The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 15, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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ft Foe to Dyspepsia
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston Mill Co,
Punch Cigare
Garney, Brown & Co. Mfri.
Dr. H. B. WARE
40 6-Spruce Street.
Offlc. Hours: j?80-
I 3 TO 0.
(Usular Keating o the South Sid
Boar fad.
The Sooth L . .... d of trade met
hat night bat the sensation expected
from George Frable, who was billed
for another slash at the eouncilmen,
(Hi not materialize. It was a poorly
attended meeting, bnt what it lacked
in numbers was counterbalanced with
vivacious business spirit.
The secretary made a statement that
pressure of bnsinesi withheld him from
getting a tabulated statement of the
accounts for money expended on the
streets from the ward appropriation,
and be promised to be ready with the
facts at the next meeting. C. G. Bo
land, the most aggressive advocate of
good streets, submitted for the consid
eration of the board the Mattes
street subject. In this progres
sive period of the oity the primi
tive condition of Mattes street does not
comport with other improvements,
Mr. Boland's remarks were caught np
by the balance of the members and
thoroughly discussed.
The following reaolntion was adopted i
Whereas, United action of the several
boards of trade in the city is deemed best
to promote its general welfare;
Whereas, That such unity of purpose
can be best subserved through a system of
co operation with each board maintaining
Its identity;
Resolved, By the South Side board of
trade that we favor joint quarterly meet
incs of all boards to be held during the
mouths of January, April, July and Oc
tober; that on the months appointed for
the joint session the individual boards dls
peine with the separate meetings;
Resolved, That we commend this action
to the different boards of the city and urge
them to meet with this board with a view
to making the plan suggested effectual;
that if this action be approved by a ma
jority of the other boards, the first joint
meeting to be held Friday, Oct, 2 next, at
such place as the president and secretary
of tbejjoint boards may determine; that the
secretary be requested to communicate
this action to the other c. boards pf
The Robinson building will be ready for
occupancy by Oct. 1.
High mass will be sung as St. John's
church tomorrow by Rev. F. P. Walsh.
A good carpenter, who understands fac
tory work, wanted at the Meadow Brook
Bilk mllL
Timothy Lydon, of Miuooka, had war
rants sworn out yesterday before Alder
man O'Malley against Peter Judge and
Patrick O'Neill for assault and battery.
They gave bail to appear at court
The Gospel service at the South Side
Young Women's Christian association will
be held at 8.45 o'clock. Miss Kate Christo
ptael will lead; subject, "How to Obtain
Eternal Life." A fifteen minute song
service will precede the meeting.
Superintendent Brooks, of the Meadow
Brook silk mill, after hearing further tes
timony in the case which deprived Uustave
A. Kirlin of a job and placed him in a moBt
unenviable light in the publio eye, has
become persuadod that an injiiBtiee was
done to Mr. Kirlin and has re-employed
him. Dnrlng his absenee from the city
Mr. Kirlin has visited relatives in Way
mart $4 55 TO NEftfefORK AND RETURN.
Tuesday Sept 18 over the Lehigh Vailey
railroad an excursion will be run to New
York. Tickets for the round trip only,
I4.&5 and good for seven days. The excur
sion tram will leave the Delaware and
Hudson depot at 7.45 a. m. on the 18tb.
Everything for the comfort and conven
ience of patrons will be provided. Every
Coach will be ' supplied with chair
cars, and a dining car will also
he attached to tbe train. This will
be the last opportunity at reduced rates to
Visit New York this season and stay one
wesk. Then the scenery along this
picturesque road will be in full grandeur.
Do not forget the date, SeDt. 18; tickets
only M. 65 and good for 7 day's. This is the
best offer yet Do not miss it
Oitj and Bchool Taxej, 1894.
The city and school tax duplicates for
the year 1804 are now In my hands for
collection. Persons wishing to pay can do
so now, or any person requiring state
ments of taxes by giving ward and loca
tion of property will be promptly
B, G. Brooks, City Treasurer.
Municipal building, Washington avenue.
; Office bonrs from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., ex
cept Satnurday, this office will be closed
at noon.
Death of Bliss Ida II Davis.
' Miss Ida M. Davis, daughter of John
Davis, deceased, and Mrs. Margaret Davla.
died at her home, 426 Taylor avenue, at 4
o'clock this morning, of consumption. She
was tbe last of three sisters, the other two
Having also Deen victims oi the same dis
ease. ' Wood, bamboo and bralss easels.
Pratt's Book Btom.
Eat Bbkao made from Pillsbury's Best
ana Da neaitnr. . .
? Mimcoqrapbs and neostyles for dupll
eating and copying.
. . Pratt's Book Stork.
Only One-Foorlb of the Bills Have Been
True Bill Against Karl for Assaulting
Dr. Haggerty Young Desperado
Who Shot a Constable Will Have to
Answer Case Against a Gay Bi
cycle Thief Will Stand Several Days
of Next Week May Be Required for
Further Consideration.
Tbe grand jury yesterday m ornlng,
banded down a batch of India tment
on which they had taken aotion sinoe
Their prinolpal findings thus far
have been a true bill against George
Kerl for assault and battery com
mitted on Dr, Haggertv several weeka
ago; another against Frank Morrow.
tbe young desperado who wounded
Constable William Dougher at Arch-
bald, and another against H. C Clark
alias C. D. Lawrence, who is charged
wita tne larceny of a bieyole from
Florey & Holt and others.
The 1' t of indictments to be con
sidered ,y the grand jury at this ses
sion is one of tbe largest, it not tbe
very largest in the history of tbe
county. Not more than one fourth of
them have yet been oonsldsred and
action cannot be taken on the entire
list thia week. Following is the re
turns so far.
Owen Moran, Malicious mischief; Mar
tin Gilbrlde, pros..
Abraham Jones, aggravated assault and
battery; Michael Lymon, pros.
Benjamin Plotla, larceny and receiving;
Charles West owelty, pros.
Michael Stern aud vVeigert Stern, aggra
vated assault and battery; David Harris,
George Kerl. aggravated assault and
battery: Dr. William Haggerty, pros.
John Howley.assault aud battery; Katie
Mc Andrews, pros.
Joseph Evans,assault and battery; Will
iam Peck, oros.
Joseph Zavastowsky and William Vin
osb, assault and battery; Bartholomew
Marsan, pros.
Michael Gilda, attempt at rape; Julia
Kapak, prox.
Thomas Hays, larceny And receiving; W.
T. .Simpson, pros.
John Toian, larceny ana receiving; T. V.
Lewis, pros.
traucit fllorrow, felonious wounding;
William Dougher, proe.
Thomas Millut, arson: P. J, Conway.
H C ("Murk ! ria-lr Tt r...ra.
'ii. xj.m. un.uubt7,
larceny by bailee; John W. Holt, pros.
Afton Busbwak, felonious wounding;
Stephen Hupka, pros.
i nomas uarrlgal, raise pretenses; Brid
get Burke, prox.
Jamea Carroll. Auianlt and hattsrv. .T A
Hubert, pros.
uuuu aupiKiDsm, emDezziement uj co
rjartnor: John Kana nrna.
lyuunee neius, larceny ana receiving;
uniir iarpiuer, pros.
George Smith and Frederick Catton,
burorlarr; W. T. Simnnnn nrm
William Campbell, larceny and receiv
ing; iuttries uraaa, pros.
James Foy, larceny and receiving; Bern
ard McOreevey, pros.
Michael Mangan, Thomas Mangan, Mar
tin Muncnn. Patriot Manmn nioinli
Thomas lasoy. pros.
Wellman H. Hunt aggravated assault
ana Daitery; a. a, urosvsnor, pros.
Thomas Aisley and John Jenkins, as
San It and batterv: David Willinma nrna
John Cheater Peck. hnrirlarv ncwl
wvyuiuu, proa.
Koese Davis, adultery; Matthew Evans.
fctuel Davis, adultery; Matthew Evans.
Ann Cummings, felonious wounding;
Mary Casey, prox.
William Papr- aaannlf. anil Katta.,
Josian Lvans, pros.
William Peck, malicious mischief; Mrs.
David Weyman, prox.
Adam Buah. tinnlintr hnnaA Minimal
tsnee, pros.
juason Kosenkranz, malicious mischief
. B. Leah, tiros.
Catharine Rvan. rnmmnn annlrl Ttinma.
Benson, pros. '
John Mitchell, attempt at rape; Kate
William nrialrn anil jAgflnn n.nt.Hn.
I ..... uwnvjfu uauUJBUIHL
malicious mischief; Joseph Fleaher, pros.
miuBru riyuu, assault ana oattery; a.
E. Derbv. nroa.
Baruev Toole, malinlnna miuhlf hnb
Daniel P. Byrne, selling to minors; Mar
garet Hull, prox.
James scott, assanlt: Patrick Toons v
Jamea Scott, carrying concealed wean-
Jndson Roseokranz, pointing firearms
J. B. Leah. nrna.
Pasqualle Grazzlo and Phillip Rocco,
aesauib wu uaiiery; rniup ration, pros.
George Brown, larceny and receiving
John Sweeney, proe.
Michael Kolamen, felonious wounding;
Abraham Berger, pros.
William G. Miller, cntting timber trees:
George W. Cramer, pros.
Leah Farnham, assault and battery;
Earnest A. Ducker, pros.
Davia &vana, malicious trespass; Thos
D. Richarda nroa.
Paul Biliiki. feloniona wmmdinc g.nm.i
oieauauea, pros.
David Harris and Edward Howell, as
sault ana oaiiery; weigtrt Stern, pros.
Michael Moran and William McMullen,
assault and battery; John G. Thompson,
nroa. '
Frederick Richards, jr., burglary; John
F. Joyce, proe.
emry anu uetaioer: reter Uorges, proe.
i-Binua voyie, assault ana battery
Kate Coyle, prox.
John Trlbbus, burglary; Alexander Cat
erson, pros.
wfutr7l Moran. assault and battery;
Michael Dockerty, pros.
Peter Brown, larceny: Lizzie Rules,
Charles Price, Adam Perechnlck, Anth-
uuj junior wiu noun juincsy, assault end
oaiiery; ueorge Dejunes, pros.
uuuis jnarine, roonery; Bridget Rodlk.
prox. '
Thomas Jordan, assault and battery;
Frank Heffron, pros. J '
Charles White, assaultand battery; John
Duffy, pros.
James Passoro, assault and battery; Sam
uel Angotti, pros,
John Moran, Bridget Moran and Bridget
Hennigan, assault and battery; James
Leonard, pros.
James Sheridan, Jobn Sheridan, Patrick
Malloy, jr., Timothy Moran, jr., John
Moran and Daniel Moran, assault and
battery: James Leonard, pros.
Thomas Whitehouse, fornication and
bastardy: Thomas B.; Jones, pros.
David Thomas and Morgan Edwards,
assault and battery; Belle McDonald, prox
Garby Clncovicb, Peter Bronscanski and
Peter Sbinkavitch, breaking fence; John
Duffy, pros. '
John Tlckley, asssnlt and battery;
Louisa Brutzman, prox.; county to pay
Charles Gilmartin, assault and battery;
Martha J. Courtright prox. ; to pay ooeta.
Frank Kusler, assault and battery; Tenle
Bloomer, prox., to pay costs.
John Chester Peek, assaultand battery;
David Weyman, pros., to pay costs.
Patrick Mcnagnan, larceny and receiv
ing; Patrick Monagban, pros., ooontyto
pay costs.
F. G. Krngerman, asssnlt and battery;
Andrew Withers, pros., to pay costs.
Teresa Jones, assault and battery; Lena
Decker, prox., county to pay cosjte.
Helen Stein, assault and battery; Caro
lina Bteln, prox., to pay costs. '
Mary Duff r. aaaanft and batterv i Cath-
arine bailey, prox,, county to pay oests.
Thomts Ligan, selling liquor on Sunday;
Ann McHalr, prox., to pay costs.
Ann Logan, larceny ana receiving; Ann
McHale, prox.
Mary Murray .and Margaret Murray.
larceny and receiving: Ann McHale, prox.
uavia dsvis, assault ana nattery; unarles
Williams, pros., to pay costs.
Ann Bltiola, assault and batterv: Efrena
Panebison, proa., to pay costs.
David Jones, assault and battery; Evan
M. Franois, pros., to pay costs.
Plans Are Hade for the Moody Meet
The Pastor's union held a meeting
in the Methodist Episcopal ohuroh yes
terday aiternoon. Key. M. D. Falter
was eleoted nresident: Eev. D. M.
Einter, secretary, and Dr. R. 8. Jones,
treasurer. Tbe evaogelistio tent ia to
be pltobed in the Eleetrio City park to
day, and services will be beld there at
7.30 o'clook. No services will be held
in tbe ohnrobea at that time, except in
thoss ohurcbes where meetings are
held at 6 o'clock.
Rev. George E. Guild was appointed
press secretary and Dr. Hawxhurst
end Rev. W. G. Watkins will arrange
for the platform and electric lights.
Tbe singing will be nnder the direc
tion of Tallie Morgan. The uihers
will be esosen from the churches and
will be In charge of Giles Clark.
Tbe Misses O'Hara. the milliners, are in
New York.
Miss Margaret White, of Wayne avenue.
is in New York.
Miss Nellie Langan. of Block street is
visiting friends at Pleasant Mount
Tbe funeral of Mrs. Owen McHugh, of
Market street, took place yesterday.
A large number of friends attended a
party at tbe borne oi U. A. xownsena, on
Main avenue, last evening.
Miss Margaret Edwards, of Plymouth,
is visiting her cousin, Miss Margaret
A. Davits, of Warren street
Miss TesBie McCsrthy, of Parsons, who
has been visiting her parents on Nay Aug
avenue, has returned home.
Miss May Halstoad, of Lenoivllle, who
baa been visiting her cousin, MUs Blanche
ilalsteaa, has returned nome.
Ralph Bingham, the boy orator, will lec
ture at tbe Methodist Episcopal church
Oct. i under tbe auspices or tbe Ladies'
Aid society.
Rev. T. W. Jones. D. D.. of Philadelphia
superintendent of tbe American Home
Missionary society lor tne middle states, is
paying an omciai visit here.
A farewell party was tendered Joseph
Collins, of Main avenue, last evening at
Lucas' bull, in ureen Kldge, prior to his
departure lor Toronto, Canada.
Mies Ann Rosche, general agent for
Jobn Moran ec Co.. or rnuaaoJPbia. is
spending a two weeks' vacation with Her
mother, on west Market street
The marriage of Jamea Fly no. of Regan
& Flynn, to Mise Nellie Torrey, of Market
street is announced to take place in the
Holy Rosary church next Tuesday morn
ing at' 10 o'clock.
Mrs. William J. Thomas, of Wayne ave
nue, returned home yesterday from a visit
to her husbaud, who is in the 'eye hospital
in Philadelphia. Tbe many friends of Mr.
Thomas will be glad to learn that althongh
one eye bae been lost, there are hopes of
saving the other.
Rev. George B. Guild will occupy the
pulpit of the Presbyterian church tomoi
row morning. His theme will be, "A
Compromise.'' There will oe no meeting
in the eveuing, owing to the services in
tbe tent. The Christian Endeavor meet
ing will be led by him. The subject will
be, "Giving."
The first annual banquet of the Bohog
mian club was beld at tbe residence of Mr.
J. J. Clark, on Oak street, Thursday even
ing. The club, which consists of eight
young men, invited eight of their male
friends to the banquet which was cooked
by the club members. Music was furnished
by the Symphony Mandolin and Guitar
Green Ridge Chapter, No. 100, Knights
of the Mystic Chain, held a concert and
festival in Company H armory lost even
ing. Jndge Archbald presided over a
crowded house. With him on the plat
form were Messrs. Frank demons, Clar
ence Pry or. John R. Jones, John R.
Thomas and John Tbomas. An entertain
ing programme was rendered.
C J. Davis, leader of the Moody quar
tette, who has been visiting hie parents
on Warren street for the last month,
leavee today to join the quartette at
Itbooa, N. Y., where they will assist F.
T. Pierson and his wife, in conducting
evangelistic services in that place for the
next few weeks. Mr. Davis and the
quartette assisted Mr. Moody during bis
world's fair campaign. Mr. Moody made
an offer to Mr. Davis of an engagement
as solo singer in the mission services.
Three hundred and flfty-eix have regis
tered; forty-four nsw ones oame this
week; the attendance is double that of
last year.
The shorthand school has a large patron
age of exceptionally bright people.
Professor 8. 1. Wood is tbe best teacher
in bookkeeping the college has ever had;
he is an expert accountant and gives tbe
students a line of practical work that is
very much appreciated.
One of the unique features this year is
an exercise when the business practice
students dictate their letters to tbe fair
stenographers of tbs shorthand school.
The college has never run so smoothly
the order is better, aud the students are
doing more thorough work than formerly.
Catharine Shea has secured a position as
bookkeeper for Martin & Delaney.
Evan R. Widden Is in the offloe of tbe
Maloney Oil and Manufacturing company.
A. A. Secor, who is with Kerr & bie
becker, does very creditable work.
A large class of ladies attend the differ
ent sessions. ,
Tallie Morgan has charge of the singing,
and Penn and Lackawanna avenue are
not asleep while Tallie wields the baton.
Closing ont russett, oxfords and rnssett
dlnchers at reduced prices. Also ladles'
bog, foxed, congres's razor toes, pretty
styles. A. C. Nkttlbton & Co.,
Commonwealth building.
Da C. G Laubaor, dentist. Gas and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvements. Eight years ia
Copying books and presses.
Pratt's Book Stork
50c Will Buy $1.00 Worth
At the 5 Bros,' sale of Binghamton shoes.
Nothing like it ever seen in Scranten be
fore, i
Buy the Wsbtr
and get the best At Guernsey Bros.
Grocers and butchers' pass books. -
Pratt's Book Stork.
Restful to tired toilers, bread made
from Pillsbnry'e Best
We have purchased from a roll-able
Watch Co. that maAed money, a
quantity of HIUH GRADE Watch
e at oar own offer. All linear '
gold flHd oaaea. b-antMnlly an
graved with 11-Jeweled American
inurement. All kav Gold Eoanv ;
lied Dial. Nevuraold 3t -1 ""N
below lo Tbey go at SP Wa
Rexford Jewelrj Ca, ujtlve.
I'.lcans Are Making Beady for tbe Cam-
An All-Around and Alert Pound-
Keeper Evangelist Bliss Preaches
His Farewell Sermon to a Large
Audience Wedding of Miss Sadie
Davis to Louis Costlett Notes and
The RepnbHean leagns of the West
Side held an interesting business
session last evening in their rooms on
Sooth Main avenue. Dr. W. A. Paine
presided. After the minutes were read
tbe business matters of tbe evening
were disposed of.
A reaolntion was adopted in whieh
the society indorsed the Republican
candidate for state and county, and
Jobn R. Farr for tbe legislature from
the First Legislative district The
action of tbe atate convention in eleo
ting Major Everett Warren its leading
officer was highly commended. Much
attention was given to the soming
campaign, and a sommittee consisting
of Charles Oliver, & Sk Kobaiban,
Albert Da vies. W. 11 Coons and B, H.
Williams were appointed to arrange
for a ratification meeting. .The follow
iug resolution was nnanimously
adopted :
Resolved, That w& the members of the
Republican league of the West Sids be
lieve that tbe time has come when we
shonld have a change in the manner of
electing delegates to tne eeveral conven
tions of the party in Lackawanna county,
and we believe that the Crawford county
systsm would be an improvement on the
present method and that we will do all in
our power as a club to bring about the
adoption of the said Crawford or some
other county system, in Lackawanna
Brings Two Boy Into th Hand of th
Ever sinse Jacob Mellick. of South
Main avenn. was appointed a pound
keeper on the West Side, his life baa
Indeed been a weary one. Mellick,
when he received bis sommission from
tbe mayor, deemed it unnecessary to
tell tbe people of his appointment
When sows were locked up people
naturally became angry, and one cssj
was taken before Alderman Morgan,
of tbe Fifteenth ward. It was here
that Melliok produced his right as in
caroerator of tbe bovine species. He
bad three boys arrested on Thursday
evening for interfering witn bis work,
and last evening Peter snd Jobn
Bursshsl, two lads residing on South
Mam avenue, were arrested for inter
feriug while be was locking np their
uncle's cow for roaming about the
thoroughfare. Tbe case was pestponed
nntil 6 o'clock this evening.
Mr. Bliss the Evangellat Will Leave for
Tbe canvas tent on North Main ave
nue, was completely filled last evening
at tbe farewell sermon of E W. Bliss,
tne noted evangelist, who leaves this
side to pursue the good work in Provi
dence. The meeting was opened with
service of song. Prayers and Scrip
ture reading followed. On the plat
form were seated. Revs. D. D. Skel-
lmger, L. C. Floyd, D. D., D. C. Hughes,
V. u. and 1. J. Collins.
Never had the ebolr been in fiuer
form aud they rendered theswsst songs
of Zion in an earnest spirit which was
voiced throughout tbe large oongregn
sien. Tbey sang tinder the leadership
of Tallie Morgan. Mr. Blias preached
an eloquent aid forcible sermon. Tears
were brongbt to the eyes of the many
when he made the announcement that
he wss about to leave. He has done
great good to many people here. Tbe
services will ba conducted on Sunday
at 8. 80 aud 7 80 p. in. by Evangelist
Schievera. Tbe latter is a powerful
speaker and very convincii g.
A Well Known Ooupl ut at Hymen's
Miss Sadie Davies, a popular young
lady residing on North Lincoln avenue,
and Louis Costlett, of South Main ave
nue, were quietly married on Tuesday
evening at the borne of Rsr. T. J. Col
lins, on North Hyde Park avenue. The
yonng couple are well known and a
large number of friends wish them
Miss Lizzie Davies was bridesmaid
and Charles Sweet officiated as grooms
man After tbe ceremony the party
repaired to the home of the bride's
parents, where supper was served.
They will reeide on North Lincoln
Miss Cosier, of Newton Center, is visit
ing mends here.
William Burtlett, of Bangor, is visiting
menus in ta city.
T. E. Price, of South Main avenue, ha
returned from Olyphant
Miss Cora Phillips, of Justus, is visiting
irienas on dacKson street,
Daniel Williams and son, Will, of North
Sumner avenue, are in Pottsville.
Robeyt Morris lodge of Ivorites will hold
an entertaining meeting on Sept. 87.
The Republican leagueof the West Side,
held a meeting in their rooms last evening.
Miss Annie Burnett of Pleasant atreat.
has returned home from a visit in Pltte-
Myron Evans, the popular clerk at the
Star drug store, began his vacation yester
day. Miss Maggie Bhaw, of Hyde Park ave
nue, is in flew lork, learning the millin
ery trade.
The Simpson Methodist Emsconal
chnrch choir will meet this evening in tbe
cnurcn. i
Tbe Mendelssohn Choral society held a
bneineee meeting last evening in the First
weian-Bapsast onnrcn.
The Walsh Philosophical society will
meet tms evening, it will oe their ooen
ing meeting of the season.
Miss Kate Cummings. of . Hamnton
Utreet baa left for New York, where she
win tane a, course in elocution.
Jackson Street Baptist cbnroh Preaoh
Ing tomorrow both morning and evening
We we prepared to furnish all
i kinds of School Books and School
i Supplies at short notice.
We afcrsys hare in stock a com
plete ; line of Blank Books, 8ta
I?. j s-h a , -
ilonery mm umoe oappuea..
Pictures and Frames.
by the pastor at 10.30 a. m. and 0 p. m.
All are welcome.
The Hyde Park Literary and Debating
society will hold its roamlar wmkly meet
ing nest Monday night in tbe welsb rnu-
oaophical society rooms on Booth; Main
avenue. Selections will be delivered by
some of the society's best talent. Discus
sions of several of the important questions
of the day will be indulged in by tbe mem
bers. Tbe present season has already de
veloped a deep interest which It is hoped
win continue., &u young man are inviieu
to attend and investigate the work of the
Hyde Park Business College, 107 North
Main avenue, will reopen day and evening
eeosion Monday, Sept 17.
Wedding Presents
Dinner, Tea
and Toilet Sets,
Silverware, Cut
Glass, Etc.
Ii6 Wyoming Ave.
New Store,
New Goods,
New Styles,
New Prices.
The names are the same bnt onr "PaJTa,'
"hnctJ," And "Four-in-hands" are of adrf
ferent kind. I
Dure are in tho neckwear line and tbey
are In the very latest colors, anades ana com'
Tf vnn arA lnnkincf for ITaH niK,kw.Qar. don't
mine looking at oar line. Tho f'ne at bote
205 IiACli'A. AV JiNUK,
Christian. The Hatter.
It at Pratt t Um Moat Fqnilar and rreftmd by
ueaatnf araua
Vsrsrsems : Opposite Columbus ktonumeat,
200 Washington Av. Soranton.Paj
For Fall Wear
305 Lackawanna Ave.
Martin &. Delany
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
5 cna
J u tiki
308 Lacka. Ave.
We are offering some Great BargaJii3-;in?l
-2 Cases lO-lHeavy-Weiglit, worth $1, for 75c ; 1
3 i
3 2 Casas 10-4 Extra-Quality, worth $1.39, for 9Sc.t?
1 Cass 10-4, Very Fine, worth $2, for $149. 1
m t b3
1 lot of 10-4, wero-$4.25, now $2.75. S
1 lot of 11-4, wer3 $S, now $350. I
Scientific Eye
"On the Fence."
Boon be over the season for riding. II
yon want a Bicycle now is the time 10 set
it. We are clearing up all stock, and will
give yon ancb a onaaou a you never bad
before. One ot our bargains!
A Firtt-class. Hifih Grade (150 Bicycle
(or $03.
Brins Your cash and GET OFF THE
Successor to Florey & Holt
Avnid t.liA H'nrnj nnd win thft
approving glancea of tho people
Kir woOMnrf rrti rtf A111
Black and Rosewood
Brown are tho loading
Wide D'Orsey Curl,, full brim and
full, crown are tho special feat
urea. Oar sales people are expe
rienced hat. men not boys or
amateurs. You caa depend on se
curing only BECOMING Blocks.
How do these prices become your
$1.24, $1.49, $1.98,
$2.50, $2.98. .
137 AND 139
Complete Outattera. ,
jvrwajk- .. jit TO. ' " . i'v
IN i l l E H IE
in Blue and Black
Box Coats.
Also, a first class
stock of Imported.
Suitings and Trouserings.
. Testing Free
The Specialist on tbe Epe. Headaoba and Ner.
vusns ralieved. Lutust and Improved Style of
Ereglaesm and Spectacles a thr Loweet-Prices,
Best Artificial 70 inserted for $5.
805 SsTtCCE ST., Opp. Old Post Office.
To My Patrons an?
the Pnblic:
Having been compelled by uncon
trollable circumstances to make a
temporary suspension of regular
business, I respectfully intimate
tbat in the course of a few weeks
at latest I hope to be able to re
sume trade nndjr old conditions.
An amicable adjustment has been
reaohed between my creditors and
myself, and ns soon as pressing
claims are adjusted .and settled, I
will be found at tbe old address
ready to wotoome all customers
who favor me with a call. Mean
while, the repair department will
be carried on as usual, entrance
being bad on Sprnoe street only,
butnogsods can be bo right-except
at auction sales; whiohrare- eon
ducted on behalf of creditors.
These chilly mornings and
evenings are a menace to
one's health unless properly
The first essential is-proper
We have opened up an
timmense assortment of me
dium-weight Underwear fot
fall wear in natural wool,
camel's hair, white and fancy
A price range of from
49c. Up