The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 20, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Mild weather will not last
Neither will the PRESENT
Bargains in Blankets.
We placed our orders with
makers during a time of general
depression when orders were
scarce and prices of raw materials
at the lowest point with the re
sult tbat we have secured the
most carefully-made goods at the
lowest prices. In addition to
these we have a number of choice
blankets carried over from last
season, slightly soiled; to dispose
of them quickly have marked
them down at least 25 per cent,
below prices generally prevailing.
Hovelty Silks
For Autumn and Winter.
Beautiful color.? and handsome,
new, graceful designs. Our col
lection is larger than ever before
aud more attractive, while the
prices are considerably lower than
in any previous year.
A large line of Women's
and Children's Hosiery has
just come to U3 at prices
lower than ever before
412 Spruce St,, Scranton,
Dr. Beeves Is certainly rainin? the confl
dence of the uublic. lie is ilituliiiir honestly
with the people of Scran toil and vicinity. He
is good and considerate to the poor aud treats
everyone witu reBiwctlui consiueration. flav
in? bad lone ami varied experience in urivate
and hoapital service, he Htumls unequalled lu
hi8 nrofeHsion. He in uerformiiitf mime won
deriul cure&aud while I lis handsome ollices at
u spruce street, Hcranton.are daily crowded
with sick andsurTerinr.he always has time and
u word of cheer and comfort for everyone.
He gives advice, ser- fir PUlDpr
vices and examinations IIILL UT blMllUC
No one is turned away.
The doctor has opened a leinals department
for those who wish treatment exclusively for
ailments peculiar to female, so that those
wnom "uencacy" has li.Totorore kept away
may now receive the services of a "ladv"
whose treatment will prove her ability in
hucu canes.
He, with his assistants, treat all diseases of
the nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear,
noi' and throat. flvaneDsii. rheumatism, lost
vitality, premature weakness or decay in
Dotn sexes, loniale woakuessea ana irregu
larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tumors.
cancers, emotions, blood Doisonimr. fits, eni-
ilopsy. indiscretion and errors of youth, lost
maunoou, czema, scrorula, fet. Vitus dance,
axtbma, disnnses of the heart, lungs, liver.
aiuneys, maimer, stomacn, otc.
4 niaiiltntloii anil Examination Free.
Office hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 8 p. m. Sua
davs. 1U to 12 and 2 to 4.
Take elevutor in Christian's hat store, or
Kemember the name and number,
412 Spruce St., Scranton.
William Kestell left last Monday for
few days visit in Hew York.
Dr. Resvei, 412 Sprue street, Soran
ton, caret rheumatism, any nod all
stages. W n. m, to V p. ni. "
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Richards who
cave been visiting the latUr's parents,
returned to their home at Eist Orange,
is. J., last Tuesday.
Mrs. Thomas Carpenter and Miss
Ansel Caipenter, of Benton, are visit
ing their nnole, A. W. Brundsire.
Aj entertainmsnt will be held at the
Presbyterian ohnrch parlors aezt Fri
day evenins;, consisting of rooal and
instrumental mast. Fantomines and
tableaux under the anspiees of the
Young feoplo sooiety. Admission
10 cents.
The bennery of A W. Brnndage was
visited by turns worthless does last
Monday morning, and twenty-five of
Ills cboice chickens were killed.
The following ladies will represent
the VVonisus Christian Temperance
Union at thoir convention at Moscow
todny: Mrs. Joseph Don inert y, Mrs.
tiOoa wiiilamr, Mrs. Edward Uraig,
juts. Ambrose tirnulas;e, Mrs, J. 13.
bickler and Mrs. D. E. Stearns.
Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Grover left last
Tuesday to attend the wedding of Mrs.
(irover s sister at Berwick.
Miss Jessie Steams took part In the
entertainment held at the Methodist
Episcopal ohuroh at Moosio last Tnes
day evening.
Mrs. D. B Hand, of Scranton, visited
jurs. V. '. btearns last Saturday.
' The members of the Ladles' Aid
society of the Metbodist Episcopal
enured, are invited to the home of Mrs.
William Babsock at Carbondal next
Tuesday for' diuner.- They will meet
at the bom of Mr. Geo. Trevertoo at 9
Mrs. A. D. David, of Nonticok-, I
vltitlniT nt the houii of Mr. and Mr
A. ft Tuerp.
Be Dresses President Hangan Down to toe
Queen's Taste.
Three Times in One Day Does the
Lord High Executioner of Pittston's
Councilmanic Destiny Alternate the
Emotions of His Heart in the Matter
of Street Paving, and Captain Flan
nery Is Prepared to Prove It.
Special (o the Scranton Tribune.
pears, has again pat bis foot In
it, as the appended card, ad
dressed to The Tribune and
signed by Captain John T. Flannery,
will snow:
"In last evenine's Gazette Johnnie
Ilangan, president of the borough
onncil, is represented by the reporter
of that paper as sending in a comma
nicatloa in which be charges me with
belnar a 'base fabricator, etc. because
1 bad stated truthfully that the Lillpu
tian statesman had, on the afternoon
of Thursday, previous to the vote by
whtcn toe couneil recistered its selec
tion of the asphalt pave, informed me
tnat ne Dad no to a o clock tbat arter
noon favored brick, bat that bis views
had undergone a change about tbat be
witching hour. He then said be was,
from that time forward, in favor of
asphalt, and tbat asphalt it
ouid be. 1 remonstrated witu
him npoa bis inconsistency in
forsaking bis favorite brick pavement,
the praises of wbieh be had sounded so
often and so loudly. I tried to come
down to the level of bis limited ca
pacity for the purpose of convincing
bim now ditricult it would be for him
to satisfy his assosiates on the oonnoil
and the general publio familiar with
bis views, that the suspicions sudden
ness of bis conversion was really the
result of motives such as should
prompt the action of the "reform"
president of our borongh couneil.
"ibis interview I bad with him at 0
o'clock on Thursday afternoon. At 8
o'clock, or thereabouts, that same even
ing, this acrobatic etatesmia voted
against asphalt. Whether his vote
was thus cast as a "blind" to hoodwink
the advisory committee and the great
mass of our citizens woo favor brick,
or whether be acted under the sacred
mpulse of a new revelation it is not
for me to say. I do not pretend to
be an analyst of the moral con
vulsions of our local "Reformer."
The contortions of one in a single day
affords ns sufficient subject for an in
structive study. In the forenoon Mr.
Aiangan shouts for bis old love, brick
pavement; in the afternoon be em
braces asphalt, after tea be goes back
on his Bi nii ham ton charmer and
heartlessly votes 'no.'
This is a truthful statement of the
backsliding of oar diminutive presi
dent. Evory statement I have made
with reference to his confessions.
touching this councilmanlo scandal, I
am prepared to verity ana rortuy by
affidavit. I have never reported bim
as having bribed others nor as having
been bribed himself. What others
may have said does not concern me.' I
merely repeated as literally as I could,
the statements be bad himself made in
my presence. If this be fabrication
then I am a "fabricator," and with
this statement I am perfectly willing
to snbmit tbis question of comparative
veracity to tbat general publio who
knows the respective characters of Mr.
Man if an and myself for truth, bontsty
aud morality, confident that I shall
not suffer loss of reputation by the ez
umioationitbus invited.
"Finally itinoy net be entirely irrele
vant tolbint tbatshoaldMr. Maneon eon-
sidor bis record as a pnblic officer for
veracity in tbe matter ol traction passes,
etc., sucb as to warrant bim In court
ing newspaper discussion, buperin
tendent Graham may not be unwilling
to furnish corroborative testimony that
will throw mucn light on events of re
cent date."
On account of our schools being so
overcrowded, the direstors were obliged
to find other quarters for one grade.
Consequently tbey are having room
fitted up in tbe "rink. Miss r unnie
Stephens is to tnk charge.
Dr. Keevea, 442 spruce street, Scran
ton, cures tumors and cancer. V a. m.
to 9 n. m.
Miss Ella Stark, who has been visit-
inn Honesdule friends, returned last
C. A. Bisk, of Factory ville. called on
Niobolson friends yesterday.
Charles Winnie. ofHulberton. N.Y.,
is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Winnie.
Wyoming county has given to Nich
olson borough both candidates for rep-
sentative in the persons of H. Dallas
nanny, Kepubliean. ' and Dr. Eno 8,
Wheeler, Democrat. Indications point
to a bard contest and a genuine "still
Willie Stone returnediTuesday morn
ing to tbe Deaf and Dumb school at
John Joaes.of Wanamlo.was in town
Alfred Rnadle, of, Nioholson, was Id
town yesterday.
The Red Men postponsd their picnio
on Tuesday, owing to tbe rain. They
will hold a festiyal in Taylor ball to
morrow night
Misses Bertha Jones and Gsrtie
Snooks, representatives from Liberty
Gil mores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you.
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and al
run down, Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness,
Mothers, use it tor your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar' to. woman
hood. It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lastincr strength. Sold
bv Matthews Bros., Scran
ton. . J .. .
conncll No. 2. Dinehters of Amrlcn,
are at toe aintu ouuucll session in ju in-
Tomorrow night Emblem Division,
Sods of Temperance, will Rive a grand
entertainment in tne calvary Baptsi
chnroh. The proceeds are to be do
nated to Evan O. Evans, x
W. M. Gardner is visiting relatives
at Danville.
Tbe employes of the canal depart
ment of tbe Delaware aud Hudson
Canal company received their pay
from the hands of Paymaster II B.
Snyder, of Rondout, yesterday.
Attorney Ueneral W. U. Hansel, or
Lancaster, and Hon. Gerard C. Brown,
state senator from York county, and a
prominent Granger, have been eecured
by tbe Democrats to speak in tbe court
bouse ou the evening of Sept. 27.
A high tea was given by tbe Misses
Dcrfliuger and Mrs. F. Soydam at Mrs.
Suydam's home yesterday afternoon.
The Maple City wheelmen have de
cided to present a prize to the best ap
pearing visiting clnb in tbelr parade
on the morning of October 4. They
will also bold a ball at tbe armory ou
tbat evening for tbe entertainment of
tbe visiting wheelmen. It is hoped
that the ball will be largely attended
by the townspeople. Tbe prioe of ad
mission will be 50 cents. Music will
be furnished by Metzzar's full orohei
trs. The Honesdale Cornet band will
furnish the maaio for the parade of
wheelmen and at tbe track during tbe
A Mat), Team and Wagon Fall Into the
Paupack Rlvsr.
Special to (As Scranton Tribunt.
Hawley. Pa., Sept. 19 This morn
ing about 9 30 o'olock as Miubael Sher
idan, teamster, was crossing over tbe
Pike county wooden bridge wnieo
spans the Panpack river below the silk
mill, with a load of building stone, one
side of the bridge gave way and pre
cipitated Mr. Sheridan, team and
wagon to tbe bottom or tne river.
Sheridan became entangled in tbe
harness and when assistance reached
bim he was lying upon bis back in the
water and one of tbe horses was lying
upon bim. The rescners worked hero
ically for about ten minutes before they
could extricate bim from his perilous
When taken out of the river and ex
amined by Dr. Plum it was found tbut
Mr. Sheridan nad received several Dad
cnts noon the scalp.
bberidan died from tbe enacts or bis
injuries at 1 o'clock In the afternoou.
The hearing in tbe in juoetion case of
Morris vs. the boron gb of Pittston,
which was set down for Friday morn
ing at 10 o'clock bat been postponed
until Saturday at the eame honr. Cou
stable P. Enrley was busy all day yes
terday serving subpoenas on Burgess
Maloney, J. A Touulll, J. J. Mangan,
Borough Secretary J. E Demp-
sey and several otoers. oiuon
speculation is being indulged
in as to whether tbe court win allow
the injunction to stand. It has been
the mians of placing tbe counoil in a
position tbat they don't really know
where tbey are at. A meeting was to
have been held last night to consider
the new ordinance. Connoilmen Tigue
and Hennlgan were on hand, but the
remaining members failed to put in an
Wesley Day, a moulder employed
tbe Pittston stove works, suffered a
painful injury yesterday by having the
index finger of bis left band badly lac
erated by a rapidly revolving emery
The Hastings Republican club will
open the club rooms in the Llewellyn
block. Luzerne avenue, this evening.
All tbe Republican county candidntes
will be present and Oliver snore ad
dresses. Every voter is invited to tbis
It is expected that tbe new (Jatbolio
cemetery on Market street will Ds con
secrated within the next two weeks.
John F. Burns and Alios I. Doron,
both of Pittston, have been granted a
marriage license.
The "Trolley System, ' a new fare
comedy, at Music ball, next Saturday
D. S. Stark and family have returned
from a brief sojourn at Atlantio City.
Miss Lucy SU John has returned
home from a vacation trip to the sea
Mrs. J. C. Gregg, of Athens, is spend
ing the week in town with her son, H.
S. Gregg.
Walter U Main s cirous exhibited
here veeterday under discouraging cir
cumstances. It rained all day and not
more than 1,000 ventured out in the
storm to see the performance. The
elements, however, did not cause the
management to "out tbe programme.
Mrs. J. A. Touulll, of JNortb Main
Uaaf laft oAifaprlav fnr a viaft wirh
PLIWI. lets J vaxi " v w 'mm linu
New York friend.
Professor Cnmtnings, principal of the
Olyphant public schools, accompanied
by Professor of Musio Wutkins and
fonr directors, visited the Pittston high
school yesterday. Tbey were on a tour
of inspection for the purpose of learn
ing certsin matters tending toward the
advancement of music in the sohools of
tbat borough.
Andrew Bell has accepted a position
with B. S. Clark, of Slem avenne.
The following lire companies will be
among those who will participate lu
the firemen's parade in thia city on
September 27: Uagles and West ritts
ton, from Pittston; Nay Angs, of
Scranton; tuqnebannn, uneunta,
Olean, Montrose, Forest City, Mayfleld,
Jermvn and Arcbbald companies.
John Dsnnis is a guest at the home
of his cousin, John C. Dennis, of
Canaan street.
On Friday evening will be given a
pleasing eutertalnment in tbe Method
1st chnroh under tbe auspices of the
primary Sabbath school teachers of
tbat church. Among the interesting
features of tbo programme to be ren
dered is a reading by Mrs. Juniata Sata
bury, of Wilkes-Barre.
Samuel Rice, of Apalachian, N. Y.
is visiting at tbe residence of Mr. and
Mrs. P. J. Foster, of Canaan street.
Alfred E. Lister, of Philadelphia, a
former Carbondale resident, and a son
of Mrs. Harriet Lister, of Washington
street, was married last evening to
Miss Bertha Colvin. of JJuiton. Tbe
event occurred at the latter place.
A pleasant surprise party waa given
on Tuesday evening nt the borne of
Mr. and Mr. Hugh Powderly on High
P. A Carroll is erecting a new bouse
on his property on tbe corner or Park
street and Eighth avenue
D. J. Moyles who has been a resident
of tbis city for about on year, will
resien bis position at the Hotel A't
tbraeiteaadacoeptone at Atlantic City.
Tbe board of hospital ilireotors held
their ri'snlar monthly meeting in the
First National bank building lust even
C. H Caller ;al S iTrard All n.cra
hers of the Eigle Hise company of
Pittston, were in tbi city yesterday
making arrangements for the visit ol
their company to the firemen' tourna
ment in Carboodale next wet-Is. Tbe
gentlemen haw hired Chris Monitor's
four handsome gray horses to pull
cneir steamer to the parade, iny win
also bring their own team to pull their
hose carriage.
Everyone who admired the manly
stand of Burgesa Burke last year, when
he mused to sign au ordinance grant
ing exclusive privileges to the Carbon
dale Traction, company, will be disap
pointed to learn tbat he has signed an
other, acarcely less obnoxious, by which
the best streets in the borongb have
been donated to the Lackawanna Tran
sit company. There was not a sin
gle reason . to justify this. The
action of be council in granting to the
Lnckawanna Transit company right of
way over parallel streets not 200 yards
apart and these the only streets ex
tending from tbe northern to the south
ern boundary of tbe borough was so
transparent an effort to gratify the sel
fish ends of tbat company tbat it was
hard to believe tbe burgess would be
foolish enough to assent to it Surely
tbe borough will not be benefited by
this transaction and no one would be
unkind enough to even insinuate tbat
the burgess or the connoilmen will
be. It seems never to bave
occurred to these gentlemen that this
ordinance was opposed by an almost
uuanlmons public sentiment; tbat it
was petitioned and protested against
by all tbe interested property holders
und tbat some of the very connoilmen
who favored it were londast in de
nouncing others who. with better rea
son, more honorably attempted what
tbey bave secretly ' and shamefully
done. Whatever may bave been tbe
defects of the council of 1893 it had at
least the courage to introduce its trac
tion ordinance at a regular meeting,
and the intelligence to submit it to
the borough attorney before ap
proving of it, but the present
council Ignored thes4 essentials In
their zeal to favor the Tranait company
and then tried to bide their transaction
by holding a "special" session. It is
hardly necessary to say more. Tbe
outrageous deed is done and the coun
cil aud the burgess have loet tbe confi
dence of the people. Again it is neces
sary to say that Mr. Jones was the only
councilman who fulled to vote for this
latest measure. The foregoing remarks
mast, therefore, not be understood ns
applying to him
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street. Sran-
tou, cures all stomach troubles, dye
pepsia, constipation, etc. 9 a. m. to 9
p. m.
The funeral of tbe late Mrs. Thomas
Venison took plac9 yesterday afternoon
from tbe residence on boutu Main
street. The retnuins were taken to St,
Thomas church at 3 o'clock where aer-
vies were held by llir. T. J. Comer
ford. The pall bearers were Frank Dun
leavy, Anthony Dunleavy,Patrick Dun
leavy. Michiel MeDonuell, Michael
tiwvers and Utven U liara. ihe funeral
waa well attended.
Martin Rdy, of Hill street, was
bnrt in White Uk mine on Tuesday.
While barring down top coal a piece
fell and threw bim to the ground. Iu
falling his face cam In oontaet with a
sharp piece of coal and he was out about
tbe nose and forehead.
Micbnel Ruddy, of tbe Est Side, had
bis band badly mangled while putting
a sprag in a new car in Jones, Simpson
& Co. s mine on Tuesday. It was nec'
essnry to amputate two of bis fingers.
Miss Daila toyne, of Hill street, has
returned from a pleasant vacation
spent in Philadelphia and Atlantic
Tomorrow evening a concert will be
held under the auspices of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians and Father
Mathew society for tbe benefit of one
of their members, Patrick McDonnell,
of Mount Vernon. Mr. McDonnell was
hurt about ten months ago and has not
been able to work slues. Tbe concert,
aside from its beneficial feature, will
be well worth attendiug, ror some ol
the best talent has been engaged
Everyone who can should patrouizo
this, for the objict is most worthy.
At Chicago
Chicago 2 0001000 0-3
New York....l 000120004
Hits-Chicago. 9; New York. 8. Er
rors Chicago. 3: New York, 3. Butteries
Hutchinson and Scbnver; Mceklu aud
Watson, umpire Lynch.
At St. Louis
St. Loui 0 1800000 1-5
Boston 1 2000000 14
Bits St. Louis, 7: Boston, 6. Errors
St. Louis, 8; Boston, 2. Batteries Hawley
and Miller, Hodson and ttanzel. Umpire-
At Cincinnati First game-
Cincinnati ....1 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 4-11
Philadelphia ..0 6 3 0 2 0 0 0 1-12
Hits-Cincinnati, 12; Philadelphia, 12.
Errors Cincinnati, 1; f hiladelpbin.
Batteries Caey and Buckley, W hittrock
and ilerntt. umpire Emslle,
Second game-
Cincinnati .... 2 2000004 x 8
Philadelphia.. 0 200001003
Batteries Weybinn and Clements, Par
rot! and Murphy, u mplre Emslie.
Cleveland-Brooklyn game postponed on
account oi rain.
Would you ride on a railroad that uses
no danger signals? That couch is a signal
of danger. The safest cure is Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers
on a guarantee or satisfaction. "
Muslo Boxes Exclusively.
Pest made. Play any deidred number of
tnnea. uautschl ec bona., manufacturers,
030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orchestrial organ, only IS and S10.
Specialty: Old musio boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes. - "
When Baby mj sick, we gave her Castor?,
When sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria. .
When she became Mas, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, she gave them Castoria
This Coupon
AND $16.00
6000 FOR
i Regular $32 Turkish Chair
Until Sept, 21.
' Choice in Covering and Style of Up
bolstering. BENTON,
331 Adams Avenue.
lis prepared to recoive an-ninw boarders and
rurniBiintu for to i.ta'st ssrr1jniia..i.; t Jus
uua summer rmoi u.
To Branch aid S'turn in One
Day for $3 2S,
An autumn bm shore excursion will
b conducted Sttnrday by tbe Jersey
Central railroad to Long Branch.
Ocean Grove and Asbury park. Tbe
trip will be made in ene day. and tbe
exceedingly low rate cf $3 25 from
scranton and rates in proportion from
other stations are off .red. Tbe train
will leav her at S o'clock a. m. and
will start from the seaslioro on the re-
tarn trip soon after 5 o'clock in the
The objective point at the ssashors
are the most prominent on the Jersey
coast. Long Brusca with its array of
palatial cottages, the bluff overlooking
the ocean; Hollywood, the finest per
sonal estate in tbe state, and tbe beau
tiful drives; Oeean Grove, the exclu
sive snecca of quiet people, where camp
meeting are held eab summer, at
tracting people from all psrt of tbe
land ; Asbury Park, restricted against
nuisances of all kinds, Is a city iu
itself, and one at intense interest to all
that bave not paid it a visit. A ramble
among the larce hotels of Long Branch
and Asbury Park is worth anybody s
time, and a dip in tbe ooean can be en
joyed, for the bathing season lasts un
til late in September.
Sessions at Moioow Thli Afternoon and
The Lackawanna connty conrention
of tbe Woman's Cbriatian Temperance
union begin in the Methedist Episco
pal chureh at Moscow tbi afternoon
and continues through tomorrow.
Many delegates from Sorantoa and vi
cinity will attend. Tbis morning's
9.55 Lackawanna train stops regularly
at Moscow and arrangements hare
been made to have Ue fast train leav
ing here at 12.55 stop there both days.
Mrs. Clara Hoffra tn, tbe noted tem
perance orator, will address tonight's
session. Several olergymen will be in
attendance and some of them will
make addresses. Notable among these
will be Rev. Mr. Hoa-an, of Forest
City, who has attained a looal reputa
tion as a prohibition orator.
Mrs. Swartz and Mrs. Vail have
been elected delegates and Mrs. Reyn
olds and Mrs, Hand alternates, from
jlfl8S Grace Wilson
Like a New Woman
1 am feellug since I took Mood's Sarsaparllla. 1
was suffering from ladigmiim, Catarrh
was sunering irom
'g Sarsa-
and Sick Headache T f -lC
and did not have any I UlTw
appetite. 1 am glad to
say Hood's Sarsaparllla rrrrrw
has cured me of catarrh and all my other
troubles. Gracb Wilsox, Halnesvllle, N. J.
Hood's Pills enre all Uver Ills, constipa
tion, biliousness, sick headache, Indigestion.
230 Lacka. Ave.
It Is for Men Only,
but Their Wives
May Buy.
White or Natural Wool Underwear
regular 65o. quality 36c.
(See oar window display.)
Red Underwear, medioated. ribbed
bottoms, $1 quality 85c.
All wool Camel' Hair Shirt or '
Drawers, fl quality ..80o,
25:. quality, silk embroidered !2o.
SOc. quality, strong web 1 80.
50c. quality, silk web 28o.
22c quality 1 50,
50c. quality 38o,
1 00 Stiff or Soft Hate.. 950.
2 Stiff or Soft Hats $1.25
All goods left from the Fire
Sale, which, are damaged by water
only, at your own price.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
- ' Next door to the burned building,
7e continue the sale of two
pairs Boys' Knee I'uula fo: 25 J.'
400-402 Lackawanna Ave. .
THESE' goods will be sold far below their
v value, and it will pay you to secure what
you need for the winter during this sale. BY
them stored FREE OF CHARGE until wanted.
1 case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price 89o.; now only
lease 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price $1.50; now only ...
1 case 11-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price, $2.25; now only .....
1 case 10-4 White Wool Blankets, winter prica
$3.75; now only ,
1 case 11-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price
$5; now only ...
1 case 10-4 California Blankets, winter price
$7.50; now only
1 case 11-4 California Blankets, winter price
$8.50; now only - ...
2 bales Comforts, special, worth $3 and $3.25;
now only - .
406 and 408 Lacka Avenue.
Our Fall Gift Announcement
The many inquiries that have been made regarding
our FREE GIFT distribution has compelled us to an
nounce that UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE we will give
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