POLITICS ISALREADV . All THE T'r , VOU CAN READ IT BEST . . IN THIS PAPER. tUttt EIGHT PAGES 5 G COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA.. TUESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 18. 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESSMEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER i ? i i ,i i MORTON IS A SURE WINNER Nothing But Dealb Can Prevent His Nomina tioo at Saratoga. MR. PLATT HOLDS THE RIBBONS .r . . 9ther Candidates for Gubernatorial Honors In the Empire State Are Not to Be Considered Uncer tainty Exists as to Second Place on the Ticket Chauncey Depew Will Make the Nominating Speech. The Best of Feeling Prevails in Ml Deliberations. Saratooa, N. Y., Sjpt. 17. EVERY train today brought from a score to a hundred or more dele gates and boomers, and tbe Spa by noon bad put ona convention aspect. Summer guests who still lin ger in the hotels aud cottages were lost In the crowd of politicians who promen aded Broadway in squnds and showed the ribbons of several of the candidntes for tbe second place on tbe ticket, There are no Morton badges and no Fiissett badges. Tbe former would be and tbe latter too few. too numerous Tb hotel pi- arzas and corridors are nllea witn groups of delegates and camp follow ers earnestly diicossing the situation. Thai all believe this to be a Republican year in tbe Empire stale is evident, and that fact may have something to do with tbe multiplicity of candidates and their refusal to let go even whan all eicept those who have a bias can see that tbe ticket is prnctioally settled. There is a constant proceiaion going in and ont of Cottage Seven at tbe United states, where Mr. Piatt has his headquarters. He tells bis callers that he has no interest in pushing the Wadsworth boom or the Haight boom or any of the other booms for second or third places on the ticket. All of the sbouters for the other candidates brace np when they hear this, and go out in search of votes. Mr. Fassett said this morning that be will stay even If be got but one vote. Oeueral Dan Bntterfield is an other stayer. Qeneral Stewart L. Woodford is alio in tbe race. Judge Leslie W. Russell's supporters declare that they will present his name, al though he prefers to stay out, und is making no effort in bis own behalf. All of these candidates cannot prevent Levi P. Morton from being nominated on the first ballot, and few will be sur prised it he is nominated by aoclama tian. FOR SECOND PLACE, For lieutenant-governor Congress man James W. Wadsworth is believed to be a certain winner. Senator Charles J. Sazton is stilj working for tbe plaoe. George A. Aldridge is also bustling, George E. Green has decided to be satisfied with the presidency of the league of Republican clubs. Ar thur C. Wade, of Jamestown, was given s fresh start today by tbe arrival of a scors of his townsmen who are urging his olai' Comraodor 's also said to be in tbe race ilaoe. Tbe eon- test for ' 9urt of appeals nomin- Oetween Judge Al bert , of Buffalo; Judge & A. Kell . jMattsburg: Jesse Johnson, of fc.joitlyn, and Judge Pardon C. Williams, of Watertown. The indica tions are that Jndge Haight will be eleoted. Tbe ticket with Morton from Dutch ess, Wadsworth from Livingston, and Haight from Erie, will be a geo graphical combination bard to beat, and the supporters of other candidates recognize this. There is the best posslole feeling here, and whatever tbe selections of tbe convention may be all factions may be counted upon to unite on the ticket. Chauncey M. Depew is ex pected to nominate Mr. Morton, and it may be that bis eloquence and the baste of the delegates to get on board the band wagon may stampede the convention. BRECKINRIDGE WEAKENS. Conoludes to Abandon Triok.ry aad Abide by tbe Bemlt Lexington, Kt., Sept 17. The best information is that there will be no oontest to the nomination of Mr. Owens. Colonel Breckinridge said to an intimate friend today that be would abide by the official oount J. Waller Rodes. one of bis backers, bas proposed to pay a wager stating that be was satisfied of defeat. POLITICS WHITTLED DOWN. A Women's County Suffrage association bas been orgaulred in Lancaster. A city Republican league ia being organ ised in Lebanon, Pa. W. P. Bricker bas been cbojen chairman of the Lycoming county Populist commit, tee. The American Protective anaociatlon is moving its headquarters to Washington, McKinley has been asked to speak in six teen states, bat will only speak in half a dozen. Governor Altgeld has bis eye on tbe Illi nois senatorship to succeed Bbelby M, Colloin. Ex-Senator S. R. Peale, of Lock Baven. Pa., refuses to consider a congressional nomination. AHoona Democrats are making large preparations for the entertainment of tbe state convention or uemooratio societies. In Ohio's Democratic convention todav a fight will be made by the Cleveland forces to diaclpline Senator Rrice; but in dications are tbat it win tan. , Ex-Lieutenant Governor Chauncey F. Black, of York, Pa., says Peter Strubinger will make a rousing cauvaas for congress In the redoubtable Democratic Nineteenth district. - Ei-United States Senator Charles It. Buckalew, just nominated for congress by tbe Uemoorets or tne eeveDieentn renn svlvanla distrlot, is 7a years old, Con gressman Galusha A. Grow is 7L This is how . Henrv Watterson received the news of Breckinridge's defeat: "Tbe good people of Kentucky will breathe freer this day. It was 'a fierce, relentless race, but tbe bonor of the state was in volved, its virtue, manbood and Christian ity. Let the church bells ring out, happy auguries be the prayers today, praise and tbauks to God. A great disgrace has been averted. The good sense and integrity of the people of the Ashland district and of popolar government have been vindi cated." , HETUliy.OF FALCON. Peary Party Sails from St. Johns for Philadelphia. St. Johns. N. F., Sept. 17 The steamer Falcon with tbe Peary expedi tion sailed for Philadelphia at 3.30 this afternoon. The .entire party except Mr. Bridgman, of the Brooklyn Stand ard Union and Professor Chamberlain, of the University of Chicago, sailed on the Falcon. Those go by the mail steamship to Halifax tomorrow. All of tbe members of tbe expedition sre in splendid health. Tbe day is a charming one, making a splendid be ginning tor the voyage. The departure was witnessed by hundreds of citizens, who chaered lustily as the ship moved off. JAPANESE VICTORY." The Pigtails Trail in Dust on the Gory Fields of Pingr Yang. Shanghai. Sept. 17. Reports re ceived here from various sources say that a great battle bas been fought at Ping Yang, Korea, between the Chi nese and Japanese troops. The battle is said to have lasted two days and the Chinese are reported to have been completely defeated. The Chinese army of 20,000 men is said to have sur rendered to the Japanese. The at tempts of the American and British war correspondents to proceed to tbe scene of the fighting have been unsuc cessful. London, Sept 17. A dispatoh to the Times, from Yokohama, today, says tbat pews has been received there, from Hiroshima, says the Japanese have won a great victory at Ping Yang. The battle opened on Saturday morn ing at daybreak, with a dlreot can nonade upon the Chinese works, and this fire was continued without cessa tion nntil noon. Tbe Chinese fought their guns well, replying effectively to the Japanese guns. The flank attacks upon the Chinese position did not develop any material advantage during tbe day, although the Japanese gained some advanced po sitions. But they mainly occupied tbe same ground at night as when the at tack upon the enemy was opened. The firing was continued at intervals throughout the night. In the mean time the two flunking columns of Jap anese drew a cordon around the Chin ese troops, and at 3 o'clock in tbe morning the Japanese attack was de livered simultaneously and with ad mirable precision. The Chinese lines, which were strong in front, were found to be week in the rear, and the CMnese, utterly unsus picious or the Japanese attsck from that quarter, W6re taken completely by surprise, besame panio stricken, and were cut down and bayoneted by the hundreds. So well was tbe Japanese attook directed that tbe Chinese were surrounded at every point, and event ually sought safety iu night. Defend ing tbe entrenchments, however, were some of Viceroy Li Hung Cbanc's picked Chinese troops, drilled j ropeans. - These soldiers made a deter mined stand to the last, and were out down to a man. It is estimated tbat the Chinese lost 16,000 men in killed, wonnded and prisoners. Among tbe captured Chin ese are several of 'the most prominent commanding officers in tbe Chinese troops in Kor" only a few of tbe Chineee commanders succeeding in ea caping. and these got away almost im mediately after the Japanese made their attack upon the Chinese real STATE TOPICS PARAGRAPHED. ' Presbyterians at Warren are building a $60,000 churob. ; The Mahanov Valley fair will open on Wednesday at Lavelle. Luzerne connty jail is so over-crowded that three prisoners sleep iu a cell. Shenandoah will have an industrial holiday and business men's parade on Thursday next. Owing to aliened irregularities in draw ing jurors in Elk county, September court was postponed. ... A purse containing $700 was found at Strondsburg by AI. Mosier, who' soon dis covered the owner. Leonard Ewing.of Reynoldsville, dropped dead in a railroad station wbile waiting for a train with his wife. Frank C. Wolf, of Philadelphia, is presi dent of a shoe company that will build a largo factory at Bethlehem. Elaborate demonstrations will attend the dedication of the soldiers' monnment at Williamsport next Thursday. . , . Pittsburgers are chagrined because only 10,000 old soldiers pamdod at tbe encamp ment in the Smoky City last week. Jefferson connty farmers have abolished horse racing at tbeir annual talr and will substitute maneuvers of Trained oxen. Ibis claimed that at its present rate of Increase in fifteen years Allegheny City will be tbe metropolis of Allegheny county. The peach crop from Cbambersbnrg, Scotland and vicinity is abundant, the to tal shipment amounting to 3,600 bushels daily. Many veterinary surgeons of Pennsyl vania will attend the national convention of horse doctors at Philadelphia, begin ning today. Burglars dynamited the sate In Ludny's jewelry store, at Slabtown, Lycoming county, and stole several hundred dollars' worth of watches. ; George Dokvocic, the Pittsburg mur derer, has been respited by Governor Pat tleon from Sept 20 to Nov. 20. An in quiry will be made into his mental condi tion. , . A meeting of the York Christian En deavor society was held yesterday to dis cuss plans (or entertaining the conven tion of Eodeavorers to meet there on Oct. 17. Not being able to get out of the Smoky City after the Grand Army encampment was over, George ConVay, of North Con way, N. E., cut his throat yesterday and may not not recover. Anthony Shlmnr, of Pbenixville, aged 78, shot and probably fatally wonnded James Bradley late Sunday night Brad lew was taken to a Philadelphia hospital. Sbimer was arrested and taken to West Chaster. FOUR PEOPLE . . MASTED Terrible Results of a Fire In a Mattress Factory. FLAMES SPREAD WITH RAPIDITY The Building Burns with Astonish ing Fury and Employes Are Forced to Seek the Roof and dump for Their Lives Four Unfortunates Are Unable to Escape Much Valu able Property Is - Destroyed The Loss Will Probably Reach $85,000. Washington, Sept. 17. r IRE alarm at noon today culled M the fire department to tbe corner lp of Massacbnsetts avenue and UU K street, where fire had been discovered in the mattress factory owned and operated by Stunjpn & Bros. This was soon followed by a general alarm and iu a short time all tbe engines in the city were on the scene, but so qnickly did the fUmee spread that the oporstives employed on the fourth and fifth flors were obliged to flee to tbe roof and compelled to jump for tbeir lives before the tracks carrying tbe long ladders had arrived. Four of these jumped, one of them, James . Vaughu, sustaining fractures of both legs and internal injuries. lie is not expected to live through the night. Tbe other three who leaped escaped with more or less severe injur ies, but all will reaover. Albert J, Haeke had both legs broken and was otherwise severely injured. Arthur Bevans was bruised inwardly and had his wrist sprained, and Harry Bacon was badly bruised. So rapid and com plete was the work of the flames that within less than half nn hour from the time of their discovery the greater port of tbe four walls had fallen in, and bv 3 80 o'clock the firemen had pulled down tbe sole remaining piece of brick work, over twenty feet in height wbioh marked tbe location of the haudsome four story structure which bad stood there two hours before. THE SEARCH FOR BODIES By this time the spread of tbe flames had been checked and at 3 o'clock tbe work of searching the debris for the bodies of tbose who were known to have been in tne building and not Re counted for was begnn. So far as could be learned the missing ones are Henry Fowler, Phil Ackermao, Robert Reitzel Tennyson, Willie Ashe, a littl boy, and poe other, nn eniriuerr, name unknown, and this includes all of the dead. It was not long before tbe searchers found tbree bodies, close together, about fifteen feet from the K street en trance, every particle of clotbiug burned from the' and the' bodies charred beyond bi. , of recognition, One of them, of smaller stnture than the other two, is supposed to be thHt of tbe boy Ashe. It was not until 5 !10 tbat tbe searchers found another of the missing ones. This body was discov ered within a few feet of the engine, on tbe ground floor, and is presumably that of tbe engineer. The fonr bodies lie at tbe morgue toniuht, one barely distinguishable from the other xcjpt for tbe numbers placed on the charred corpses. Darkness hug sdd'd to the difficulties attending the search for the other two bodies, but a new corps of wnrktu-n is at work with the aid of lantrros, an I will continue the search until all nre found. - OTHUR BUILDINGS DKSTUOYED. The fire besides destroying the Stnmpb building consumed tue Wood ruff building, the factory where alt tlio government files ar made, and th falling walls of these buildings crashed Hall & Curmaok's furniture bouae, filled Renner's marble yard, and in jured, tbe Homeopathic Dispensary building, on the Mussschnsetts avenue side. On the K street sid, Offensteiu horse shoeing es'ahli hmen an oyster depot, and a v,iiMing occupied by a Gospel mission the Horse und Cat tle Food company -Iferorl demolition. The loss on the Sinmpli building is in . the neighborhood of $50,00), insur ance about $15,000. The loss entailed by tbe destruction of the Woodruff building is unknown, mid the other structures were mostly of wood and not very valuable. The "ntire loss wili probably be about $35,0)0. In surance unknown. YOUNG QltlFFO'S FEAT He Severely Fuoiihuj an Amateur Boxer. Coney Island. Sept. 17. Au untu nally clever boxing tournament took plaoe at the Sen Side Athletio olnb to night It consisted of fonr bouts, ranging from six to ten rounds, as fol lows: Jerry Marshal vs. Kid Lavigne, ten rounds at 125 ponuds; Jack Skel ley vs. John Gorman, eignt rounds at 125 pounds; Mick Dnnn vs. Jim lint ler, eight rounds at 150 ponnds, und young Griff o vs. El Loeber, six rounds at cateb weights. Tbe club building was crowded to night with spectators when the first of the four glove contests tbat between Dunn, who hails from Australia, and Butler, of Brooklyn, begun. The referree was Dominick McCaf frey, Tbe men fought at 150 ponuds and were to have fought eigbta rounds, bat Dunn early showed his superiority and tbe bout was awarded him. It was announoed tbat ail events would be deoided in scientific points, the police having declared that thoy would close the show If there were any signs of brutality. The seoond bout was between Joe Gorman, of Long Island City, and Jack Skelley, of Brooklyn, at 128 ponnds, for eight rounds. Skelley was tbe ag gressor and foroed the fighting from the start. The bout developed into a slagging match in the sixth round and tbe police stopped it. Skelly was de clared tbe winner, as he had shown tbat be was the more scientific boxer of tha ntir ..... The bout between Eddy Loeber aud young uiiso was next announced. Everybody expected to see Loeber make a good show, but they were not recon ciled to the crushing defeat the young Brooklynite was served at toe hands of young Griffo. Dominick McCaffrey very humanely slopped tbe bout in the first round and Awarded it to Griffo, Loeber led off iu good style, landing bis left on Griffo's face. Loeber was onlv the aggressor a few seconds more, as Griffo went at bim with a purely ohampionship style and plugged tbe amateur right and left at will aad made such a monkey of him tbat the crowd began to about: "Take him off." At tbe end of the two minutes thirty six seconds Dominick McCsffry stopped tbe fight aud ordered Griffo the win ner. Tbe final bout of the night was be tween Kid Lavigne, of Saginaw, and Jerry Marshall, of Australia. The de cision of the referee was that Lavigne was the winner. The decision met with the general approval of the house and the spsotators left well pleased with the (right's entertainment. DEATH OF A SOCIETY BELLE. William Gilbert Held onSaaplolon of Having; Committed Murdr. Battle Creek, Mioh . Sspt. 17. Mrs. Helen Taylor, aged 50 years, who tt one time held a prominent position in society here, was found dead in her home on tbe outskirts of this city this morning. From the position of the body aud murks on it, murder is sus pected. For several months a man named William Gilbert bas been, living with tbe woman. After the woman's body was discovered Gilbert's actions were suspicious and he was arrested and will ho held to await action of the corouer's jury. MINERS RESUME WORK Fifteen Hundred Men Return at the Old Rates-Another Cut Expected. Pittsburg, Sept. . 17. The 1,500 miners employed by the New York and Cleveland Gas company at Turtle Creek, Plum Creek and Sandy Creek returned to work today at a 55 cent rate, after being on strikj since April 21. This was the price agreed upon by the company and tbeir managers before the general strike w.is inaugurated, and was to holdout until Deo. 13 next. After the general strike tbe men re fused to return at tbe old scale of 55 and held out until today for the district price of 09 cents. Th 1 2(M) amnloves of the Plttahnrv and Chicago Coal company, who have sIho on been strike will return to work at the company's terms. A leading operator today said that the o perators who signed tbe miners' scte of wsges in this district would bold a meeting and wohld ask Presi dent John McBride to arrange another soale so that they could compete with these large firms now paying 14 cents leas man me Bouie rate. Tbe 200 miners employed by tbo Cnrv Coal rnmnanv at Rrmlrtnrlr who have been on strike returned to work today. NO CHANGE OF VENUE Mr. Ricketta Makei aa TJausnal Motion in the Feltz Case. Attorney Ai?ib Ricketts, representing Isaao-B. Feltz, yesterday asked court for n change of venue in his suit against the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Railroad company and even stated that he had already began his action in Pike connty. In his petition Mr. Ricketts says that be is permittod to hsve a change of venue undor an act of 1824 Jndge Jessup, who represented tlie defendant company, held that the act was ren dered invalid bv the new constitution and an act of 1375, and he therefore asked that tbe motion be refused. Jndge Edwnrds would not graut the change asked by Mr. Rivketts and the case will come up for trial at the ap pointed time, Tho suit involves a tract of coal '.and in Lai'kuwanna township of which Mr, Feltz is now in possession. The title is also clulmed by tbe defendant com pany. THE JENNINGS CASE. Judge Edwards Efues a Motion for a Continuanci. The case of John J. Jennings against the Lebigb Valley railroad company was on tbe list for trial vestsrday. At torney Cornelius Smith asked for a continuance because Dr. Kelly, of Eqtiiuunk, an important witness, c ui Id not be on hand, Jndge El wards was inclined to think that tha .plaintiffs hud not showu proper care in tne service of the subpoena and be refused Mr. Smith's motion. Tbe suit is for damages re sulting to the father, owing to tbe sick ness of his son, James Jennings, who was injured in tbe Mud Run disaster. LEGISLATIVE CONVENTION. First Distrlot OsmooraU Nominate a Man Today. A call has been issued hy the Djiuo cratio committee of the First Legisla tive district for the convention in St. David's ball this afternoon at 4 o'olaek, A candidate will be uomioated for tbe legislature to oppose tbe present Re publican representative, John R. Farr. There appears to be no opposition to the caodidacy of Nelson Dsvies, a Del aware, L tc'.tttwanna and Western mas ter meobanio, wbo at the last ward election was defeated by one vote by James Evans, of the Fourth ward, for sohool controller. W. O. T. T7. Moioow Convention. All local unions are urged to a large at tendance at tee LiRcaawanna Uonuty Woman's Christian Temperance union convention to be held in the Methodist Eoisconal cburcb. Moscow. Tbursdav aft ernoon and Friday of this week. Repre sentatives of Loyal Legious and all tem perance and christian organisations and all Interested in the work are cordlallv invited to attend. Entertainment will be provided and a prontable meeting is ex. peeled. Mrs. Clara C. Hoffman, of Kansas City, will deliver on address Thursday evening, rne train tearing ueiaware, Lackawanna and Western station at 0.60 a.m. stops at Moscow-, tbe fast 13,09 train wul also stop. ASPHALT STILL HOLDS ITS i Pulsion counc men Hero ci v Refuse to Re consider Their Recent Action. CHARGES TO BE INVESTIGATED Burgess Maloney Is Empowered to Employ an Attorney and a Sten ographer and to Probe to the Bot tom of the Accusations of Corrup tionMr. Tigue Repeats His Ar raignmentInjunctions Proceedings Contemplated Against the New Pave. Special to the Scranton Tribunt. PlTTSTO.V, Sept. 17. OOUNCILMEN will be investi gated. Their accusers will be hauled up to testify. Burgfss Maloney will be the court, And aepbalt will be the pave, unless legal proceedings knock it all out. such, in brief, ia the record of tonight's couneil meetiug. Councilman Donnelly moved tbat the investigation be held, as be felt that be wished to be acquitted from any share in the odium cast by current aouusations upon the bonor of tbe official body to which be belonged. He wanted the burgeas -to employ a lawyer aud a stenographer and to bold court. Councilman Hennlgan de clared that he would testify before tbe advisory committee or before any other committee of citizens or before a reg ular court, but not before tbe burgess. tie moved to amend Mr. Donnelly s motion so as to in ike tbe tribunal of investigation a jury of citizens. The amendment was lost and tbe burgess was empowered, to go ahead. It is un derstood he will begin at once. lben Mr. Hennigan, wbo bad last Thursday voted for asphalt so as to move a reconsideration, made tbe latter motion. Mr. Donnelly moved to table. The motion to reconsider was tabled, and asphalt there stands. Tbe burgesi, it is understood, will withhold his sig nature to tbe ordinance pending the result of bis investigation. There were some lively interchanges of personali ties during tills session. Mr. Tigue re peated bis assertions already reported in these columns and vowed he would yet bring the guilty ores to book. no asphalt yet awhile. It is said that whether tbe burgess sbull decide that the councilman are all honest, all honorable men, or whether be shall conclude that there are black sheep among them enough to justify a veto, it win besomo time before sheet asphalt will adorn Main stroit. One of tbe taxpayers who favored brick will appeal to court, so it is said, for an in junction, npon tbe ground that tbe re cent bond issue for paving purposes was illegal. Tbe bonded indebtedners of Pittstoo borough is already about $32 000, wbile its floating debt is about $3,000 more. The assessed valuation nf taxable prop erty in the borough is $709,000 Under the law which says that boroughs may not bond themselves to exceed 7 Der cent, of their assessed valuation, tuis leaves a margin of only $17,000 or $18, 000 for now bouded indebtedness. Tbe asphalt contract, on tbs contrary, calls for $35,000 in round numbers. This, it ia said, will be tbe ground of a petition for a restraining ordor from eourt. MR. FELLOWS SILENT On the Rumor of Hii Independent Can did aoy. Following the rumor of yesterday that Mr. Fellows would become an in dependent candidate for congress, that Men tleman polite', declined to discuss the matter. A paper petitioning Mr. Fellows to beoome a candidate has been circu lated on the Soath Side and in Hyde Park for several days. Mora than past ing interest is attached to tbe matter in view of an additional rumor that Mr. Merrifield, tbe Dem ocratic candidate, proposed re tiring in Mr. Fellows' favor. By tbis action it was assumed that the latter woald be supported by Demo crats and his Republican friends. Mr. Murrlfield could not be found by a Tkibune reporter last night, but on a previous oecusion he positively An nounced his intention of remaining iu the contest TYPICAL SCRANTON PLUCK. All the Fire Sufferers Will Resume Batineas. Matthews Bros., the wholesale and retail druggists who were burned oat by Saturday's disastrous fire on Lacka wanna avenue, hsve rented tbe build ing at 133 Franklin avenue adjoining M Monea Bru. & Co. They will open tbeir effiee in the building at once and re-establish thulr business as rapidly as new goods can be received. The Gross, Foster Co. have several locations in view, but have made no definite choice. The other firms will begin business anew as soon as suitable quarters can be obtained. i BATTLE WITH RED PEPPER. William Brost, a Newsboy, Ia Committed , to Court. Willium Brost, a newsboy of Pittaton avenue, yesterday morning about 9 o'clock threw a 'handful of red pepper into the face of John Wilson, of Bellevne, in the same line of business, with the result tbat Wilson was blinded. ' An officer took bim to a drug store wbers.after considerable treatment, be was able to open his eyes. Broat was was arraigned before Alderman Fuller and in default of $.00 bail will be sent to the county jail to await trial. ANOTHER COAL FIRM. Mining Operations to Be Started br Biobnnnd & Lindsay. A new eoal firm, William Richmond and R. MLiudsay, of tbis elty, have teasea coat tract or ivi acres in t n township from Jaoob Cohen and B. F. Squler, of this eity, Charles R. and 01 Art bur J. Wilson, or umaba, and Mrs. W. B. Ganrv nf PirhnnAal. A n,l joining tract of fifty aeres which has ucvu lensau iruui r . jj. rnuupa ana J. H. Rittenbonse contains a breaker which has bean nnnrAtarl hv TTnnlo & Co. A lew breaker will be eraatml. Tbe new firm will begin mining soon after tha flrt nf thn tsir mnH mhin fhnlv product over tbe Ontario and Western. Li.L 111 I a ... 1 wuiuu win ue reacnea oj switon. A CRIMINAL CAPTURED. He Had Slashtd a Woman's Throat a Tear Ago. Philip Gioso, the ItaUan, who at tempted to take tbe life of Mrs. Joseph Feonelll, ot Fnrview avenue, and wbo succeeded in inflieting a deep gash in ber neck with a dagger Sept. 30, 1893, was eaptured at 3.10 o'eloek yesterday afternoon wbile at work in a ditoh in Green Ridge. After the crime Gioso left for parts unknowa and bad not been seen again until his arrest yester day. Gioso was captured by Constable John Davies, of tbe Fourth ward. Mr. Davis had been on the traek ot Gioso for the past seven months. The erim-' ioal bad shaved off bis beard and used other means of disguising himself. He was Drongnt to tbe West Hide station bouse, after a severe straggle with the officer to regain bis freedom. Joseph Fennelli, tbe husband of tbe tnjured won, appeared against him in the court of Alderman Owen D. John. Gioso was committed to tbe county jail in default of $1,000 bail to appear at court. IT MAY BE MURDER. Ghastly and Unfilial Details of the Archbald Stabbing Affray A Son's Brutality, August Gavs, who was stabbed In a quarrel at Arehbald on Saturday night, is sinking rapidly, and Dr. Van Dorsn, tbe physioian attending him, says it ia impossible for bim to recover. Tbe body of the injured mau is swollen and discolored. . There are ten large gashes, one foi inohes long, on the baok of his head I here are five knife wounds on his body, the most dangerous of which are in the region of the lungs. All the wounds were inlueted wbile bis assail ant stood behind him. A reporter of The Tribune called at tbe bouse of tbe wounded man last night and obtained further information conoerning the affray. The version ef those who witnessed it differs slightly from that published in yesterday's luibU.NE The son of the injured man, John Gavs, was tbe first to strike his tatber when be threatened to call in police to suppress the quarrel then in progress. An iron last was the weapon tbe in human son used. Tbe blows felled tbe father t tbe floor and while he was down Jere Mashafskey stabbed bim. as soon as tbe son saw bts father bleeding be ran away and be bas not been home since. Musbafsksy was ar rested by Constables McHile abd Uougher and taken to the borough looknp. Later on he was remanded to the eoanty jail. Tbe injured maa was about 45 years old and bad been living in Arcbbald abont two years. The doctor says he will not live beyond five days. A DAY FOR VOUNG WOMEN. Entertainment Provid.d for Them at the Y. W. C. A Today wili be a day of good things at the Young Women's Christian asso ciation rooms. At noon Mr. Weedon, one of Mr. Moody's vocalists, will sing several selections and Miss Mary Dunn, state seoretary of the Voung Women's Christian assosiatlon, will give a bright, interesting ten minutes talk. Young women admitted free of cbnrge. In tbe evening at 8 o'clock the lady prize singers will give a pleasing en tertainment. The small admission fee of ten cents will be received. The fol lowing programme will be rendered: Instrumental Solo (piano), Siiss Minnie Webor "Coral Caves of Ocean," Lady Prize Singers Solo Miss Hannah Hum Duet "Beautiful Moonlight" Misses Sanders und Jones. Recitation Miss Sadie Jones Solo Miss Hauie Evans Duet Mieses brace and Annie Bose Solo "The Promised Laud" HUb Cora Phillips. Solo "Tit for Tat" Miss Clara Sanders. (a) "The Bridal of the Birds." (b) "My True Love Hath My Heart." Lady Prize Singers. URYSDALE SUICIOE VEAOICT. He Shot Himself While Suffering- from Nervous Proetretion. Coroner Kelley yesterday morning held an inquest on tbe death of Will iam Drysdale, who shot himself at Taylor on Sunday nigbt. The jury returned a verdiot that he committed snicide while suffering from nervous prostration. ' A pathetic incident was observed by the jurymen, wbo saw a flue dog be longing to tbe deceased waiting pa tiently on the stoop of the closed store for his master and declined to follow any one from tbe spot. SLIGHT FIRE IN GREEN RIDGE. Flames Qusnched Before Much Damage Was Done. A small fire occurred at the Spencer Iron mill at Green Rid go about 2 30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Flames were discovered on the roof near the eaves. General Phinney Hose company respouded to tbe alarm and made short work of tbe fire. The damage was slight Thanks to tbe Firemen. Matthews Bros, tender their thauks to the firemen who labored so hard to save their property from destruotion on Satur day. ' Though unsuccessful their efforts were appreciated. WEATHER FORECAST. I RAIN I Washington. Sept. 17. Fore I I east for eastern I'ennsylvania, I 1 thowtri, probnbly sliyhUy cooler, 1 variable winds, for western PsnntyU'dnia, generally fair, probably slightly cooler in the vicinity of Pittsburg atid Parkersburg, winds becoming north. FILEY'S Fall and Winter IA AND We have now open the moat complete stock of Underwear and Hosiery for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children ever shown in this city. We mention a few specials! The Stattgarten Sanitary Wool In Vesta, Pants and Com bination Suits. Tbe "Wright" Health Underwear For gentlemen. Special diivo iu GENTS' NAT URAL WOOLand CAMEL'S IIAIB SUITS. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed In Silk, Silk and Wool and Cashmere, Black, White and Natural, We call special attention to our Ladies' Egyptian 'Vesta and i'ants at 25 and 50c. Each. The' Best far tbe Money Ever Offered. And Ladies' Combination Suits. Our special at $1, $125 and 1.50 up. Full line of Children's Goods, in Scarlet, White and Natural Wool, Vests, Panta and Union Suits. 510 and S12 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' OILCLOTH'" Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street TELEPHONE NUMBER 4638. Lewis, Reilly & Davies School Sboes to I o'p'g i rM t mi 1. 111 11 1 'V- I" ' Yon know how that TWely, MiorgeUe boy ot yonr't knock oat bts shoes. We've beta thinking of hire prorfclinK for him end hie destructive energy. We he regular wear defying shot from 50e upward. Lewis, Reilly & Daties 114 WYOMING AVENUE. We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 608 Spruce Street IS: fly HOSIERY I J. WEICEE