The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 15, 1894, Page 9, Image 9

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The evangallstio work now being
conducted in onr city will be continna j
till the tint of October, E. W. Bliss
closed hii work on the West Side last
evening. Mr. Shiver will take his
place, holding his first meeting at 8.80
p. m. tomorrow, A secend . tent has
been brongbt Into town, . and will be
ereeted today in EUctrie park. Mr.
Bliss will begin work in this tent in
the North End .tomorrow.. All the
churches ot Providence have heartily
entered into the work, and yesterday
afternoon the pastors met to discuss
plans. Rev. W. (J. Watkins will su
pervise the ereetion of the tent, Rev.
George Guild has charge of printing,
and Rev. R. a Jones, D. D., is treas
urer. Giles Clark has been elected
chairman of the working committee.
.Tomorrow morning eacheburoh will
seleot ten or more workers. These per
sons will meet Mr. Bliss tomoorow af
ternoon at 8.30 o'clock in the North
Main Avenue Baptist church, and b
appointed to their several duties. In
the evening at 7 o'elock all the churches
will unite in worshipping in the tent.
The ebargo of the singing has been
given to Tallie Morgan, who is busily
engaged bringing the singers of the
North End together, and under his in
spiring leadership there will be good
singing in these services. The outlook
is very favorable for a very BUoces6f ol
campaign in this part ot our city.
The Christian Endeavor societies of
(be Trinity and Zioa Evangelical
churches will hold a local convention
next Tuesday," the 18th Inst., in the
Green Ridge Evangelical chureh.
There will be three sessions, 10 a. in.
and 2 and 7 p. m. In the morning and
afternoon meetings prominent workers
in Endeavor work will discuss ques
tions relative to the successful working
of the organization. In the eveniDg
the meeting will be addressed by C. H.
Chandler, of the Seeond Presbyterian
church, who ii one of the most aotive
workers in the city, tie will be fol
lowed by an address from J. C. Man
ning, of Pittaton, secretary of the Tri
County anion of Christian Endeavor
aoeieties. The pastor. Rev. G. L.
Maice, extends a hearty welcome to
all interested in this work to be present
at the meetings.
Next Sunday evening, he Christian
Endeavor sooiety of the Providence
Presbyterian church will dispense witb
the regularly assigned topio and de
vote tbe meeting to the speoial con
sideration of "Systematic Benefioence
and Proportionate Giving." This is one
of the lines of activity marked out by
the last international convention of
Endeavor workers, and the above so
ciety is resolved to propagate the idea
and give it a practical test. ..
The St. David's kindergarten was
opened last Monday with a fair atten
dance that promises success to the un
dertaking. One of the dailies stated
that tbe kindergarten was for the
Home of the Friendless, which was en
tirely erroneous, and in correcting
this, stated that it was an institution
of St. David's church, but again it was
in error. The kindergarten was opened
as an institution for the people of
Hyde Park, and St. David's chureh is
only connected witb it, as the donor of
a free room for the use of the sehool,
and the rector invited the scholars to
attend. Rector W. H. Mill simply en
deavors to bring the opportunities of
tbe kindergarten to the people of the
West Side. The sphool is self-supporting,
the tuitionM is very low and
should be within t. mean of a large
number of parents, ho will be glad
of the opportnnit ; bf Bending their
children there. Principal Lillian
Morris has had experience in the work
and proves herself efficient in her la
bors. Her assistant, Miss Maude Fiaher,
is alson efficient teacher The ses
sions are from 9 to 13, and dnring
these hours, anyone will be oheerfully
welcomed at the school, and witness
the work that is done among the little
folks. It is open for all children be
tween the age of 8 and 8 years, and
any further information may be re
ceived from the principal at the school.
A very successful association was
enjoyed by the representatives of the
Congregational churches of Northeast
ern Pennsylvania in Nantiooke on
Sept. 8, 9, 10 and 11. About fifty dele
gates were ' present, representing
thirty-five churches, whose total mem.
berebio amounted to over 4,000 com
manioants. The moderator, D. J. Ev
ans, of this city, called the meeting tV
order, and after calling the roll of dele
gates, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: Daniel
J. Evans was reelected moderator;
Morgan Evans, of Lansford, vice
moderator; Rev. William T. Will
lams, of Slating ton, secretary; Rev.
B. I Evans, of this city, assistant
secretary; and D. W. Morris, of Nanti
coke, treasurer. The association will
meet next year in Minersville, Sehuyl
kill county. Tbe report of the treas
urer shows 85.60 in band, and the
condition of the churches was very en
couraging. Rev. R. Lloyd Roberts, of
Bangor; Rev. William Weeks, of Iowa;
Rev. Ceredig Davi.s, of Minersville,
and Rev. John F. levies, of this city,
were admitted to its nbership in the
association. The following visitors
were present: Rev. W. H. Harrison, of
Minnesota; Rev. W. Davies, of Yale,
university and Rev. T. W. Jones, D.
D. of -Philadelphia. The last named
gentleman spoke very effectively Sun
day evening of the work done by the
Home Missionary association in the
middle states.
t S I
Next Monday evening an interesting
exercise will be held in tbe Green
Ridge Baptist ohnrob, when Company
O, of the Boya' brigad of our city, will
be presented with a beautiful banner,
This company was organized last year,
and has been drilled by J. M. Hughes,
aergeant-mejor of theJThirteeath regi
ment. Thirty boys between tbe ages
of 13 and 20 compose the company, w- ,
meet once a week for nine months in
the year, and are taught the move
ments of regular military companies.
Ia addition" to the drill, they are taught
ln-fcieripture and sound moral prin
ciples. The boys wanted a standard,
and on of tbe Sunday sobool classes
held a social last rarnmer, and secured
the necessary funi to purchase an ap
' propriat banner. f This' will be pre
sented to the company next Monday
evening.- . ReT.'JW. Fotd will speak
4f the growth and design of the organ
ization, and Cotonel Hitohoook will
make the presentation speeoh, and
v v
iflioiis worm.
present the standard. Appropriate
musio will be rendered on the ocoasion,
The St. David's Sunday school will pio
nio at Laurel Hill , park on Saturday,
Sept, 25.
A Christian Endeavor society will be or
ganized next week in tbe Calvinistio Moth
odistcburch of Bellevae.
The Ladies' Aid society, of the Provi-"
dence Presbyterian church, will give an
oyster supper next Thursduy evening,
Sept. SO, iu tbe basemeut of the church.
The Girls' Mission band of the Cedar
Avenue Methodist Episcopal church will
bold a ribbon social next week. The even
ing will be decided upon at tomorrow's
business ineetiug.
The Junior league of the Hampton Street
Methodist Episcopal church will give an
entertainment next Tuesday evening. Tbe
supervision ot the work is in charge of
Mrs. B. T. Stone.
Tbe Ladies' Aid society, of the Park
Place Methodist Episcopal church, will
give a tea in the parlors of the chorea
next Thursday afternoon nt 6 o'clock. Tbe
proceeds are for the benefit of the church.
Tbe Ladies' Aid society of the Hickory
Street Presbyterian ohurch, held a picnio
recently and realized $500. This is the
first instalment for tbe parsonage fund,
Tbe church will possibly erect a new
homo tor their pastor next spring.
A very pleasant picnio was enjoyed by
the Sunday school ot the Welsh Baptist
church, of Providence, in Laurel Hill park
last Wednesday. Thomas Jehu had charge
of the arrangements, and by bis efforts
secured the children a free ride ou the
The Ladies' Aid Sooiety of the First
Welsh Baptist church met last Wednesday
after their summer vacation. The presi
dent, Mrs. Benjamin Hughes, has done
very good work in behalf of the society,
and she starts out this year again with her
usual enthusiasm.
Next Monday afternoon the Baptist pas
tors of the Abington association will ban
quet at Keystone aeadoniy. Factory ville.
The programme was published in these
columns a few weeks ago. All tbe pastors
and tBeir wives are urged to be present,
when business of importunes for the fu
ture success of the association will be dis
cussed. THE CLERGY.
Rev. Fred Holter has moved from Cedar
avenue to S32 Maple street.
Kev. D. T. Davios, of Bhamokin. spent
last Tuesday and Wednesday with Bev. K.
S. Jones, I). D., of Providence.
Josepb Brown nnd Mrs. Charles Brown,
of Trenton, N. J., are visiting Rev. and
Mrs. M. 11. Mill, at the parsonage.
Rev. J. C. Schmidt, of the Hickory Street
uapust cuurcn, is in tsimulo ana will not
be home until the middle of next week.
Kev. J. T. Morris, of Bellevne. returned
from New York Monday, where he met
Mrs. Morris returning from a trip to
The pastors of tbe Primitive Methodist
churches of the Wyoming district, will
meei in cinKeiy on eept. to discuss
questions pertaining to the business ot the
Rev. S. T. Nichols, of Mabanoy City;
Rov. W. F. Nichols, of Hnzleton, and Rev.
W. H. Acornly, of Plymouth, visited Rev.
Daniel Savage, in Ureen Kidge, last
Rev. D. W. Skellinger, of the Washburn
Street Presbyterian church, returned
borne last Wednesday after a five weeks'
vacation. He will preach tomorrow and
conduct the regular services.
Rev. David Jones, of the First Congre
gational church, returned last Saturday
from a trip to Wales, where he spent a
very ploasant month among bis friends
notwithstanding the ceaseless rain that
Rev. Mr. Marshall, formerly a clergy
man of the Methodist Episcopal church,
who was confirmed some time ago in the
Episcopal church, has been assigned to the
parish at Forest Citv. vacated latelv bv
Rev. Edgar Campbell. Mr. Marshall has
moved there and began work.
Daniel Savage will preach tomorrow
morning on "Jesus Only," and in the even
ing he will speak of "Elijah."
Rev. D. M. Kinter, of the Christian
Church of Providence, preached on the
square of Wilkes-Barre last week.'
Kev. E. L. Santee, of the Cedar Avenue
Methodist hplscopal church, will have re
ception of members into the church at to
morrow morning's service.
Tbe quarterly conference of the Cedar
Avenue Methodist Fpiscopal church will be
nem next luesaay evening ;in the church.
Presiding Elder J. G. Eckman will be pres-
oui uuu uussiuiy win preacn.
The quarterly meeting will be held to
morrow morning in the Hampton Street
Methodist Episcopal church. Love feast
at h.;ju a. m., sermon at lU.BU to be followed
by the holy communion to be administered
Dy ine pastor.
N. B. Spencer, of the Calvary Reformed
church, baa left for Ursinus college, at
Collegeville, this state, where he begins a
coarse of study to prepare bimself for the
ministry, sir. Hpeucer is well known in
ine city, and was very active in church
RflV. W. R .Tnnoo nf tha VI rat U'oloh
Baptist church, .has returned home safely
iiumniuur irom waies. 119 win preacn
au cugiiBu sermon tomorrow evening. Mr.
Jones' famllv fa nt.ill nnrnaa tha Atlantic
being detained in Wales on account of
Rev. D. M. Kinter. of the Providence
Christian church, will administer the or
dinance of baptism at tomorrow evening's
Bertha C. Watkins, daughter of Rev.
W. G. Watkins. ot Providence, left last
Thursday afternoon for Lewlsburg to re
sume her studios at Bucknell university.
The quarterly meeting of the Calvinistio
Methodist churches of Luzerne and Lack
awanna valleys, will be held today and to
morrow In Warrior Run. The conference
will meet at 2 p. m.
The Providence Christian church has put
in a new furnace to heat the building, It
is one of the best in the market, and is
expected to give perfect satisfaction dur
ing tbe coming winter. Tha outlay is
about 1300
Last Sunday evening Dr. Joseph Parry,
of Cardiff, Wales, gave , an Interesting lec
ture on sacred musio to a crowded bouse
in tbe First Congregational church on the
West Side. He also conducted the vast
audience in singing a few hymns, which
were snug with marked effect.
The Bible study conducted every Tues
day evening in St, David's church, under
the auspices ot the Brotherhood Of St.
Andrew, was well attended this weak.
This was tbe first meeting after the sum
mer Vacation. Tbe studies will be regu
larly continued, and young men are cordi
ally invited to join the class for the study
of Holy Sc ripture.
The Dickson City chattel that has been
recently erected by the Presbyterians of
our city, is complete and will be dedi
cated some time in Ootober. Tbe follow
ing board of trusteas was elected: Presi
dent, Rev. George Guild; secretary, Welling
ton Lament; other members, W. H. Rich
niond, Edward Evans, W. H. McPherson.
The treasurer ot the chnroh is Miss Clara
Richmond. , . .. , ,
' The mission school on Adams avenue
conduoted by the Second Presbyterian
church and in charge of 0. H. Chaidler
expects soon to grade the sidewalk) and
street, lay a flag sidewalk and ereot ah
iron fence. - Tne wore is now in progress.
A very successful Luther leasna conven
tion of the societies of northeastern Penn
sylvania was held last Thursday at the St.
Paul church, White Haven. Delegates
were sent from the Holy Trinity, Zion and
Christ Lutheran churches in town. Rev.
su. u. Miller, who is one of the most active
workers iu the movement, was present
and delivered a brief address.
Saint Lurk's Church Rev. Rogers Is
rael rector. Seventeenth Sunday after Trin
ity. Holy communion. 8 a. m.: service and
sermon, .10 So a. m.; Sunday school, 2.30
p. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7.BU
p. m.
Saint Luke's Mission, Dunraore Rev.
A. L Urban in charge. Sunday school, 8
p. m.; evening prayer aud sermon, 4 p. m
All Souls' Church Pine street near
Adams avenue, Rev. George W. Powell,
pastor. Services to-morrow at 10.30 a. m.
Theme, "The Wonderful Gift of Human
Power," and at 7.80 p. m., theme, "Unl
versalism as a Theory, a Hope and a
Christian Lire." Good music. You are
Howard Placb African Methodist
Episcopal Church Rev. C. A. McGee,
pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 8 p.
in. Sabbath school at 2.30 p. m.
First Baptist Church Pastor Collins
will preach Sabbath at 10.30 1. m. Theme,
"The Love of God." There will also be
services at 7 p. ru.
Church op CnnisT, Scientist Spencer
building, 510 Adams avenue. Bible lesson
at 10.30 a. m. and church service at 7.80 p.
m. D. N. McKee, speaker. All are wel
come. Seats freo.
First Presbyterian CnuRCH, Washing
ton avenue Tha pastor, Rev. Dr. McLeod,
will preach morning and evening.
The Second Presbyterian Church
Rev. Charles E. Robinson, D. D., pastor.
Services at 10.8l)a, in.; Sunday school at 18
m, ; Christian Kndeavor prayer meeting at
C. 30 p. m. There will be union services be
tween this ohurch and Elm Park Metho
dist at the Elm Park church in the evening
at 7.45 o'clock, when Rev. C. E. Robinsou,
D. D., will preach.
The Cuuhch of the Good Shepherd
Greeu Ridge Btreot and Mousey avenue.
Holy commuuiou at 8 a. m.; morning ser
vice and sermon at 11. 0: Sunday school at
2.80 p. m.; Young People's service at 6.45
p. m.; evening prayer and sermon at 7.30
p. m. All seats free. Mi welcome.
Penn Avenue Baptist Church The
pastor, Rev. Warren G. Partridge will
preach at 10.30 a, m., and 7:80 p. m.
Evaugelistio and soug service after the
sermon in the evening. All welcome.
Park Place Methodist Church The
Rev. Dr. Iiawxhurst will preach in the
morning on "Great Religious Interests."
Evening service m the tent,
Grace English Lutheran Church
Rov. Foster U. Gift, pastor. Services on
Sunday at the Y. M. C. A. at 10:30 a. m.
and at 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 11:30
p. m. Everybody welcome.
Calvary Reformed Church Corner
Monroe avenue and Gibson street. Rev.
W. H. Stubblebine, pastor. Preaching at
10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. ni. Evening sub
ject, "Reckless Riders."
An event that Scrautou play-goers are
sure to regard as of more than signal im
portance in amusement annals will be the
coming to tbe Academy of Musio of
Charles Hoyt's most famous farce-comedy,
"A Trip to Chinatown." While the play
is not new to this city, it has a history
that makes its coming of more than usual
interest. For six hundred and fifty-six
consecutive performances it held the
boards at Hoyt's Madison Square
theater, New York, playing to the
capacity of the house. When the
curtain ascends Tuesday evening on
"A Trip to Chinatown" the admirers of
the play will see a production a counter
part in every way to the farce comedy as
given in New York. The cast is tbe same,
including as it does Harry Conor as Wel-
-tand Strong; George A. Bean, jr., George
ninoiair, Minus r. wnitmara, Margaret
MoDouald, Geraldine McCann, Harry Gil
foil and that sparkling little danseuse,
whose fame has spread everywhere, Bossie
Clayton. The scenery will be brought en
tire from New York. Since tbe farce
comedy was seen last in this city many
new features have been added and a num
ber of musical numbers that are sure to
set everybody singing and whistling them
have been introduced. Sale ot seats opens
at the box office on Saturday morning.
T t t
Alexander Dumas's "Clemenceau Cose"
will be the attraction at tbe Frothingham
on Monday and Wednesday, Sept. 17 and
19. MUs Laura Alberta, who is leading
lady in the Keno and Williams company
exhibits artislio delicacy and dramatic
strength in the character of Izs, Nature
has done well by Miss Alberta. She has a
clear cut handsome face and a strong,
resonant voice, all of which, combined
witb graceful action and carriage, makes
her on the stage a very attractive woman.
She is surrounded by a clever company
and the management promises a first class
performance of "The Clemenceau Case-"
Miss Alberta will appear Tuesday night in
Sydney Grundy's musical comedy, "An
Arabian Night," in tbe role of Rose Colum
bier, a wild reckles caprice of a young
cirens rider bont upon turning the serious
portion of tbe world upside down.
t t t
Admirers of the classic drama will have
an opportunity of witnessing Thomas
Keene's artistic performance of "Riche
lieu" at tbe Academy of Musio on Tues
day evening next. Mr. Keene's coucep
lion of tbe role of the great cardinal is re
meiubered as being an admirable one,alike
thoroughly satisfactory to the historical
student as to tbe lover of tbe drama. He
will bave tbe support of the following peo
ple in his representation of "Richelieu"
here: Edwin Arden, Frank Uennig, Carl
Aurenct, inomus bugleson, George Buck
ler, Lnwronce Lowell, Moreton Baker,
Lillian Lawrence, Genevieve Beaman,
Juliette Downs and Mrs. S. A. Baker.
t t t
This will be the last opportunity to see
tbe splendid vaudeville performance that
is being given this weok at Davis' theater.
Children will be provided with seats at
this afternoon's performance without ad
ditional charge.
Musio Boxsi Exoluaivsly.
Best made. Play any desired number of
tunes, unutschl et born., manufacturers,
1080 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won
derful orcheatrial organs, only $5 and (10.
Specialty i Old musio boxes carefully re
paired and improved with new tunes.
Nature's Reme
dies of ttimes poor
ly flattered by
chemical and dan
gerous imitations,
For five centuries
Carlsbad has stood
in the role of
strength and
health-giver, and. millions have
been cured by the Carlsbad Wa
ters of all sorts and manners of
diseases. The genuine Carlsbad
Sprudel Baits are the Carlsbad
Water solidified, bottled and
placed in every American drug
store, to relieve the publio of
malassimilation of food, flatulent
obesity, catarrh of the stomach,
and gives to all a healthy appe
tite, strong, vigorous flesh, a per
fect digestion. Take no Imita
tions. Eisner & ' Mendelson Co.,
Sole Agents, New York.
Graphic Description of an Industry Yet In
Its Infancy. -s
Notes of a Journey Upon Horseback
Through the Lumber Regions of
the Lone Star State Methods of
Transporting Logs to the Mills.
Impressions Created by a Drcy's
Ride Through a Never-Endinc
Labyrinth of Trees Most Perfect
Stretch of Woodland.
Upon oue occasion a gentleman now
resident in Hcrantou made a trip ou
horsebnek severul hundred miles
through the piue lauds of Texan, for
the purpose of reporting their condi
tion to a New York syndicate of cap
italists anxious to Invest iu them.
From a memorandum made on tuut
trip he has supplied The Tribune
with the following interesting narra
tive: The terms "Georgia Pine" and
"Southern Pine" are in daily use by
people engaged in either lumbering or
buildiuK and naturally sucsrest the fori
ests of the Atluutio state where most of
the yellow piue used iu northern mar
kets ia obtained. The term "Texas
Pine" is rarely seen in print. Oue
reads ot Texas cotton and of Texas
cattle, but seldom of Texas timber.
Very few northern people know that
in eastern Texas there is a pine forest
extending from the Sabine river on
the east to. the Metchcs river on the
west, and from the Arkunsas border
on tbe north to the Uulf of Mexico on
the south, the equal of which is not
now to be found In America outside
the states of Oregon and Washington.
Only the outskirts of the vast forest
nave as yet been invaueu by lumber
At different points on both Netche
and Sabine small mills are in operation
but at two points only; viz., Logaus
port on the Sabine and Beaumont on
the Nitches, are there mills suited to
the task before them. The duilv cut
at both mills amounts to hundreds of
thousands of feet. The logs supplying
tnem are cut by loir contractors wiio
fell the treps aud haul them witb ox
teams to the rivers aud drive them to
tbe mills, delivering them at a fixed
price per thousand feet. The bob sled
for hauling logs, ho universally used iu
northern lumber camps, is of no avail
in the snowless Texan forests! A sub
stitute is found iu a concern called a
carry -log. Tbe carry-log consists of
two wheels lull y ten feet in diameter,
connected by a massive axle carrying
a pole and rigged with a windlass. The
logs are slung from their middle so that
when suspended from the axlo they
shall be in equilibrium or nearly so.
The windlass is then applied and the
load, usually consisting of two logs, is
littea until they are two teet clear at
the ground. The tires are broad, and
excepting in extremely bad weather,
do not cut into the soil, so that the
team, consisting ot three yoke of oxen,
moves at a brisk walk.
Three miles is the longest haul which
a log contractor can ailord and leave a
margin for himself. Only the heart or
choicest trees are cut. leaving fully
tnree-quarters ot the forest standing
At Beaumont are situated the mills of
the Texas Land and Lumber com
pany, the largest in the state if not in
the south. Lumbering operations here
commenced on a small scale imme
diately after the war. The same energy
which these men put into their fight
ing they put into their lumberiDg and
the growth ot their business has been
amazing. The forest In the immediate
vicinity or their mills soon became ex-
hausted uud tramways operated by
locomotives are now hauling logs a dis
tance of twenty miles as cheaply as
couia be nuuiea mreemues witn oxen.
The climate of Texas is very destruc
tive to greeu timbuc, To prevent de
cay the lumber is carried from the
sorting room to the drying kiln, where
it is subiecteu to the highest tempera
ture it will safely bear. The drying
process is short ana is not only an an
tiseptic but also greutly reduces the
weight of the timber, causing a saving
in freights much greater than the cost
of kiln-drying. A branch from the
Southern Paciliu railroad affords Beau
mont an outlet to the south and west,
where a ready market is found for the
product of her great mills.
Tlia i ro 1 1 or t ti V7tu forn Wa v o a
aiiu iiiu'viivi au vv vuwiu .1. i. ti n p
New Mexioo, nud Arizona, may well
wonder where the lumber for its towns
and ranches comes from. Most of it Is
from Eastern Texas. At San Antonio
the Southern Paciiic crosses the Inter
national and Oreat Northern railroad.
Here much Texas lumber is diverted.
crossing the Rio Grande Into Mexico
which, having ascant supply aud hard
to reach, must depend uoon her north
ern neighbor. The product at the
Loeransoort mills goes principally to
Kansas, Nebraska and that part of
Northwestern Texas Known as the
Pun Handle.
To properly appreciate the pine
forests oi Texas, tney snotiia be
traversed ou horseback, starting at
Carthage, the county seat of Ponoca
county, aud riding due south, the
traveller is amazea at ine uever-euuing
labvrintu of trees.
In this latitude and as far south as
San Augustine, the short leaf pine pre
vails, but is there succeeded by long
leaf pine which extends unbroken to
the coast. The manufactureof turpen
tine has never been introduced into
Texas, consequently the trees retain
all their virgin strength. The heavy
bark of the yellow piue is sure protec
tion against fire. It is only when the
trunk has been mutilated, "boxed" in
the laneuuite of the turpentine manu
facturer, that the tree fails au easy prey
to forest lire.
The solitude of the forest is appall
inc. On every side the great steins
reach up often seventy and eighty feet
without a limb. There is no under
brush to relieve the eye; the dense foli
age tills all open space with shadow,
and to the traveler who has riddeu
tweutv miles without a glimpse of a
human face or habitation, the music of
the pines Is dreary enough.
The general course of tbe tributaries
of the Sabine and Netches rivers Is
east and west. These streams are bor
dered bv valleys of varying width,
called by the natives bottoms. Here
everything is changed.' The oak In
great variety grows iu perfection and
attains a size rarely Seen In northern
latitudes. Whitrjoaks from three feet
in diameter are a common sight, while
red and post oak grow to prodigious
size. In some of these valleys the
great trees stand far apart, the ground
between being covered with a dense
growth called cane and the whole re
sembling a vast park. These open
uniDoreu reacues are called glades by
the native Texans. There is not in the
world a more perfect stretch of forest
than a Texan glade. On all the
streams one meets the cypress and in
southern Texas the Magnolia attains a
size unequaled elsewhere in the south.
Several railroads nave been projected
in eastern. Texas, but so far little
toward actual construction has been
attempted, and the solitude of this vast
lorest is likely lor many years to re
main unbroken.
America, it seoros. is slated for a new in
fliction of loquacions Madge Kendall.
This particnlnr woman, bnving somehow
got it suld of ber. In tbe London papers,
sbat she could act, was not to be plensed
until sue uad packed oir witn nercom-
Enny to tbe United States. Tbe rest is
istory. The guub, the affectation, tbe
incessant and senseless chatter, tbese
nauseating incidents of tbe Kendall fad
are too familiar to need description. Witb
a keeu eye to tbe Yankee dollar and do
doubt with a profound conviction that
the Yankee publio is as soft as a suet pud
ding for ber commercial purposes, this
overrated actress has come apain, and, like
tbe measles and the mumps, must be en
dured until a happier eetson. Oreat Is
humung in the world ot art.
When be caricatures a tramo in "1492."
Walter Jones discovers a roll of bank notes
in bis rags, and throws the money away
with a contemptuous scorn. That's an
American joke. It's like most of the
humor in "14U2," inoluding tho royal
trcHsury's query to the servant girl who
aeks for her wages: "What did you do
witb all the money I owe you?" In Lon
don, where they still make puns, tboy
can't comprehend it. Seymour Hicks, who
imitates Walter Jones' tramp iu a London
burlesque, teven to the bank notes busi
ness, lias learned tnts. 'ins newspapers
cannot understand how a tramp ever got
so much money. It is gravely explained
in one paper that hu Is an American mil
lionaire disguised as a tramp.
llerr Most has at last followed tbe exam
ple of Madeline Pollard, Champion James
(Jorbett and the other great intellectual
uehts ot this generation. He has decided
to go on the stage. He will star. And
here conies another: Loudon papers re
port that A. A. Zimmerman, tbe American,
cvcliHt. will make a stuge appearance.
having ordered a four-tct comedy to be
writtun around his "biko." The great
ccene is to represent a ruce track, where
Zimmerman it to beat bis cycling rival,
tbe villain of tbe piece. Ii tbe drama
elevating!' Well, we should rather guess
No monoy in theatricals? Fourteen years
ago B. F. Keith wan in charge of tbe lung.
testiuc machine at Bunnell's museum in
New York. Today he owns and controls
continuous-performance theaters iu New
loin, noston, i'roviuence nuu elsewhere
ana is worth ri.2OO.C0O.
The stage is moving on. When Charles
Frohman produced "The Girl I Left Bo
hind Me" in New York, be was content to
have twenty horses in the cast. Now it
takes thirty-two to revive "Shenandoah."
The News ok
Mark Smith is tho Isabella in 1492."
Mrs. Langtry will play in America this
Alexander Salvini's next season begins
Oct. 1 in the west.
During Sarah Bernhardt's recent tour of
the British provincial cities, she played
only at matinees.
Chauncey Olcott has made a bit iu "The
Irish Artist," tbe new comedy drama by
Aucustus Fitou and George Jessop.
Sir Artbus Sullivan is writing the inci
dental music intended for Mr. Irving's
production ot "King Artnnr" ac the Lion
don Lyceum.
- Sardou has decided to call bis new play
"The Duchess of Athens." This is tbe
piece which Miss Fanny Davenport will
produce here and Mme. Bernhardt in Paris.
Stuart Robsou begins bis season Monday
with a two-weeks' engagement at the
Park theator at Brooklyn, opening in
Buokstone's tbree-act comedy, "Leap
On Oct. 1 in Pittsburg, Messrs. Warde
and Jnnifn will make a special revival of
"Henry IV," iu which Mr. Warde will be
seen as l-rince Hall ana Air. James as rul
staff. J. Aldrich Libbey, William Brodorick
and Kate Davis have been engaged to
support Pauline Hall in her coming pro
duction ot Paulton's operatic coiuudy,
Roso Coehlan will not. be seen In New
York until December, whon she will pre
sent Mr. C. de Uri nun's adaptation of Wil
li le Collins' uovol. "The Woman iu White,"
wuicu is now nnder rehearsal.
A nimble-minded dramatist has nlrondv
seized upon the Japan-Chinese war as the
subject lor a spectacular melodrama, the
priucipnl scene or which will be the sink
ine of the wnrshin. Chi-n Yuen.
Frederick Wnrde will shortly appear in
a new play by w llliam ureer Harrison, or
San Francisco, author of "The Prince of
Ulster." which James O'Neill produced
last season. Tbe new work is called
"Runnymede," and is a comedy iu blank
Ada Rohan's starring tour commences
at the llollis btreat 1 neater, Boston,
Mass.. Sent. 24. Her repertoire will in
clude "The Last Word," "As You Like It,"
"laming or tuo&nrow." "benool lor bcau-
dal," "Twelfth Night" and a new play by
jsir. uaiy.'
Josepb Jefferson's coming tour, which
begins in Chicago in Ootober, will only bo
ot sixteen weeks' duration, anu win be
divided into a fall and spring reason. He
will present "The Cricket on the Hearth"
and "Rip Van Winkle." Mr. Jefferson will
be seen in Scrautou at tbe Frothingham.
America is considerably in evideuce this
season at the London theaters. Miss Hope
Booth, who advertises herself as a niece of
Edwin Booth, will produce ber variety
comedy. "Lilttie misscuto." at toe Royalty,
Tripp Edgar has taken Toole's for the pro
duction ot A Trip to cmnatown." Tho
pioce has been revised in order to suit tbe
taste of English audiences. R. ii. Kuowles
Dlavs Welland ecrong.
Iu November Wilson Barrett will begin
a season of eight weeks ut the American
theater, New York, producing three plays
"Tbe JUsuxman," a dramatization ot
Hall Caiuo's famous novel, "The Sign of
the Cross," a drama of the early Christian
era, and a high-class melodrama on the
lines or "Tbe feuver tung." Maud Jetlries
will again be his leading lady.
James O'Neill, who has many times de
lighted the theater-goers of this city with
his impersonation of "Monto Criao," will.
the coming season, treat them toaoomplete
performance oraueriuan kuowles power
ful, tragedy, "Virginias." Mr. O'Neill was
Induced to give this play for two perform
ances last season iu ban a rancisco, out lie
played it tbe whole week, tbe first time it
had that run since the aaj-9 of John Mc-
Cullough. r or tbe remainder or theBeason,
Mr. O'Neill presented "Virginias" twice a
week and his success in the part created
nothing less than a sensation. An exi
change speaks or Jir. O'JNeura perform
ance of "Virginius" "as a revelation.
"Monte Cristo." with Its numerous situa
tions and dramatic climaxes never evoked
the applause from an audience as given
the star last evening anu at tne tlnal cur
tain, insisted npon Mr. O'Neill bowing bis
thank and making a speech in response to
their calls." Mr. u'JNeiii nas engaged
inecial cast for the comiue season and
will be supported by Mary Burress, who
distinguished herself as leadlug women at
the Boston museum.
When Baby was sick, e gave her Costorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Csstoria.
When she became Miss, abe dung to Costorla. ,
WIwb (ha had ChildreMbe gavetbera Casterl
Suggestions That May Enable Miny Tribune
Readers to Feel Better. . .
These Hints Don't Cost Much, Are
Not Copyrighted and if They Don't
Do You Any Good You Can Have
the Satisfaction of Knowing That
They Will Not Do You Any Harm.
Cuble advices announce the exploita
tion, -before the Budapest Medical con
gress, of the diphtberia cure of Dr.
lSehriiifr, of Berlin, a disciple of Pro
fessor Koch. The cure received high
indorsement. Dr. Bchriug's cure is
called u blood serum. By successive
and increased doses diphtheria virus
is injected into animals, and they have
gradually acquired immunity against
tne malady, ana the blood of sucb ani
mals injected into other animals had
the ettoct of conferring immunity
upon the latter or healing them if suf
fering irom diphtheria. Ol this blood
Dr Behrlng extracted the serum and
bus injected It Into human beings with
wonderful results. Professors Heub
uer, of Berlin, and Itoux, of Paris, in
dorsed the cure at the congress. Pro-
lessor Koux saiu that he bad upplluu
it at the Children's hospital, iu which,
up to last year, 00 per cent, of the cases
ot (lipntneria ended ttitally. T ins year,
he added, lie had inoculated over 4UU
children with tho serum, and tbe mor
tality sanK trom GO to 15 per cent,
After a few injections the malady
changed almost instantly to light
fever, anu tlieu soon disappeared.
Not very long ago a foreign physi
cian recommended a very pleasant and
efl'ectlve means of curing short colds in
the head and chest. His remedy was
simple cologne water, liftv drops of
which are inhaled four or Ave times a
day by the mouth and nose. Tbo New
lork llerakl's bJuroiieau edition now
publishes a very simple method of
checking astnma, by tbe use ot a now
del", which acts in the same way as co
logne water. The formula is: l'ow
dered suuil, 5 grammes; camphor, 5
grammes; meutiioi, o.ia ceutigr. An
other niethml of checking asthma, is
by rhythmical tractions of the tongue
made by the patients themselves when
they leel that an attack Is coming on,
These tractions of the tongue are made
with the hand covered witn a Inmd
kerchief eighteen to twenty times a
minute, imitating the respiratory
ruythm by an iu aim out movement.
They restore breathing and may check
the attack. These tractions made by
au assistant may also be found ellk-u-cious
during the strangulatory period
ot tne attack.
Tt is a well-known oculist who says
"The practice of wearing other peo
ple s glasses is extremely injurious.
It should not be done any more than
wearing another's false teeth. One
may seem more cleanly than the other,
but both display equal ignorance. The
teeth would be as likely to fit as the
glasses, in response to the query
'Have you ever worn glasses? how fre
quently do we hear: 'No, only a pair
of my mother's or aunt's, or a pair I
found in the house.' They are worn
in too many cases long enough to do
serious damage."
The ubiquity of the tubercle -bacillus
is already well recognized, says the
Philadelphia Record. It has been
found ou fruit exhibited for sale on the
streets, and upon the walls and ceil
ings anu in tne dust ot nouses occupied
by tuberculous subjects. The knowl
edge of these facts prepares us for the
announcement made by Strauss at a
recent meeting of the Paris Academy
oi iueuiciue.tnat ne nau lounu virulent
tubercle-bacilli within tne nasal cavi
ties of non-tuberculous persons whose
relations necessitated their associations
with and frequent presence in rooms
occupied by tuberculous patients. Most
ot these were in perfect health and
presented not tho slightest evidence of
tuberculosis. Tbese observations em
phasize not only the widespread dis
tribution of the bacillus, but also the
risk of associations with the tubercu
lous and the dangers of dust, as from
the careless street cleaning of our large
cities aud house sweeping, and the
beating of carpets in the open air; and
finally the importance of breathing
tnrougn tne nose, lor as is wen known
the nasul passages act as a filter for the
air ithat euters the lungs and stand as
a barrier to the eutrance of particles
whose presence might occasion inis-
' The germs of typhoid fever, says
Modern Medicine, uot infreuueutlv
cling to a residence for many years, so
mat aeams occur lucre in one family
alter anouier, eacn ueing otten in ig
norance of the previous fatalities.
When a well once becomes infected
with typhoid-fever germs from an ad
lucent vault, cleaning out the well
amounts to nothing, as it would gen
erally ue necessary to clean out a space
bounded at the surface by a circle hav
ing a diameter three times the denth
of the well, and extending down into
the eartn to tne bottom ot the well, or
at least below the water level. . 8uch a
mode is, of course, impracticable. The
only tiling to be uoiie with a well
which has become Infected with ty-
puoiu lever germs is to close it up.
It is impossible to have a well
upou such premises, or even near
by, wnicu win .not be m clanger
of similar infection. A Phila
delphia physician, in a recent careful
study of the causes of death in the
older aim principal wards ot the citv.
found that the deaths from consump
tion were largely confined to a certain
number of houses, for the most part
arranged in groups, showing tbat the
disease had extended from one house
to adjacent houses. The health officer
of every towu should keep a register of
the houses In the town or city, includ
ing a comple sanitary history of each
building, snowing every case or Blck-
ness from whatever cause, chronic or
acute, aud all cases of death, with the
causes. A person desirous of purchas
ing or renting a dwelling could, by
consulting this register, learn the exact
history of any house which might be
under consideration, and might obtain
information the value of which, in the
saving of sickness aud
lift?, could
scarcely bo estimated.
Health for the Miluoni
Repeated washings with vinegar, or
with alcohol will best remove nits from
the hair.
There 1b no positive cure for hay
fever chaugo of climate, residence iu
the mountains is the only certain way
to obtala relier.
The prevention and the cure of bald
ness are best eilected by having tho
bead exposed to tne sunshine ana air.
The hatlesa people of the earth are
noted, says the Philadelphia Record,
for their marvclously hairy heads,even
down to old age.
i ten is a contagious animal Darasitlo
disease; it attacks all poisons indis
criminately, from infancy to old age,
ueing communicable Dy snaking
hands or through the medium of bed
ding or clothing. Cleanliness ia its
best and surest cure. . . .
under certain circumstances the hu
man body can become luminous in tho
dark. The phenomenon is occasioned
by the sweat becoming phosphorescent
and occurs sometimes in individuals
who have partaken of putrid fish, also
in the late stages of phthisis.
a ue prelects in tbe several irencn
departments have issued orders to tho
various schools, requiring that all
drinking water supplied the pupils
shall be boiled, and that cleansing of
the floors, desks, etc., of the school
rooms is to ue no longer done with dry
dusters and brooms: but wlthmoist
cloths, to prevent the spread of dust.
unce a week a tnorougn cleansing la
to be carried out with an antiseptic.
a ury snampoo saves tne time ofthe
busy woman and the money of tha
poor one. It removes tbe dandrutf;al
most as well as washing.' The hair
should be loosened. Theu every inch
of the scalp should be gently rubbed
until all the dust and dandruff are
loosened. Tbe hair should be parted
in ditl'erent parts of the head and
brushed with a very still little brush
until the scalp is clean aud the hair
also. Then it should be rubbed with
alcohol or some hair tonic and tho
snarlslgently combed and brushed out.
In thousands of cases the cure of coush
ii the preventive of consumption. The
surest cough medicine in the world is Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all
denlera on a guarantee of satisfaction.
WEAK MEN your attention
Great English Remedy,
J Cray's Specific Medictno
WHWii imi win vous uo-
bility. Weakness of Body aud Mind, Bperm
toirhea, mid Imuot.'iicy, aud all disease that
arise from over-IndulKenco and aelf -abuse, aa
Loss o( Memory and 1'owor. Dimusss of Vis
ion, Premature Old Ago aud many other duo-uses
that lend to Insanity or Consumption
aud an early erave. writufor a pamphlet.
Address UHAY MKDIC1NB CO., Buffalo.
N. Y. The Specific Medicine is sold by all
druwsta at $ per package, or six package
for $D,or sent by mail on receipt of money. aud
with every ?5.0U ordr WE GUARANTEE
a cure or money refunded.
tOn account of counterfeit we har
adopted the Yellow Wrapper, tha only genu
ine, bold In Bcruutou bv Matthews Bros,
City Musio Store,
& BAUUtt
Use large atook et flntUa
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Cbal of tha tost quality for domeatlo nian4
et all sties, delivered, lu any part ol tUf olt
t lowest price.
Orderi left t my offloe,
ftflar room, first floor. Third Kutlonal Bant
ar tent by mall or telephone to the mine, will
receive prompt attention.
Ppeciai oontraota will be made for the mil
ml delivery of buckwheat Coal
tram lift.
a a i WvfvWell Man
MthD rap of Me.
THE GREAT 30th bay.
FriETiTCII XlE3a23I3-X
produce the above reaulta ln"30 day. It art
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Young men will rtnain their lost manhood, aud old
mnn will recover their youthful vmor by using
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new, Loht Vitality, liupotrucy. Nightly Emissions,
Lost Power, KaiUiur Memory, Wasting Diseases, and
all effects ot self-abuse or excess and indiscretion,
which uutlts one lor study, business or marriage. It
not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but
is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring
ing hack the pink plow to pale checks and re
storing the (ire of youth. It -vards off Insanity
and Consumption. Insist en having REV1YO, no
other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mail,
1 .00 per package, or six tor CS.OU, with a posi
tive wrltteu guarantee to cure or refund
the money. Circular free. Address
For sale by Matthews Bros,, Druggist
Scrantnn , Pa,
.. . . - - r
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Than a pretty' taca with a fresh, bright
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