t wot- ere) (vinw miimi imtiii lliii SGIfANTdN !fBnit?ITE--SA'rCJRDAY MOEKlNGr. SlMEMBBR 1894; VXrCiy GILBERT PARK EKH CopmiCHT,' CUAPTER V. CONTINUED. Years nfter Unit first morning Marion caught ln'iKi'lf shuddering at tho tlionght that c;nuo to her whew ehv saw Lali hovering on tlio bridge Whatever ilaritm'a faults were, sho had a fine ilia liko of anything that twmcd unfair. Sho had not ridden to hounds for noth ing. She had at heart tin? yporliuuu'ri instilict. It was upon this bitsis indeed thut Richard appealed to her in tho first trying days of Lali's lifo among the.ni. To opposo yoiu' will to Marion on tho basis of HUperior knowledge was only to turu her into u rubel, and a very etfect i' o rebel shu made, for sho had a pretty gift at the retort courteous, and sho eoirtd take as nirteh and as well as sho gave. Slie rebelled at first at assisting in Lali's education, though by llts and Btarts she, would teach her Jinglish rds and help Iter to form long neu Jsuoes and was on tho whole quiui pa )leni. But Lali's real instructors were jlrs. Armour ami Kiohard; hex best, fiicluu'if. Tho first few days she made but little progress, for everything w;is strange to her, and things made her giddy tho Fen-ants, the formal routine, tho hand some furnishings, Marion's music, tho great house, tho many precise personal duties set for her to bo got through at stated times and Mrs. Armour's rather grand manner. But there was the relief to this, else the girl had pined terribly for her nativo woods and prairies. This was the park, tho deer, tho lake, tho hares and birds. .Whilo she sat saying over nftor Mrs. Armour words and phrases iu English or was being showu how sho must put on and wear tho sashes which a driiismaker from Regent street had been brought to make, hor eyos would wander dreamily to tho trees, and tho lake, and tho grass. They soon discovered that she would pay no attention and was straightway difficult to teach if sho was not placod where sho could look out on tho park. They had no choice, for though her nssistauco was never active it was nevertheless effect ive. Presently she got on very swiftly with Richard, for he, with instinct worthy of a woman, turned their les sons upon her own (touutry and Frank. This cost him something, but it had its reward. There was no moreJistlessness. Previously Frank's name had scarcely been spoken to lier. Mrs. Armour would havo hours of hesitation and impotent regret beforo sho brought herself to speak of her son to his Indian wife. I Marion tried to do it a few times and I failed Tho general did it with rather ; a forced voice and manner, becauso ho saw that his wife was very tender upon tho point. But liichard, who never knew self consciousness, spoko freely of Frank when ho spoko at all, and it was Boeing Lali's eyes brighten and her look earnestly fixed on him when ho chanced to mention Frank's name that determin ed him on his new method of instruc tion. It had its dangers, but he had cal culated them all. Tho girl must bo edu cated at all costs. Tho sooner that oc curred the soouer would she see her own position and try to adapt herself to her responsibilities and faco tho real stato of her husband's attitude toward her. He succeeded admirably. Striving to tell him about her past lifo and ready to talk endlessly about her hus band, of his prowess in tho hunt, of his strength anil beauty, sho also strove to find English words for the purpose, and Richard supplied them with uncommon willingness. Ho humored her so far as to learn many Indian words and phrases, but ho was chary of his use of them smd tried hard to niako her appreciative of her new lifo and surroundings. Ho watched her waking slowing to an un derstanding of tho lifo and of all that it involved. It gave him a kind of fear, too, becauso sho was sensitive, nnd there was tho possiblo dauger of her growing disheartened or desperate and doing somo mad thing in the hour that sho wakened to tho secret behind her marriage. Ilis apprehensions were not without cause, for slowly there came into Lali's mind tho element of comparison. Sho became conscious of it one day when somo neighboring people called at Orey bope. Mrs. Armour, in her sense of duty, which sho had rigidly set before her, introduced Lali into the drawing room. Tho visitors veiled their curiosi ty and said somo pleasant casual things to the young wife, bnt she saw tho half enrions, lulf furtivo glances, she caught n sidelong glunco nnd sinilu, and when they wero gone she took to looking at herself in a mirror, a thing sho could scarcelv bo persuaded to do beforo. Sho saw tho difference between her carriage and others', her manner of wearing her clothes and others', lit complexion and theirs. Sho exaggerated the difference. Sho brooded on it. Now she sat down cast and timid and hunted in faco as tho first evening sho came, Now sho Appeared rcstltas and excited. If Mrs. Armour was not exactly sym pntlmtio with hor, sho was quiet ami forbearing, and General Armour, liko Richard, tried to draw her out but not on the same subjects. Ho dwelt upon What she did tho walks sho took in the park thoso hours iu the afternoon when, wfth Mackenzie or Colvin, she vanished into tho beechos, making trinnds with tho birds and doer and pwans. But most of all she loved to go to tho stable. Sho was, however, asked Dot to go unless Richard or General Ar mour was with her.- Sho loved beanos, Md these wore a wonder to hor. She had never known any but the wild un 1 groomed Indian pooy ou which she had ridden in every fashiou and over every kiDd of country. Airs. Armour scut lor u riding master and had riding costumes tnado for her. It was intended that she should ride every day as soon as sho seemed sufficiently praseu table. This did not appear so very far off, for sho . improved daily in appearance. Her hair was growing finer and was made up in the modest prevailing fashion. Her Liit not. ww eicoHjd to tui Luulcmeut 1893. er J.B.LIPP1NC0TT, .CO.' climate and subject to tho utmost care, was smoother and fairer. Hor feet, in cased iu fine, well made boots, looked much smaller, her waist was shaped to fashion, and sho was very straight and lissom. So many thiugs she did jarred on her relatives that thoy were not fully aware of tho great improvement in her appearance. Even Richard admitted her trying at times. Marion went up to town to stay with Mrs. Townley, and there had to faco a good deal of curiosity. I'eoplo looked at her sometimes as if it was sho and not Lali that was an Indian. But sho carried things off bravely enough and answered thoso kind inquiries which one's friends muko when wo are in em barrassing situations with unswers so calm and plexsant that people did not know what to think. "Yes, "she said in reply to Lady Balwood, "her sister-in-law might bo iu town later in the year, perhaps be foro tho s T.S011 was over. Sho could not tell. She was tired after her long voy age, and sho preferred tho quiet of Grey hope. Sho was fond of riding and coun try life, bnt still sho would eomo to town for a time," and so on. ) "Ah, dear me, how charming! And doesn't sho resent her husband's ab sence during the honeymoon, or did the honeymoon occur beforo she camo over to England?" And Lady Balwood tried to say it all playfully, and cer tainly said it somewhat loudly. Sho had daughters. But Mariou was perfectly prepared. Her face did not change expression. " Ves, tliey had had their honeymoon on tho prairies. Frank was so fascinat ed with tho lifo and the people. Ha had not come homo at onco because ho was making sho did not know how great a fortuno over there in investments, and so Mrs. Armour camo on beforo him, and, of course, so soon as ho could get away from his business he would follow his wife. " And though Marion smiled her heart was very hot, and sho could havo slain Lady Balwood in her tracks. Lady Bal wood tlieii nodded a little patronizingly and Kibbled that "sho hoped so much to see Mrs. Francis Armour. Sho must bo so very interesting, tho papers said so much about her. " Now, whilo this conversation was go ing on eomo ono stood not far behind Marion who seemed much interested iu her and what she said But Marion did not seo this person. Sho was startled presently, however, to hear a strong voico ay softly over her shoulder, "What a charming woman Lady Bal wood is! And so ingenuous. " She was grateful, tremulous, proud Why had he, Captain Vidall, kept out of tho way all these weeks jufit when sho needed him most, just when ho should havo played the part of a man? Then sho was feoliug twinges at tho heart too. Sho had seeu Lady Agnes Martliug tbat afternoon and had no ticed how tho news had worn ou her. She felt how much better it had been had Frank eomo quietly homo and married her, instead of doing tho wild, scan dalous thing that was making so many heartburnings. A few minutes ago sho had longed for a chance to say some thing dclioateJy acid to Lady Haldwoll, once Julia Sherwood, who was there. Now thero was a chance to givo hor bitter spirit tongue. Sho was glad, sho dared not think how glad, to hear that voice again, but sho was angry, too, and he should suffer for it, tho nioro so be causo sho recognized in tho tono and afterward in his faco that he was still ab.sorbingly interested in her. There was a littio buret of thanksgiving in her heart, and then sho prepared a very notable commiuation strvico in her mind. This meeting had been deftly ar ranged by Mrs. Townley, with tho help of Edward Lambert, who now held her lingers with a kind of vanity of posses sion whenever ho batlo her good by or met her. Captain Vidall had, in fact, been out of tho country, had only been back a week and had only heard of Frank Armour's mesalliance from Lam bert at an "at homo" 48 hours beforo. Mrs. Townley guessed what was really at tho bottom of Marion's occasional bitterness, and piecing together many littio things dropped casually by her friend had come to the conclusion that tho happiness of two peoplo was at stake, When Marion shook hands with Cup tain Vidall, sho had herself exceedingly well under control. Sho looked at him iu slight surprise and casually remark ed that they had not chanced to moot lately in tho rnn of small and earlioa. Sho uppoi:red to bo unconscious that ho hud been out of tho country, and also tbat sho had been till very recently in deed at Greyhope. Ho hastened to as sure her that ho hud been away and to lay siego to this unexpected barrier. Ho knew all about Frank's affair, and though it troubled him ho did not soo why it should make any difference in his regard for Frank's sister. Fastidious as ho was in all thiugs, ho wuh fas tidiously deferential. Not an exqnisito, ho hud nil that vanity as to appoar- unoo ho usual with tho military man. Himself of tho most perfect tem per and sweetness of manner und con duct, tho unusual disturbed him. Not possessed of a vivfj imagination, ho could scarcely conjure up this Indian brido at Greyhopo. But face to faco with Marion Armour ho saw what troubled her, und ho do tormiued that ho would not meet her irouy with irony, her assumed indiffer ence with indiirerenco. He had learned ono of the most important lessons of lifo never to qnurrol with a woman. Whoever has so far erred has been fool ish indeed. It is the worst of polity, to say nothing of its being the worst of art, and lifo should never bo without art. It is absurd to be perfectly natural Anything, unybody, can bo that Well, Captain Hunio Vidall was something of on artist, more, . however, in principle than by tompirament. Ho refused to recognize tiii rather niajicious adroit ness wiUibJcJi Marion turned his re- mark again upon hiaiself, twisted out of all npmblanee. ' Ho was very patient. Ho inquired quietly, and as if houestly interested, about Frank and said be causo ho thought it safest as well as most reasonable that naturally they must havo been surprised ut his marry ing a native, but ho himself bad seen somo such marriages turu out very well in Japan, India, tho South Sea islands and Canada. Ho assumed that Marion's sister-in-law was beautiful and then disarmed Marion by saying that he thought of going down to Greyhopo im mediately to call on General Armour and Mrs. Armour and wondered if sho was going back before the cud of the season. Quick as Marion was, this' was said so quicfly that she did not quite see the drift of it. Sho had intended staying in London to tho end of the season, not be causo she enjoyud it, but because sho was determined to faco Frank's mar riage at every quarter and have it over, ouce for all, so far as herself was con cerned But now, taken slightly aback, she said, almost without thinking, that sho would probably go back soon sho was not quite sure but certainly her father and mother would bo glad to see Captain Vidall at any timo. Then, without any apparent relevan cy, he asked her if Mrs. Frank Armour still wore her Indian costume. In any ono else tho question had seemed imper tinent. In hiiu it had a touch of confi dence, of the privilego of closo friend ship. Thou ho said, with a meditative look and a very calm retrospective voice, that ho was onco very much in love vith a nativo girl iu India and might havo becomo permanently devoted to Ik r wero it not for tho accident of his being ordered back to England sununa rilv. This was a pieco of news which cut two ways. In tho first place, it lessened tho extraordinary character of Frank's marriage, and it roused in her an im mediate curiosity, which a woman al ways feels in tho past "affairs" of her lover, or possiblo lover. idall did not tako pains to impress her with tho fact that tho matter occurred when ho was almost a boy, and it was when her earnest inquisition had drawn from him, bit by bit, tho circumstances of tho case, and she had forgotten many parts of her commiuation service and to preserve, an effective neutrality in tone, that, sho became awaro ho was speaking ancient history. Thou it was too lato to draw back. They had threaded their way through tho crowd into tho conservatory, whc.ro they wero quite alone, and there, with only a littio pyramid of hydrangeas be tween them, which sho could not help but notice chimod well with the color of her dress, he dropped' his voico a lit tio lower and then suddenly said, his eyes hard on her, "I want your permis sion to go to Greyhope. " Tho tone drew her eyes hastily to Ins, and seeing she dropped them again. Vidall had a strong will, and, what is of moro consequence, a peculiarly at tractive voice. It had a vibration which niado somo of his words organliko iu sound. Sho felt tho influence of it. Sho said, a littio faintly, her fingers toying with a hydraDgea: "I am afraid I do not understand There is no reason why yon should not go to Greyhopo without my permission." "I cannot go without it," ho persist ed. "I am waiting for my commission from you." Sho dropped her baud from the flower with a littio impatient motion. Sho was tired; her head ached; sho wanted to bo alono. "Why are you enigmat ical':'" sho said, then quickly: "I wish I knew what is in your mind. You play with words so. " Sho scarcely kirew what sho said. A woniau who loves a man very much ia not quick to tako in tho absoluto dec- She looked t herself uijnln. laratiou of that man's lovo on tho in stunt. It is too wonderful for her. Ho felt his cheek flush with hers; ho drew her look again to him. "Marion, Ma rion!" he said. That was all. "Oh, hush! Somo ono is coming," was her quick, throbbing reply. When they parted a IfTvlf hour later, ho said to her, "Will yon givo me my commission to go to Greyhope'?" "Oh, no, 1 cannot, " sho said very gravely, "but eomo to Greyhope wheu I go back." "And when will that be?" ho said, smiling, yet a littio ruefully too. "Oh, ask Mrs. Towuley, " sho replied. "She is coming also." .Marion knew what that commission to go to Greyhopo meant. But she d termiued tiiat ho should sec Lali first beforo anything irrevocable was done. She still looked upon Frank's niarriago as a scandal. Well, Captain Vidall should faco it in all its crndeness. So in a week or less Mariou and Mrs. Townley were in Greyhope. Two months had gone sinco Lali ar rived iu England, and yet no letter had oomo to hor or to any of them from Frank. Frank's solicitor in London had written him fully of her arrival, and he had had a reply, with further instruc tions regarding money to be placed to Goneral Armour's credit for tho benefit of his wife. Lali, as sho bocumo Eu ropean i'ed, also awoko to tho forms nnd ceremonies of her new lifo. Sho had overheard Frank's father and mother wondering, and fretting as thoy won dered, why thoy had not received any word from him. General Armour had even called him a scoundrel, which Rent Frank's mother into team. Thon Lali had questioned Mackenzie nnd Colvan, for she had increasing shrewdness, and she began to feel her actual position. Sho resented Genorul Armour's impu tation, but in her heart Bbo began to pine and wonder. At times, too, sho wan fitful and' was not to be drawn out. JJttt she went on improving ja poraoual Iff wft appearanco and manner and iu learning tho English laugingo. Mrs. Towuley's appearance marked a ch:uigo in her. When they met, sho suddenly stood still and trembled. When Mrs. TownlcJ cameto her and took her hand nnd kiss ed her, she sliiver.nl and then caught her about the Fhouldora lightly, but was silont After a littj she said, "Como eomo to my wigwam and talk with me.'V Sho said it with a strange littio smilo, for no?,' sho recognized that tho word wigwiun was not to bo used in her new lifo. ButMrs. Townley whispered, "Ask Marion to como too. " Lali hesitated and then said a littio maliciously, "Mariou, will you como to my wigwam?" Marion ran to her, caught lrnr about tho waiHt and replied gayly; "Yea, wo will h.tvo a powwow. Is that right is powwow right?" Tho Indian girl shook her head with a pretty vagueness and vanished with them. General Armour walked up and dowu tho room briskly, thon turned on his wifo and said: "Wife, it was a brutal thing. Frank doesn't deserve to be tho father of her child." But Lali had moods singular moods. Sho indulged in ono fliree days af tor tho nrrival of Marion nnd Mrs. Townley. Sho had learned to rido with tho side saddle and wore her riding dress admi rably. Nowhoro did sho show to bettor advantago. Sho had taken to riding uow with General Armour on tho country roads. On this day Captain Vidall was expected, ho having written to ask that ho might come. What trouble Lali had with ono of tho servants thut morning Was never thoroughly explained, but certain it is sho camo to havo a crudo notion of why Frank Armour married hor. Tho 6rrvaut was dismissed duly, but that was after tho contretemps. It was lato afteruoon. Everybody had been busy, becauso ouo or two other guests wero expected besides Captain Vidall. Lali had kept to herself, send ing word through Richard that sho would not "bo English, "as she vaguely put it, thnt day. Sho had sent Macken zie on somo mission. Sho sat on tho floor of her room as sho used to sit ou the ground in hor father's lodge. Her head was bowed iu her bauds, and her arms rested ou her knees. Her body swayed to and fro. Presently all motion ceased. She becauio perfectly still. She looked beforo her, as if studying some thing." Her eyes immediately flashed. She roso quickly to her feet, went to her wardrobe and took out her Indian cos tumo and blanket, with which sho could never by induced to part. Al niott feverishly sho touk off tho clothes sho wore and hastily threw them from her; thou sho put ou tho buckskin clothes in which sho had journeyed to England, drew down her hair as she used to wear it, fastened round her waist n long red sash which had been given her by n gov ernor of tho Hudson's Bay company when ho had visited hor father s coun try, threw her blanket round hor shotd tiers and then eyed herself in tho great mirror in tho room. What she saw evi dently did not please her perfectly, for sho stretched out her bauds und looked at them. She shook her haad at herself and put her hand to her cheeks and pinched them they wero not so brown as they onco wore then thrust out her foot. Sho drew it back quickly in dis dain. Immediately sho caught tho fashion nblo slippers from her feet nnd threw them among tho discarded garments. Sho looked at herself again. Still sho was not satisfied, but sho threw up her arms, as with a senso of pleasure nnd freedom, nnd laughed at herself. Sho pushed out her mocoasincd foot, tapped tho floor with it, nodded toward it and said n word or two iu her own lan guago. Sho heard somo ouo iu the next room, possibly Mackenzie. Sho stepped to tho door lending into tho hall, open rd it, went out, traveled its length, ran down a back hallway out into tho park toward tho Ftables, her blanket, as her hair, flying behind her. Sho entered tho stables, niado for a horse that sho had ridden much, put u bridlo ou him, led him out boforo any one had soon her, nnd catching him by tho mano suddenly threw herself on him at a bound, and giving him a tap with a short whip sho had caught up in tho stable headed him for tho main aveiiuo und tho opeu road. Then a stablemau saw her und ran after, but ho might as wull havo tried to follow tho wind. Ho forthwith proceeded to saddlo another horse. Boulter also saw hor as sho passed the house, and running in told Mrs. Armour and tho general. They both ran to tho window and saw dash ing dowu tho avenuo a picture out of Fonimoro Cooper a saddleless horse, with a rider whoso fingers merely touch ed tho bridlo riding as on a journey of life and death. . "My God, it's Lali ! Slin'smad! sho's mad! She is striking that horse! It will bolt! It will kill her!" said tho general. Then ho rushed for a lion o to follow her. Mrs. Armour's hands clasped painfully. For an instant sho had ul most tho samo thought as had Marion on tho first morning of Lali's coming, but that passed nnd left her gazing help lessly af tor tho horsewoman. Tho flyiug olanket had frightened tho blooded horse, and ho made desperato efforts tc fulfill tho general s predictions. Lali socti found that she had miscal culatcd. Sho was not riding an Indian pony, but a crazed, high strung hor.so, As tiny (low, sho sitting superbly and tugging ut tho bridle, the party comiiifi from tho railway station entered tin great gate, accompanied by Richard nne Marion. In a moment they sighted this wild pair bearing dowu upon theinwith a terrible swiftness. As Mm iou recognized Lali she turned palo and cried out, rising in her Boat Listinctively Captain Vidall knew whe it was, though he could not guess the causo of tho singular circumstance Hi saw that tho hoira luid bolted, but also that, tho rider seouiod entirely fearless, "Why, iu heaven's name," ho said bo tween his teeth, "docs she not let go that blmkct?" At that moment Lali did let it go, and tho horse dashed by them, making hard for tho gate. "Turn tho horses round and follow herl" said Vidall to the driver. While this Was doing Mo rion caught sight of her father riding hard down tho avenue, no passed them and called to them to hurry ou after him. Lali had not tho slightest souse of fetir, but alio knew thut the horse had gono mad. When they passed through tho gate and swerved into tho road, less practiced rider would havo been thrown. She sat like wax. Tho pace was inoredibjq forj mjlo, ajaajthpuglj :afral Armour rode veil he was fur behind. Suddenly a trap appeared in the road in front of them, and the driver, seeing the runaway, set his horses at right angles to the road. It served tho purpose only to provide another danger. Jot far from where tho trap was drawn, and fiio wiomcnt they svjIiUd this wild pair Hearing aown upun mem. between it and tho runaway, was a lane which ended at a farmyard in a cul do sac. Thu horse swerved into it, not slacking its pace, and in the fractiou of a milo camo to tho farmyard. But now the fever was in Lali's blood. Sho did not caro whether sho lived or died. A liigh hedge formedthe culdo sac. Wheu sho saw tho horso slacking, she cut him savagely across tho head twice with a whip and drove him at tho green wall. He was of too good make to re fuse it, still as it was. Ho roso to it magnificently und cleared it, but almost as ho struck tho ground squarely ho staggered and fell, tho girl beneath him. He hud burst a blood Vessel. Tho ground was soft and wet. The weight of tho horso prevented her from getting free. Sho felt its hoof striking in its death struggle, nnd onco her shoulder was struck. Instinctively sho buried her faco in tho mud, and her arms cov ered her head. And then sho knew no more. When sho came to, sho was in tho carriage within tho gates of Greyhope, and Marion was bonding over hor. Sho suddenly tried to lift herself, but could not. Presently sho saw another face that of General Armour. It was stern, and yet his eyes were swimming as ho looked at her. "How!" sho said to him. "How!" and fainted again. TO DE CON-TINTED. NOVEL MISSIONARY WORK. How an Enterprising Doralnio Miulo Good I'so of 11 in Opportunities. About tlio time thut tho telephono was removed from tlio saloou and roadhouso an order camo to put u telephone In u new parsouage. The exchaiigo always followed tho policy of keeping the numbers ns low as possible, so instead of giving tho par- sonuKo telcpliono a new number tlio dis continued roadhouso number was simply transferred, and tho chango was at onco printed iu tho directory. But tho man who uses a tele-phono does notulways con AMAZED THE MIXISTE1I. suit tho directory. Ho may ron.embcr tho numlx-r. That's how it happened thut tho minister wns called up at midnight just after his phono was put in. 'Yes," ho nnswcrinl, "this Is 13:2." Then to his amazed enrenmo uu inquiry If hu could get up a supper for a little "gang" that w ould bo along about s in the morning. Ife said ho couldn't do It. Then thu man at tho other end of the who wanted to know If it was Billy talking nnd what tho something or other was tlio matter with the ' Joi.it." Tho minister explained as well ns ho could, nnd there was n sharp ring off. When llio minister learned of the trans ferred number, he was not at all indig nant. He said ho believed it would he tlio means of his saving many souls. There after when he was called to the phono by some friend a customer of Billy's he took occasion to say that the telephone no lon ger connected with tlio roadhouso, but with the parsonage of thu new church. "Come out and seo mo somo time," ho wuuld add. "Yo havo services morning and evening on Sunday, und I'll try to make you have a goud time. Don't forget tho name of the church. Drop In any bun day." Kvtlryiii a Mlsluke. Cue of the things which amused n hit of wicked young men at the Oriental the other day was tho manner in which un al together sweet and modest Xew Yorker got herself on the register. The mother did the registering nnd wrote, "Mr. and Mrs. , Now York; Miss , New York." "Oh, dear," s!.e exclaimed when she saw this; "I forgot theeliildren." And this is the way it read on the register, "Mb mid two children, New York." Brooklyn liagle. Hares use their feet to wash their faces, nnd the hare's foot is no suitable for a brush that it is always used to apply the "paint"' to the luce for the ftage. IERCE GUAR ANTEES A Oil JIONEV 19 REFUNDED. Diseaso follows a run-down system with the liver inactive and tho blocd disordered. Pimples, Boils, Soros, Carbuncles, Ulcers, and liko manifestations of impure blood, Bhould be driven out of tho system with Br. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Mrs. KonN, of 18 13. 10th Street, Ktw York Cittf, writct as fullowi: " It plenuM mo to state tbat 1 bad a run Ding aura upoa 1117 neck, and had It oper ated upon throe times, and still It whs not cured, I was also run down very much. There whs a decided phnnffA After miner ' Dr. , Plerco'B Golden Medical Discovery,' 1 tooK a low bottle and was goon cured. Later my MBS. Kmm behind hi) ear! he tried Tour medicine,. and ono bottle cured him. I thai! always reoouuujcii4 yaur nwtditynijft,. 2 1 J - Wit A LIFE RISK FOR EGGS SOME UNAPPY HOURS PASSED IN ROBBING VULTURES. Attacked by Uie lilg Creature on-a Pre- clpitnu Cliff iu a Foul and Filthy NebU Abandoned by Guide aud Left for llours Alone A TcrrlMo Half Day. "I havo my little 'fad' as well as other people," said a prosperous, fat and jolly commission merchant tho other day, "but Idaro say you. would jrues3 a lontf timo without hitting on it, so I will confess it without putting you to the trouble. It is my collection of birds' uGgs. The making of thut collection giivo mu many hours of rare sport when 1 was an adventurous young fellow und had none of tius load of fat to carry about, and the chief use of it now is to recall pleasant memories of thoso days that will never como at:uiu. When you're old you'll know how thut is your self," and the old gentleman took u strong pull ut his cigar und let the smoke out in a long and noisy sigh. "1 was u traveler iu those days for a big export house which was pushing into Mex ico and South America for tr;ide, ned so it came ulxmt that-most of my eggsnre thoso of birds of those countries. Tell you about some of them? Duu't mind if I "do. Well, for want of knowing which one to pick on, I'll tell you how I came to cap ture thu biggest though uot the DU-est ono in the collection. It is a vulture's egg. I was in Mexico wheu I got that egg, anil I thought onco or twice while 1 was secur ing it that I would uuver get out of Mexico again. "Vultures are shy of mankind, aud their nests are exceedingly hard to find, and so when I met, a hunter who knew where onu was I hired him, with a couple of assist ants, to show mu it and help uie get the eggs. Wu arrived nt the spot ubout noon, and I almost wished I had not come. The guide pointed out to me a precipitous and beetling clilf, which looked to mo to be about 5(X) feet high, overhanging a deep lake. ADout IIA) feet from the top of tho cliff there was a rent or ho'.e, which from where wo stood looked as i it had about as much room inside it us an empty flour barrel. In there, tho guide said, thu vul tures had their neat, nnd the only" way to reach it was to let me dowu from thu top at the end of a long rope. "It was u perilous descant, but making a sort of chair at tho end of a stout raw hide rope I swung myself over the cliff and two men lowered nio slowly while the third lay on his face and peered over into the abyss watching me. When I got about twenty feet below tho hole in the cliff I signaled them to stop. The hole I found was as big around at tho entrance ns a bam door; but the top of the cliff pro jected so thut I hung fully twenty feet away from the fuce of the rock. Nothing daunted, I began to swing myself, slowly at first, nud with gradually increasing force, t ill my body at last swung in against tho face of the cliff nnd finally into tho hole itself. Catching a projecting corner of rock, I gained my feet, nnd was nearly knocked olf them again by the horrible stench which greeted me. "The floor of the bole was strewed with decayed flesh and fish and feathers nnd bones, and iu the middle of it all biy tho nest cf long grasr, and as dirty as any pig sty and in it two young vultures and one unhutched egg. The egg was a grateful sight, but the youngsters were an unpleas ant surprise, for they at once threw them selves on their backs and began to scream like inad. I secured the egg, but not with out getting a couple of bad scratches from the sharp claws of tho young birds, which were about ns big ns hens. I wus wrap ping the egg iu my coat and the young birds were Oiling the air with their clamor when suddenly there was a whir of wings, the ent rance was darkened, nnd I got a blow ou tho head that knocked me down iu the unspeakable fllth and filled my eyes with blood. "The old birds were upon me. I recog nized that fact in nn instant, and having nothing to defend myself with, I expected to be knocked down tho cliff or nt least have my eyes pecked out. I was always pretty ready of resource, aud in this bad plight the thought flashed through my mind that these unusually timid birds were only fierce because they thought I wanted to harm their young. Quickly un rolling the egg from my coat, I threw the garment over the squalling brats, and their sharp claws striking into the cloth at once tangled them inextricably in it. Guarding my eyes from tho old birds with one arm, I dragged the coat with the two young ones attached to it to the mouth of the hole, only a step or two, and hurled them far out and down into the lake. "As 1 expected, the old vultures followed their young at once and tlieir efforts to lift them out of the water were so ludicrous that I laughed aloud. My laugh was quickly shut oir, however, for in the next moment, us I thruit the egg into my bosom and gave the rope n tug ius u signal to my men to pull me up, the rawhide came down from the tup of the cliff with a run. Great Scott! Ifow was 1 to get liack? What had those stupid fools or the top done I did not knew that they had watched me disappear into the hole, had seen the old vultures follow me, and had then seea what they thought must, be me, ns they distinctly recognized my coat, como living out again and fall into the lake, pursued by the two vultures, whom they could ecu pecking at mo Iu the waves. "They let go the rone and hurried nwny around and down to the lake's edge to res cue my niaiiKkd body from being entirely eaten up by t he birds. After some tedious hours of climbing they found out their mistake and procveded to climb back again. l!y this time it was growing dark, and as I sat hour after hour in that foul hole, between heaven nnd earth, not know ing what had happened, you can imairine my feelings. Just us I was In absolute despair, I saw a stone tied to a thin hud swing down iu front of me. I clutched nt it with ecstasy and liemiy fell over the edge in my cagcrue?s. Tying the end of my rope to tho cord, I gave a pull and away it went up the elilV again. After due tunc I gave a pull ou thu rope, and finding it taut, I swung myself out of that infernal hole nnd wns drawn up to the top rejoiciug, with my precious egg still in my Iwsoiu.'" New York Tribune. The Monkey' IU'hmhiIiii; I'oweni. The monkey's intelligence 1iuj never heen nhle to arrive at a point which en nbles that animal to achieve the untying of a knot. You may lie a monkey with a cord fastened with tho simplest form of common knot, und unless the heast cau break tie string or gnaw it in two he will never get 1 kisc. To untie the knot re quires observation nud reasoning power, nud though u monkey may possess both ho has neither In a sufficient degree to en able him to overcome the difficulty. Yan kee Blade, Tho distance between division points for changing engines has been increased In this country, nnd sonic roads are now run ning engines from 290 toaoOmilw where they used to run 100 mi lei or leas, Mctbmt Mothtrall Mothartlll Mr8.Winslow' Soothing Syrop has bou used for ovor fifty years by million!) or mothers for their children whilo tenthinc, with perfect success. It soothes the child, oftens the gums, allaya all pain; cares wind colic, and is the best remedy for dl nirbosa. Sold by di ujjglsts in every part of the world. Be euro and ask for "Mrs, Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no do other kind. Tweuty-tlys cents a. bottle,- CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. X LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVIStO Anthracite roal asud cxuliudvolv. hMnrin clcaulineoi and comfort. 115111 TABLIS IS EITKOI MAT 20. IH9I. Trains leave Heranton for PfttKtnn. Wlllr Barre. etc.. at8l. .15. 11.30 . m.. 12.r,i 4 m 8.W, S.UI, I!, 11.05 p. in. Sunday, tt.UU a. ul. LOU, K.I5, 7.10 p.m. i or Aiiantio city, H.3U a. m. Kor Nhw York. Newark and Ellitabifh. It (expreBB) a. m., lsuu (express with UufTut pailor can, 11 W (express; p. iu. Buudfiy.ilj p. in. i on BiAvr.n (.'iirjNK, am.entow.v. BnTBic m:M, IOastoh and Hhh.auki.piiia, S.ai a. in.. 12.MI. VM, MJU (exoeut l'llllailnlniiial 11 Ml. (Sunday, 2 15 p. m. For Long Hkabch, Ocean Grove, eta. at 8.'.0 a. m.. I2..-.0 p. in. Kor Headmtr, Lolmnon and Ilarrlsbiirpr, via Allentuwu, a. m., p.'. jo, 6.0U, p.m. Sunday, 11 p p. in. For Pottevillc, B.'Jl a. m., 12.50 p. ni. HetiirniiiR. leave New York, foot of Liberty Btrei t, North rivtr, at MO (xprig) a. in., 1.10. I.JO. 4.:l (exille) with EaffBt narlov earl p. m. Sunday, 4.:tl a. in. Leave I'liiliidulphia, HoaHnif Terminal, 9.9J a. in., 2.00 und i.'M p. in. Hnnday, 6.7 a. m. 'iuroueli tickets to all points at lowoitratm may ho hud un application in advauca Ui tliti ticket agent at tho atatieu. U. f. BAL.UW1.N, (ieu. i'ajs. Awmt J. n. OLIIAt'fiEN, Con. Supt. !J: iV 2i. u-.UA ' - 'in. wv . , MA If 18, 18M. Kvlav I?.v'', ronton for Phitadolpnia H S.iw,ll.d)a. m.,iind UO p. in. Meadow and totiy$ ..hca. vl Txt. V 1 40 .1 ,n..vt. U S 11 R.R. at T.tSa.m, U05 U'ltvo Beranlon for Br,thhhem, Fjuton. lie:uliii(r, llitirishnrK aud all iutirm.idUt csmta vm U.As H.R.U. 7.C. a m..I2. 2.;m, iuu p.ij.,via U, U & W. U. K.,(i.C0,6.lW, 1L2U a. ui.. -41 p.m. ' Leave Mcranton for Tunkliannoolr, Towandi, Elmira, ItliaiM, (ienva and ail intoriu'jduu po.nts via U. & fl. lt.R,,.4 a.iu.,lZ0., and p. m.,vi.i 1). L. H W. It It.. 8.0 a.m,l;w p. m. IjeuveScraiil'Mi tent Rwli.-stor. huff ilo, Ni a:ira Kails, Detroit, ChieaKO and allpilnti w;'st viaD. a: II. It. F... s. (5 a.m.,2 0j.f.l5,ll.ai p.m.. via 1). L.& V. K. K. and FiUstoi Junction, 8 0S ;i.m , 1.S0, 8. :VJ p. ni., viaE. & W.' U.K., o.il p. it. I'or Kl.nira HUdth wef t via-F.ihmanoi, via r. et H. K. It. M.. B.m fcj0.-,,i.ir p. m.. ia D U & W. Rli., ,8.08 a.m., L.?aud 0.07 p. m. Pullman parlor ud Elenpimc orr L V. chair rars on all trains liutwoon L. lb JnnoMon or Wilkos-Btirro and Nw W.i, Phtrip'jia, Buffalo ami ".-jppnsion Rrrim. EOLLIX H. WILliUB. Gen. SaDt. CI1AS. H. l.FE. Mm. P.isq. Art, PniawP,. A.W..UNNlsMAUIlBwM't OmPass. Ag't, South Botulehsm. Pa. DELAWARE ANB HOD- SOX RAILROAD, ComnioDriot; Mouday.Jnly "J, a.l truism wrill arrive aud .ti.part from the unv Laok awunua avmuo station as i--ioiiows: U' Trains will Iov Eoran ton station-for Cavbunuale and intnrmeriiato points at X.10. n.4i. 7M. S.2rn!1 111. Ill J.7TI., liOO, 2,3), S.iO, o.lu,0.1.i, 7.5,0.10 aai U.a) p.m. For Fnrviow, Wayirart nnd Honoidiie at M and 10.10 a. in., r2.00,2.i'f) uud 5.15 p. m. Ft Albanv. sraupi, tho Adirondacksand Montreal at 5.4) a m. and -,2a p.m. For Willces-Harro ami lutorm-niat points at 7.45, H.iit. (I t ami 10 45 n m, Li 05, Li, 1 ila, tl'l. 5.10, ti.f;5, 0.15 and 11, p.m. inii. win arrivonc nctauton. Matien rrnm Carbolldala and intermedinta rmmlii at 7 lA 8.40, 9.;il and 10.40 n-in.. It 10, Ui. 24, 14D. 154, 5 55.7.41, ft II and 1LK1 p.m. From Hon.K.ialo. Wavmart anil Farview at t.4 a.m... liOJ, 1 17. .i.4(,55j ait 7.45 in, From llunfreiU, taratojn. Albany, etc., at 4.54 and ll.;.;p.m. From v tlken-lirn) andintermf fflati points t 2.1.5. 8.01. Iut 5 and 11 55 a.m., 1 lli, 2,14. 8.3a, 5.10, li,CS, 7.23, IMXj.aud.Il. Jo p.m. DELAWAPE, LA4HIAWASSA. ANO WliSTKB.'J FwUl.KOAX). Trains leava Scr?i:itan as follows: Express for Now York ami aU Timnta Kant 1.40, 2JtL J.l."i, S III Rod U o.a. ra.; 125) and iliO p, m. Express tut to-itou, 'fionvon. PniiacUiIphl anO thu goutb, 6.15, 8.00 and H a in.; 1ZJ and H..VI p. ul Wx-hiiiirtoQ and way stations, 855 p. m, Tubylutana.aeromniou&tiua, 6.10 p. m. Eipr as fur Uiughanitou, Onw.vo, Elmira, Corning, IButti. batisvillo, ltmnt Mmrru mJ Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. ni. and 1 24 p. nv making eiobo connectionaat BuffaJo to ail pjutiu Ul West, Nortlivtre.4 and Southwest. Bath accommodation, a. m. Bngliamtun aotl way stations, li37pv m. .Niciiat-u'a accommudutioa, at 4 p. m. and C,M p. m. Bhiguanitou and Elmira Express; 505 p, ra. Expreta for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswouix L'tica and Richfield Springs, 2.15 a. nvand. IJJ p. m. Itliaca, 2.15 and Batbfta. m. and 12lp.ro. For Nrtlnimbnrlaud,Piti!ti.n, WUIusi-llarre, Plymouth, Lloomsbin'B and Danvillo, m-iking rli) connee.tloTH at Norturonhwlnad for Wiilinuupurt. Harrisburg, bUu inure, W.i iLKt-m and tbo iSotitli. Northumberland ami' tatormodiat stations, 6.00, U SO a. iu, and L3U aud07 p. m. Knntiraiia aiia intermediate BtaMora, 80s and 11.20 iv m Plymouth and intotiaeulatJ stations, ojidand &52 o. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coacho on all Gjcpre:.:! train lor dei.iiled iiiformaUoa, poc.EBttlm!ta'5i9 etc., apply to JL L. Smith, city tiokatoldo, u2S Laclaiwaunaaveuuo. or doyot tkkototaoe. TRIEAKD WYOMING! VALLEX BAIU Tralim Utve Scraiiton for Sow York and in termediate points cn4he Erio rttllnvid at B a. m. and 1U1 p. m. Also for H'"HE1?-?; Hnwley and local points at & 0.4o a.nv.ana 8 Ai?' tho nbovs aro throusU traitis to J flom llunrslalo. , An additional train Iwives Scranton rof Laiin Ariel at 5.10 p.m. and arrives at bcrau ton from the Lake a 8 tM nv iUiv.v Trains leave tor wukos-liorre at 4.4i a nv and SUl D. m. STRAIN TftN HlVKfOV. In I (l'rel Jnne 24 1 lTOt. North ItiHioil. twniih Uuund. 203 'iOil.CtM 202. SM'.znn Stations 8g.Sa,.Sfi1aniIWly,K. Li a H r o ? M fill 7 011 Arrive Lcavm N. Y. KraiUtu s; West 42nd KUxet weehawlten P MP Ml Arrive Levek iOi I 15 H MM OU 7 5- tilMl UonccrA- .luiictlcai llimeivk mwiKbt rrestuii.Fark Como PnyrU'lls Reliuont Plewant Mt, lliilimdnle Foi-set my Carbomlaie Willi Urtilje Sliiyneld Jeiniyn Archibald Whiten reckvllla OlyphRiit lilctaon Throop Providence Fnrk place r'oranton 7 45113 10 M , till ; m.i . ... TFSISSV.IO ltl 7.W.! tfllO Oil 7 ;M 12 I'll; DlH 7 IU tl2M' 4H 7it ii !; II US i i 8 51 II ill IU 11 6 SI et.-l Bl-J 7 H!l 58! fm.Hi bin 641 II 2,'V Hill 7 84 MS 1ii S6I 6 61 74V S(.4 561 T4fil SWiS6' 7f 4 04 74 411 et; 7 tol 4 10; 1 10 8(M 414 til 8 R'fl 17 6 11 80 4-tf i r ii V m 11 IS! 8 57 eKlfinr.i 8f 6 2.1 11 11: HMi 6 2."!ill 07, H4-1 6 21,11 tl V H 41 s mill o. :w 61411 :lf, f6 l.l!fl(f7! 8 n 610 1055) 8i: P 11 A Mia v Iavo Arrtvcl All trains run datts except muKhiy. t Hlirnliles that u-ulns stop-on nlgnal for pa senRers. . reeuro rates via ontnrlo Western ncpM pnrchaslnit tickets and save money. DJ ni Klhgt Espress to the West J C. Anderson, GatuPaiB Agt. T. Flitcrott, Dlv, Pass, Agt. Bcranwu, ra. WC CAN QIVK VOU SATISFACTION arnva - WNl rtf lttf era lie tfiAllf ih Tnh work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Job DcDU MP fltr X K s .... .. rv .... . H l' . Ml- Ml.... ' &) iSi .... (Sl'2ll .... ' 6 18, 33..... . 6 2!) 3 M.... GM C4ll if 64 4W 6 45 58 4M 6S5 Ht DU" I6IH 8 6 IS ' ?2SI