The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 15, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Bread and cake raised with
128 Wyoming Ave.
Q exhibition in our wlndov. SEH
Board of Health and Sanitary Committee In
'be - State Board or Charities Is in tbe
Hanj Patients Admitted to St. Luke's DalLon
spect Reservoirs.
Home This Season.
This Was Found at Justus, Where the
keep their freshness and flavor.
CUulamt Bakutg Powttr Co., New Kr, Suaastr to Cltvtland Bniktrt,
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenuo
But your COLLARS starch In tke M
ay. when yon can have them !';'''
Suable Buttonhole, for TWO CENTS EACH.
Dress Goods
SEPT. 13
lars & Hagen
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets, Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
illiams k IMnullf
; 127 Wyoming Ave.
Tweutinth Senatorial Convention.
Tht Republican sanatoria! convention
of the Twentieth Senatorial district will
be held at the arbitration room in the
court bouse on Tuesday, the 25th day of
Bept., at 11 o'clock a. in., for the pnrpssa
ef "nominating a candidate for state sena
tor. An election for delegates to this conven
tion will be beld on Saturday, the 22nd
day of Kept., batweeu the bonis of 4 to 7
p. in. VixiUnoe committee will please
govern themselves accordingly. Each
.(lection district will be entitled to the
snme number of delegates as they had In
the late connty convention. The same
rale applies to tbe Luzerne portion of the
John b. La Touche, Chairman.
H. M. Eanskn, Secretary.
8tond Legislative District
Tbe Republicans of the Second Legisla
tive dintrlct will assemble in convention at
the arbitration rooms in the conrt house,
city of Scranton, on Tuesday, the 25th day
of September, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for tho
An election for delegates to this con
vention will be held at the regular polling
S laces on Saturday Sept. 12, between the
ours of 4 and ? p. m., each election will
be entitled to the same representation as
at the late county convention.
Vigilance committee will please take
due notice and govern themselves accord
ingly. Very respectfully yours.
W. 8. Millar, Chairman.
A. J. Kolb, Seccetary.
Fourth Legislative Dlstrlot.
The Republicans of the Fourth Legisla
tive district will assemble in convention
in the McKinley Club rooms, Odd Fellows'
building, Jermyn, on Tuesday, the twenty
fifth day of September, at 8 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of nominating a candidate
for the legislature.
Election for delegates to this convention
will be held at the regular polling places
on Satnrday, Sept. 22, between the hours
of 6 and 7 p. m. Each election district
will be entitled to the same representation
as'the late county convention.
Vigilance committees will please take
due notice and govern themselves acoord
iugly. William J. Schubmkhl, Chairman,
a S. Jokes, Secretory.
Gentleman's Driving Club races Satur
day, p. m.
Theseat tale for "A Trip to Chinatown"
will open at the Academy of Muelo box
office this morning.
The Methodist preachers' meeting will
be held Monday morning at 10 o'clock in
the Elm Park church. Rev. Mr. Klntner
will read paper.
Frank J. Mahon and Minnie Farrey, both
of this city, were granted a marriage
license by Clerk ot the Courts John H.
Thomas yesterday.
The children's sight singing dais of the
Scranton School ot Musio will meet at the
Young Men's Christian Association build
ing this afternoon at i o'clock.
A drunken Italian, brandishing a re
volver, was arrested on Lackawanna ave
nue last night by Officer Blocb, and was
too drunk to give his name when taken to
police Headquarters. ,
All members of the Sacred Musio soclotv
are requested to be present at the Moody
tent in Providence tomorrow evening t
7.15. A rehearsal of all singers who will
aid in these meetings will be held in the
tent tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. -
Gentleman's Driving Club races Satur
day, 8 p.m.
' Pabot's Milwaukee Bbbr, cool and
sparkling, at Lob man's, Bpruce street
A laroi line of new books and novels at
half price. Pratt's Book Storb.
Peculiar Case Between Melted Lard and
Scholars and teachers ot the Wash
ington avenue preparatory seliool, fac
ing court house square, have experi
enced considerable annoyance of lRte
from the odors of melted fat in the
lard department of Cart's market, ad
joining. Complaint was made to the
school board, who in turn requested
Mr. Carr to abate what they termed a
Mr. Carr has refused to eeaBe boiling
fat and the board of control has been
so notified. The school body, through
a committee, has placed the matter in
the health department and ail parties
are waiting for the next chapter in
the story of lard and education.
Republicans Will Hold T'nelr Convention
on Sept 25.
The Republicans of the Fourth Leg
islative district will hold their conven
tion on Tuesday, Sept. 25. The formal
call has not yet appeared, but it will be
published within u few days.
The candidates now most promin
ently mentioned in conneotiou with the
nomination for representative are
Charles P. O'Malley, of Olypbant; Jouu
G. McAskie, of Dunmore, and John
McCarthy, of Carboudale. At the Inst
legislative election the mojnrlty of Mr.
Burke, the present representative from
that district, was about 900. The dis
trict was carried by Galusha A. Grow
by a majority of (WO. It is generally
believed that with a strong candidate
the district will be safely Republican
in the coming election.
He ie and Will b a Candidate far
"I am in the fL'ld and will be in the
field oa election day. too," said Will
iam T. Jenkins yesterday afternoon
when asked by a Trihune reporter if it
was true that be bad decided not to be
a candidate for sheriff. Mr. Jenkins
evidently meant what he said for be
used considerable emphasis when the
question whs asked.
Mr. Jenkins' name did not go before
tho recent Republican oounty conven
tion, but a few days later he made
public announcement of bis candidacy.
It was rumored yesterday that he had
withdrawn, but his statement to the
contrary sets the rumor at rest.
Qreen Kidge Singers Rehearse in Private
The Christian Endeavor sooioty of
the Green Ridge Baptist church, has
inangnrated a vary pleasant innova
tion in the Satnrday musioal evenings,
whioh are held at tb residences of
various members.
The object of the new departure is to
hold an informal rehearsal of the choir
connected with tho socioty in view of
a concert to bs held at an early date;
but the musical evening is such a
popular teature that it will be con
tinued throughout the winter. This
oveniug at 7 p. m. it will be held at
the borne of Mr. Garuey, North Wash
ington avenue.
The Scranton Business College
Attracts a splendid class of ladies and
gentlemen. New students come every dav.
and tho prospects are that our building
win soon do niiea.
More furniture will be ordered today.
We did not expect that we would ba
obliged to order an extra supply before
Jan. 1.
We are proud of both sessions. We
would be pleased to have you visit us at
any time. Buck. Whitmore & Co.
Ixcurnion to Otman Grcv-i.
On Saturdny Sept. 22nd, the Central
Railroad of New Jersey will run a Bpecial
exoursion to Ocean Grove and return.
stopping at all ticket stations to Bethle
hem. Trains will leave Scranton at 5 a
m. Returning loave Ocean Grove at 5.45
p. m. . rare from Scranton ?a.sjs; Wilkes
Barre, $3.
Game Laws.
Copies of the game laws can be obtained
by calling at Clurence M. Florey's, Young
Men's Christian association building, 2ZS
Wyoming avenue. '
Watches in all styles and crades: our
prices reduced. We guarantee to save
you money, also special prices in goiu
rings. very thing just as represented.
M. Tobey,
Reliable jeweler and milliner, 141 Penn
To School Principal.
I desire to meet all the principals of the
various school buildings at Liberty hall to
day at 4 p. m. I will not detain you inoio
than fifteen minutes. Geo. Howell.
Have Tou Been
To the great sale of Bingbamton shoes now
going ou at the 5 Bros.' shoe store? Values
are scattered to the winds; regular prices
Call and see our fall styles of wing
tipped shoes, in calf, russett, patent leather
ana pig sum. commonwealth shoe store,
n asniugton avenue. "
The $40,000 School House
for Columbia avenue has been let and will
be commenced immediately. There aie
still a few lots left at a low price.
Author Frothinobam,
Office, Theater Lobby,
COSLETT-DAVIS-At Scranton Street
Baptist parsonage. Bent. 18. bv Rev. T,
J. Collins, Lewis W. Coslatt and Miss
Sarah S. Davis, both of bcrtnton.
FREY THOMPSON Sept. 10, by Rev.W.
u. Cartridge, mrs. Mary g. r rey ana w,
n. Thompson.
itev. w. u. cartridge, Airs, .famine van
vampen, and J. n. Haton.
DAVIS At her home, 420 Taylor avenue,
rpt. 14, Miss Ida M. Davis; funeral at
Llm Park churoh, Monday 2 p. m.
RUDLER At her home. 425 Willow
street, Mary Rudler, wife of AloiseRud
ler; funeral at the German Presbyterian
1. U T T J . I . . n - i.
vuuruuuu uicKory street, cunuay j. ui,
WALKER In Snrantnn 101 T..rMi atnot
Sopt 14, 1894, M. Walker, aged 45 years;
uunioi ouuuny p. m., irom residence
Interment in Dnnmore cemetery.
WEIR In 8oranton, Sept. 14, Janet A
who ui AJavio. weir, funeral 8 p. m.
Bnndav from Gram Rf7rmt
church. Interment at Forsst Hilloemev
Offal from a Slaughter House Flows
Into a Creek That Feeds the Reser
voirSuperintendent Fish Promises
to Remove This Trouble Will Visit
Elmhurst Monday.
The:board of health, health officers and
mombers of councils, aoeompanied by
press representatives made an inspec
tion yesterday of the water supply and
reservoirs of the Providence Gas and
Water company.
Cnrrnes were in waiting at the
pvi--vu1 building, and at 9.80 the f was begnn. In the party were
Dr. J. K. Bentley, Colonel E. H.
Ripple, Health Offloer W. E. Allen, M.
D., Secretary Walter Brings, M. J.
Kelley. H. J. Ziegler, and Sanitary Of'
ficer W.J. Burke, of the board of health ;
Select Councilman William Thomas,
and M. E. Clark, and Common Coun
cilman John F. Regan, of the sanitary
committee ot councils; John H. Jordon,
of tbe Truth; John J. Camobell, of the
Times; Will F. Clifford, of the Express,
and John T. Brown, of The Tkibdnb.
At Providence they were met by Su
perintendent John B. Fish, of tbe
Providence Gas and Water company.
and Attorney J. Attious Robertson.
The first stop was made at No. 1
reservoir in Chinchilla. The occasional
glints of sunlight from between heavy
cionds exposed the pebbly bottom of
the basin, revealing the crystal clear
ness of tbe water. The surroundings
were neat and well appointed, There
are two bodies of water at this point,
divided only by a small embankment
From the lower one the main pipe,
which feeds tbe North JSna and Green
Ridge begins. The main runs baok
along the bottom of the first body and
connects with tbe second, and stop
valves are so arranged that either res
ervoir may be emptied and cleaned
while the other feeds the main pipe
without reducing the volume of supply
and vice versa.
Principally at No. 1 and No 2 res
ervoirs and the spaoe ot land be
tween them, tbe company has laid nut
in improvements the past year. 150..
000. This enormous sum was made
necessary in fulfilling the dictates ot
the board of health. When the board
visited this reservoir a year ago, it was
the receptacle of as many as half
dozen dirty tributary streams. The
dial from the kitobens along these
streams could not help getting
into the water and even
the drainage from water closets and, a
neighboring slaughter house. Now
this is all ebanged. Around No. 1 res
ervoir there is a stone wall built, aafli-
ciently high in esse of a freshet to ex
clude even the surface water from the
hillside. Between No. 1 'and No. 2
reservoir and for a considerable dis
tance tiD tbe stream the eomnanv owns
tbe land along the creek, and thus is
enabled to shut off impurities.
Before leaving No. reservoir the
water is filtered and purified. It passes
through two lines of iron gate bars
hung pendant befoie tbe sluiceway.
Tbe effect of tbe iron is said to be
death dealing to microbes, . bacteria
and all species of animal life. Further
ahead there are fourteen hemp doors.
built like screen doors. These oatoh
all sediment on a false bottom and
tbore is an arrangement whereby a
valve may be turned direoting a stream
on the false bottom for the purpose of
carrying away tne notsam. This pro
cess is carried out once every day. The
party traveled a mile along the stream
ana observed tbe absence of any cause
tor pollution.
The journey was again resumed and
the next stop was made at No. 3 reser
voir, tho fountain head, at Justus. Tbe
drive along the country road was de
lightful, bnckwheat fields and orchards
were plentiful and a familiar sight was
the farmer harvesting.
The carriages halted at the inviting
mrni nonse oi Truman Ackerly.
Health Officer Alien went to the
door to a6k the privilege of avail
ing tbe shady lawn for a eamp-
iug ground for dinner. The house
was vacant and preparations were made
lor tne mid-day meal, which was an
joyed with greater relish, everybody
present so declared, except the gener
ous and thoughtful providers, than any
rimer spread partaken ot in many
Colonel Ripple and Dr. Allen rer-
formed the functions of landlords and
acquitted themselves finely. After
luncheon Dr. Allen passed aronnd the
cigars and the water sheds above the
reservoir were examined.
The slanghter house of S. E. Ackerly
sianas on a mtie hillside and the re
alise from it sometimes gets into a
sratvll creel:, part of which empties
Into th.3 reservoir. SuDsriotendent
Fish statsrt tint it was "bis positive
opinion that the offal from the slang h'
U-r house did not get near the water.
bnt that he was willing to carry out
any suggestions the botrd may direct
to remove tho last obj sot that tended
or even gave a suspicion of oontamtna
tio.i. From the hillside No. 8 reser
voir was inspected, and it is a magnlfi
oenc bony ot water,
Tbe visit to Mud bond, five miles
away in the vicinity of the Hillside
home, was next made. This is another
expunsve body of water neBtled in a
hollow in the mountains and fed by
mountain springs. It is a clear and
pure sheet of water. An old floating
island of peat that marred the beauty
oi juna pona, nas been removed.
After traveling along tbe borders of
Mnd creek tbe members of tbe board ot
health collected together and held an
Informal meeting relative to fixing a
time for inspecting the dams of the
Scranton Gas and Water oompaoy at
They agreed to meet at the oity hall
Monday morning at o o clock and de
part at 8.30 sharp, Diuncr will be
taken at Hotel Elmhurst After this
meeting tbe carriages were again oo
copied and tbe homeward journey
nndertaken. This city, after a day of
prom ana pleasure, was readied at 6
o clock.
Mis Hardenbsrsh'a Pianoforte Eohool
Re-opens Monday. Sept. 17. A thoroughly
high grade school for the study of the
piano-lorte, theory, harmony, musical his
tory and analysis; in tbe famous Mason
system of technics, Virgil Praotice Clavier
ana tne higher art or musical interpreta
tion. A special training course for teachers.
487 Wyoming avenue.
All Eeidy for Saturday Trade.
5 Bros, have made special arrangements
for tomorrow's trade. Wc have plenty of
clerks, plenty of bargains and keep' open
umu ineiasvcuBioiner uwaiteaon, "
All Were Found to Be in Excellent
Condition Lackawanna Hospital
Overcrowded Praise for Moses
Taylor Hospital and House of the
Good Shepherd Prisoners at
County Jail Are Too Well Fed.
Three members ot the state board of
pnblio charities Colonel H. M. Boies,
of Scranton ; Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal, of
Gettysburg, and Secretary C. Biddie,
of Philadelphia, yesterday visited the
county jail, hospitals and other ohari-
tabie Institutions in the city. Colonel
Boies was interviewed by a Tribune
reporter last evening and bis remarks
will be instructive as well as interest
The following Institutions were vis
ited: Tbe connty jail, Lackawanna
hospital. Oral school. Green Ridge: St.
Joseph's Foundling home, St. Patrick's
Orphan asylum, House of the Good
Shepherd and Home fortbe Friendless.
No notice was given of the intendel
The jail was found in good order and
tbe only matter oritioized were the
donble beds in one cell, whioh was
quite unnecessary. Colonel Boies was
strongly ot opinion that the prisoners
were lea too won, their diet including
moat six times per week. "The bill of
fare," said he, "is far better than most
of thorn get when outside tho jail, and
tne result is that it is a standiaz in
ducement to draw prisoners, and this
accounts for the crowdin the jail during
winter. The diet ought to be what is
allowed and no more."
Colonel Boles remarked upon the
erowded state of the Lackawanna hos
pital and is strongly ot opinion that
it should be enlarged. The hospital is
certainly too small for ordinary work
and the dentauds seemed to have in
creased since the Moses Taylor hospi
tal was ereeted. The old building
which at one time served as hotel is
unsuited for good hospital work and it
ought to be pulled down and new con
venient buildings erected. It answers
fairly well in cases of emergency, bnt
it is much behind the wants of the
The Moses Taylor hospital impressed
tbe visitors as being perfect in its ap
pointments. The important feature is
that it has ample accommodation iu
case of an emergency such as a grat
explosion or other accident, as 230
patients oonld be accommodated.
The state of altairs at the Ural school
were regarded as highly satisfactory
and the new building whioh will ac
commodate 100 female students is ex-
peoted to be ready in October. The
Inspection was not prolonged, as the
children were not assembled after vaca
tion, tbe term commencing today.
The House of the Good Shepherd was
awarded the warmest praise of tbe
members. Colonel Boies explained to
the reporter that they inspected the
building thoroughly. There were four
classes of inmates, the Sisters of the
Sacred Heart, the Order of Magdalenes
(a subordinate order), the Penitent, the
children. The mother superior is a
highly cultivated and intelligent
woman. All household work and
duties of every discription . are per
formed by females and no man is
ever seen arouud the building, even
tbe clergyman who daily cele
brated the services having special
and separate entrancos. The four
classes of inmates are also separated
ana never see each other even at re
ligious services, each having a chapel
of their own, but under one root and
listening to the same preaoher. The
boiler and other maohinery in connec
tion with tbe heating apparatus
Colonel Boies stated was cleaner than
some places he saw attended to by a
professional engineer. Practically tbe
visiting members are the only men ad
mitted. Tbe building occupied by the Home
for the Friendless on Adams avenue is
not well adapted for tbe purpose and
some time ago it was suggested that
the proposed alteration be not carried
out cut that a new place be built, and
in carrying out tbe suggestion a piece
of ground near the Oral school has
been purchased, where the new home
will be erected.
Inspection of St. Joseph's Foundling
home and St, Patrick's Orphan asylum
proved satisfactory.
Ia conolusion Colonel Boies informed
tbe reporter that it is im possible to
estimate the achievements of the char
itable institntious of the oity or to
realize tbe immense benefits derived
Mr. Biddie, of the state board, was
also interviewed by the reporter and
bis opinions coincide with those men
tioned above. The board realizes tbe
need of inoreased hospital facilities for
Scranton, but are not in a position to
state tbeir views until a first step is
taken by citizens or tbe city. Mr. Bid
die understands that promiscuous eases
may be received at the Moses Taylor
hospital if maintenance of patients is
paid for.
Charles B. Derman wishes to announce
to pupils and the musical publio generally
that he U prepared to resume vocal in
struction for the season ot 1894-5 at bis
studio at 234 Franklin avenua.
Oxford, Bagster, International and
family Bibles. Pratt'8 Book Store.
Large families are reared to maturity only
by the greatest care in the selection of thoir
food. In these days ot Impure food the choice
ot a groceris ot tbe greatest Importance. We
make a study of food products and ask no
more for the BEST than other do for cheap
goods. '
42&Lacka.. Ave.
Several Urgent Cases Among the In
mates, Who Included All Nationali
ties and Religions Excellent Re
sults Reported The Men's Guild
Proposes to Build a Permanent
Home and Increase Its Field of Use
fulness. Tbe St. Luke's Summer borne, at
Dalton, has, after a vervsuccessful and
benehcial work, been closed lor tuis
The home, which is situated two
miles from the village of Dalton, is in
tbe midst of a charming region emin
ently adapted iu its surroundings to
please the eye and cheer the miud of
invalids, who generally, after a long
illness, welcome with rapture the
change from the city to the free aud
open country life.
The Home was under the manage
ment ot the Men's guild ot St. Luke's
church which was ably represented in
tbe courteous and energetic guila mas
ter, A. D. Holland. The inmates are
eloquent in their praises of the man
agement and ot the matron, Mrs.
West, and the cook, Mrs. Richards.
Although the institution was under
the control of Episcopalians, their own
members figured but one-fifth of the
inmates, the largest number compris
ing Roman Catbolios, Baptists, Con
gregationalists, Methodists, Presby
terians and Orthodox Jews. Tbe vari
ous nationalities were also well repre
sented, the majority being Americans,
Germans, Welsh, Irish, French aud
English. It will therefore be seen that
the institution was in all respects cos
mopolitan in character. All the cases
were thoroughly inquired into, and
none but deserving iuvalids were ad
mitted. That immense good has been
accomplished is without doubt.
In one case a husband had been se
riously ill for a long time and the wife
was completely worn out with nurs
ing. Their two children of necessity
were not receiving the attention tbe
mother wished to give them. When
tbe oase was beard of the whole family
were transferred to the home, where
the huiband recuperated his health so
much that a society in the oity has
sent him to the Adirondack region to
further strengthen himself. Other
cases occurred where little fragile
children, who, without the home, could
not get the necessary and longed for
change, were received with pale facus
and returned with ohildish vigor which
bronght tears of joy to their parent's
How grateful people are for the bene
fit of the home not one can guage,
but in the season of 1U91 the work of
kindness done has been answered by
many an earnest prayer for the incal
culable blessings received.
The Home has been such a decided
suocess that .the Men's guild of St.
Luke's contemplate building a per
manent home in the same locality and
are in hopes that a piece of land may be
donated and that tbe new Home may
. be regarded as a valuable feature.
x Business and Shorthand.
The best business since the college was
Both sessions largely attended.
This year a large number ot people find
it inconvenient to pay for the scholarship
on entering. Tbe nmnacement has sot
aside a fund of $3,000 to accommodate
those who wish to pay on the instalment
Persons interested are invited to calL
F. E. Wood, Principal
Creditors Auction Gal.
Havincr been Rimointed manager for tbo
creditors ol u. v. Dreenian, jeweler, Fonn
ave., i ueieoy cive notice that anction
sales will be bold daily at 2.30 and 7.30 p.
m., until claims of creditors are satisfied.
Goods will be sold without reserve and
the sale is positive. First sale tonight atr
i. jo. ii. ti. L,e wis, manager for creditors.
Bill books, memorandums, time books
and oianlc Doous. in stock or maUe to or
der. Pratt's Book Store.
Gentlemen's Driving club races Satur
day, 2 o'clock p.m. .
Sr. Gibbons,
of New York city, will be in his Scranton
oflice, 441 Wyoming avenue, evory Mon
dny from 8 in the morning until 9 in the
Room and picture mouldings, wall and
ceiling decorations, in water colors and
iinspar relief. Something new.
Pratt's Book Storb.
Buy one of
Berry's Best
Alarm Clocks
417 Lacka. Avenue.
;3 fa
Best Seta of Teeth,$8.oo
Including the painless extracting
cl teeth by an entirely new pro
cess, S. O. Snyder, D.D.S.
a H.Battin ScCo.
; 120 PENN AVEMJU. rg
ipecial Items
Just Received on Import
SPECIAL NO. 1 A Japanese Tea
Pot, worth in a regular way
COc. or more, we sbaltsoll while
they last at 29c.
SPECIAL NO. 2-A China Dpc
orated Plate, that goes ahead
of anything we have ever of-
fered before, at lQo. Better
than ia sold elsewhere at 25c.
You will find those two items
on tables in center of store.
C. S, W00LI0RTH,
319 Lacka. Ave.
Different styles in
The newest things and all
latest shades
Come early and have your
x soi-z:
138 Wyoming Ave.
Next to Dinio Bank.
Look over your Fura and
see that they are all right
before the cold weather sets
iu. Have them repaired by
a Furrier. J. BOLZ.
Woo worth s.
The Following-
6 TO 8 AT - - $1JOO
Sy, TO 1 AT- - 1.25
12 TO 2 AT - - 1.75
Are the sizes and prices on a line of Children's- School
Shoes, not ordinary common shoes, but an extra good
1 y- , r . , . . . 1 if 1 . .
iunijuia, au ok.hi oiiuc, syiuijj utcicu, iat.& v wuitv")
every pair warranted.
It will pay you to- buy your Shoes at
All tho latest novelties
Early Fall Styles in Millinery, Cloaks,
Men's Hats. Neckwear, etc.
General agents for
ft OF K.tti tbe best
'ihl business education
of any institution,
of its kind in the'
country, at mini
mum ctst The pro
prietors are; instruc
tors with years of x
perience and know
theneoesslties-of the
business work. In
struction ia thor
otrgh anoj practical
College birtldtng is
beautiful structure, well vcntHated
ind possessed of ail mottarn conve
niences and is located on Conrt House
Day and Evening Sessions.
will open MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8.
Our Journal tells all about us and otu -methods.
Send ns your name and you
will get it by malL
Buck, Whitmore & Co.
or. Adams Ave. and IMn Street. -
are mow
prepared to do
bmsJoess at
our new buaktag,
322 Washington Ave.
Wo can please your taste and
want. Uet an estimate.
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