmo Bank hnildlmr
- .
Gil CLARK & CO., Beedmen, Florist
and Nurserymen; store Its WBoJntoa
avenue; green house, IUjO North. Maiu areuoe;
store telephone 782,
TOH. KUETTEL, 6ui Lackawanna svenu
V Scranton, Pa., niauuf'r of Wire Screens.
rpHE ELK CAFE, 115 and 127 Franklin ave
X nuo. Rates reasonable.
P., Proprietor.
W. Q. SCHENnr V.r,..
Sixteenth street, one block east of Broad wait'
at Union Square, New York,
merlran Wan, tit jfjPgrday and upward.
SU'RANTON HOUSE, near b LAW. pas.
sensor depot. Conducted on tho En,.
r'an. Vhtor Kocn. I'mprUtor.
I AVIS ft HOUPT, Architects. Rooms 2L
1' Si and 20 Commonwealth D'ld'g, Sorantoo.
f L. WALT EH, Architect. Office, rear of
J. MX) Washington avenue.
If L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect. Pries
L t building, 120 Washington Are-Scranton.
II Italia nlmilrwi n.l-Ha .
I , ' , ' WW
dines and ooucort work furnished. For terms
.1 1 I) 1 U A . . ,,T :
uuuronn iu jmui'i, Euiniucwr, w TV yOCUinS
ave., over Hultiert'smnslo store.
inmoer, rnce ouuaina scranton. Pa.
sunnliea. envelopes, namr bm twin.
Warehouse, 130 Washington eve Scranton,
at 1N13 Carouse avenue.
u. b.wiurn, AKsnt.
V sale dealers In Wesfmta. (Yirriam .nt
Oil Cloth, 1x0 W. Lackawanna avenae.
A Hnndsrvmrt Cnmnlovlnn
I" ono ofvthe greatest charms woman can 1
Rives It.