THE SCKA2tfrfON UltBTTNE TITUirSDAT MOUHTNG,' SEPTEMBER "0, . IS?; WAY BACK IN 1814 . PERIOD OF THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND RECALLED. 1u Queer History from ma English Nowipupcr A British Chuckle Over the Fact That the People of Nantucket Welcomed the Royal Navy. k copy of The Courier, a London Journal of the date Thursday, Sept. 29, 1814, re cently found its way into the New York World ofllco. The Courier was a four pngo paper, and cost thirteen cents. The num ber iu question is larsa'7 filled with news of the conflict with the United Suites of America. Tho capture and destruction of the city of Washington are reported, which achievement is spoken of as "juBtly mer ited British vengeance." Tho flight of Mr. Miulisun and his ministers to some un known hiding plncc. they having probably thrown themselves on the mercy of the ab orlgiucs, forms the subject of the only ed itorial in the paper. It is always an agrecablo task to remind the New Englandcrs that they appreciated the pecuniary advantages of helping their country's enemies during tho war of 1812. This letter from the English paper, tell ing how the people of Nantucket had agreed to supply the liritish ships with provisions and to abstain from hostilities agalust them, serves the purpose very well: Place I wrote you on the 20th tho whole island baa been In an uproar. The British brig Nlinrod, -Captain Newton, came up and an chored Just outside the bar yesterday after noon; a lieutenant cume on shore with sixteen men in a barge, with some kind of mission to the selectmen ; they tarried till near dork and returned. We knew nothing of the nature of this proceeding till this forenoon. The select men and two or three of tho principal inhabit ants went down in two boats with flags at about 11) o'clock. In about an hour they re turned with Captain Newton and several of his officers; tho captain went up into the hall ' of the upper office, whereabout 150 inhabitants were assembled and delivered to the modera tor of the meeting a paper containing sundry proposals. Previous to his arrival, however, a letter was read la tho hail, which was brought by the Ninirod from Commodore Ilotham. dated yesterday, off Gardner's Island, on board his majesty's Bblp Superb. This lettet stated that tho vice admiral (Cochrane) had received the communications of the magistrates of Nan. tucket requesting relief, and representing the inhabitants to be in a state of starvation, and that he had sent the Nimrod to inqulro into the truth of the statement. The paper handed by the captain contained proposals to this effect, viz.: The inhabitants of the island shall declare themselves neutral, and continue so during the war. They will be allowed to import from the continent fuel and provls.ons In a small and limited number of vessels, which are to be licensed by the British commodore. All government property, if any, shall be given up or destroyed, such as artillery, arms, ammunition, etc. (There is none here.) The inhabitants will not be allowed to carry on "their fishery" (I presume he means the whale fishery); they may export as well as im port such articles as will not pay a duty to government oil and candles, I presume, pay no duty. Should any of his majesty's vessels arrive here they are allowed to take whatever provisions and supplies thoy may want, not distressing the Inhabitants therefor, paying for the same. A deputation of the magistrates or selectmen are to proceed hence to the commodore in Gardnor's bay tomorrow, if possitue, to conclude the treaty. This evening at t o'clock the inhabitants met In the opon street near the town house, that building being too small for their accom modation. Tho proposals of tho British com modore being read they passed tho following resolutions nem. con.: L We will not bear arms against his Brlttanlo majesty during tho present war. 2. We will deliver up all publio property on the island. 8. We will not oppose any British vessels which may arrive here for provisions, etc., such as may be spared without distressing the inhabitants paying for the same. (This vote was originally expressed thus, by recommendation of a Democrat, "We will supply the British vessels of war with such provisions as they may demand," which being opposed by a Federalist, was modified as it now stands.) 4. A committee of four of the selectmen and magistrates shall proceed forthwith to the British commodore to ratify the agreement. 5. This committee shall con sist of Joseph Chace, Zcnus Coffin, Josia Bar ker and Aaron Mitchell (two Democrats and two Federalists). 1 The following la the editorial article which speaks of the flight of Mr. Madison and also makes some valuable and disin- jtercsted suggestions as to the course the Americans should pursue: The place to which Mr. Madison and his min isters have fled has not been accurately ascer tained. We have Boston papers to the id lnst. and Now York to the 1st, but not a word Is mentioned relative to them. One would have supposed, unless their fortitude has totally forsaken them, that they would have issued some proclamation, calling upon the people to arm and not to give way to despondence. Bnt no Insolent aid boasting in prosperity, thoy seem to be mean and panio struck in adver sity. They remain in their hiding places, and each state and city Is left to its own guidance. The consequence may be that some of the states mar separate from the rest andsoek their safety in negotiation with our com mander. Baltimore is reported to have made proposals; Nantucket, a small Island belong ing to the state of Massachusetts, bad, even before our success at Washington, made over tures to Blr Alexander Cochrane, which had been accepted, and she Is to remain neutral during the war. The wholestateof Massachu setts would be glad to have the same benefit conferred on it. In the midst of this severe calamity this In delible disgrace to the American arms, an army of 8,000 flying before a force of 1,JU and suffering their capital to be taken and de stroyed without resistance, one party recom mends immediate peace and the other an in stant change of men and measures. Peace they may make, but it most be on condition that America has not a foot of land on tho waters of St. Lawrence1. Our Canada frontier must be secured by an extension of territory; the Americana most have no settlement on the lakes, for If they have good harbors on the Beethoven, Bismark, Wellington, Kings and Queena innumerable, nearly all the minds that hare changed the course of affairs in the world for centuries have been to Carlsbad for bodily aid. Not everybody can go even In these times of fast travel, but every body can have the benefits of Carlsbad at a small cost at home In the Carlsbad Sprndel Water, or the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, (which Is evaporated from the Sprudel Spring.) The genuine Carlsbad Sprudel is a natural remedy which is al ways effective in all disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys; for habitual constipation, gouty and rheumatic affections it is without equal. Be sure to obtain the genuine article, which has the city of Carlsbad, and the signa ture, "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agenta, New York," on every bottle. lakes, well fortified and supported by a set tled country, thoy will never want for ships at tho breaking out of any war. But it is not the harbors on the lakes alone which are essential to the security of the Gonad as. On the Amerl can batik of the St. Lawrence, between Sack- ett's Harbor ana St. Regis, there are a bun dred positions, which, by being fortified, will, whenever the conntry becomes sufficiently set tled, Insure a ready communication into the heart of Canada. All idea of renewing the treaties of 1783 or l.'-'-l would bo tho height of impolicy, and the Americans must distinctly and explicitly aban don their now tangled principles of the law of na'ions. Wo must hear no more of free ships and free goods. With respect f o a chongo in tho government of the United States, it Is Impossible, wo think, that Mr. Mndlsun can remain at the head of It. "If Mr. Madison," says one of tho American pa pers, "was a pati iotlo man, if ho was a gener ous man, if ho was merely an honest man, he would resign; bo would give to his country the chance, at leant, of such a peuco as men not hatoful might procure; he would give to his country the advantages of such a war as men of real talents, supported by the confidence of the nation, could prosecute. Lit Mr. Madison resign, and the publio sentiment would be united. Let admuitarallon be in tho hauds of Itufns King, DeWitt Clinton, John Morshul, Anrou (,'den, James A. Bayard, and we shall have either a good peace or a war which shall gratify our prido if It does not advance our prosperty. But while Mr. Madison is seated, a ureodlul Incubus on tho vitals of the nation, there can be no hope either of an advanta geous peace or a vigorous war." """" Women Not All Alike. One of the constitutional opinions of the average man is that women are nil alike. It crops out in his speech perpetually, toiuetimes iu the way of kindness and sym pathy, oftener In the way of derision and contempt. When a wife has forgiven some great wrong done her by her husband, when a mother has sacriilced herself for her children, we hear, "It is just like a woman." We hear the same thing if she has deceived her lover or involved her father in debt. This dissent is due to the fact that some men are sentimentalists and that more men are cynics. The formet arc always praising woman, the latter are generally sneering at o decrying her; but both think that she has only one nature. The sentimentalist believes her to be good, gentle, loyal, truthful under every circum- stance; the cynic pronounces her bad, harsh, Inconstant, hypocnticul on instinct. Neither is wholly right nor wholly wrong. Sahe is good and bad, gentle and harstl, loyal and inconstant, truthful and hypocritical, llcr qualities depend largely ou the individual, and tho individual varies with mood and environment. She is not cut out of the ideal, nor is she drawn from debasement. Sue is primarily human, as man is; a compound of bruin and body, of strength and weakness, of generosity and sellishness, of charity and prejudice, of altruism and egotism, of affection and aversion, bome women are far better, some women are far worse than the mass, but better or worse, they are fundament ally unlike one another and often unlike themselves. Junius Henri Browne in La dies' Home Journal. Character iu the Uandshake. I form my estimate of a man the moment I shake hands with him. If he frankly gives me his whole hand and with it a cor dial grip, at tho same time looking me fully in the eyes, I would not hesitate to lend him money or appeal to him for aid if I was in trouble. Men who shake hands that way usually meau what they say. They are manly men, big hearted, brave, brotherly and will do to bank on. The man who reaches out his hand as though the exertion worried him, and lets it lie in your grasp like the nipper of a def uuct cat fish, is the kind of creature who sits up nights to plot petty treasons. The man who shakes hands with three fingers would steal from himself if he knew how. Whenever I reach out my hand and find that it has closed down on three fishy fingers I instinctively look to see if my purse is safe. The uiau who grabs your hand and pumps your arm up and down as though it was the handle to a hand car is usually a well meaning fellow, but is sel dom troubled with a plethora of brains. The ladies also reveal themselves in the handshake. There is no danger of mis taking the shy yet magnetic touch of na tive modesty for the icy salute of unfeeling formality. No woman who shakes hands as she might touch a dead mouse ever played much havoc with masculine hearts. Interview in St. Louis Globe-Democrat. A Mew Kind of a Wheel, It is proposed to obviate, by means of a Bimple arrangement, the jolts and jars and vibrations common to vehicles when driven over rough roads or street pavements when ordinary wheels of rigid -construction are employed. Surrounding the outside of the periphery of the wheel, and in close con tact with the tire, are a series of independ ent springs, which form the outer tread of the wheel; these springs are so arranged as to work in conjunction with each other, andj when moving under a heavy load their free ends are sprung in toward the rim, and coincide with the true or working peri phery of the wheel, the springs not coming in contact with the plane until the spring is nearly under the center of gravity. In this way tho spring resistance is used in sustaining the load, and not in retard ing the movements of the wheel, the springs, after paasing the center of gravity, exerting a force against the plane over which they are passing to force the wheel ahead, thus making, as it is claimed, a wheel that is not only easy riding, but easy propelling as well. New York Sun. The Leverage in a Screwdriver, It is sometimes supposed by persons im perfectly informed in mechanics that a long screwdriver gives greater "leverage" than a short one. This, however, is incor rect. The action of a screwdriver, the pressure on which is direct, is not in any way analogous to that of a lover. The superiority of a long screwdriver rests simply on two facts first, you can gener ally get a better grip of a long screwdriver than of a short one and can bring the whole weight of the body and strength of the arms to bear on it, and second, the torsion of the iron in a long screwdriver comes iu to supplement tho force employed. The only way in which leverage can come iu is in connection with the breadth of the point of the screwdriver, and even this counts for nothing beyond the breadth of the head of the crew. Brooklyn Eagle. The Practice of Borrowing Books. The practice of borrowing books is es sentially an evil one in those who can afford to own books, and public libraries serve to encourage and foster the evil, though they are of very great value to the poor student. We think that upon general1 principles people should own the books they read. We believe heartily in buying books, reading books and keeping books, hut not in borrowing books. As a refer ence a public library serves an admirable purpose, and in many instances it is of un doubted advantage to the people. But one who would be surely profited by books should own them If he can and should have them for companions continually about him. Chicago News. An Odd Turkish Superstition. If a Cat enters a chamber whra n nersnn is dvinf? and maiiAjeft ta niutB nvnt ha n. her body before being driven from the room, uoiu me aying person ana tns cat become vamnlres and live evr after lv sucking the blood from living people. St. liouis nepuuue. WhB So Mtny people are taking and deriving benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla, wut uuu juu tj m yvuivsii r lb will bulla you op. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make yon strong. Hood's fills cure nausea, sick headache Indigestidn, biliousness. Try a bos. THE JOHNSTON ISLANDS. Tama and Inquisitive Birds' and Many Colored Fishes Found There. In 1SC8 Melville Attwood, themining en gineer of this city, visited the Johnston Islands, in the south Paclflo.v He went there in company with two companions to Inspect the guano and other resources for a New York company. "That trip was attended with novel fea tures," said he yesterday, "and I have ever siuee had occasion to remember it. L. L. Louderback and another man, whose name I have forgotten, were with me. We could only get within about three-quarters of a mile of the islands in our steamer, the waves broke so roughly. Besides this an innumerable number of turretlike white rocks stuck up all around near the shore. "Our vessel couldn't make a landing, and we got out and I went ahead in a whaleboat. There wasn't a soul on either Island. When we touched at an old broken wharf a myriad of wild birds flow out. They were of all colors and were the most curious collection I ever saw. "The Kanaka sailors commenced to fish right away, but they had to look awful sharp, as the birds would grab the fish be fore they could get it from the line. The birds weren't afraid at all. They Just hopped and flew and walked around right among us. They were of all kinds, sizes and colors. "I found tho largest island was from a half to three-fourths of a mile long and al most as wide, being of the general shape of a frying pan or, more correctly, of a Norwegian snowshoe. There were three feet or more of guano lying on fine coral sand, but above the guano again there was probably ten feet more of the white coral sand. You couldn't get it out. It would cost too much. The other island lay about three-quarters of a mile away mid was a little smaller. Practically the same con ditions surrounded it. Tho islands rise about 80 or 100 feet above the ocean. A kind of coarse grass or weed about a foot high grows over the top. "There isn't any water at ail, and I don't think the Islands have any value except for a cable. Not ono of thenj would do for a coaling station because the coal would have to be conveyed both ways in lighters. "One thing that attracted our attention was the variety of fish. Like the birds, they are of all kinds and colors. The wa ters flash with them and give forth the most beautiful effects. The best fish is the red mullet. "The birds were not satisfied with nab bing up the fish from the Kanaka lines as they came up out of the water. They sur rounded us everywhere we went, examined us as something curious, and chattered away about us. "I went forth with my tapeline to meas ure the big island. As the line streamed along the birds took after it and concluded they would eat it. They made a dive here and there and gobbled it up. They were ell around me and I couldn't do anything. I had a big Brazilian knife with me that I always carried in those days. I got it out and clipped my way right and left, cutting their heads off. I don't know how many of the birds I killed, but a whole lot. "Of the curious tropical birds there were Rome with only two long tail feathers. They were singularly beautiful. The Kauakaa pulled them out right and left. I have some of them yet." The Johnston islands are about 800 miles southwest of Honolulu. San Francisco Examiner. " White Winged Blackbird. The white winged blackbird consorting with the red winged seems to have beeu observed by too many persons to permit an explanation ou the mere theory of albino ism, extensively as that freak in "colora tion" among birds and animals is seen. A correspondent of ours, who is a good ob server, makes an important statement when he says the white winged specimens are smaller than the red winged. That circumstance would seem to indicate a dif ferent species. Possibly there is an error. At any rate, we will give the explanation of an observer who has watched the phe nomenon of the white winged blackbird with some persistence. He says the white spot on the shoulders or upper wing is due after all to the curious effect of light reflected from a ruddy surface when the wing is at certain angles. In other words, it is a deception. He claims to have followed this out and proved it. It seems to be a fact that the red placo on tho blackbird's wing does change its appearance decidedly in certain aspects during night; but we do not pre sent this theory ns a conclusive explana tion of the appearance. Hartford Times. One In a Big City. At high noon the other day I ran across a woman sitting in a doorway iu Fulton street. She was mumbling to herself. A crowd gathered. One man asked: "What is it, aunty?" Tho woman tired, weary, worn gave no heed. She kept mumbling away. "What are you doing?" asked a second bystander. ' fho wnmnn for Tftnra nn tliA Btmofa nf New York paid no attention. . She con tinued her strango task of thumbing some thing in a handkerchief. "What are you ut, aunty?" broke in a third. Then voice wheezy and rusty she speaks. "I am countin my money." Poor woman aged, homeless, alone what is that she has in her trembling hands? Only some old buttons. New . York Heruld. Curious Wilis. ' ' The most curious and perhaps tho most spiteful will on record is that of Queen Austrigilda, consort of King (iontram, Who by her noncupative or verbal testa ment enjoined her husband to slay and bury iu the same grave witli herself the two physicians who had attended to her majesty during her last illness. Scarcely less vindictive was the will of the selfish husband, who forbade his wife to mnrry a second time, concluding with tho threat, "If she disobeys me I will come again if I can." Quite at the opposite pole' of senti ment was the direction of the married woman, who predeceased her husbutd to her executors to seek out some nice, good, pretty girl who would make an affection ate second wifo for a spouse. London Tele graph. A Safe Condition. He was a large, florid Teuton, with the air of a man who knows what he wants and means to get it if he has to apply to the courts In the process of acquisition. He entered the cigar store and glared around htm. "Good afternoon," said the polite tobac conist. The prospective customer nodded his head noncommlttally and threw a nickel on the showcase. "Geef mo a goot cigar," he observed, 'and I ton't vant enny imported goods eider, alrctty yet." Detroit Tribune, Guaranteed Our. We authorise our advertised drngelst to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If yon are afflicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Long, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use tbis remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial, aud experience no benefit, yon may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make tbis offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew Bros', drne . store. Lertre sixe 60c, and f 1. . For Coins, Croon Asthma. Bronehltls and Sore Throat, Use Dr. Thomas' Eclec trio Oik and get the genuine. 0Kil A Word. ' Wants of alt kind) cost fAaf much, when paid for, in advance. When a book ae count is made, no charge will be less than tS cents. This rule applies to all small want eds, except Situations ITanted, uiftt'cft are inserted FUEE. Agents Wanted. OALESMKN EVERY COUNTY. SALARY vj or commission. Jo experionce. New tariff bill gives unlimited prollu. Aetive men rpply quickly, stating su'nry and territory wautod. MANUFAC1UKEK3, Box KJU8, Bos ton. Aoests wanted everywhere to sell the latiHt aluminum novelties, enor mous urotltn, sails at sight, dolivored free, s cure teirltory. Suinple in velvet lined ease with full information, Wc. Catalogue free. Aluminum Novelty Co. 33i Broadway, New Yorlc. , Help Wanted Male. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED ORO cery clerk; single man preferred. Ad dress, with references, C. D. WINTER & CO., Jttimyn, Pa. WANTED- A GCOD DOCBLE-ENTRY bookkeeper and collector: must be ac quainted with the city. One living ta Urem Kidifoor vicinity preferred. Address iu own handwriting, P. 0. box 170. city. Helo Wanted Females. ,r AN TED-AlRSTCLA7miAJYDA r V vosser to sell the H W patented un dcrwalsta for boys, girls and babies. Address Rivinir, references. DeUeroise Waist Co., Klushlnfr, N. Y. WANTED SEVERAL LADIES TO As sist in publishing work, also learners; will pay from tb to tlii a week. For particu lars address, with Btamp, J. H. G., Tumi , unlet For Sale. CQUAB8 IN ANY QUANTITY, 118 CLIFF For Rent f OR RENT-STORK 511 LACKAWANNA iv. inquire 01 HKHKY FrtbY, til Lackawanna Ave, BURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT UNTIL April 1, iaa. Apply at S 1. lay avenue. DOR RENT ONE-HALF STORE. ISO r enn avenue. IW per month. you RENT NICELY-FUH.'vISHED HALL suimoio ror ioue rooms. JOHN JER- 311 a, up Wyoming avenue. Real Estate. CMALL FARM WE HAVE NAMES OF KJ tweuty persons who want to buy small farms. Send full particulars. Make price mw. WUJif.UKS, frlce bulldinfr. Special Notices. rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS 18 1 to notify all persons interested that Mr. - t .a a.wv ...UUIIWU WCUIWi:! vl , uuyioruson any account whatever. by him Iu his or our name. All pavment must be made to uaorour attorneys. Watson DiuhL t!nmmnnu'Afllli ftt.ll.4J.. cinMU,n.. " o "hi iiu. roournize bdv rflMnma Divon nw -- ,',"".","r.' "-"'"" xi. nucn i.r. rt, a 111 JNew York City YOU WANT THIS RELICREPRINT rVnnlr r..iatlnU TI1..n,.n,n.l T 1.1.. r 1U.I; payable monthly, SjiOU. Delivered by express eomplete. prepaid. Address P. O. i..i.n.iai.iuiii, IOU1-1CKM. J WO V OIUIUOS F0I1O. wuiMi uiDson street, bcranton, fa. liLANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. MAO A X) zinus, etc., bound or rebound at Till Til 1 BUMS office, (rjuick work. Reasonable HTF.AT. TTrortv.Tfl riv tub inn . ti ifl r.irnAi ifiwl an A L' Due. Twenty meal ticitoU for JittVA Uood lauie uoaru. Proposals. rwwwvwwN C BALED PROPOSALS WILL RR RR. O coivedat tboofflcs of thncttvclerk.Snrnn. ton Pn until 7.30 pin., Thursday, October 4th, lm, to construct a main sewer lu the fourteenth Sower district of mid citv- .Inn tn construct tho necessary basins, manholes, larntiholi'S and fixtures for said sewer. All of Bam nura iu ue uonu id accordance with niun specification therefor, filed in the office of liy ciora. 1 ne sum or nve Hundred dollars, (f joOi cash 1 r certified chock shall ha annlnaiwi with each proposal for said work. Enclosures of unsuccessful bidders will be returned upon the awnrd of eontraot for the work. Th OFSsful bidder shall execute a contract for the wora wuniu tn uays irom day if award thereof, otherwise the encloaurn nf i,,.n be forfeited to the use of the citv of Scrantun The city reservesthe right to reject any and all uius. uy uruer 01 cuy councils. 11. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk Bcranton, Pa.; Sept. 1, 1894. ' Situations Wanted. 1) ESPECTABLE WOMAN WOULD LIKE Ji a place witn i niia uu years old as houe keeper, no objections to children. Can give best of ri-forence, Mrs. Deal. 'J3A Penn avenue. AN ACriVr, RELIABLE MAN, WITH good roferences, of middle ae wishes employment, iuica anil correct In ngures, live years expeilonce as single entry book keener and clerk. Will work for inv that will pay board. Addresi W. B. Tribune oiik e. DRESSMAKING OR PLAIN SEWINfl BY the day wanted by a competent seam stress. Adorers H. L. S., tX Adams avenue. TIT ANTED BY A YOUNCf MAN OFOOOD t roferinnes,' a position of any kind, driver or hotel work preferred. E.M., soi Laekawanna avenue. SITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 18 years old. Address 4D Oswoll court. VACATION. WANTED FOB WASHmiSi O Ironing or scrubbing or any kind of work by the day. Call or address L. B. Sii North sumnor avenue, city. BOY W ANTED APPLY TO THE TRIB UNE'S Honesdale oftlce. PAUL GARD NER. - BARKEEPER A' STEADY, SOBEtt AND industrious Tirana- mn would like) to se. cure a position; understands his business and is a pood, quick mixer; would like a position in city or' country aud can f uruisli pood refer ences from last employer. Address, Bar keeper, SOU Lackawanna ave Scrantoa -THE- Monday Evening Sapt. S4. KARKWKLtj TOUR. Tho Celobrated Tragedians, FREDERICK t T LOUIS In a Sup rb Scenic Production of Shakespeare's Tragedy, Julius Caesar Mr. James, as Brutus. M. Wanle, ssCasius. Mr. Llndsley, as Maro Antony. Mr. Walker, as Julius Cawar. M las Chapman, a Calperuia, Mlas Everett, as Portia. Special Scenery. Grand Production. Special ' Oosturnea. THE FOREMOST COMPANY IN AMERICA Kale of teeta and boxes oommencn Friday, Sept. 21, at the Froth Ingham box office, at the following prices: $1.60, 1, 75o, and 6O0. Scranton Tribune Job Department well equipped with the latest styles of type, Superior 'Workmanship Low Prices . .-nd :' . Promptness. . ought to bt inducement to the trade. ill II WABDEUAMES onnolly SEPTEMBER 20, JUST TWO YEAR3 ago we floog oar banner to the breeze and floated Into the stream of business. We were confident of s access from the start and our confidence ltd ni to ex pect great results. We went in to win. Oar friends were with us, as they are still with tboaiands of new ones added. Our aim has been to con duct a badness establishment upon a fair and honorable basis to make our customers' interests our owo, to deal with all alike on a striotly ooe prioe system, aud that always the very low est possible pries; to keep only the most reliable makes of goods, that we might appeal to yon on their merits. Hare we succeeded? NNOLLY & GO NO BETTER BEDDING Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, SEPT. 20. Fresh from bis European success. THE GREAT POWELL, In a (rrand presentation of KECKOMANCY aud a series of WONDER WORK OF MYSTERY. ."ETerything Absolutely New. Carriages may be ordered for 10.30 p. m. Sale of seals opens Tuesday at the box of fice. If Brilliant dramatic event, the accom- Slished artiste, Marie Walnw right, and a rst class company, Monday Sept. 2i. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. FRIDAY, SEPT. 21. Robert Garnella's Kew Farcical Comedy in Four Acta, THE TROLLEY Under the management of Charles F, Cromwell. THE GARNELLA'S And a Company of Fun Makers. Act I Drawing Room of John Hope's City Residence. Aet II Parlor of John Hope's New Home, Moving Day. ACT Ill-The Trial Trips of the Trolley. A Street In Eutopia. Act IV Garden of Mr. Hope's Country Resi dence. BjiocIhI .Scenery. New Ideas. tSBrllliant Drnmatio Event! The accom plished artiste, Marie Walnwright, and a first-class company, Sept. 21. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. SATURDAY. SEPT. 2Z First Scranton Production of the Gre5 Russian Melodrama, In (he Name of the Czar Realistic Scenery. Buporior Cast. Costumes Historically Correct. S 8t Nicholas Belfry. p The Nihilists' Don. The ImKrial Opera Honse.StPetersburg. The Plunge to Death. Sale of stats Thursday at the box ofllco. FifBrilliant Dramatlo Event The aoconv pllshed artiste, Marie Wainwright and a first class company Sept. 21 ACADEMY OF MUSIC ONE NIQHT ONLY. MONDAY, 8 LI FT. 24. A NOTADIE SOCIAL EVENT. The Distinguished and Brilliant Artiste, Miss Marie Wainwright In an Original Four-act Drama, DAUGHTERS OF EVE Presentodby Her Superb Company. Hand- aomoiy uostumoa ana exquisitely Mounted. NO ADVANCE IN PRICES: 25,50,75,$! Sale of seats Friday, Sept. 21, at a.m. . Davis' Theater. ' WONDERLAND. Week Commencing Monday. 8FPT. 1 7. , Every afternoon and evening. THE FAMOUS WATSON SISTERS' Extrayaganza and Novelty Co. Headed by the Peerless Lyrio Artist, IDA SIDD0NS Bright, Breezy, Buoyant. Better Than the Be9tYet. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two Performances Dally at 2 DO and &U pjn. GRAND AUTUMN EXCURSION TO TBI SEASHORE Long Branoh.Ocean Grove and Asbury Park AND RETURN IN ONE SAY, ON Saturday, September 22, '94, VIA Central Railroad of N. J. Sneolal excursion tickets hmn Rrnnn WlU be eo4d food to ao onlv IVn annil 1n leaving Scranton ate am. Bept 22, and for return on special train leaving Ocean Urove and Asbury Park at (.16 p.m., Long Branch at 6.65 p.m. ume day. i Attn, r un Tins buuhd TH1P, vs.lff. What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complealont For it, use Posionl's Powder. $& Wallace HERE ARE A FEW FACTS DRAW YOUR Mi CONCLUSIONS. Stock twice as largo as when we opened. Business increased 100 per cent. An addition of 1,500 square feet of floor space. Enlarged and better facilities in eTery department. Number of salespeople Increased from v to m. Several departments added. Among; them our new Cloak Parlors handsomely furnished and saperblr stocked. . WALLACE 209 SCRANTON CHEAPEST IRON BEDS ESTABLISHED 1800. 86,000 Jft USE, Instruments tn erenr sense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional in. holding' their original tumass of tore. NEW YOBZ WAREHOUSE, Ko. 80 Fifth avenue. BOLD BT E.C. Rlcker&Co, 113 Adams Ave. NewTelepboae Bdg. We Linn Allen & Co, STOCK BROKERS. Bay and sell Sfocki,Boad and XJraln On Kew York Exchanges and Chisago Board of Trder either for cash or on margin. 412 Spruce Street dPLoeal Stocks a Specialty. Uuf TELEPHONE 8,003. Maloney Oil and Manofactur'g Co, VINEGAR AND CIDER Hi TO 161 MERIDIAN ST. A Great Cut on TABLES -AT- HULL & CO S THIS WEEK. A Solid Oak- Table, with top 16 inches square, . . 50a. 24 inches square, n 4 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ SCRANTON A KB WILKES-BAKBE. PA. MANUFACTURERS 0 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office, 8CEAKTON. PA. . iitinniiiiuununuimattia fmnmtmm m is r . 134 WYOMING AVENUE, J B S. : THE BEST OF PROPHETS S for the future Kth put. Daring the mora tba, tart; ymfi-oHfe eiutencs-oTsr tu,uw?epu bar puekaMd ana pjn anaptsiMa The Emerson Piano. Thsra are soma piano that will cost you mora than ths Eararatm wUL If yoa on Joy payief alf h prtota just for tfca aJ of paytaff them, probafcly yea wM bay eat of the. Bat offmsttar wfcal y' pay you'll not tt better piano, nor a Bandsvraar, nor ow nor , durable. Itiilnqpof4bUo4mirroraon the best, XlEAgOKABTJB nUCaV-CAABtlTBCArtlaarWS JtKXT, 1 894 Evidence good noughi"Yea,,,web.ear you iay, "'the boys bare done well." We expect to do better. Every day must bring an increast In onr business. We realizj that to ac complish this we mast give it oar un divided attention. Our endeavors will hs to please oar customers, to satisfy their wanti with the best classes of merchandise obtainable and at prices as low and, in many eases, lower than any other houss in oar city. The re salts are evsu greater than oar expec tations and we heartily thank oar friends for their substantial support in the past and hope that oar methods and efforts will merit a continuance of the same. WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. BEDDING CO. IN THE CITY. Dr. B. Grewer The PhiladelphlaSpeciuUstan'l his associated1 staff of Fuglish aud Ueruian pbysicia:s, are now permanently located at Old Post Ofiloe ItiiUdlng, Corner Penn, avenue and Spruce street The doctor Is a graduate of tho university of Peiinylvanla,f- rnierly demonxtrator of physi ology and surgery at the Medico-t hirurgical Oollege of Philadelphia. Hit specialties are Chronic, Nervous, akin, Hoart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE KERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness lu men and wo man, oall rising in the throat, spots Moating uuiure me eyes, wesoi memory, uuaoietooon siari eu wuen suuoeiiiv enoaan to. ami on distressed mina, wntcn unnts tnem for pt I irmniff ldh ii'itiiu miTipn nr urn tn.v tiff nnt piness impossiDie, distressing toe actl n tllA hanrt. rnllHinu fln.h nf liw.t ilA,iiAu.lnn spirits, evil lorebodiDgs, cowardice, f contusion or tuougnt depression, conatlp t mranucM (i tun ,1,111m. cm;. laun HJ.un eu to perieci ueaiin. LOST MANHOOD RESTORER Weakness of Young Men Cured If you have been given up by your physicr rail upon the doctor and be examined. 1 cures the worst cases of Nervous Debilit rrorula. Old Bores, Catarrh, Piles, Femi and Throat, Asthma, Doafnexs, Tumors, Can cers and l ripples or every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours daily from V a. m. to B p. in. Sunday 9 to t. Enclose five 2-cont stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will psy one thousand dollars in gold to anyone whom I cannot our of KPILKPTIO CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. G. GREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Pennava nue and Spruce streot. rm tmm rmr E B