The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 20, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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' '. V .
It was a boautif ol day, 'which was so
much iu favor of Mia. Frank Armour
in relation to her husband's people
General Armour and his wife hod come
down from London by the latest train
possible that their suspense at Liver
pool might be short. They said little
to each other, but when they did speak
it was of things very different from the
skeleton which they expected to- put
into the family cupboard presently.
Each was trying to spare the other. It
was very touching. They naturally
looked upon tho matter in ita most un
promising light because an Indian was
an Indian, and this unknown savage
from Fort Charles was in violent con
trast to such desirable persons as Lady
Agnes Martling. Not that the Armours
wore zealous for mere money and title,
bat the thing itself was altogether apro
pos, as Mrs. Armour had more naive
ly than corrootry put it. ' Tho general,
whose knowledge of 'character and the
circumstances of life was considerable,
had worked out the thing with much
accuracy. lie had declared to Richard
in their quiot talk upon the subject that
Frank must havo been anything but so
ber when he did, it. He had previously
called it a policy -of retaliation, so that
now he was very near the truth. When
they arrived at the dock at Liverpool,
the Aphrodite was just making into the
"Egad," said General Armour to
himself, "Sevastopol was easier than
this, for fighting I know and being pep
pered I know by Jews, Greeks, infidels
and heretics, but to take a savage to my
arms and do for her what her godfathers
and godmothors never did is worse than
the devil's dance at Delhi. "
What Mrs. Armour, who was not
quite so definite as her husband, thought
it Would be hard to tell, but probably
grief for and indignation at her son
were uppermost in her mind. She had
l"ou are my ion's wifct" hesa Id.
quito determined upon her course. Nono
could carry better that high neutral look
of social superiority than she.
Please heaven, she said to herself, no
cite should see that her equanimity was
Bhnten. They had brought one servant
with them, who had been gTavely and
yet conventionally informed that his
young master's wife, an Indian chief -tainoss,
was expected. There are few fam
ily troubles but find thoir way to serv
ants' hall with an uncomfortable speed,
for, whether or not stone walls have
ears, certainly menservants and maid
servants have eyes that serve for ears
and ears that do more than their bound
en duty. Boulter, the footman, knew
his business. When informed of the
coming of Mrs. Francis Armour, the
Indian chieftainess, his face was abso
lutely expressionless. His " Yessir" was
as mechanical as usuaL On the dock he
was marble indifferent. When the pas
sengers began to land, he showed no ex
citement He was decorously alert
When tho crucial moment came, he.was
imperturbable. Boulter was an excel
lent servant So said Edward Lambert
to himself after the event; so likewise
eaid Mrs. Townley to herself When tho
thing was over; so declared General
Armour many a time after and once
very emphatically just before ho raised
Boulter's wages. '
As the boat neared Liverpool Lambert
and Mrs. Townley had grown very nerv
ous. The truth regarding the Indian
wife had become known among the pas
sengers, and most were very curious
some in well bred fashion, somo in
trusively, vulgarly. .. Mackenzie, Lali's
companion, like Boulter, was expres
sionless in faoe. She had her duty to do,
paid for liberally, and she would do it
Lali might have had a more presentable
and dignified attendant but not one
more worthy. It was noticeable that the
captain of the ship and all the officers
had been markedly courteous to Mrs.
Armour throughout the voyage, but, to
their credit not ostentatiously so.
When the vessel was brought to anchor
and the passengers were being put upon
the tender, the captain came and made
his respectful adieus, as though Lali
were a lady of title in her own right
ana not an Indian girl married to a
man acting under the influence of bran
dy and malice. General Armour and
Mrs. Armour were always grateful to
Edward Lambert and Mrs. Townley for
the part they played in this desperate
little comedy. They stood still and
watchful as the passengers came ashore
one by one. They saw they were the
center of unusual interest but General
Armour was' usod to1 bearing, himself
with a grim kind of indifference in pub
lie and his wife was calm, and so some
what disappointed - those who probably
expected the old officer and his wife to
be distressed. Frank Armour's solicitor
was also there; but with good taste, he
held aloof. The two needed all their
courage, however, when they saw a fig'
ore in buckskin and blanket step upon
the deck, attended by a very ordinary.
austere and shabbily dressed Scotswom
an. But immediately behind them were
Edward Lambert aiid. Mrs. Townley,
and these, with their: simple tact not
nrulnesS and freedom from, any sort of
embarrassment acted as lolls and re
oved tho situation.' v -
General Armour advanced, hat in
hand. "Yon are my son's wife?" he
said courteonsly to this being in a blan
ket She looked up and shook her head
slightly, for she did, not quite under
stand, but she recognized his likeness to
her husband, and presently she smiled
up musingly. Mackenzie repeated to
her what General Armour had said. She
nodded now, a flash of pleasure light'
ing np her face, and. she slid out her
beautiful hand to him. The general took
it and pressed it mechanically, his lips
twitching slightly. He pressed it far
harder than he meant, for his feelings
were at tension. She winced slightly
and involuntarily thrust out her other ,
hand, as if to relieve his pressure. As
she did 60 tho blanket fell away from
her hoad and shoulders. Lambert, with
excellent intuition, caught it and threw
it across his arm. Then, quickly and
without embarrassment, ho and Mrs.
Townlcy greeted General Armour, who
returned the greetings gravely, but in a
singular conildontial tone, which showed
his gratitude. Then he raised his hat
a gum to Lali and said, "Come and let
me introduce you-r-to your husband's
The falling back of that blanket had
Eaved tho situation, for when the girl
stood without it in her buckskin gar
ments there was a dignity in her bearing
which carried off the bizarre event
There was timidity in her faoe, and yet
a kind of pride, too, though she was only
a savage. The case, even at this critical
moment, did not seem quite hopeless.
When they came to Mrs. Armour, Lali
shrank awny timidly from the look in
the mother'iKiyes, and shivering slightly
looked round for her blanket But Lam
bert had deftly passed it on to the foot
man. Presently Mrs. Armour took both
the girl's hands in hers perhaps she
did it because the eyes of thopublio
were on' her, but that is neither hero
nor there, she did it and kissed her on
the cheek. Then they moved away to A
closed carriage.
And that was the second act in Frank
Armour's comedy of errors.
The journey from Liverpool to Grey
hope was passed in comparative silence.
Tho Armours had a compartment to
theiaselves, and they made the Indian
girl as comfortable as possible, without
self consciousness, without any artificial
politeness. So far what they had done
was a matter of duty, not of will, but
they had done their duty naturally all
their lives, and it was natural to them
now. They had no personal feelings to
ward tno girl one way or another as
yet It was trying to them that peoplo
stared into tho compartment at different
stations. It presently dawned upon Gen
eral Armour that it might also do try'
ing to thoir charge Neither he nor his
wife had taken into account the possi
bility of tho girl having feelings to be
hurt. But he had noticed Lali shrink
visibly and flush slightly when some
one stared harder than usual, and this
troubled him. It opened up a possibility.
He began indefinitely to see that they
were not tho only factors in the equa
tion.- He was probably a little vexed
that ho had not seen it before, for ho
wished to bo a just man. He was wont
to quote with more or less austerity
chiefly the result of his professional life
this, "For justice all, place a tomple
and all seasons summer, " And, man of
War as 'ho was, he had another saying
which was much in his mouth, and he
lived up to it with considerable sincer
iry, "Still in thy right hand carry gen
tie poace to silence envious tongues."
He whispered to his wife. It would
have been .hard to toll from her look
what she thought of tho matter, but
presently she changed seats with her
husband that he might, by holding his
newspaper at a certain angle, shield the
girl from intrusive gazers.
At every station the same scene was
enacted. And inquisitive people must
have been surprised to see how monotO'
nously ordinary was the manner of the
three white people in the compartment
Suddenly at a station near London Gen
eral Armour gave a start and used a
strong expression under his breath.
Glancing at tho "marriage" column,
he saw a notice to the effect that on a
certain day of a certain mouth Francis
Gilbert, the son of Geuerul Josoph Ar
mour, C. B., of Grey hope, Hertford
shire and Cavendish square, was mar'
ried to Lali, tho daughter of Eye-of-the
Moon, chief of the Bloods, at her fa.
ther's lodge in tho Saskatchewan valley.
This had been inserted by Frank Ar
mour's solicitor, according to his in
structions, on the day that tho Aphrodite
was due at Liverpool. General Armour
did not at first intend to show this to
his wife, but on second thought ho did,
because he knew she would eventuully
come to know of it, and also because she
saw that something had moved him.
She silently reached out her hand for
the paper. Ho handed it to her, point
lug to the notice.
Mrs. Armour was unhappy, but her
self possession was admirable, and she
said nothing. She turned her face to the
window and sat for a long time looking
out She did not turn to the others, for
her eyes were full of tears, and she did
not dare to wipe them away, nor yet to
let them- bo seen. She let them dry
thera She was thinking of her son, her
favorite son, for whom she had been so
ambitious, and for whomi so far as she
could and retain her self respect, she
had delicately intrigued that ho might
hapnilv and befittiugly marry. She
knew that in tho matter of his engage'
meut sho had not done what was best
for him, but how could Bhe have guessed
that this would be the result? She also
Was sure that when the first flush of his
anger and disappointment had passed,
and he. came to view this thkig with
cooler mind, ho would repent deeply
for a whole lifetime She was convinced
that he hod not married this savage for
anything which could make marriage
endurable. Under the weight of the
ttbxuwfct jibs km likabt jtAjb""
the young alien wife "might have lost
terribly in the event also.
The arrival at Euston and the depar
ture from St Pancras were rather paiit
ful all round, for, though there was no
waiting at either place, the appearance
of an Indian girl in native costume was
unoommon enough, even in cosmopoli
tan London, to draw muoh attention.
Bosidos the placards of the evening pa
pers were blazoned with such announce
ments as this, "A red Indian girl mar
ried into an English county family."
Somo one had telegraphed particulars
distorted particulars over from Liv
erpool, and all the evening sheets hod
their portion of extravagance and sen
sation. General Armour became a little
more erect and austere as he caught
sight of these placards, and Mrs. Ar
mour groaned inwardly, bnt their faces
were inscrutable, and they quietly con
ducted their charge, minus her blankot,
to tho train whioh was to take them to
St Albans and were soon wheeling
At Euston thoy parted with Lambert
and Mrs. Townley, who quite simply
and conventionally bade goodby to them
and their Indian daughter-in-law. Lali
had grown to like Mrs. Townley, and
when they parted Bhe spoke a few words
quickly in her own tongue and then im
mediately was confused, because she re
membered that she could not bo under-
It was trying to them that people stared
into me compartment.
stood. But presently sho said in halting
English that the face of her white
friend was good, and she hoped that she
would come one time and sit beside her
in her wigwam, for she would be sad
till her husband traveled to her.
Mrs. Townley made some polite reply
in simplo English, pressed the girl's
hand sympathetically and hurried away.
Before she parted from Mr. Lambert,
however, she said, with a pretty touch
of cynicism: "I think I see Marion Ar
mour listening to her sister-in-law is
sue invitations to ner wigwam, l am
afraid I should be rather depressed my
self if I had to be sisterly to a wigwam
"But I say, Mrs. Townley," rejoined
Lambert seriously as ho loitered at the
steps of her carriage, "I shouldn't be
surprised if my Lady Wigwam a rather
apt and striking title, by the way
turned out better than we think. She
carried herself rippingly without the
blanket and I never saw a more beauti
ful hand in my life but one," he add
ed as his fingers at that moment closed
on hers and held them tightly in spite
of tho indignant little effort at with
drawal. "She may yet be able to give
them all points in dignity and that kind
of thing and pay Master Frank back in
nis own coin. I do not see, after all,
that he is the martyr."
Lambert's voico got softer, for he
still held Mrs. Townlcy's fingers, the
footman not having the matter in his
eye, and then he spoke still more seri
ously on sentimental affairs of his own,
in which he evidently hoped she would
take some interest Indeed it is hard. to
toll how for the cose might have been
pushed if she had not suddenly looked a
little forbidding and imperious, for
even people of no notable height, with
soft features, dark brown eyes and a do
lightfnl little laugh, may appear rather
regal at times. Lambert did not quite
understand why she should take this at
titude. If he had been as keen regarding
his own affairs of the affections as in
the case of Frank Armour and his In
dian bride, he bad known that every
woman has in her mind the occasion
when she should and when sho should
not bo wooed, and nothing disappoints
her more than a declaration at a time
which is not her time! If it does not
fall out as she wishes it retrospect, a
dear thing to a woman, is spoiled. Many
a man has been set to the right about
because he has ventured in a proposal at
the wrong time. What would have oc
enrred to Lambert it is hard to tell, but
he saw that something was wrong and
stoppod in time.
When General Armour and his party
reached Groyhope, it was late in the
evening. The girl seemed tired and con'
fused by the events of tho day and did
as she was directed indifferently, limp
1'. But wh&n they entered the gates of
Groyhope and traveled up the long ave
nuo of limes sho looked round her some
what eagerly und drew a long sigh,
maybe of relief or pleasure. She pres
ently stretched out a hand almost caress
ingly to tho thick trees and the grass
and said aloud, "Oh, the beautiful trees
and the longgrass!" Therowas a whir
of birds' wings among the branches,
nnd then . presently thero roue from a
distance tho sweet gurgling whistlo of
the nightingale. A smile as of remi
niscence crossed her face. Then sho said,
as if to herself: "It is the same. I shall
not die. I hear the birds' wings, and
ono is singing. It is pleasant to sleep in
the long grass when the nights are sum
mer and to hang your cradle iu the
She had osiked for her own blanket
to health and strength, if you're a nervous,
delicate woman. The medicine to curs you,
the tonic to build you up, is Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription. You can depend upon
it The makers say it will help you, or cost
you nothing. They guarantee it. - .
Ai a sot 0 and certain remedy for woman's
ailments, nothing can compare with the
" Prescription." It's an invigorating, re
storative tonic, and a toothing, strengthen
ing nervine, perfectly harmless in any con
dition of the female system.
It's a marvelous remedy for nervous and
general debility, St. VltuVs Dance, Fainting
Spells, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, and all the
nervous disorders due to functional derange
ments It has often, by restoring the wo
manly functions, cured cases of Insanity.
refusing a rug, when they left St Al-1
bans, and it had been given to her. She
drew it about her now with a feeling of
comfort and seemed to lose the horrible
sense of strangeness which had almost
convulsed her when she was put into
the carriage at the railway station. Hor
reserve had hidden much of what she
really felt but tho drive through the
limes had shown General .Armour and
his wife that they had to do with a na
ture having capacities for sensitive feel
ing, which, it is sometimes thought is
only the prerogative of certain well bred
But it was impossible that they should
yot, or for many a day, feel any sense
of kinship with this aboriginal girl.
Presently the carriage drew up to the
doorway, which was instantly open to
them. A broad belt of light streamed
out upon the stone steps. Far back in
the hall stood Marion, one hand upon
tho balustrade of the staircase, the oth
er tightly held at her side, as if to nerve
herself for the meeting. The eyes of the
Indian, girl pierced the light and, as if
by a strange instinct, found those of
Marion even before she left the carriage.
Lah felt vaguely that here was her pos
sible enemy. As she stepped out of the
carriage, General Armour s hand under
her elbow to assist her, sho drew her
blanket somewhat more closely about
her and so proceeded up the steps. The
composure of the servants was in the
circumstances remarkable. It needed to
have been, for the courage displayed by
Lali's two new guardians during the
day almost faltered at the threshold of
their own homo. Any sign of surprise
or amusement on the part of the domes
tics would have given them some pain
ful moments subsequently. But all was
perfectly decorous. Marion still stood
motionless, almost dazed. The group
advanced into the hall and thero paused,
as if waiting for her.
At that moment Richard came out of
the study at her right hand, took her
arm and said quietly: "Come along,
Marion; Let us bo as brave as our father
and mother."
Sho gave a hard little gasp and seem
ed to awake as from a dream She
quickly glided forward ahead of him,
kissed her mother and father almost ab
ruptly, then turned to the young wife
with a scrutinizing eye. "Marion, " said
hor father, "this is your sister." Ma
rion stood hesitating, confused.
"Marion, dear," repeated her mother
ceremoniously, "this is your brother's
wife. Lali, this is your husband's sis
ter, Marion."
Mackenzie translated the words swift
ly to tho girl, and her eyes flashed wide.
Then in a low voice sho said in Eng
lish, "Yes, Marion, how?"
It is probable that neither Marion nor
any one present knew quite the meaning
of "how," save Richard, and he could
not suppress a smile it sounded so ab
surd and aboriginal. But at this exclama
tion Marion once more came to herself.
She could not possibly go so far as hef
mother did at the dock and kiss this
savage, but with a rather sudden grasp
of the hand she said a little hysterical
ly, for her brain was going round like
awheel, "Wo-won't you let mo take
your blanket?" and forthwith laid hold
of it with tremulous politeness. ,
The question sounded for the Instant
so ludicrous to Richard that, in spite of
tho distressing situation, he had to
choke back a laugh. Years afterward if
he wished for any momentary revonge
upon Marion and he had a keen sense
of wordy retaliation ho simply said,
"Wo-won t you let me take your
Of course the Indian girl did not un
derstand, but she submitted to tho re
nioval of this unoommon mantlo and
stood forth a less trying sight to Ma
rion's eyes, for, as we said before, her
buckskin costume sot off softly the good
oultines of her form.
Tho Indian girl's eyes wandorcd from
Marion to Richard. They wanderod
from anxiety, donbt and a bitter kind of
reserve to cordiality, sympathy and
grave kind of humor. Instantly the girl
knew that sho had in eccentric Richard
Armour a frank friend. Unlike as ho
was to his brother, there was still in
their eyos tho same friendliness and
humanity that is, it was the same look
that Frank carried when he first came
to her father's lodge.
Richard hold out his hand with a cor
dial little laugh and said: "Ah, ah
veiy glad, very gladl Just in time for
supper. Come along. How is Frank, eh?
How is Frank? Just so, just bo. Pleasant
'Marlon," said her latlier, "this is your
journey, I suppose?" He shook her
hand warmly three or four times, and
as he held it placed his left hand over
it and patted it patrinrchally, as was
his custom with all the childron and
all the old ladies that ho knew.
"Kiohard, " said his mother in
studiously neutral voice, "you might
see about the wine. "
, Then JKichard appeared to recover
himself and did as he was requested,
but not until his brother's wifo had sold
to him in English as they courteously
drew her toward the staircase, "Oh, my
brother Richard, howl"
But the first strain and suspense were
now over for the family, and it is prob
able that never had they felt such relief
as when they sat down behind olosed
doors in their own rooms for a respite,
while the Indian girl was closeted alone
with Mackenzie aud a trusted moid in
what she called her Wigwam. '
to be continued.
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ly-'On account of counterfeits wa Iiava
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ine. Sold In Bcranton by Matthews tiros.
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This bank offers to rienasltnra even
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Special attention given to business ao
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WILLIAM U. l'KCK, Caaliiea,
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Alfred Hand. James Arehbald. Heart
lielin, Jr., William X HvoHb, Luther
National Ml of Soianton.
IAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000,
W. W. WATSON, Vice PresidenH
A. a Cashier.
fUmm. Hnrm, j akm M' Gvhrrart,
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JoacpH J. JuKWTtr, M. S, Kjestekih,
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This bank invite the patronaa of business
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Vaaufacturen of the Celebrated
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anltt the IU. ItlU and ttenr.
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wiu reinna we nwwr
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wiu v. , "I
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II HI you.
lu.iuiiMrl i af
P r ia I I I l "-' --Raises
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DR. 0. EDGAR DEAN has removed to 816
Spruce street, Bcranton, Pa, (Just op
posite court-housotjauarej
DR. A. J. COKNliLL, Office 'ill Washington
avenue, corner Spruce street, over
Prancke s drug store, hesidenoe, Ti Vine st.
Ollice hours: 10.00 to 12 a. m, and to aud
i to p. m. Sunday 2 to 8 p. m.
1 K. W. K. ALLEN, Office cor. Lack.
Ay wanna and Waehinartou aves. ; over Leon
ard shoe store; office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and
lito 4 p. m.i evenings at residence, 611 N.
Washington ve.
1UCU KltiSY, Practice limited to bl
J esses of tho Eve. Ear. Nosa and Throat:
office, la Wyoiniuu ave. Uosidence, HU Vine
1U. L.M. GATES. 125 Wnshlnrton Avenna.
U Office hours, 8 to U a.m.. IM to 8 and
to 8 p.m. Koyldonco 'M Madison avenue
OHN L. WENTJ5, M. U., Office W aud &
Comtnonwenlth hiiilrlintr! rpjiidanca 711
Madison ave: olBce hours, id to 13, 2 to 4, T to
6; Sundays 2.30 to 4. evenings at rexidonoe. A
specialty made of il lewises of the eye, ear, nose
and throat and gynecology.
.KAY, a) PenuAvo. ; 1 to a p.m ; call 2(Wci.
llin.of women, olistetrics and dis. of chil.
M. C KANCK'H Law and Collection of-
eA x: 017 LI : . L"
House. Bcranton, l a.; collections a specialty
throughout 1'onnHvlvuuia; reliable corresnonu-
elite In every connty.
JhbttUt'B 11AAL), Attorneys and Counsel
lors at Law. Commonwealth building
Washington ave. W. H. Jttwrp,
Hoiiaci E. Haho.
W. H. Jbshup, Jh.
neys and Counselors at Law. ReDublican
building. Washington avo.. .Scranton, Pa.
JATTUKHON & WILCOX, Attorneys aud
Counsellors at Law: otllcueo aud a Librarr
building, bcrauton, Pa.
William A. Wilcox.
torneys and Counsellors. Commonwealth
building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21.
F. BOYLE, Attorui'y at.Law,Nos.l9 and
. :u, linrr building, Washington avenue.
IENKY M. KEELY - Law olUrea in Prico
L building, IM Washington avenuo.
TRANK T. OKfcLL, Attorney at Law. Room
X 6. Coal hxchangn. Scranton, T
MILTON W. I.OWRY, I Att'ys, 227 Washing
C, H. VON STORCH, f ton av., U H. square.
AWES W. OAKI'OHD, Attorney at L wT
rooms Kl, U and (16, Commonwealth b'l g,
OAMUEL W. EDUAR, Attorney at Law.
O Office, 317 Spruce st., Kcrnnton. Pa.
A. WATRES, Attorney at Law.
J. Lackawanna sue.. Hcranton, Pa.
J P. SMITH. Connsollor at Law. Office,
rooms M, uo, 6d Commonwealth buildiug.
Civ riuntii, Attorney at law, mut
monwealth bnilaing. Hcianton, l's.
C. COIIKUYS, El Spruce st.
B. BEPLOOLE. Attornev-Lonns nogo-
. tiatea on real estate security. 4w spruce.
F. K1LLAM, AtUrnev-at-Law, 130 Wy
oming avonuo, wrri.nton.
O ton. Pa., pronaren boys and girls for college
or Dusinoea: toorougniy trains voung children,
Catalogue at request Opens September 10.
Waltkh H. Buei.l.
1H and Kchool, 4U Adams avenue. Pupili
roceivea at an times, r. oil term wiu ouen
heptemher 10.
I C. LAUBACH, buitfeoa Dentist, No, 115
i Wyoming ave.
R. M. HTRATTON, office Cm Exnhnntre.
muw ufPrTtir fn Q..tnna .i t .. a -
1... vi.u.v u..,.u,a niiu aw
ciatiou will loan yon raouoy on easier terms
buu pr.y yuu uuiiur ou luvustuieni man any
PER. Dime Bank nnildine1
it rr.ATlir rn kw..... in ..u...
and Nurserymen; store 140 Washington
avenue: green houo,1350 North Main avenue;
Finn. Tnn?iniriP inj.
108. KUETTEL, 6i5 Lackawanna avonue,
' Bcranton, ra., manm r or wire Screens.
PHE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin ave-
jl nue. nates roaBouablo.
P. Ziegler, Proprietor.
W. O. 8CHENCK. Manairm.
Sixteenth stroet, one block east of Broadway
ai liiiuu nouaru, new lora.
American plan, .ito porjilay andjipward.
BCQgur ueuu. vononcica on tne snranttn
pien. iiitih Knew, proprietor.
AVIS A HOUPT. Architects. Rooms 2L
25 and 2(1 Commonwealth b'ld'g. Scranton.
, L. WALTER, Architect. Office, rear of
j, oun n asiun'Jiton avenue.
? L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Prico
. umiQing.iai aslilngton Ave., Scranton.
balls, picnics, parties. rocoDt ons. wod-
diners and concert work furnished. For term.
addrehs It J. Ilauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming
ave., over iiuiooi i s mimic score.
lumber, Trice liulldmg, Scranton, Pa.
1L nunDlies. enviMopes. rjaDor lines, twlno.
Warehouse, lo0 Wusliington ave.. bcranton.
st UoJ Capons? avenue.
D. L. FOOTE, Agent
1 sale dealers in Woodwaro. Cordage and
ou cloth, i w w. Lackawauna avenue.
Scranton Bass Ball Park
There was never a shoot of this kind
I a k wanna county, n hy not turn out brni:
vour frieuds even If you do not shoot. Te
vonr friends ahouc It. The winner of a medul
becorasa tho r.bsoluto owner. The following
are the prizes:
First prize, pros nta 1 by Green Ridge Gun
club. 7h gold inediil.
Second Prise, presented by Green Ridge
uun dun, MJ hammei u ss gun.
Third prize, iresentod by Lumber dealers
ol scranton, 1-Ui gum stop wateu.
Fourth prize, presented by UeorgeW- Schla.
ffcr.bftndeome gun disc.
Kl th prize, prcsont.-d by E, R. Parker, split
Dam noo nfciung rou.
Sixth prize, presonted by A. W. Jnriah,
Remington rille.
Seventh prize, presented by Goorge W. Fol'
ton. hunting coat,
F.lghth priz'i, presented by Alex Dunn, Jr,
snortman s iimbrcll-i
The rules are 21 yards rise, use of ono bar
rel only and only Hi ounce Bitot allowed. The
boundary will be the fence which encloses the
grounds. Ench shooter will shoot at & II v
pigeons. All ties to bo shot off at Ave birds
each. An admission cl 2r cents will be cliarg
ed, grand stand freo. The public is cordialy
There is at tho nresent time 20 entries an
they are the ernck wing shots of northeast,
ern Pennsylvania. We exuect to have at
leakt 4') entries which will take over 1,000
pigeons to decide tho contest. We have re
ceived a number of entries from Wilkes-Barre
and Luzrue county. There will be no selling
out In this tnstch, evory shp.iter will shoot tho
sboot of his lite.
There has been nothing in years that has at
tracted such attention as our coining shoot.
Take Provld-nce or Peckville car from
Scranton to ball park. ,
All eutrlea will close Sept. 23.
Address all letters to
Antl.rarlti rnal nsAfl eYAhiatwnlw nn.fn
deaulinoss and comfort
Trains leave Bcranton for Pitttnn wnbaa-
Barre, eta, at i.H 8.15, 11.30 a. m.,12.M, 100,
.., o.u, )., ii. uo p, m. Dunuays, vaju a. in
,00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m.
ror Atlantic mty, e.zu a. ra.
For New York. Newark anot Fllrjihoth 91
(express) a. m., 12.50 (ezpross with Buffet
parlor car), 8.30 (express) p. m. Sunday, 8.1 J
Pnn IVfATTPR Pnitvir Attwhwiww
- ' L ...11-1... ..T!,, ULlnllV
nv.M, Eahtoh and Philadelphia, 8.3) a. m
12.50, S.30, 5.00 (exoept Philadelphia) p. m,
Sunday, 2.16 n. m.
'. 0 a. m., Vim p. m. -.
For Readme Lebanon anil TTarrlabnrr l
AUentown. b.20 a. m V2.UI fi 00.
2.15 p.m. "
ror 1'ottsvnie, s.aja. m iz.BOp. m.
Returning, leave New York, foot of Libert
street, North river, at It 10 (express) a, to,
LIU, L30, 4.a (express with Bullet parlor oar)
m. Minday, ..! a. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, (.09
m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Hunday, 11.27 a. m.
Throuuh tickets to all Dointa at lowMt ratal
may be had on application In advanoe to thl
ticket agent at the station.
11. r. BALDWIN,
tieo. Pass. Ak-ent.
tieu. Supt
Train Iaavm RfMnbin fn TlMTa,?! ...
New York via. D. H Ik. i;u.m itn&
2.88 aad 11.3s p. m. via D., LAW. B. B- tt.oi
Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkse.
Barro via D.. L. & W. B. R., 6.00, b.08, 1UB)
a. ra , 1.80, S.M. S.07. 8.Wj. ra.
Leave scranton for Whito Haven, Hazleton,
PottHVllla and all nnlnt m , ha Rmvim.
Jleadow and PottavilU branches, via E. A W.
Va (140 a.m., via D. S H.R.B. at7.45a.rn.. 1104,
$.38. 4.00 p.m., via D., L. A W. B. K, 6.00, 8.09,
11.20 a.m., 1.30, 3.50 p.m.
LAuve ocranton lor uetnienem, ranm.
Road ing, Uarrlaburs and all Intermedia be
aointa via D.& H.R.R. 7.45 a-m. 12.06, J.38, 11. US
au tb,o.uu,.ub, una dl,
Leave Bcranton for Tnnkhannnck. Tnwamla.
Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all intermediate
points via D. H. R.R.,8.46 anwlZOeaad 11.31
p. m.,via D.U4W, B. R., 8JB .m.,l.p. m.
Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni
agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all point
west via D. & H. B. It, a. 44 a.m.4a.06,v.lA.U.M
m., via u. u a w. H, n and Pittstoa
unction. afrS am ljm a&iin.m l l A w.
B. It., 8.41 p. m.
For Elmlra and the west via Salamaaaa, via
D. A U. B. B. e.45 a.m., 120M.05 p. m . via D.
LW. EH., ,&08 a.m., L and 6.OT p. m.
rnuman parlor ana sleeping or L. v. cnair
ears on all trains between U A B. Junction or
Wilkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia,
Buffalo and Sespension Bridge.
HOLL1N H. WILBUR, Qen. Supfc
CHAR. H. LUE. Gen. Pim. Aa"t. Phil.. Pa.
A. W.NONNEMACitER.Aaa't Ceen-Pass. Ag t,
coum Detiuenem, ra.
Commencing Hondav.Jul
30, all trains will arrive and
depart from the new Laok
awanna avenue station as
Trains will leave Scran
ton station for Oarbondala
and Intermediate points at
2.20. 5.15. TOO. 8.25 and 10.10
am., 12.00, 2,20, 8.65, 6.16, 6.15, 10
1L 20 p.m.
ror rarview, waymart aaa uonesaaie at
00. 8.26 and 10.10 am., 12.00,120 and 6.16 p. m.
Fcr AJhanr. Saratooa. the Adirondaokaaixl
Montreal at 6.4J am. and 2,20 p-m.
For Wilkoa-Barre and Intermediate point
at 7.46, 8.45, 9.38 and 1045 a m, 1105, L20L 188,
4.1, 6.10, 8.05. IU5 and 11.38 p.m.
trains wiu arrive at Derunion Dxanon irora
Carbonilole and intermediate nnlnts at ? 40.
1.40, t .84 Hnd 10.40 a.m., 1210, U7, 134, 3,40.
4.U4, IB, 7.4), v 11 and 11.33 p.m.
From Bonesdale. Waymart and Farview at
34 a.m... 12.00, 117, 3.40. 5.55 and T.46 pm.
From Montreal, baratoza. Albaar. etc. at
4. Maud lL83p.m.
From vnkes-Barrs and Intermediate paint
at 2.15, 8.01, 1(106 and 11 55 am., 1 18, 8,14,
un ittM ?-n QiLi.niiii ia
V.W, WW ", ..V. BUU . u . u y, Ul
Trftirin lenvn Scranton as follows: ExorflMl
for New York and alt points East. L40, 160.
6.15, 8.00 and 9.5o a. m. ; 12 66 and 8.50-p. m.
Express for Eos ton, Trenton, Philadelphia)
and the South, 6.15, 8.00 aad .6i a. m,; U.6I p. m.
w asnington ana way suiriona, 0,00 p. m,
Tobyhanna aocommodatioo, ft. Mi p. m.
ExDr. sa for Binghamton. Oswego, Elmlra.
Corning, Bnth, DansvUle, Motmt Morris and
Buffalo, 12.10, 2 15 a. ra. and 14 p. m., making
close connections at Buffalo to ail point la th
West, Northwest and bootaweat.
Bath accommodation, a, m.
Binghamton and way station, 12.37 p. nv
NicuolttXi accommodaUon, al t p. to. B4
6,10 p. m.
Binghamton ana Kimir Kxprass, ouo p, ra,
RmrMfl for (Portland. Svracnsa. OsWOgCa
Ctioa and Richfield Bprirajra, 2.15 a. n. and Laf
P. m.
Knr N orthnmberUnd-Pittston. Wilkes-Barr.
Plymouth, Blooms burg and DainvOle, making
close connections at Northumberland for
WilUanuport, Harnsbnrg, Baltimore, WaaOi
ington and the South.
nrtiiuinhrland and mtermedlaU stations.
), 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m.
Nanticoae ana intormeauwa iwxio-m, o.u
and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Intermedial
stations, 8JW and 452 p. m. .
Pullman parlor and sloepta. coaches 00 all
"rdetailed'informaUon, pwkettunstobl,
ta. apply to 11. U Smith, Woket offic
m LaokawannaavoBtta, or depot tkikato-ttu.
"0AD VW In,
Trains leave ocranwu
termediatepolntoontheEri. ffj
. m .n(i 5,24 p. m. Also foi Honeaoai.
Hnwle? and local polnU at 48. 9.46 -au-ni
"the abov. are throtajh tralas to 4
Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.ra. and arrive at Soraa.
tok from the Lake at ft am.
Trains leave for wilkwBarra at W
Ml 8.41 p. m.
In Effect Jaae 84th, 1894,
North Bound.
805 8031.01
stauons U
(Trains Dally, tt-n
,-MnT. M lulu, 1
iXrrive Leavei
7 2.-1
N. Y. Franklin SV
7 00
Went 42nd BtreeU
lArrlve Leave
8 20i 1 151
8 10l 1 (l
Hancock Junctloni
401 811
W 22 ....
JB 131 ....
8 8J1M1P M
84 26 460
(46 168 464
65 8 06 105
7 5i
12 Slil ,
12 4l'J .
7 61
7 45
7 83
7 IK
6 61
6 4"
Preston Park
12 4(A
10 10)
12 IK
13 C8
pleasant Mb
9 48
9 38
For set CHy
fa8l84 608
11 4W
7 1 8 l 6 18
7t4l I84 M
II 81
White Hrldge
TO 011
in SSk4 43!T6 4S
9 03
784 146 t!i
7 40 141 (61
7 43 864 65t
7 48 SOU 664
762 404 404
784 441 (97
708 414 (10
808 414 14
8 42 14 17 616
8-06 4 20 ( 20
II 181
8 5'
8 541
n 11
8 60
6 25
6 21
II 05
6 41
fO 13
11 03
11 00
8 39
8 38
Park Place
10 to 8 80
Leave Arrive!
AU trains run dally except Buodar.
t slgnine that trains atop on signal for p
tieoure rates via Ontario Western belor
rurohaslng tickets and save money. Day and
Klligt Express to the West.
J. C. Anderson, Gen. Pasa. Aft
T. FUtorott, Dir. Pasa, Aft. Bcranton, Pa.
Come and see us about the Job
Work you will need soon.
The Scranton Tribune Job Dept.
nil i irrsswr is iiiiiumhi i m.
7 M(t
.... TM
W ....
6 0m8fii