8' THE; SCISAXTON TEIBUXE WEDNESDAY MOANING. SEPTEMBER 19.. 1894" BLANKET BARGAINS Mild weather will not last long. Neither will the PRESENT Bargains in Blankets. We placed our orders with makers during a time of general depression when orders were scarce and prices of raw materials at the lowest point with the re suit that we have secured the most carefully-made goods at the lowest prices. In addition to these we have a number of choice blankets carried over from last season, slightly soiled; to dispose of them quickly have marked them down at least 25 per cent, below prices generally prevailing. Novelty Silks For utumn and Winter. Beautiful colors aud handsome, new, graceful designs. Our col lection is larger than ever before aud more attractive, while the prices are considerably lower than in any previous year. Reasonable Hosiery A large line of Women's and Children's Hosiery has just come to us at prices lower than ever before reached. GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St,, Scr anion. Dr. Heovo is rartnlnljr gaining the confl uence of the public. Hois dvaliuir honottly with the people of Serantcm Hnd vicinity. He 1b (food and cirnaiderate to the poor and treats rveryone with respectful consideration. Hav ing had long and varied experience in private md hospital service, ho Ktundu unequalled In Sin profession. He s lierforming some won lerful cnres.and while Lis handsome oliices at 112 Hpruco street, Scranton.are daily crowded with sick and sntlerinshe always has time and B word of cheer aud comfort for overyono. He givn ndvice. snr- rnrr nr niiinnr vices and examlnutions luLL UT tllAlluC No one is turned away. FEMALE DEPARTMENT. The doctor has opened a fomale department for those who wish treatment exclusively for ailments peculiar to females, so that those whom "delicacy'' has heretofore kept away may now receive the services of a "lady" whose treatment will prove her ability in such cases. He, with his assistants, treat all diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the eye, ear, nogf and throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost Titnlity, premature weakness or decay in both sexes, female weaknesses and irregu larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tuinorr, cancers, eruptions, blood poisoning, fits, epi ilepsy, indiscretion and errois of youth, lost manhood, t-czoma, scrofula, St. Vitas' dance, asthma, diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc. ('usiiltittion anil Kxaiuinatlnn Free. Office hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to 0 p. in. Sua lays, 10 to 1U and 2 to 4. Take elevator in Christian's hat store, or teps. Kemember the name and number, DR. REEVES 412 Spruce St, Scranton. ' K EYSTONE Academy FACTOR WILLED PA. A refined school home. Prepares for the best colleges. 1 borough courses In Mnslo and Art Teachers' Class gives beat preparation for Teaching. . Commercial Course includes Typewriting and Shorthand. Positions secured for Graduates. Send for now illustrated circular. F. M. LOOM1S, A.M., Principal llonesdale. A reception was tendered Mr. John Meyer by tbe eonjtregotioa of the Gar man Lutheran ehnrch at tbe Central theatre Monday evening. Mr. Meyer Is a student for tbe miuiitry of the Lntberan ehnroh and leaves for school today. Edward Gray, for some time past tbe rtri terror Wells, Fargo & Co'. ex press wagon, has resigned his position. During the Wayne eounty fair. Sept. "5 to 28, a prominent speaker of both tbe Republican and Demoeratio parties will deliver an address. Tbe managing committee of the Maple City wheelmen met last evening and completed the arrangements for their race meet Oot. 4 .Everything points to a very successful meet. Bucklen'f Arnloa Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Brnises, Sores, Uloers, Halt Rheum. Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all fekia Eruptions, and posi tively cures Files, or no pay required. It if guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Mattbews Bros. Quinsy troubled 'tne for twenty year. Since I started using Dr. Thomas Eclctrlc Oil have not bad an attack. The Oil turn sore tbroat. at once. Mrs. Letla Coix-nd, Ktandith, ilioli , Out. 2i, '88. , Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOLUTELY P 9 . mmr NUCTO IS SERVED Additional Grief in Store for Plttston Conn cilmen. INVESTIGATION IS TO PROCEED Burgess Moloney Is Served with a Legal Document That Is Liable to Delay the Paving of Main Street. The Case to Be Argued on Friday Next Mr. Maloney Proposes to Proceed with the Investigation as to Charges Against Councilmen. Speeial to Vie Scmnlon Tribune. PlTTSTON, Sept 18. HEN The Tribune stated some four weeks ago that there be no paving done on Main street "this year of oar Lord," many were inclined to believe that tbo prediction was somewhat bold and er ratic However, it has come to pass that the prediction contained consider ble truth, as recent developments have shown. While tbe council on Monday night was engaged in wrestling with the proposed investigation Deputy Sheriff Honry Brenner quietly stepped into tbe council chamber and espying Burgess Maloney in the room adjoin ing served an injunction npon him greatly to his surprise. Bor ough Attorney Bohen was called from ' bis seat alongside President Mnngan and the contents of tbe legal document divulged to bim. Its contents caused both gentlemen to go into a state of total collapse, and the prospects of an asphalt or brick p:ivo ndorniug Main street is now considered to be farther off than ever before. Tbe injunction was issued at the in stance of M. W. Morris and sets forth three reasons why the counoil should be restrained from making any furthor step toward pnving Main street. Tho petitioners for tbei njunction say, that tbe council has no legal right to take snch steps. First, because the electiou nuder wbiob it Is proposed to make the necessary indebtedness i wns illegal and void. Sjeoad, be cause the proposed increase would be beyond the amount al lowed by law. Third, becauso the making of tbe contract with the Bar ber Asphalt company nnder tbe terms of tbe contract wonld inorease the in- debtness beyond the legal limit. The bearing is sot down for Friday next at 10 o'clock. Mr. Morris has retained as counsel T. W.;Wheton, of Wilkes Brare, and 'James L Morris, of this place. INVESTIGATION TO PROCEED. The investigation abont to be begun by Burgess Maloney continues to ba the all absorbing fopio of conversation on the street. What the outoome will be is mere conjecture. Many say tbe burgess has no legal right to pose as n court, and that any subpoenas serve 1 at bis instanse will be ignored. How ever, Mr. Maloney proposes to proceed with the matter, ana yestt-ruay. in sompany with Benjamin Hard ing, chairman of tbe advisory committee to Wilkes-B:irre to engage an attorney to conduct the investiga tion of charges of corruption ugaius: oonncilmen. Mr. Harding and other active and prominent members of the advisory committee have promised to give tbe burgess all the aid within their power la investigating tho charges. Tbe bearings will be open. Several councilman promise to furnish tbe names of prominent citizens wbo approasbed tbetn with money in the interest of brick. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. II you are amictecl with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Tbroat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial.nnd experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money roiuuaea. we coma not make this otter did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew liros'. drug store. Large size 60c. and (1. Pittston. Postmaster J. H, Mullen has ap pointed Charles F. Curry, of North Main street, to the position of mail carrier. He will begin his dutlos U.?. 1 and bis route will include MeC.M't'.y- ville, Browntown and SebAstopil. Two deliveries a day will be made to each of these places. Walter L. Main s sirens will appear here today and an excellent perform ance, both afternoon and evening, is assured. When here last season tbe show gave an exhibition that was folly np to the standard of more pretentious combinations. Cards are out announcing tbe mar riage of Miss Mary A. McGae.dangbter of Mr. and Mrs. - McGee, of South Main street, and John J. MeUqire, to tuke place at St, John's ohurch Wed nesday morning, Sept, 20, at 10 o'clock. Thomas Bevau, aged four years, son of William and Mary Bevan, of North street, died last night, the result of on injury to bis spinal column received about a week ago by falling from a step-ladder, . The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 30, with interment in Forty Fort cemetery. Among the deeds recorded at Wilkes Barre yesterday was Thomas Ford to Soloman Stumer, property in West Pittston. for $4,100 , Waverly. George P. Smith, of Brunswick, Gil.. Is visiting relatives and friends in town. Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton, enres fits and epileptio convulsions. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Miss Editb Tayfor and MlfS Chris tianna Soeliner, of Scranton, are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bold. Miss Grace Bally has returned if ber studies at Wyoming seminary at Kings ton. -. Razors ground and boned, aua'evary kind oMonsorial work at Mnttiu B old's bn'lier shop done in first-oJws style. Y u ti.n always judgivu community r ia the way it honors its dead. A viait to our beautiful home of the dead by any stranger would at onoa convince him that we are not lacking any of those qualifications which bring us to the front of civilization, for Deacon Tyler's handiwork can be seen in every direction. Smoothly mowed lawns, well kept walk.', and tbe craves with their beautiful fbwers 'show the way tne people of this borough hnll in an cred reverence the home of their dend, The Waverly Base Bull club. uudr its new mausgement and with- tbe celebrated pi Ichor, James Nolan, form erly or tbe Scranton club, is doing great work. The club has witbin n week soooued tbe Benton club aud the Factoryville, and propose to do tbe Factory ville club up again today (Wednesday) when they will play ut waverly. Rev. John Wlntch has gone to Tren ton, N. J., to attend tbe annual confer ence of the Free Methodist cburob. Carbondale. Frank McMinn. who has been cm ployed at Vail & Son's, has accepted a similar situation with Frank Walsh. A party of Masons from this city, composed or the following; Ajentlem -n, visited tbe Masonio lodge in Hon?sdale lust evening: Messrs. J. W, Diiniok, S. A. McMullen, John M. Stewart, G. A. Patterson, Robert Carter and Wil liam Hollanback. Charles Ledvanl will leave todav for Emmous, Pa , Sullivan county, where be will take charge of a district school. Tbis morning in St. Rose's church occurred tbe funeral services over the remains of tbe late David Buckley, jr. A requiem mass was celebrated by Kev. J. J. Uurrau at U.30 o dock. The funeral was very largely attended, many out-of-town friends being in at tendance. Tbe pall bearers were Messrs.. C. Dillon, J, McCabs, M. Aus- bury, J, Moran, G. Smith, J. Mii'Ugau, M. Brennan, of tbis city, and H. Flynn, ot Wilkes-Barre. The remains were interred in St. Rose's cemetery. The social of tbe Alhsmbra Social club will take place this evening in Keystone hall. Work has been commenced in tear ing down the old buildings on a lot on South Main street opposite the First National bank preparatory to the erec tion of a handsome new building for the Leader. Tbe building will be eon straeted of stone and brick, and will be three stories and a basement iu height. Tbe wonan's board of hospital work held their annual meeting on Monday afternoon nnd re-elected the following officers: President, Mrs. E. C. Hond rick; vice president, Mrs. J. B. Van Bergan; second vice-president, Mrs. James Stott; secretary, Mrs. Pierce Butler; treasurer, Mrs. J. P. Loftus. Miss Cora Leonard, of Central Falls, N. Y., is tbe guest of Mrs. W. L, Leonard.' William Morrison will return on Friday to the Jefferson Medical col lege in Philadelphia. Mrs. J. W. Ditnock and children will return home today after a few days' with friends ia Wayne county. Morse and John Aitkoa, of G irfiulil avenuo. nro attending school iu New burg, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs, E. C, Hurndon, of Siletn, are visiting friends in Wav erly, N. Y. Old Forge. Miss Lilian Race left this week to visit ber brother ia Geneva, N, Y. Quite a number of thu people of this place attended the deilicaiory snrvice in the new MonBic MtthoJiat Episco pal church on Sunday. C. S. Jones him the foundation of his nsw house compl-ttoJ. Rev. J. G. Eckman and Professor J. H. Race were the guests of R.tv. J. L Race at tbe Methodist Euiscopal par sonage on Sun lay. Mrs. Warren Warner, of West Pitts ton is visiting friends in this place. Hurry Bannett, of Wyoming, was the guest of his auut, Mrs. Hnnuab Bennett, ou Sunday. Mrs. Tho ni an Drake attended the funeral services of Miss Ida M. . Davis in Scrunton on Monday. . , Rev. J. Erwin Broil head -and Miss Kit Stark were visiting friends in Scranton on Sunday. Mrs. Z B. Knapp, of Scranton, wns vipiting friends iu thin pi ice this week. Mr. and Mrs. E Diaku spent Sunday at their cottHstu at Mount Pec mo. Goorgo Sofford sttend-d a parly held nt the residence of -J. G. Word, of Duryea, on Monday njgl.t. Tue voters of the Fourth election district are talking of organizing u Re publican club. . 'Squire Broduand is Iwcominz famous for lying tbe "nnp'iul knot.'1 He inatlo "a couple bappy on 'f uoad.iy morning. Avoca. The Women's Curistian Temperance union will meet at the usu il tint) and place tomorrow afternoon. The marriago of D.miel McCartn-y and Miss Mdgyie Kalley, two promi nent young people of Avc i, will be solemnized in St. Mary's church tbis afternoon at 4 SO. Miss Prlseill Dornblnz-r, of Mack eyville, will 1 ctaro in tho Primitive Methodist church tomorrow evening at 7.00 sharp. Admission 10 can Is. MUs Dornblazer is one of tbe state Women's Christian Temperance union lecturers, aud comes highly recommended. Alj are welcome. Walter Anderson made a business trip to Pittston yesterday. - Miss Lou Jo inson, of Plains, is spending few days with Mies Jennie Newlln of South Main street. Miss Gertrnde Sanders is spending a few weeks with friends in Olypliaut. Miss Mary Bnrns, of Jermyn, is vis iting friends iu town. In the absence of Rev. A. J. Weisley, the prayer meeting of the Langcliffe churcb, will be conducted by tbe Christian Endeavor society tonight at 7.80. Harry Krieebone, of West Avoca, is ill. When Baby was sick, we' gave her distorts, , When she was a Child, she cried tor Custorla, When she became Miss, she cluni; to Custorla, When she bad Children, she gavu tbcu Custorbv Forest City. Epwprth leauurt tonight. Burgess Max -y hits appointed Gsorge Ledvard to the iiorougb police foroa. Dr. Reves. 412' Siiroes strot, Scran ton, cures lung troubles. 9 a, m. to 9 p. m. Forty Lours devotion at St. Affn' Catholic ehnrch began Sunday at 10.30. President M. D. Erans,of the United Choir, desires all members of the cboir lo nmnt in tbe opera bouse tbis evening it 7 30. D'vi-1 Harris Wt yesterlay morning for Etstman Business college atPough keepaie, N. Y. ' Mrs. Gilh rt McKane. of Stat Line. and Mi-s Fordyce, of Modville, were tbe guests of Dr. Jennie Young Satur duy. Thomas L, Morgan, of Scranton. has been the guests of' bis sons Professor John L, A. L. and Glynn Morgnn for several ay past. Some cases ot scarlet fever ure. re ported in this borough. Among tboB- who are i fU uted ar Miss laa Weed and Brant McLinghliu. Lawyer Nichols, of Wilkes-Barre, ilelivered two mast-rly and eloquent addresses on tho mil j ct of teinperancs at the Methodist Episcopal church Sun day. Martin J. Fleming, of Philadelphia, an estimable young man who at one time served as assistant postmaster ia tbis place, is renewing acquaintances In town. Mr. Fleming hoMs a lucra tive position with an insurance com pany in (be City of Brotherly Love. John M. Nealon, of Carbondale, was a visitor in town Siturdiy. Tho Forest City Comet band held their piuuio ou the Pelican Athlotio grounds Saturday. It was well at tended as it deserved to be. The band will make a neat appearance in a short lime with their uniforms. Benjamin Gilgunst visited with friends in Scranton Sundav. Five hundred and eleven pupils are narolled in the Forest City graded school. Miss Electa irV.t.T resumed her duties yesterday, making Jnine teachers in all employed to teach the young Ideas how to snojt. Miss Pot ter's permanent room will be fitted up in the Baptist ohureii parlors in a few davs. An evangelist will conduct meetings intheBtptist chuich every evening this week. D. E. Evans and A. M. Gillett. of Gibson, were in the borough yesterday. An infant child of Riabard Jones, of Vandling, which died Saturday, was buried in the Hillside cemetery at this place yesterday afternoon. Gwilym Davie?, secretary Allencown eisteddfod, of the Lablgb Valley Eis teddfod association, was in town Satur day as the guest of Professor J. Luther Morgan. Mr. Davies was desirous ot having Professor Morgan bring bis choir to Allentown on Thanksgiving Day and compete for the chorus for mixed voices, not less thau 100 voice, "We Never Will Bow Down" from "Judns Maceabaes." Tbe priz is $590 and modal to leader. At a meeting of the cboir this evening it will bs de cided whether the members are de sirious of going or not, The grand concert by the United choir will be given tomorrow evening in Davis' opera bouse. Doors open at 7 o'clock and concert will begin at 8. Prices, 25 and 35 cents. The follow ing is the programme. Part II Opan ing nddress. President M. D. Evans; piano overture, Mrs. H. F. Aldrieh; reading, Evan Morgan; song, Beulab Hine; du-t, Henry Curr and William Jennings,jr. .selection, Forest City band; recitation, Lizzie Phillips; song, May Watkius; song, Riehard Llewellyn; gloria, by united choir. Part 1 Selec tion, band; recitation, Martha Grif fiths; song, Mrs. S. May; song, D. J, Jones; recitation, John Riley; duet, Ella Hine, May Watkins; song. Mrs. George Maxey; "Hunting Song," by tbe cboir. Tbe last number is tbe competitive piece which the choir bad tiie honor of winning part of the prize offered for the best rendition at the re cent musicul festival at Laurel Hill park. For Coi.ds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis and .Sore Throat, use Dr. Thomas' clc tric Clil, and get the genuine. Moosic. ' Miss Paella Dornblassr will lecture tonight (Wednesday) in tbe Methodist Episcopal church on temperance under tne auspices of the Women's Christian Temperauce union. Dr. Rievce, 412 Spruce street, Scran ton, cures heart troubles. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. W. F Waterman left yssterday for Herricksville, Bradford county, to at tend bis mother's funeral. . Mrs. F. C. Wildrick is seriously ill at ber bom? on Minooka avenue. Rev. J. II Waguer, of Lehman Cen ter, will preach tomorrow evening in ti.e Methodist Episcopal church, Rev. Madison Friday nigLt and Rev. King Saturday night. All ruombers ot the Women's Chris tian Temperance anion are requested to meet at Mrs. G-orgi Pearl's tuis (Wed nesday) evening at 7 o'clock sharp. fcranton's Buslneu InUrtsts. The TmuuNit will soon publish a cure fully compiled and classilied list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests ot Scranton nnd vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our public build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No i-imilar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of fcranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Kent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be nn unequalled advertisement of the city. Tbe circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail ot good results to t ho"e conceruod as well as the city si lHrije. llepreeutati ves of Tub Tuibunk Will call upon THOSE WUOSK NAU1CS ore UF.siitED in thi3 tditiou aud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views ot thoir residences in tuis edition will please have notice at the office. wit mm tofiAl!"l4 Wv IN EIGHT BYT,,oseOP as -.uilfY y on (3- KECK LABEL Imitations HASHON STARK. AT THE OLD DRPOT HOTEL, FACTlRYVILL:. Is prepared to receive b nniuor boarders and furnish rit for to Hs's 1 1 suriouuili n to us t.ud sumuer reo. ,t. Dunmorc. All that remained' mnrtal of the late Mrs. Charles Potter was laid to rest in beautiful Dnnmore oemetiry yesterday afternoon. Altbongb the weather was drizzly jtud uncomfortable hundreds of loving friends and gathered to pay a last tribute ot respeec to one wbo has been ia their midst daring the past half century. The funeral eerviss were conducted by Rv. J. W. Will lams, pastor of tbe Presbyterian churcb, who delivered a fitting eulogy to tbe departed. A obolr as sisted. Tbe oasktst was borne to the grave by tbe grandsons of tbe deceased. Tbey were C. P. Savage, William Stan too, Charles Wagner, Leet Wagner, William Potter and James Nortbup. Tbe floral offerings were many nnd beautiful. Among them were two larne pillows, scale of life, and other pretty pieces from tbe relatives, and an an chor from the Ladies' Aid society, of Ducmore. That Tired Feeling So common at this season, is a serious condition, liable to lead to disastrous results. It is a sure sign of declining health tone, and that the blood is im poverished and Impure. The best aud most successful remedy is found in HOOD'S Sarsaparilla Which makes rich, healthy blood, and thus gives strength to the nerves, elas ticity lo the muscles, vigor to the bruiu and health to the whoh) body. In truth, Hood's Sarsaparilla Makes the Weak Strong- Be sure to get Hood's and only Hood'i Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, pc--ectlv harmless, always reliable and bcuefloi THE BELL 230 Lacka. Ave. It Is for Men Only, but Their Wives May Buy. FOR THIS WEEK'3 SPECIALS WE SELECTED; MEN'S FURNISHINGS. White or Nntnrnl Wool Underwear regular C5o. quality. ... 36c. (See our window display.) Red Underwear, medicated, ribbed bottoms, $1 quality 85c. All wool Camel's Hair Shirt or Drawers, $1 quality 8O0 SUSPENDERS . 2.jf. quality, tilk embroidered 12s. SOo. quality, strong web 18c. 00c. quality, silk web 28o. NECKWEAR THE LATEST STYLES. 22c. quality 1 5o. 50a quality 38o. HATS. $1 50 Stiff or Soft Hats $2 Stiff or Soft Hats... 950. $1.25 All gooda left from the Fire Sale, which are damaged by water only, at your own price. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE. PIGN OF THE BELL. 230 Lackawanna Ave. Next door to the burned building. We continue the sale of two pairs Boys' Kuce Pants for 25c MOOSIC POWDER Rooms 1 and I Commooeltli Bid's SCIIANTON, PA. . MINING andBLASTINQ POWDER Hade at the MOOSIO and KUBQ DALE WOKKS. Lofflin & Rand Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electrlo Batteries, Fusei for explol- -ing blasts, Bafety Fuse and RepaunoChemical Ca'sHifjh Ezploaivei COME AND SEE US CONCERNING THE PRINTING YOU NEEU SOON. . We can please your taste and vauts. Out an estimate. ,Tta Scranton TftaeW Dcpl a'tiiiiniTOiiiiiii2aiiuimiBHiiiiHniiii8lniuuiuijiHUinH!Miiniiirj S! mn FAIR THE 400402 Lackawanna in GREAT ADVANCE SALE OP BLANKETS. "THESE goods will be sold far below their value, and it will pay you to secure what you need for the winter during this sale. BY PAYING A SMALL DEPOSIT you can have them stored FREE OF CHARGE until wanted. case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter price 89o.; now only . . . . case 10-4 Blanket), White and Grey, winter price $1.50; now only - case 11-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter price, $2.25; now only caso 10-4 White Wool Blankets, winter pric9 $3.75; now only case 11-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price $5; now only case 10-4 California Blankets, winter price $7.50; now only - - - - case 11-4 California Blankets, winter price 3.50; now only bales Comforts, special, worth $3 and $3.25; now only . - , GOc $1 $1.50 2.50 $3.30 $5,50 $6.50' Nsiiuuu2a:K2iiiiiiimnmnni!iniiiuiuinHninint Onyx Top. New Shape. ERR a SSEBEC 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. )ur Fall Bift Announcement The many inquiries that have been made reErardin? our FREE GIFT distribution, h mmr.p1if.rl n to an nounce that UUTIL FURTHER NOTICE we will give BUMS A HANDSOME CATHEDRAL STRIKE CLOCK American Onyx FinUb. with eery purcnas of $BO or over, lor oah or credit. Or an elegant 100-PIECE DINNER SET whh every $75 purbae or ovor, for casii or credit. Our $39 Bedroom Outfit Sale still continues. That $loO Four Room Outfit of oars is now ready for your inspection. If you. can't call, write us for information. Green Discount Tags are doing the work.