4 G THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1894. RuBATHAH MILS Budget of Incident and Anecdote Concern ing the Old Country. S318E QUEER ENGLISH MANNERS Abominable Lack of Conveniences in the Matter of Luggage Transpor tationRailway Compartments That Resemble Prison Cells Swansea and Its Peculiarities Evils of the Tipping Nuisance Other Sprightly Notes of Travel. Ior the Scranlon IWimtie. That firet impressions are not las tine I oita truthfully voush for. It they were I would bs the most disappointed individual in Scranton today. For four days previous to my starting on my recunttrip to Europe I lived en tirely od anticipation It is snid that IihU of our life is spent in anticipation. IIow few of them become realizations? Twenty yeuni ago I visited Europe nnd the continent with my jmrontfl. Beini; ti ehlld I was unable to form on intelligent idea of the customs and habits and appreciate the scenery and places of intorest in the old world. For the pant ten years it has been my great est desire to bku cross the Atlantic Mud view too sights through eyes that have bad the fldvuntage of twenty years more of experience. I went, I saw, I am satisfied. After setting my baguaire ont of tne custom boose at Liverpool the morning of my arrival I took a cab nnd drovs to Lime street station where I was to book, as they cull it there, for Swansea, at which pluoe I intended to speud Sunday. I reached there ton minutes before it v.-us time for my truin to start und ut ter procuring my ticket I started to look for my trunk, which had pre coded tne. PLEASURES OF TRAVELING. I was prepared to put up with some inronvonieuco as regards the checking of my luegaoro for I bad been informed before leitvinp hero that the system' was much different, but I was hardly prepared for the trouble that wns in htore for me. After some difficulty I finally li cated my Suratoga out on the nidewalk in the mar of the station. It was surrounded by a group of half m dt-zon mm who czid on it with as much amazement as I would at a three bended borse. Rushing up to tbem, for my time now was becoming limited, I said to one of the group: "I want this trunk put on the Swansea train." "You will have to get a porter, sir," was the response. Two minutes and my train would be gone, anil tbe porter was many yards uwny. At lal 1 managed to reach him and told biin I wunted my trunk put on the train. "Cnn't now, sir. I'm busy with this lady's KHp." "Bnt I havn nnlv irnt half n minnta before my train will start." "Can't help it, sir; can't do two tblugs at once, sir. Get one of those other fellows, sir." one Cass of necessity. I, wse desperate. That, train I had "to catch." I was under engagement to attend divine service tbe following morning at the leading church in South Wales and was to be the guest of the minister; tbat trunk I must have for it contained the only respectable suit cf clothes I bad to my nit me. Heroio measures must be adopted. I spied a boy standing near. lie was my only salvation. Kunning up to him like one who has lost his reason, I shouted in accents loud aud elesr: "Do you want to make a quarter?" He looked at me with astonishment nnd said in on alarmed voice: "I beg your pardon, sir." "Do you want 1o earu a quarter? Come, help me with my trunk." ''Earn a what, sir?" "Why a quarter. I mean I mean a sixpence a shilling." ANOTHER DILEMMA. The boll was ringing and the guard wus waving his fl ig as we rushed up to tae luggage van and threw in my trunk. Tim baggageman looked at it for a minute and then said: Where for. sit?" ''For Swansea," I shouted. "You will have to get it labelled, sir," he replied. I shoved a shilling into the bard of , the urchin who had so nobly comj to my resous ia carrying my trunk and told bim to run and get mo a label. lit) returned in a few seconds with tbat very essential article and after handing it to tbe baggageman I jumped into the railway carriage as the shrill whistle of tbe locomotive sounded and tbe train started out I was all pars, paration and my nerves were strung to their utmost tension. I glanced around to see what kind of a place I bad got into, and found that I was shut up in a little compartmeut, four by six, and had for my companions in misery nine other unfortunate victims, two of whom claimed alliegance to the Stars and Stripes. We sat facing each other, five on a seat. I mustered up eourage enough to ask one of the gentlemen bow long it would ti.ke to run to Swansea, and thought tbat both my heart and back would break when he replied: "Eight hours." I whs sure I would die before I reached my destination, and was won dering what the verdict of the coro ner's jury would be as to the oause of death. Making tbe best, however, of what I considered up to this time to be a very bad bargain, I drew forth a good cigar and resolved to make myself as comfortable as surroundings would permit ' The thought of being cramped up ia that compartment for eight long hours was indeed anything but pleasant, and had it not been for tbe magnificent soensry through which we passed the ragged hills, beautiful valleys and streams, tbe meadows and hedges, all of whioh served to draw my mind from my uncomfortable posi tion it is bard to tell wbat rash deed I might have been tempted to commit FIRST GLIMPSE OF SWANSEA. When I reaebsd Swansea it was dark and raining bard. Being Satur day, there were thousands out doing their shopping for Sunday, tbe ma jority of whom were walking in the middle of the street. Street lamps were Conspicuous by their absence. Sidewalks that ware about the width of our curb stones could be seen but were not used. They were evidently more for adornment than for use. As I trudged along in the wet and dirt I was tbe most discontented individual it .is possible for you to imagine, and my first impressions of Wales, I can assure you, were anything but charming. A good dose of Welsh hospitality, a splen did limner and a nmt irni'lant hail ' completely changed my mind. Swansea is an antique old city of about the same population as Scranton. Its streets, in the heart of the city, are narrow and its buildings old fashioned in design. This, however, does not Hp ply to tbe new section of tbe city, where more modern styles of architec ture can be found and streets as wide as any we have at home. It is situated on Swansea bay, which is by all moans one of the finest bays ia tbe world, not even excepting that of Naples. Its commercial interests are something enormous. Being a seaport city, it baa business relations with every part of the globe. It lurks, however, as in fact do nil cities of Europe, the hustle and activity that are so prevalent in Ameri can cities. THE SEDATE BRITISH TRADESMAN. The business man of Europe is more methodical and careful ia hisevery-day life than is his Yankee eousiu. He takes life easy, contented to get a small return on his money invested. Health and com fort are his Ideals of what a fortune should consist of, and be laughs to think of ns foolish Americans scrambling and fighting to accumulate wealth and then, when we have made our "pile" to be stricken with paresis or heart failure and bnve a 1 irge fune ral. He is a philosopher. He naaons that it is better to go slow and take part in enjoying the oomforts tbat can be derived from a small fortune and live to a ripe old age, than to labor and toil to amass wealth in a few years, then die and leave it to the law courts to d"cide who is tbe rightful heir. His philosophy is sound and it would bs well if some of our would-be millionaires would follow his example. If they did, the coming generation would have a stronger and more healthy race of young men and women. Probably what surprised me more thuu aaything else during my visit was tae account of driukiug that is done there. Everybody drink, from the smallest cbild to the gray-haired old grandfather, And it is thought perfect ly proper as long as you koep within tbe lines of common reason. During the first week I was there I was invited to take dinner with a gentleman of po sition and wealth, who bad an inter esting familv.two of whom were young ladies, aged 19 aud 23 years respective ly. Both were ladies of culture aud education, speaking French nnJ Ger man more fluently than I could speak English. At dinnor the servant want to each person and nskod him what Id would have to drink. Sjme had sherry, others elaret. Comiug from a city where so recently there had been a crusade against the saloons, I took water, but tho young lady of 19 too!c my breath away when she suid, "Sjotuh wtiisky, please." She drank it with tho 8-ime ease and enjoyment that a Scran ton girl would drink soda water; an J before the meal was over had the do-M repeated. It is doing them but justice tbonuh, to say that the amount of whisky they drink does them less in jury than tbe amount drank here, tor they always dilute it, adding equally us much water as whisky. THE CUSTOM OF TIPPING. Probably the worst feature of Euro pean life that an American traveler has to contend with, is thoir system ol tipping. At the hotel the employes from the "boots," who shin's tho cov ers for your pedal extremities, to tn? head steward, who looks after tho affairs of tho hotel, all expect you to tip them before you wave; and in ens.' you are absent-minded and forget that very important duty, they are not to) modest to remind you of it. The rail way porter who puts your trunk in the baggage van, the guard who locks yon in the railway carriage, tbe pretty bar maid who waits on you at the ''Pub," the driver whom you hire to drive th ) horse and trap if you take a ride, all expect you to pny tribute to them by giving a shilling or sixpence. It is p in of their business That is bow they are compensated for thsir labor. Their wages are insufficient to keep tbem ; they have to live, and the traveler "pays the freight." I wns dining at a cafe in London one Sunday afternoon nnd had a very nice dinner, which was made more pslata Lie by the fact that it was served by a charming young English girl. When I was through I asked her for my bill, and happened to have the exact chango in my pocket. I banded it to her, reached for my overcoat and umbrella nnd started for the door, when sho called me back. "Have you not forgotten something, sir?" Bhe said. "No, I gnefs not; I have my coat, gloves and umbrella,1' I replied. "But httendauce, sir?'' "Oh, I beg your pardon. In the country that I come from a young lady wou d oonsider it an insult if' I at tempted to oflir her a tip, and I thought tho same rule prevailed bore," I snid, banding ber a sixpence. "Oh, no sir; we takes all we can get." SOUS ENGLISH SUPERIORITY. With these inconveniences and pe culiar mode of living no doubt you wonder why so many Americans visit Europe yearly. It is not to be won dered at after you have once made the trip. While it is true that their cus tom seem strange to us and their facil ities for enjoying life appear ornde, they nevertheless have many virtues that we do not While their railway coaches are not as well ndapted for comfort as onrs, they have railroads tbat are far superior to ours. It may take them longer to carry you a hund red miles, but a collision or a derailed train is a very rare occurrence. They 1 ave not got the mnssive buildings and beautiful dtsign in architecture, but they bave ancient cnstles and abbeys that takes your mind back into early ages. They may have more rainy days but you never bear of a death by sunstroke. So that, take it all in all, there are as many commendable fea tures and as good opportunities for en joying life in- England as we bnvo. Spaee will not permit me to write my observations concerning their mould pal government, tbe condition of tbeir laboring classes, tho effect of the pass age of the Wilson bill on tbe tin in dustry, and their old ruins. Do I bear some one ask if I wonld like to live there? Ia reply, I would say that the salary or councilman would have to 1 e increased, E. E. Robathan, Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Disoovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afllicted with a Cough, Cold, or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may return the bottle and have your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on, It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew Bros', drug store. Large size 60c. and $L (Vhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla, When she had Children, she gave t hem Castorla, I WHAT IT ,s" J The original Raw Food. An unrivalled nutrient. It builds muscle aud bone. It makes new blood. Is retained by any stomach. Satisfies the hunger of consumptives. . , Unaided it will sustain strength for weeks. Contains the largest amount of nutrition iu the smallest possible bulk. It will sustain life by injection. It is simply the vital principles of raw beef concentrated. It is prescribed and recom mended by more physicians than any other food in the world. We refer to any physician you know. Fur sale at all druggists. THE BOV1N1NE CO. NEW YORK. PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. Let Railway's liemly Relief lie mtil on the flrt Indication of Fatu or L'nonslness; If threatened with Ulsouse or Sloltneis, the Cure will be made before the family doctor would ordinarily reach the house. CURES THE WORST PAINS iu from one to twenty minutes Not one hour after rend lug this advertisement need any one bUF FKK WITH PAIS. ACHES AND PAINS Forhoiulaeho (whothor sick or norvous), loothaclie, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago, initns nnd wcakniss in tho ba :k, spinu or idneys, rains around tho liver, pleurisy, swelling of the joints and pains of nil kinds, th" application or Kadwny's Keady Relief will allord immediate oaao, and its continued use for a fow days cft.-ct a permanent euro. A CURE FOR ALL Summer Complaints, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus. A half to a toaspoonful of Iiond7 Roliof in S half tumbtor of water, repeated as oftoa as the discharges continue, and a Manuel pat uratod with liuady Holiol placed over the stomach and bow e'.s will afford immediato relief aud socn eflect a euro. lntorniilly-A half to a toaspoonful In half a tumblor of water will, in a few minutos, euro Cramps, Spasms. Sour Ktomnch,N'aus-.-m Vomiting, Heartburn, Nervousness, Bleep lesxnehs. Siek Headache, Flatulency aud all Into rnal pains. Solaria n Its Various Forms Cured and Prevented. I here Is not a reinodial agency In tho world that will euro foyor aud ague and all other malarious, bilious and all other fevers, aiilod by RADWAY-M I'll.Ls. so quickly as BAD WAY'S RKADY RELIEF. Travelers should always carry n bottlo of Had way's Ready Relief with thum. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from chauiio of water. It is hotter than French brandy or bitters as a stimulant. Miners and lumbermen should always be provided with it. Price 60 coats per bottle. Bold by all drug gists. ILVIYS RELIABLE PURELY VEGETABLE. Perfectly tasteloss, elegantly coatod, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthen. RAD WAY'S PILLS for the euro of all dis orders of the Stomach, linwols, Kidn-ys, Bladder, Nervous Discaios, D zziness, Ver tigo, Coutivenees, Piles, KICK HEADACHE, - FEMALE COJiriiAIXTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE LIVER. Observe the following symptoms resulting from diseases of t lie digestive organs Con stipation, Inward piles, fullness of blood in the head, ae.Niitv of tho s'uniacu, nausea, heartburn, ilLgust of fuod, fullness of weight of the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering of the lieart, chok ng or suffocat ing sensations when in a lying posture, dim ntss of vision, dots or welm before the sight, f over and dull pain iu tho h ad, deficiency of perspiration, yellowness of tbe skin and yes. pain In tho side, chest, limbs, and sud den flushes of heat, burning In the flesh. A few dosesof UADWAYS PILLS will free tbe syBtom of all tho above-named disorders. Price 25c per box. Sold bv druggists or sent by mall. Send to DR. RADWAY & CO., Lock Box B66, .New York, for Book of Advice. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer' Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrate! PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbh. Per Annum, Ladles Who Value i'sPawJ skin. J A refined complexion must use Pononl der. It produces a soft and bcantlfnl Seeds .'and ....... Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. SUNT A WELL CO. CO, Booms 1 find 2 tamonwsaltli Bli'a 6CUANTOV, PA. MINING andBLASTING tea Hade at the MOOSIC and KUsII DALE WOUKd. Lafllin & Rand Powder Co.'s 02ANGE GUN FQTO33 Electrlo Eatterlss, Fuse for explor ing blasts, ttafoty Fuse and ftepaunoChcmicsU Co. 's High Explosives MT. PLEASANT ' AT RETAIL. CVud of thn tmt quality fJr domestic nns.sr.il of all sizes, deliveroU in any part of ths citj at loweHt price. , Orders left at my office, NO. 118, WYOMING ATKNUr, Roar room, first floor, Third National limit, or sent by mail or tel.iphouo to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Special ountrncts will bs made for the soli and delivery of buckwheat CoiU. WIl T. SMITH. W. L DJQLAS IS THE BEST. NO SQUEAKING. 5. CORDOVAN, FREHCH&ENAMELLEDCALF. 4.3.5-0 FlUECAlf AKMiGASOl $3.P0LICE,3 Soles. EXTRA FINE. u' 2.l7-5B0YSSCht(IL$!!CES. LADIES SEND F08 CATALOGUE f $fr WL.'LJO'JGI.A3, v- DROCKTON, MA33. You can save money by purcbusius V. L. DoUviUM SluK'M. Dccausc, we arc the larj:? st manufacturers of Advertised shoes in Ihe world, and Kuarautce the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against hinh prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoe equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wenriutf qualities. We have them sold every where at lower prices for the value Riven than any other make. Take no substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by E. J. LEONARD. OR. HEBFtA'3 lyLAiUHUfcEii Removes Frsckles, Pimplct Livor Moles 6!aa!:he:d3, 8unbvrn and Tsn. and i, stores tho skin to its orlgi- I ,y$iy,',f un.1 freshness, prrluciug Ju.VAJKf; cleat and bcnliiiy c;mi-i.iur. plcxlon. Superior to allium ' preparations and perfectly harmless. At all uruKtjiitu, or mailed ior 50c is. Bcud ior Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP Imply tni--nlila u s EVln pnriiinf lljap, iu.ijnftltl frr tUe tollrt, and without s rivM Fur llio niimrf. AImoImMv jure aad dcUcatdljr nictll coial. Amnwrhn, Price 2S Cents. G. C. BITTNEB& CO., Toledo, O. For sale by Matthew Iirus. and John II. I'helps. 101 POWDER POWD CS dill 0hs tHiTTRQi.LEY SOAP .'.vU . . irt'j aM V Tiir - .' .r 1 b ' "I PHUIOELPaUt For Washing, Clothes CLEAN and SWEETS It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps. Price FIVE CENTS a bar. mmmmmmmY .3 k dt'hl ;muitlnn orlnnanJly. ,iiy nmil prepiihl. V 1th I a- 11 ar-VV iT. .T - Mr M"U I I.' muni "V. i lirumr I n'f, DlflU J U 1 1 III UkUllB. B nil It, wao bLrUiic. ANJIr (LRUMG.DJULiioi-. Addrusa AtUVK MEEIICO., Mttsouto Tetuple( CHICAGO. IU For 3alo in Scranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Drusrist, cor. Washington ind. Sorucoatreots. KWf ' - - Thorn-eat remedy afun.ft S.ji tna-orfxwi Manhood, Ininotoiwr. MRlitly KniissUins.Youtlifui Krrors. X'.A'fs. -.1 k t'JBvW Mortal Worrv. excessive "to of Tnbueroor(lilnm,wlileli lead to Com l.u.;j'&.4.vvvIVUijr auniptlon and Insanltv. With mn ir.sbtuiiMn.. iliiiiUltKAJDAlili.KtJtaMU. antri-uiruro orrelmid llip nioner. Fid nt !. erbir. Ihi;cj forfcu.OO. l)K.MOX'l,'SC'Uj:iHlAl.CU.,t;iovUuid,OW l or Sale bv C. HI. IIAUK1S UrucKlst, 17 l'oun Aveuun. v?..TF?V TSFft-Mk a7 J N . i i jjj. VaVk R AR I KK to Cur L. . 5m J iiivciimurT nioiimiona tteiuu iia AUr li.iuu. wnsuropii u lumnuj, K, , ... ?rl""1 gusianw io our. or ramaa me mouty. AJdr ' TliAL MI.LICUH; CO.. dTelud,Ohio, For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. iwtllafifi Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL. $200 SURPLUS, $250,000 This bank offers to depositors ever, facility warranted by their balances, btul. ness and roHpttuslblllty. tSpeciul attention yWen to business ao couuta. Intercut paid ou time deposits. WIZ.7.TAM CONNFT.t, President iiiO. II. CATL1N, VIce-ITesIilont WILLIAM H. fliCK, tashlek, DIRECTORS. William Conn-til, Genre n. Catlln, Alfred Hand. James Arclibald, Henry Belln, Jr., William T. oitU Luther Kail"" THE is; "as 8 K. MM Mi of Sratoj, CUGAttlZED IBM. CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000, FA BUHL HIN'ES,tPrcaMont W.W. WATSOM, VicoProsidoat A. li. WILLIAMS, Cashier. DIRECTORS. fUvrEr, ffwrfl, jamfs M- Evert? Art, lltVINO A. FlNCTT, FlLKCB li, FlNLKif, JoBl'.l'H J. JKKMYN, M. b. KSMEHEIU, CUAS, iJ. XA'l'i'usws, John T. PoiU'SU. W. W. WATSON. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank invitostbn patronage of business nieu and lirms geurally. CI. A. HULBERT3 City Musio Store, M. WSOAUXQ AVE, GCHAJKZlUb 8TEIVTVAT SOX DECKER BROTHERS in KRAN1CH & BACH tlM He BAUfc.it Alsca au-f stock of flrst-slsss MUSICAL MERCHANDISE Ensorsis t tmi Hioxtrr Mroient Atrmosmrs in ha urn win euro you. A woiHlcriul tonn to mifleron im.n Loiila. Horn T hiuiur M - innnrn7n, itronchitln, X. orIIAVFRVK. AffrtU $ immediate rtiief. Anefticient in pooket, ready to lio on tlrst Indirauon of cold. n'rowy, convenient 10 crrr innllnueil lie f.nevts J'rrninneut ('lire. Hutit faction (ninmnteel or money reiunded. Price, r. oto. Trial fri'ii nt DniKsinn. lieulstered nmiL CU coutu. fl. D. CUSSHlil, tii.,:hm him, Kid., D. S. t CTSKMAIT'S PFSITHfll Tl,e s'lrest and safest remedy for titer I 1IUL. aiiBkindisiiaaes, Keiema, Itch.HslI Ilhoum.old Horns, Hums, 1'ihb. Woadernil rem til? lor l-II.KM. Pt-lce.Sftcts.atlinut-nai t,'. gljuinr liy mail prepaid. Address as ahovn. OHI-M For sale by Mat the w llros. and John lL l'holps. NERVESEEDS. "kU wonitVH'iri rvaiciiT cutt tpiil I u care til irniu dli otises, such ns Won!; Memory, Ijom nf Hralri Power, Ilmidoulie, Wukt-fulnoBS, I)stilfintioo(l. Ntpbily KuiiKsionrt, NtTTtmsneaalldrnlnBand kwuf power ln(ei)AnitlveOrpui)sof either suxraiiKed by overeivtrtton, youthful crrera e.Tcem)vouso nf u.hacco, opium orsLlrnulanU. which loud to lntlnnlty. Con C:in be enrrtodin vest pocluit. Wl iwrbox, tor 8 M order we g Iw a written frnrantee tcire inDR. MOTT'S "nraj)i,irgr4 - runr, ttaaasare,!! PILL fornervoits prosiratlon and all nervous diseases of RESTORE LOST YIGOI HmonslV'Mlitj, LossafSsinal Poirar in vittiei tr irom any csnre. If aeglsetsd, sorb IrmMss leiul .i.ihi per Ben sy msil. 6 for M. With re t Illi6 BAUTION: To Our Patrons Washburn -Crosby Co. wish to assure their many patrons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to' the excessively dry weather many miliars are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn- Crosby Co.'s flour far above all other brands. Wholesale Agents. LOUIS B. SMITHS Deals? in Clioics Confections and Frnits. BF.EAD AND 0AKE3 A SPECIALTY. FUST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouso Avenue. U KNOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful n9W pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en grayed free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at fierce re ay 807 LACKAWANNA AVENUK. SBilwnmr tfnrr avnrTT" All Grades, Sizes and Of every description on hand. Troinpt 6liipinent3 guar antced. Chains, Rivet3, Eolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn buckles, Bolt End3, Spikes and a full line of Carriage Hardware. BITTENBE'NDER & CO. Scranton, Pa. We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at prices that warrant U3 in expecting a large share of the trade. Pnciflo Coast Red Cedar Shingles. ' "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yel low Pino. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Kails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO, Commonwealth Buildinff, Scranton Pa. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. LT. E. CBOFUT Proprietor. riHIS HOHSE Is strictly temperance, is nw I si d well furnished anil UPBN:i Tu 1 1HR PUBLIC THK YEAR ROUND: is located midway between Montrose an t Scran ton, on Montross and Lsckawsnns Railroud, fix miles from I)., U, & W. It. R. at Alford Station, and live milei from ALmitrosi; ca- Sseity, eighty-tire; three minutes' walk f rorn .. H. station. GOOD BOAT. FISHING TACKLE, Ac, Fit EE TO GLKSIS. Altitude about RWM foet, eqimllintr In this respoct the Adirondack and Cubical Moun tains. , tins groves, plenty of shalo and beautiful scenery, making a Summer Itesort unex celled i" beauty and cheapness. Dancing pavilion, swiu, croquet gr ounds, Sea. Culd Spring Water and plenty of M Ilk. Itstui, 7 lo 81 0 per neek. S1.00 per day. Kxcnrslon tickets sold at all stations on D. h. Ss W. lines. Forttr meets all trains. CULL l PARIvOHS OPFJT FROM T A.M. TO 11 P M. HPKCLAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SUP (PLYXNU FAMILIES WITH ICE CBBAM. Kinds kept in Stock Juniata County, Pennsylvania, White Onk. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tlega Connty Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. ilk Connty Dry Hemlock Joists and Stud ding. DUPONT'S 111X1X0, BLA8TLNQ AND SPOBTlKa Manufactured at th Wapwallopen Mills, Lu surne county Pa., and at Wil mington, Delawar. HENRY BE LIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District, n8 Wyoming Ave, Scranton P Third Hatioiisl Bank Buildln AOSNCIM. , : " TBD9. FOKD, Plttston. Pa. JoHNB ISMPTH A BON; Plymouth. Pa, K. W. MULLIGAN, Wlttes-barre, Pa. Agenta Ior the Kenaone Chemieal .Conn taw's Sigh fixtrioarres.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers