THE SCRANTON TEUJITNE T UESDAY MORNING-. SEPTEMBER 18, 1894.' tttmm iimnmirainmBiTOnftim .rinannnHMimaniiuwn s - 1 308 Lacka. Avenue, 308 Lacka. Avenue. S i - A. Jbaaaaef i . . - .-r ' .. "! ; A large amount of DRY GOODS, damaged by water running through from Gross & Foster fire, consisting ot a S will T eXXianmrniiniumuuiinuumuaiiuinnuj ' L OF The failure of the committee who have been at work endeavoring to per fect a new tonnage percentage agree ment among the anthracite coal com panies ha, says the Philadelphia Pr-ss, rsated a deeided sensation in the an thracite coal trade. The prices are away down, the production is away op and the demand is slack, Sinoe the tonnnge was allotted among the pro duction companies in 18S6 the follow ing interests hare grown np: Suiqa hanna and Western, wbish sent about 2.50 per cent of the total production to market last year; Ontario and West ern, 2 81 per cent. 1 Co Bros & Co., 4.59 per cent., aud Wilkas-Barre and Eastsrn, 1.10 per cent 1 The natural inrrease in the tonnage of the old lines is figured at 4. per cent, per year, but the entirely Dew interests now produce 11 per cent, of the total amount of coal sent to markt. None ot the great companies is willing to reduce its old pereentage, but the new interests are there and they will continue to pro duce coal. The following table shows old percentages and the percentagea of coal shipped by the leading interests in 1893: , ' Approz. Shipm'ti. Allotment . ' Last year Percentage. Percentage. Beading....: 21.63 19.50 Lehign Valley.... ....18. 97 - 15.00 Jersey Central. 15.03 12 C2 Del- Lack, mod Weet. 15.5 ' . . 15 53 Delaware and Had. . .10.65 10. 21 Penna. Battway com. 10. 05 11.11 Penna. Coal company 4.84 4.23 Erie 1.94 4.11 Ontario and Western 2.61 CoxeBros ' 4.59 It will be seen from this table that the old comoanies bar been behind if the old allotment is regarded as the basis, bnt ahead nnder the real state of faets. It is the uegorernable greed for tonnage mat Keeps toe market oyer supplied and unless there is the re straint of restriction which can only be brought on the total tonnage and the tonnage oi eaen company is agreed on, u tonnage is liKeiy to grow worst. Besides the rumors gWen above the uow-Jooes company said on Saturday. "A fact hinted at a few days ago seems to have taken a mora tangible form. It is in effeot that there are certain prominent anthracite coal interests who have all alone worked against Kesainiz. woo are ion now Terr much opposed to any aouon mat will restore harmony and prioes in the coal trade. Their alleged motive is apparent Ex perts Say thatlt is Impossible to put oot any tteaoing . reorganiaation plan which will go through with coal prioes on a basis lower than 14 per ton for stove and .chestnut sizes. The ruling figures are form 00 enu to Cl below that amount, and as long as tnere is a large dissenting element in the trade ' tbey will not snow any improvement All the onrrent talk aboul a hew coal combination has arisen from the faot Mini sivaasiw mw - r - . stated by (US at thstlms, a committee of sales agents was appointed to rec-ommend-a new basis -for taatrietive ' agreements. It seems that this com mittee dabbled in the matter ot, per- , ceotages,, and rendered a report, rc oinmeadinf-a. readjustment The re port met with Very cbllHng recep GENERA N E W S INDUSTRIES BLANKETS, CLOAKS, UNDERWEAR, &c. be sold regardless of cost. ASHION, tion at the bands of the leading inter! ests, and was pigeon boled. There seems to be proof that Lackawanna, Jersey Central and perhaps Delaware and Hudson are working together against the other interests, and to that extent at least, there caa be said to be a coal combination in existence. Bnt it is altogether a different type than mat rnmorej in wall street, it re ports are true it is destructive rather than constructive in its nature. It is safe to assume that any coal combina tion formed at this time wonld be an organization with Reallng left ont. Minor Industrial Notes: The Lehigh Valley did the heaviest traf fic in its history in August, especially in tbrongh travel. n, The Lehieh Vsllsy railroad is moving over WOO cars of tbrongh and local freight daily east over the Lehigh division. , A new boiler is being added to the plant at Cranberry colliery. It will be used to heat the water before having it pumped into the other boilers. Store No. 7. at Tresckow. is being re opened by the Lebigh and Wllkes-Barre Coal company ana it win De asea now as a pumpway. A large now pump is to be placed there. , ' As a result of the recent tariff changes the Farr Alpaoa company, Holyoke, Mass., will discharge a large number of its wool ansorters, as it lias been fonnd that the wool can be assorted much cheaper in foreign countries. ... " There Is so mnch ialk about wheat being fed to farm animals it is interesting to know how many farm animals there are. This year began with 18,500,000 horses and mules, 4 ,r, 200, 000 swine, 36,600,000 cattle, and 10,500,000 milch cows, or 116,700,000 in addition to sheep. A big step was taken yesterday in the work oi pueblng tbe construction or tbe new Beech Creek Trnnk line from Pitts burg to tbe east. Fifty-five deeds ot right of way were filed in tbe Indiana county courts, and tbe work of construe tion will now be pushed. For Coi.ds, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis ana core Throat, use Dr. Thomas' liclec trie Oil, and get the genuine. ' Electrio Bitters. . This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electrio Bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer meaicine aoes notexist ana it is enaran teed to do all that is claimed. Electrio Bitters will cure nil diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove PitnDles. Boils. Salt Rheum and other affections caused bv impure blood. Will drive Malaria from tne system ana prevent as wen as enre an Malarial fevers. For enre of Headache. Contispation and Indigestion try Electrio Bitters entire satistaotion guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60 cts. and tl per bottle at juattnews Bros., urug store My physician said I could not live, my liver out of order, frequently vomited greenish mucous, skin yellow, small dry humors on face, stomach wonld not retain food. Bnrdock mooa Hitters enrea me. Mrs. Adelaide O'Brien, 1172 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. X. , " .... FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. fltooka and Bonds. - , Wew York, Sept 17 Thero was some interesting development in siocks touay, and there waa an additional material iu- oreaie in the volume of business, but tbe activity was at the expense ot values. Four stocks. American Sugar, Whisky, Chicago Gas and Reading figured for 165,- 000. shsres in a total or 857:071 shares for the entire list Sugar mode tbe greatest loss, dropping from 102 to 97 ex-dividend oi n per cent. The market closed toad' for the nil ways and heavy lor the Industrials. Net chances in tbe railway list shows losses of i to 1Y per cent., Northwest leading. In tbe Industrial, however, ths Iobs is to per cent., except for Sugar, wbich is 5 per cent, lower, and whiskey, wbich lost t per cent. Tbe ranee of Saturday s nrices or tbe ao. tive stocka of tbe New York stock market are given below. The quotatinns are furnltthed The Tribuns by O. du B. Dimmick, manager of Wlllla n Linn Allen St Co., atock brokers, 4U spruce street, scranton. Open- tllh. . ln. Am. Cot Oil 81 Am BuRar. 103 A. T. & a F - 7 Can. So. Chespeake & Ohio. .. t nio. uu Chic A N. W C, B. A Q C, C.C. A 8t. L.. C. M. A8tPaul..., Cbicago.K. 1. A fac, U. A H D L. A W L. a u. r J. ii a. E. Co mi ills. Cent. Lake Shore.... L.AM Manhattan Mich. Cent MIm. Pac... Nat. Cordaze Nat. Lead New Jersey Cent.. N. Y. Central N. Y. AN. K. N. Y..L. E.AW... N. V H. A W N. Y., & A W., pr. North rao North Pao. pr O. A W Phil. & Readinn.... Kicb A W. P T., C, A L Texas Pae Union Pad Do Wabash Wabasb pr Western Union .'iix-dividend.' Scranton W holeaale Marktt ' Qn i.nit Bant -IR VtlT'TT in PnnTtlTHV Dried apples per pound, 6a7a : evap orated apples, llMllc. per pouna; luruisn prunes, SaSJo.: English currants, 2'ic; layer raisins, tl.75al.60: mnscatels. tl.OOa 1.40 per box; -new vaiencias, oatc. per pound. Beans Marrow-fats, t3.40a3.50 per bdsnel; mediums, tl.75al.80. PlAS-(ireen, ll.15al.20 per bnshsl; split, IS.50a2.00: lentels, 5 to bo. per poand. Potatoks New, 70 to 75e. per bushel. Onions Bushel, 70 to 76c. Butter 17c. to 23c. per lb. CHXK8-9allKe. per lo. Eqos Fresh. I?kal8& MiATS-Hatns, lli'c; small hams, 13c.; skinnsd- bams; "14c: California hams, Bo.: shoulders, 8c; bellies, .10a smoked breakfast bacon, lSJc.' Smoked BEKV-Outeides, 13Kc; sets, 15c.: insides and knuckles, ltio. Acme sliced smoked beef, 1 pound cans, t'2.45 dozen. Pork Mess at $17; short cut, $18. Lard Leaf in tierces at 10H;.i in tabs, 10e.; in 10-pound pails, ll&o. per pound; (-pound palls, Uc. per pound; 8-pound palls, lljis. par pound; tompoond lard tierces, &; tnbs, 8c; 10-pound pails, 8V& per pound; 5-pound pain, 8c. per pound; 8-pound pails, 8o. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, per barrel. $4.00a4.0; Ohio and Indiana amber, at $3.U5; Graham at $8,25; rye hoar, at $8.00. Feid Mixed, per cwt, at 11.25. Grain Rye, cfie.t oorn, 66 to 63 I oats, 40 to 60e. per bushel. 1 Rye Straw Per ton, $12al4. v HAY-tl4.50al6. . Nw York Frodoot Harkst New York. Sept. 17. -Floor Dull, weak, freely offered. Wheat Store active. Winter Wheat Low grade, tl.85a3.40; fair to fancy, f3.40a2.80; do. patents. $2. 65a 13.10: Minneapolis clear. l&ttoau.oo: ao. straights, $8a3.45; do patents, $3.4t)a8.75; low extras, l.o'A4U; city mills, fj.a; ao, Satents, $4a4.25; rye mixtures, $3.10a2.35; ne superfine. Il.60a3.10: fine, $L65al.95. Southern flour, dull, weak; common to fair extra, .1U3.0U; good to choice ao., $3a8.oa ' i' - - ' Rye Flour Steady, t2.60a3.lQ, Loir Cloa est. eat. in sr. 34 aiw mi 102 tl U7 5s 7 0 20H Wi 2U 71 72 ' 70V 70 104 104M 102? 103U T6T ?5?4 Uy. 7iW 3D WU -M 0592 5 MM 05H U 4 4H 8$ a? , sn ...1S6 138 136 13D . lb 54 I iiii tir 2" &m . id in is- ml .41 - 41 .. uiJ4 aasi lo'ivi looji wi'ii . 16$ mi 15 15 I 4 ivi 40 411 . 5 6 5 5 . 1H WYt V'A IK . lflM 11 WH Wi 20 till IWj H ; m vm m m ." io" ' io " ' fo" io" .i i3 m im '. 15 15 15 15$ .VI 1 W 1U1 1 ' tn liiifii Corn Meal Quiet, steady: yellow west ern, $3aS 10; Brandywlne, $8.80. Rye Nominal, western, 48a57o. Barley Dull: western, 60a65a; No. 8 Milwaukee, 61C2c Barley Malt Qnlet: Canada country made90a95c.; western, 65a70c Pease Canada, nominal, 68c Wheat More active, easier; No. 8 red store and elevator, 57 c; afloat 58c.; ungraded red, 63a58c.; No. 1 northern, 038080. : options declined on eauier cables, weak, foreign selling, local liquida tion rallied Kc. on the decrease invisible, firmer west strength in corn and local covering fell t. and closed weak at np to JSC down, trading fair, December and May most active; September, 570.; Octobe. 67c; December, 60o.; May, 65a block ot grain, store and afloat Sep tember 15, wheat 12,086,056 bushels; corn, 217,978 bushels; oats, 2,45.1,197 bushels: rye, 517 bushels; barley, 79,900 bushels; malt, 7,664 bushels; pease, 3.575 bushels. corn Dull, firm; No. 2, Oic; eleva tor, 63463c.; afloat; options declined alc. and closed steady, unchanged to c. down, trading fair; December and May most active; September, &io. October, OOKc; November, 60)0.; December, 58c; jlay, oixc Oats Dull, firm; options moderately active, eisier: September, 81 Wc: October. 35c.; November, 863.; December, 87c; May, 40c; no. wnite, uctoDer, 87.: -sp"t prices, No 2, 84c; No. 2, white, 3TVtti)7So., No. 2 Chicago, 85c: No. S, 34c; No. 8, wnite, stio.; mixed western, S4kn!40o.; white do., 37a40kc: white state, 37a4UKo. Feed Bran, 80a85c: middlings, 85a 95c. ; rye feed, 80a85c. n ay inij, wean; snipping, iaaiuo.1 good to oboice, 65u75o, Hops Dull, easy; atate, common to cboice, oallc; raciuo coast, valKc; Lon eon unchanged. Wool Quiet, firm; domestic fleece, 18a 24c; pulled, 15a84c: Texa, 10a14c . . Beek Quiet steady; family tl0al2c; ex tra meBs, tSab.51. Beef hams Dull, f CO. Tikkced beer Quiet firm: city extra India mess, tif.ou. Cut Meats Moderate demand. Arm: pickled bellier, 12 lbs, 99c: pickled shoulders, 7!ia7c; pickled bam, llallc; middles nominal. Lard Qniet. firmer: western steam. $9.20. city, 8c; September ti) 25 nominal; January, nominal; rennea, qniet; continent $970: fe'outh America. $10.00: compound. Qn7(o. PORK Uuiot, ateady; mess tl5.50slU: extra prime. $13.50al4. BuTTEROuiet; fancy.stead v; state dairy. 14n22c: do. creamery, 18a24c; Pennsyl vania do., 18a24c; western dairy, 13sl7c; do. creamery, 15a24c; do. factory, 12a inc.; eigins, ti)$Q. imitation creamery, ISalBc Chebsk Quiet, unchaneed; state large. SalOc; do. fancy, 10)al0)c.: do. small, 8Kaluc; part skims, 4ab0'; fall skims, 3sc. Eaua--Quiet choice, steady; state and Pennsylvania. 18Wal9j.t ice bouse. 14ka 16c; western fresh, 1618! do. per case, $2a3,50. Pbiladslphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Sept 17. Tallow is Steady, but tbe demand is llgnt We quote city, prime in hogsheads, 4Ji4c; country, prime, in barrels, 4a4c; do. dark, in barrels, 4Xc cakes, 5c; grease, 4o. . Mothsrsl Mothersll Mothsrstll Mra.Winslow's Soothing Syrnp has been used for over fifty years by millions Of mothers for their children while teatblng, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic. and is the best remedy for dl arrbcea. fold bydiuggists in every part of tbe world. Bo snre and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. - Twenty-live cents a bot tle. . : - . "( - Would you ride on a railroad that uses no danger signals? That oongh is a signal of danger. ' The safest core is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all dealers on, a guarantee of satisfaction. TT WEAK MEN YUR attention ' Gray's SpsclQc Medicine a IF YOU SUFFER tromNer . vous De bility, Weakness of Body and Mind, Sperma torrhea, and Impoteucy, and all diseases that arise from over-ludulgonco and self -abuse, as Loes of Memory and Power, Dimness of Vis ion, 1'remature Old Ako and many other (lis-' euses that lead to Insanity or Consumption and an early Brave, write for a pamphlnt. Address GRAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. Y. Tbe BpeoiBo Medicine is sold by all drufrtfata at $ per package, or six packages for $i,or sent by mail on receipt of money. and with every $5.00 order WE GUARANTEE a enre or money reiunuea tTOn account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine, bold in Boranton bv Matthews broa Dueber-Hampden 17-Jewel Watches are known by rail road men and othei experts to be un equalled for weat and accuracy. Tbe Ducbsr Witch Works, Canton, 0. PKITEB 81I0B CO., Inc'p. fapltal, (1. 009,000. BEST CU.SO SHOE IN TUE WORLD. "A dollar laitti ft a dollar earned." TUiLadies' lld freach Uonfrola Kid Hot ton Boot del Ared fraainvwlMra In tbe U.S.,oo neelptof Cash, MoneyOMtr, or I'mUI Note for M. Kanali evory way the boots old in all retail stores for 81.60. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar antee, tne ju, hum ana tcenr, and If any one is not saHilkd we will rcmna uio munoy irsendanothorpair. Optra Toe or Common Btnte, WluUIB V, A.'. Ai nn. 1 to B ana nail FREE Dexter Shoe Co., I3&Ee Special frrmt to Vtatir: Well Man 1st Day. 10th Day. of Me. n rit UKtAT 30th Day. prodnces the above results In '30 days. It aoti vnwerf ully and aulckly. Cures when all others fall YouuRmeuwlllreiiain their lost manhood, aud old tuou will recover their youthful vujor by usina KEVIVO. It aulokly and surely restores Nervous ness, I.ot,t Vitality, Impoteuny, Nightly Emissions, Lost Power, railing Memory, Wasting Diseases, aud all effects of self-abuse or excess and Indiscretion, which unfltt one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting tt the seat ot disease, but Is a great nerve tonlo and bload builder, bring tng back the pink Klow to pale cheeks and re storing the lire of youth. It wards off Insanity and Consumption. Insist on hevtag BE VIVO, no other. It can be earned in vest pocket, isy mail 1.00 oer nackuge, or six for 85.00. with a posl rive written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular tree. Address SOYAL MEDICINE CO., S3 Rlvtr St, CHICAQ0. ILL For sale by Matthews Bros., Druggists j Bcrauton , rs. MR Tamo, iiris iasm RUBY JEWELED I ADJUSTED CijS V,K, WATCHES A' )g mm ui'j cr.m ji-j . r. i sc' iv x rj R 4 BHJ tn I rX 7 -9 1 H Fl TV11"' Send your tlx; C :7 X 'K!WMa3a 'm? RE VIVO few tfi RESTORES VITALITY. tS3 S3ra.lffil.feSj CP uav is, im. Train loaves Bcranton for Philadelphia and New York via. D. & H. R R. at 7.46 a.m.. 110 2.88 and 11.31 p. m. yia D., L. is W. B. b.00, S.oail.lSla. m.,and l.;W p, m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes Bane via D.. L. A W. R. K., 6.0U, 6.08, U.aj a. in , 1.S0, aw. 6.07. 8..MI p. in. Leave Bcranton for Whito Haven, Hazleton, Fottaville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and fottsvilla branches, via E. & W. V.. 6.40a.m., via D. St H.K.K. at 7.16a.m.. U.0S, bSA. 4.iX) p.m. Yia D., L. Ss W. R. R., 6.00, S.Qt, 11.20 a.m.. 1.30, aWp.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Readiiif, Harrisburg and all intermediate noints via D.Ss H.K.R. T.t.i ara .12.0j, t.'M, 11. fW p.m.,via D L. & W. K. R.,6.00,8.03, 1L20 a. m., Li p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, Towanda, Elmira. Ithaca, Geneva and all intermedltte points via D. St H. K.R..S.43 a.m.,12.05 and ll.DS p. m.,via D. L. & W. R. K 8(H a.m.,l..Wp. ra. Leave Scranton for Roohoster, Buffalo, Ni Sfrara Falls, Detroit Chicazo and all points west via D. & H. R. R., H.46 a. m.,12 05,9.15.11 JJ p. in., via D. L. W. B. R. and Pittttoa Junction, &08 a.m , 10, 8.60 p. m., via B. Ss W. R.R., 9.41p.m. For Klmira and the wost via Ralsmanov yia H, a H. a R. r.4 . a.m.. IS O.i.ti.Cu p. m.. via D UtW.lU, ,8.08 a.m., 1..K) and 0.97 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains botwoen L. Si B. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo ami Suspension Brtdom. ROLL1N H. WILBUR, Gen. Bupt. CHAS. 8. LKE. Onn. Pass. Ag't, Phila.Pl. A-W.NONNF.MACHliK.AM't OJU.Pasa. Ag't. Boutb Botblehem, Pa. CENTRAL RAILROAD OFN. J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring cleaulinees and comfort. TIMR TABI.C IN KFErrr MAT 20, 1S3I. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes Parre. eta., at 8 , U.l. 11.30 a. m., 12.6a it.00, 8;W, 6.00, T.Si, 11.116 p. m. Sundays, V.UO a. in., 1.00, (J.15, 7.10 p. m. For Ailantio City. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark aud Elizabeth, 8.3) (expresa) a. m., 12.50 (expross with Buffot parlor car), 3.110 (express; p, m. bunday, 2.1 J p. m. For MAucn Ciiitnk, Ali.entown, Betrlc rem, Kahtoh and Philadklphia, 8.20 a. m.. 12.60,3.80, 6.U0 (exoept Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.16 p. m. For Lono BKAHcn, Ocean Grovb, eto at 8.'.0 a. m., I2.r0 p. m. For Rending. Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via A lien town, 8.20 a. ui., UM, 6.00, p.m. Sunday. 2.1. ) p. m. i . For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m., 12.50 p. m. HeturniiiK, h'ave New York, foot of Liberty street, North river, at I'.IO (axpress) a. ra, 1.1(1, 1.30, 4.:tl (express with Butfuc parlor oar) p. m. Bunday, 4.: a. m. Leave Philadelphia, ReadtiiB Terminal, 9.1J a. m., 2.00 and 4.3.1 p. in. Sunday, 6.27 a. m. Tbrouirh tickots to ail points at lowest rates may be bad on application in advauce to tbs ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gun. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND HCD- bUM KAlbKOAU Commencing Monday, July 30, all trains will arrive and depart Irom the new Lack awanna avenue station as follows: Trains will letve Scran ton station for Carbondale and intermediate point at o oa ft jk 1 mi a or ..,,1 in in s.m., 12.00, 2.20, 8.66,, no, v jo, w.iu ana II o ... For Farriew, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.0U. s. ana 1U.10 a.m., iz.uu,s.iv ana o.ia p.m. Fcr Albanr, Saratoga, the Adirondaoksand Hnntreal at 6.4) am. and 2,21) p.m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 7.46, 8.46. B.38 and 10 43 a m, 12.06, 1,W, S.9S, 4.(10. 6.k 8.06. 9.16 and 11.38 D.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton Station from Carbondale and intermediate points at 7 4U, 8.40, 1.34 and 10.40 am., 1210, 1.17, 2JJ4, 140, AM. S Ui.7 4.-i. 011 and 11.33 o.m.. From Honesdale. Waymart and Farriew at 1.94 a.m.., laou, i u, s.tu, a no ana p.m, From Montreal, ear a toga, Albany, etc, at 164 aud 11. 8 p.m. From v Hkns-Barre and Intermediate points at 15, 8.01, iuob ana 11 ao in, i u, n,i, ihsv, i.10, 6,06, 7.20, S.03 end 1L1 SILT Ave. ! tut ixw in ir I inri-WlHWl AND XJ WESTERN RAILBOAD. Trains leave scraaton aa rauo Mpnm for New York and ah points Bast L0, tttit (.16, 8.00 and S ao a. m.; 18 66 and 8.60 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton. Pnlladetohla and the South, tvl B0l) and 8.64 a D. UK aad8.60 p. m. , ....... Wasnington ana way awuoua, e.u v- Buffalo, 12.10. 2 16 a. m. and I2i p. bl, making -i - .1 . U..IVnln n .11 In Ka CIUW, Iftllunuww. w m. y m mm West, Northwest and Southweau Bath aecommonation, a. m. BiBghamton and way stations, 12.17 p. CO. N icuolmn accommodatloo. sit ft U ans 4,10 p. m. Ulnebamton ana Eimrra tiprw aw p. H A. I.l 1 L.Mnu n.Mf& Ctica and Richfield Springs, 116 a. m. and LM P'lthaca. .16 and Bath 9a. m. and lit p. m. For Northumberland.Ptttaton, Wilkea-Barrsv Plymouth, Bloomaburg and Danville, making I .. . . ,. .. V ,t.r- V.vl n A tnP L llliiT,.viT.f Harriahuriy n<imom. Wash lngton and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate station 8.00, S.tu a. m. and 1 and S.07 p. m. Nantiooae ana intermediate stations, aus and 11.20 a. in. Plymouth and intermediate siaiwua, wwim wit v r1- , i. nn ruuauw iu uir ana iwyit . "VodeuSedtoformatlon, rkettlmsUWse, etc.. apply to M. L. Simth. city 'toffloe, 828 iackawanuaavenue. or depot ttokeSolfloa. ERIE AND WY0MIM8 VAXai KOAD . ... ..vv.nA In. Trains leave ucranwo ,, j TTi ,.:.i.- nointai on the Erie railroad at a. m and 5.24 p- m. Abo for Hcmesoale. fiawiey and local olnU at 486. 9.46 am.. and W p a 4K ,M to aai All tne euove niv wwm - 'rtlti train W-va, Scn.nioa for Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.m. and arrives , at Scraa ton from the Lake at 8 a m. and T Trains leave tor Wilkes-Barreate.4s m. and 8.41 P. m. SCRANTON M1TI8ION. In KfTect Juae 24th, IS 04. North Bound. sveotk 805 203)201 ga,,! w,5 a. SUUons (Trains Sally, Ex cepmunaay.i r hi Anlve Leavei 725 N. Y. Franklin St. West 42ud streeu TOO weebawlcen HP Arrive Leareu 8 20 1 161 Hancock Junctloni 8 101 1 CJI llaooock Starlight Preston ParK Como Poyntelle Belmont Pleasant Mt. Unlondale Forset City Carbondale White Bridge Nay field Jermyn Archibald Win ton PeckviUe Olyphant DIckBon Throop Provldenos Park Plaos Scranton T5W 1U 5(M .. T 61 T 45 t.W !lS 40 A I2is-i!0 83 12 IIS 10 7 169 1 081 T lWflSirt S 7 0fJ II W 9 III 81 861 4Miril30 S tTHJ H48I ....119 8jH4tUf6 4l 641 11231 11 Ifji 8 (36 S2(flll6j 8 11 11 8 II 07 8 6 26 6 21 11 01 8 11 03 8 1100 8 M067 8 6 IS 614 ro is 4 IIS 1 10 (10 10 56) Leave ArrtreU All trains run dally except Sunday, t signifies that trains stop on ritfoal far pas sengers, Kccure rates via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets and sava money. Day ansl Klugttxpresstothe West. J. C. Anderson, Gen. Psss Agt T. Flltcroft, TJlv. Pass, Agt. Seranton, Pa. S ! WK CAN OIVI VOII ATHfACTIOIS 1 Come and see us about the Job Work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Jot) Dept. wfliiaV si i,ma