, THE SCI? ANTON TOIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 18, 1894. COMING PIGEON SHOOT. Ii Creating Considerable Interest In Qannlnr Clroles. Seranton marksmen particularly and sportsman generally are discussing tbe coming championship ihoot of the limn Bldgettan duo at tbe nana du Dark next week. Friday, epi 513 Eight handsome and ralnable prist are offered aad the matoh ii open to markamen of Northeastern Pennsyi vania. Thirty entries, including many of the crack shot of tbia section of the atate. hare been reoelred and many mere will enter before the entries elosa this week. Sstniday. Sept. 23. The quality of prizes offered will lire an Idea or tbe importanoe or tne match. First prize 175 gold medal, presented Dy uree Kings unn ciuo. Second prize (W) bammerless gan, pre sented bv Green Ridae Uua elub. Third prize $43 gold stop watch, pre sented by lumber dealers of Seranton. Fourth prize Gun case, presented by u. w. scniager. Fifth prize Bamboo Ashing rod, pre sented by E. W. Parker. Sixth prize Remington rifle, presented by A. w. Jurliu. Seventh prize Hunting coat, presented by G. W. Felton. Eighth prize Sportsman's umbrella, presented Dy Alexxmnn, jr. The rules are for twenty-ooe yards ana to use ol one barrel only. Uue nnd-a-ooarter ouoee abot will be nsed Eaoh contestant will shoot at twenty five lire pigeons. All ties to be ahot on at nve bird. A thousand bine pigeons, like those need by Hoey, Welsh and Bogardus In the national championship, have been oruerea irom woraen, at liarrnourg, An admission of 25 cents will be charged. Tbe shooting will begin at a. tn, BASE BALL. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Cleveland- Cleveland i o n o fi 2 4 n ni2 Brooklyn 0 100300026 Hits Cleveland, 15; Brooklyn, 11. Er rors Cleveland, 3; Brooklyn. 4. Batter- iei ouiuvan aua dimmer, nenneay ana Kiuslow. Umpire McQaald. At Chicaco Cbicsgo 0 0000000 22 Kew York....O 0001120 1 & Hits Chicago. 4; New York, a Errors Chinaim. H: Nav Ynrb 8 Rarinriwi Hutchinson and Scbriver; Meekin and r arreu. u mpire Liyncn. At St Louls- St Louis 0 100020 S Trt Boston 0 1011200 0 5 Hits St. Louis, 11; Boston, 7. Errors r. Lioum, ; Boston. .batteries Haw ley, Wilier and Twineham; Nichols and tianzel. Umpire Hurst. At Pittsburg First game Pittebnr? 0 0 0 (1 1 n 1 n n o Baltimore 0 8 0 1 4 0 1 1 010 Hits Pittsburg, C; Baltimore, 18. Er rors Pittsburg, :!; Baltimore, a. Batter ies Menefee and Weaver; Hemming and Robinson. Umpire Betts. Second same Pittsburg 0 0100000 01 Baltimore 0 0100021 04 Hits Pittsburg, 9; Baltimore, 9. Errors-Pittsburg. 2; Baltimore, 2. Batter i ies Ehret and Weaver, Esper and Robin son. Umpire Botts. At Louisville Louisville 1 3 0 1 0 2 07 Washington 1 0 0 0 1 0 46 Hits Louisville, 14; Washington, 8. Errors Louisville, 1; Washington, 1. Bat teries Knell and Cote; Haddock, JUcGnire and Dugdale. Umpire Keefe. No game between Cincinnati and Phila delphia. OTHER GAMES PLAYED YESTERDAY. At Pottsville Pottsvllle, 6: Provi- dence, 0. ( . WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL. W. M. Perrett is now in Philadelphia for . a wen neeaea rest, lie will remsia here about two weeks and will then consider taking a position with some cycle manu facturing company. Harvey UhlerVi latest idea Is the forma tion of a racing men's club in Philadelphia. To be eligible to membership in same tbe applicant should be able to ride in 2.30 or better. New York oycllsts, aided by the press, Bre endeavoring to obtain from tbe park use of tbe wheelmen in Central park. See- iu(4 imieo vi unuie pains ' laia on lur equestrians, the wheelmen expect their re queet will be granted. Newark, N. J., has adoptod a new plan to prevent reckless riding on its streets. A number of wheelmen have been commis sioned aa special police, whose duty it Is to stop all would-be "scorchers," who dellgbt to show what tbey can do on the streets of that city. Tbe Riverton Atbletio association in tends giving a minstrel ahew in tbe near future for the purpose of raising funds for the new club house, which it is hoped, will be erected by Dec. 1. By way of exciting interest in road riding among tbe mem bers, three prizes will be given the men making the best mileage from Sept. 1 to July 1, At Egg Harbor Saturday W. A. Wenzel, of tbe Quaker City wheelmen, won first prize in the three bicycle events, one mile, 2.40 class, one mile handlcap,and five mile the time for the latter being 14.18 1-5. BASI BALL NOTES. The following players of the Yonng Men's Christian Association teaYn will re port for practice at the base ball park to morrow afternoon at 4 p. m: Hoffner, Brooks, Williams, Surdam, Reese, Allen. Davis and Malott. The Yonng Men' Christian Association Base ball team and the Eureka team of Provldenee-wlll play a game of base boll at the ball park on Wednesday afternoon at 8.80. It will be remembered that these two team played an eleven Inning tie game not long ago, score 6 and 8. and great rivalry exists between them as to who are champions. Both teams are com posed of strong players and a good game is expected. Admission 15 cent. When 8s Many people are taking and deriving benefit from Hood's Sarsaparilla why don's yon try It yourself t It will bnild you up. Hood's Sarsaparilla will make yon atrong, Hood's litis cure nausea, sick headache indigestion, biliousness. Try a box. Ccranton'a Buslnssa latsrssts. Thx Tribcn will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Seranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photograTure views of our public build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portrait of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comer and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good result to those concerned as well as the city at large. Representatives of The Thibuki will call upon thobi whob names are dkrired in this edition and explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in tub edition will please ltave notice at tbe office. II ASSON BTATtK. AT THE OLD DEPOT HOTEL, r ALT! OKI VliiLE, is prepared to receive summer boarders and furnish rigs for tourists to surrounding- towns and summer resorts. Clark's Green. Ten candidatea for , membership will present themselves for initiation into the order of tbe Patriotlo Order Son of America tbl (Tnesdsv) evening, This occasion will be celebrated bv the ppearanoe of a number high in official dignity on thl occasion. Among the nnmber who will grsce it will be H. T, Koehlor, A. J. Colborn, Harry Hope, well and others. ' A delegation is ex pected from Warerly and also from Newton. Refreshments will be served. Tbe mnob needed rain has at last ar rived and has greatly aided the enjoy' ment of all, for the weather now is most delightful. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Potter attended the tenth anniversary of Frank Carr at Dnnningson Monday evening of last week, at which there were 200 gneats. Tbe Rev. F. H. Parsons administered the ordinance of baptism by Immersion on Sunday afternoon at 3.30 at the Uravel lake to ten Dersons. Tbe Electric Star lodee. No. 400. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, are doing some grand work just now.large meetings of mash interest, and will confer the following degrees on Sstur day evening: next: The Initiatory toone candidate, the first degree to one, and the third to one. Resolutions of condo lence were passed npon tbe death of me wife or one of ner esteemed past granas, jobn a. Antoine, of Justus. Harry Austin, of Montolair, N. J is visiting bis parents ber for a week. Tbe Mississippi lilver 400,000 Years Ago. Did you ever figure on what was tho probable condition of tbe great Mississippi river 10,000, 100,000 or even 400,000 years agor iscientlste suggest that tbe erosion of its bed was accomplished by a mighty cataract, which began far dnivn the river. probably at the place wber&it then emptied into the gulf, and by gradual retrogression dug out the vallpylikn gorge through which it now flows. That this theory is tenable may be inferred from the high, wall-like bluffs, features so characteristic of the upper part of its course. A wearing away of a monster cataract would of course necessarily leave hich walls or "bluffs" on either side. These are the well known features of the father of meandering streams. It would seem, ac cording to this theory, that St. Anthony's nuis constitute the remnant of what was once the most stupendous cataract in the world. Geologists estimate that it has taken the river -100,000 years to carve out the mighty ditch' through which it now flows. Philadelphia Press. Early British Trade. Latin authors to early British trade, there is a grew; oouy or circumstantial evidence, based unon the discoveries nf iintlniim-ioQ which nil tends to prove the acquaintance oi me unions witn commerce. Lastly, it mav ha iiskivl whn iinHni-tm.li- th ...,ii of minerals by sea from Britain to the coast oi uermany; for the .Britons, so far as we know, had no great skill in seaman sbiD. It is a remarkiihlA tixrt Hint- fi the end of the Fourth century, all the coast or uniain, rrom tne wasn to the Isle of Wight, was known to thn Knmntxi no "tlm Saxon shore," and it may be reasonably I., e I i. i, . wierreu mat it was so canea uecauso it in cluded those rjorts from whlnh Snvnn cl,i,o had long been in the habit of conveying cargoes to me came ana ucrman coasts. 1 ' i, r . Everything Seems Wrong to the dyspeptic. Tho world is upside down; tho times are oat of joint; he's ready to turn his back upon his beat friend. Now the thing that oftencst is wrong with dyspeptics, is their choice of a remedy. Thev are drngs and medicines on the one hand Carlsbad Sprudel on tho other. They can't both b8 right: there's too much difference in their methods and in their results. Carlsbad the waters of the Sprndel Spring at Calsbad have been curing dyspeptics for hun dreds of years. Curing them. No remedy in the world has been so thoroughly tried and proved, in all digestive disorders, stom ach troubles, lack of appetite, or perverted nutrition. Add a little of the genuine Carlsbad Sprndel Salt to the first tumblerfull of the water, if you desire to increase its purgative actiou. Do not be imposed npon by un scrupulous dealers who will sell you a mixture of Seidlitz Powder or Glauber Salt as "Improved Carlsbad Salt" or. "Artificial Carlsbad Salt," "German Salt," or other names. Insist upon the genuine article, which must have the signature of "Eisner & Men delson Co., Sole Agents, New York," on every bottle. . RUPTURE Can be onred by simple treatments and the truss thrown aside in a short time. Nodotentlon from buslnoai . A safe and radical cure for every variety of hernia, by a new method. No charge for consultation and examina tion. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO. (LIMITED.) . 203 WASHINGTON AVE. This Coupon AND $16.00 GOOD FOR I Regular $32 Wish Chair Until Bpt, 21, Choice In Covering and Style of Up holstering, 1 BENTON, 331 Adams Avenue. CRT A Word. U'anfi of all hinds cost that much, when paid for, in advance. 'When a book ac count it mads, no c'lorgi will be (ess than to crnts. This rule applies to all small want etls, except Situations Wanted, which art inserted t'RKE. Agents Wanted. C ALESM EN EVERY COUNTY. SALARY j or commission. No experiencs. New tar! II bill e voi unlimited nronta. Active men i M'ly quickly, stating sa nry and territory wameu. fllAf.tr AU I U KbKS, Box WU, tlos ton. GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO l V sell the latest aluminum novelties, enor menu profits, sell at siuht. delivered free, ho cure territory. Sample in velvet lined case with full information, 10c. Catalogue freo. Aluminum Novelty Co.. Utt Broadway, New i urn. HelpJaUd Femalea. WANTED SEVERAL LAD1E8 TO A8- ' ' sist in publishing work, also learners; will pay from 15 to Hi s week. For particu lars addrusa, witb auiuy, J. U. U., Tuibuk u.uce. For Sale CWUAB8 IN ANY QUANTITY, lis CLIFF O street. For Rent. TOH KENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM i on first floor, with or without boaid. U2 Auauis aveuue. PCRNISHED IIOUSE FOR RENT UNTIL x April 1, 1S95. Apply at m clay avenue. I.OU KENT-TWO OFFICE ROOMS IN Temnla Cntirt. Hnllflinff. RnrupA at.rnft-. Kont very low. Apply to Dr. E. Urewor, Old 1 u!uouice fsunaing-, j;olt RENT ONE-HALF STORE. 120 a renn avenue. 8au per month, TWK RENT NICELY-FUR.vISHED HALL 1' suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEK- mvb, iiu Wyoming avenue. Sheriffs Sale. I WILL EXPOSE TO PtTHUtl SAT.E. AT X the premises of Philip Bartron. 71 West i.acKuwanuaveuiia, t-crantou, Pa., ou Fri day, September II, at 10 o'clock a.m tho personal property, consisting of two lumber wautone, buggy, blaoksmith tools, harness, one marn, a cau auu oluruuce, ana other property iMiiuB premises. .1. .1. r a n r. 1 , nnorirr. Real Estate. C MALL FAKM-WE HAVE NAMES OF farms. Send full particulars. Make price low. it. nitfliST uuueuysi, Price building, Special Notices, rpo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS IS i to notify all persons interested that Mr. d ward Freeman is not authorized to collect any money lor us on any account whatever. V e will not recognize kiiv rnwinta oivnn hv by him in his or our name. All payment mum, ue 111 uue 10 us or our attorneys. Watson Diohl, Commonwealth BniWing, Seranton, r. ti. iSZ CO., New York City. VOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT A Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War muHiruiiuus loui-iBt);). two volumes rollo, Slti-fjUt liAVfthln tnnnt lilv (III. 1 ,vH W express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. muuu i , uio uioson street, seranton, fa. It nnos, etc., bound or rebound at Tna iriiuu.NE oiiico. Quick work. Reasonable prices. IfEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141. a1 corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.uU tiood laoie ooaru. JLegal "INSTATE OF HARRIET LYMAN. LATE j- ui lue Hiwnsuipoi jiauison,Lacaawanna county. Pa., decoasod. Letters testamentary npon the above-named estate hnvimr been irranti'd tn thn nn.iar. sigued, all persons having claims or demands against tne said estate will present them for pnynient, and those inducted thereto will piuase mauo immediate paymont t V P. VAN BRUNT, MILES A. LYMAN, Execu ors. WATSON & DIF.HIi. Attnmays for Eft.to. Notice to Property Owners. rno THE OWNERS OK RFPUTKD OWN A ors of property bounding anil abuttingon both sldua of Franklin avenue. btweon Spruce street and Mulburry street, tn the Eighth and cixbtHiircii warus 01 mecicy or Cjcriiut.m, ra.: Take notico thatuuder tho direction of conn. oils I will make the as -sstnient for paving Franklin n venue betwt-en the points named nuovo wim vi! -inua orira pavement on a con crete base, toiretherwlth the neoostary curb ing, or recurliing, croxswilk, curb and plates, etc., on Monday, tuo 21th day of September, A. D. 1S54, at 111 o'cloi-k in the loreno m. at my office in the .Municipal building, city i f Scran t"D. Pa., at wh eh time and place you may ap pear and be heard if you so desirei JOSEPH P. PHILIPS, city engineer. Incorporation. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN XI appli ation will be made to the Goverm.r of the State of Fennsvlvan'a, on Friday, the iwemu uhv vi ucioDor, iMii. oy tiouise f. Burt, Grinnell Burt, John Sayer. Charles ( aldwell. Edgar M. Revnolds Charlea T, Uiw. ley. Oe0. L. Weaver Jas. D. Evans, under the Act of Assembly of the Cnnimonwnnlth nf Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to provide for th Incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporali ns," approved April iSlth, 174, aud the supplements thereto, for tbe charter of an intended nnrnnrntinn tn ha culled "The Scrnntou Land and Improvement company," the character and object of which h tne purchasing of real eeiato and the lm- firovement thereof and the selling and leas ng of the eume, with or wiihout improve ment, and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights. benefits and privileges of said act of assem bly and Its supplements. umitiiw i.. mawi.ey, Solicitor. Situations Wanted. TRESRMAKINO OR PLAIN SEWIKQ BY tress. Aidreas H. L. a, e Adams avenue. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN OFGOOD references, a Dosltlon of anv kinl driver or hotel work preferred. E. M 30J Lackawanna avenue. ITUATION WANTED BY A Rnv is 1 years 01a. Auuress 4v uswell court. SITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING, HMMiug vi ujr uju 01 worK hll,mllnll Pnll rtf. ,l,lAua T. t) QO, H tumner avenue, city. rOY WANTED APPTiY TO THE TRIB- TINE'S Hunesdala oflim. Pilll.nipn. NER. OITUATION WANTED BY GIRL TO DO MRS. THIEL, 223 Penn avenue. BARKEEPER A STEADY, SOBER AND industrious young man would like tn cure a position; understands his business and Is a good, quick mixer; would like a position In city or country and can furnish good refer ences from last employer. Address, Bar keeper, WO Lackawanna ave Seranton. GRAND. AUTUMN EXCURSION TO Till SEASHORE Long Brnch,Ooejn Grove and Asbury Park AND RETURN IN ONE DAY, ON Saturday, September 22, '94, VIA Central Railroad of N. J. Special excursion tickets from Seranton Will be BO'd good to iro onlv on awvrial trsln leaving Seranton at 6 a m Sept 22, and for return on special train leaving Ocean Grove and Asbury Park at 5.46 p.m., Long Branch at 5.6!i p.m. fame day. r AilD. fUB Tlltt KUUND TK1I', SJ3.3S. What is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion! For it, nse Poiionl's Powder. BUSINESS MD PROFESSIONAL I'MVSH IANS AND MJUOKON. DR. G. EDQAB DEAN has removed to US Spruce street, Seranton, Pa. (Just op- i"jaiie couri-nouse bauare.j DR. A J. CONNELL, OfOos S01 Washlngtoa avenue, corner Spruce street, over r rucne s arug store, iiwnaence, ta vinsn. Office bours: lUSUtolXa. m. and to 4 and iwtoijU p. m. Sunday, 8 to 8 p. m. IR. W. K ALLEN. Office cor. Lacks- J wanna and Washington ave. ; over Leon ard she store; office hours, 1U to 11 a. m. and bvo 4 p. m.; svemngs at realdenoa, una. Washington aVo. I J h. C L. FREY. Practice limited to Dls- xj eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, a Wyoming ave. Residence, Vine ttreet. I U. L.M. GATES. 125 Washington Avenue. U Office hours, S to a.m., l.DU to S and I wjpp.in. xtesiaencejw maoison arenu 10HN L WKNiZ. M. 1).. Ufflcss Si! and 61 Commonwealth building-, residence 711 8; Sundays 130 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty maue or diseases ol tne eye, ear, noss ana tnroat and gynecology. R.KAY. 20BPennAve 1 tu8n.ni : call mi, Dig. of women, obstetrics and dis. of chil. LAHYEKS. T M. a RANCK'S Law and Collection of- o , floe. No. 817 Spruce st opposite Forest Hons. Seranton, Pa,; colleotious a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; reliable correspond- nts in every county, 1 ESSUPS A HANI AtWin nri IVmnul. ' lors at Law, Commonweal Ui buiiding. nasiuBgwa ave. w. h. jassnp, Horace E. Hand, ' W. H. Jesscp, Jb. W1 . ,, h. mm, m , mmvrm- nevs and fVinnanlnra at Law. Renabiicaa nuiiaing, Washtogton ave.. Seranton, Pa. PATTtKiiON ft WILCOX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law; offices 8 aud 8 Library vuuuug, noranton, fa. RoSWIUi H. PATTIRSOK William A Wauoox. A LFRED HAND. WILLIAM J. HAND. At- fi. torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth oniiQing, Kooma W, al and tl. w F. ROVT.F Atlnrnav.Bt.TAw Knm IQ .rul av, purr punqmg, waenington avenue H ENRY M. SEELY -Law offices In Price nuiiding, ia washlagton avenue. pRANK T. OKHiLL, Attomey at Urn Room u. vom r.icnang, pcranton. ra. MILTON W. LOWRY, I AU'ys, 227 Washing C. H. VON STORCH, 1 ton av C. H. eouare. 1 AMES W. OAKFOHD, Attorney at Law. O rooms 83, 04 and 68, ComtnonweaSth b'l'g. (J AMUEL W. EDGaR, Attorney at Uw. p Office, 317 Sprneeat,, Seranton, Pfc f A WATRES, Attorney at Law, 423 lj. Lackawanna aue.. Seranton. Pa. I) P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. Office, 1 . rooms 64. 55. 56 Commonwealth building. c 1 R. P1TCHBU. Attornair t In Com. . monwealth bnilalng. Seranton, Pa. C. COMEQYS, 321 Sprnoe st f b. REPLOOLE, Attorney-Loans netto- mm- 9 uawi vu rem secnruy.w spruce. 1 F. K1LLAM, Attornev-at-Law. )2U Wy l't oming avenue, Seranton. SCHOOLS. CCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA Scran O ton. Pa., prepares boys and girls forcollegt or business: thoroughly trams young children. Catalogue at request 0 ens September la Rev. Tromas M. Cams, YV ALTBB H. BUI IX. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupils received at all times. Next term will open September 10. DKNT1STX "l C. LAUBACH, burgeon Dentistj No, 115 . Wyoming ave. R. M. KTRATTON. riffle, foul Eichsnw. LOA.NH. rpHE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso A elation will loan you money on easier terms HH1 tlllV vntl hattm- r.n 1 . n,. .1 other association. Call on S. N. CALLL.N- 1KK, Dime Bank bulldinir SEEKS. GR. CLARK A CO., Seedsmen. FlorlstB and Nurserymen; store lit) Washington avenue; green house.llijd North Main avenue; store telephone 782. TKAS. GRAND UNION TEA Ca. Jones Bros. WlItE SCltEKNS. 70S. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna avonus, tl Scrauton. Pa., manuf 'r of Win, Unun. IIOIKI.SANU ltTAimANT. qHE ELK CAFE, 125 and W FrankUn ave X nuu. Kates reasonahla. , P. Zikoi.er. Proprietor. WLS'i'llA&TER HOTEL. ew . . ,W-G, SCHJ5NCK, Uanager. Sixteenth street, one block east of Broadway. i, j uiuu csjuare, riew iora Amerlean plan, taw per day and upward. ri'tliUTeM uniTun, - ... p senger depot Conducted on the European I"""- Vichir Koth, Proprietor. AKCHITKCTH, DAVIS ft HOUPT, Architects. Rooms 2L 26 and 2A Commonwealth h 1,1' ank; E. LLTFBl Arch'tt. Office, rear of .1 mhiusjuvU m V UUUUl k OWi2-vAr,lh, R Architect Pries building,ll V, ashlngton Ave, Seranton. SUM EI.l.ANKOllR BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOB balls, plonics, parties, receptions, wed dings and ooncert work furnished. Fnr farm. address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming ave.. over Hnlbert's music store. TTORTON D. 8WARTS- WHOLESALE " mmoer, rrice onnaing, seranton. Pa. MEGAHGEK BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twin Warehouse. 130 Washington ave., Scrauton, HORSES AN1 CARRIAGES FOR SALE at 1583 Ca Douse avenue. D. L. FOOTE, Agent FRANK P. BROWN CO., WHOLE sale dealers in Wood ware, Cordage and OU Cloth, 720 W. Lackawanna avenue. CHAMPION PIGEON SHOOT WILL TAKE PLACE AT Seranton Base Ball Park FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, AT 9 A.M. There waa never a ahnnt nf tht trlnri tn Lackawanna countv. whv not turn ont hnnir your friends even if yon do not shoot Tell your friends about it Tbe winner of a medal becomes the absolute owner. The following are the prizes! . i . First prize, presented by Green Ridge Gun club, $ 76 gold medal. Second Prize, presented by Green Ridge Gun club, W) hammerless gnu. Third prise, presented by Lumber dealers Of Seranton, $45 gold stop watsh. Fourth prize, presented by George W- Schla ger.handeome gen ease. Fi th prize, presented byE, R, Parker, split bamboo Ashing rod. , Sixth prize, presented by A WY Jnrisb, Remington rifle. Seventh prize, nresented by George W. Fel ton. hunting ooat, . Eighth prize, presented bv Alex Dunn. ir.. sportmairs umbrella. The rules are HI yards rise, nse of one bar rel only and only IU ounce shot allowed. The boundary will be the fence which encloses tbe grounds. Each shooter will shoot at io live pigeons. All tl. s to be shot off at five birds eaoh. An admission of 25 cents will be charg ed, grand stand free. The public Is oordialy invited. There Is at the present time 6 entriea and thi-y are the crack wins shots of north nut. em Pennsylvania. We expect to have at leai-t 40 entries which will take over LOW pigeons to decide the contest. We have re ceived a number of entries from Wllkaa-Barni and Luzerne county. There will be no selling out in this match, every ho iter will about the thnot of his lire. There has been nothing in years that has at tracted such attention as our coming shoot. me rrovia nce or feckvilie car frem Seranton to ball park. aii entries win cioie bept. K. Address all letters to GREEN RIDGE GUN CLUB, , BOX 668, 8CRANTON, PA onnolly GENT'S WHITE SHBRTS AT 50c. LADIES' FAST Seamless, 2 pair for 25c., or 70c. for a box of 6 P2 Two of the Best Bargains we have ever offered. CONNOLLY & Do You Sleep Well ? tf not, get one of nature's BEST SEDATIVES, They Arc Inexpensive. THE S GRANTOR BEDDBG CO THE FROTHLNGIIAM MONDAY, SEPT. 17. For Three Nights. Reno A Williams' Company of Players, sup porting LAURA ALBERTA Monday I Alexander Dumas' Great Play, Wednesday THE CLEMEN CEAU CASE. Tnesday j Sydney Grundy's Famous Co'dy, Wt AN ARABIAN Nil HT. Company-Wilbur M. Roe. E. SJtforey.Gea Reno, Cora Wllliams,Fern Alword, Mrs. Alice Harrison. Bale of seats ooamencee PrWav morning at V o'clock at the Frothiagbam box uuioe. ACADEMY OF MUSIC TTJESDAV, SEPT. 1& HOYT'S BEST A Trip to Chinatown. First time In Seranton with the orig inal New York oast, Including Harry Con ner. HEW COSTUMES. Prices 25, 60, 70 and SI. Sale of seats opens Saturday at tbe bos office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19. LEWIS MORRISON -A9- "MEPHISTO" IN HI3 FAMOUH. DRAMATIC!, BCEN1C AND ELECTRIC PRODUCTION OF FAUST A per formalin celebrated throughout the en tire bngiisn-speasing wnnn, 8nnDorted by MI.-8 FlOREKCE ROBKRTS s "Idarguerite." MK. EDWARD EU3XER and a strong cant. Sale ot eeata opens Monday at the bos office ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, SEPT. 20. Fresh from his European success. THE GREAT POWELL, in a grand presentation nf NECROMANCY aud a series of WONDER WORK OF MYSTERY. '.Everything Absolutely New. Carriages may be ordered for 10.30 p. m. Bale of seats opens Tuesday at tbe box of fice. 3BriUlant dramatio event, the acconv llshed artiste, Marie Wainwrlght, and a rat claw company, Monday Hept. H4. ACADEMY OF, MUSIC FRIDAY, SEPT. 21. Robert Garnella'e New Farcical Comedy lq x our acis, THE TROLLEY Under thetnumagement of Charles F. Cromwell. THE GAR N ELLA'S H?cbk And a Company ot Fun Makers, Act I Drawing Room of John Hone'a Cltv- Residenoe. Aot II Parlor of John Hope's Now Home. Morlng Day.. ACT III-The Trial Trips ef the Trolley. A Street In Eutopla. Aot IV Garden of Mr. Hone's Countrr Reel- deaoe. SpeclU-Soenery. Now Ideas. tVBrfu iant Dramatio Event I The- accom plished artiste, Marie Wainwrlght, aud a nrst-ctaes company, eept. xt. Davis' Theater. WONDERLAND. ' Week Commencing Monday, SEPT. 17. Every afternoon and evening. THE FAMOUS WATSON SISTERS' Extravaganza and Novelty Co, Headed by the Peerless Lyrlo Artist IDA SIDD0NS Bright, Breezy, Buoyant. Better Than the Best Yet. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two Performances Daily at 2 80 and 8.15 p.m. r . lob Work .... tx-w . The !! THfcit. OATOKT f) Job Deai 209 ESTABLISH RD 1806. 2,00 IN USE, Instruments la every sense f- the teem as aoplod te Pianos. Ezeaptumal in-faekfin(t4balr origiaal fomets of torn. NEW YORE WARZHOC6E, No. 80 Fifth avenue. BOLD BY E.C. RickerSc Co. 1 15 A4u Ave. NewTsleplteM Bdg We Lion Allen & Go. ST00E BROKERS. Boy and sail gocks, Bond and Grain en New Yck Kxakaogee and Cklugo Bosud of Tra4e, either for ctsk or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. tlTLoeel Stocks a Specialty. & del TELEPHONE 6.003. fiflalonef Oil and IWanufactur'g Co. 1 1,. VINEGAR AND CIDER (41 TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. A Great Cut on TABLES -AT- HULL & CO. S THIS WEEK. A Solid Oak Table, with top 16 inches square, . . . G0o. 24 inches square, . . . $1 WALLACE THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ I BCB ANTON AMD WTLKE8-BAEEI5, PA. ACTOKEB3 Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. luiiniiiiiiiiiinniiuiiuiiiuiiniiwuomiuiiuimiiiitwHt ISTELLE& SEELEYf j 134 WYOMING AVENUE. g THE BEST OF PROPHETS 8 for the future Is the peat Daring the-nwre than forty jmit It g tiisunoe over 5,00O people have pnrehaeed and played and-psewesl B 1 1h.e Emerson Piano. 1 I There era some plane that will eost too more than the Emerson Ewtll. If yon enjoy paring htfh prices jaet for tSweato ef paying (ham nmhaklw mji tt.il! r. . a iku. T)nf m4Sjf vkftk VAA pay yen'll notgsta aettex pieno, nor a baaaNnurjar, nor one nor durable. I ti Impeastble te tmotve- oa aha beet . EEAgOABtJt-riUC-CAH Sl!l3,CG HOSE V V WASHtNQTOfJ AVE Opp. Court House. Dr. Grewer The PUladeliihiaSpeciaUat.and his associated staff of FngliBh and German pfiyaioia is, are now permanontljr located at Old Post Office llvlidiar, Cernsr Penn avenue and Hprnee street The doctor is a (rraduate of the university of Pennsylvania, f roierly demonstrator of phrsi olosry and surgery at the Medico-t hirurgical college of Philadelphia. His specialties are Chronic, Nervous, tikin, Heart, Womb and blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE KERYOUS SISTEK The sympioms of which dizziness, lack of eontldenoe. sexual weakness in men and wo man, ball rising In the throat, spots floating before the eyes, biasot memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per forming the sotual duties of life, makiiut hap piness impossible, distressing tbe act! n of the heart, causing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feoling s tired in the morning as when retir ing, lai'k of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thougnt depression, conntip tion. weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should eonsuitus immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician call upon tbe doctor and be examined. Be cures the worst cases of Nervous Debility, KcrofnU. Old Sores, Catarrh, Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat. Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can cers and Cripples of tv-ry description. Oonsulutious free and strictly sacred and confidential. Orhoe hours daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday I to I. Enclose five '1-ixd. stamps for symptom blanks and my book oalled "New Life." 1 will pay one thousand dollars in gold to anvone whom I cannot cure ot iiPILliPTIC CONVULSIONS or TS. DR. K. GREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Penn ave nn and Krrnoe utrwt. m i .mm. im Jlimi .l-J. I"'-'.JM General Office, SCRANTON. PA. UT-riAiI.rjX-BEST. J Bnmnnmi8miiBmiiaiffsTiiMwiHMHWaiii8siirTmH!iiissia