The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 20, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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' The strength of Cleveland's
baking powder comes from pure
cream of tartar and soda only. It
effervesces more slowly than
powders containing alum, ammonia
or tartaric acid.
Bread and
cake raised with
keep their freshness
and flavor.
"pur, and "Sure."
V. ..v.
1T0 have the best results
the oven should not be too hot,
and it is not necessary to hurry the
dough into the oven. .
Cleveland Baking Powder Co., New York
Succeuor to Cleveland brother.
Can be ourod by simple treatments and the
truss thrown aside la a short time.
Mo detention from buslnesi .
A safe and radical cure for every variety of
hernia, by a new method.
No charge for consultatiin and examina
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Ears your COLLAR! starohed In ta eM
way, wben yon oan have them done with eofij
t.Uable Buttonhole tor TWO CENTS EACH.
Ladies', Gents' and
In White or Natural
Wool, at
Greatly Reduced Prices. "
Mears & Hap
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets, Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
Wiliiams & McWy
127 Wyoming Ave.
Twentieth Senatorial Convention.
The Republican senatorial convention
of the Twentieth Senatorial district will
be held at the arbitration room in the
court bonse on Tuesday, the 25th day of
Sept., at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpsse
ef nominating a candidate for state sena
An election for delegates to this con ven
tion will be beld on Saturday, the 22nd
da; of Sept., between the Louis of 4 to 7
p. m. Vigilance committee will please
govern themselves accordingly. Each
election district will be entitled to the
same number of delegate! as they bad in
the late oonnty convention. The same
rule applies to the Luzerne portion of the
John b. La Touche, Chairman.
H. M. Bansbn, Secretary.
8rond Leg-lelktlTe Dlstrlot
The Republicans of the Second Leirlila-
live district will assemble in convention at
, We arbitration rooms in the court house.
city of Scranton, on Tuesday, the 25th day
of September, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the
purpose oi nominating a candidate lor the
An election for delegates to this con-
vention will be held at the regular nailing
E laces on Saturday Sept. 12, between the
ours of 4 and 7 p. m.. each eleotinn will
be entitled to the same representation as
at the late county convention.
.Vigilance committee will please take
due notice ana govern themselves accord
ingly, very reRpecuuiiy yours.
W. S. Millar, Chairman.
A. J. Eolb, Beccetary.
Fourth Legislative Dlstrlot.
The Republicans of the Fourth Legisla
tive . district will assemble in convention
in the McKinley Club rooms. Odd Fellows'
building. Jermyn. on Tuesday, the twenty-
fifth dav of September, at 8 o'olock d. ex.
for the purpose of nominating a candidate
for the legislature.
Election for delegates to this convention
will be held at the regular polling places
on Satnrday, Sept. 22. between tbe hours
of 6 and 7 p. m. Each election (Mstriot
will be entitled to the same representation
as'tbe late county convention. .
Vigllanoe committees will please take
i due notice and govern themselves accord-
I 1 ...
William J. Sohcbsshl, Chairman.
' 8.S. Jokes, Secretary.
FuU Bouse (Sees the Play at the
, Academy,
What may conservatively b said tbe
best production of "Faust' ever seen
in Seranton was given at the Aeadsmy
of Masts last night by Lewis Morrison
and an excellent supporting eon pan.
The boas was completely niiea buu
h anAianM MMifad with favor the
commendable interpretation of Me-
pbisto by Morrison, i u oTr
portrayal of tbe evil oue was particu
larly refreshing from bis artistic effort,
after the hackneyed and horseplay
handling accorded it by so many aspir
ing lights. Miss Florence Roberts
never forgot tbe deinnrensss and moral
beautv of tbe fallen Marguerite . ana
satisfied the audience in her assumn-
tion of the part. Mrs. Nelsoi Kneass,
s Dame Martha, and JMlward alsner,
as Faust, eontributed largoly to tbe
merit of the performance. t
The stage settings, scenery, costumes
and perquisites were eorreot illustra
tions of tbe time and plaoe treated of
in uoetne a magnincent worn. Alto
gether, the entertainment and every
thing which went witb it were deserv
ing of tbe generous patronage of tbs
Powell, the magioian. will be at the
Academy of Musio this evening. Some
idea of the extent of his store of feats
may be gleaned from tbe fact that
during bis long run of six consecutive
months in New York, be proaused a
new series of entertainments each
week. This displav of bis wonderful
versatility occasioned general com.
ment by tbe New York newspapers.
Aside from his feats of illusion he has
a very polished presenoa and an easy
air of conversation wbiuh aids in pro-
venting any look of interest in the en
tertainment. T t t
Colonel James V. Bain, the gifted
Kentucky orator, will lecture at tbe
Frotbingbam tomorrow evening on
"All Along tbe Line," under the aus
pioes of tbe Central Prohibition league.
Tbe noted Kentuckian is almost too
well known to require introduction.
His oratorial ability and faculty of
magnetizing bis audiences have made
him one of tbe premier speakers of the
age. Judging from bis past popularity
in Ssranton bis lecture of tomorrow
night will be benrd by a packed bouse.
t t t
Robert and Richard Gnroella's sew
fonr-sct farcical comedy. ''The Trolley,"
le announced for the Academy of Music
tomorrow evening. IbeQarnellas are
fun-makers of the first water, and dur
ing a recent European engagement
they acquired many new ideas, which
have been adapted to their present
piny, Tbe supporting company in
cludes several prominent specialty
T t t
"In tbe Name of the Czar" Is the
new Russian melodrama which will be
seen at the Academy of Musio Satur
day. Playgoers never lost iuterest in
Michael HtrogoaV' "In Darkest Si
beria" and other similar dramas, bnt
tbe new Knssian play is said to ex
ceed in dramatic interest and intensity
anything which has preceded it, Tbe
scenery and stage settings are said to
be on a scale seldom attempted by a
traveling company.
t t t
Attractions booked for next week at
tbe Frotbingbam include Warde and
James, Monday; Tbe London Sports
Burlesque company. Thursday; "Tbe
Burglar," Friday.
T t t
Davis' theatre contains each after
noon and evening large and delighted
audiences. The Watson sisters Ex
travaznnz and Novelty is the attrao-
tion. Tbe entertainment offered is
new, bright and pleasing. Tbe com
pany's engagement extends throughout
tbe week.
t t t
supported by a strong company.
Marie Wainwright will offer "Daugh
ters of Eve," at tbe Academy of Music,
Monday next Tbe announcement
made reeently that A. E. Lanosster and
Julian Magnus bad collaborated on the
play, "Daughters of Ere, to be pro
duced this season by Marie Wainright
has given rise to many pleasurable rec
ollections and anticipations. The sue-
cess of this play, following close upon
that of tbe "bankers Daughter" did
much to remove tbe strong pmndloe,
until then existing, against American
dramatists. Tbe story of the "Daugb
ters of Eve" is laid in England, and.
with one exception, an np-to-dste
American boy. all tbe characters are
English, The plot deals with one of
tbe great social problems, the question
of the equal moral responsibility of
men and women.
t t T '
After Marie Wainright on Monday,
the following will appear at tbe Acs
demy dnring the week: Tnesdav.
Comraelian Banrey Ferguson, in a new
comedy farce, "Doffys Blunders
Wednesday, Pauline Hall and her opera
company iu Foulton s new opera, "Dor
ess": Thursday, "Tbe Great Brooklyn
Handicap"; Friday, "Tbe Dszzlsr":
Saturday, "Wife for Wife.",
Gentlemen's Driving Clubl races today.
i p. m.
Tbe Gross, Foster company office is tern
porarlly located at 247, Lackawanna ave
nue. Tbe diagram "In the Name of the Czar.'
opens at the Academy of MubIo box office
this morning.
The district convention of tbe Third
Legislative district Democratic committee
will be beld in the arbitration room of the
court bouse Sept. 25, at 10 a. m.
At the hearing yesterday before Alder
mau Wright of Bill Poster J. S. Reese.
charged with plastering posters on tele
graph poles, the alderman fined him 11
ana costs.
A half hour's service for women will be
conducted today at noon by Evangelist
Scblevera and McWeedon at the Toung
woraans- uriauau association swo Wash
ington avenue.
There will be a "home gathering" social
and reception at the Penn avenue Baptist
church tonight. All tbe members of tbe
church congregation and tbeir friends are
invited. Refreshments will be served.
- This noon from 12:10 to 12:30 Mr. Sob lev-
era and Jur.UoWeedon.of the Moody corns.
will conduct a service for youDg women
at the Young Women's Christian associa
tion. Young women are invited to at
The (Harford Agricultural fair will be
held Sept. 26 and 27 at Harford, Susque
hanna county. Excursion rates at one
fare for tbe round trip are offered by the
Latkawanna road between uingbamton
and Scranton.
Richard H. Burke, a machinist employed
at tne Dickson sbnp tor nine years, aiea at
bis home, 430 Mifflin avenue, yesterday
morning. He was 60 years of age and is
survived by his wire and three children,
two of whom reside In New York city.
The funeral will be held on Friday at 8 a
m., and will be conducted by tbe Masons
alter tbe Episcopal service at tbe house.
Gentlemen's Driving Club races todiy,
y. ui. ... ,., - v .. .. . .
Pabst's WiLWAbSTM BsbRj CooI and
lynrnuiig, at Lionman s, Bpruce street "
t InTOlres $200,000 Worth of Majllald Coal
William H. Marcy Sues the Hillside
Coal and Iron Company to Recover
102 Acres The Mott-Jadwin As
sumpsit Case Comes to an Abrupt
Ending The End of the Fellows'
Title Suit Expected Today Other
Court News.
The suit of 8 E Mott. assignee of
the Hyde Park bank, against C. P. Jad
win. same to a sudden termiaation
yesterday morning through tbe insuffi
ciency of certain papers that should
be produced to make np the case.
Judge Arehbald took it ont of tbe
ury's bands and it will go over until
tbe next term of common pleas court.
Tbe Fellows land suit did not devel
op any interesting phases, tbe day be
ing occupied principally with the rend
ing of depositions. John H. Fellows
was put upon the stand late in tbe aft
ernoon and in substance be testified to
tbe relative values of the land before
and after the Delaware, Lsokawanna
and Western oompany nsed it for calm
storage. Tbe case will likely be given
to the jury today.
Before Judge Savage, of Sanbnry. In
room No. 2, was tbe ejectment suit of
William U. Marcy, of Mayrield.agatnst
tbe Hillside Coal and Iron company.
It involves a traot of land in Mayfield
valued at $200,000. Attorneys John T,
Lenaban and E. S. Oiborne, of Wilkes
Barre, and Joseph O'Brien, of this eity,
represented the plaintiff, and E. N.
Willard. W. II. -Jesson. .of this eity.
and Senator Wolvertoo, of Sanbnry,
tue defendant.
Tbe tract contains 193 seres of val
uable coal land and tbe Hillside Coal
and Iron company claim tbeir title to
it through tbe New York, Lake Erie
and Western company, wuioh came
into possession of it by the purchase of
Jay Gould from Orrln Whltmore.
The plaintiff claim title throozh a
tax sale in whlou. the property was
sold for taxes for the years 1871, 1873
sua 1973, by tbe commissioners of Lu
zerne county ou August IS, 1884. It
was bought by Arnold Denies, of
wiikes-Harre and on Uotober 7. 1873,
a deed was given by the county com
missioners of Luzsrne to him. He
deeded the property to William d,
Marcy the plaintiff.
Tbe defendants admit the sale and
purchase, bnt assert that there was no
oause for a sale. Tbey hold tbey paid
tbe taxes on tbe property ; that there
was ft doable assessment; that tbey
paid the taxes on tbe 102 acres along
with taxes on other adjoining lands
there, with whloh it was assessed, and
have receipts for the same. The sale
of the property was not legal because
the assessment was an error and no
taxes were due upon tbe lands. Tbe
case was on at adjournment.
Defendant in a Divoroe Suit Wanted in
On Sept 14, 1887. In a rustle chapel
In the bills of Ebervale. Monmouth
eonnty, England, Margaret A, Thomas
and William Thomas became man and
wife. ' They oame to this country and
took np their residence at 1718 Jaokson
street, and spent but two months to
getber. On Wo v. 20 following Thomas
deserted bis wife, and has not returned
to her since.
After living a year in the state, as
required by law, Mrs. Thomas - began
proceedings In divoroe through her at
torney, David X Davis. Tbe sheriff
was directed to serve the necessary
papers on tbo defendant, bnt be conld
not be round. Uourt directed Tester
day tbat the sheriff make publication
of the case according to law. Thomas
will be expected to appear and dispute
the action for divoroe. otberwise the
decree will be granted without a bear
ins; by tbe court.
William Grier was released from the
county jiil nnder tbe insolvency laws.
The bearing In the Injunction case
of the citizens of Minooka lagainst tbe
Lackawsnna township school board is
continned nntll Saturday morning at
9 o'clock.
Court fixed Aiondiy, October 9, at 9
a. in. in open eourt as the date for the
final petition in the insolvency hear
ing of Albert Laiwieki and Felix
Attorneys Dulslander ana vosbarg
filed a bill of exceptions to the verdict
of tbe jury in tbe suit of Thomas Mo-
Hale against Bridget McDonnell, and
tbe court direoted tbe bill to be sealed.
City Solicitor Torrey instructed Pro
thonotary Pryor to satisfy tbe liens
against tbe following persons and dis
tinue the snits: Mrs. Riobard Howell,
Elizabeth Brlstley, and against the
Andrew Brlstley estate.
Marriage licenses were yesterday
granted by the clerk of the courts to
Henry A. Riefenberg and Lizzie Mott,
of Scranton; James Murphy aud Mary
Wilson, of Dun more; Rudolph Crar
mak and Josephine Stales, George H.
O'Dounell and Selina Noone, Daniel
J. Hill and Lonlsa Jones, and Charles
H. Keller and Nellie Msckeretb, of
By order of court, upon the filing of
an affidavit and motien by Attorney
Thomas F, Wells, a rnle was granted
to show cause why tbe writ of ft. fa,
issued in the case of M. F. Wymbs
against C, H. Lowrsy, as administra
tor of the estate of Michael O'Neill,
shall not be stayed and judgment
strleken off. The rule was made re
turnable Thursday, September 20, at 4
p. m.
In the transfer of the hotel lioense of
Mlobael Bosak to Antol Galtnekl, eourt
fixed Wednesday, Oct. 8, as the date of
a bearing; In the transfer of tbe license
of Jsmei H. Timlin to Rudolph Nam
berg, Ost 8, was the date set for a
bearing; in the transfer of the license
of Judge &Healey to James F, Dyer,
the hearing will be resumed today, ss
also in tbe transfer of tbe license of
John J. Murpby to William MeHale.
Of Baslaese and Shorthand.
The best business since the college was
Both sessions largely attended.
This year a large number of people find
it inconvenient to pay for tbe scholarship
on entering. The management has sat
aside a fond of IS, 000 to aocemmodate
those who wish to pay on tbe instalment
Persons interested are Invited to call.
F. E. Wood, Principal.
Crowds are still flocking to the great
sale of Binghamton shorn tbat is now
going at full blast at the I Bros, shoe
store. v
- r
Witnetatd by Mail- Friends at the As-
bury Uethodlat Bplsoopal.Ohuroh. '
Tbe Asbury Methodist Enlsoonal
cbnroh was crowded last evening at
8. 80 when was witnessed tbe marriage
of George Warren Duties, of Lewis
drogstere, Providence, to Miss Jennie
Kellow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Kiebard W. Kellow, of Monsey avenue.
Green Ridge. The eremony was per
formed by Hev. A. i Uban-iee, pastor
of the shurcb. Extensive floral decor
ations bad been arranged fer the re
ception of the bridal party.
li. W. lienfora, or bomerset. fa.,
acted as groomsman, and Theodore
Swetb, M. D , John H. Wolfe, Fred
Davies and Dr. O. J. Morey were the
usher. The bride wns attended by Miss
Mazie Davies and Miss Lettie Doyle,
bridesmaids, and Mies Gassie Brandt
and Miss Imogens Ballantyne. flower
girl. Horace M. Eckman presided at
the organ.
Abont 200 friends attended a reoep
tion at the residense of tbe bride's
parents and tendered their congratu
lations and well wishes. The wedding
supper was served in an exquisite man
ner, tbe lloral decorations throughout
tbe bouse being of an elegant design
and tastily arranged.
Mr. and MrB. Thomas Davies left for
a bridal tour through New York by
the 1 20 Laokawanna train.
Ordinance Acted Upon Favorably by
the Special Market Commit
tee Last Night.
At the next meeting of tbe seleot
couneil an ordinance providing for a
public market plaoe for tbe city will
be reported favorably by the special
committee. That wns tbe result of tbe
committee meeting at the city clerk's
office last night Select councilman
John E. Roobe is the father of the
ordinance and the passage of it will
bring well earned credit to blm.
As it stands now the committee will
explain to councils that it favors
amendments or revisions which may be
deemed wise to insert in tbe ordinanoe
before calling it up for first reading.
Oue of tbe provisions of the ordinance
will go far toward commending itself.
It will provide that the food inspector
be empowered to inspect daily all the
market stock and condemn anything
whloh in his judgment does not meet
the standard of pure rood.
A compendium of the ordinance as
It stands ready to be reported by tbe
committee is as follows: The place
shall be central, equipped with sncn
building, stalls, stands and fixtures as
are necessary ; that a license fee shall
be charged; that stalls, stands and
spsoes may be rented by our own citl
zens os well as farmers; that articles
of food shall be inspected before being
exposed for sale; that it shall be a peo
pie's market until 10 o'clock; f rem 10
to 12 the merchants may buy, and if
anything is left over it may be buck
stered throughout the oity. Penalties
are imposed ror violating its provis
ions ; tbe office of market clerk is cre
ated, his duties defined, salary fixed,
dates of settlement with city treasurer
for receipts named, etc.
That Number Etgua Yesterday In the
Prothonotarj's Offloe.
Prothonotary Pryor was directed to
issue attachments tor executions yea
terday against the following persons:
Jessnps & Hand against Phillip J.
Ltonard for $!20. snd J. Alton Davis
sgalnst Mr. Leonard for K250.
11. B. and H. A. Williams against
David E. Lewie for $500, and Taylor
Budding and Loan association against
James James for $2,600.
Gentleman's Driving club races today,
i o'clock: p. in.
Hiss Eardenbergh's Pianoforte Cchool
Re-opens Monday. Sept. 17. A thoroughly
high grade school for tbe study of the
piano-forte, theory, harmony, musical his
tory and analysis; in the ramous mason
BVBtem of technics. Virgil Practice Clavier
ana me cigner arc ot musical interpreta
A special training course for teachers.
437 Wyoming avenue.
Thb members of the Masonio fraternity
of Scranton are invited to attend the fu
neral of Brother Richard H, Burke on
Friday, Sept. 21, at 2 p. m. Brother
Burke was a member of SUentla lodge,
No. 198, New York city. The brethren
will meet at tne Masonic uau at p. m.
Mourns W. Clark, W. M. of 291.
T. F. Penman. W. M. of 323.
Call and see our fall styles of wing
tipped shoes, in cair, russett. patent leather
au a pig emu. commonweaitn noe store,
Washington avenue.
Mors Pillsbnry Flour sold than any
other brand made in tbe United States.
Great sale of Binghamton shoes is still
booming at the 0 Bros, shoe store.
Bay (he Weber
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros.
PROSSER-Sept. 18, a daughter to Mr.
ana mrs. unaries rrosser.
GIMMEN FAUST.-Tuesday evening,
Sept. IS, at tbe parsonage of the Penn
Avenue Baptist cburcn, ty;Kev. warren
G. Partrige, Miss Philabena Gimmea to
Ambrose u. t aust.
MAYER LOVE LAND. Sept. 18, at the
borne of the bride's mother, in South
Scranton, by Rev. Warren ii. Partridge,
Miss Lizzie K. Mayer to William L.
Received from late or-
chard. Fancy canning
Wholesale and Retail
429Lacka. Ave.
Overwhelming Sentiment Says Hake (be
Bign School FireprooL
First Action In the Matter . Will Be
Taken Tonight by the Committee
In Considering the Bids A Favor
able Decision May Be Expected In
View of Such Popular Demand
What Citizens Say About It,
Build it fireproof.
Tonight the first step either toward
making a tig blunder or aoceedlng to
tbe wishes of tbe public will be made
by the High school committee of the
board ot control. Tbey will meet to
consider the bids for eonttrneting the
magnificent new High sohool building
and the report of the committee to the
board will embody a recommendation
that the lowest bid for either a fireproof
or non-fireproof strneture be accepted.
The Tribune is informed, on what
may be considered reliable Informa
tion, that tbe lowest bid for fireproof
construction will be favored. This
will be in accordance with tbe general
sentiment of tbe city's most conserva
tive and prominent citizens. The
opinions of many well known taxpay
ers were published yesterday, and an
other list is subjoined lu this column.
From tbe list of bids which follow
it will be seen that the increased cost
of a fireproof building is abont 10 per
cent. When tha question was first
discussed in the board of control tbe
increased cost, aeeording to New York
architects estimates would bs from
29 to 40 per cent. This estimate oc
casioned tbe antagonism of many mom-
bers, which spirit has since been les
sened by more correct figures.
Fire Proof. Fire Proof.
Benore&Son $190,662 1185,151
Hopkins &RoberU... 105,000 180,000
John Snaith 188.ST0 161,771
K. a Willioms 212,250 194,895
A. W. Borritt, Bridge
port,uun Bua.yw m.iuo
Conrad Schroedar.... 187,059 168,288
B. Woolsey&Co... 201.879 185,843
Muldoon& Bowie.... 197,455 178,783
Tbe committee which will act upon
the mutter is composed of George
Mitchell, chairman; T. J. Jennings, F.
L. Wormser. C. H. Ven Storoh, W. Q.
O'Mslley, W. J. Welsh and G. W.
Tbe subjoined comments explain
John . Jbkmyn Most decidedly the
higb school ought to be erected fire
proof, and the question of cost should
not Influence tbe more important ques
tion of the safety of the students. I
have decided oplnious on the impera
tive necessity of making it fireproof,
and there should bs no question about
tbe matter.
Dr. Thomar W, Kay la the inter
est of life and prosperty, it certainly
would be desirable to make tbe school
Alderman Fuller The fignrfs
should make no difference. The build
ing should be fireproof.
U. o, Horn lhe ossn difference
should not effeot the question of mik
ing the building complete by erecting
it fireproof.
C O. Donovan I am certainly in
favor of making the building fireproof,
C S. Woodrcfp Undoubtedly it
should be fireproof.
(J. P. OM alley I am in favor of
everything tending to improve onr
public school system, and regard nre
proof buildings as a necessity in large
AldkrmaN Post I am certainly in
favor of making the building fire
proof, and without doubt it ongnt to
be so.
J. R. Farr The absolute safety
from fire of a large number of pupils
tbat will eome together In the bign
scbool of Seranton demands tbat a fire
proof structure be erected. It will be
economical as well, and will save many
times the additional expense by the
renuotlon that will follow in tbe cost
of fire insnranoe.
E. C. Nbwcomb The necessity out
weighs the eoonomy. I am in favor of
making all public buildings as nearly
fireproof as possible, and particularly
believe the new high sohool sbonld be
so constructed.
F. J. WidmaYKR If I were a mem
ber ot the board of control I should be
in favor of a fireproof ballding.
G. W. PHILLIPS, superintendent of
schools The board or control will
never have tbe building constructed in
any other manner than fireproof.
believe the gentlemen know bow the
publio feels iu tbe matter and will act
I have just received a new line of
Cut Glass
for Wedding Gifts. Step in and
see my new stock.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00
Including the palntess extracting
of teeth by an entirely new pro
S. C Snyder, D.DiQ.
w-l Jeweler Ei
done by competent work- jg
ment Ve make a specialty g
of jobbing. You leave jour S
order; we do tlie rest. S3
IITE believe
1 this dust
or carpet beat
er is the best
one made. It is
made of heavy
spiral wire and
enamel handle.
They are equally as good
for upholstered furniture
as for carpets.
319 Lacka. Ave.
Different styles in
The newest things and all
latest shades
Come early and have your
138 Wyoming Ave.
Next to Dime Bank.
Look over your Fur3 and
see that they are all right
before the cold weather sets
in. Have them repaired by
a Furrier. J. BOLZ.
i Plumbing
The Following-
6 TO 8 AT - - $1.00
8KT0 11KAT- - 1.25
12 TO 2 AT - - 1.75
Are the sizes and prices on a line of1 Children's School
Shoes, not ordinary common shoes, but an extra good
Dongola Calf Skin Shoe; spring heeled, lace, or button;
every pair warranted.
It will pay you to buy your Shoes at
All the latest novelties in FALL FOOTWEAR.
Go to the trouble of having your
Dresses made. Our Ready-made
PftODle want a ereat deal for thalr money.
They require good things at little expense.
TION came to be oreated. It's an outfit oon
siHtiug of a Double-breasted Coat, two 09
pairs of pants, and the latent style Stanley
cap of same material to match. Also extra
Muttons witn eiu.ii outuc ma goods are or
stylish fabrics, of a most exoelleat quality
etniecfally adapted for service, and we caa
Bf 11 you the HHOI.K COMBINATION aa
cheap an you can buy the bare suit IroU
otuor dealen.
Clothiers, Hslters,& furnishers
Percale, gingham or any
other kinds of colored shirts or
chemisettes laundered with
out fading. Every cent of
your money back if we do
fade. New plant new meth
ods experienced launderers
punctilious delivery. Try
Crop a poatal-our wagons will call promptly
mm hats
fV'TO fr. AT
The latest fad in Stick
Pins, plated and enam
eled, 7c. each.
Dresses are cheaper and more stylish, and
fit well
Gloves bought of us. We keep them in
repair free of charge.
Made of Satin, all colors.
Elastic ends,;very nobby;
they look like i one dollac,
25c. buys a pair.