THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1894. 0"? All leading teachers of cookery use ffFWFfi AMD. BAKING POWDER Always makes light Clatland Baking Pomdtr C Una Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue DON'T Ear your COLLARS .Urohed la t, whan yon cn hare them d'11,? JiJ' liable BnttonbolM for TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY Ladies', Gents' and Children's In White or Natural Wool, at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mears & Hagen 415 Lacka. Ave. If you want Carpets. Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. 11 127 "Wyoming Ave. TwentUth Senatorial Convention. The Kepnblioan senatorial convention . ef the Twentieth Senatorial diitriot will be held at the arbitration room in tbe court bouse on Tuesday, tbe 25th day of Sept., at 11 o'clock a. m., for tbe pnrpsse ef nominating a candidate for state sena tor. An election for delegates to this conven-. tion will be beld on Saturday, tbe 22nd day of -Sept., between tbe houis of 4 to 7 p. m. Visilance committee will please govern themselves accordingly. Each election district will be entitled to the same number of delegates as they bad in tbe late county convention. Tbe same role applies to the Luzerne portion of the district. John b. La Touche, Chairman. H. M. Bansen, Secretary. Eto:nd Legislative DUtrlot Tbe Republicans of the Second Legisla tive district will assemble in convention at tbe arbitration rooms in he conrt bouse, city of Scran ton, on Tuesday, tbe 25th day of September, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nominating candidate for the legislature. ' An election for delegates to this con. vention will be held at the regular polling S laces on Saturday Sept. 12, between tbe ours of 4 and 7 p. m each election will be entitled to tbe same representation as at tbe late county convention. Vigilance committee will release take due notice and govern themselves accord ingly. Very respectfully yours. W. S. Millar, Chairman. A. J. Kolb, Seccetary. Fourth Legislative Dlstrior. Tbe Republicans of the Fourth Legisla tive district will assemble in convention in the MeKloley Club rooms, Odd Fellows' building, Jermyn, on Tuesday, the twenty fifth day of September, at 8 o'clock p. m., for tbe purpose of nominating a candidate for tbe legislature. ' Election for delegates to this convention will be held at tbe regular polling places on Saturday, Sept. 22. between the hours of 6 and 7 p. m. Each election district ' will be entitled to the same representation ,s"the lata county convention. Vigilance committees will please take due notice and govern themselves accord ingly. . William 3. Schcbhishl, Chairman. K S. Joses, Secretary. . CITY NOTES. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Thurs day, 2 p. m. , The training school opened yesterday with thlrty-Ove pupils. Trains 201 and 200 of the Ontario and Western will herealtsr run only to Car bondale. Tbe sale of seats for Powell.the magician, opens at tbe Academy ot Music box office tbis morning. J. Mullerky's dancing class will open Friday evening with a social in Excelsior ball, Wyoming avenue. , Conrt yesterday Ordered that the grand jury now in session be continued for tbe present week unless otherwise relieved from duty. John O'Donheli, ot Forest court, was held under $500 ball yesterday for hts ap- fe arauce at court on a charge of ill-treat-ng bis Wife). The coal and real estate departments' t)f tbe Delaware and Hudson company were yesterday transferred to the new Lacka wanna avenue depot. , The dolhe public building Committee of ' councils will meet tomorrow evening to consider plant tor the Crystal Engine com pany and patrol bonss to be erected in the rear of to municipal building. Tbe Women's Christian Temperance anion will hold tbeir annual meeting for te election of officers today at 8 p. m. All superintendents and officers are requested to be present to five tbeir report. John Ratohford, of this city, and Maria UNDERWEAR Williams Mchnultv i pure". tad Sure." wholesome food. '. Yark, Sttectuor to Ckviland Brttkm. . Murray, of Mlnooka, and William Mor com, of Jermyn, and Jane Martin, of May field, were granted marriage licenses by Clerk of tbe Courts Thomas yesterday. One new case each of scarlet fever and diphtheria, and one death from typhoid fover and four from consumption were re- ported to the board of health last week. Twenty-six deaths resulted from all causes. The following grades of teachers will meet Suprlnteodeut Phillips in Liberty ball, begining Wednesday: Primary C, Wednesday; primary B, Thursday; pri mary A, Friday. Each meeting will be gin at 4 o'olock. Tbe funeral of tbe late Humphrey Brad ley will be held at 2.80 o'clock tbis after noon from his late residence, 748 Adams avenue. The Scrantou lodes ot Elks will meet at their rooms at 1.45 o'olock to at tend the funeral in a body. Mayor Connell will next week in per son present to Chauncey M. Depew the resolutions of council, affirming the invitation of tbe Sheridan Monument as sociation to Mr. Depew to deliver an ad dress in Scranton for the benefit of the monument fund. , It is probable that at tonight's meeting of the Associated Charities a special com mittee will be appointed to visit theHouBe of the Good Shepherd and other institu tions for the purpose of arranging a better understanding in regard to the reception of oases recommeuded by the board. The assessments tor building tbe sewer system in section B ot tbe Thirteenth dis trict have been confirmed by court. The territory includes West Lackawauna ave nue. Fairview avenue, Cbectnut street, Brown's place, Lafayette street, etc. Pro posals to construct tbe system will be ad vertised for at once. Gentlemen's Driving Club races Thurs day, 2 p. in. Pabst'b Milwaukee Beer, cool and sparkling, at Lohman's, Spruce street AT THE THEATERS. Although Hoyt's "A Trip to China town" has been seen in Scranton, it has never been presented here by tbe original New York company tbe company which created its characters and gave the play the impetus which kept it going at Hoyt's New York Fifth Avenue theater for more consecutive nights than any other play in the United States. The actors, the comedy and tbe characters portrayed have been made a theatrical byword throughout the country, and Scranton playgoers should not miss the opportunity of seeing the combination at the Acad emy tonight. Its situations are tbe most unusual, yet real, ever concocted by a playwright and it is Hoyt's masterpiece. Harry Connor will depict the character of tbe "man with one foot in the grave," who, nevertheless, is the famous lively invalid. Mrs. Guyer, the Chicago widow, who is not too strenuous on culture, but makes up-for it in "biff," will be portrayed by Ueraldine McCaun. Sadie Kirby, the maid; Harry Gilfoil, the versatile waiter; Margaret McDonald, the "soft mark" clnbman, and George A. Bean, jr., tbe gay bachelor, are in the company. Last, but not least, is little Bessie Clay ton, who has kicked and danced her way Into popular New York favor. This is her first engagement outside tbe large cities. t t t At tbe Frotbicgbam this evening tbe Reno & Williams company, supporting Miss Laura Alberta, will present Sydney Grundy's "An Arabian Night." Tomorrow evening "The Clemencean Case" will again be offered. Tbe company last evening proved that all its playe'rs are artists, which cannot be said o'f all companies. Each is clever in bis or her particular line. This evening's performance will be Inter spersed with pleasing specialties. tt t Lewis Morrrison, who will be seen at the Academy of Musio tomorrow evening in "Fanst" makes one believe that how ever bluse we may become and however worldly, there is still something in our in nermost natures that is attracted and fas cinated by the weird and uncanny, tbe unreal and ghostly. This fact is evidenced by the eagerness with which the public crowd to witness plays of the character ot "Faust!" with its contingent ot demons, witches and other denizens of the nether regions. Aside from this ele ment in "Faust," however, as given by the Lewis Morrison company, there is much of a different nature since the character of Mephistopheles as inter preted by Mr. Morrison becomes almost a comedy role at times. Lewis Morrison has long been known to tbe American pub lic as a good actor of a variety of parts, but bis greatest success has been gained ot late years by his masterly performacce in Goethe's masterpiece. It is said that ke is surrounded this season by the best com pany be has ever bad in bis support, in cluding the charming young actress, Miss Florence Roberts, who will appear in the role ot Marguerite. t t T . To the lovers of the wierd and the un usual, tbe Academy of Musio offers Powell, the gifted magician and exponent ot leger dennain Thursday evening. Powell is a thorough gentleman, finely educated, re fined and a linguist, speaking five or six different languages. He is one of the most charming of entertainers, a blear out ar tist, an allnsionest of wonderful adept ness and past master in tbe art of palmis try. It is said of him that do quicker or smoother workman ever .baffled the eye. His stage presence is pleasing, his mono logue is bright and brisk, his languid air faultless and his manners delightful. His methods are a pleasing departure from tbe worn ruts of bis predecessors. Powell is 1 too iounaer or tne new school ot modern magicians, who multiply mysteries, mak ing mighty and learned men meditate; at times be seems to be leagne with the un seen. Men disappear, animals are revolved from a chalk line and human beings seem to be sculptured out of the air. He has caused Europe and America to ponder and acknowledge him one ot tbe world's great est magicians. T t T Tbe eneacrement of the Watson Rlafara at Davis' theater for this week is said to be the most noteworthy event since that bouse was transformed into a theater. The company numbers twenty-five artists, all good in their specialties, and the manage ment is entiMoa to considerable c.edlt tor the enterprise in securing so pleasing an attraction. To enumerate the performers or bestow deserved mention upon their art weuld require considerable space; It issnf. flcient to state that the entertainment of fered is excellent. An afternoon and even' ing performance are given daily. 1 t T- t t v , Nowadays it is difficult to present In farce comedy anything strikingly new. but Robert Garnella claims In his foor act farcioal comedy of "The Trolley System," many original idea In stage setting", cos tumes and actions ot the play. Bob Gar nella, Dick Garnella and a docen or more or men and women, who have some repu tation as mirth provokers, assure an even ing of mirth and merriment to all who at tend the first production here of the farcical comedy, "The Trolley 8ystem,"on irway evening at tue Academy or music. Vooh and pistnre mouldings, wall and ceiling decorations, In water color and linspar relief. Something new. Pratt's Boo Stork. Jestlemen' Driving olub race Thurs day, 2 o'clock p.m. I They Are Ponderous Bodies ot Pure Clear - Water.' ' CITY'S WATER SUPPLY VISITED Typhoid Fever Has Disappeared from Elmhurst Splendid Reser voir at Williams Bridge, Which Feeds the High Service Oam Preparations Being Made by the Scranton Gas and Water Company to Build an Immense Dam. Yesterday was apent by the board of health, sanitary committee ot eonncils and newspaper representatives on a visit of inspection to tbe dams and streams of the Scranton Gas and Water company. Superintendent Robert Reeves was along, as was Superin tendent John B. Fisb, of tbe Provi dence Gas and Water company. The high service reservoir at tbe bead of No. 6 plane, above Dan more, was first visited. Tbla reservoir con sists of a double dam and holds fS,009, -000 gallons ot water. It Is tea from tbe Stafford Meadow brook and supplies only tbe high points Id the city, in the neighborhood of Clay avenue and Gam mon's bill on tbe West Side. No. 1 dam at Elmhurst, which is the main resource of the city, receives tbe overflow from the dam a mile above. The upper one receives the water fr ora tbe Roaring brook stream, but at pres ent the water Is not used. It is fer menting and not until it settles will tbe gates be opened. Tbe upper dam, or Curtis reservoir, was stocked, four years ago with 60,000 California trout, thus insuring an agreeable absence ot aolmal matter, which serves as food to tbe pisoatorial dwellers, Along the stream above the dams thsre are no causes from whteh might arias a con tamination of the water. THAT ELMHURST TANNERY. "Below No. 1 dam on tbe mala street In Elmhurst stands a tannery, whioh was operated yeara before tbe reser voirs were built. This is the only ob jectionable feature along the prepsrty or toe water company. It is a case of difference of opinion whether the tannery need be dreaded. Tbe waste water when it leaves tbe mill runs through a lime fitter, emp ties into a trench and flows a half mile through soft purifying soil before emp tying into the creek. And then this waste water is bat ths escape from tbe supply which feeds the engines. Tbe nanssating refuse, eommon to all tan neries is contiued in a cement ed cavity with no means of acoess to the stream, and is hauled away or soli to the tamers for fertilizing purposes. Superintendent Roevea explained that the Gas and Water company had un successfully endeavored to purchase tbe tannery and have it removed, not because it befouls the water, bat to satisfy the people. While a lunob.furnisheij by Superin tendent Reeves, was being enjoyed, a pleasant visit wag had from Dr. Bate son, health officer of tbe Elmhurst board of health He conveyed tbe cheering tidings that tbe typhoid epi demic in that village was a matter of past history. Leaving Elmhurst, tbe beads of the horses were turned toward Stafford Meadow valley, five miles sway. After tbis long journey through the autumnal wildwood, around a bend in the road the sight spread out for the party's gaze was tbe splendid new res ervoir at William's bridge. Tbe stream which feeds this dam flows from its sou roe, between mountains and over a rocky bed, as pare as when the Indians roamed in the for est, and it emptiej almost as pare as tbe rain from tbe clouds. Tbis is tbe dam from which the high service reservoir at No. 6 is fed. It is the purest water that is furnished to the city. Down in tbe deep basin in front of the reservoir babbles up a pare spring, the water ot which is impregnated with a heaithfnl taste of iron ore, and to tbis Superin tendent Rieves brought the members of tbe party to quaff from It and form an Idea of the quality of the water in tbe reservoir, which is the same. Leaving this body of water tbe party baited at the place known as "The Burned Bridge," a bait mile below. A STUPENDOUS UNDERTAKING. At this point Superintendent Reves brought the carriages to a standstill and explained the purpose of the Gie and water company, relative to tbe proposed new reservoir. A natural bssln covering 160 acres, better known as tbe "eld Hitchcock swamp, will be made the basin of a new reservoir, the capacity ot which will be nearly 2 000,009,000 gallons of watsr. It is thirty feet lower than the Williams' bridge reservoir, on the same stream, and is seventy feet above the high etrvios reservoir. The work of bmlding it will probably begin in-Jan nary and be finished In September, A tnnnei l.tsuu feet long will be bored through the mountain to eonnect the main with the high service dams,-and tbis supply will be furnished to all parts of the elty. This territory adjoins tbe Defran farm over which so mneh litigation has sprang. The land ia now being cleared and drained. When tbe reser voir is built it will cover op the road way, bot the water company intends to build a stone arch over the spillway ana contract another road around tbe banks of the dam. The No. 5 reservoir on the Stafford Meadow creek was not visited, because of the impending darkness. A .trip win ot maae to it in a week or so. With that exception ths annual tonr of tbe beard ot health was finished The expense of ths trio is a hundred fold repaid to tbe taxpayers from tbe benefit in pur water derived. Captain Burke and Food Inspector Thomas took along a sample ot the uimaorst water for analysis. . , . ltUIN THE CHURCH. Jobs Murphy Tareattntd to TJt Dyna mite Yesterday. John Murphy, of Saratoga1, threat ened to blow up the fins Elm Pwrk flhnrah with dvnamitA VAatarHav mnA as he frightened several ladles who were attending a rnneral service at tbe ehuroh he was looked tip on a charge or nrnniunness. No dynamite was found on Mr. Mur phy, bat on tbe contrary when plaoed in tbe cell he commenced praying and attempted to sing Tartars toas. Murphy appears to be slightly de mented, bat in his present state is not a fit person to bs at large. tLOro STRUT AGAIN. Several of Its Xtasldentc Pngassd in . Xigal TaraaiL Thrte esses from Lloyd street were tinder investigation yesterday, alt aris ing from the conduct of two sisters, ELI Mary and Bridget Barrett, both under 18 years of age, and who it is allege! were abducted by Frank Jordan, a married man. Tbe girls when they heard that war rants were issued for their arrest, gave themselves np to unlet Simpson, who was instrumental in placing them in tbe Florenoe Mission, Tbey then applied to Alderman Bailey for proteo tion against tbslr mother. The mother, Mrs. Bramage, was yesterday morning bound to keep the peaoe. 1 hereupon tbe second case came on for hearing before Alderman Da Lacy. in which Jordan cleared himself from the charge of abduction. la tbe application ot tbe mother that tbe two girls should be sent to an lnitl tutlon, Aldermati DeLaoy decided to postpone his decision. KEENS A3 RICHELIEU. Strong Performance Giv.n on tbe Acad emy ef Musio Stags. A distinguished audience at the Academy last evening witnessed, en joyed and applauded tbe strong aotiag of Mr, Keeoe, the tragedian, in Lord Lyttons masterpiece, "Richelieu, Mr. Ksene is almost the one actor ot time-bonorsd heroic dramas left to ns; and while be may at times exhibit traces of tbe old robnstness once in favorite vogue in tragedy, it is but just to say tbat tue Intellectual quality of his Kiohelleu has become mellow and rips with long study and large ex peritnee. Harring possibly a prooenesa for gut tnrale, in wbicb we yet hear; the out cropping of earlier stag custom, bis impersonation of the cardinal prince was honestly and cleanly achieved. There was in it at every point the tonob of the careful Btudent and the polish of an art wblob, despite much knocking about, ha yet remained true to bigb Ideals. In the swift suc cession of climsxes leadiug np to tbat talrly cyclonic moment where Rich Ilea, in bis extremity ot . anguish, wonnded pride and Insulted affsction, draws abont bis ward the saoied circle of the chnrob, Mr. Keens rose to the fall height of critical demand and stood before ui, not as actor merely, Dot as tbe part itself. Perhaps it is ungrateful to remark, so closely following the recollection of tbis dramatio treat, tbat the suDnort- ing company, excepting Mr. Arden, was not far removed from mediocrity. With costumes both aoeurate and handsome, and stage accessories in full kecDinir with tbe tbsme. it was disappointing to witness the strong parts in Bnlwsr's play filled with care less men and women, or with mn and women who, if not careless, were in most instances inadequate, Com mercially, this may bs -necessary; ar tistically it j irs. CARBONDALE TRACTION CO. DEBT. Suit to Compel Payment of a Promissory Note. Henry R. Levis &Co., of Carbon dale, yesterday began au aotion in as sumpsit against tbe Carbondale Trac tion company to obtain payment of a promissory note amounting to $2 003 53. Tbe note was given on June 21, 1804, and was not honored when presented at the Miners and Mechanics' Bank of Carbondale on Aug. 21, WOOD'S COLLEGE Of Butloess and Shorthand. Tbe best business since the college was orgauized. Both sessions largely attended. KtOOO. This year a large number of people find it inconvenient to pay for the scholarship on entering. The management bos set aside a fund of $5,000 to accommodate those who wish to pay on the instalment plan. Persons interested are Invited to call. F. E. Wood, Principal. Fanoy Psaoh.s Today Shipment from late orchard. E. G. Coubsen. Miss Hardenbtrsh'a Pianoforte Fchool Re-opens Monday, Sept. 17. A thoroughly high grade school for the study of the piano-forte, theory, harmony, musical his tory and analysis; in tbe famous Mason system of technic, Virgil Practice Clavier and the higher arc of musical interpreta tion. A special training course for teachers, 437 Wyoming avenue. . A large line of new books and novels at half price. Pravt'h Book Store. Excursion to Ooaas Grove. On Saturday Sept. 22nd, the Central Railroad ot New Jersey will run a special excursion to Ocean Grove and return, stoppkig at all ticket stations to Bethle hem Trains will leave Scranton at 5 a. m. Retnrning leave Ocean Grove at 5.43 p. m. Fare from Scranton $3.25; WUke Barre, $3. Ladles. Closing out nusett, oxfords and rnssett dlncbere at reduced price. Also ladies' bog, foxed, congress, razor toes, pretty styles. A. O. Nkttleton & Co., Commonwealth building. If oslo Boxes. Exoluiivaly. Best made, Play any desired number of tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, lOSOCheetnut street, Philadelphia. Won. derfnl orchestrial-organs, only $5 and $10. Specialty! Old musio boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. Bill books, memorandums, time books aaa Dianv books, in stocs or made to or der. Pratt's Book Store. Buy tbe Wtbtr and get tbe best. At Guernsey Bros. Gentlemen. Call and see our fall styles of wing tipped shoes, in calf, russett, patent leather and pig skin. Commonwealth Shoe store, Washington avenue. Oxford. Bagster, International and family Bibles. Pratt's Book Stork. WHY Do people walk blocks to buy our COFFEES T5T7PATTQT7 they are always freah DLnUOU roaited (onr coffo are all bought green) and bare that delicious aroma that old, stale coffee never has, and our prices are below competitors. LOOK Fancy Gotjin Rio 30o. par lb. 0. G. Java.... .,..... 33o. per lb. Triple Blend 34c par lb, OIJ Mandehlino 40c per lb. Mandehlln and Mocha, 2-lb. Tint at 37ia per il. E. G. COURSER Lacks. Ave. SOME NEW K IS It Board of Trade Has a Very Lesgtby Sission. ' MAY LOCATE IN THIS CITY Committee Reports Favorably on a Carpet Factory, and on Tin Can and Cash Register Manufactories Con solidation Favored New York, Ontario and Western Company Will Pay More Attention to Butter Transportation Dues Must Be Paid. The board of trade held a lengthy meeting last night. The report of the manufacturer's committee is herewith presented. The location in Scranton of a plant for the manufacture of taoestrv carpets we believe would be a paying investment and for the purpose of bringing tbe matter intelligently before you, we have asked tbe gentleman who Is at present largely interested in tbe carpet business and thoroughly conversant witn an or tne uo tails connected with it to speak to us on tnls subject this evening. Tbe Eureka Cash and Credit Register company, of Elmira, N. Y., have made the following proposition to us, viz. : In a stock company to be formed in Scranton , capitalized at $150,000, tbey will put in their entire interest in tbe register and printing businets, which includes, pat ents, machinery, stocK on nana, agents outfits, sood will etc., for $75,000 and take pay in stock of the company. The con cern Known as tne ttcranton liidd .turn ing company are to put iu tbeir entire plant, including ground, buildings, ma chinery, etc., for $150,01)1). There Is to be left In the treasury $20,000 of the stock which tbe lmira people nave tne option to buy at par within two years. Forty thousand dollars of the stock is to be sold for working capital. We have looked into tbis matter carefully, we consider the in vention a practical and useful one aud should be in every store doing a credit business. The proposition we consider a fair one and tbat if properly managed a handsome profit can be realized, We therefore recommend it to capitalists. WILL SOLICIT 8CBSC!UPriON3. The representative of the carpet fac tory arrived late at the meeting from New York and took the floor to expluln bis industry. The plan is to pat up a plant furnished with forty looms to start with. Tbe gentleman has studied tbe csrDst market and the new tariff, and believes that carpet can bemiua factured so cheaply as to guarantee a proht. The building will be ldUsSU and three storlrS bigb. It will cost $-'2,000 to build it. The capi tal stoclt he figures at fl-iUOUO, or which be will subscribe $35,000 him self. He gave facts and figures aud was substantiated by S, (i. Kerr. Girls employed In the factory will receive wages averaging $7 a week. The chair will appoint a committee at the nut meeting to solicit stock subscription. Mr. Dickson, of the building com mittee, reported gratifying progress. He said that subscriptions amounting to half tbe total sum have already been secured. He preoipitated a spicy discussion by a motion tbat tbe board invest its treasury balance of $700 through its trustees in shares in the new building. Secretary Athcrton said that there is yet to be paid on tbe last assessment $1,100, aud for baok dues the delinquent list aggregates $1,200. Mr. Connell wanted to see $1,000 in the treasury before investing that amount. He said that be bad no id- a tbe board was ready to go into the building project nntll tbe strneture shall be completed. Several others op posed Mr. Dickson's idea and be finally withdrew bis motion. AFTER MEMBERS IN ARREARS The motion of Mr. Kellar was oar ried, amended by Mr. Connell, instruct ing the secretary to notify all members In arrears for nine months' dues to settle np before the next meeting, oth erwise tbe accounts will be collected through the attorney. Tbe South Side board of trade sent a communication bearing on tbe con solidation of all the boards of the city. It was as strongly opposed, and was referred to a committee: Messrs. Lan sing, Puice and Torrey. A letter from T. F. Fliteroft, district freight agent of tbe New York, Ontario and Western, referring to the com plaints of Scrantou msrebants regard ing delay to shipments of butter com ing from tbe Delhi braucb, stated that tbe company will hereafter furnish separate oars on Monday and Thursday ot each week, and these will bi forwarded in tbrongh freight. Everybody goes to these genuine auction sales of C. VV. Freeman's Jewelry stock. Goods go for just what you care to give for them. More Pillsbury' Flour sold than any other brand made in the United States. Buy one of Berry's Best i Alarm Clocks THE JEWELER. 417 Lacka. Avenue. Best SetsofTeeth,$8.oo Icdndlbg tbe painless extracting ot teeth by en entirely new vre- OflLY $1 BERRY I j HATS S. C, Snyder, n.D,a. 18WYOMINa AVIS. UUlUUMllllHIUIlllUgillllllllllllllllli I CREAM CITY I I FLOUR BIN AND SIFTER i Ittlbs. 60 lbs. 100 lbs $100. $iw. S3.U0. S H. BattinSeCo. 3 120 PKN.V AVCXUK. rm ftTjrlKnafKrriwflM :)) ndulll)IIBIlaiUklilSBIB:fiUIIIlla.i8eillBIIIllBSSn oolworth's. E believe this dust or carpet beat er is the best one made. It is made of heavy spiral wire and andhasablack enamel handle. PRICB They are equally as good for upholstered furniture as for carpets. C. S. W00LW0RTH, 319 Lacka. Ave. GREEN AND GOLD STORE FRONT. 100 Different sfcyle3 iu Tho newest things and all latest shades Come early and Lave your pick. 138 Wyoming Ave. Next to Dime Bank. Look over your Fura and see that they are all right before the cold weather Bets in. Have them repaired by a Furrier. J. BOLZ. m IliP 3 I Of s. The Following., 6 TO 8 AT - , $1.00 TO UK AT - - 1.25 12 TO 2 AT - - 1.75 Are the sizes and prices on a line of Children's- School Shoes, not ordinary common shoes, but an extra good Dongola Calf Skin Shoe; spring heeled, lace or buttoaj' every pair warranted. It will pay you to buy your Shoes at i All the latest novelties Brownies Go to the trouble of ha.vlng your Oil ft. Dresses made. Our Readv-made Dresses are cheaper and more stylish and fit welL WAQ Gloves bought of us. We keep- thetrvn Udl repair free of charge. Si t i-t mmt Made of Satin, all colors. US D 6 II CI 6 ITS Elastic ends, very nobby they look like one dollar. . 26c. buys a pair. OWM'S m LACKAWANNA AVE. MISS STOUT OF NEW YORK WILL FIT CORSETS AT OS LAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. THIS WEEK ONLY. IPflP OFFERS tbe twit' boslncac edoeaiioa of any ioatit&tVm of Its kind ia the ooamary. at mloi mom ccbL Tike pro prietors arslastrae tors wttt yeoes of ex. perleaoc and know theaeeeealtiMot tbe bnstneca wort. La strncttri Is Uaor etrjrb an pwaotloal College bndHiacis a besntifnl strneture, well, vraitteied and possessed of all modem conve niences and is located on Court Home Square Day and Evening Sessions. will open MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. Our Journal tells all about as and oar methods Send ns yoor name sad 70a. will get tt by mail. Buck, WMtiore & Co, PROPRIETORS. or, Adams k and UixieR Street "yB are now prepared to do 322 Washington Ave. Lanaedry COo COME AND BEE TO CONCERNING THE PRINTING YOU NEED SOON. We can please your taste and vants. Uet an estimate. Tbe Scranton Tribune Job Dept '. STERS in FALL FOOTWEAR. The latest fad in Stick Pins, plated and enam eled, 7c each. ft HIVE '