THE SCRA2TTON TRIBIfN'E SATURDAY MOKNTlTGr, SEPTEMBER 15, 1894. BASE BALL Today Will End the Eistera League Season la Scrantoa. PROVIDENCE TO OPPOSE SCRUM The Club to Disband After the Game Today All Present Players Re servedStanding of the Clubs Na tional and Eastern League Sum maries of Games Played Yesterday. General Sporting Miscellany. SJ ODAY will end the ti Eaatern leattuo sea son in this city, and Providence will be the opposing nine. All the players, with possibly one or two exceptions, will de part for their homes today after , the games. Manager Ca . bill baa reserved all of the present players for next season, when he prom ises with snoh additions as may be necessary to place a winning team in the field. As it is, he has gathered 1b a Terr abort time a creditable array of ball players, lnasmnoh as few experts Were looking for a plaee on any team at the time the Sorantons entered the Eastern league. In the games played yesterday, Yonkers defeated Erie ink game de void of heavy bitting, Syracuse won a Rams for Springfield in a contest noted for errors, and Buffalo larruped 'Wilkes-Barre in a merciless manner. Th (Yillnwinir tit hie ffivea the TJOr centages of the clabs, the nnmber of games won ana lost oy eaca aau iueir eUnding in the league raee. Won. Lost. Providence 74 35 (Syracuse 62 63 Erie 55 40 Springfield 69 64 Buffalo 62 62 Wilkes-Barre... 63 64 Pcranton 63 69 Yonkers 31 76 PerCi. ' .679 ,6d9 .624 .609 .500 .4H5 .459 .289 ENTER FOOTBALL. Saseball Is Dead, Hail the Eleven is the Cry. The Saranton team will elose the Eastern leaeae eeaion with ProvMenee tbis afternoon. Quartos and Rogers will be the battery, Whitehead will play third, Phelaa second and Cabill right field. Delaney and Patoben left for Will iamsDort yesterday. Quarles and Leo Smith leave today for their respective homes In West Virginia, and Plalnneid, N. J., and Lsbane will go to his home in New York eity. Whitehead will aecompany Phelan to Texas, where they propoeo playing next winter wim the (in Antonio team. Johnson will return to bis home in Chester, Pa., and Rogers will remain in this elty. Hess has not decided where he will biber- DRte. Cabill is to remain in the city to manage the winter sports and foot ball eleven and will manage next year's baso ball team. As a resnlt of the preliminary work a foot ball eleven has been selected. Tho players, however, may be changed eomowhat in person and position Those at oresent assigned positions are: Lett end. Walsh: left tackle. Allen; left guard, Connery; center, Cleveland; right gnard, Zing; right enu, Arm strong: anarter back and captain, Decker; left half-back, F. Gelbert; rlebt half-back. D. Gelbert; full-back, Thayer. The schedule of games for the season which opens sept. isi, nas not been completely arranged. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Erie- Erie 0 001200003 Yonkers 1 0000007 x 8 Base bits-Erie, 7; Yonkers, 7. Errors Erie. 1; Yonkers, 3. Batteries Healy and Berger; luiroy ana juuitgan. umpm Corcoran. At Syracuse Syracuse 4 0 1 1 0 3 3 2 013 fcprincfleld....4.2 1 0 0 8 0 0 0-10 Hits Syracuse, 7: Springfield, a Er rors-Syracuse. 4; Springfield, 6. Batter ies Kilroy, ttauswein and Hens; Wilier, Cougnun ana Lieany. umpire Taylor. At Buffalo Wllkes-Barre..0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 15 Buffalo. 0 2 1 0 4 8 0 0 0-15 Hits-WilKea-Barre. fl: Buffalo. 20. Er rors Wilkes-Barre, 6; Buffalo, 4. Batter iesMcLaughlin and Warner; Vickery and Urqunart. umpire uoescner. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At St. Louis St. Louis 0 0100000 x-1 New York....0 0000000 0-0 HitsSt Louis. 3: New York. 6. Errors St. Louis, 4; New York, a Batteries Clarksoaana Miller; jueeuin. ana f arreii. u mpire num. PASSED BALLS. The Philadelphia management is said to have offered 15,000 for the release of Pitcher Breitensteln. The Baltimores have the league consecu tive victories recora lor tne season, ana the Providences or tne country. The Providence team which won the championship in 1884 finished with 84 Vic tories, 28 defeats and a percentage of . 750, New York has done the best work of the eastern clubs against the western teams during the season, which Chicago occupies the corresponding position among tne western cmoe. . VMartv" Honan. who wasn't irood enough for Cincinnati, is knocking out a hit a day with military precision. It looks as if St. Louis did not miss it when they eignea mm. The Bostons have already won the se ries from tne Baltimore. Washington Cleveland. Cincinnati and Louisvilles. tied the series with the Brooklyn, Phila delphia ana new xorks, and have not lost one. The Sunset Junior Base Ball club, of Arcubald. accept the challenge of the Hustler Base Ball dub, of Hyde Park, to a game on tne Arcnoaia grounds, Kept. w, itm. f. race, captain. Anderson, Brooklyn's new man, is a strapping fellow, about 22 years old and of good appearance. He stands high as a nsider ana base runner ana .is a steady batter. Anderson numbers pitching and catching among his accomplishments, but be is not wanted tor box work. If the Bostons lose no more games of the nineteen on the western trip tnaa the New Yorks lose of their seventeen the two teams would be tied in the race. A rare situation would be the result of a tie be tween the New Yorks and Bostons should the Baltimores win the chamniocshtn, That would make the aeries for the Temple cup a three-cornered affair, with the three great leaders contestants. A peculiar play occurred In 'the fourth inning or tne wasningtou-cinuin natl game of Aug. 80, in which such an experienced ball player as Comiskey was caught because be forgot the rules of the Same. With Smith on second and Corn key on third, the latter started for home on an lnQeU hit, bat, realizing th at he conld not make it, he started back for third base and reached it safely. Mean while Hmith bad also reached third bag, and McOuire ran op and touched them both. Smith was ont on the play but ComUkey thought otherwise, and walked toward tne bencn. tie was toucnea xuv by Joyce, completing a double play. THE PEACHES CAME HIGH. Patrlok Mo Can n Paid Three Dollars for ' The of Tbem. Patriot A(nf!unn. of Snort hill, came to town eurly yesterday morning uud proceeded to fill op on malt bever ages, lie walked along acKawanna avenue stacgering aguiust pedestrians, nnrl avium hu irnt In the nftailUt Stand near ttio Roma hotel he appropriated three luscious peaoues wuuoiu wie iui mality of tendering auy ooiu of the realm in payment. Officer Block placid bira under r rest. In police court yeaterday morn ing he paid a fine of $3. TODAY'S RACES. Trotting Meeting at the Driving Park Promises Good Sport and Excitement. The card arranged by the Gentle men's Driving club for the trotting races at the Driving park this after noon is an attractive one and snonia merit a generous attendance. It con tains the entries of several animals which have not been seen on the track and the others are so re-classified as to make the results a matter of specula' tion. At a reeent meeting of the club it was deolded to enforoe rules making the sooring more prompt and business like, and to reduce the waits between beats to the smallest possible spaoe or time. Several otber matters relative to the comfort of the andience and Ira nrovine the races were discussed, and it is probable that today's races will famish more satisfaction and better entertainment than in the past. A team raee. which is always excit Ing and testa the drivers' skill, will be today s Introductory event, 'I he SOU olass contains some horses which have not been in each other's eompanjr bs fore, and the probable resnlt is a very open Question. The race of the duy abonld develop in the 2.40 class in wbicb JJnke, Abigail, star uaaiey, Maggie Davis and Maud L are entered. Each appears to be well conditioned and is ; capable of a good performance, so the race should be a battle royal. "Centaur's selections of the winners are as follows: Team race J. L. Crawford, C. M. San derson, John A. Mears. 3.0U class foor Kicnara, rseauiy, Frank S. 2.60 class John, Little Agnes, Beauty. 2.40 class Abigail, Duke, Maud L. The entries are as follows: TEAM RACE. Dr. B. H. Throop. John R. Mears. lr. J. L. Wentz. C. M. Sanderson. J. L. Crawford. 8 MINUTE CLASS. Poor Eichard, br. g.. Dr. Houser. Beauty, bL m., Dr. J. L. Wentz. William, b. g., Frank MerriQokl. Frank S., b. g., J. F. Seigel. O. K., b. g 0. S. Johnson. Joe, br. g., R. Crlppen. 2 50 CLASS Little Agnes, gr. ra., E. J. Goodwin. Blue, s, g., J. H. Ladwig. Daisy, b. m., C. S. Seamans. Beauty, s. m., G. M. Shelly. John, b. g.. Dr. G. E. Hill. 2.40 CLASS. Duke, bl, g., L. T. Payne. Abigail, b. m., Dr. Houser. Star Dudley; s. g., Joseph Hull. Maggie Davis, b. m., J. Davis. Maud L, m.. C. S. Seamans. Beginning next week the raoes will be held each Thursday until further notice. As a starter the club has ar ranged for a mile race under the sad dle. The sight oi some or tne ciod s members astride the animals should itself furnish considerable sport. SCHANK, THE SHOE MAN. He Has Unavoidably Disappointed Els Old Patrons. C. W. Sebank. the popular shoe dealer, whose establishment was hnrnort in the Areade Are. bad intended opening a sew store at 410 Spruce street, today. He has been disappointed by a delay in receiving nis siocir, oat win open in s few days with everything complete in , . 1 1 nis line. NOTES OF V. W. C. A. Tuesday, at 12.10 o'clock, a noon service will be held in the hall when Miss Mary S. Dunn, state superintendent, will give a ten minnte talk gins, ana air. w tea- ton will sing. . The service, for women on Sunday will be held m the association rooms and will be conducted , by the general . secretary, Miss Maonrloy. Mr. Wheaton. one of Mr. Moodv's soloists, will be present to assist in the service. The meeting will begin at 8.48 o'clock witn a song service led by Mr Wheatmu' .. ; . On Tuesday evening.1, Sept. IS. a pi ens Ing entertainment will be given in the rooms. A special feature of the evening will be the rendering of two selections by the lady prise singers under tne leadership of Mrs. Nellie Moses Tboma. Well known vocalists, pianists and elocutionists will as sist in tne programme. An admission charge of 10 cent will be received at the door, ice cream win oe on sale in innon rooms. V. M. C. A. NOTES. The boys' gymnasium class will meet this morning at 10.31) o'clock. Director Weston hopes thore will be a good attend ance. The board of directors met last night and approved the plans of the furnishiug committee for the refurnishing of the buildiog.. Six delegates were appointed to tbe state convention at Jonnstown as lot lows: O. F. Reynolds, W. G. Peck, H. B, Cox, W. W. Inglis, W. R. McClave and J, B, Wataon. The Sunday irosrel meeting for men will be held at 3.45 o'clock. Tbe usual song service will be conducted Dy Tame Morgan and tbe Young Men's Christian association glee club. General (secretary Many will speak especially to young converts on "jfirst xnings." Foranton'a Business Interests. Tbb Tbibdni will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional Interests of Scranton and vicinity. Tbe edition will be bound in book rorin, Deautuuiiy illustrated witn chotoeravore views of onr pnbllo build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's many indus tries, it will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside tbe city, copies of this handsomo work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement' of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good Tenalts to tnoae concerned as wen as tne city at large. Kepreeentatl ves or the tribuhs Will Call Upon TUOSB WHOSE JIAMIS are cranio in this edition and explain its nature more rally. Those desiring views of their residences In tnis edition will please have notice at the omce. . IS DEATH TO BABIES When Food Fails to Give Strength in September,1 Children Must Now Fat Well and Digest We'l in Order to Live. Lactated Food Will Not Disagree With Any Child Should Be Used. Don't take chances with the baby. Tinge BumnuT diKoriloiH, diarrhea nnd cholera infantum, come with a Btiddciiut'S!! nnd progress from bud to woife with u rapidity that throws un prepared mothers iuto helpless con fusion. livery experienced nurse knows that it Is the importance to keep at hand luetated food as a substitute for baby's food, even when the child is fed at tbe breast. Often the heat so weakens the infant stomach or the milk fails, so that a partiully digested food, such as luetated food, must be em ployed, that will burden the weakened stomach less and yet keep up the uaoys strength. The irritatea condi tion of the bowels is what leads to fa tal diarrhea when mothers persist in clinglag to the same old diet despite the warning that baby is not only not thriving, but in great danger of cholera infantum and diarrhea that carries on" many infants. it is lar easier to prevent these sum mer disorders by using pure, nourish ing lactated food. When babies throw up their milk or when they are not keeping up their strength, especially during hot weather it is plain their is trouble with tne food, father the food, if it Is mother's milk, is poor in quality from long nursing or from the effects of the sum mer heat on the mother, or if the child is weaned the infant stomach, weak ened as it Is by the high temperature, is Irritated and cannot digest and as similate suHicieut food to keep baby strong and healthy. Physicians when called in such caes put the child on ft diet of Lactated food. Being a par tially digested food, as physicians call it, lactated food is more easily con verted into vigorous blood than any food upon which a child can be fed. It Is, in fact, the nearest possible substi tute for healthy mother's milk. Its parts are well nigh identical with baby's earliest and best rood, health ful breast milk. Babies that seem to mothers to take "hardly enough nour ishment to keen them alive" eat heart lly when fed on lactated food, because that great object of a successful infant loou has been thoughtruuy attainea it pleases the infant taste and iuduces the child to eat heartily. f Babies are safely and readily weaned during the summer months on this splendid nutritive. And for the same reason that lactated lood is by rar tne best diet for young children, so it is )ecuilarly fitted to theneed9 ornurs ng mothers, as well as invalids who have slight energy to extract strength and nutrition from ordinary coarse, hearty food. .Lactated rood is used in an the large homes for children thtoughout the united Htates and Canada, and la families possessing every means for securing the best for their children: aud yet it is easily within the reach of the most modest household in the land. LETTERS FBOM THE PEOPLE Uniler this heading short letters of Interest will bo published when accompanied, for pub lication, bv the wrltor's name. ThbTkibunb will not be held resDongible for opinions here expressed.! MR. FURMAN ENTERS DENIAL E;1itor of The Thibune. Sir: Your special from Pittston regard ing paving matters tnere require! correc tion at once, so far as its statements infer that it was the Asphalt company tnat was awarded tbe contract, or its Zrepresenta- tive to wbom be referred in bis remark, as stated by your correspondent. I never called on Councilman Tigue at his place of business, or any otber place. I never had any conversation with him regarding the relative merits of brick or aspbalt. 1 bave met nim several times at council meeting and on sidewalks after council meetings, and in each and every case tbe conversation and remarks passed between us were about some of tbe Inci dents of tbe council meeting just held, or other matters than paving, and always when tnere were otber gentlemen present. I bave never offered ihim directly or in directly, or any other councilman or offi cial a dollar, orfoOO, or any other sum for their influence or vote for asphalt, for the company I represent, and I know Mr. Tigue win tcstuy to tne trutnot misstate' ment so far as he is concerned. O. M. Fcrma.v. General Agent for the Barber Aspbalt Paving Company. LOCAL WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL. The Green Ridge wheelmen will give a smoker at the club house in the near fu ture. The Green Ridge wheelmen will attend the Mnple City wneelmen'smeet at Hones il ilo on Oct. 6 in full uniform and will be rerrwented in the races of tbe day by Rub-'rt White, Richard Wambold, Charles Coleman aud George Tolmie. Tbis team is a good one and the Green EiJge boys should capture several prizes.- . The managers of connty fairs through' out the country are recognizing the podu- larity of bicycle races and are introducing this sport as a leading attraction. At the State fair at Binghamton a very successful meet was held, and the fairs which are to be held at Berwick and Blootxsbnrg are advertising bicycle races as an attraction. Earnest Gilmore and Frank Whettling are enjoying an eastern trip on their wheels. Tney lelt Hcranton via h Dela ware, Lacuawanna and Western .Sept. 5 for JtSlngnamton. wnere uiimore entered several races at tne rair neid by the Blue- ham ton Industrial association. Ttiey left Binghamton on Sept 7, crossing over to Vermont, tnence uown to iringneld Mass., where they attended tbe Nationul raee m-et of tun f-prmgntfki Atbietio club, and expect to return tomorrow. TnB Sccckss which Hood's Sawaparilla has had In freeing old and young from nl flictinns caused by impure -blood is really remarkable. , Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. Sold by all mo ' HE knrv Pchoknhalb, foreman Henry Krug Packing company, Ht. Joseph, Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil with his mm for sprains, cuts, bruises, cbapped bands, etc. it is tne best. RUPTURE Can be cured by simple treatments and the truss thrown aside In a short time. No detention from business. A safe and radical cuie for every variety of hernia, by a new method. Mo charge for consultation and examina tion. A . ... . SCRANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CURE CO. (LIMITED.) 203 W ASHINGTON AVE. mm A Word. r- , : Wanti of all kinds cost that much, whs paid for, in advance. When a book ac count u made, no charge will be les$ than t5 cents. 1'hin rule applies to all small want eds, tjxvpt .Situations H anlea, teucl are inserted FHLIC. Agents Wanted. pENERAL, AGENTS WANTED BGLL IT insr iihw artii'li-s to denlnrs: exclusive territory, no cumputitioa, nocanital requlri'd; M to ilX) nor I'nnt. iironL Columbia Cboini- cal Co., (W born-burn St., Chicago, III. UTE WANT AH EEi:OBTlC MAN, bnv or i1rl in evorv city and town in United States to distribute circulars aud snmples of our perfumoa, $1. W to $2.iiU P"r day nnd expeuaes. Address with stamp J. LAtlJltK ti (Jo., UUlcaKO. AGKNTH WANTED BY THE NEDEB lnnd Life Insurance company in city and county. A new tlan of sufirnnteed imturance. Address for particulars. Urie Townsend. in spector of agonies, Dime Bank building, acranton. C ALESMEN KVEEY COUNTY. SALARY O or commission. No eXDerieoce. New tarin bill gives unlimited profits. Active men ipply quickly, stating Balary and territory wanted. MANUFAC1 UKliKS, Box 6308, Bos ton. A GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO IX soil the Intent alumiuura novelties, enor mous urottts, sells at sight, delivered free, se cure territory. Sample In velvet lined case wnn iuu inrormnnon. inc. laLAioiruo ire?. Aluminum Novelty Co.. 335 Broadway, New jorK. Help Wanted-Male. Af EN TO SELL BAKING POWDER TO ix tne urocerv tradi-. Nteauy omuioymem, experience unnecessary; $75 monthly salary and expenses or com. If offer satisfactory ad -.i....l. ... yourself, U. S. Chemical Works, Chicago. T ANTEn-VlltINO MAN AS KTENOU V V ra-nhnr also to assist with general office worit. Addross r. o. box 0i J, ncranion, ra. Helo Wanted Females. T AOIES WANTED TO WRITE AT HOME; Yj Sliiweoklv! no ennvaxsine. Roulv with stain u MlSd i AN ME i-'ELK. UH, South Bund, ma. TANTED IMMEDIATELY A GIRL FOR gonoral housework. Apply 713 Scran ton street. UTANTED-SEVERAL LAD ES TO AS sist In tmblishin work, also learners: will pay from 85 to 818 a week. For partica iars address, with stain J. H. Q., TuiBuH olllcft For Sale CyUABS IN ANY QUANTITY, 11S CLIFF O streut. For Rent. LOR KENT-TWO OFFICE ROOMS IN J? Teintilo Court Bntliiiud. Hnruca street. Rent very low: AddIv to Dr. E. Grower. Old roaiomcu, cuiiuing. X)R BKNI-ONE'HALP STORE. Penn avenue. . Sao per month. 130 'OR RENT-NICELY-FUK.ISHED HALL suitable for lodirn rooms. JOHM JKH- MVN, lie Wyorainir avonoo. Sheriffs Sale. T WILL EXPOSE TO PUBLIC SALE. AT X the premises of Philip Bartron, 7:4 West Lackawanu aveouo. Scranton. Pa., on Fri day, September 14, at 10 o'clock a.m the personal property, consisting of two lumber wagons, buggy, blacksmith tools, harness, one mare, a cau aud olarence. and other uronertv on me premises. j. J. kamek, nerirr. Real Estate. CMALL FARM WE HAVE NAMES OP O twenty twrsons who want to buy small farms. Send full particulars. Make price inn. R KUUPUT rVkUVUVd 1rl..A K..M.11.... Instruction Musical. VfSrX'GIROSSrTHE PORTdTRmQAN itl 1st at St. Peter's Cathedral, is ready to receive pupils who wish to study inoaic. Hear 710 A.lnn. ... ...... ui lie jiuauin ATruim Special Notices. TOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT J. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations 1H-1SU5. Two Volumes Polio, 16.50; payable monthly, Del vered by express complete, prepaid. Address r. o. MOODY, U1S Uibson street, Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA zines, etc., bound or rebound at The Tkidunb office. Quick work. Reasonable nrirvffi. I EAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144. iVl corner Spruce streot and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.60. Good table board. Charter Applications. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Q vernor of Pennsylvania ou Monday, tbe second day of July, 1WI4, by. Watts C- Van Blarcom, W. Howard Withers, Edmund A. Bsrtl, David Snrnks and Lonla J. Siebecker. under the Act of Arsembly, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of oortain corpi rations, " approved April 29, , 1874, aud the supplements thereto, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called tbe Crescent Coal - Mining Company, the charac ter aud object ot wnicn is tne mining, prepar ins for market and selling anthracite ooal, and f er these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tbe righto, benefits and privtlottei of said Act ot AsseinDiy ana supplements tnereto. rATTfittSUJN St WILUOA, Solicitom TESTATE or Martha Taylor, late of the xj Borough of Olyphant, Pa., deceased. Letters oi' administration upon the above named estate having been ' granted to the undersigned all persons having clamsor de mands against said estate will present them for payment and those indebted thereto will vlpnse maae immediate payment to WILLARD, WARREN & KNAPP. - Attorneys for Estate, . JOHN TAYLOR, A.lmr.. Olywhant, Pa, Situations Wanted. DRESSMAKING OR PLAIN SEWING BY tbe day wanted bv a competent seam- stress. Address H. l. M., vjs Adams avenue. . . j .j . .. . . If ANTED BY A YOUNQ MAN OF GOOD T t references, a position of any kind driver or hotel work preferred. E. M., 302 Lackawanna avenue. "ITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 18 7 years old. Address 428 Osvrell court. 4J ITUATION WANTED FOR WASHING O ironing or scrubbing or anv kind of work by t o day. Call or address L B. 334 North sumner av-nne, tity. TOY WANTED APPLY TO THE TRTR 13 UNE S Honesdsle olBce. PAUL GAKD- MKK. c ituation wanted by girl to do O liglit house work and take care ot -child. jilts, l Hiti., x.'s fenn avenue. BAKKEEPER-A STEADY, SOBER AND industrious voung man would like to se cure a position; understands his busioess and is a good, quick mixer; would like a positlo ' In city or country and can furnish good refer tnces from last employer. . Address, Bar keeper, 500 Lackawanna ave Scranton. This Coupon AND 916.00 (SOOD FOR i Regular $32 Tarkisti Chair Until ept. 21, Choice in Covering and Style ef TJp ' bolsterlBg. BENTON, 331 Adams Avenue. onno GENT'S WHIT LADIES' Seamless, 2 pair for 25c, or 70c. or Two of the Best Bargains we have CO WHOLLY & Do You Sleep Well ? If not, get one of nature's BEST SEDATIVES, A Pine Mattress They Are Inexpensive. THE SCRAEWON BEDDSG CO, ACADEMY OF MUSIC MONDAY, SEPT. 17. THE EMINEXT TRAGEDIAN, THOS. W. KEENE AND A STUONG COM ANY, Iu Bulwer Lytton's Oreat Drama, RICHELIEU. A Performance of Genuine Artistic Merit A Rare Dramatic Treat. Complete Details. This is one of Mr. Keene's greatest charac ters aud he interprets it in his usnal dra matic ability. Prices-. 60. 75 and $L Sale of seats opens Friday at the box office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TUESDAY, SEPT. 18L HOYT'S BEST A Trip to Chinatown. First time In Scranton with the orig inal Mew York east, including Harry Con ner. . HEW COSTUMES. Prlces-25, 50, 75 and S). Sale of seats opens Saturday at the box office. , ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 19. LEWIS MORRISON -AS- "MEPHISTO" IN HIS FAMOUS. , DRAMATIC SCENIC AND ELECTRIC PRODUCTION OF FAUST A performance celebrated throughout the en tire English-speaking world. Supported by MISS FLORENCE ROBERTS as "MarKuerite," MR. EDWARD ELSNER and a strong east ... Sale of seats opens Monday at the box office THE 'FROTHINGHAM MONDAY, 8 KPT. 17. for Three Nights. Heno A Williams' Company of Players, iup porting LAURA ALBERTA Monday ( Alexander Dumas Groat Play, Wedandayj THE CLEMEN CE All CASE. Tuesday j Sydney Grundy's Famous Co'dy, Might AN ARABIAN NliiHT. Company Wilbur M. Roe, E. S.Morey.Geo. Reno, Cora Wtlliams.Fera Alword, Mrs. Alice Harrison. Hale of scats commences Friday morning at V o'clock at the Frothingham box IHce. Davis' Theater. WONDERLAND. Week Commencing Monday, SKPX. 17. Every afternoon and evening. THE FAMOUS WATSON SISTERS' Extravaganza and Novelty Co. Beaded by the Peerless Lyrio Artist, IDA SIDD0N3 Bright, Breezy, Buoyant. Better Than the Best Yet. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two Performances Daily at 1 80 and 8.15 p.m. AYLESWORTH'S .Meat Market The Finest in the CitjL Tbe latest improved fur nishings, and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and egga, SS Wyoming Ave ob Work .'. ... . . ' v ; TteSertntmTrfeuM :- OATOXT ) JobOtfl lly&WaJlace AT 50c. FAST BL&Cil WALLACE 209 ESTABLISHED 186S, 20,000 IN TJSK Instrument la every seose-of tbe term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional in holding their original fulness of tone. NEW TORE WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C RickerScCo. 1 15 Attains Ave. New Telephone Bdg. We Lion Allen & Go. STOCK BROKERS. Bay and sell Stocka.Bonde and Grain On New York Exchanges' and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash. or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. (r Local Stock a Specialty. & duB. D1MMICK, Manager, TELEPHONE 6,002. Maioney Oil and Manufactur' g Co, OILS,v VINEGAR AND CIDER Hi TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We-sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try ns. iuIl"lCo. 205 AID 2OT VM1HG 1YB. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ ECR ANTON AMD WILKES-BARRE. PA. MANTJFACTOBEB8 Oi Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. MMmiimMKfflMMmtimBnimM STELLE & SEELEY! 134 WYOMING AVENUE. THE BEST OF PROPHETS for the foture if the past. Daring the ore than forty U" eilateaoe orer 65,000 people tiara psrokswad and played aodprnaea B The Emerson Piano. There are toma pUaea that 'will eat yon mora than tbe Emeraw 1 will If T ulr PTlo WRh prloea jaat for Aeaake of pjr h tbem. probably jm will bay oooof thaae. Boi noraattcr what yon B ray yeuH notgevn better piano, nor a baodaamer, nor om tnaro g , durable. It ta-inrpoaaftfa to Imorora on tbe beet B , . 'HEASONABLB PMCI-CAan "TNSTA1.I.MKNX8 BS1TT, . '. ' HnimnirginHBmn-ttmiiBi!HBgi E SHIRTS HOSE a ox Pairs ever offered. WASHINGTON AVE, Opp. Court Hous8. Dr. E). Grewer The Philadelphia Bperialist.anil his associated staff of FdkIIsB and Ueruian pdysicia.s, are now permanently located at Old Post Offloe liulxllns;. Corner Penn avenue and Spruce street The doctor is a graduate of the university of Pennsylvania, f rmerly demonstrator of phyHi olovy and surgery at the Medico-l hirurgical oollege of Philadelphia. His ppclltin are Chronic. Nervous, bkin, Heart, Womb aud blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE KERYOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which dizziness, lack of ooutidence, sexual weakness iu n en and wo man, ball rlsiug in the throat, simts floating; before the eys. l ssof memory, unable tocon. centrate the mind on one subject, easily start vd when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per foriuiuif the actual duties of life, making hap piness impossible, distressing the actl n of the heart, causing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling ns tired in the morning as when retir ing, lark of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thought, depression.constip tion. weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. , LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor and be examined. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Debility, Hi-rofula. Old Soros, Catarrh. Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Asthma, Deafness. Tumors, Can cersand Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours daily from V a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday 9 to 2. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will psy one thousand dollars in gold' to anyone whom I cannot cure of EPILEPTIC WifVUL8I0NSrF,TgR.E. GREWER. Old Post Office Building, corner Penn ave nue and Spruce street. General Office, SCRAOTOU. PA. S B B