The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 22, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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The offioial statement of anthrnoite
tonnBRs for August glrowi a proaoo
tioa of 8.0S9,8t3 tone, whieu was a half
million torn abort the agreed npun
output, bat 210,000 tons leas than the
ibipnienta in 18113, The Btock of coal
at tide deemead 40,595 torn), and it
bow stands at 8U,4S;i tons. This is the
largest stock of eoal la any month Inter
than Mny for fire years eioept lst
year. The report of stoeks at tido,
however, are, says the Philadelphia
Press, no longer important, aud they
do not in any mv.iuar reflict the con
dition of the trade. Daring the past
fire years carrying companies have
made many conrenient inland storage
, points and have increased their facil
ities for storage at a number of places
at tide in New England aud on the
great lakes. Just bow much
coal there is at them places
is not known, and this is the
point of importance to know. It is
undoubtedly a fact that more coul is
above ground than ever before, and
that this stock aud over-proJ not ion
ura the causes of depression in tu
trude and the phenomeually low prices
at whien coal is tooing sold. Toe pro
duction so far this month is at aoont
the same rate as in August. There is
a hope that the fall demand for coal
vtill soon overcome the bad effects of
over-production prist aud present, but
there is no eiun of activity yet, uuil
buyers of coal are of the opinion tint
prices will not be advmceJ except
on paper during the balance of the seu
8DI1. Prices of coal now and in two
former years may be qaoUd as follow:
(it will be remembered taut lS'.l a
favorable and 1491 an unfavorable
Present Sept. Sept.
Frioes. 1KU IS'.H.
Krokeu S3 -' ?4 Ot) Pi (15
Egg !! :i i -1 -10 4 HI)
S ovo 3 '.-. 4 75 4 'J5
Cliostuut U 5 4 05 8 '.tO
Coal bns been sold at much bMow
tlio prices iu tho first colutnu iu Njw
Yurie. Phiiailelphia, as is always the
cuai', does not net the advautage of the
low prices. The official prices hero
broken 3 95
Efg 4 00
Stove 4 ys
Chestnut.. 4 It)
These figures are cut about SO oeuts
per ton, so that New York, which is
120 to 130 mile uwny from ilw mines,
bns un advantage cf from 45 Lo 80 couts
ptr ton iu round figures:
Discussing tho sum qa-stion the
Philadelphia Inquirer says: "In view
of the deplorabh condition of the truie
iu that month, the utter demoralize
tioa of prices and the stagnant demand,
the action of tho companies in produc
ing so much conl can only bi regarded
as an exhioition of incredible foily ou
tu a part of those who huvo the conduct
of the trade in their bauds. The coal
business in September is worse thau it
was in August, and October promises
to be worse than either. In the light
of these returns it is idle for the sales
Blunts to talk of rc-iJjuritiug the per
centages and making u new allotment
of quotations. If the companies will
not observe the agreement to restrict
the output when the trade is ou the
verge of goiug. to pieces, they will
cot observe anything. Indeed, tho
recent attempt to revise psresntages
may be be regarded at dead. The time
has gone by when percentages that
mean anything at all can be distributed.
If any serious attempt were made to
parcel out the anthracite trade among
the producing companies tho anti
trust laws of the nation and state
would be Invoked at once, and prob i
bly with good effict. There is not on o
anthracite president teday who would
be willing to assume the position
taken by the old board of control
twenty years ago. That was an agree
ment that meant something, and it
was lived up to in a very eutiufnc
tory way, bat a way th it
is utterly impracticable in these times
of social disquiet. And yet anyarei
ment among the companies, to be bind
ing, must have some forca behind it,
and, therefore, must partake of the
nature of the board of control cou
trast. The proposed allotment by tiie
sales agents' eoiumittee is more in tho
nature of what ought to le rather
than of what is practicable, and it will
remain a monument of theoretical
study until the present degenerate days
have passed away and that happy era
has been inaugurated when mou en
gage in business merely for their
"There bas,"iayaSaward, "been con
siderable interest awakened in regard
to the rate charged on anthrnsite after
it has left what might be terms 1 the
'liitial' lines. All that th traffic
will bear, is the iule. We are told that
the Long Inland railroad charges $1 per
ton for a distance of ten mile;, while
the New York Central charges 50 cents
to $1 per ton for the same distance, or
nearly so, according to the division of
its lines running out of New York city,
which the coal passes over. We hav
heard of railroads in New England
getting GO cents per ton for a five-mile
haul, and there are many of them, it is
said, whieh charge from 3 to 5 cents
per ton. There are piaees in New-York
stnte, on lines and to points whoro
there is no competition, where
2T cents per ton per mile for
quite a considerable distance Is not
thought to be out of the way. The
rates on the lines carrying coal to places
iu the western states are not out-of-the-way
to the principal cities aud towns,
but to places off the main line and to
what might be termod non-competitive
points, the rate is an ezcessivo one.
When the produet necessary to fill the
rrauirements of the market can be pro
duced within 215 days, in the course of
a year, it is easy to be seen that all the
business interests of these places suffer.
It is a notable fact that were the con
sumption of the small sizis of anthra
cite not increasing, and therefore
giving employment to the people in the
preparation thereof, the number of
days of labor accruing to the indivi
duals during the coarse of the year
would be less than It is."
This week's Coal Trade Journal
prints the fifty-second nnmbtr of its
"Scenes in the Coal Regions," select
ing as the eubjjot of its illustration
Storrs' colliery. Of this it says: "This
breaker in situated a short distance
north of Scranton, in Dickson City
borough. First shipments were made
in 1889. It is one of the greatest break
ers of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company, having an actual
output of 2,600 tons daily. There are
three hoisting shafts. The coal is
brought by locomotive from these
shafts to the breaker. The veins mined
are the Diamond, Clark and Big,''
The venerable editor of the New York
Sun, insisting upon the idea of a US per
cent, ad valorem duty on nil imports,
evidently is not aware, says Suwnrd,
that if this were applied to ooal it
would mean $1,20 per ton, for the av
erage of all coal imported into the
country during the Iat fiscal year was
, 12.44 per ton at the point of shipment;
to which add the freight whlohis never
less than $1.00 per tou, then the duty,
or $4 04 pr tou delivered , here. Coal
at American loading points oa the At
lantic const has been sold as low as
$2 00 per ton, with freights to many
New England ports at CO cents per ton
Says the Philadelphia Press: "The
foolish story which was printed in this
city some weeks ago that President
Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley, would
resign and would ba succoeded by Mr.
PattUon or Mr. McLeod, has reap
peared in Wilket-Barre with the addi
tional fable that Judge Asa Packer's
will will be coutosted on the- ground
that it creates a perpetuity. This lat
ter story originated in New York.
There is another rumor which has been
circulated for the first time this week
to the effect that legal prooeedings will
bo bezun by Josoph II. Caoate, tho
great New York lawyer, against Judge
Packer's will at the suit of some dis
gtuutltid Lehigh Valley stockholders,
who think the executors have no right
to vote the estate's stock. All these
ntnrios are absolutely denied by Lehigh
Valley officials who should know the
fucts. Somo of them are absurd on
their face.''
The Lebanon News says: "C. W. Mc
Kinuey, general superintendent, II.
Wolirutrj, mgfneor, and fAlfred Ernst,
of the LackWAtiua Iron and Steel
company, arrived from Scrantou Wed
nesday eveniug and registered at the
Eagle hotel. David Baker, lute super
intendent of furnaces at Sparrows
Point, Md., and formerly in the em
ploy of the Pennsylvania steel com
pany, at Steeltou, who will have
charge of the furnaces iu this city and
Cornwall, also arrived here Wednes
day afternoon and registered at the
Eagle hotel. Thursday morniqg the
entire party paid a visit to Colebrook
fnrusces and arrangements were made
to begin the work of rebuilding and en
larging furnace No. 2. which will be
done under the supervision of Mr.
Ernst, who will remain iu chnree. In
the afternoon Messrs. MfKinney,
Wohrura and Baker lft in the 1 59
train from Scrantou. Tne work of re
building and enlarging furnace No. 2,
will be pushed forward as rapidly as
possible. After its completion the
tnrnace will be put in blast, which will
give additional employment for a
number of our people, many of whom
have been out of work for a long time. "
The United States cruisers on duty
in the Bering tea want anthracite
coal, it is nunounced, and it will be
probable that next year a supply will
be sent them from Philadelphia. Coal
that gives no smoke is what tboy need,
because when soft coal is uiod the
smoke aecenda high in the atmosphere,
and the poaching vessels are enabled
to discern the cruiser's position long
before they are sighted by the warships.
Many ".ests of to called smokeless couli
have been made ou the Pauifio coast,
with unsatisfactory results, and Penn
sylvania hard coal is agreed by the ex
perts to be the best suited in every
The TOO employes in the American
Manufacturing company's jate mills
at Green Point. N. Y., have received
notica from the company that as bag
'jiug cm now ba imported from Iudiu,
Germany and Scotland, where wages
ara 10 cents. SO cuts an 1 45 cents per
day, it may not be possible to coutinue
the busiuess here. If it is continued it
must be at lower wages. A decision
will be reached hy Nov. 1, tho com
pany hopes, and meanwhile present
wages will continue. The mill is the
larguat jute bagcing concern in the
country, aud nearly all the employes
are women.
General Manager Hendarjon, of tha
Reading Coal and Iron company, ridi
cules tlm report that the Lacknwanna,
Jrsy Cmtrul and the Delawarn and
Hudson companies are combining
against the Reading in the nntnneito
coal trade. Discussing the matter with
n representative of the Philadelphia
Stockholder, he said: "A combination
of the three companies named is not re
quired to injure the Rearlinrr; anyone
of them conld be ns effective us nil
three. Even the Lhi!:li Valley could
seriously injure ui All that is netes
s iry would ba u cut in pries in our
territory. If the L9liigh Valley, for ex
n in pie, c If "red its coal here iu Phila
delphia ','" cents a ton below our fig
ures what would be the result? Would
our customers continue to piy ns the
higher figure? Certainly not. We
would have to meet the cat or lose the
trade. A combination against us,
therofore, is unnecessary. But no
such combination txiits, nor has it
been contemplated. The whole tronble
is in the mutter of production. Each
of us wants to net all the business wo
can, yet all of us know it is dangerous
to let the supply exceed the de
mand. So long at presont con
ditions exist we cannot restrict
the output to the allotments de
cided upon from month to month.
Whj? Simply beoause the companies
which originally agreed to the percent
age of output are trying to rotain that
percentage. The result is, that instead
of the total percentage being 100, it is
fioin'120 to 130, because five or six new
companies are now iu the field, and
their output usually represents the ex
cess above the monthly allotments. If
percentages could be satisfactorily re
adjusted it is possible restriction could
be followed more closjly, and the mir
ket would naturally be benefited.'
Aye, there's the rob.
Ilere is another economy that robs
the steel rail industry to a certain ex
tent: Steel rails wear out pretty even
ly in railroad usp, and the best of the
worn-out rails are selected for the pur
pose of constructing bridges. The
spans of the bridge ara made to con
form to the length of the rails need,
andean be spliced If required to be
done. Many old rails can be utilized iu
this way, with the effect of redeeing
very materially the cost of bridge con
struction, as it is cheaper to nse np the
old material in this way than to pur
chase entire new material, with the
price obtained for old ruils. Besides
which, it is said, the steel rail bridges
are very strong and durable.
The Brady's Bend Coal and Iron
company, which owns 6,400 sores of
coal and iron property, will start with
out daisy to build a railroad from Cat
fish, oa the Allegheny river, to Butler',
where connection will be made with
the Pittsburg and Western railroad.
Tin n w road has already been sur
vey and will be sixteen miles long,
As soon as about six miles have been
completed the company will commence
operations. The property is beyond
the 40-mile limit, and will have
the advantage of 17 cents a
ton on freight rates. Shipments
will be made to the lakes. It is not yet
determined whether the company will
engage in manufacturing iron. The
capital of the company is $1,000,000 and
the incorporator! are Charles O. Bil
lings, Winchester, M'im ; Jerome D
Gillett, t.aao Vtz William D. Jad
son, Amos Tjuuey, Wnyne Qriswold,
New York; William E. Ttutin, Will
lam J. Hnintnond nnd William J.
Hammond, jr., Pittsburg. Tha prop
erty owned by the new corporation
was recently purchased from the old
Brady's Bend company, which was tied
np for so many yeurs by litigation.
Borrowed From S award:
It is interesting that buckwheat coal is
likely to keep ut its present price, or
higher, while other grades of anthracite
keep at a low rnuge of price.
The coal shipments from the different
Cape Breton collieries for the mouth of
August were the grout est yet made for
the mouth. Two hundred thosaud tons
were Bhippod. , ;
II. W. Stiaillo, formerly connected with
the Piouoer Fuel company, bus accepted
the position of guneral Kaiesuiuu with the
Li'hitjli Valley t orn company, with lieud
quarters at St. Paul. Aliua.
Electric railway plants are becoming
large users of the small sizes of anthracite,
and us these plants ure multiplying
throughout the country there is little pos
sibility of a diminution ut the trade iu
these sizes. One of the recent contracts
brought to our notice is thiit of 00,000
tons of Delawaro and Hndson Caual com
pany' coal for the Brooklyn I'ity railway,
scoured by Leonard A:
Iu Chicago an effort is being made to
abate the smoke nuisance, Contracts for
the city schools future fuel' supply have
been entered into mi J sixteen of tho largest,
located iu the residence districts, are to
use natural gas, ()( the remaiudur about
half will anthracite coal and the
others, which ara located upon the out
skirts of the city, will bo supplied with
what is known a West Virginia smokeless
soft coal.
A new system of smoke absorption has
been applied in Glasgow. Before entering
the usual cbimuuy the gases ascend a short
briak Hue, and then descend a Hue of steel
plates dipped at a high temperature in a
tar composition, outriug the chiiunoy at
tho bottom. At the bottom of the ascend
ing Hue is a jet of steam at boiler tempera
ture, while ut the top of the descending
Hue is a flue spray of water. The carbon
is thus separated, aud ith the water
drops into a sump at tho foot of the (io-
sconding flue, teiug thence carried off iu
That tirku fkkunu which is so common
and so overpowering is entirely driveu off
by Hood's Sarsnparillu, the best blood
purilier. Hocd's Sursapariilu overcomes
weakness. ,
nooD's Pills are tho best after-dinner
pills, assist digestiou, cure headache. -5c.
a box. '
Stocks and Eoudi.
New Yens. Sent. 21 The event of the
day In financial and stock circles was the
reduction in Kock Island quarterly divi
dend from 1 lo)4 per cent. The Grangers
were inclined to Hrmness during the morn
ing cession, but the break of S points in
Hock Island led to heavy realizatlous and
short selling and St. Paul foil to 05,
Burlington and Qaincy to ?4 uud
Northwest 1 to These slocks as
sured a more promiuent ponition in the
trading und Hgured from K4.7HU shares in
a total of i'i,TA shares for the entire list.
Iu a general way the market opened
easier owing to realization In Chicago
Gas and American Sugar, but subscquiHit
ly showed a tendency to improve until the
Granger breke. Iu the closing dealiugs
tho pressure against the western shares
exerted an unfavorable influence nnd the
market left off v ek in tone. Neat
changes show losses of yt to Hick Is
land leading.
Tno rnntfenf y vrtorilav's pririi or the no
tivo Btocks of the New York Btoirk iniirlu-t nro
(riven In-low. The (iiiutiitions are furnished
Tub luiiU NS by G. Uu h. iriinmick. manager
of William l.inii Ailon & Co., stock brokers,
41- Spruce, street, Scranton.
Opou- tilnh- Low Clos
intr. est. et. ir-tr.
Am.Cot. Oil Sl'ii Wlf) am to
Am Sugar. Wj WW U4 ".J8
A.T.&S.F VA : '
I Ml. SO
Cliospeako & Ohio. .. iUi, 3 StUji
fhlc. Ga. 7I'4 V, TlKiii 7ltf,
(.'hie Si H. VV 1IU4 M4i HM. )!'3l4
C, B. A O 'MH '' f41 4!li
('., (!.('. & St. I..... 40 40 4'J 40
c. m. st. l'oui.... tin w;'' v '
Chicni,'o,K. I. ftl'ac. C44 l354 W'v'h ,Sl(
D. & il
D., L. & W 17IH 171 17IU 1711$
U.&U. F II IP's HIU, lo'S
g.k. Co... : a
UU. Cent
Lake Shore p'j i:itij Ym ):M.j
Ij.&N Mi'")i ATM :V-'4
Manhattan llsjfi 11'8 "Sl4 '"H
Mich. Cent
Mlns. Pan Si 4 SS? liX'h
Nat. Coi-(la?o iS? l irH l'"i
Nat. Lead 4U4 416 4UJ, 4(
Nowji.-rsoy Ciul
N, tf. Centrnl lull;, 1('t 101 101
N.Y. &N.K '.H iMi 28 at
N. Y., L. E.Sc W.... V ln l4 I1VI4
N. V.. H. a VV 17 I7L. 17 17J4
N.Y., S. & W., pr.. 1738 47 47
North Pac
North Pae. it lls W'A 1 ll'Hi
O. W
I'hil. & Keartin mi -W !
Well & W. P Ill 11) IS4 1!
V., V. & 1
Texas Psc ....
Union Pacific PII4 mi U'i mi
Wabash pr I.r)':j b'J 1514 l.VK
Western Union WiH Ml SU& KlJi
Open- Hiirh- Low- Clos
inis'. est. est. inij.
May m IVH .'.fli tH
Sept ;!'4 M14 0U4 :il4
Dee OfiU u5!4 o4:,h ,r'
Mav M'i :r H4ii Mi
sept 'Mi ai'i 2h;
May !KM .rl8 RM
l-cpt fk'1'4 f'i'i .''-'H tci
Dec 61 '1, fills .riti?a iu
Jan 77 W 7N7 7K
Sit fi5 NSj t5 N5
Jan 1M) PM7 i:',.Vi lira
Sept 1M IWj Mie
fcranton Wholmaia IJarlctt
Scranton, Sept. 21. FnuiTAxnPnorjiTK
Dried upples per pound, tlac. : evap
orated apples. lUnltc. per pound; Turkiih
prunes, SaSc; English currants -nVc;
layer raisins, ?1.73al.S0; uitucnteK Il.tKU
1.40 por box; new Valenciaa, 0.i7c. por
Beans Marrow-fats. $3.40o3.60 per
btishel; mediums, fl.70al.7o.
f as ureen, tl.16al.S0 per bnshel; split,
I2.fi0a2.60; lentels, fl to He per poaud.
Potatoks New, 70c. per bushel.
Onions Bushel, 70 to 75c.
Butter 17o. to 23c. per lb.
Crksk MallKc perio.
Eoea Fresh. lHulHc.
llKATs-Hams, 12,0.; small hams, 13c;
skinned bams, 14c; California hams,
9c: shoulders, 8c. ; bellies, HHjo.; smokod
breakfast bacon, 12 c.
Smokkd Beef Outsides, 13c; sets,
15c; iusides and knuckles, K)!tC. Acme
sliced smoked beef, 1 ponnd cans, 2.45
dozen. .
Pokk Mess at $17; short cut, $18.
Lard Leaf in tierces nt 10o.; in tabs,
10ct iu 10-pound pails, ll'ic per pound;
8-poand pails, per pound; -pound
pails, UHc per pound; compound lard
tierei, Uc; tubs, be; 10-pound pails,
Wc. per pound; o-pound pails, he. per
pound; S-pound pails, 6c. per pound.
Flootv Minnesota patent; per barrel.
M.00a4.20; Ohio and Indiana amber, at
13.25; Graham at $8.25; rye Hour, at
Fibd Mixed, per cwt., at 1.25.
Grain Bye, 06c. j corn, COtoCSo.; oats,
40 to 50c. per bushel -
Rye Straw Per ton, $12ul4. . .
Nw Toik Produo Harkit
New York. Sept. 21. Floor Dull,
neglected, weaK. . ,
Whiat Fairly active, easier early.
closing tlrmer; Mo. 8 red, store and
elevator, 5().'.r,EfiXc; utlsat, -B0fa57c.j
f. n. b, 57,1iu5Sc; ungraded red,
52a57c; No. I Borthero. fc'io.; op
tiotis declined ?ajj, uud closing firm aud
unchanged to j'c., down wita trading
fuirly active. September nnd Octobe,-,
most active. October, 50)h'c; November,
57B'c; December, 5sc: .May,
corn Dull, easier; No. S, 5'JaOUc; ele
vator, flOWO lc; ulloat; options closed firm
k'llc. below yoaicrday, with tradiug fair;
May most active; Soptembpr, 5t)X-: Octo
ber, 5S4C ; November, 5b)c.; December,
50ja; Aluy, 55e.
Oats Quiet, easier; ootions dull, lower;
September, 33J4c; October, 331-.C.; Novem
ber, S4,e.; December, 356c; May, S8Kc;
No. 2, white, October, 87c ; November,
87c; spotpricos, No. 2, BasSoc; No.
2, white, aoaStlc; No. 2 Chicago, H-lo.;
No. 3, 32,'iic: No. 3 white. 35c; mixed
western, 33a34c; white do., 30alUfc;
white state, Cb.40c
Beef Quiet, uoujiual; family ?10al2, ex
tra mess, faS.5D.
Bkek hams Dull, $20.
Tikkced beep 2J, city oxtra.
India mess, $17.00.
Cut Meats Unsottled.
Pk'klku Belli its s;4'ii!),'c., as to aver
age, picklod shoulders, 7c; pickled linuip,
llall'c; middles nominal.
Laud Firmer; western steam, closed at
$!.25j city. 8"c; Ducember, .45;
Sontembor, $9.35, January, .15.
Pork Dull, steady, , moss SI5.50ol6.00;
extra prime $13,5'J,if 14.
BuTTKit--Faui,y firmer and fairly active,
sUto dairy, 14a2c: do.r creamery,
lSa'24ic;Pennsylvania do., lSa34o.; western
dairy, l;ial7c; do. creamery, louSSr.; do.
factory, laalfic; elgins, 24,!-ja25c.; imita
tiou creamery, ISalSe.
CtrKiisB Quiet.about steady; state large,
SalOc; do. fancy, white, ld.Valti'c; do.
colored, 10ac; do. small, 8ialU,c; part
skims, 4!iii;c-; full skims, 3aiif.
Eons Quiet; fancy, firm; statu and
Pennsylvania, lSallio.: ice houfe, 14Xa
10c. ; weitorn fresh, 10al8;ic.; do., per
case, f'-'n3.50; Canudinn, ltul8Xc
Philadelphia Tallow Karkat.
PniLADELriiiA. Sept. 'il. Tallow is
steady, but the demand is light. We
quote city, prime in hogsheads, 4a4Jc;
country, prime, in barrels, 4,'a4J,'c.j do.
dark, iu barrels, 4c; caUoe, 5c; grease,
4 c.
Quinsy troubled me for twenty year?.
Since 1 sturted using Dr. Thomas Ecletric
Oil have not had an attack. Tho Oil euros
sore throat nt once. Mrs. Litta Conrad,
Stundish, Mich , Oct. 24, 'S3.
Zimmerman is years of ngo and
Weighs lt!S pounds in training.
At the Pittsburg Athletic club park,
Saturday alternoon, Arthur L. Hank
er, of the P. A. C. rode a half-mile Hy
ing start in one minute Hat.
Zim lias an oiler of 7,500 from a
maker to ride liis machine next year.
As this oiler is for the machine alone
the income from tire maker would
bring Zim's earnings in this line close
tin to $13,000 for next year.
A very large number of the cycling
accidents this season can be traced to
the absence of a brake. Once a brake
less machine gets headway the rider is
powerless to hold it. Don't risk your
neck, therefore, for the sake of a few
ounces more weight.
A western wheelman made a wager
that he could ride an eighteen-pound
wheel down Pike's Peak without a
brake, lie has climlied Ihe golden
stairs, and if lie gets his jtint deserts,
says the Itochester Post-Express, he
will be compelled to weal' a fool's cap
instead ol'a crown iu the regions of the
A postal vote is to he takeu from the
various unions atliliuted to the Interna
tional Cyclists' association ns to
whether the world's championship
should not be oren to amateurs and
professional?. We hope the question
will he answered aflimiutively. Then
the race would be a real world's cham
pionship; but the "world's champion,
ship" without Zininieintan may he
likeued to 'llumlet" without (he
Prince of Denmark.
The Mtis-iHchusetls tax assessors are
having dillloulty in their ed'urts to as
sess the tax on bicycles provided for
by a recent law of that slate. They
generally report that they have been
able to ;et hold of hardly half the
wheels in use, and iu some places
could not have made even thut show
ing had it not been for the wheelmen's
directories published before the tax
law was passed. Many of the wheels
are owned by minors, who.-e property
to the vatue'if$l,(KK can he exempted.
The Massachusetts assessors had a
similarly bothersome task a few years
ago iu the taxation of liens, of which
this legislature subseiiuently relieved
The "bicycle stamp" which was
brought into existence in San Francis
co by the railroad strike is likely to bo
much prized by stamp collectors. For
more than a fortnight San Franci.-co
was practically cut oil' from all railroad
communication, and the bicycle mail
service was gotten up between that city
and Fresno, a distance of about 21(1
miles, by A. V. Riulos, a cycle dealer
of-the last-nntneil place. It continued
about four days, when the blockade
was raised. Stamps nnd slumped en
velopes were hastily designed and sev
eral hundred printed, the slumps being
sold ot IK cents apiece nnd tho envel
opes at .'!0 cents. Of Ui KS0 letters car
ried, ."l"i were stamped and 40 were
sent in damped envelopes.
Skveiui Cioon "Donts:"
Don't go for very lomr rides at Iirt.
Take them in small d'Hc.-t, like cod
liver oil.
Don't have your machine i-queiiking
like a lot of pigs under u gate. Oil is
cheap today.
Doa't scorch unless you are in a
hurry, or have a bad tiltack of the
"blues" to work oil'. Under no cir
cumstances do so in the streets or much
frequented roads.
Don't double yourself up ns if you
were BuH'eiiug from a mad cramp. On
the other hand, don't sit as if you had
swallowed an extra long poker. Let
your mien be a happy mean.
Don't try to learn balancing 011 your
hall or back parlor, A lonely bit of
road with soft ditches handy is much
better and you nro not likely to dam
age anything except yourself.
Don't think it is the hardest thlug iu
the world to keep up, and that you
will never manage it. You will laugh
once you have learned, when you think
what a fuss you made about such a
simple matter.
Don't think you are a born record
breaker because you can go a bit fast.
You may have speed powers, but it is
just as likely you have not. Anyway,
you will soou find out If you compete
on the path or road.
Don't ride In trousers if you can help
It; you look twice as nice in knicker
bockers. If your calves are a little
scraggy can't you get some straw? All
the girls in the neighborhood will
break their hearts about you.
Don't ride nn inferior make or second-hand
machine, unless you are
quite sure it is really value for the
money. A first-class mount Is gener
ally cheaper in the end, even if it does
leave au aching void in your pocket.
My physician Baid I conld not live, my
liver out of order, frequently vomited
greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry
umors on face, stomach wonld not retain
food. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me.
Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, 873 Exchange St..
Buffalo, N. Y.
Recent Emu's of LWs Interest In tha World';
Greatest City.
English Financial Circles Slowly Re
covering from the Baring Crash.
Curiosities of the Hopping; Season
in Picturesque Kent and Surrey.
The Vagaries of the Due' D' Or
leansQueen Victoria's Generosity.
Sptcial Vorrtspomlrnee of The Tribune.
London, Sept. 11.
THINGS speculative and commer
cial are "looking up." There Is
a tremendous over supply of
money which must soon lind an
outlet. The last settlement ou the
Stock exchange required a lot more
money than usual, but it was there all
right and a greater amount of cash Is
being speculated with than has beeu
the case for some four years sinco be
fore the Daring wiiosh, in fact. The
bullion in the bank of England foots
up to nearly forty millions sterling,
which is fourteen millions above tho
average for the last tluee years. The
reserve last Thursday waif thirty-one
and one-quarter millions. There is
little doubt that the autumn will bring
a general "boom" in American, South
African aud Australian stocks.
The famous Brussels fountain has
much to answer for. A young man
has just been lined for selling small
leaden images, copied from said statue,
in the north of Loudon. Mr. Police
Constable said that the images offered
for sale were arrauged to emit water
or scent in an indecent manner. The
prisoner argued that they were exact
copies from the fountain, which was
known all over the world. He said
they were not indecent. He added
that he had sold two to a major who
had said that they were the finest rep
resentations of the figure he had ever
seen. Dut the magistrate) did not see
things that way. He remarked that
the lUtures looked like "nice little
gods," but also thought they were in
decent and lined the man $10. He
asked the culprit, "Do they sell well'.'"
"Fairly well," was the reply, "I
get fourpence apiece for them."
"Very glad to hear it," said the
judge. "You will be able to pay the
line aud not go to prison."
Once again the "hopping" season
has arrived aud the hoppers have
started for the hop lields of Kent and
Surrey. They are a htrauge lot of peo
ple, tbeso "hoppers," and one sees
many familiar faces year by year.
Many of them are beggars who take a
holiday this way and do a little work
for a change. Many of them are well
educated, but not bright enough to get
on and many of them are vagrants,
pure and simple. Special cheap trains
are provided for them, the trains
starting at about 11 o'clock at night.
Their bedding, pots, pans, etc., are
done ti)i iu rough sacking. As they
stream into London Drldge station,
two detectives scan their faces as
amongst such a motley crowd 0110 or
two gentlemen who are "wanted" cau
usually be detected. They look a dirty,
unwashed, although father happy
crew as they sit around 011 their
bundles waiting for the train to start.
If the "hoppers" meet with good
weather they will have a good time,
but if it turns out wet their lot will bo
anything but an enviable one.
The Coin to do Paris, who has just
died, was well liked in tills country,
nndhishouse at Stowe fs a beautiful
one. 1 loth he uud his wife have btcii
veiy charitable, and the villagers are
deep and sincere In their rcgreis. 1 lis
son, the Due d'Orleans, succeeds him
ns pretender to the French throne.
This young man is very go-ahead and
wns mixed up in the Madame M,elba
divorce case. One of the comic's
daughters, Ihe queen of Portugal, has
come over to attend her father's fun
eral. Had the cointe not been brought
up a "pretender" ho would doubtless
have made his mark In the literary
world. Americans will probably re
member his "History of the Civil War
in the United Slates," besides which
he has written a "History of Trade
L'nionisin in England," the "Uevuo
des Deux Mondes," a description, of
Damascus aud other works.
We ou this side of tho water take up
our improvements slowly. We ate
just ubout to adopt the "liertillon sys
tem of measurement for criminal's."
In future geutlemeii "wot take isn't
their'n" and other swells' who pop lit
tle pinches of poison into other people's
cocktails will bo photographed, have
the length and width of the heads
measured, the length of the left mid
dle linger, the length of the left foot
und of the left forearm, these being the
purls of man's anatomy that diller the
most. Iu addition to'this an ink im
pression will be taken of the linger
tips, the curved lines 011 which diller
to a marvellous degree. This system
will be rough ou the gentle criminal
generally, aud constant oll'enders iu
The queen has gone north to Hal
moral, her favorite residence. Her
majesty's journeying costs her i'o.Ot'O
a year. At her desire a biker medal
will be struck and presented to volun
teers for efficient service extending
from twenty to thirty-four years. It
is the queen's wish to present them
personally eurly next year, as she was
jiresent at the firing of the first shot at
Wimbledon thirty-four years ago, on
which occasion the volunteers met for
the first lime to shoot for prizes.
The Crathle church, Deeside, Scot
land, is lit luck. It is close to Bal
moral, and for forty years the queen
has worshipped there. A uew edilice is
going up, built of white granite, iu the
early Seottisli style. A large sum of
money has already been collected, the
bells have been presented by Friucess
Beatrice, the baptismal font is the gift
of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught,
the pulpit is given by the queen's
household, while the communion ta
ble, lectern, books, collecting bugs and
three stained glass windows are all
presented by sympathizers. The queen
gave the silver plate, suitably en
graved, twenty years ago. She now
also gives 500, and A. W. Farquhar
son also 500. The princesses are pre
siding over the stallB, with other dis
tinguished people, and owing to the
queen's preseuce In a chair the first
day's takingB amounted to 1,280.
Lucky church of Crathiel Wilus.
Eucklen'i Arnloa Salva.
The best salve in the world for Cats
Brniees, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Rheum, Fever
Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price '& ceuta per
cox. For sale by Matthews Brut.
WEAK MEN Y0UR attention
1 1 . J C'.LKU TO THE
Or eat English Remedy,
Gray's Specific Kedicins
RIGRlTNua. MTU lUWfc -wf iw nn VOUS Uo-
Lilitv, Weaknew of Body and Mi ail, hpermn
tun hoa, anil lmpotency, anil all diarniwa th:i'.
ariso Irora over-luiliilKncB aud aelt-ubnats u
Luua of Memory and l'owor. DimntBa ut VU
Ion, Premature O'.ii At;o and many other ills
eHuea tuut If-ail to lunanity or Conmimptlo;.
and ou eurly iiravj, wi-ltior n pamphle t.
AddrwiUltAY MEDICINE CU, tluffiilo
N. Y. Tuo Spvciflo Mi'diuiuo is sold by ul.
ortiKuiata at $ per package, or six packusrei
lor $i,or aeut by mail ou receipt ot money. an I
with ovcry js.wi rd.-r WS GUARANTI '-.
cure or monuy refnnilRl.aaumu
tOn account or rountorfeitH we hu
adopted the Yellow Wrapper, tho only Reu.i
lue. bold in Btrantou liv Matthews Urol
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL $200,0:
SURPLUS, 1250,000
Tlila Imiilt onr to dcpnaltnra evcrj
facility viuriuiili-a by tllr balances, bui
neui mid rcKpnimibiJitv.
. tipedtil attention e'lvaa to bulno oo.
cuuuta. liilereat j.aiu uu time Ucpualta,
iilLO. Tl. I.-ATMN, Vk-e-I-realdant.
WILLIAM H. I'lfCK, Cajule.
William Caunell, Georgo IT. Collin,
Alfred Hand. Jituica Arrhbnld, llcnrv
Itelln, Jr., WUlluut X Kulth- Lntuar
?5a 1
National Bail of Mod,
CAFITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000,
W. W. WATSON, Vice President
A.B. WILLIAMS, Cuahior.
fiAMFlLHlNM, jamm M-EviBnAnT,
IiiviNo A. Futon. Pitiici a Finlsy;
CUAb, e. ilAlU'litwS. JollN t. Puhtsu.
W. W. Waxso
This b.inlt Invites tha patronaga of bualnosa
Oien and firms generally.
Stand at ths Head.
Tor thirty years
Iiuebcr Wutcli fuses
l:ave been onlor.',ci! by
every prominent ilea
loriii ll;ci::itU'l::totos.
Tli a Hiiebcr tracla
r.iu;k l:i tMs I'oiintry,
land tho 1 1 - ill in
Einjluiul ure a fui'.r.'m-
I tec 01 puro rectal. 17
jewel H:iiiipU'ii move
ments ill Uiieber i-nses
btaml ut llio lie:i,l.
THE -tfV
your tlt'tlt-r does ret l:oc;i i-:r v:tctnM rnn!!
as y.ur im,lr,.s ut:,l uu will hciuI ji t!to
nnmo it ft ileu'er whn il fj. Vim lit'.u
(Va'i'CU V.'uuka, Cautuu, t).
Third National
res bk ras ro rarx ix
By the Beautiful "Now Steamships of tho
Old Dorxiinion Line
"Most Delightful ?sorts on the Atlantic Coast for
Point Comfort - $16.00
4$ Virginia Bach - - - $17.00
A day ami a quarter at cither hotel. INCLUDING
KYEKY KXPENSE of meals and berths cn route, a day
and a quarter's board at either hotel.
This trip is an ideal one, as the course skirts the coast, Vfitli lit
tle likelihood of seasickness, aud passes in review many watering
places and points of interest. For printed matter and full particu
lars address
W. I. GU1U LAUDE.U, Trafllo Manager.
JJVCJ InUoiiunulveOrKABHof olthorwycauflodbvoTorH.xnrtt-m.youlbfiilerrorti
extTHMveU!poft4'biiOcq.oplumor'UrauliitR, wblehh iij to luttrmtty.C'in-
V,Jhy niHtl prepntd
otFOKE AND AH tR USING. uoouior. Ajerwb Nticvm hkkii'oo., Maauuio atiuipio. cuicauo.Uj
For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druggist, cur. WashlngtoD
'Wrl Snruco stroota.
u iimiiiiinr'T.
j, virniflrnia u
-x 'r.'sy- Rn-nti for oiroultir.
For Sale by C. H. 1IAKKIS, Drugelat.
8oBttao noedi t reliable, monthly, regulating medicine. Only haralaat u4
thepureatdrugaabouldbateJ. II you want tha beat, get
Dr. Peal's Pcnnroal Pills
Th7 tf prompt, ale aid cerUln
O . 1 - . ,.n .
Forle by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spvuca Street, Scranton, Pa.
l V
City Music Store,
Uk a larir atock ot nrstohua
u libit), km. iau
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Plot er uracil
Iruu Un.
Made a
We!! Man
of Me.
Tue rtjeT . L '
, . ui.n ;iotn oay.
I'niaiiS-cr-a: rusniiiDTr
produces the alxivc results ln-30 (lava. It atl
putteniiilyaiidiiiiieily. t'nn-s wb,-n all others (ail.
Vouui; ru'-Unill rcuain their lost manhood, aud olj
M"ii ill recover their youthl ul vmor by iiiui
KKVl V O. It quickly nnd surely re,ntorcs ficrvous-IK-.s.
l,o.-,t Vitality, imiKjiency. Xiclilly Kraisaioim,
L".it I'oncr.KiiliiiK Memory, Wastine Disc, and
all r.'iVctH ot u li-abunn or execs aud indib tion.
which unlit one tor dtiKly, business or nmrriae. It
not only cures by stnrtinif at tlie si-at ot disease, but
isacreat nerve tinlo aud blood builder, bring
mi; b.ult the pink low to pain rhei-kn and re
storing the lire of youth, it warns ml Jnaauity
and Consumption, liwiat on having I1KVI O. no
other. It e,in be carried in vest pocket, liy ni :tl,
SS1.UO perpaefcago. or eig tor giu.Oil, with a post
I've written cuHranloo to rnre or refund
thuuiuupy. Cnvuli-rtree. Audresa
Tor sale by Mntthewi Itros., Drug eit
ScrHuton , 1'tt.
.- F F fl . ft r nermuientlv cured t
'.i Ctly DnderRmrwifrj, btcked by .v.iniic,
t.! lii'i,.nn-Miiini 1IUI.iu.itb hinL- 1 1 ! -tr-trl f
Pisr 26, North River, New York.
H KnUrdtocun'illMtn'oatr'l'i
ji.P a
- '1 !tfcfromttf.plsciirrU.frcebyrotil. Mien Hot Bprinra
t'i .'ui aicarlad. our Kazle Remod tnil"i1
Jv. 3 pokitivr :t cute, ami iiuai.j'. .v.. cktag '"-I,' .!
ii: 1 'TC-: I. :v " ' ! u '.' fS'.iT.t -c-,-r.-T."-
yy. V 'V." - C
ounon. such dr Wonk Memory, Itwsof Bran Power. Hi'tulaotm, Wftkofulnd,
Irfixt .VfiithniM'L Nluhttr lumtMionH, NervourMrOP.nlHimiusHnd loPRof pewer
rin'iitnF rm yi,i )v u II ilrmmlal m. A k fnrl 1. 19
TZ!t!ZFsTra9?F? Th8 only Bafai Bur8 aB
nsacia . . . reliable Pomale PILIi
a - - - a i
lri.A yti nik i.i.r. a buxvi lor ft.ri.O(..
Clovelaud, Ohio.
17 lun Atouiio.
In resalt The Reaalns (Dr. ral'a) nerer dia- '
1 1 I , . , I'- I . I If. '
Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avcnu and