THE RCKANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 22, 1894. IWEST SIDE TENT SERVICES CLOSED. Mr. Sohlersra Concludes ths Compaiga on Thla Sid Just one mouth ago the Moody meet ings were began on this side by E. W Bliss in a large tent wbioh bad been, constructed for that purpose on North Main avenue. Mr. Bliss left the work and went to Providence a week ago, nd was succeeded by Frederick Schievera. During Mr. Bliss' stay here, be niubtly preached to immense crowds. Mr. Stebbins, who rendered the sweet songs of Z.ou at the tent, Accompanied Mr. Blisi on his de parture. The services were closed last evening ;with an earnest invitation for the people here to attend the tent meetings in their new locality opposite the court bOuse. Yesterday's meeting opened at 3 30 o'clock in the afternoon in the Jackson Street Baptist ebnrcb. Tbe services opened with song, after whioh F. W. Pearsall, secretary of the Railroad Tonng Mou's Christian association prayed. Mr. Weeden sang a delightful hymn entitled, "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me." Miss Cora Storms ws organist. Prayer was then given by Rev. L. C. Floyd, paster of the Simpson Metho dist Episoopal church. Mr. Sehievera made an appeal to tbe people in behalf of the committee in charge of the cam paign for larger contributions. They are $.500 in debt He said all other towns down tbe valley had more than paid expenses, but here they bad not reaped sufficient to eover expenses. An immense crowd attended the closing services last evening in the gospel tent. Tbe singing was in charge of W. Weeden. Mr. Sohievora's closing discourse was an earnest one and he made an appeal for the people to come to Christ, Me'also gave them a warm invitation to attend the ser vices on tbe East Side. NEW CAR SCHEDULE. IBS Various Changes Made in the West Side Care. A new schedule for West Side street cars went into effect yesterday morn ing. Under tbe new rale only one ear will be run on the Shetland street line, and, instead of making trips to the central city, it now runs only to the corner of Main avenue and Jackson atreet. Passengers on all other lines can be transferred to the Swetland line at the intersection of Main and Lackawanna avenues. This gives that line a 15 minute service. Only three cars are on tbe Eynon . and Taylor line, but as one rnns only to Eynon street, a 20-minnta service is obtained. With these changes in time a car can be bad about every five minutes. During meal hours and when the thea ters are closing extra cars will be run. Many changes were made in tbe motor men and conductors, and new fuces were seen on tbe lines yesterday. Until 8.45 o'clock in the morning only one car will be run on the Washburn street line, making a thirty minute trip. During the day two tars will b placed on with a forty minute trip. Ia the evening, after peopia have gone to tbe theaters and other places of amuse ment, they will return to the one car system. How lone the new schedule will be in effect is not known, as a member of tbe Traction company stated yesterday it was only a preliminary effort in procuring a system whioh suited both the company and the publio. One car is being ran on the Luzerne atreet line. A FAREWELL RECEPTION. Sunday School Scholars Honor Their CI animate. A farewell reception was last night tendered to T. Albert Eynon, son of A. B. Eynon, of North Hyde Park avenue, who will enter the University of Penn sylvania on Wednesday next, by the members of bis Sunday school class. It was held at tbe borne of their teacher. Miia Qwladyi Joseph, on South Hyde Park avenue. The guests assembled -about 8 o'clock and many hours of enjoyment were spent. The members ot the class formed an im promptu glee club,and many selections were rendered. Miss Liilian Joseph rendered several solos. At a seasonable hour refresh ments were served. All were enthusi astic in wishing Mr. Eynon snceess in his fnture career. Among those pres ent were David Owens, Samuel Jones, Daniel Thomas, Bert Eynon, Will Reynolds, Will Hntton, Will William?, Tallic Evans, Walter Jones. David Davis, John Stephens, John Thomas, and, of the family, tbe Misses Agnes, Lillian and Qwladys Joseph. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. The miners at the Caponse colliery were Idle yesterday. Miss Amy James, of Kingston, was among friends on this side yesterday. Tom Beels, of North Hyde Park avenue, is recovering from a relapse of typhoid fever. The Hyde Park Free library has been opened for the season. Hours 7 to 9:80 p. m. George Reynolds, of Herrick, has re turned home from a stay with friends on this side. Mrs. Henry Wilkinson, of Huntingdon, has returned from a visit with friends on this side. James Beavers, of Lafayette ttreet, is erecuug a uauusome dwelling on tswet land street. The young people of the Bellevne Welsh Calvinlstlo Methodist chnrch are organ izing a Christian Endeavor society. Mr. Morgan, father of Tallie Morgan, formerly with Davies & Griffin, has ac cepted a position in the Hyde Park cloth ing store. Mrs. Thomas Williams of Bridgewater. Susquehanna connty, was the guest of Mrs. a. u. Morgan, or north Main ave cut, yesterday. The Hyde Park Literary and Debating society will have an interesting meeting on iuuuuity vbuiuk iu me rooms or tuu Welsh Philosophical society. Twins have arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Esbleman, ot Mullien street, They are boy and girl. Mother and children are in good health. Misses May fiaub. Nellie Delmer. Cora Batcher, and James Beavers. Oeorsre D. Griffiths, Bert Smith and Joseph Kelly attenaea a social in ureen ftiuge last even ing. The work of erecting tbe new Wash burn Street Presbyterian chnrch by Con tractor E. G. Hatches is reoidlv nrosrress- ing. The structure will be complete about uec. i. Officer Saul arrested a man on North Main avenue, at an early hour yesterday moining and locked him up in the station boose. He was viiited by the tremens during nis incarceration. Frank Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wheeler, of Oxford street, and Miss Carrie Vohrer, ot Fig street, who were married in Blnghamton on Thurs- aay, are domiciled at the groom's borne. Tbe enmmittee consisting of Councilman Hi. HOULtniin. W. ti llnnna R II Will. lama, Albert Davies and Charles .Oliver, appointed by the Young Men's Renubli- cun league, are at work arranging for a ratification meeting which will be held in tne near luture. Tbe Welsh Philosophical society will opeu a new season this evening in their rooms on Sooth Maiu avenue. At last Bnturdsy's meeting organization was per fected. During the pant year the society nanuiea many scieutinc enujects. w. o. Brace spoke on "Gravitation." and dis counts wero given on "Latent Light," the clouds, solar system and a score of other subjects. Among those connected with tbe society are Judge rl. M. bd wards. D. C Powell, Henry P. Davies, W. J. Brace. Evan r, Dimes and others. The programme for this eventug will be a very interesting one. weiBiiuieu are invitea to attend. City and School Tazei, 1894. The city and school tax duplicates for the year 1SW are now iu my hands for collection. Persons wishing to pay can do so now, or any person requiring state meats of taxes by giving ward aud loca tion of property will be promptly answered. R. Q. Bhooks, City Treasurer. Municipal building, Washington avenue. Unite hours from a a. in. to & p. m., ex cept Satuurday, this office will be closed at noon. SOUTH SIDE. STORIES OF A STRANGE MARRIAGE Report of the Union of a White Girl and C lored Man. There have been inanv stories going tbe rounds the past few days on the Sonth Side to the effect that Miss Nel lie Barry, tbe attractive young daugh ter of Mrs. Peter Barry, of 14 btone avenue, and George Jones, tbe colored mail carrier, had been married, or rather had elopod to Binghamton and joined hands together for life. lesterday the marriage docket in the clerk of the courts' oflice showed that they had obtained a marriage license, and this exploded the elopMii-mt story. Tbe matter was investigated and vary little definite information could be learned. A visit to tbe girl's home re sulted ia naught; her sister, with whom she bad been staying until a week ago, was unable to tell of her whereabouts, or whether she bad been married or not. Tbe girl's mother left for Boston two weeks ago, preferring to leave tb; town rather than witn ess her daughter's alliance with Jones. Miss Bsrry is said to be beyond con trol, so her relatives abandoned tbe task of reclaiming her, and gave ber tbe bent of ber own free will. A Tribune reporter interviewed Mail Carrier Jones last night, and be denied absolutely tbe truth of tbe report of bis marriage or reported marriage with ber. He was on duty last night when seen by the reporter and even denied that be had seenred a marriage license, although the doeket gave bis nam, oc cupation, residence and color. He is tbe only colored mail carrier in the city. SCHOOLS OVERCROWDED. Superintendent Phillips Looking for Quarters for the Overplus. The primary department of No. 2 and No. 3 schools are densely over crowded with pupils. The attendance is greater this year than any previous year; it breaks the record. School Superintendent (ieorge W. Phillips is looking about for suitable rooms to rent for the accommodation of tbe number above the average and will bring the case to tbe attention of tbe board of control at its next meet ing. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. The Lawrence band will picnic today at Central park. Miss Libbie Kronor, ot dxlar avenue, is visiting In 1'ittston. Mrs. Peter Brier, of Hickory street. Is visiting menus in timira. Miss Anna Spruks. of Honesdale. is the guest ot ber brother, S. S. Spruks. The Mozart Quartette club held its first rehearsal in two monttiB last nlglit. Miss Eliie Brown, of Taylor avenne. is Visiting her aunt, Airs, u u. .rowers. Thomas Spruks. of Prospect avenue, will leave on a trip to Honesdale on JUonday, The excursion of the Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company Mutual Beneficial as sociation to Lake Ariel today promises to be a big event All the industries on the South Side are idle to give a chance to their employes to attend. The concert and social last night at Sr. John's hall nnder the auspices of the Dick son Banjo and Quartette club was a mu sical treat enjoyed by a large audience. Tbe club will arrange a series ot enter tainments lor the winter months and ue serve liberal patronage. George Hamm. of PitUton avenue, a boy 13 years old, a pupil at No. 3 scnool, whs playing in the schoolyard yesterday after noon. With other boys he was plnying "catch" with a base ball and one of tbe boys threw tbe ball wild to him and it bounded over the bigh fence. Hamm started after it and when he got on top of the fence ne lost nis balance ana fell heavily to the ground, sustaining a com pound fracture of tbe left arm. Dr. Walsh set tne Droken memoer. t. A special meeting of tbe Niagara Hose company, Ko. 7, is called lor tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Tbe members of the Niagara Hose com pany expect to have their new uuiforms complete by next Tuesday. R. A. Wambold, of Greon Ridge street. lain training for the novice race of the Honesdale Bicycle club meet. The flag whioh the Sons of Colombia presented scnool No. zi, will be raised on Oct. 13 with suitable exercises. The members of the Green Ridge Baptist church win iiom a supper in the church parlors on mousey avenue Monday even ing. T. V. Terwilliger and Brice' Sickler. who rode to New York on their wheels a week or two ago, returned home Thursday evening. The Sunday school teachers of the Oreon Ridge Presbyterian church will meet at the residence of D. M. Oakley, on Madison avenue, tonight for the purpose of review ing the Sunday school lesson for tomor row. - Mrs. Vote and Mrs. Dorssy represented the Green Ridge braaoh of tbe Women's Christian Temperance union at the con vention, which was held in Moscow this week. They will give their report at the meeting of the union to be held in the league rooms on Green Kidge street on Tuosdny afternoon. Mrs. Benjamin Jenkiis, of Putnam street, died yesterday morning from the elrectsoia paralytio stri ke and affection of the brain. She was affected about two weeks ago and lingered till yesterday. Funeral services will bo held at the reel- deuce on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment at Forest Hill cemetery. Mrs. Ronney. widow of the late Thomas Rooney, ot Market street, is expected to uio at any moment as tne result or an ac cident she reoently met with. She has been in a feeble condition for a long time. Mrs. Rooney is one of the first settlers in the looality known as Bloom's patch. She has two sons, Martin, the barber on Mar ket street, ana John. A temporance sermon will be preached in the Green Ridge Presbyterian chnrch by Rev. N. F. Stabl tomorrow morning and by Kev. Mr. cnauee in tbe Aabury r Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow evening. All members of the Women's Christian Temperance uniou are requested to meet iu tne vestibule of eacn cuurcn De fore time of opening so as to take tbe seats which will be reserved for them. Not only was the tent completely filled last evening, but a large number crowded around tbe outside to bear the sermon by L. W. Bliss on "Compassion." Meetings will be held In the tent on Sunday after noon at 3.S0 o'clock, and also at 7.30 o'clock in the evening. 'There will be meetiugs in the tent levery evening at 7.30 o'clock, ana umie lectures oy air. Bliss in tne Methodist Episcopal church every after noon at 3,30 o'clock, beginning with Tues day, when the subject will be, ' 'Peter;" on Wednesday, "Abraham;" Thursday, Mono tne baptist," and on rriuay, "Philip." ' LETTERS FB0M THE PEOPLE Under this heading short letters of Interest will bo published when accompanied, for pub lication, by the writer's name. TheThibunb will not ho held rusuunaibla for ouiulons here expressed. MR. FOSTER ANSWERED. Editor of Thr Tkihi'hk: Sir: Replying to Mr. Foster in last night's Truth: It takos a persou of very opaque intelligence indeed to believe that rcrautnn printers would have bad an op portunity of printing tbe annual report of the bonrd ot trade after the award for publishing it had been given to W. A. Costa, of Wilmington, aud the printing of it lind been left to the discretion of the publishing oommittoo of tbe board, of which Air. Foster is the chairman, when Mr. Foster so emphatically asserts that Scranton printers cannot do tbe work. Air. Foster, this charge of yours has aroused the indignation of printers of all grades and conditions in Scranton to a high pitch. It touches their pride und no one cares to be accused of being a poor workman or of baviug unskilled workmen in his employ. The fact that you have thousands of dollars worth of printing done every mouth at two or thiee offices of the twonty or more which aro located nere proves nothing in this case. It tne work which you have done is a sample of the best work that the most skilful prin ters In Scranton can turn out, then I heartily airree with you in their condom nation. This work is first-class of its kind, but it is a very cheap kind of work and ought not to be the Ftnudard by which the printing industry of Scranton is to be gUHRt'd. If you wish to bo convinced that Scran ton can turn out beautiful printing I can refer you to an establishment which I visited this morning, aud where I suw some of the finest letter-press and cut work that can be turned out iu this country. It Is superior to what Mr. Athertou wants for his annual report, for his idea is after the Rochester report, which, 'though good, Is not nearly so well done. wy criticism was not meant to touch the work of the W. A. Costa concern nor their enterprising representative here, Thomas K. Boyle. In closing, if you really wish to give Scranton printers an honest chance to do this work, I would suggest that you tie a llttlo more specltio lu your specitlca- Hons, for when I uctet upon your advice this morning and asked Mr. Atherton to let me see tbe specifications he pointed to his forehead and said "they're in here." Of course my time was too valuable to admit of searching through so many culm statis tic) for those speculations. Gkokqb W. Smithing. Scranton, Pa., Sept. 31. THOSE RIVAL BUSINESS SCHOOLS. Editor of TnE Tninuss. Sir: In the newspaper advertisements headed "Wood's College Notes" it is suid: "Tho change of faculty has made the school much more offlclent and practical." I am not a patron of either bnslnoss col lege; am not financially, or otherwise, in terested in the building up of the new school or the tearing down of the old school; bnt 1 have noticed the tenor and Insinuations of these advertisements and "College Notes," and am constrained to siy that I do not think it. reflects much to the credit of I'rofossor Wood to cast such insinuations. The fact that be bos employed Professor Buck since be established bis college in Scranton, and Professor Whitmore for four or live years, shows one of two things: Either he considered them efficient teach ers, nnd is now trying to injure them, be cause they have started iu business for themselves (with equally as good a right to do so, as he had to upon a college hare in l."80i, or oisa he knew he was employing incompetent teachers and taking money from his pupils, knowing that be was giving them nothing iu return for their money. In whatever liht you consider it, Professor Wood places himself in nu unenviable position, and will not be suc cessful in trying to build up his school by attempting to tear down his competitor, and to injure honest men in their effort to make an honest living. Yours for justice, J. K. Bcckmire. Bcua.nton, Pa., Sept. 21, Curd Gor(rj P. Taylor. TotheElitor of The Tiubuni. Sir: In last Sunday's Free Press there was an article published in regard to the abuse of dancing. It stands me in baud to contradict this, ns I am employed by the Mr Kuiglits ot riea-ure Social club as their teacher. I wish to inform tbe public that no promiscuous crowd H allowed at this clasj, to the best of my knowledge. PnoFEssoit Geurok F. Taylor. BASE BALL. At Pittsburg- PittHb'g..O 000080100 04 N. Y 3 003000000 0-4 Hits Pittsburg, 11; Now York, 10. Er rors Pittsburg, 3; New York, S. Bat teries Ehret and Muck, Muekiu aud Far rell. limpire Iietts and Guffuey. Called on account of dnrknos. At Louisville Louisville 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 2-0 Boston 0 8 0 0 0 4 0 0 x-13 Hits Lruisville, 12; Boston, 14 Ermrs Louisville, 8; Boston, 0. Batteries Knell and Lake; fctuley and Ganz-jll. Umpire Kecfe. At Chicaga Chicngo 1 0 8 2 0 4 1 11 Philadelphia 1 1 0 0 3 1 0-5 Hits-Chicago, 10- Philadelphia, 7. Er rorsChicago, 8; Philadelphia, 1. Bat teries Hutcliins"n nnd Scliriver; Taylor, Clements and Giady. Umpire Lynch. The gamo was called at the end of the seventh inning on accouut of durknots. At St. Louis St. Louis 0 1000000 8-4 Baltimore 44 0 00000 0 8 Hit.Kt T.nnla '1(1. Hiiltlmnr. 10 Fo. rors St. Louis, 3; Bxltiiuore, 3. 'llattoi iis ..!. k tiil it . liiciteiuiriu ituu iniiu-r; Humming ana ltobineon. Umpire Hurst. At Cleveland: Cleveland 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-8 Washington ..2 0001001 04 Hits Clevelaud 8; Washington 5. Er rorsCleveland I: - Washington 8. Bat teriesYoung and O'Connor; Mallaiky aud Dugdule. Umpire UcQuaid. ' 1 i 1 Ecranton's Business Interests. Tm Trihunc will soon pnbll.-th a care fully compiled aud classified list ot tbe leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests ot Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book form, beautifully Illustrated with pbotogravnre views of our pnbllc build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens, No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside tbe city, copies ot this handsome worP, will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. Tbe circu lation la on a plan that cannot fall ot good results to tboee concerned as well as tbe city at large. Representatt ves of The TinnuNR will call unon tiiosb wbosb names W .1.1- 1 1 j . 1 I are ukhiheu iu iuib euuuju mu cAiaiu Its nature more fully. Tboee desiring views ot their residences In this edition will please U a ' notice at the office. A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that much, when paid for, in advance. When a book ac count i mads, no charge vnll b lest than tS cents. This rule applies to all small uant tds, except Situations Wanted, xuhtvn are inserted FREE. Agent Wanted. t'ENERAL AGENTS WANTED-BELL-I ing new articles to dealerti; exclusive territory, no coinuotition. no capital required; 2MI to tt(!0 per cunt, urotlt. Columbia ChemU ..I ,tu I . ni,la.t III i w ui'l II ,h .1 . 1... & , .... DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE WANTED for established National Havings and Loan association huvlng newest aud most at tractive features. Liberal contract to right man. j. T., Tribune oflice. OALE8M EN EVERY COUNTY. SALARY 1J or commuwlon. No experience. New tariff bill vlvea unlimited nrollta. Active men iipnly quickly, stating salary and territory wauteu. AiANU A(Ji UKUK3, lioiojufl, Bos ton. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO sell the latest aluminum novelties, enor mous nrolita. sails at aiirbt. delivered free, so cure territory. Sample in velvot lined rase wnu iuu lnrormatton, luc. uataioRuo iro Aluminum Novelty Co.. o33 Broadway, New York. Help Wanted-Male. MEN TO SELL BAKING POWDER TO tho erocarv trail. Stoadv employment. experience unnecessary; 8"G monthly salary and expenses or com. If oil or satisfactory ad dress ut once with particulars concerning yourseir, u. . uuemical worus, umcaKo. QlO WEEKLY TO RIGHT MAN, HOURS Ol'i Dtif-, work lhriit and easy. ') top floor, over Globe store. WANTED-A GCOD DOUBLE-ENTRY ' bookkeeper and collector; must ho ac quainted with tho city. One living in Gro n Kidveor vicinity proforrod. Address iuon handwriting, P. O. box 170. city. For Sale. LOR SALE-TWO FIRST CLASS BIRD 1 degs, one pointer, one setter ut 1T-U Pros cott avenue. ,OR BALE FINE LINE OF NEW BUG- iries. Hurries, nhautons. carts, store and business wagons, lumber wagons also Berlin coaches, cheap, at M. T. KELLER'S Lacka wanna Carriage works. CyUABS IN ANY QUANTITY, 118 CLlFr" O street. For Rent .U'RNISUED HOUSE FOR RENT UNTIL April 1, 8i)i. Apply at ill) ( lay aven no. F OR RENT ONE-HALF STORE. la) fennavonue. per month. TJOH RENT NICELY-FUitMSHED HALL r suitable for lodxe rooms. JOHN JER MYN, 110 Wyonnusr avenue. Real Estate. C MALL FARM WS HAVE NAMES OF O twonty persons who want to buy small furms. Send full particulars. Make price low. n. tiiatsi' tujiiiUKii, l'rice Dulldmif. Special Notice. TOIN OUR 8YVDICATE. OI7H JULY J and August dividend 30 per cent. Last week's dividend 3 per cent. Increase your earnings. , You can withdraw your money uny uino. ne expect to piy a large uiviuelin this month. For particulars address O. G. Mather & Co., Mediuah building, Chicago. YOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations lil-imi5. Two Volumes Folio, tlu.SU; payable monthly, SiUu. Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Addross P. O. MOODY, (Us Gibson street, Scrunton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAO A sines, etc., bound or rebound at Thb TimtuNB office. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty inoal tickets for JJ-oU. Good tanin hoard. Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE HE ceivedat the oflice of the city clerk, Scran ton Pa., until 7.UU p.m.. Thurudav. October 4th, lsw, to construct a main sowor in the loiirtoentu Hewer district of said city: also t construct the necessary liaf Ins. manhnlea. lamnholes and fixtures for said sewer. Allot said work to be done iu accordance witli plan specification therefor, tiled in the ollico of i ity Clerk. 'J ho sum of Ave hundred dollara, (tiViOj cash f.r certified check shall be enclosed with each proposal for said work. Enclosure)) oi uusuccusstui imluers will be returne 1 upon the award of contract for the work. Tin suc cessful bidder shall execute a contract for the work within ten davs from dav if awani thereof, otherwise tho enclosure of f .'i00 Bhall be forfeited to the use of the city of Surant-m The city reserves the right to reject any aud all uiuti oy oruer oi city councils. 11. T. LAVELLE. City Clerk. Scranton, Pa.. Sept. 19, 18111. Charter Applications. VroTu1TnERlil application will bo made to tbeO vernor of Pennsylvania on Monday, the second dav of July, 1C.I1. by Watts C. Van Blarcom, W. Howard Withers, Edmund A. Brtl, David Spruks and Louis J. Sielieckor, uuder tho Act of Afscmbly, entitled "An act to provide for tho incorporation and regulation of certain corp rations," approved April t, 1874, and tho supplements theruto, for tho charter ot an intended corporation to be called the Crescent Coal Mining Company, tho charac ter and object of which Is tho mining, prepar ing lor market and selling anthracite coal, and for these purpos s to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. PATTERSON & WILCOX, Solicitors. tegal INSTATE OF FRANCIS KNE, LATE OF J Newark, N. )., deceased. Loiter of administration upou tbe aVove rained estate having been grauted totheun dersigno I, all persons having claims against tho aanie will present them for payment, duly nuthent oatuJ, and those Indebted thoi o to will pleaie make immediate payment to :JAME8 H. TOHREY, Administrator. INSTATE or Martha Taylor, lit of the J lioriughof Olyphaut, Pa., docensid. Letters o' admlnistrvlou upou the abive named estate having been granted to tlie u.idersignod all persons bavin; cla msor de mands sgaiost said estate Will present them for payment and those Indebted thoret) will pleas.) milk Immediate pina"iit to W1LLAKD, WARREN & KNAI'P, Attorueys for Estate JOHN TAYLOR, A.'mr., Olynhant, Pa. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY A WOMAN to do house cleaning or i.flicea, or washing by the day. Address J. C., 830 Twentieth street, Hyde Park. RESPECTABLE WOMAN WOULD LIKE a place with child 10 years old ,as houe keeiwr, no objections to children. Can give host of reference, Mrs. Deal, OH Ponu avenue. AN ACI'lVE KEilAl l F MAN, WITH good references, of middle age wishes employment. Onick and correct In figures, five yors experience as single entry bock keoper and cierk. Will worn for any wages that will pay board. Addrosi W. E, Trihuuo oflice. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN OFGOOD references, a position of any kfnd, driver or hotel work preferred. E. M 802 Lackawanna avenue. ;ITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 18 J years old. Address 4a) Oswell court. C1TUATION WANTED FOR WASHING, O ironing or scrubbing or any kind of work by the day. Call or address L. & 884 North sumner avenue, city. BOY WANTED APPLY TO THE TRIB UNE'B Honesdale office, PAUL GARD NER. BARKEEPER A STEADY, SOBER AND Industrious young man would like to se cure a position; understands his business and Is a good, quick mlxor; would like position la city or country and oan furnish good refer enooa from laat employer. Address, Bar keeper, 600 Lackawanna ave Scranton. onnolly SEPTEMBER 20, TTJST TWO YEAR3 ago we flung J oar banner to tbe breeze and floated Were confident of sn arena from tho start and our confidence led us to ex pect great results. W went in to win. Our friends were with us, as tbey are still with thonsands of nw ones added. Our aim baa been to con- ouot a business establishment upon a fair and honorable basis to make our customers' interests our own, to deal with all alike on a striotly one-prioe system, and that always tbe very low est possible price; to keep only the most rename manes oi goods, that we might anneal to Vfin nit I halt mari tm Have we succeeded? CONNOLLY & NO BETTER Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND Booms 1 tnd 2 Commonwealth Bld'g, BCRANTON, PA. MINING andBUSTINQ Made at the MOOSIO and BUSH DALE WORK& Lsfflln & Rand Powder Co.' ORANGE GUN P0WDEB Electrte Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, (Safety Fnse and RepaunoChemical Co. 'a High Explosivei A. V. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BIO YOLKS AND SPOUTING GOODS. ffctert Oendron. Eclipse, LovelL Diamoni and Other Wheels. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. final of the tost quality for domestle nse,an4 et all sizes, delivered la any part ot the dtj at lowest price. Orders left at my office, NO. 118, WYOMING AVFNTJE. Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to tbe mine, will receive prompt attention. ttpeclal eontracta will be made (or the salt and delivery ot Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. Scranton Tribune JOB. DEPT. . . . Every description of Job Printing in the best style of the art. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, practical and com petent men in charp-e of each branch of the work. We do not make n sbnm shnw of cheapness and curtail the quantity i quanty oi tne work. Dancing Orders, Hangars, Cards and Posters a Specialty. Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. Ilie Scranton Tribune Job Dept. W ONE OP TIJE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENTS UN THB CITY, What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For It, nee Porronl's Powder. M00S1C POWDER POWDER jl HERE ARE A FEW FACTS DRAW KOMI OWN CICLIBIONS, 8tock twice as largo as when we opened. Business Increased lOO per cent. An addition of 1,600 square feet of floor space. Enlarged and better facilities In every department. Number of salespeople Increased from 9 to 1 8. Several departments added. Among them our new Cloak Parlors handsomely furnished and superbly stocked. WALLAC 209 CHEAPEST IRON BEDS V Instrument In every sense of tbe term as applied to Pianos. Exrertional in balding their original falser ot tOPP. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, Ko. SO Fifth avenue. SOLD BY B.C. Ricker8cCo, 115 Adams Ave. New Telephone Bdg Wdi. Linn Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS. Bay and sell S'ocks,Bjttds and Grain on New York Exchange and ChiMgo Board of Trade, either for eaah or' on margin. 412 Spruce Street. tS Local Stocks a Speoialty. & duBL DIH, Manager, TELEPHONE 6,002. Maioney Oil and Manufactur'g Co, , VINEGAR AND CIDER 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. A Great Cut on TABLES A Solid Oak Table, with top 1C inches square, ... 50c. 21 inches square, BEDDING SCRANTON BEDDING CO nn ESTABLISHED 1806. 86,000 IN CSIi UULL & ei;s iJjA this week. SSi-feJa . ... SI THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ ECR ANTON AND WILKES-BARRE. PA. MANUFACTURERS Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. uiHiisiiiniiiiiiiiiuiuuiinmiujmMuiitMutuiicniiiMUiuinuimiaunnu ISTELLE& SEELEYI 134 WYOMING AVENUE. 3 THE BEST I OF PROPHETS m m for the future if tie past. Daring tb mora tbn forty jrun of Ua S t listen ot orer 65,000 people bar bared and' played andpratwd i The Emerson Piano. S There are soma pianoa that will eost yon mora than the Etuanon E will. If yon enjoy parWi(rhlQ prioas jast for thasaha of pajrUg ttaeua, probably yon will bay one of thtee. Bat nonmttar-wnt you ray yon'll not get batter piano, nor a handsoorsr, nor one mora durable. It ia impossible to imncore on the bast REASONABLE PBKE CASH INSTALUKE NTS BENT. nifiimiinicniinnititnnunmiiimi!mRi38a;iMHHainTCmni! 3,113.00 1894 Evidence good enough?" Yee,"wehear , you say, "tbe boys have done well." We expect to do better. Every dav must bring an increase in our business. We realize that to ac complish this we must give it onr un divided attention. Oar endeavors will be to please our customers, to satisfy their wants with tbe best clastes of merchandise obtainable and at prioes as low and, in many eases, lower than any other honss in our city. The re sults are even greater tbau our expec tations and we heartily thank our friends for tbeir substantial support in tbe past and hops that our methods and efforts will merit a continuance of the same. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. IN THE CITY. Dr. E. Grewer Hie Philadelphia BporiHlist. an. 1 his ajwociatec stall of FculibU and Ui ruinn ptiynicia s, are now permanently located at Old Font Office llui'itlng. Corner Fenn avenue ami Spruce etreet The doctor is a graduate of the univeraityof Pcnnylva!iia,f riDerly demntrutur of physi loiry and surpnry ut the iMcdico-l birurglcul college of Philadelphia. His specialties are Chronic, Nervous, fckin, Heart, Womb aud blood dieeasuU. DISEASES OF THE KERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which dizziness, lack ot confidence, sexual weakness in men and wo man, ball rising In the throat, spots floating before the ey"e. 1"8 of nx-mory, unable to coin cvntrate the mind on one subject, easily startlod when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind, which unfits them for per forming the actual duties of life, making hap piuena imposxible, distressing the acti n of the heart, causing flnfh of heat depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire eay of company, feeling s tired iu the morning as when retir ing. lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thoognt. dcpreusiou.constip tion, weakness of the limta, etc. Those eoaffoctel should consult us Immodiatoly and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given np by your physician call ujiou tho doctor and be examined. He cures the worst cases of Nervons Debility, Scrofula, Old Sores. Catarrh. Piles, Kemale Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Noes, and Throat. Asthma, Deafness, Tnmors, Cau cersand Cripples of every description. Consultations free and Btrictly sacred aud confidential. Oftloe hours daily from 9 a. m. to p. m. Sunday 9 to 2. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." 1 will pny one thousand dollars in gold to nnrone whom 1 cannot cure of EPILbPTliJ CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E. GREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Pann ave nue Biid Spruce street. General Office, SCRANTON, PA. r -