The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 21, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    Tnir scuAirroN tkibune-friday morntn-g: September ai, isim.
Novelty and Fancy
la extent aad variety of beau
tiful effects our stock surpasses
all former displays. Many of tlio
handsomest styles cannot be found
Silk and Wool Mixed and
Fancy Novelty Dress Goods
49c. PER YARD.
At the above price these goods
could not bo lower bad they been
admitted to this country entirely
free of duty.
Dress Trimmings
New ideas. Silks and beads
have come to moot the reviv
ing demand for dres3 trim
mings. Chenille Table Covers
New, fresh from the mills.
The colors and tints are rich
and dainty; the designs are
beautiful and artistic. Ilave
bought them practically on
our own terms. One and a half
yards squaro, with heavy ball
The stock covers a wide range
and comprises some of the
best bargains Ave have ever
offered. Full and complete
line in Hacks and Fancy
Weaves from 10 cents to $2.25.
412 Spruce St., Scranton,
Dr. Reeves i certainly piaininff tlio confl
deuce ol the public. He i8 dealing honestly
with the people of HrrantoD and vicinity. He
is jrood and considerate to the poor and treats
everyonn with respwtful consideration. Huv
ina bul longaud variwl oxiwriome in private
and hospital service, he Htmid unequalled iu
his profoKKiou. He is performing sotnn won
derful curesand while his hnmlfconio oDiros at
412 Spruce Htreet, daily crowded
with Hick audsutl'orinu'.he always has tirao and
a word of cheer and comfort for everyone.
He givri advice. er- rnrr nr Pill DPC
vlccn ami examination lllLL lit lllHtlbL
Noono is turned away.
The doctor has opencnl a fninalo department
for those who wish treatment exclnsively for
ailments peculiar to females, so that those
whom "delicacy" has heretofore kopt away
may now receive tho services of a "lady"
whose treatment will prove hor ability in
such cases.
Ho. with his assistants, treat all diseases of
the norvons system, diseases of tho eye, ear,
m and throat, dyspeinlt, rheumatism, lost
vitality, prcinatiuo weakness or decay in
both sexes, female wnaknessm and irrostn
laritics, iwtvuuh dobility, catarrh, tumors,
cancers, eruptions, blood poisoning, fits, epi
lepsy, indiscretion and errors of youth, lost
manhood, i czoma, scrofula, St. Vitas' danco,
asthma, disensos of the heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys, bladder, stoniach, etc.
Consultation and Examination Free,
Ollk-e hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 9 p. in. Sun
days, 10 to 13 and 2 to 4.
Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or
Kemembertho-nameand number,
412 Spruce St., Scranton.
A refined school homo. Prepares for the
Best colleges.
'1 horoueh conrara in Music and Art.
Teachuni' Class gives best preparation for
Commercial Course includes Typewriting
ana snorcinura.
Posit ions secured for Graduates,
fcoml fur new ilhwtrnted circular.
F. M, LOOM1S, A.M., Principal.
The eebool board held a special ses
sion on Wednesday evening and ex
a mined Sidler'a Armillary spheres
with a view to their introduction into
the Mhoois. After the merits of the
per had been examined the board de-
aided to buy one for the graded bond
'fb employes ot Jones Simpson &
Co. were paid yesterday.
The Delaware and Hudson mines are
working half and three-quarter days
Mtss Bridget Monaban, of WiUces
Barre, is visiting friends here.
The grand concert for the benefit of
Patrick McDonnnll, of Mount Vernon.
tafcsfl place at Father Mathew Hall
this evening. It will be well worth
The solicitors for the ereat fair of St.
Thomas' congregation have been aboard
for tbs past torn days and have met
with gratifying snccess. It will be the
grottMt event cf the season.
- Mr ChUntoptvor Linde, jr., and Miss
Mainlo Linda, of Main ctreet, called on
inenus in bs-antcn Ttrdfty.
B. J. Nnvillo, of Soranton, called on
bnstness friends here yesterday.
'Wodia you ride on a railroad that usee
. o daoga-fSfrnalsr That eongh is a signal
otaanger. -j'ne surest core is Dr. wo:u'
Norway Pihe Syrup. Sold by all deslem
on B-gnarou w oi saiisiaoiion. "
h i n n tn m t sf
Highest of all in Leavening Power..
1 BaSa KjRiKim
Brief Notes of Interest from
Popular Institution of
Special to the Scranton Trttnin.
Factoryvillb, Pa., Sept. 20. The
satnmer vaoatioa is past, Once more
the doors ot Keystone have been thrown
wide open to welcome a host of ener
getic students. All is life and activity.
Heated and revived by a ten weeks' va
cation, the students hare returned with
new energies and determinations for
the ensninjr year. Keystone looks for
ward to the most prosperous year in
its history. With such an able corps
of instructors, snob, a host of active
students, and our mush improved sur
roundings, the prospects eould not be
Recitation room No. 1 Is almost a
model room. JUfinished, papered and
refnrniibed, it is now oheery and at
The faculty remains snbstatially the
emuo this year as last. A department
of shorthand and typewriting:, recently
added, is under the supervision or Miss
Etta Bush, and the department of elo
cnUon is in tho care of Miss Eva Aeken,
of Memchen. N. J.
Charles Ledyard paid ns a visit Toes-
day, lie was en route for Snllivan
county, where he will be known by the
title of "Teacher.
A joint meeting of the Young; Wo
men s Christian assooiation and the
Young Men's Christian association wns
held in ladies chapel Snnday afternoon.
Alias Dunn, state secretary of the Young
Women s Clmatiun association, was
present and favored us with a short ad
dress, W. M. Denmson. the delegate of the
Young Men's Christian Association to
the summer school at Northfield, Mass.,
(rave his report at the Baptist church
Sunday evening;.
the first meeting of the Phi Ma so
ciety for the school year was held Fri
day evening. The attendance and en
thusiasm of the first meeting prediot a
successful year for the Phi Mn. The
following officers were elected: E. J.
Dunhlee, president; F. E. Scott, vice
president; Hurry Mnmford. secretary ;
S. M. Sunrell, treasurer; W. M. Den
nison, critic; II. Swallow, librarian.
The initiatory meeting of the Cur
rent Topio league was devoted a dis
cussion of the Wilson-Gorman bill.
Sam Lily is again one of our number
after a short vacation.
Mrs. John Raid and daughter.Mable,
of Philadelphia, are the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Y. Davis, of Lackawanna
Willis Ensign, of Binghnmton, is
spending a few days with, bis parents
on the West Side.
Arthur WiddowfieTd is spending his
vacation In Now York city.
The young people of the Welsh Bap
tist church on Susquehanna street will
bold an entertainment and social in the
Sunday school room on Tuesday even
ing. Extensive preparations have been
made to make the entertainmnnt one
of the most successful given by them.
Regular services at the Young Wom
en s Christian union rooms next bun-
day at 4 o'clock. The service will be
led by Florence Mitchel.
Miss Jennie Ferguson called on her
friends in Carbondale yesterday.
Miss Sidie JNattbews is entertaining
Miss Tucker, of Jermyn.
Ansa Jennie Davis bunday school
clnis of the Calvinistie Methodist
church will give a harvest home social
at Keystone ball Mondvy evening. A
programme has been prepared.
Mrs. James Dougherty is danger
ously ill at her home on Upper Dun-
more street.
The Adonis club attended the hand
kerchief social at Dickson Wednesday
M. J. Dor tua was in Archbald yester
Raloh Ilabott. a miner employed in
the Clark vein, the new opening of the
Pancoast mine of this place, was snot
by a blast of coal on Thursday morning
lust, Mr. Habott was on the point of
charging a hole nod had placod the
iqulb in the barrel, taking a piece of
touch paper, or wuieh the equio was
composed, ana touched the squio. Talc
ing bis lamp in hand to leave the
plnee, the lamp set of the gas which
fired the hole. Mr. Habott is very
seriously injured, having hie right side
cut in several places; the right arm
mangled and a rib broken.
Mrs. Lrving and daughter, Airs. Ac
tion, of Pittston, and Mrs, William
Crooksbank, of Wyoming, are callers
at the home of Mrs. J, Fahrioger oale
brating the fifty-fourth birthday of
the host.
Mathew Hodgins, of this place, moved
his family to Forest City on Thursday
Music Boxna Exclusively.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes, tiautschi Ac bons., manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organs, only f5 and f 10,
Specialty: Old uitmio boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
Business meeting of Price library to-
The Red Men will have a festival in
Taylor ball tonight.
A new time table goes into effeot
this morning on the Traction com'
nanVs line.
The time is fast approaching when
our oouncUmnnic body will be reeeiv
ing censure for their neglect in not au
thorizing the street commissioner to
repair the water main on Railroad
The Wyoming Coal and Land com
pany has given the rock work in their
tunnel to Al Thornton.
Dr. Reeves, 413 Spruce street. Scran'
ton, cures catarrh. 9 a. m, to 0 p. m.
Mrs. Isaac R?ss, who has been quite
IU, is improving.
The nnion evangelist meetings at the
Methodist this week
are well attended.
Mr, Prltchard, who fall from a load
of bark a few days ago and hurt his
side, is improving.
The new boss oompany recently or
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
gnnized is meeting with good success.
iney nave thirty-four charter mem
bers and a subscription list of $500.
Miss Jennie Pace, of DorMnceton,
was calling on friends in town yester
day. Forest City.
Do not forget that the board of trade
meets this evening. An invitation is
extended to all who are interested in
the prosperity of the town.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran
ton, cures lost vitality in young ana
old, 9 a. ni. to 9 p. m.
It was reported iu Wednosday'e items
of The Titmu.NE that several cases of
the scarlet fever in the borough. This
was a mistake, the disease being ty
phoid fever. ,
Miss Bertha Dolph is visiting friends
in Shenandoah.
Four pigs and one light-colored
medium-sized dog have been gathered
in the borough pound. Owners of the
same can have the above by describing
property and paying cost of advertise
ment and other eonts.
Born To Mr. And Mrs. II. A. Pur
ple, Wednesday morning, a son. Last
Wednesday's Herald bad the following
in regard to the son: "A remarkabla
son Edward, the son of Mr, and Mrs.
II. A. Purple, of Foreet City, was born
this morniug. He is the hrai son of a
first son for nine generations and the
sixth Edward of tho family. One of
his g g g g g a; grandfathers
came ovr in the Mayflower,
The United choir gave their con
cert Wednesday evening. Although
the weathor was very inclement a fair
sized audience showed their apprecin
tion by attenillng. The concert was
one of the best, if not the best, ever
given in this town by home talent
.aoh number on the programme was
received with hearty applause. The
president, M, D. Evans, made the
opening address, which was vory pleas
ing ana suitable to the occasion. After
the address the following programme
was rendered: Original poem, "Oar
Musicnl Event," Evan Morgan; duet,
"Star Board Wateh," Win. Jennings,
Henry Carr; solo, Miss May Watkins;
selection, Forest (Jity Cornet band
duet, Miss Benlau Hine, Mrs. S. May;
recitation, "Nobody's Child," Miss
Lizzie Phillips; malo party of ten led
by D J. Jones, "Jolly Smoker; duet,
It. Llewellyn, D. J, Jones; "Gloria,"
torest Uity United choir. Part 2. S9-
leotioo. band; mcitation, Miss Martha
Griffiths; solo, Mrs. S. May; quartet,
"We All Have a tfurt Cold
Mrs. S. May, Miss Benulah Hine,
Messrs. Wm. Jones and J. C. Watrea ;
Henry Vizzard, dressed ns a tramp
then sang 'T am a tramp; solo, D. J,
Jones; recitation, John Riley; solo,
Mrs. George Maxev; dunt, Miss May
Watkins and Miss hi la rime; Hunting
song, choir. Jobn Riley, who is com
paratively a stranger in our midst won
many laurels in his reeking parts of
Shakespeare's Richard III. Mr. Riley
demonstrated that be was tragediau of
much ability, lie recited nn encore
the poem byiEvan Morgan, "Moflnwy,"
was an excellent piece of original
On acconnt of rain the parade of the
Montrose fire department did not take
place yesterday. The parade hits been
postponed until October, the ante to be
decided upon later.
Dr. Roeves. 412 Spruce street. Scran
ton, cures kidney and bladder tronlils.
a a. m, to y p. m
Enoch Smith will blay with the New
Minora band on Sept. 27 lit th8 Har
ford fair.
Rulph Northup of the Sufouehnnna
County Farmer lias returnod from a
visit with bis sister at Chenango Forks.
Hi. A. Uirney went to Forest City on
business on Wednesday.
. . Wright. Jud North. Mose Jack
son and several other attended the Wv-
oming connty fair at Tuukannock yes
A. M. Millard, who was burned by
the explosion of chomicnls several
weeks ago, has recovered the sight of
one eye, but tho other eye is verr
Montrose Hose comnany No. 2. will
leave here on the 7 DO a. m. tram on
Thursday next to nttend the fireman's
Darade at Corbond.iK The Montrose
Cornet band will go with thm. Fare
for the round trip only i3.2."i
JJuniel bayre will attend tho Lacka
wanna rresoytery which meets nt
Wilkes-Barre next Monday.
Miss Mary llawley is the guest of
her Bisters, Misses Til He and Josic
Hawley, in Scranton. i
Will Maxoy who has been seriooslv
ill, is getting better. Joe Barney who
has been down with the same feyer
for several weeks, is improving. Tnev
are both members of Corapanv G and
attended the encninpmont at Gettys
burg. We hear of no sickness after
the encampment at Montrose, which
goes to prove that this is the best com
pany place the rogliuent can fi:id.
Why not get ready to invite the regi
ment nero in ivi
Patrick Walsh, of Albert street, it
Buttering iromtypnoia fever.
The young ladies of this town gave a
social to their gentlemen friends at
Fadden's hall on - Tuesday evening. It
was a grand affair.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. II. B.
Jones was gladdenrd by the arrival of
a baby boy on Wednesday.
Professor Jobs McGowan will open a
dancing school M thn winter months.
He will be assisted by the following
young men: Pat Logan, John Grier,
John U Connor and John Patrick
, The employes of , tho Elk Ilill Coal
and Iron company reciived their pay
yesterday. ,
Wiil Corey is eager to play Mike
Smith or Jobn Craver a game of alley
ball. '
For Coi.ds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis
and Sore Throat, use Dr. Thomas' Eclrc
tric Oil, and got the genuine.
w'hen Baby was flick, we gave her Castor!.
When she was a Child, sue cried (or Castorla,
When she became Miss, she dun;; to Castorla,
When she had Children, aho gave them Castorla
Yesterday morning Chauucsy Hart,
son of Mr. and Mrs. (i. C. Hnrt. and
Miss Lcla Purdr. daughter, of Mr. and
Mrs a. A. Purdy, of Park atrset, left
on the 6 23 Delaware and Hudson train
for Norwich, N. Y., where they were
united in marriage in the afternoon at
the home of the groom's sister, Mrs.
Labar. Mr. and Mrs. Hart expoet to
return to this city on Wednesday ot
next week, and will take np their resi
dence in newly furuiBbed rooms at 1C0
Salem avenue.
Mrs. Henry Siarles and Mrs. Frear
returned to their home in West Pitts-
ton yesterday afternoon after a several
days visit with Carbondale friends. '
W. D. Frank, of Srranton, made a
business trip to this city yesterday.
A W. Keynolds left for iNew YorK
city yesterdayt morning on a business
tn p.
Kelcy Purdy. who ha recently re-
moved to this city from Hawley, is fill
ing a clerkship in the store of S. A.
f uwy ct Son.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
John Morgan, of Grove street, on
The date of the concert to be given
by the quartette under the auspices of
the Methodist choir, has been changed.
It has been postponed from Oct, 19 to
Oct. 2(5,
Miss Anna Butler, of Syracuse, N.
Y.. is tlio guest of Mrs. C. E. Spencer,
of Garfield avenue.
Ontario and Western company paid
their employes in this city yesterday.
Miss Lanra Harrison returned to her
in Mont Clair. N. J., yesterday after
enjoying a visit in this city as the
guest of Miss Flora Harrison of Wash
ing street.
H. C. LucaB. of the New York store,
is in New York city on bnsiuess.
The remains of an infant daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sullivan, of
Mayfijld, wero interred iu St. Rose's
cemetery in this city yesterday.
Mrs. Li. Lister and son. Harry, of
Washington street, were in Dalton on
Wednesday nttondinz the wedding of
Mrs. Lister's son. Alfred, to Misa Bcr
tim Colvin, of that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Riohard Brownell. of
Jersey City, are the guests of relatives
in this city.
John Hatch ford, of Hyde Park, and
Miss Aiaria Murray, tbs popnlar and
talented daughter or JUr. and Airs.
Michael Murray, of Main street, were
nnited in marriage last evening at St.
Joseph's church by Riv. D. H. Green.
Miss Mnggio Connolly, of Greenwood,
attended tin bride, while tu. J,
Wright, of Hyde P.irk. acted as best
man. The bride and mnid were at
tired in a vory charming manner,
while the groom and groomsman pre -
sented nn elegant appearance. After
the ceremony the young married couple
repaired to the home of the bride s
parents whore a bounteous repast wns
served. A large number of Hyde Park
friends were present. Mr. and Mrs.
Ratchford will go to bouaokoeping at
once iu Hyde Park.
A very pleasant farewell party was
tendered Jerry X Reardon, of Green
wood, last evening at his home ou Rtil
road street by many friends, it being
the eve of his departure for Peokville,
where he will permanently reside.
One or the oldest mules in the em
ploy of the Groenwood Coal company,
was Kiiloa yesterday by a locomotive,
Old Blind Dolly, us she was termed
by the driver bovs, has been in the
works since the mine was first opened,
and was about M years of age.
M, H Dohnugu left last night for
Louisville, Ky,. where he will repre'
sent Branch No. 131, Young Men In
slitute of Minooka, at convention of
Atlantic jurisdiction, which convenes
during th-j 24, 25 and 2G of this month,
John Decker, of Forest City, is visit
ing friends in Greenwood.
Tomorrow will . be pay day nt the
Greenwood collieries ros. 1 and 2.
Recorder S. S. Wright, of Montrose
was in town yesterday.
The cottage meeting on Friday even
ing will ba held at the home of Mrs,
Mrs. Charles Capwell is visiting her
brother In Detroit, Mien.
Mrs. George Word was in Bingham
ton yesterday.
Miss Carrie Stevens, of Goeat Band.
is visum;; iritiuug in levemnu, uaio.
.1-2.- ,
Mrs, Lamn, who has been visiting
friends in Binghamton, has returned
Mrs. Ed. O'Brien called on friends in
New Milford today.
Mrs. George V an Fleet was In Bine
hamton Tuesday.
Hon James 1. DuBoie and familv are
visiting Hon. Gulusha A. Grow, in
uienwoou touay.
G. G. Siioemakpr is in Philadelphia
Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnes visited
friends in Oxford. N. J., the first of the
Mrs. L M. Green, of Hartford, who
lias been stopping with friends and re I
b tiros in this place, hns returned borne,
Judge Crook, of this pluue, is in New
York" city on business.
Miss Maud Robinson, of Bingham
ton, is slopping with her sister, Mrs,
Gimr,'e Ward.
The bnreess has granted a nrivilee-
to dump nil rubbish on the river bank
near the bridge, which does not inter
fere with the borough health rules.
JNew seats will ba placed in the pri
mary room in the Franklin street
school this woek.
Mrs. Cnnrles Capwell is visiting her
brother in Detroit.
Mrs, John Maynard called on Car
bnndule friends yesterday.
Mrs. Jatnrs Dunn, of South Main av
enue, is entertaining friends from
Rochester, N. Y.
TuecaBe or I nomas Rich vs. the Dela
ware and iladaon Is on the list for
Monday next.
Ihis eveuing tlio Epworth leacue
will spend "An Evening with the Po
ets. All are invited.
A. F. Chase, of Scott; C. A. Well, of
Binghamton. and F. C. Benedict, of
York, were Jermyn visitors yesterday,
The social held nt the borne of Law
rence Brink on William street last
Tusday evening under the nuspioss of
the Christian Endeavor society of th
Dudley Street Baptist shurch was not
very largely attundid on acconnt of th
unfavorable weather. The social will
be repeated again this evening and
fine musicnl programme will be ren
Guaranteed Core.
We authorize our advertised druggist to
sou nr. king's iiaw Uisoovery for Co
sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this
condition. If vou are afflicted with .a
Coogh, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chet i
trouble, ana win use this remedy as Ul
reeled, giving it a fair trial.and experience
no oencut, you may return tnn bottle and
have your money refunded. We eould not
make this offer did we not know that Dr.
Kinu's New Discovery couldfbe relied on,
It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at
Matthew Bros', drac store. Larire size
' ouc. ana si.
At Cleveland:
Cleveland ...8 0 5 3
Washington 8 0 0 0
4- 8
tuts Cleveland IS; Washington B.
Errors Cleveland 4; Washington 8. Bat
teriesWallace, Thomas and Ziminer;
tfoyd and Duodale. Umnira McUnaid.
Called on account darkness.
At Chicago
Chicago 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 3 1-10
miladelphla ..1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 14
lilts Chicago. 19- Philadelphia. 8. Er
rorsChicago, 4; Philadelphia, 8. Bat
teries Abboy and Schriver, Johnson and
Buckley. Umpire Lynch.
At Pittsburor
Pittsbnrg 1 10 0 111! x 10
New York....O 000100 2 08
Hits Pittsburcf. 17: New York. 10. Er
rors Pittsburg, 8; New York, 7. Bat
teries Menofee and ilttck. Rusie, Clarke,
Wilson and Furrell. Umpire Botts and
Uaffuey. '
At Louisville-
Louisville 1 0010100 08
Boston 0 0800100 x 4
Hits Louisville, 6: Boston, 6. Errors
louisville, 6; Boston, 4. Batteries Inks
and Cote, Nichols and Qanzel. Umpire
Fottsville Wins tho First of Games for
State Championship.
Haerisburo. Pa.. Sort. 20. The
first game for the championship of the
State league, between the winners ot
the first and second series, was played
here today. It resulted in a victory
for Fottsville after a well played con
test. Score:
IIarrisburg.,.1 000002003
Poitsville 3 0001001 x 4
Hits Harrisbnre. 13: Pottsviile. 10.
Errors Hnrnsburg, 1; Pottsviile, 1. Bat
teriesJordan and Wento; Baldwin and
Diggins. Umpires Holland and Wetzel.
The Magic Touch
Hood's Sarsaparilla
You smile at the idea. But
if you are a sufferer from
And Indigestion, try a bottle, and be
fore you have taken half adozi-n dosos,
you will involuntarily think, ami no
doubt exclaim,
"That Just Hits It!"
"That soothing effect is a magic
touch!'' Hood's Sarsaparilla gtnitly
tones and strengthens the stomach
and digestive organs, invigorates the
liver, creates a natural, healthy desire
for food, gives refreshing sleep, awl
in short, raises the health toue of the
entire system. Remember
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation.
Ulioua nesj, Jaundice, sick headache, lDrttsMtioM
230 Lacka. Ave.
It Is for Men Only,
but Their Wives
Mav Buy.
White or Natural Wool Underwear
regular 05c. quality 36c.
(See our window display.)
Bed Underwear, medicated, ribbed
bottoms, $1 quality 850
All wool Camel's Hair Shirt or
Drawers, $1 quality. ....0o
'lot. quality, silk embroidered ....... 1 2c.
30c. quality, strong web....... .18c.
50c. quality, silk web. 28c,
3. quality 5o,
50c. quality...... 38c.
$1.50 Stiff or Soft Hats . 950,
?3 Stiff or Soft Hats $1.2 5
All gooda left from tho Fire
Sale, which are damaged by water
only, at your own price.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Next door to the burned building.
we continue the sale of two
pairs Boys' Knee Pants for 25c.
This, Coupon
AND $16.00
l-Regular $32 Midi Chair
UntU Sept, 21,
Chadoe in Covering and Style oi Up-
331 Adams Avpnue,
13 fial HEi Hm !TB
400402 Lactam Ayc
THESE goods willbe sold far below their
' value, and it will pay you to secure what
you need for the winter during this sale. BY
them stored FREE OF CHARGE until wanted.
1 caso 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price 89c.; now only . . , JjOai
1 caso 104 Blankets, White -and Grey, winter
price $1.C0J. now only . $1
i case 11-4. Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price, $225; now only $150;
Lease 10-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price
$3.75; now only - .... $2.50
1 caso 11-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price
$5; now only $3.50
1 caso 10-4 California. Blankets, winter price
$7.50; now only -'5,50
1 case 11-4 CaMbrni Blankets, winter price
$8.50; now only
2 hales CoinfortSw anecial.
now only
406 and 408
lur Fall Gift
The many inquiries that
our FREE GIFT distribution has compelled us to an-
nounce that UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE we wOl give
American Onyx Finiab. with
erery pore baa of $50 or
ovr, for cash or credit
v Or an elegant
with every $7S pnrtiMe or
over, for cash or credit.
Our $39 Bedroom
That S150 Four
ready for your inspection.
Green Discount Tags
worth $3 and $3,35;
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Lacka. Avenue.
have been made regarding-
Outfit Sale still continues.
Room Outfit of outs is now
If you can't call, write us for
are doing the work.