TIIE SCBANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MOROTtTG, SEPTEMBER 31, 1894. . IWEST SIDEl mnnnmnm mimiiimiii niiiiiiiiisniiii KELLAR-M ACKRETH NUPTIALS. Ceremony Performed In the Slmpioa II E. Church. The audi tori am of tbs Simpion Metbodlet Episcopal church wu crowded last evening at tbe marriage of MiM Nellie Macttretb. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Maekretb, of South Sumner arenne. to Charles K. Kellar, of tbe Scranton Traction company. Potted plants, ferns and palms had been arranged in front of the pulpit, converting it into a veritable bower. At promptly 8 o'clock the bridal party entered the church and proceeded np tbe aiele to the soft strains of Men delssohn's wedding march, which was skillfully played by Frank Reynolds on tbe organ. They were met by Rev. D. W. Ekellinger, and tbe marriage cere mony was performed with the free by turian ritual. Tbe bridesmaid was Mies Martha Connolly, of the North End, and the groomsman, William Muteland, of Scranton. Mist Maokreth and her maid were similarly attired in cream ilk dresses with trimmings of pearl and laoe. The groom and groomsman were in fall dress. After tbe cere mony had been performed the party were driven to the bride's home on Sontb Snmner avenue, where an excel lent wedding snppar was served. The newly wedded couple left on the 1.43 Delaware, Lackawanna and Western train tbis morning on a wedding trip wbioh will inclnde Niagara Fails, New York and Philadelphia. The ushers were John Maekretb, George McDon nell, Alex McTaggart and Edward Davis. The wedding presents were costly and numerous. Mr. and Mrs. Keller were very well known. They will re side on this side. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. J, Elliot Ross, Mr, and Mrs. Gorge Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. Ditwkins, Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart, Mr. Bad Mrs: Lehman, Rsv. and Mrs. D. W. Skellinger, Mr. and Mrs. Schoon over, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Godsball, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Moser, Mr. and Mrs. Bartley, Mr. and Mrs. Gaorge Maekretb, Mr. and Mrs. Coffinan, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgonson, of New York city; Mr. and Mrs. Keiler, of Mount Pooono; Mrs. Wade, Either and Maggie Parfrey and James Brown, of Moosie; Misass Martha Connolly, Louise Reynolds, Amy Ilowell, Sophy Wade, Carrie and Bessie Long, Lottie and Gertie Connolly, Hattle East.Mona Thompson, Maggie Jones, Julia aud Mame Campbell, Maggie Got man, Liz zie MeCormauk and Alex MoTaggart John Maekretb, Edwin Daviee, Gaorge McDonnell, Mr. Patterson, John Han don, Evan Bebb, Mr. Prise and Will S. Meors. GOSPEL TENT SERVICES. Evangelist Schievera Addressee a Larue udleno. Tonight will close the gospel tent Bervioes on the West Side which were ripgan here on Sunday, by Evangelist E. W. Bliss. During tbe past week the services yer conducted by Fred erick Scbievera assisted in the singing by W. Weedon. Mr. Schievera was the means of reviving tbe interest iu the meetings, and large crowds have been nightly accommodated in tbe tent. Tbe canvas structure will be re moved by a foree of workmen tomor row to a vacant lot opposite the court louse, and the good work continued. Yesterday's services began at 8.30 o'clock with a ladies meeting in tbe Jackson Street Baptist church. A song service was held and the local pastors prayed. Mr. Schievera preaohed an eloquent sermon. Tbe tent was crowded as usual last evening. On tbe platform were seated Revs. L. C. Floyd, T. J. Collins. R. G. Jones and Mr. Sehiverea. After the ong service Frank W. Pear-tall, secre tary of the Railroad Young Men's Christian association, prayed. W. Weedon then sang "Tbe Horn Land," a composition of Mr. Stebbins'. Prayer was given by Rv. T. J. Collins and the evening collection taken up, Mr, Sehiverea preached an unusually forci ble sermon. He took bis text from Aots 15:xx, saying: "What shall I do to bo saved." The sermor was a most beau tiful one. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Mrs, D. C. Williams, of Luzerne street, is ill. John R. Jones, of Belleyue, is seriously f ll with typhoid fever. William R. Davies, of Kingston, is visit lug friends on this side. Miss Minnie Montgomery, of Mercer, is the guest of friends here. Miss Jennie Edwards, of Carbondale, is the guest of friends on this aide. Alderman M. L. Blair, of South Main avenue, bas returned from New York. Robert Morris lodee. Order of American True Ivorites, will give an entertainment on inursaay nigut. John Weldon and Percy Alvord. of New York city, have returned home from a visit with friends on tbis side. Keystone lodge No. 38. Lovnl Knights of America, met at Hurl fiari ball last even ing and considered tbe work done by the grunu ioage on xaesuay ana Wednesday Tbe Village Belle quartette has organ ized witn tne following members: Phil Martin. Watkln Morgans. Will Davis and Thomas Jones. Tbe society will be pre pared to meet any engagements tnat may be onerea. Jacob V. Boyce, of Jackson street, will leave today for Alary vine college at Mary ville. Tenn., for a theological course. Mr. Boyce is an active and intelligent young man, and his numerous friends wish him success as a preacner. The members of Centennial lodao. Ancient Order of Foresters, are requested to meet in Co-operative hall on Worth Main avenue Sunday afternoon at 1,80 o'clock, to attend the funeral of tbe late brother, Jonn V. 1 nomas. Petitions will be circulated bv tbe com mittee appointed by the Hyde Park Liter ary and Debating society to arrange for a course of nniverslty extension lectures. Milton's "Paradise Lost," and Goldsmith will probably be taken up. While at work on a honse belonging to George Phillips yesterday afternoon, John J. Morgan, of Jackson street, brother of Druggist B. G. Morgan, fell from a scat fold where be was painting and was pain fully injured. One of his short ribs was broken. Mr. Morgau was removed to his borne, where tbe injury was dressed by Dr. George Beach. At a late hour last night Mr. Morgan was resting easily. William Stevens, the proprietor of the Patagonia botel, entertained about SO of bis friends with a sapper on Tuesday eve ning. The party was composed of several of tbe West Side leaders in oratory, music and peotry. Alderman T. T. Morgan, justice of the peace, presided. He eulogized tbe host on tbe excellent menu which bad been prepared, and referred in glowing terms to Mr. Stevens' many fine qualities. Joseph D. Lewis was toastmaster aud after a few Introductory remarks, called upon T. Eiitwortn Davis for remarks The tat ter's effort was greatly applauded. Alder man Williams of the First ward, spoke of tne weisn name, ana exmrjitea a Keen knowledge of the poets. Appropriate re marks were then made by Horatio Fellows. Samuel Jones and Thomas Prorser. Solos were were rendered by Gomer Jones, David Jones, D. U. Lewis, Tfconins Will iams and Richard Williams. At tbe con clusion of a stirring political address by Alderman Morgan, nrat entnusiam w manifested in tbe whole Republican ticket. John 0. Thomas, who was serloutlv hurt In tbe Manville mines on Tuesday last, died from his injuries at 4.80 oclook yes terday morning at bis borne on Shetland street. Mr. Thomas was struck with a large rock which fell from tbe roof of the miues whew he was at work. Drs. Rey nolds and Williams attnnded mm, but lie was beyond recovery. Deceased was born in Wales in 1858, and came to this country about flfteeu years ago. Since that time he has been a resident of tbe West Bide, where his Integrity and genial disposition won for him numerous friends. He was a member of Centeuial lodge. Ancient Order of Foresters aud the Muuville Mine Acci dental fund. A wife and four children survive him. The funeral will occur on Sunday afternoon, at 2,80 o'clock. Inter ment in tbe Washburn Street cemetary. City and Eohool Taxei, 1891. Tbe city nud school tax duplicates for the year 181M aro now in my bands for collection, l'ersons wishing to pay carl do so now, or any person requiring state ments of taxes by giving ward and loca tion of property will be promptly answered. It. G. E hooks. City Treasurer. Municipal building, Washington avenue. Olllce hours from U a. m. to 0 p. in., ex cept Satuurday, this olllce will be closed at noon. SOUTH SIDE. 1 BETWIXT AND BETWEEN. Marriage That Bears That Relation to Elopsment and a Home Ceremony It was not altogether an elopement, noltber whs it an advertised cere mony, but the ionrney of Miss Carrie Vohrer, of Fig street, and Frank Wheeler ol tbe West Side, to Uing- bamton yestorday had just a tinjre of seerecy about it, and ke.it the madams of tbe South Side guessing for some time. Tbe engagement of tbe vonng couple has been announced for some time, but the dat of their marriage was not known. Taey loft together nt 10 o'clock yestorday morning for Bingbamton and the friends of MUi Vohrer admit ted that before ber return she would be the wife of Mr. Wheeler. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. The Lackawanna Knitting mills are idle owing to a scarcity of wool. The Star Social club will hold a ball at Germania hall Monday night. Miss Sarah McNamara. of South Wash ington avenue, is visiting in Olyphant. The Manhattan Athlotia club will give a complimentary social at Germania hall on Oct. 19, Mrs. Philip McGuire. of Prospect ave nue, left yesterday morning for Brooklyn on a visit to friends. Thomas M. Jones, of Pittston avenue, is making an improvement on bis residence by the erection of a large wing. The Scranton Athletic club will meet regularly hereafter on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. Mrs. Washington Frable aud daughter. Lila, returned home yesterday from Mon roe county, after a two week's visit. The South Side barbers held another meeting last night ai Zing's barber shoo and unanimously agreed to carry out the early closing movement. The funeral of Charles, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Thiol, of Fig street, will occur tbis afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terment in the German Catholic cemetery. At the rooms of the South Side Young Womeu's Christian association a prayer meeting will be held this evening at 8 o'clock. Miss Alary Dunn, state secretary of tbe Young Women's Christian associa tion will lead. The meeting Sunday after noon will be lea by Miss bottle Lenglor. The young folks of tbe Nineteenth and Twentioth wards are 1 considering the or ganization of a dancing olass for the com ing winter. Two years ago a class met at Dr. Alanley'8 hall ouce a wees and tbe sea son was a vory enjoyable one. An effort ts now being made to resurrect that class, engage a first class teacher and enter unon a period of amusement Last night after snnper Mrs. McGinnh. of Beech street, on the Flats, went before Alderman Fuzslmmons and had a warrant made out against ber neighbor, Mrs. Mc Cracken, on tbe charge of disturbing the peace. At the hearing both women gave proof ol being equally to blame, and alter a severe reprimand to both, the alderman quafhoil the case by dividing the costs, as the charge conies under the hoad of viola ting a city ordinance. Real faith never grows woale by hay ing to wait, huuerers taking Hood s Sur- PHparilla for chronic complaints should be patient and tne result will be satisfactory. uooa s uuroj. Hood's Pii.i.s act easily, yet promptly ana eincientiy.on tneuverauu bowels, li&s A MORNING WEDDING. Miss Bsllna Noon Married to Gsorgs O'Donnell at Holy Bosary Churoh. George O'Donnell, the well known druggist, and Miss Selina Noon, of Orson street, were uniMd lu marriage yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the Holy Rosary church before a large gathering. Solemn nnptial mass was ssid by Rev. W, J. O'Donnell, acting as deacon, and Rev. J. O'Toole sub-deacon. Tbe bride and bridesmaid, Miss Kate Ruddv, a cousin of tbe bride, were attired in eminence purple, whipcord silk dresses with velvet bodices and trimmed with heavy cream silk lace. Miss Libbie JSeary presided at the organ and pinyeu the wedding marehes from Lohengrin and Men delsshon's wedding march. After a wedding breakfast at the Wyoming Ilouse the bridal nartv left otj the 1 45 train for Philadelpnia, New York and Washington, intending to be gone about two Weeks. On their return Mr. and Mrs. O'Don nell will begin housekeeping ovr the drug store on West Market street. They were the recipients of a large number of handsome and costly pres ents. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Donnell, of Donniorej Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and daughter, Miss Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gib lin and Miss Meeban, of Hyde Park. Mrs. T. O'Donnell. Miss Mary O'Don nell and Mr. aud Mrs. John Welsh, of New York; Bernard O'Toole, of Mount Carmel. SERVICE IN GOSPEL TENT. Mr. Bliss Delivered an Address on Sal vation. That the general interest In tbe Moody meetings Is increasing is shown by tbe 1.500 persons at tbe service in the gospel tent last nlgbt to hear the lecture by Mr. Uliss ou ' balvatlon. - Tbe noted evangelist annonneed bis text as Psalms Ixviil, 18, from Which be cited that Christ is the greatest conqueror the world bas ever known. and one who exacts no tribute for the blesslnss be bestows. Mr. Bliss urged his bearers to appreciate tbe fact that salvation is free and ts offered to those r til la I! A Word. Wants of all kinds cost that much, when paid for, in advance. When a book ac count is made, no charge will ue less than 3 cents. This rule applies to all small want eds, except Situations iranfeci, which are inserted tlthK. Agents Wanted. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE WANTKD for PHtabliahed National Savings and Loan association huviiix newetaiid must at tractive featured. Liberal ccntract to riKUt man. Q 'P., Tribnno olllce. SALESMEN EVERY COUNTY. SALARY or rommisHlon. No exnerience. Now tariff hill ifivnn unlimited rjrotlts. Active men nuply (mlcklv, stating salary and territory wautod. MANUl'ACi'UUEUS, Uox KWS, Uos tuu. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO sell the latent aluminum novoltics, onor mons nrollta, sells nt aialit, delivered free, si euro territory. Smnplo in Velvet lined case witu full Information, Jic. imaioguo no;. Aluminum Novulty Co.. !Wj Broadway, Now York. Help Wantedl-Mle. C'JO WEEKLY TO HKIHT MAN, HOURS Ol U 1 1 - work liiiht aud easy. 'HI top floor, over Globe etore. WANTED-A OCOD DOUBLE-EN1 KY bookkeeper and collector; must lin ac quainted with tho city. One living In Urem Kidgeor vicinity pruforred. Address in on handwriting, P. O. box ITU. city. HelD Wanted Females. WANTED-SEVKKAL LADIES TO AS ' Hist in publishing work, also learners: will pav from Ssi to JIB a week. Eor particu lars address, with stain, J. 11. O., Tumult.; oflice. For Sale. CyUAHS IN ANY QUANTITY, 118 CLIFF O street. For Rent TH?KNIwiTETn J April 1, 1NI5. Apply at a ll) t lay avonuo P01t RENT ONE-HALF STORE. 120 X l'eun avnnuo, S 0 per month. vok uent-nicely-fuk.nisheiThall r snlt.'ililo for lodtfo rooms. JOHN JEU 51 YN, llll Wyoming-avenue. Real Estate. CMALL FAKM-Wli HAVE NAMES OF O twenty persons who want to buy small r.irnis. honu ton particulars. maKe price low. K. EUNEST COMEOYS, Price building. Special Notices. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUB MEM 1 tiers of tne Pennsylvania Oral eohool for the dt-af will be held at the oinco of the secre tary. Third National HaiiK buildinir, on Sat urday afternoon, Sept. ".l, at S.l o'clock, for tne election oi lour directors tor tnree yonrs, aim siicn ollior uustnuss as may properly be brought before each meeting. Tho board of directors will meet immediately after, fur organization. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Secretary. 101N OUR SYNDICATE. OUR JULY tJ and A turns t dividend ol) tier cent. Last week's dividend H par rent. Increase your earnings. You can withdraw your money any time, we expect to pay a larpo uivmuim this month. For particulars address C. U. Mather & Co., iModinau building, Chicago. rOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT I Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War illustrations istii-iwu. two volumes rollo, flli..rK); payable monthly, 1100. Delivered by express i-ompioto, prepaid. Address e. u. MOODY, aid Uibson street, Scranton, 1 lit AWi; TltwWU UlUUllfL'TU Mllll li zines. etc.. bound or rebound at Tub Tktbunb clllco. Quick work. Reasonable, jTices. It TEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT M. Ill corner Spruce stroet and Frnukliu avu nnn. Twenty meal tickets for i.&a Uood tnole noanl. Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL HE RE coivedat the oltiee of thocitvclork. Scran ton Ph., until 7.31 p.m., Thursday, October 4 th, lp'JI, to construct a main sewer in the fourteenth Sower district of said city: also to construct the nocessury baius, niunholes, lamphols aud fixtures for said sewer. Allot said work to be dono in accordance with Dlan specification therefor, fllod in the olHco of i lty ciem. i no sum or nve Hundred dollars, (J.'itlO) cash or certified thick shall be enclosed witli each proposal for said wtrk. Enclosures or unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the a wind of contract for the work. Tim suc cessful bidtlur shall execute a contract for the work within ten days from day f award thereof, otherwise the enclosure of JiiUO shall lie forfeited to the use of the city of Scranton Tho city rtwervesthe right to rojoctuuy and all bids, by order of city councils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., Sent. 19, 191. Charter Application. XTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN ll application will bo ma le to the Court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna county, or one of the law Judges thereof, on Sept. 21, ISM at V o'clock a.m., by John T. Edwards Evan ,1. Williams. William J. Jenkins. John It Richards and Thomas Lewis, uuder the act of assembly of tho Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitle! "An act to provide for the incorporation ana rumination or certain cor rorations," approved the Kith of AdMI. 1874. mid supplem tnts thereto, for tho charter of an Intended corporation to bo called "Hvdo Park Lodge, No. TO, Knights of Pythias of tne Mtiittiot l e insyivauia, ' tne character and object oi wnicu is the maintenance or a so ciety for bcnelininl and protective purposes to its meninors ironi minis collected tnorein. and for those purposes to have. Dosaiisa and enjoy all the rgnts and benefits ot said act of u: s -inoiy sua us supplements, bain applica tion is now on file In the Prothonotary's oflice or i.acKawiinua county as oi no. nil, Septem ber term, Ml. II. L. TAYLOR, VV. it. LEWIS, Solicitors. who- will accept it without piles or barter. The usual meeting will be held in the tent tbis evening at 7.110 o'clock Tomorrow there will be no services. bnt nil singers aro requested toimet for choir rehearsals nt o o clock. Snn day meetings will begin at 8 M0 nml 7. 30 p. m. NORTH END BRIEF3. Bernard O'Toole, ot Mount Carmol, a brother ol Jtev. doun u Toole, attended the O'Dounell-Xoone wedding yosterday. Mrs. Abedneco Reese and daacbter. Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan, n Kingston, and Miss Bailie V. Reese, of Elmira, N. Y., havo re turned home, Hfter paying a brief vmit to ilr. and Mrs. J. u, hvans, of Edna avenue. The meeting of tho Scranton an i vicinity union of the Enwortll lea?uo. which was to have beeu held in the Methodist Episco pal church tonight, uas neon postponed until Oct. fi on account of the revival ser vices which are being held in different parts of tbis city. On the Complaint of his wife, Charles Colvin was arrested on Wednesday about midnight charged with breaking the doors and windows ot nis nonso. Alderman Horan beld court at the station house, bnt Mrs. Colvin not only refused to prosecute bat paid her nusoanas nne ana costs. Edcar Btevens, a paper carrier, was re checking a mule after it was through drinking at the water trough oa theBquare yesterday afternoon when tbe mule reared and in coming Uowu stepped on young Btevens' leg. . He was immediately carried into the office of Dr. Buretb, who dressed the leg. No bones were broken although the leg was badly cruised. A warrant was sworn out before Aldor- man Horan on Monday charging Mrs.Jobn Thomas, of Wayne avenue, with having committed an assault ana battery on Khoda Richards. A large number of witnesses testified on Wednesday night that John Thomas, dr.. and Rhode Rich ards were quarreling when Mrs. Thomas appeared ou tbe scene and took her son's place. Mrs. Thomus was beld In &00 bonds to appear at court, mcnoias tieoains De- came ber Donasmao. ; bill I AMUSEMENTS. -THE- Monday Evening. S?pt. 24. FARUWKLIj TOUIt. Tho Celebrated Tragedians, FREDERICK r LOUIS n a Sup rb Pconlc Production o Sliuket peai e's Tragedy, Julius Caesar Mr, Juinen, as Brutus. Mr. Wurtle, asCasius. Mr. l.intlsley. as Marc Antony. Mr. Walker, as Julius Ciear. Miss f h ipmiiu, s Calpeniia. Miss Everett, as Portia. Spoclal Scouery. Grand Production. Special Costumes. THE FOREMOST COMPANY IN AMERICA Halo of seats and boxes commences Friday, Sept, HI, at tho Frothlnghain box office, at tho following prices: gl.uU, SI, 75c, and 60c. ACADEMY OF MUSIC FRIDAY, SEPT. 21. Robert Oarnella's Now Farcical Comedy in r our Acts, THE TROLLEY Under the management of Charles F. Cromwell THE GARNELLA'S K And a Company of Fun Makers. Act I Drawintr Room of John Hono's City Residence. Aot II Parlor of John Hope's New Home. Moving Uay. ACT III Tho Trial Trips of the Trolley. A Street in EuUipia. Act IV Uardon of Mr. Hope's country itoai denee. Spet-lil Scenery. New Ideas. CtT-nrilllant Dramatic Event! Tho accom plished artistn, Mniio Wainwrlght, and a tlrst-class company, Sept. 'li. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY, SEPT. 2a First Scranton Production of the Grea' Russian Melodrama, In tbe Name of tbe Czar Roallstic Scenery. Superior Cast, Costumes Historically Correct. S St Nicholas Bolfry. ETho Nihilists' Den. rri. Tnn...t.i 1 n c. Dnt..Hai,..n a no jut mi uin;r auuw,Db.i cwiowuig. Tne Plunge to Death. Sale of seats op;ns Thursday at the box oflice. tBrilliant Dramatic Event. The accom plished artiste, Marie Wainwright and a tlrst- cluss company Sept. i ACADEMY OF MUSIC. (ivt vtnirr nwi.v MONDAY, 8 KPT. 24. A NOTAItl E i OCIAL EVE NT. 'The Distinguished and Brilliant Artiste, Miss Marie Wainwright In an Original Four-act Drama, DAUGHTERS OF EVE Presentod by Her Superb Company. Hand somely costumed aim exquisitely Mounted. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES: 25,50,75,$! Sale of seats Friday, Sept. 21, at V a.m. Davis' Theater. WONDERLAND. Week Commencing Monday, SEPT. 17. Every afternoon and evening. THE FAMOUS WATSON SISTERS' Extravaganza and Novelty Co, Headed by the Peerless Lyric Artist, IDA SIDD0NS Bright, Breezy, Buoyant. Better Than the Best Yet, ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two Performances Daily at 2. 30 and S. 15 p.m. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. f . IU ilium i. TUESDAY, SICl'T. 25. "YOUR OLD-TIME FRIEND," BARNEY FERGUSON This time in thn BRAND NEW VAUDEVILLE KARCE, DUFFY'S BLUNDERS AN ALL-STAR CAST. KTIINNINO SFKriAI.T F.S. Bl'LEXDlD SCENIC EFFECTS. IncludingTil K KOOF UAKUEN, Now York's latest summer craz.9. The entire prodiu'tion under tho management of I. Wes ley HoseiKiiiost, manager of the HIJou and rourteentu Mtreet tneaters, JNew nora iiiy. balo of seats opens buturday at the box oilier. GRAND AUTUMN EXCURSION TO THE SEASHORE Long Drench, Ocoan Grove and Asbury Part AND RETURN IN ONE DAY. ON Saturday, September 22, '94, VIA Central Railroad of N. J. Special excursion tickets from Scranton will I be so'd good to go only on special tniln leaving Scranton at 6 a. in Sept. 1!-', and for return on special train loaving Ocean (Irove and Asbury Park at 5.45 p.m., Long Brauch nt 5.65 n n. fume dnv. FARE Full THE ROUND TRIP, 3.3. Situations Wanted. UESPF.CTABLE WOMAN WOULD LIKE a place with child 10 years old as lieu e keeper, no objoctions to children. Can give best of rt-forenco, Mrs. Deal. Penn avenue. AN ACl'lVf, RELIABLE MAN, WITH good references, ot middle ae wishes employment. Quick and correct in flguros, live yeors experience as single entry book keeper and clerk. Will work for eny wages that will pay board. Addrosi W. U. Tribune olllce. irANTEDYAYbUN(MAV0F061)D It referents, a position of any kind, driver or hotel work preferred. E.M., 'Mi Lackawanna avenue. ITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 18 years old. Address O Oswell court. C ITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING O ironing or scrubbing or any kind of work by the day. Call or address L. B. 334 North sumnor avenue, city. POY WANTED APPLY TO THE TRIB 1 UNE'8 Houesdiile office. PAUL GARD NER. I ARKFEPER A STEADY, SOBER AND industrious young man wonld like to no. cure a position; understands his busineee and is a good, quick mixer; would like a position in city or country and oan furnish good refer ences from last employer. Address, Bar keeper, 5U0 Lackawanna are Scranton. HASSON STARK. . AT THE OLD DEPOT HOTEL ' FACTORY VILLE. lspropkred to receive summer boarders and furnish rigs for tourists to surrounding towns and summer resort. - Ren NH r it T WARDEMAMES TERM UST TWO YEAR9 ago we flong oar banner to the breeze and floated Into the stream of hrmnau w. were confidant of a Btart and onr confidence led ui to ex pect great resultg. We went In to win. unr friends were with nj, at tbey are still with thousands ot new onee added. Onr aim ha hun tn w VWWM W jJUw duct a business estailishmsut upon a iair auu nonoraoie Daais to make onr onstomere' interest! onr own, to deal with all alike on a etriotly one-price system, and that always the very low eat possible price; to keep only tbe ujubi reuaoio manes OI goods, tllUt We might appeal to yon on their merits. Have we succeeded! MOLLY k WALLACE rJO BETTER BEDDIMO Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND 1 Bud 2 Commmltlt Bld'g, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING Vadeatthe M003I0 and BUSH DALE WORKS. Ltfflin & Rand Powder Oo.'s ORANGE GUN F0WDEB Electrlo Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Barely Kose aad RepaunoChemical Co.' High Explosives A. W. Juriscii 435 SPRUCE STREET BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Qeadron, Eclipse, Lovell. D turnout and Other Wheel MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Coal of the best quality fur domestle nse,and ef all sizes, delivered In any part ot the eitj at lowest price. Orders left at my office, NO. 118, WYOMING ATEN0B, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or sent by mail or totapbone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Hpecial onntracta will be made for the sail sua deliver; of Buckwheat Coal WM. T. SMITH. H E Scranton Tribune JOB...... D DEPT. . . . EVERY description of Job Printing in the best style of the art. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, practical and com petent men in charge of each branch of the work. WJe do not make a sham show of cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. IS ONE OF THE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENTS 15 THE CITY. For Delicacy, For parity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Pocsom's Powder. MOQSIC POWDER POWDER 1 HERE ARE A FEW FACTS DRAW YOUR 0V1 CQNCLUS IONS. btock twice as largo as when we opened. Ilualneis Incraasoil 100 per cent. An addition of 1,500 square feet of floor spaoe. Enlarged and better facilities In ev'iry department. Number of lalespeople Increased ft am 9 to 18. Several departments added. Among them our new Cloak Parlo j handsomely furnished and auperals stocked. 209 . CHEAPEST IRON BEDS ESTABLISHED 1806. 6,OOd IN V8S, InstmmmM In every sense or the term aa apnl-ed tn Pianos. Exceptional in holding their original fnlce-p of tonn. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth arenne. BOLD BY E.C. RickerStfCo. 115 Adams Avs. KewTetephoae Bdg . Lion Alien! Go. STOCK BB0KES3. Buy and sell SockerBonds-and-Gf8tn on New York Exchanges -an Chicago Board of Trade, either fur cash.-or on margin. 4 12 Sprues Street. J3T Local Stocks a Snodalty. TELEPHONE 6,002. Maloney Oi! and Ifafaciijf'g Co. O l L S samEESESrf' VINEGAR AND CIDER 141 TO 161 MERIDIAN ST. A Great Cut on TABLES -AT THIS WEEK. A Solid Oak Tabie,. with top 16 inches sqnare, ... 50 24 inches square, HULL k 80- THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ RCRANTON AND W1LKE3-BARR1 PA. 1T.ANUFACTCRKHS Of Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. MilHSIMIIUlUKSSifUtHCaUiffllllMUMUU lo lai !eL 5 w 134 WYOMING AVENUE. 1 THE BEST I OF PROPHETS 3 for tbe fotnre it (he put. During the mors than forty ytun of IU S exlettnce orer 65,41)0 people have parchwed end playud nd prIed I The Bmeron Piano. ' There are some piano that will ooat ou more then the Emeraon Will. If you enjoy paytou h1(h prioi juit for theefc o' payinff " tbeto, probably you will buy one of thsae. Bat no matter wba j pay you'll not t"t a better piano, nor a bitndeemer, nor one mora durable. It ia Impossible to imorore on tbe beat. REASONABLE PBICR-OA8H-lN8TAIXMEKTS-nENr. 894 Evidence good enough!" Yes, "we hear yon say, "the boys have done well." We expect to do better. Every day must brio an increase iu our business. We realize that to ac complish this we must give it our un divided attention. Oar endeavors will be to please our onstomere, to satisfy their wants with the best classes of merchandise obtainable and at prioea as low and, in many aaes, lower than any other boose in our city. Tbe re sults are even greater than onr expec tations and wo heartily thank our friends for tbelr substantial support in tbe past and hope that our method's and iHorts will merit a continuance ot the same. WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. r Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated IN THE CITY. Dr. ED. Grewer Tins Philadelphia SpTii1lFt,anl his ussociatud stall hi rnt;uMU aul U'-rmnn phy-Mcia s, aro uuw iiuiini njntly ltxittwl at Old rt Olllce linl 'lhur, C.rntr l'enrl avcniMi and Spruce Mi-net. The doctor is a graduate of ths university of P(.'iinRiva!iia,f riLerly demon'trtor of pliyHi cIol'v and snri'crv ut the Mi'dico-t hiniiaicul culk'ne of Philadelphia. Hit pptivnltiiis are ( nrouio, nervous, &Kin, uuart, womn aim blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE EERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which dixz'nvsa, lack of colilldeiii'-', sexual walcnas in lrcn and wo niitn, biill rii-lui; in the tin oat, Hpot lloatinx oeiore tne eya r saol memory, nuatiie toco centratu the mind on one nubject, easily stin t ed when auddenlv siioVeu to, and dull, distressed mind, which unntn them for per fnrmin? the xctual duties of life, makinir hap piness imposHilile. dit reHsiiiK. the acti n of ihe heart, ('HUsins tin' h of lu at, depression of spirits, evil furebiHUnfi, oowardic?, fear, dreams, melancholy, tiro easy of company, feeling s tired in the mrirning as when rctir intr. laek of energy, nervousness, troniblinff, confusion of tuouk'nt. depression, constip tion, weiikness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us iinniedintcly and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Youup; Men Cured. If yon have been given up by your physician cull upon the doctor and he exumlned. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Debility. Scrofula, Old Sores, Catarrh. Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Asilima, Dcaincss, Tumors, Can cersand Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours daily from V a. m. to Up. m. Sunday to 2. Enclose five '-cent stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." 1 will pay one thuus uid dollars in gold ti anvone whom 1 cannot euro of EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITH. DR. E. GREWER, Old Po9t Oflioe Building, corner Poan avo nne and Spruce street. ; c:-:. "rjc ys General Office, SCRANTON. PA s G E B a 3- fn If 0