The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 22, 1894, Page 12, Image 12

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Novelty and Fancy
In extent and variety of beau
tiful effects our stock surpasses
all former displays. Mauy of the
landaoiuest styles cannot bo found
Silk and Wool Mixed and
Fancy Novelty Dress Goods
49c. PER YARD.
At the above price these goods
could not bo lower had they been
admitted to this country entirely
free of duty.
Dress Trimmings
2few ideas. Silks and beads
have coiuo to meet the reviv
ing demand for dress trim
mings. Che ni If e Table Covers
Xew, fresh from the mills.
The colors and tints are rich
and dainty; the designs are
beautiful and artistic. Have
bought them practically on
our own terms. One and a half
yards square, with heavy ball
PRICE $1.19
The stock covers a wide range
and comprises some of the
best bargains we have ever
offered. Full and complete
line in Ilucks and Fancy
Weaves from 10 cents to $2.23.
412 Sprnce St, Scranton.
Dr. Reeve Is certainly gaining the confi
dence of tho public. He is dualiu honestly
with the peoplo of Scranton and vicinity. He
is good and considerate to the poor and treats
everyone with respectful consideration. Hav
ing had longand varied experience in private
and hospital service, he stands unequalled iu
his profewiiou. He is performing some won
derful cures.aud while his hundsome ollices at
sT.! Spruce street, Scrunton.are daily crowded
with sii.k and sulterinivhe always has time and
a word of cheer and comfort for everyone.
Me glvrt advice, ser- nrr flr plllDPC
vices ami examination MCL III bnAlluL
no one is turned away.
The doctor has opened a female department
for those who wish treatment exclnsively for
ailments peculiar to females, so that those
whom "delicacy" has heretofore kept away
may now receive the services of a "lady"
whose treatment will prove her ability iu
such cases.
He, with his assistants, treat all diseases of
tho nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear,
noi - and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost
vitality, premature weakness or decay in
both sexes, female weaknesses and irregu
larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tnmur,
cancers, eruptions, blood poisoning, fits, opi
ilepsy. indiscretion and errors of youth, lost
manhood, fczoma, scrofula, St Vitas' dance,
asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
I'niisiiltutlon and Examination Free.
Office hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 9 p. m. Sun
days, 10 to 12 and t to 4.
Take elevator in Christian's hat Btore, or
Hemcmber the name and number,
412 Sprnce St, Scranton.
Mri. James Ferguson, of Church
street, still continues to be danger
ously ill,
A baby boy has tome to enliven the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hevers,
of Laurel street.
Coroner Kelley was here yesterday
and held on inqnest over tbe body of
August Gans, who was fatally atabbed
on Saturday night. The jury Im
panelled yesterday by 'Squlro Gildea
listened to the testimony of Mrs. Gaus
and a man who witnossed the affray.
Tbe evidence was similar to that given
in yesterday's Tribune. The coroner's
investigation showed that tbe wounds
in tbe region of the lungs were the
cause of death, Tbe verdict of tbe
jury was that death was due to wounds
inflicted by a knife in tbe hamds of
John Eimmish.
Joseph F. Crandall left yesterday for
the Pennsylvania Dental college at
Philadelphia, where he will take a
course of studies.
Miss Louise Hardenbergh leaves for
Lynchburg, Va., where she will enter
the Ladies' college as teacher in music,
and will also take a course of studies.
Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Hosle and J. S.
Kirkpatrick, of Scranton, were regis
tered at the Allen House yesterday.
An enjoyable danoe was held at the
Central theater Thursday evening.
The prospects are floe for a large en
try in tbe bicycle races Oot. 4. Wheel
men are expected from New York,
New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
Horses owned by F. G. Uanoas, L.
T. Payne and George Smith, of Scran
ton, are entered for tbe races at the
Wayne county fair. Sept 25-28.
Would you ride on a railroad that uses
BO danger signals? That oough is a signal
of danger. Tbe safest onre is Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrnp. Sold by all dealers
on a guarantee of satisfaction.
;v Stroudsburg.
The East Strondsbnrg publio school
Douaing, wnien nag just been con
struoted, will be opened on Monday
Dr. Beeves. 412 Spruce street, Scran
ton, cures diseases of both sexes, 0 a.
m, to 9 p. m.
There is Doing a subscription raised
for a town elocit. It Is to be Disced in
tbe Stroudsburg Natloual bank, which
bas just been remodeled.
People who nse ice are complaining
oi me price.
The Keystone Fibre company has re
snmod work. They have been stopped
on account of no water.
E. E. Baney. of Scranton, is visiting
nis parents at bBt Stroudsburg.
Louis Friedberger, a brother of the
treasurer of the electrio railroad, is in
.asi atrouasDurg.
George W. Fable, of tUi place, for
merly part owner of tbe Bnrnett House,
Dougnt tuft Ungerman House, or Pen
Argyl, and will take possession.
A grand tournament of the Strouds
burg Gun club will take nlace Thurs
day and Friday, Oot. 4 and S. There
will be thirty events in all. the en
trance fees running from SO cents to
They expect that a large number
outside of the elub will enter and some
fiue shooting be doue.
The streams have swollen greatly.
David Shaw, the workman who fell
off tbe bank building, is improving.
He is ablo to sit up now.
Frank Southard, the well known base
ball pitcher of Scranton. is in town,
He is now on the Reading team, but
rormerly played for the town nine.
William Van Gordon. G. C. Hughes.
John Welter, John Shitfer, Robert De-
pew ana James JDdinger are on a lis a
ing trip at Shawnee. "
Miss Rolard and Miss O'Hara, of
bcrnnton, are registered as students at
tbe Normal.
Mrs. Sebastian Eohle has been taken
to the Danville Insane asylum.
Morris Savoraeool will be a boss of a
gang of men on the electrio railroad
between Milford and Stroudsburg.
The Shannon Comedy company are
playing in tbe Academy of Musio of
East Stroudsburg this week. Last night
they played "After the Bill."
Professor Hemp's mother and sister
are visiting him at present.
The Sbakerpenrean society, of the
Normal school, will bold their opening
meeting on Saturday oigut.
Mayor H, S. Pnterbaugb, of East
Stroudeburg, was suddenly taken ill
with pUurisy.
Harry Coates is sick with typhoid
Dr. Reeves, 412 Sprnce stret. Scran
ton, onres blood poisoning, 9 a. m. to
0, p. m.
Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Peck are visiting
with relatives at Iowa.
The employes of the different col
lieries here will be paid today.
I be many friends of Captain T. JJ.
Simpson will ba glad to learn that he
resumed work again last Tuesday after
a two months', illness of typhoid pneumonia.
Presiding Elder Thorp?, of Hones-
dale, was in town last Thursday evening.
Herbert James has removed bis bar
ber shop into the store recently va
cated by Maple Bell.
The Rev. Thomas Vaughn visited his
parents here last Wednesday, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Vaughn.
William Ulanvllle moved bis family
from Nanticoks to Bell place last
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stone and sen,
Clarence, of Oneonta, are visiting at
the borne of Mrs. P. Snedicor.
Tbe Rev. T. P. Doty is confined to
tbe bouse from a severe cold.
Mrs. George Merrill, of Carbondale,
was the guest of Mrs. W. C. Warner
Mrs. lla Warneld, of Beach pond, is
visiting at the home of her brother,
William, and sister, Mrs. Clarence
Miss Ratio Klllatu, of Lake Ariel,
who bas been the guest of Miss Flor
ence Case for a wee-k, returned borne
Thursday evening.
Daniel Gil bride, of Dunmore. is run
ning the Erie and Wyoming yard en
gine for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Boll, who have
been spending a week at Salem, re
turned home Thursday morning.
James Arnold caught a (ierman
carp in the Lackawaxen river Wednes
day afternoon which measured thirty
two and one-half inches in length and
weighed ten and one-half pounds.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Correll left Thurs
day afternoon for Lake Ariel to spend
a few davs.
The fnneral of tbe late Miobael Sher
idan was held at the St. Pbiloinenias
Catholio cbnreh Friday morning at
9 SO o'clock and was attended by a
large concourse of friends. Over 100
men, members of tbe Catholio Mutual
Benefit aesociatiou, were in line, to pay
their last respects to their deceased
brother. A solemn high mass of re
quiem was celebrated, after which in
terment was made in the Catholio oem-etery.
Mies Annie McHale, of West avenue,
was a visitor at Wilkes-Barre yester
Miss Laura Johns, ot RIchmondale.
is the guest of friends in West Avoca.
Tbe Traction company has reached
the borough line, and will come no
further until it gets permission.
Miss Mamie Mangan, of .North Main
street, left home Wednesday for Pat-
erson, N. J., where she will spend
some time with friends.
Robert Pettes. of Hyde Park, called
on Avooa friends last evening.
Alls Hose Dommermnth will leavo
for Wilkes-Barre on Monday, where
she will spend some time.
Mrs. Si. Furgeson, of Dunmore, who
bas been spending some time with
Avooa friends, returned home last
Mrs. t rank Johnson was a visitor at
Pittston yesterday.
Mew Milford.
J. J. Todd was among the callers in
town Wednesday.
Tbe New Milford band will furnish
music for the Harford fair.
Dr. Reeve, 412 Sprnee street. Seran-
tou, enres lost manhood, 9 a. rn. te 9
p. m.
IS. JM. Casey, veterinary surgeon, who
has been located in this town for some
time, bas located in Oxford, N. Y.
. Hi, Juoxley, wbo sola his market
business la this plaoe a few days ago,
has purchased the Heller market in
Bingbamton, and will locate there
Oet. 1.
John V. Leroy and Miss Delia Bra-
man, wbo formerly resided and are well
known in this place, were married at
Forest City, Sept. 12.
Tbe JNew Milford band will go to
Bingbamton Oat. 9. to assist in the lay
ing o( the oornerstone of tbe Commer
cial Travellers' home.
Miss Mabel Tucker is a 'tending school
at Kingston. j
Taere will be a Unloi( Temperance
meeting at the Baptist church Sunday
The seml-anuual meeting of the Sua
qoehanna County Medioal society will
be new at susquehanna on Tuesday,
Oot. 3.
The Horsn and Colt Breeders' asso
ciation of Northeastern Pennsylvania,
held their eighth annual exhibition at
Gelatt, this county, Sept. 15, and was
largely attended,
Fred Jewett, of Brooklyn, was call
ing on friends in town Wednesday.
A barn belonging to James. W.
Adams, of Brooklyn, together with
four horses, grain, etc., was destroyed
by nre Tuesday night. Loss fj.uuu,
with a lignt insurance.)
Frederick J, Stanley cave a very in
teresting lecture at the Opera house
Tuesday evening on the subject of
"Japan." Inclement weather caused a
light attendance.
The new iroa bride on Church street
is completed and accepted by the coun
Eighteen prisoners in the connty
jail at the nresent writing.
The Susquehanna couoty teachers'
institute will be held in MoatroBe (Jot.
22 to 20.
Tho Harford fair occurs Sept. 20 and
James Hatching moved his family to
Hallstead Thursday.
The coal traffic on the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western is quite
lively once again.
A messasre was received here yester
day from Norristown stating that the
West Pittston Hose company's racing
team bad won the 250-yard race. Tbe
prizj is $100. It wua a free for-all and
was won in the remarkable time of
thirty-nine and one-fourth seconds.
Tbe news created much excitement in
town and the joy of the boys' friends
is unbounded. Three of the crack
teams the of state the Butlers, tbe
Croskys and tbe . Bradfords were
among the entries.
Charles Duggan, aged 80 years, em
ployed as a brakeman on the Valley
road, received injuries in Coxton yard
Thursday night which proved fatal a
few hours later. Ho was engaged in
making np a train of cars when an
approaching engine unobserved by him
struek him and knocking him down,
passed over his two legs. He was hur
riedly conveyed to a car and started
tor tbe hospital. When the train
reached Water street station the injured
man was found to be sinking rapidly.
Father Kelley was sent for aud admin
istered tne last rites of the Roman Cath
olio churoh. After having received
them be sank into a peaceful Bleep
never to awaken. The body was re
moved to the borne ot the injured man
in Wilkes-Barre.
Tiie West Side Republican Cam
paign club opened their rooms on the
West side Thursday night with a rous
ing rally. Candidates Lon Darte, D.
A. Fell, George Llewellyn . Representa-
Harvey and L. B. Wagner, were pres
ent and made entertaining addresses.
Joe Hitchner was also present and
gave one of his characteristic speeches.
The funeral of Samuel Hall, of North
street, who died Thursday, will occur
this morning with services in the
Trinity Episcopal church.
Arobie Mo I DeWitt, of the West
Side, donated a check of $50 to tbe
hospital treasurer, which bas been
duly acknowledged.
Oa Friday evening at tbe First Bap
tist church at this place Rev. W. li.
Turner, of Binghamton will deliver a
lecture on bis resent ''Trip Through
Mrs. Clifford and daughter. Mrs.
Fred Wright arrived borne on Friday
after a mouth's visit at Lynn. Mass.
Harry Halstead is lying dangerously
ill of typhoid fevor.
Tbe wyomings of this place will
cross bats with the Mud Pood Peeper?,
of Fleetville, at the latter's ground to
morrow at o ciock sharp.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Townsend at
tended the Tnnkhannock fair and vis
ltedjMr. T's brother, Albert Townsend,
of that place on Friday,
Fred Bailey, of JNew York: city, is
visiting Sumner and Nanoy Hinds on
Main street.
John Lewis attended the Grand
Army of the Republio encampment at
nttsburg last weeK.
Miss Sadie Clark will return tomor
row after a three weeks' visit with rel
atives at Lynn, Susquehanna county.
I1 rank tumugtoa is out on the
street again after a serious illness.
Paul Wilson, of this place, leaves
next week for New York, where be
will take a three years' course in a den
tal college.
Old Forge.
John Dills' clothes line was visited
by thieves on Tnesday . night aud moat
of the clothes were taken.
Revs. L N. Shipman and N. J. Haw
ley will preach in the Brick church on
Sunday. Mr. Sbipinati in the morning
and Mr. Hawley in the evening.
The Infant child ot Lyman Halnin
of Sibley died on Thursday and will be
buried today. Interment in Marcy
Rev. N. J. Hawley will give his lec
ture, "Florida,' in tbe Brick church on
Monday evening, Sept. 24.
Mrs. T. Shoemaker of Washington.
D. C, whs the guest of Mrs. George
Drake, jr., this week.
Henry Christie, a gentleman of about
67 years of age, -who was visiting at
tbe residence of Mrs. Maria Hull, in
Blakely, died very suddenly Thursday
of heart disease. His death occurred
while he was at the dinner table. His
home was in ITompkinsville, Mass.,
whence his remains were conveyed
last evening for burial.
The Brown Juniors will go to Jer-
myn today and cross bats with the
Hiekories of that place.
Frank Broderiek ot Yonkers is snend-
t u: . : i . . -
iuk uis tbuuwou in lown.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised drucclst to
sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this
condition. It you are afllicted with a
Cough. Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chost
trouble, and will use this remedy as di
rected, giving it a fair trial, and experience
no benefit, you may return the bottle and
have your money refunded. We could not
make this offer did we not know that Dr.
King's New Discovery could be relied on,
It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at
Matthew Bros', drug store. Large size
50c and $1.
For Colds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis
and Sore Throat, nse Dr. Thomas' Eclec
trio Oil, aud get the genuine.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castor!,
When she was a Child, she cried tor Cftstoria,
When she became Miss, the clung to Caatoria.
When she hod Children, aha gave thea Castorhv
Mrs. Sliepie. Mr. Varns. Mrs. fl.
Shaw, and Mr. David Everson. of
Kingston, spent Thursday in this ity
asguosts ot Mrs. Warniok of Gilbert
street. V.
Mrs.' Porter aud son, G. Harold
Porter, of Jersey city, N. J., and for
mer Carbondale residents, are tbe
guests of friends in this city.
Mrs. Richard Kayne, of Kingston,
returned home yesterday morning after
enjoying a visit with her daughtsr,
Mrs. James Smith, of Gilbert street.
The concert which was to have been
given at the Methodist ehurca on Oct.
19,hasbeen postponed until Oct. 24, and
not Oct. 20, as stated in yesterday morn
ing's Tribune.
Miss Flora Allen, of Forest City,
called on Carbondale friends yesterday,
Dr, Down and wife, of Gerraantown,
N. J., returned home yesterday after
spending their summer vacation at
Fern Hall, Crystal lake.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Marr returned
home to New York city yesterday after
spending a short time with Carbondale
William Morrison returned yester
day to continue bis studies in a college
m Philadelphia.
On Thursday of this week work was
commenced in building a driveway
around Crystal lake. The distance
around tbe lake is about three miles
and the street will be about titty wide,
the road to commence between the
cottages of Mr. Seelie and E K. Morss.
Tho work is nnder the supervision of
D. J, Roblnsoa and is expected to bo
completed in abont two months.
Mies Grace Irland, of Danville, is
the guest of her cousin, Miss Jessie
Vannan, of Dundaff street.
Work on tbe Park street sewer
which has been going on for the nast
several weeks is nearing completion.
The coatraot bas not been a very profit
able one for the contractors, as they
have been meeting with difficulties all
along. Many rocks bad to ba blasted
in order to be removed, and the esti
mated loss on the job is about $1,000.
Miss Gertrude Roekwell, of Hones
dale, is visiting friends in this city.
Miss May Birs, of Washington street,
sang in a concert given in Archbald
last evening.
Forest City.
The Enterprise Hose company will
take part in tbe first annual parade of
the Carbondale fire department which
will be held Thursday.
The "porkers" that were advertised
in yesterday's TninrtNE. ham linen
claimed by tbe owners.
Rev. Dr. T. C. Edwards, of Kingston,
well known as "Cynonfardd," will de
liver his nonnlar Inr.tnm nn "nin.
Poets and Orators" at the Methodist
churoh Monday evening. Prices 25 and
35 oents.
Mrs. Henry Bigelow, of Scranton,
bas returned home after visit in thia
plaoe lis the guest of Mrs. William
Attorney H. C. Butler, of riarhnn.
dale, was in town yesterday.
a. li.. Holmes, of Jackson, was a visi
tor in thia borough yesterday.
Druggist Alfred Davis and hriila mill
return today from their wedding trip,
which included Niagara Falls, New
York city and other points of interest
John Gardella, of Jermyn, who
formerly was anemnlore nf Jnhn rtirr.
gio in thia place, visited former friends
nere yesieraay.
Attorney L. P. Wmlnmnn vii lorroll,,
engaged at Susquehanna's county seat
during Wednesday and Thursday.
There will be no servioss in the
Methodist Episoopal church Sunday
morniuir. Presiding KI.W R w T
TborDe. of the Honendala dintrinr. will
oocupy the pulpit in the evening.
yuuriony conierenee win be held at
tue close of the meeting.
Mrs. John iPikv. who has iiun vliif.
ins friends in Washington. Ti. f ha
returned homo.
R. C. DuBois and fnmilv will rnlnrn
to Washington today.
Raymond Mack is viaitinir in TnnV.
Miss Annie H. Dunham is vintti nor In
Martin Toole, of Bdclt street U hit.
ions to become supervisor in 1895.
A slight fire occurred last night on
Gil more avenue.
Abram Rinker's, returned borne yes
terday. The West Street Mthodiat Episcopal
Sunday school will picoio at Tattle's
grove today.
All That's Claimed
" I had a poor appetite, that tired feeling an
was run down, but Hood's Sarsaparllia baa
done me a ureal deal
good. I have a better
appetite and do not
teel tired. I can rco.
ommend Hood's Sarsa
parllia as an excellent
sprina or fall meciiciim
f-l? to keep the blood lu
order. Myself and
three daughters have
taken over six bottles.
and it has done 113
yh much eood. We do
not now have to call
upon a doctor, as for-
merlr. In the anrlnir
Albert Kiaser time, and 1 can say that
Auburn, Pa. Hood's Sarsapmllla is
all that is claimed for it. I most heartily rec
ommend it, and shall always keep It in my
house." Albert KrxsEr, Auburn, Pa.
Las W
fv ta
Be sure to get CrQQ
Hood's Pills aro purely vegetable, and do
lot purge, pain or grlpo. Bold by all druggists.
230 Lacka. Ave,
It Is for Men Only,
but Their Wives
May Buy.
White or Natural Wool Underwear
regular 65o. quality 36c.
(See our window display.)
Red Underwear, medicated, ribbed
bottoms, $1 quality 85c.
All wool Camel's Hair Shirt or
Drawers, $1 quality 80c
25e. quality, silk embroidered 1 2a.
30c. quality, strong web 18c.
GOc. quality, silk web...., 28o.
22c. quality 1 5C.
50c. quality 38c.
$1.50 Stiff or Soft Hats 95c.
1 Stiff or Soft Hats $1.25
All goods left from tho Firo
Sale, which are damaged by rater
only, at your own price.
Union services at the Prnqhvtnrlan
Church this evening nnrl Rn
noon. Sunday school at 9 30. Preaoh-
ing Dy itev. w. a. lieecner at 11
Services at the Method int T,niannnl
church Sunday: Sunday sjhol, 9.30;
preHcning uy tne pastor at 1U.45; union
services in the evening. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robinson, of
Forkston, who have been visiting at
ifHIE 10 ELL
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Next door to the burned bulldiuo
"We continue tho sale of two
pairs Loys' Knee Pants for 25c.
Pimples, Blotches
z Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
Errand Scrofula
P. P. P. purifies the blood, bnllds up
the weak and uobllllutod, gives
strength to weakened nerves, expels
diaeiuoa.irtTlng the patient health ana
Dappiuesg where alcknesB, Kloomy
feelings and laaaltudo first prevailed,
Kor primary .aeeondarT and tertiary
nyphlOii, lor blood poisoning, mercn
rial poison, malaria, dynpepsla, and
In nil blood and akin diseases, like
blotouos, plniples, old ohronlo nleers,
tetter, scald head, bolls, erysipelas,
eczema-we niayaay, without fear or
contradiction, that P. P. P. Is the best
blood purifier In the world, and makes
positive, spoodyand permanent oures
in ail casus.
Ladles whose systems are poisoned
and whose blood Is In an impure oondl
tlun, due to menstrual Irregularities,
are poeuliarly benetltod by the won
dorfbl tenlo and blood clea using prop
ortiesof P. p. P.-Prk!kly Ash, Poke
Boot and Potaasiam.
Springfield, Mo., Auij. 14th,
1 can speak In the hla-hest terms of
Tour medicine from my own personal
knowledge. 1 was affeoted with hears
disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for
85 years, was treated by tho very best
physicians ana spent hundreds of dol
lars, tried overy known remedy with
out undlug relief. I have ouly taken
one bottle of your P. P. P., and can
cheerfully aay It has done me more
good than anything I have ever taken.
I ooa recommend your medicine to ail
Sufferers of the above diseases.
Bpr. jgfleld, Green County, Ho.
and Old Sores
Catarrh, Malaria 4
Kidney Troubles
Afa entirely rrmovca by P.P. P.
Prickly Ash, Poke Root end Potas-
turn, the greatest blood purlQar on atW
earth. ff
Abkbdk, O.. July 21,1391. , slfi
MRSsks. Lippsun Bros., Savannah. rm
Oa. t IlKiK Hms I bought a bottle of 1 ""Sw
your P.P. P. at Hot 8prluin,Ark..aiid -S0
It has done me more goon than titreo
months' treatment at the Iiotitnrlaga. ' "-r
' Mend three bottles ('. O. V. tdt
Respectfully yours,
jAs. m. nrwton, '
Aberdeen( Brown County, O. . ji
Capt.J. D. Joh naton. CJ
To ell wftom II may emctrnt T here aW
by tostlfy to the womlorrtd properties otSp
of P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I ,
suffered for several years Willi an un- 'Sy
sightly and disagreeable eruption oa -"g0
my iace. i tneu every snown reme
dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was uaed,
and sm now entirely cured.
(Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTOrT.
SavaiuutU, Uo.
Skin Cancer Cored.
TaHmony from the Mayor of SequinJT&C,
SRjri, TBI., January 14, 1S93. " "2.
Mrssrs. Lippiian Bros., Savannah, CS'
Oa. x Hentlemtnl have tried your P.
P. P. for a disease of the skin, nanally
known as akin canoer.of thirty years'
standing, and found great relief; 16 mw
purine! the blood and remove all if 1
rltatlon from tbe sent ot the disease
and prevents any spreading of the Mm
sores. I have token Sreor six bottlea
and feel ooufldeutthatanothorconrse
will effect a oure. It has also relieved ZL.
me from Indigestion and atouiaoA 4fi!"
troubles. Yours truly, mv
CAPT. W. M. RUST, ' -1
Attorney at Law.
Book oo Bixd Disecses Mailed Free.
IJppman'sBlock,Savunmn,Gn '
fl fl i
400402 Lackawanna An
"THESE goods will be sold far bow their
value, and it will pay you to secure what
.Vwd for the winter durin? this sale. BY
them stored FREE OF CHARGE until wanted.'
case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, rintef
price 89c; now only - . . .
case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
prioe $1.50; now only . .
case 11-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price, $2.25; now only
case 10-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price
Art P -a '', now omy ......
casell-4 White Wool Blankets; winter price
to; now omy
case 10-4 California BlanketB, winter price
$7.50; now only
case 13-4 California Blankets winter price
$8.50; now only .
bales Comforts, special, worth $3 and $3.25;
now only ,
406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue.
Our Fall Gift Announcement
The many inquiries that have been made reardin?
our FREE GIFT distribution has compelled us to aiv
nounce that UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE we will give
American Onyx Flnlth, with
ertry purchase of $50 or
orr, for caah or credit.
Or an ekgant
with yery parabaie or
orer, for cash or credit. .
Our S3 9 Bedroom Outfit Sale still continues.
That S 150 Four Room Outfit of ours is now
ready for your inspection. If you can't call, write us for
Green Discount Tags are doing the work. ,
" "I in li i -aiiss il ' in i