The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 18, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Mild weather will not last
Neither will the PRESENT
Bargains in Blankets.
We placed our orders 'with
makers during a time of general
depression when orders were
scarce and price3 of raw materials
at the lowest point with the re
sult that we have secured the
most carefully-made goods at the
lowest prices. In addition to
these we have a number of choice
blankets carried over from last
season, slightly soiled; to dispose
of them quickly have marked
them down at least 25 per cent,
below prices generally prevailing.
Novelty Silks
For Autumn and Winter.
Beautiful colors and handsome,
new, graceful designs. Our col
lection is larger than ever before
and more attractive, Mle the
prices are considerably lower tB'an
in any previous year.
A large line of Women's
and Children' 3 Hosiery has
just come to us at prices
lower than ever before
' 412 Spruce St,, Scranton.
Dr. Reeve is certainly gaining the eonfl
dttnce of the public. Hu is deiiliug honestly
with tlio people of Sermiton und vicinity. Ho
is ?uotl ami considerate lo tue poor a'ld treats
evrryonx with respectful cuusidcrntiou. Huv
iu;; hail lc:it unci varied experience in private
and hospital service, bo Htmids unequalled iu
liis prclosiion Ho is performing soino won
derful cure and while hi uundiiomooilkes at
AVI Spruce streol, bcrantim.aro daily crowded
with Kick ami sulterin -,hu always has time and
a word of ciioer and comfort for everyone.
He gtv.s mivite, r- rnrr nr pu.npr
vitipi ami rxaiu illation IIILL Ul bun nUL
No one is turned away.
The duct'T has opened a female department
for ibosu who wish treatment exclusively for
ailiDi iitx peculiar to females, so that those
wlom "delicacy- hue heretofore kept away
may now re eive the services of a "lady"
whoso treatment will prove her ability in
such cases.
He. with his assistants, treat all diseases of
the nervous systom, diseases of the eye, ear,
no aud throat, dyspepsia, rheumatism, lost
vitulity, premature weakness or docay in
both sexes, female weaknesses, and irregu
larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tumor,
rancei'Si eruptions, blood poisoning, fits, epi
itopay, iiuiisi retion and errors of youth, lost
maiihood, czema, scrofula, St. Vitas' dance,
asthma, diseases ot the heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys, bladder, stomuch, etc.
C niisult ition anil Kxaiiilniiilnn Free.
Oflk'o hours: Daily, 9 a.m. to p. m. Sun
tlavs, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Take elevator in Christian's bat store, or
Kemember the name and number,
412 Spruce St, Scranton,
Dr. L. Kelly was severely injured on
Saturday evening by being strack by a
street ear. He vrss driving along Main
street, Blakely, when the bores be
earn frightened and ran directly in
front of it When the oar itrnclc the
carriage Mr. Kelly wai thrown against
the enrb and sustained a broken collar
bone and rib. He was carried to a
hooae nearby and afterwards removed
to hi borne. At this writing he is do
ing aa well as can be expected.
About 8,000 people witnessed the
base ball game on the Brown's grounds
on Saturday afternoon, In which the
borne team suffered defeat The game
was exolting from the start to the
finish, the Jermyn team winning by an
"ace." The score was 13 to 11.
The 6-months-old child of Philip
Hastings died Sunday and whs in
terred yesterday.
Thomas Lewis was seriously injared
in the spine yesterday while at work
in No. 9 mine.
Editor J. W. Kennetly.of the Rsoord,
and wife and ehild left yesterday on a
visit to Albany and otber places
- Mrs. Sarah Powell and Mrs. Frank
Brundage, of Providence, called on
Mr. and Mrs T. W. Watkins yester
day. Miss Maddia Harts oalled on frienda
in town last evening.
Willie McHals left last evening for
Miss LlExie Sprecher, of Arohbald, Is
the guest of Miss Jennie Ferguson, of
Laekawanna street.
' Messrs. Bolaod, Carrol and Nealon,
of Scranton, called on friends in town
Snnday evening.
J. P. O'Mailey and wife, of Carbon
dale, spent Snnday with relatives on
Dunmore street. '
Ouinsv tronbled me for twenty vesrs.
Since I started using Dr. Thomas Eclotrio
Oil have not had an attack. The Oil cure
sore throat at once. Mrs. Ltstta C'onrml,
Blandish, Mich., Oot. 24, '8a.
After a conple months' vacation the
Junior Christian Endeavor society of
tie Baptist ohnrch commenped holding
services again on Sunday afternoon at
Dr. W. J. Lowery entertained bis
father, of Clifford, ovsr Sunday.
Mrs. Williams, of Church street, and
her mother, Mrs. Tlllsley, were in
Scranton ytsterday attending the fun
eral of Miss Ida Davis.
J. D. Jones, of Wayne strset, was
admitted to the hospital yesterday.
John J. Simpson returned boms
Saturday evening from a trip in the
old world.
Samuel Henry, of Chicago, arrived
in lbs olty on Saturday evening to
spend a conple of weeks.
' Elward Histad spent . Sunday with
bis parents in Waymart.
Daniel Senrry, ot Washington street,
Is on a business trip to New York city.
Miss Sarah Barr, of Llnooln avenue,
left yesterday morning for a visit with
friends in Orange, N. J.
Gsorge Bnaisll was a Scranton visi
tor yesterday.
The Ladles' Aid soclsty of the Bap
tist church will serve their regular
monthly supper in the chapel on Wed
nesday evening of this week.
Miss Mabel Edwards bas returned to
her home on Park street after a two
months' stay in the Catskill moun
tains. Rulph Blair spent yesterday In Sus
quehanna. The funeral of the late William
Watkins. jr., was held yesterday after
noon. Services were conducted in the
Baptist Tabernaole at 3.15 o'clock by
Rev. T. E. Jepson. The remains wore
interred in Msplewood cemetery.
W. F. Nye and C. B. Smith left on
Saturday morning to enjoy their an
nnal vacation, which will be spsnt in
several of the large cities In New York
Mrs John Estabrook, of Susque
hanna, is visiting Carbondale frieuds.
On Snnday evening about 9 o'clook a
bouse ou Battle avenue owned by John
MeAndrew was burned. The loss is
about 1.2U0 and no insurance.
Ovsr 72,000 visitors have been at Far
view this seasoa.
Miss Alenin Herring has accepted a
situation in Couch's insnranos office.
Willard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck
Travis, died on Monday morning of
scarlet fever. The funeral will be held
this afternoon at 2 o'ctosk. Interment
will be made in Maplswood cemetery.
The Ladles' Aid society of the First
Presbyterian church will give an u
tertainment and oyster supper in the
church this evening.
Frederick Fritscb, of Dnndaff street,
had the third finger of bis left haud
smashed while coupling cars on Satur
day evening.
Carbondale was in darkness for sev
eral hours on Sunday evening. We
coald never do without the eleetria arc
lights now.
On Tuesday night about 10 o'clock
the lifeless bodv of David Buckley was
found luying beside the rails in a
badly mangled condition in the rail
road yard. The wheels had passed
over bis left arm and side and also
crushed in the left side of his be id.
The remains were taken to his late
home on Sooth Main street, from
where the funeral will take place this
morning. A requiem muss will be said
in St. Boss chnrcb at 0.30 o'clock. Iu
termeot will be made in St. Rose
Dr. Stegner wns in town yesterday.
Ivy Leaf Social club will give a 15
cent hop at Taylor hall tonight
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spruoe street, Scran
ton, cutSB all diseases of the nervous
system. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
A great surprise was given the mem
bers of the Calvary Baptist church on
Sunday night when Bsv. Dr. H. H.
Harris, announced bis resignation.
Thomas Edwards was in Green Ridge
on Sunduy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Jersey
City, are spending a short time at the
home of Ira Atberton.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth
odist Episcopal church will give a
festival tonight in the oburcb parlors.
Dr. Houser's trotters beat Dr. Por
teus' Maud L and J. E. Davis' Maggie
luat Saturday.
Sons or Temperance will give an en
tertainment next Friday night for the
benefit ot Evan Evans. Chaplain
James Moir, of Scranton, will act as
Poor and harmless Bill Drysdale,
who took his own life on Sunday, will
be missed by hnndreds. Although ad
dicted to liquor, be was a kiud and
charitable person. He bad many
friends wbo were shocked to learn of
his sad ending. He was a member of
the Knight of Pythias of this town.
The funeral will take place at 3 o'clock
this afternoon.
This afternoon at 2 o'clock the Rid
Men, attired in their fantastic cos
tome and healed by the Taylor band,
will parade through the town. They
will hold a picnic at the "Old Home
stead," on North Main street
About 1 o'clock Sundav morning, as
coal train "extra 699," James Kelley,
condnotor, was coming west on the
Honesdale branch, while passing the
west end ot Kimble switch, about four
miles esst ot here, a break rigging
came down, throwing seven empty coal
cars off the track. The Hawley wreck
er was called out to dear the road. The
main traok was blocked for several
Conductor J. W. Brink, of Dunmore,
spent the day at Btir pond Saturday.
J. H. Obmer and Ed Like, of Hones
dale, were in town Snnday calling on
Eugene Seigle, of Dunmore. spent
Sunday in town calling on old ac
quaintances. Mr, and Mrs. Philip Davis, of Dun
more, who are on their way to New
burg, N. Y., spent Sunday in town
with relatives.
The Dunmore courier was in town
.Gil more' s Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and all
run down, Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood , It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold
by' Matthews Bros., Scran
Saturday looking after the lumber
Presiding Elder Thorpe preselied a
splendid sermon iu the Methodist
Episcopal church Sunday evening.
Frank Varco and a pirty ot young
ladles and gentlemen from Cherry
Bidgs were In town Sunday to see the
rnins of the silk mills.
Miss Matilda E. Bollisoo, wbo at
present is Uaoblog the White school at
Notou, Pike oounty, came boms Satur
day to spend the day.
Dvrlght Mills, ot Lake Ariel, was in
town Monday morning.
Mrs. C. C. Gardner visited ber daugh
ter, Mrs. George Hornbaker, of Green
Ridge, a few days last week.
Dr. Beeves, 412 Sprnce street, Scran
ton, cures all diseases peculiar to
females. 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Cyrus Gardner attended t'lie Blog
bnmton fair last week, also visited bis
sons, Harry and Frank, who are en
gaged in the butcher business at that
The base ball gams' at this plaoe
last Saturday between the Waverlys
and Wyomings resulted in a victory
for the Waverly club by a score of 14
to 23.
Herbert Reynolds will leave tomor
row (Wednesday) for Ithaca, N. Y.,
where be will atteud Cascadilla aoad
The Six Principal Baptist will hold
their yearly meeting on Spt. 21 at the
Six Principal church at this plaoe. All
are weloome.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eddy, of Iowa
Falls, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Mathewson. on Maple street.
The Ladies' Aid ot the First Baptist
church, meet at the residence of Miss
Nancy Hinds tomorrow (Wednesday.)
All are r quested to be present
Fifty ot Italy's dusky sons are safely
housed in the old armory. They are
employed on the water works.
Miss Crane, of Scranton, is the guest
of W. N. Mauchester and wife.
Napoleon Ball and Miss Anna Car
penter, of Carpenter Hollow, were
married at ths Methodist parsonage at
this plaoe Saturday evening.
Anthony J. Dnflfy, ot the East Side,
wbo has creditably filled the position
of street commissioner for the past
eighteen months, has resigned. Mr.
Dn fly's resignation bas been in the
bauds of the council for the past
month, bnt no action has yet baen
taken on it.
Jumes H. Feeley, of Main street, was
in Hawley yesterday, attending the
funeral of bis uncle, Martin Feeley,
wbo died on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Fadden. of Oly
phant, spent Snnday with Mrs. Fad
den's parents here.
Burgees Bnrke has signed an ordin
ance granting riht of way over
Bridgr, Church and Laurel streets to
the Lackawanna Trausit company.
Mrs. Thomas Venison, of South Main
s'rest, was fouud dead in bed at her
boms yesterday morning. She retired
on Suuday evening apparently in good
beultb. Not having arisen at the usual
hour ber sou went to awake ber and
wasstsrtled to find her dead. Her
death is supposed to have been due to
heart failure. Mrs. Venison was widely
known and esteemed by an extensive
cirole of acquaintances. She is sur
vived by her husband and one son,
Jonathan, of this plaoe; Mrs. John
Sheedy, of Passaic, and Mrs. Farrell,
of Elberon, N. J. Her funeral will
take place on Wednesday afternoon.
Owing to the severe rain storm and
the darkness, the congregations in the
oburehes were very small for Sunday
Ed Anstin, of Mauch Chunk, was vis
iting his family here yesterday.
S. S. Wright, of Rescue Hook and
Ladder company; Nen Warner, of
Montrose Hose Company No. 2, and
Robert Jessup, of Rough aud Ready
Hose company, No. 1, started yesterday
for Norrlstown to attend the state fire
men's convention. Montrose is a can
didate. When the convention is held
bare the citizens will see that the fire
men are well taken eare of.
It is not often that a fire in Scranton
affects business bere, but the fire that
burned out the photographic parlors of
M. M. DeWUt caused quite a loss to
DeVVltt & Smith, as all of their print
ins! was done there.
The Scranton papers were sold very
fast here yesterday morning, on ac
count of the big firs.
Euoklen's Arnloa Salve.
The beet salve In the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Blcin Eruptions, and posi
tively earn Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price U cents per
box. For sale by Matthews Bros.
Miss Elna Creveling, of Bloomsburg,
Pa., is ths guest ot Miss Vida John
son. Mrs. J. S. Little and son Will, left
last Saturday for Washington, D. C,
where they will remain for the winter.
Miss flattie Bacon is visiting the
Eleotrio City.
Claude Walker," of Scranton, spent
Snnday with relatives here.
Ralph Williams, who nas bsen with
Matthew Bros., is home for a short
Cassius Stack-house, of Scranton,
nailed on Nicholson friends last even
ing. Mrs. E O. Sewall returned to New
York Monday, after a two months' so
jonrn with her sisters, Mrs. C. B. Will
iams and Mrs. G. W. Muir.
An infant child of Philip Frense was
burisd on Friday. Interment was
made In Aldenville, Wayne county.
Dr. Beeves, 412 Spruce street, Soran
ton, cures all dlseiiHes of tba eye, en,
.nose and throat 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
A social whs held at the home of
George I vey for the Dene fit of the new
Congregational chnrob. There was a
large attendance.
Mr. and Charles Iswey have returned
to their home after a two weeks' visit
with friends in Honesdale.
Ezra, an 8-inonths old child of Mr.
and Mrs. Bicburd Jones died Saturday
nitrht after only two days' sickness of
liiflimmation of the brain. The fa
nsral will take place this (Tuesday)
morning. Ths remains will be taken
to Scranton for I nrial.
H. J. Brooks, mine foreman at
Greenwood, is confined to bis borne
with an attack of rheumatism.
Miss Annie Loverlng, ot Greenwood,
was presented with a new piano last
week by ber father, T. R Loverlng.
One of the most interesting gum -s of
the season was plaved on the Brick
Yard grounds yesterdav between the
Morning Glories, of Dunmore, and the
Mayflowers. Fully 2,000 people wit
nessed the gain, which was for $20.
The score was 134o 34 1 favor of Du i
more. . , i ,
J. W. Hand has returned from a
wnek's visit to L ike Ariel.
Fred Hartuoll has returned from
The funeral of Mrs. Sarah Ann Pot
ter will this afternoon (Taesday) from
her late residence at 3 o'olock.
Mr.t Williams and daughter, Lulu,
of Carbondale, spent Sunday at the
boms of M. K. Bishop.
Stauly Gaines spent Snnday at Haw
ley. Miss Kate Fowfor will return to her
home at Watertown, N. Y.. today.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davis are spend
ing a week at Newburg, N. Y.
The Baptist congregation will hold a
social at the home ot Lwreno Brink
this evening. It is designated as an
"animul social" and promises to be
unique and amusing.
J. Milham, of Hawley, spent Sunday
with bU son-in-law, Wilson D. Decker,
on Cherry street
Miss Elsie Close has left for Buffalo,
N. Y., where she has acoepted a posi
tion as instructress in one of the large
Thomas Howley is making extensive
improvements on bis Elm strset prop
erty. Mrs. George D. Woodward, ot
Chicago, is visitinr at the horns of Mr.
and Marvin Tatbill,
Mrs. Ira Everett, ot Mauoh Chnnk,
visited her sister, Mrs. J. H. Warg,
last week.
Georua Minnlok, who was employed
on the Erie aud Wyoming Valley rail
road for some time, was killed on the
Fitchburg railroad at Hoosao tunnel
Mrs. Jacob Van Dazer visited friends
at Avoca last week.
No. 37, another ot the Erie and
Wyoming Valley's new allotment ot
engines, was received last week.
Mrs. W. Spangenberg is visiting rela
tives in Toronto, Can.
Miss Lizzie Mitchell, of Avooa, is
visiting relatives at this place.
Dan Wescott is again on dnty after
a lengthy sick spell.
Etiginoer William Seigls is visiting
at Williamsport,
Engineer W. S. Kollam was a visitor
at Jursey City last week.
The Independent Hose-company held
two successful autumnal balls on Fri
day and Saturday evenings ot last
Ambrose Byrnes was among ths
Toronto exoursionists.
Mr. Finnen is again on dnty after a
few days' illness.
A. E. Finch spent yesterday at
Ozone park. ,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson and
family are visiting relatives at
Thomas Hen wood, Erie and Wyoming
Valley agent nt Wimmers, is visitiug
his parents at Luzerne.
T. McHale, ot Olyphant, was a visitor
on last Friday.
William Ooksenreidor is visiting
friends at Honesdale.
Mrs. B. Kinney and son Arthur, of
Bridgeville, N. J., are the guests at the
Kinney home on Butler street.
Miss Lou Kellam, of Hawley, is vis
iting relatives et this placs.
Miss Lizzie Wert is visiting relatives
at Newark, N. J.
Mrs. Bronson and Mrs. Edgerton
spent yesterdav nt Lake Arie 1.
The drama, "Ruined by Drink." will
be presented at the Old Fellows' hall
tomorrow evening under ths auspices
of the Loyal Legion. Admission, 10
Miss Grace Atkinson, of Albany, is
the guest of Miss Ida Barnes.
The Young Sports from the upper
part of Honesdale played the Lime
ricks from lower Honesdale ou Satur
day. It was a yery exciting game of
eleven Innings, resulting In a viciorr
Tor the Yonng Sports. Score, 18 to 17.
Batteries Young Sports, Weiser and
Salman catobers, Schoonover and Pen
wander pitohers: Limrieks, Hessling,
pitcher; Vetter, catcher.
John L. Wolf, a former Honesdale
boy, but more recently of Scranton, is
spending a few days in Honesdale. Mr.
Wolf is engaged us a special organizer
of the Heptasopbs.
O. B. Ha'isell psssed Sunday at his
borne in Uulondale, riding tbers on
bis wheel.
James Finnerty loft for school yes
terday. Dwight Dorfllnger leaves home today
for school,
Several Honesdale cyclists are in
training for the raoes Oot. 4
Mrs. Hadcook, of Carbondale was iu
town yesterday.
Remember the chicken social to bs
beld at the Baptist church .tomorrow
Preparations are being mads for the
annual parade of the Father Mathew
society ou Oct 10. - A large number
from Luzerne and Lackawanna coun
ties are expected to be present,
Halsey Lathropa, of Psckville, called
on Jermyn friends yesterday.
The Epworth league will have
VAn Evening with Poets" next Friday
night. All are invited.
Tbomus Solomon has procured a luo
rative pofition in New York city, and
his tnuny friends wish him suooess.
On account of tbs scarcity, potatoes
are being brought in by the oar load
from New York city.
The excavating for the foundation of
the new borough building of . Throop
borough is now completed and the
stone work will soon be nnder way..
The Throop Hose sompany, No. 1,
responded in a body to the cordial in
vitation of Independence Hose com
pany, of Dunmore, on Sept. 16, and en
joyed themselves greatly, spending a
few hours with the Neptune Hose com
pany. Mr. and Mrs. William Lawysr re
turned home on Sunday last.
Messrs. Kara and Banfield made a
trip to Wyoming on wheels Sunday
Frederick Fryer, who has been slok
a little now and then,
with a genUe, cleans
ing laxative, thereby
removing offending
matter from the stom
ach and bowels, and
toning up and invigo
rating the liver and'
quickening its tardy
action, ana you were.
by remove the cause
of a multitude of dis
tressing diseases, such as headaches, indiges
tion, biliousness, skin diseases, boils, carbun
cles, piles, fistulas and maladies too numerous
to mention.
If people would pay mors attention to
properly regulating the action of their bow
els, they would have less frequent occasion
to call for their doctor's services to subdue
attacks of dangerous diseases.
That, ot all known agents to accomplish
this purpose, Dr.- Pierce's Pleasant Pellets
are unequalled, is proven by the fact that
once used, they are always in favor. Their
secondary effect is to keep the bowels open
and rogular, not to further constipate, as is
thu case with other pills. Hence, tneir great
popularity with Fofrerpni from habitual con
Stijpation, pQes oi.d hidiu.1iou.
si s
for some time past, is slowly rssover
V. F. Coleman spent Sundav even-
lug with friends in Scranton.
J. H. MoDonald. of this nlscs. and
Stephen Pendor, of Prioshurg, are pre
paring themselves for a handicap foot
racs to taks placs in tbs near fntars.
' Peckville.
Sheridan lodge, 210, Knights ot Py
thias, movsd from the Grand Army of
tbs Republic ball into the Old Fellows
ball lat evening.
R. M. Hoffeoker left yesterdsy to
visit with friends in York state.
Ths third quarterly conference will
be held in ths MethodistEpisoopal
obureh this evening.
Mrs Nelson Benson, of Green Ridie,
Is visiting at the home of Mrs. E. T.
Rv. F. P. Doty is visiting at Ocean
Grove. Rev. Henry Chapman officiated
for him last Sunday evening.
Mrs. Hattis Williams and daughter
Jennie, is visiting ber parents at Wav
erly. Jos Hitohner, of Wilkes-Barre, will
leoture in behalf of ths Epworth
League on Tuesday evening. Sept. 21
Mrs. P. G. Harding is sojourning
for a few days at Lily lake.
The many friends ' of John Griaedal
will be glad to bear that he is improv
ing aftsr a severe attack of typhoid
The pay car visited this place on Sat
urday. Walter Paokard, formerly of this
plase, but who now resides in Bing
bamton, is visiting friends and rela
tives ia town.
Mr. and Mrs Hsrbsrt Willis, of
Hooper, N. Y., called on Mr. and Mrs.
C. J. Laugley, on Susquehanna avenue,
Mrs. Samuel Daniels and son Frank,
of Chicago, who havs been visiting her
sister, Mrs. Dr. F. D. Lamb, have re
turned home.
Miss Msry Scotten, who bss been
visiting friends and relatives in Gil
bertsviile. N. Y., bss returned borne.
The Susquehanna County Medical
society will meet at Susquehanna on
Tuesday, Ojr. 3
Rsv. John Davis, of this placs will
prssch in the Methodist church In
Great Bend next Sunday evening.
The railroad men are making full
Mr. A. J, Davenport
Impure Blood
Caused large BoiU mr face an4 neck.
I was told to take Hood's Sarsaparilla faithful
'g Sarsa-
ljr, and after using 3
bottles was free from
all eruDtinnn. T am uer-
fectly cured and in ex
cellent health. A. J. Davenport, Hilton, N. J.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do
not purge, pain or gripe. Try a box. 25c.
230 Lacka. Ave.
It Is for Men Only,
bnt Their Wives
May Buy.
White or Natural Wool 'Underwear
regular 05o. quality 36c.
(See our window display.)
Red Underwear, medioatsd, ribbed
bottoms, $1 quality.. M 85o.
All wool Camel's Hair Shirt or
Drawers, $1 quality 8O0.
25:. quality, silk embroidered 12c.
30c quality, strong web 1 8c.
50o. quality, silk web 28o.
22c. quality... 50.
50c quality 880.
$1 50 Stiff or Sort Hats .950.
$2 Stiff or Soft Hats $1.2 5
All goods left from the Fire
Sale, which are damaged by water
only, at your own price.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
(Text door to the burned building,
"We continue the sale of two
pairs Boys' Kuee Tauts for 2oJ.
' 400-402 Lackawanna Aye. I
"THESE goods will be sold far below their
value, and it will pay you to secure what
you need for the winter during this sale. BY
them stored FREE OF CHARGE until wanted.
1 case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price 89c. ; now only
1 case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
prioe $1.50; now only
1 case 11-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price, $2,25; now only $1.50
1 case 10-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price '
$3.75; now only - , - - . $2,50
1 case 11-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price
$5; now only ' - s $3WJO
1 case 10-4 California Blankets, winter price
$7.50; now only ... . fcfcSO
1 case 13-4 California Blankets, winter price
$8.50; now only $6,150
2 bales Comforts, special, worth $3 and $3.25;
now only . $1.98
.406 and 408 Lacka Avenue.
Our Fall Gift
The many inquiries that have been made regarding
our FREE GIFT distribution has compelled us to an
nounce that UNTIL FURTHER N0TI0E we will give
Amsriosn Onyx Finish, wtth
Tery porobsss of $SO or
ovsr, for cash or credit.
Or an elegant
with svery $75 parohsss or
, over, for cash or oredit
Uur $39 Bedroom
That $150 Four
ready for your inspection.
information. ; ' '
Green Discount Tags
Outfit Sale still continues.
Room Outfit of ours is now
If you can't call, write us for.
. ; y
are doing the work.