The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 22, 1894, Image 1

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    - A
' 3. .'.''Jf),-
Alio jLiaiiQiauiuii
" ' of a Savage"
.Is just getting interesting.
Local Hews
On page 2 Uiia morning.
' 1 t " " i ' T - i .. ' 1 " i . .
The Scales Have Fallen from the Eyes of the
Farmers Thrown Into Direct Compe
tition with Canadian Produce Know
Which Way to Vote Not a Demo
crat Will Be Returned to Congress
from Districts Above Harlem Rural
Citizens Have Had a Sufficiency
of Free Trade.
Washington. Sept. 21.
u New York, arrived ia the city
II n today to attend a meeting of tue
vs Republioim congressional com
uiitttee. of which he is o member. He
ib fresh from Now York state nod the
convention which nominated Mr. Mor
ton for governor. He has been tbiongh
n number of the districts in northern
New York, and in consultation with
party leaders in that state, which ren
ders his opinion upon the political
situation valuable.
"1 think it is very doubtful if tho
Democrats will be able to oarry a
single congressional district north of
Harlem Bridge," said Mr. Hooker to
dny. "As to the situation in Now
York city and Brooklyn I am not so
well informed, but we will surely
csrry twenty out of the twenty-four
districts north of Harlem river. There
is a possibility that Lockwood may
save bis district for the Democrats,
bat I would not be surprised to see the
Republicans carry it.
"The Republicans of the state are
united. This was demonstrated at the
recent convention in Saratoga, and I
have never seen a more enthusiastic or
harmonious gathering of Republieans.
On the other hand the Democrats are
disorganized, there is a great deal of
dissatisfaction among them, and there
is no concealing the fact that they are
disheartened at the ontloek before
them. Mr. Flower would have liked
very well to have bad a re-election,
bat be felt that idefeat confronts the
Democratic party, and he would not
risk it.
'"The effects of the tariff bill are be
ginning to be fait already in northern
New York. Even at this early date the
farmers are feeling the ruinous compe
tition which the new tariff law brings
with Canadian products. The item of
bay alone is a very considerable one in
northern New York. There has been
a very short hay crop this year, and
accordingly tho farmers should get
a good price, but instead they Lave to
meet the Canadian crop right in the
(Buffalo market, which is the market
for all the rest of New York. Cana
dians have been expecting this and they
saved their hay to rush it iu under the
new law. The farmers are feeling the
effects of the law on other products
and Democratic tariff reform ia coming
home to them with a vengeance.
''The workingmen, of course, are
Buffering also by lack of employment
and by very low' wages when they do
get work. The manufacturers aredf ing
their best to keep up and to give work
to their men, but they are having a
hard struggle. The result of all this
will be, therefore, that the Republicans
will not only largely increase their ma
jority at the coming election, but
that they will oarry many Demoeratio
diatrlcts as well."
At present there are five Democratic
congressman from New York, outside
of Kings, Queens and New York coun
GloilDir 8Mlona of the TJonventlon
Held at Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, Sept. 21. The annual
convection ot the United Typotuetae of
America today selected St. Paul and Min
neapolis for holding next year's conven
tion, the sessions to bo divided between the
two cities.
The following officers were chosen by
acclamation: President, Cyrus II. Blake
ly, of Chicago; first vice president. P. L.
Smith, Minneapolis; second vice president,
Kichard Ennis, St. Louis; third vice presi
dent, J. Sterns Cashing, Boston; fourth
vice president, i. H. Bruce, Nanhvllle,
Tenn.j fifth vice president, Percy F,
Smith, Pittsbnr?; sixth vice presi
dent, A. F. Rotter, Toronto Can
ada; secretary, Everett Waddy, Rlcb
moud, Va.; treasurer, Charles Bins,
of Cincinnati; executive committee,
Joseph J. Little, of New York, chairman;
David Bamaley, of St. Paul; George U.
EMc, of Boston; John B, McFetrldge, of
Philadelphia; E. R. Andrews, of Rochester,
K. Y.; C. 8. Morehouse, of New Haven,
Conn,; and James O. Mnrrav. of Toronto.
The convention ended tonight with a
banquet tendered the delegates at the
uuiuu uBUKue. lae ladies wno accom
panied the delegates were given a dinner
tonight at the Hotel Metropole.
Amount of Treasury Expni Exceed
ing Rtoiipt.
Washington, Sept. 21. Two thirds of
the month of September have passed and
show that treasury expenses tor the period
named have exceeded the receipts by
nearly 13,000,000, the figures standing
Receipt, 118,000,000; expenditures, $21 .
000,000. This difference will grow loss as
the month progresses, bringing the totals
almost together, even If the receipts do
not exceed the expenditure", as all the
heavy payments have been made.
The gold reserve has increased from $o5 .
210,000 to nearly $58,000,000. Tills increase
has come almost solely from the west, only
$1,400 In gold having been received from
custom dnes at New York.
Banner Under Dies from Polsoa in a
Pittsburg Hotel
Pittsburg, Sept. 21 "Gustavo TJ11
mau," as registered, or "Dunner Under,"
a native of Sweden, was found dead in
room No. 330 at the Seventh Avenue hotel
this morning. There was unmistakable
evidences of death from arsenio poison.
Three sealed and stamped letters aad an
opunonewas found. In a note he said;
"My name is Dunner Under and I am a
chemist in the employ of the Johnstown
Steel company, of J olios to wu, Pa, The
letters will please man."
Oneoflthe envelopes bore the address,
"Frftu uothilde Under, Ramnes, Sweden. "
The others were addressed. "Unco Garl-
sod, esq., chief chemist, Johnstown Steel
company, Johnstown, Pa."
Breaks the World's Half-Mile Flying
Start Bteord.
Boston. Sept. 2t.-Today in a private
trial at the Walthum bicyole track, John
S. Johnson, the record breaker, broke the
world's half-mile Hying s'art, paced
record, going the distance in. "4 2-5.
Ho was brought to the quarter by Frauk
Mayo and youug Saunders, the two Onion
Bicycle club's cluss A riders, who jumped
into Bot Springfield by pacing Titus in
his hour record breaking. These youug
riders covered the first quarter In .20 4-5
and the two Callahau boys brought him
home in .27 2-5.
The Son of Colonel Brioklnrldgs Dis
tinguishes Himstlf.
Lexikoton, Ky Sept. 21. D.sha
Breckinridge, son of Congressman W. C.
P. Breckinridge, stabbed J. D. Livingston
and nttucksd Judge (Jeorge B. Kink head
late this afternoon wounding bltn serious
ly. The tight grew out of the late Demo
cratic primary.
Ureat excitement prevails here and more
trouble is expected.
Fish Commissioner Murray Says It
Is Being Rapidly Ex
terminated. Denver, Sept. 21 Joseph Murray,
fish commissioner for Alaska, who has
just returned from a trip to that coun
try with Assistant Secretary Hamlin.
of the treasury department, in an in
terview says: "Unless some steps are
taken, thore will shortly be no fur
bearing animals in Alaska. The
adventurers who flock there are
rapidly exterminating the animals
and the companies who are can
ning salmon are no better. The
laws need enforcement, and the
government should havo plenty of
agents there to see to it Fox skins
range in value from $109 to 200. A
party goes on an island with a supply
of strychnine, bait is poisoned, and
the foxes eat it. They are skinned and
a stake is made. The carcases are
eaten by crows and the birds die.
Foxes that missed the poisoned bait
eat tho poisoned birds, and in a short
time there is not a fox on the island,
"The seal fisheries are fast Dlaving
out. Five years ago there wui no
trouble in getting 100.000 skins. This
year, though allowed to take 20. 000, the
company only got about 16,000. Tho
salmon fisheries spread their nets in
tue mouths of river;, no wbioh the fish
endeavor to ascend in order to spawn.
uvery one is tasea out, ana as a result
there are no young fish.
"Unices something is done soon.
Alaska, instead of being a source of
revenue to the governmet. will be un
able to support its native population."
Disastrous Wreck on the Ohio Bivar
Near Pittsburg;.
Pittsbcro, Pa., Sept. 21. A disastrous
wreck occurred to-day at Divls Island
dam in the Ohio river, entailing a loss of
several thousand dollars, as well as ear.
iously Impeding navigation. Thastarmers
marie iiiowu, dames A. Blackmore
and Percy Kelt-toy figured in the smash-up,
which resulted iu the sinking of half a
dozen barges of coal. The current at the
head of the dam was unusually swift. The
tow boats were so close together that thoy
had very little room to get out of danger,
and were carried down against the head
of the locks and stone piers.
The steamboats thomsMves escaped se
rious injury, and that the wreck was not
more uisoHtrous is considered remurkable.
By tonight all of tho coal in port will have
been shipped south. The rivers are slowly
Convlot Blattery Steals $1,000 Worth of
Pottsvillb, Pa,, Sept. 21. James Slat
tery, a convict doing a term in the county
prison for burglary, was caught today in
the act of robbing the county jail. He has
been employed in the hosiery department
and he has been helping to load wagons
with goods for shipment, and it has been
discovered that he has been sending pack
ages of stockings to his wife in Lock
It is estimated that he has stolen over
f 1,000 worth of goods.
The Fugitive Cut-Throat Exhibits Burg.
lata Tool
HAnmsnuno, P., Sept. 2i. Charles
Garrett, the fugitive Lenanon murderer,
was in Harrinburg this morning, and it is
expected he will be captnred some time to
night. He talked with a man with whom
be worked at one time, and who notified
the police.
Garrett exhibited several revolver and
burglars tools.
Xlll.d by an Italian.
Philadelphia, Sept. ai. John Kyle,
aged 29 years, was stabbed to death to
night at Point Breeze avenue and Tasker
street by an Italian. as the result of a fight.
Kyle and Tom Hopkins were walking
along and a gang of Italians approached
and one ot the bumped in Kyle, injuring
a sore hand. A fight immediately started
audsome one iu tho gang knifed Kyle, kill
Ina him almost instantly. Six of the
Italians have been arrested.
Stolen Fund E.ooversd.
Altoona. Pa., Sept, 21. .The $150,000
capital of the Second National bank, which
ex-Cashier Harry A. Gardner stole, has
been replaced by the stockholders, and the
bank will resume business next Monday.
All the conditions which the comptroller
of the currency imposed upon the bank
officers have been compiled with.
Biding in HarUburg.
Harrihruuo, Sept. 21. There seems to
be no doubt that Charles Garrett, the Leb
anon convict who cat bis wife's throat
last Thursday, is biding in this city. He
has tour loaded revolvers ' and a large dirk
knife and threatens to die fighting. The
police think be will be captured.
Iron Worki Btaatte.
Trot, N. Y., Sept. 21. The bessemer
steel works of the Troy Steel and Iron
company's plant will start Sunday night,
after having boon idle since the middle of
March. Five hundred men will be given
Mrs. Belveccho Was Successful, but
Husband Lives.
Wounds Are Dangerously Close to the
. Jugular Vein Mrs, Belveccho
Swallowed Carbolic Acid Lower
Part of Her Face Burned Brown.
Her Husband Also Took Some of
the Acid He Is at the Hospital.
New York, Sept, 21.
TWO persons, busbaud and wife,
attempted to kill themselves late
this afternoon in tboir home at
H East Tenth street. The
woman suceeedod and the man was
taken to Bellevuo hospital In a dying
condition. The cause for the tragedy
is a mystery.
The man is John Belveccho, an ac
tor, and the woman was his wife, Lil
ian. She is said to have been an no
tress. The conple oecupled furnished
rooms at the address given. At 4 o'clock
this afternoon other occupants ot tho
house beard groans coming from the
room occupied by the Belveochos.
The door, which was looked, was
broken In and the woman was found
dead and the man gasping for breath.
His clothing was covered with blood
which escaped from wounds in bis
neck. The woman's lips and the lower
portion of ber face were burned brown,
as by the application of tome aoid. A
hasty survey of the situation led those
who bad entered to reaoa the conclu
sion that the woman bad ended
her life by swallowing a quantity of
carbolio acid.
From the appearance of the man's
lips he also had evidently taken some
of the acid, but not enough to dispateh
him. In bis agony, and probably with
a view to putting an end to his suffer
ing, he bad jabbed himself in the neck
with a pair of scissors, which were
found beside him, the blades covered
with blood.
The wounds made by the scissors
were dangerously near the jugular vein.
Resolutions Faasad at the Lancaster
Lancaster, Pa., Sept. 21. At this
morning's session ot the state council,
Junior Order United American Meehanics,
a resolution was adopted expressing satis
faction at the rules laid, down by Judgo
Yerkes, of Bucks county, in relation to the
naturalization of foreigners and express
lug the hope that Judge Yerkes, example
will be followed by other judges.
Resolutions to rescind the laws, which
keep liquor dealers and colored people out
of the order were defeated.
A resolution was carried asking the na
tional council to provide for the decora
tion of graves of members of the Grand
Army of the Ropublio where no post is es
tablished, also asking the state legisla
ture to enact laws requiring each public
schoolin the state to fly the American flag.
A resolution wan also passed endorsing
State Councilor Kerr in his action iu
reference to the Riverside and Gallitzin
school cases.
At the closing seenion of the state conn
oil, Juuior Order United American Me
chanics, this afternoon, State Councilor
Crane and State Vice Councilor Jobneon
was installed by Deputy National Coun
cilor Montanye. Past State Councilor
Kerr was presented with a handsome gold
emblem of the order.
Horrible Death of an Italian Chaeee
Maker la Hoatrose.
.nKCial to the Scranlon Tribum.
Montrose, Pa., Sopt. 121. A terrible ac
cident occurred at the Italian cheese fac
tory this morning. While working over
the boiling vat one of the employes iu some
way lost his balance and fell head fore
most into the sea of hot milk, which was
at a temperature of thirty degrees beyond
a boiling point.
The unfortunate man was scalded from
his head to his hips by the plunge. Dr.
Gardner was summoned to attend to his
injuries, but medical aid was unavailing.
The man died within two hours after the
Two Hundred Whaalmen Attead the
Reading, Pa., Sept. 21. The atten
dance at the bicycle races of the Penn
wheelmen here today was the larg
est In the history of the club and the
list of entries included some of the best
riders in the country. Fully 200 visiting
wheelmen from various parts of the Btate
are guests ot the Penu wheelmen.
About 4.000 persons witnessed the races,
including many ladies. A hop was held
this evening in honor ot the visitors at the
Klapperthal pavilion.
William Oarl Thought He Was Shoot
lag at a Squirrel
Hollidatsburo, Pa., Sept. 21. Charles
Wysong, a well-known lumberman of Blue
Knob, this county, while out squirrel hunt
lug this rooming, was fatally shot by bis
companion, William Carl.
Carl saw Wyson's hat moving through
the underbrush, and mistaking tt for a
squirrel, riddled the head of the other
hunter with shot.
Pittston Softool Board Adopts Btsolu
tioni In Hla Favor.
Rpecial to Ui Scranlon 7W6un.
Pittston, Pa., Sept. 21. The meet ingot
the school board this evening was breezy.
Strong resolutions were adopted com
mending Professor Sbiel and condemn
ing the course of Mr. Donnelly, who
brought charges against the school princi
Steamer TJlunda Drought Two from St.
Halifax, N. S., Bent 21. The steamer
Ulunda arrived from Liverpool last night.
She called at St. Johns and brought from
there two members of the Peary auxiliary
expedition. Professor J. Chamberlain, of
the University ot Chicago, and Mr.
Brldgeman, ot Brooklyn.
The experience of tbe party on this trip
was one never to be forgotten and never
to be repeated. The conditions of ice and
weather which faced tbe expedition dnr
ing last winter were exceptional. The
March gales were very severe, the ther
mometer droppiug tJ sixty degrees below
The results of the expedition's work were
considerable, and when made public will
be found most valuable.
Three People Killed and Stvjral In
jured at a Croeaing.
London, Ohio, Sept 21. The westbound
Big Four train which nrrived here at 10.40
this morning unloaded three terribly
mangled bodies, an aged lady, Mrs. Buell,
sister of the Rev. W. L. Stutz, pastor of
the Methodist Episcopal church, of this
city, and tho two daughters of Rev. Stutz,
Miss Isabel, aged 18, and little Helen, aged
3 years.
Mrs. Baeil died immediately after being
removed from the train, and little Helun
thirty miuutes later. Mabel was injured
Inwardly, the collar bone broken aad a
large cut in the bead that will probably
cause ber death. The people were struck
by the train at a erossing three miles east
while taking a ride in the conntry.
Wants $150,000 Because Death Re
moved Dr, Henry J. Blgtlaw.
Boston, Sept. 21. Miss Mary E. Bart
lott, of Revere, has brought suit for $ 1 50, -000
damages npainst the estnte of the late
Dr. Henry J. Bigelow for alleged breach
of promise of marriage made by tho doc
tor some tune before bis doath.
Dr. Bigelow was one of the leading sur
geons ot the country. Miss Bartlott comes
of the oldest families In tho state and is
highly acoinplished.
Architect O'Rourke's Reasons for
Retiring to Agricultural Pursuits
in New Jersey.
Washington, D. C. Sept. 21. Ex
Supervising Architect O'Ronrke ia pre
paring a statement for tbe public
giving his version of the friction in the
treasury department whioh led to Ma
resignation. He blames Logan Car
lisle for tbe whole trouble. Ho says he
had the secretary's promise when he
acceptod tho post of government
architect to give him full control of the
office as a workman could be expected
to do good work only with bis own
He soon found, however, he declares,
that tbe secretary's son controlled all
tbe appointments in the office and that
be bad no influence in the selection of
bis own subordinates and that he was
on this account unable to maintain an
efficient force. Hit continuance under
sueh ciroumstaucsa had simply become
He said he would publish bis letter
of resignation and all tbe facts in the
case for bis own vindication. He will
leave Washington for his New Jersey
home tomorrow afternoon,
West Pittston Company Wine Frizes In
NonnisTOWN. Pa.. Sent. 21. The State
Firemen's association closed its convention
here today with a tournament. About
$450 was distributed in prizes to the win
ners. The raoes and winners follow:
Free-for-all hose race. 200 vards run and
attach to plug. First prize, $100; second
prize. $50. West Pittston company, 8!V
sesonds, first; First Ward, of Butler, 40i
Horse hose carriage race, one-half mile;
prize, 25. Vigilsut, of York. Time lm.
Truck raca rnn 200 yards, elevate ladder
and Bend man to the top; first prize, $35,
second, $15. Markhain company, ot
Butler, first. Tiino, 44f seconds. Friend
ship, of Boyerstown, second. Time, 45
Hoso carriage rare, open to compauies
of tbe state, first prize, $100; second prize,
$50. Run 200 yards and attaok to plug.
First wsrd company of Butler, first;
time, 87) seconds; West Pittston,
second, time, seconds; Markbam,
of Butler, third; time, 42 seconds;
Hub race, first prize, $50; second prize,
$25. Two hundred yards ruu. First Ward
company,of Butlor, flrst;time22 seconds;
West Pittston company, second; time
It Was Done Accidentally and Prevented
His Fight with Tansey.
Jackson, Itich., Sept, SI. Joe
Choyuski, the California pugilist, who
was to spar Joe Tnnaey, ten round this
evening, accidentally shot himself this
afternoon through the right hand with
a revolver.
It will be months before the wound will
entirely heal, and the probability ia that
the California boy will never be able to
enter the ring again.
Hotalman Reed in Trouble.
Eabton, Pa,, Sept. 21. Howard J. Reed,
ex-proprietor ot tbe Franklin House, who
recently failed, was today arrested and
held in $0,000, charged with false pretense.
The allegation is that he obtained the sig
nature of William Coyle, an ice dealer, to
a note for $15.
Sblok.hinoy Clothier Falls.
Wilkks-Barrk, Pa., Sept. 21. -A. Hil
bronner's clothing store at Shickshinny
was closed by the sheriff today. His lia
bilities will reach severalthousand dollars,
assets small.
Pitney for Oonoreaa.
Morbistown, N. J., Sept 21. The
Fourth Congressional Republican conven
tion to-day unanimonsly nominated Mali
Ion Pltnoy, ot Morristown, for congress.
John and James Walsh, of Plalnsville,
have challenged Stewart and Kell to an
other game of alley ball, notwithstanding
their recent defeat.
Physical Director Weston, ot the Young
Men's Christian association, is getting his
foot ball team in shape for the coming
season. He expects to have one Of the
strongest teams in this region.
Fifteen members ot the Green Ridge
Bicycle club have already made applica
tion to tbe Young Men's Christian asso
ciation for membership, and will begin
work for tbe winter in the gymnasium tor
next year's races. Professor Westou will
give them a special class on Thursday
evening. White of the club has entered
for the races in Wilkos-Barreon Oct. 20.
Tbe following athletes will contend on the
snmedav: Reese, Snrdam, Ouinan, Gibbs,
Kooh, Weyandt, Coleman, Bittenbender,
Gelbert, Wellard and Seward. Arrange
ments are being made for a special car for
the athletes and their friends. The gym
nasium floor was crowded last evening
with athletes busily engaged nnder tbe
direction of Physical Instructor Weston.
Reporlg jof the Recent Naval Battle Are
. Somewhat Conflicting.
And It Is Thought the Mikado's Navy
Can More Easily Recover from the
Effects of the Engagement The
Chinese Made a Mistake in Hugging
the Shore The Subjects of the
Emperor of the Flowery Kingdom
Are Losing Faith.
Wasinqton, Sept. 21.
C7PHE Japanese minister here re
II ceived nn official cable msssago
r today from the Tokio govern
U nient confirming the reports
that the Japanese had lost no ships at
the naval battle of Yalu, and briefly
reoltlng the circumstances of the but
tle as given in the earlier unoffioial re
ports. Tbe dispatch places the Chinese loss
at four vessels sunk and one burned,
and says tbe Japaness fleet was com
paratively uninjured. The enthusiasm
among all classes in Japan is stated to
be vory great. The dispatch adds that
tbe Empress of Japan, as ehief pat
roness of tho Red Cross society in that
country, is psrsonnliy engaged daily
with her court ladies in preparing
bandages, liuts, etc., for the wounded
Chinese as well as Japanese engaged
in the recent great battles of Ping
Yang and the Yulu.
Secretary Grusham todav receive! a
brief cable message from United States
Minister Dunn at Tckio, stating that
the Japanese had gained an important
victory in the engagement at the mouth
of tbe Yula river, but giving no de
tails of tbe losses of ships or men.
Shanghai, Sept. 21 A telegram re
ceived bore from Kobe, Japan, today
states the report, emanating from Chin
ese sources, that the Japanese lest throe
warships at the naval battle fought at
the mouth of tbe Yalu rivar is correct.
The names of the vessels lost, however,
are not given.
London. Sept. 21 Captain John
Inglis, late naval adviser of Japan,
commenting npou the naval battle
fought betweon China and Japan off
the month of the Yalu river, in an in
terview today, said:
"The first point which is attracting
naval attention is tho great mistake the
Chinese committed in not i following
Captain Maban's fundamental rnlo not
to bug tbe shore, At once after sight
ing tbe Japanese it was Admiral Ting's
business to bring his ships into action,
knowing that if he engaged in a serious
battle there was no fear that the laud
ing of the troops would be interfered
with. The fatal idea of bugging the
shore chiefly accounts for the Chinese
"It is noteworthy that the two heavy
suns of the Chen yu?n were disabled.
These guns wore placed in barbettes,
olose together en echelon. Yet a single
shot upset the machinery and reduced
tbe warship to the level of a small
"It is also clear that small crnisers ot
high speed are better than the heavy
armored warships. The float which
had the most battleship lost fonr of
them, while tbe flvet which was all
cruisers is reported not to have lost a
The Chronicle this morning points
ont that the dook-yards of Japau are
far superior to those of China, aud that
therefore her damaged vessels will be
much quicker repaired. This will give
her a distinct advantage in the future.
It is safe to forecast also that the
Uunanes army landed by the trans
ports on the Korean side of the Yalu
river will surrender in a body after a
short and ferooious defense. The
psper adds that it the war continues
at the present rate China will soon be
compelled to ask terms of peace.
The Times this morning, comment
ing on the Jnp.tuese advance on Wlju
and the probability of their going
thenee to Mukdeu, says that the lattur
place would be accepted throughout
the empire as an omeu that the em
peror is unworthy of divine protection,
and that such omens iu days ot disas
trous war are too often fulfilled with
remarkable celerity. As tbe politicians
about the court are perfectly aware of
the consequences that would fellow the
fall of Mukden, it may be assumed
that tbey would yield to almost any
demands rather than to run any seri
ous risk of suoh a oatastropbe.
T. P. Hoban Honored by Uembetyi of
Branoh 35, a St. B. A.
f. P. Hoban, who was recently
elected grand president of tbe Catholic
Mutual Benefit Association of Pennsyl
vania, was presented with a cane lat
evening by tbe members of Branch 35
of that organization, of which Mr.
Hoban has been for several years a
The presentation speech was made
by P. W. Stokes, to whioh Mr. Hoban
made a fitting response.
Entertainment Held at the Institute On
Madison Avenue.
If one wants to have nnadulteratod
fnn, a good place to find it is on Madi
son avenue. This statement is not
made scientifically, but is offered from
a portly sooial point of view and is
based upon tbe entertainment given at
the gold-care last evening.
Each Friday evening the patients,
graduates, prospective inmates ami
spectators of teetotal principles
gather i' in. tbe parlors add enjoy
an Informal entertainment, fea
tured by many details; which
make the affairs Instructive and amnse
lng. Last eveuing several graduates
from tbe olty and adjoining towns
were present, many of whom related
their experiences. Tbe Magnolia
colored quartette contributed to the
entertainment by their rendition of
n?gro melodies.
The uddrass of Rv. P. J. McManus.
of Green Ridge, was tbe most com
mendable and hannv feature of the
During tbe exorcises those present r
niiu ibiuhuu iu speait or sing were
lined various mima Tha .ntortiin.
tnent terminated with the sxrring of
Injured Two Men on North Washington
A team driven by Joseph Meyers, a
farmer from Jefferson township, ran
away on North Washington avenue
yesterday afternoon. At Pnelps street
the vehicle was overturned and in the
crash Movers unatanmd a hrnlrun rih
soalp wounds and serious bruisas. He
was taken ny tbe police patrol to tbe
Lackawanna hosnital. wherA hla in
juries are not considered serious.
inenorses ran down Daniel Kel
legher, of Phelps street, at Washing
ton avenue and Paeln nbrest. and aa-
verely injured him. He was attended
at nis nome by Dr. Uaggerty.
Cause for Encouragement and Dis
couragement in Dun's
New York, Sept. 21. R. G. Dun
&Co's. Weekly Rsview of Trade tomorj!
row, will say: "Plenty of material for
encouragement, and also for discour
agement, an be found by those who
seek that and nothinz else. But
business men who want to see tbe
situation exactly as it is find
accounts so far conflicting that it is
difficult to striko a balance. In
those departments of industry aud
trade in which the deferred
business and the demand tor replenish
ment of stocks have not been exhaust
ed, there is obvious improvement, and
in some the business Is not only larger
than last year, bnt larger than two
years ago. In others the exhaustion of
the temporary demand has brought
disappointment. Iu the aggregate,
bueine.'S is about a tenth larger than
last year, but still falls ab iut 2") per
cent, below a fall volume for the
The iron business, after its great in
crease of output last month shows dis
appointing weakness at all eastern an!
central markets, with consumption not
large enough to keep fairly employed
tbe mills in operation. Boss-mar pig
is lower at $11.23 at Pittsburg and the
businoss in most manufactured pro
ducts there aud at Philadelphia is gen
erally done at concessions, though in
structural work and in sheets the de
mand is exoeilent.
In textile fabrics thsre has been n
distinet decrease in trade, as initial
stocks for the next season have been
ordered, and dealers are now waiting
for the rotail trade to give ensourage
nient for further purohxsjs.
Railroad earnings for the first woak
in September were C 4 per cent, smaller
than last year, aud for "the month as far
na reported 4 9 per cent, less than in
18'Jo. and U 7 per cent, less than in 18'J3.
Compared with laat year the loss is in
passenger earnings, which were then
unusually large, aud in freight earn
ings some inoreese appears.
Tbe volume ot douiestia business re
flected in clearings is for the month
9.0 pr oent. larger tiun for tbe same
webks last year, bnt 25 2 per cent, less
than in 1892
Failures in two weeks of September
shows liabilities ot only $2,807,704, ot
which $909,710 were of mauufacturiu;
and $1,790,0-18 of trading couoerus.
Failures during tbe week have been
218 1a the United States, against 331
last year, and in Canada 49, against 40
last year.
Otcar Ehrgood Eeats Her and Caused
Her Arrest.
At 1 o'clock this morning Sergeant
D.ivis and a squad of police made a
descent on the boardiug house of Mrs,
Sarah Caroy. on Franklin avenue, near
Spruce streot, and arrested the propri
etress, Mrs. Dimler, Mrs. Savers and a
man who is kuowu as "Cigarette"
Kelly, for disorderly oonduot.
Oscar Ehrgood was rseponsible for
the raid made by the police, bat he
Buoeesded in making his esaapc.
Ehrgood and Mrs. Carey have been
good friends ever since the lady's
husband died four years ago. The
fast that Ehrgood has a wife and fam
ily living at Dunmore did not prevent
bim from spending much ot his time
with the widow, who is fat but not
quite forty.
Receutly Mrs. Corey's furniture was
sold by Constable Bates, aud last even
ing Ehrgood asked ber to give him the
receipt for it. She refused and he beat
ber. Before going to her bouse he
called at the house of Mrs. Dimler, on
Penn avenue, looking for Mrs Carey.
Mrs. Dimler told him tbat Mrs. Carey
was not calling upon her whereupon
be knocked ber down and kicked ber,
she says. Over her right eye is a large
lump and over the left a ent, she says,
Ehrgood is responsible for. She fol
lowed bim to Carer's and was there ar
rested after the males at tbat bonse
whioh began as sooa as he arrived.
Mrs. Carey was semewhat under the
influence of liquor and at tbe sttion
yelled in a frantic way. She declares
that Ehrgood robbed her of $700 and
that she b as been trying to break off
with him for a year, but that he will
not keep away from her.
Mme, Fursch-Madi Dead.
NewYohk. Sept. 21. Mme. Furaeh
Madi, the noted opera singer, died last
night at Warrenville, Somerset county,
N. J., of cancer ot the stomach.
Bulldlog Entirely Destroyed.
At 12.45 last night a fire broke out in n
house occupied by a Hungarian in the
rear ot Luzerne streot near Eighteenth
street. The building and its contents were
entirely destroyed.
Ira FARI WASniNOTON, Sept. 21. Fert-
cost for Saturday, for eaitern
I 1 Pennsylvania: Generally fair,
' toutkuMst urfmi. for uesierxt
Pennsylvania, fair, south windt.
Fall and Winter
We liavo now open tho most
complete stock of Uuderwoar aud
Hosiery for Ladies, Gentlemen
and Children ever shown in this
Wo mention a few specials:
Tbe Stuttgarfen Sanitary Wool
In Vests, Tants and Com
bination Suits.
The "Wright" Health Underwear
"or gentlemen.
Special drive in GENTS' XAT-
Ladies' Swiss Ribbed
In Silk, Silk and Wool and
Cashmere, Black, White and
We call special attention to our
Ladies' Egyptian Vests
and Pants at
25 and 50c. Each.
The E:st for tho Money Ever Offered.
And Ladies' Combination Suits.
Our special at 1, 1.25
and $1.50 up.
Fall lino of Children'3 Good's, in
Scarlet, Wliito and Natural
Wool, Vests, Tanta and
Union Suits.
510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruc2 Street.
Lewis, Bif lite
School Shoes
You know how that. Ilvoly, enorpetio boy ot
your knot-In out irh shoos. Vrt'w beoo
thinking of him protrdinir tor him and his
dnstrnctive encn-gy. We turn vregalar woar
dofylng ahoe from oOc tquiurd.
Lewis, Reilly & Dalies
We Examine Bps
Free of charge. If a doctor
la needed yon are promptly
told bo. We also guarantee
a perfect fit.
The Jeweler,
' , 408 Spruce- Street,
fan tfio