The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 14, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Taken at whole, freight traffio oo
the rtilroadt it now better than ic wee
tbta time laat year. A large bnaineaa
in weat bonDd abipmanta ia reported,
and it it tteadily growing. It may be
bat a temporary apart, bat the roadi
are drawing from it all the eneonrage
went they can. Eaatbonnd shipments
from Chicago last week anffered a de
crease aa compared with tboae of the
previona week. They amounted to 44,
188 tont at compared with 48.059 tone
for the preTiout week and 52,239 tone
for the corresponding week last year.
Through ebipments of grain, floor and
provlaions inereaaed from 24,823 tone
for the previeut week to 28,083 tons
last week,
. .
Bnperintednent McKelry, of the
Wilket-Barre and Eastern railroad re
port that traffic in Ihe freight, coal
and paasenger department is picking
up right along, and the future of the
road i exceedingly bright The in
creased traffic has made an inereaae in
the force of maobiniats, car repairers
and blackimitbs in the cdmpany'a new
abopa at Gravel Place, near .Stromls
burg, many of the new bands being
taken from, the shops of the Central
company at Ashley. Already there it
a good good -sized colony of Ashley
people aettled there, and from indica
tions this Dumber will be etill farther
augmented. A new passenger sched
ule will go into effect Monday, by
which the leaving time of. the early
morning train will be changed to prob
ably a halt-hoar later. .
TheTonawanda Valley railroad will
hereafter be known as the Buffalo, At
tica and Arcade railroad. No other
Toad In the state baa had so many titled
as thia road. It wna bnilt in 1833 and
called the Attica and Arcade railroad:
then ita name waa changed to the At
tica and Allegheny railroad, and later
on, in 1873, it became tbe Tonawanda
Valley railroad. Afterwards it was
known as the Attica and Freedom rail
road, nnd now ita present name. At
first it was bnilt aa a standard gaujfe
road, and ia 1870 it was made narrow
Kane. At present it is being altered
to the standard gauge. New rails and
ties are being uted and sew bridges
will be erected.
It is a peculiar fact) says the Wilkes
Btrre Record, that of the five well
known men who for twenty years con
stituted tbe nble staff that conducted
the Lehigh Valley Coal company, four
have died from causes tracenble either
directly or indirectly to their duties as
mine anperintuudente, Frederick Mer
cer's death was due to a cold contracted
while in the discharge of bis duties;
William Samuels was killed by an ex
plosion of gas; Colonel Mason war
killed by a falling cage, and Superin
tendent Bryden met death in almost
exactly tbe same manner. Tbe other,
ex-Snperintendent Lvon.i, of Wilkes
Barre, bat retired from active work
and it tbe only survivor of tbe quin
tette. In ordor to facilitate tht hoisting of
coal, .the Lehigh and Wilkes Birre
company have made extensive prepara
tions in and about No. 4 colliery in the
Hazleton region. Some time ago they
placed a powerful rope on the new
slope near Pleasant Bill with a view to
"hoisting two cars at a time and after
several trials the new system now
works satisfactory. From now on two
cars, instead of one, will be drawn to
tbe tnrface there, and besides giving
the miners plenty of cars, the output
will be largely increased.
. . i
Minor Industrial Notes:
The latest Beading reorganization will
be officially made public in a few days.
. A A Braden has taken charge as master
mechanic of the Lake Shore road at ita
Cleveland shops.
It is reported that Q. B. Sprlggs, general
freight agent of tbe Nickle-plate, is to ba
appointed traffic manager -of the Lake
Shore road. .
Tbe title of F. E. Dewey, anperintendent
of transportation of the New York and
New England, has been changed to general
Operations have been began at the new
(tripping at Eckley. The contractors,
Cuyle & Co., have put everything in read
iness to facilitate the work.
Tbe Wabaih railroad lost $019,345 last
year. Strike at the numerous coal mines
on tbe Wabash system during May and
June caused tbe greater part of thia lost.
The directors of tbe New York, New
Haven and Hartford railroad have de
clared a quarterly dividend of 2 per cent.,
which is at the same rate as tbe June
Six new tracks between Crow Hollow
and St. Clair, on tbe Philadelphia and
Beading system, have been completed and
will greatly facilitate the work of handling
tbe coal traffic
' The Lehigh Valley ranks among the
most completely equipped roads In tbe
country, and its officials report every car
they bave in use, tbe volume of merchan
dMb trafOo being unusually heavy.
Pit story that the Vanderbilts were
about to get control of the Baltimore and
Ohio lines, the Beading end Philadelphia
and the Jersey Centralis denied by per
sons who would know if such a thing was
to occur. . ; -
Dick & Mantz, the extensive stripping
contractors, bave removed another steam
ahovel from their Treekow stripping to
their stripping at Opper Lehigh. Tbe
Upper -Lehigh stripping is one of the
largest in tbe region. . .
Tbe New York Central bat completed
its second stretch of track laid with
eighty -pound-to-the-yard steal. The com
pany intends to pat down a section every
year. The cost of the new steel rail laid
the present yeer is $1,250,000.
James W. McAllister, for fifteen yeara
employed as painter at the Lehigh Valley's
Hazleton shops, ha resigned bis position
and today takes charge of the painting
department of the Delaware, Susqnehanna
and Schuylkill railroad, with headquarters
at Drifton. .
The directors of the Lehigh Valley rail
road took no aotion on the October divi
dend, 'which means that none will be de
clared. This is the fifth quarterly dividend
that tbe company has passed aince ita con
nections with tbe Beading were severed In
August, 189a
The Beading's coal tohage for the week
ended Sept. 8 amounted to 187,917 tons, an
increase over tbe same week laat year of
886 tons. For tbe year to date tbe tonnage
was 6,943,578 tons, a decrease, as compared
with tbe corresponding period of last year,
of 858,060 tons. . ,
Two more oonl trains have been put on
tbe Wilkes-Barre and Eastern railroad on
account of tbe large amount of coal wbieb
in in cars whloh are received for the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western from tbe
Bcrnnton oolleries of the New York, Sus
quehanna and Western.
It has been decided to nse petroleum as
locomotive fuel on the lialtio railroad,
which is significant, because its lines are
almost the most distant of any in Russia
from the oil welK Great reservoirs are
to be built in St. Petersburg and Beval and
tbree other station, which will hold in the
, aggregate about 6,000,000 gallons, x
The movement of freight cars on the
.'ennsylvania road through Columbia for
August reached 129,091. next to tbe largest
of anv month Ju the history of tbe road.
There passed eastward 8,120 trains, with
loaded cars, ana i,mi empty cars,
making the east-bound movement 08, 527
can; weatward there were 944 trains, with
11,814 loaded and 61,314 empty ears, making
the west-bound movement 62,504 cars.
E. B. Leisenring, - of Upper Lehigh, is
critically 111 at Homburg, Germany. His
family are preparing to go to bim. Mr.
Leisenring is many times a millionaire and
is one of the most extensive coal operator
in tbe anthracite region. He is president
of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation com
pany, and ia qice president of the Central
Knilroad of New Jersey. It waa by the
advice of his physicians that he visited the
springs at Homburg, but aince bia arrival
there he has been failing in health.
Criticising a Young Lady.
"She would be a pretty girl for but one
"What'a thatr naked Charley;
George Her faoe ie always covered with
purple aud red blotches.
Charley On. that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be the same way my
self, but I cangbt on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it in no time,
George What waa itf .
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's
tbe boss blood corrector. The governor
bad rheumatism so bad that you could
hear him holler clear across the country
every time he moved. He tried it, and
you know wbat an athletic old treat he is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank them after
wards. All tbe drug stores sell it.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price U6 cent per
box. For aale by Matthews Bros.
Stocks and Bonds.
New York, Sept. 18. The Stock market
presented few features of interest today.
Tbe volume of business waa quite moder
ate and tbe fluctuations generally speak
ing, were confined within very narrow
limits. Tbe ludnstrials with the excep
tion of sugar, were weaker than the rest.
Wbiskev and General Klectrio especially
so. The former dropped 2 to 12 and
the latter 1i to SStf. Wbiskey was un
favorably affected by tbe action taken yes
terday by tbe holders of rebate vouchers,
some of which are suid to have fallen Into
the hands of parties inimical to the inter
ests of the whiskey trust.
Tho range of tolav's prices or the ac
tive stocks of the Now York Bookmark ot sre
Riven below. The quotations are furnisbud
The Thibl'NB by O. du B. Ditnuiick, manairer
ot V.'illia a Linn A Ion & Co., stock brokers,
412 Spruce street, Scranton.
Opan- HL'h- Low Clos
in. er. est. Jnir,
Am. Cot. Oil 313 34 Sii
Am Kunar. m 105 1U."W,
A. T. & S. V. 7i'4 Vl 7i
ran. so r;ij mi mit
Chenpenke& Ohio... !WJs 'JOM i
Chle. Uas. ...74 74 T.'ttg 7
chic ft n. w m l(i.-a 10IU 1014
C, B. & Q Tli'4 WH 7rM 7i4fc
C, C.C. efeSt. L 40 4Wj 3yj2 40
C. M. St. Paul..., 67 (17 6(1 tW
Chlcago.R. I. & Pac. CM MM 4i til
D. & 11 ,..nH iyiu; i:iv vmu,
D..L. ikW 173 174 IT1 173
K.ftC. F mi lr.u vm inu
. E. Co 3-.IJ4 au iiti Sili
Ills. Cent
Lake hbore ,
L. & H UH Wi'i
Manhattan lllf ll4 lllltj ltf-j
Mich. Cent 118 tw US !
Mm. Pac aow 2
Nat. Conlaue irH l.j 141 U
Nat. Lead.". 4:t 4'i 44 4a
New Jersey Cent... 114 114 114 114
N. Y. Central 1IUW 10114 10IU 101
N. Y..L. E.&W 7. .... ....
N. Y... ftV V J7.lj 17 17h
N. Y., a & W, pr.. 47 4S 47 47
North Pao M f4 fK
North Pac. pr 21H 21fi 214 2I
O. A W 17 17w 17M 17,
Phil. & Reading..... 22 2L' - f 22
Rich W. P vyt 11 lutf
Texas Pac.".'.'.;.'.'.'.'.'.' tiii i6tf iuifj iu&
I'nion Pacific
Wabash V.4 7 7l
Wabash pr HllS (i 154 10'
Western Union. Vlfi 91 Ulji
Open. Hiffh- Low- Clos-
. ing. est. est. tag.
May ...624 OUs 02
Heot 54l Slk 6416
Deo. 07)4 6I4 SOJfj 67Ji,
May Wi 3(1 MM
Hept aM 30S1 IHVK 8Ui
Dec 32Jfj Wa 32
May 5'4$ 6594 85 65W
ept 6716 671 mi M
Dec 64 54 tAH 61
Jan .' 817 847 R15 IOT
Sept m Sl'5 W m
Dec UOU WlO BU2 ti95
Jun 14S0 1150 H:i3 1435
Bupt 142a 1426 1423 1426
Oct ....
Ntw York Froduei Market
New York, Sept. 13. Flour More ac
tive, easier.
Wheat Mod orately active, easier with
options; No. 8 rea store and elevator,
56ic; afloat, 58J4c; f. o. b., 69a594c.;
nngradod red. 53u5Uc; No. 1 northern,
60a6ti,Vc.; options declined Kc. on easier
cables, foreign Belling and bearish crop re
port, closed steady at ac. below yea
terday; trading dull, December most ac
tive: September, 580.: October, 68Jc.i
December, 6lc.; May, C6c.
cork Dull, firm; No. 2, 65Vc;
elevator, 65Ka60Xo.; afloat; options de
clined lc. with the west and on bearish
crop news, and closed steady at nHc
below yesterday; September )c. up, trad
ing dull; May and December moat active;
September, 04 e.i October. 63iia ; Novm
ber, 6!2c.; December, COc. j Alay, 59o.
Oats Fairly active: flrmerj options
An firm. Qnnlamka. QKLm . rV-.U.
35c; November, 36Kc; December. 87$c.;
Kin. O wu,, nil. . ' '
aiv. twuiiiU utjtuucr, utpju. ; upnc prices,
No 3, 85c; No. 8 white, 87a8c: No. 2
Chicago, 894c.; No. 8 84c: No. 8 white,
37c.: mixed western, 85s aCc; white do.,
37a41a; white state. 87a41c.
i5KF.r-Dnll, steady: famlly,tl0.00a$13.00;
extra mess, t8.00aJ8.B0.
Beef hams Quiet, t22.
Tierced BiEF-Fairly active, firm; city
extra India mess, 117.50. ,
Cut Meats Firmer, fair demand,
pickled bellies, 13 lbs, 9n9Xc; pickled
shoulders, 7a7o; pickled hams,llall?4o;
middles nominal.
Laro Firm, better demand; western
steam, $9.37H; city, 8Jfac: Septem
ber 0 35 nominal; January, $3.70 asked;
reflned.firm; continent, $9.80; Eouth Amer
Ics. $10; compound. 0!c
Pork More active, firm; mess $l5.50al6;
extra prime, $13.50.al4.
Butter Market quiet; fancy, steady;
state dairy, Ha32c: Ho. creamery, 18a24c;
Pennsylvania, 18a24e.j western dairy, 13
al7c; do. creamery, 15a23ljr.; do. factory
12Kal6c.; elgins, 84s24c; imitation
creamery, 18al8c
Chekhe Large, more active and firmer;
state large, SalOc; do. fancy, lOVfa
lOVn.! iln. hitiaiI KUninsA. .....
inbiic.'. full akims, 8a3Jic.
r,uos-yuiet, choice, ateady; state and
Pennsylvania, 18Kal9c,j icehouse, HWaloo.;
western fresh, ltialBc
Mothersl Motbsrsll Mothsrilll
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been
used for over fifty years by millions Of
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens tbe gums, allays all pain; cures
wind colic and is tbe best remedy for di
arrhoea. Sold bydiuggista in every part
of tbe world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no
no otber kind. Twenty-fire cents a bot
tle. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she aa a Child, she cried for Costorla.
When she became Hlsa, ahe clung to Oastoria.
When she had Chlldrao, ahe gavethera Castad. ,
Bow Natives of Borneo Produce Fire by
the Compression of Air IfrnltlugTinder
by Sawing and "riowlnn" How the
Chemical Hatch Came to Be Invented.
The most curious of nil known methods
of making fire ia practiced by the native
tribes of Borneo and Burraah. Funnily
enough, the instrument which they em
ploy is utilized for the same purpose to
day by the scientific physicist iu the la
boratory. The primitive form of appa
ratus used by the barbarous people above
referred to is simply a cylinder of buffalo
horn, with s sort of piston that fits into it.
In the receptacle that holds this "fire
syringe," as it is called, is also carried a
small box filled with tinder. When fire is
wanted a piece of tinder is placed in the
hollowed end of the piston, which is there
upon inserted into the mouth of the cylin
der of buffalo horn. Holding the cylinder
in the left hand the operator strikes the
knob of tbe piston a smart blow with the
open right band, the force being sufficient
to drive it home.
Owing to the natural law by which com
pressed air gives up heat under reduction
of volume, tho tinder in the end of the pis
ton catches fire and is seen to be alight,
when the piston ie instantly and quickly
withdrawn after the blow has been struck.
Gentle breathing upon the spark fans its
commencing glow; fresh tinder is applied,
which catches fire immediately; more
blowing increases the flame, and scraped
wood and then small sticks are added to
make the beginning of a blaze. Easy as
this process for obtaining fire looks, it re
quires no little skill and practice.
A very interesting mouograph on the
flremaking methods of the world, among
which thia one is referred to, is published
by the Smithsonian institution. The well
known process of obtaining the spark of
ignition by drilling with a revolving stick
into another piece of wood is first described.
It varies in manner so much that some
savages can get fire in this way in a frac
tion of a minute, while the Ainos of Japan
require two hours or more for the purpose.
Next is mentioned the plan of making fire
by sawing, which is in common use among
the Malays and throughout the East In
dies. A native will cut a V shaped slit in
a branch of the oil tree, put a knife edge
on a piece of iron wood, saw quickly back
and forth with the latter in the V, and in
less than three minutes he will have set
fire with the incandescent sawdust pro
duced by the friction to tinder held under
neath. Then he will put the ignited
tinder in bunch of dry leaves, wrap them
iu dried grass, whirl the bundle around
his head and have a ilaine In a "jiffy."
However, the usual method of flremak
ing by sawing practiced by these people is
fo tuke two pieces of bamboo one a hol
lowed convex strip, and the other prepared
with an edge like a knife. The former is
pluced with the convex side up, and the
knife edge ia sawed rapidly buck and forth
across it. Presently the hollowed convex
piece is pierced through the top by the
saw, and the incandescent duBt falls upon
tinder beneath, igniting the latter. Some
times the process is reversed, and the con
vex piece holding the tinder is sawed upon
the bamboo knife, which is fixed with the
edge up. Bamboo is an excellent friction
material; the siliceous coating is favorable
for the development of great heat, while
the soft, marrowy substance inside is very
Quite as odd is the only method of flre
making known to the Polynesians, to
whom it exclusively belongs namely, that
of the "plowing stick." The operator rubs
a groove in a piece of softT wood with the
end of a stick of hard wood, the rubbing
stick wearing off particles of the soft wood
and pushing them along in a heap at the
end of a groove. By acceleration of the
motion they are brought up to the point of
Ignition. Much expertness is required to
perform the process successfully, but flame
Is said to be procured directly without the
use of tinder.
Tho modern lucifer match is superior to
all other devices for producing Are, says
the author of the monograph quoted, Mr.
Walter Hough, since It combines in one
instrument arrangements for the creation
of the spark, for catching it on tinder and
for starting a blaze steps requiring sepa
rate operations in the primitive machines.
Of tho devices which preceded the friction
match the nearest likeness to it was the
splint of inflammable wood tipped with
sulphur, which accompanied the tinder
box, the Invention of the flint and steel
strikc-a-light, necessitating some device to
convert the spark into a flame. For this
purpose the Eskimo applies a wick soaked
in oil to the spark and blows it alight.
Brimstone matches are found in Japan In
the shape of brood, thin shavings tipped
along one end with sulphur. In Mexico
cotton wicks dipped in sulphur are simi
larly employed.
"Spunks," the common name for splints
tipped with sulphur, were In general use
in this country prior to 1825, and lingered
In out of the way places long after the in
troduction of matches. In certain districts
of France today they are still in use, being
much more economical than matches from
the point of view of people of simple hab
its. Hunting parties and exploring expe
ditious bound for distant countries usually
carry, besides matches, strike-a-lights, for
use in case matches are exhausted or
meet with some of tbe many accidents to
which they are liable. Patents are still
sought from time to time for pipe lighting
contrivances, involving the use of flint and
steel struck together by some more or less
simple mechanical device. A variation ot
the "spunks" was curled shavings tipped
with sulphur. . . . .
At the beginniug a very general preju
dice was felt against friction matches be
cause they were poorly made, hung fire,
readily absorbed moisture, emitted noxious
odors and were eostly. The worst ones,
however, were more expeditious than the
tinder box, and improvements were soon
made. Nevertheless it is seriously sug
gested by Mr. Hough as worthy of Inquiry
whether the alarming deterioration of the
teeth of the present generation may not be
due to phosphorous matches more than to
soft food. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Bat One Dream.
Sir William Fraser mentions a clever
retort made by Lord Fitz Clarence when in
France in attendance on the queen. He
met the Prince de Joinvillc, who, as a
French admiral, professed to be patriot
ically bellicose toward England in par
ticular, lie said to Lord Adolphus in a
friendly manner: "You, my lord, and I are
seamen. I have had but one dream in my
life to command a smart French frigate
nnd to lay my own alongside of an English
ship of the same strength for twenty min
utes;" .
Lord AdolpbiiB replied in a spirit of per
fect courtesy, "I think, sir, that ten wculd
be enough." London Tlt-Bita.
A Million Frlenda.
' A friend In need is a friend indeed, and
not lesa than one million people have
found Just such a friend In Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, If rou have never used this Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
yon that it has wonderful curative power
in all diseases of Throat, Cbest and Lunira.
Each bottle ia guaranteed to do all that is
olaimed or money will be refunded. Trial
bottle tree at Mathews Bros', drug store
Large bottle 5oc and $L 00. .
In thousands of oases the cure ot cough
Is the preventive of contnmption. The
surest congh medicine in the world I Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all
dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction.
Gave Herself Away.
A party of Hartford youngladies, visiting
one summer at a back country town, found
great difficulty in getting their mail. The
train would arrive and the letter bag reach
tbe office, bnt then there was a long delay.
They laid it to the postmistress reading the
postal cards, which they Insisted ahe did at
each mail. By and by one ot the girls came
back to Hartford and then she wrote her
friends a postal, saying at the end, "1 hope
Miss (the postmistress) will not take
all the afternoon to read this postal card."
The friunds were promptly at tbe postoflice
and the mail came slowiy, aa usual, but
when at last the postmistress laid down
this postal she said, with a snap in her eye,
"I hope, when you write, you'll tell Miss
she's an Impudent hussy." Hartford
Wanted Golden Shoes.
Ex-Congressman William Scott, the mill
ionaire ot Erie, Pa., has a great number of
flue horses, and anything that pertains to
the equine race he appreciates, even when
It is more or less of a fncetious nature. He
occasionally tells the following:
"A gentleman wanted to borrow some
money from Mr. Isaacs. The latter said,
rather indignantly, that he did not lend
money unless he had good security. Final
ly the gentleman said he thought he could
give security.
"Whatf" asked Isaacs.
"A horse."
"Bosh; the horse is worth nothing."
"Yes it is. Why, my horse is seventeen
hands high, bos diamond eyes, ruby ears
and silver mrne."
A horse of this great value the gentle
man thought would be taken as security,
when Isaacs put an end to the dicker by
"Veil, mine frient, has dot horse got
golden shoes too?" Boston Herald.
Beautiful Apple Blossoms.
During the season of apple blofisoms I
have driven about the country a great deal
and made notes of some remarkable de
velopments of high colored flowers iu cer
tain individual trees. I found one grow
ing near the roadside with flowers of a
fairly durk, purplish red, a tint I have
never seen before. Another tree I have
found which bears blossoms closely ap
proaching scarlet in color. My purpose is
to secure cions of tbesje trees and have
them grafted, for as flowers they deserve
to rank among our riches. Certainly it is
worth while to colluct examples of such
variations so that we con see apple blos
soms carried through their widest range of
color. Cor. Gardeu and Forest.
A Girl of Strict Honor.
A Tennessee girl, educated in a fashion
able female college of Nashville, commit
ted BUlcide because her father wouldn't
pay his grocery bills. Her high sense of
honor refused to allow her to consume
food that had not been paid for to sustain
life, aud as she had no other method of
living she decided to die. If every girl
whose father didn't pay his grocery bills
should commit suicide there would be
more funerals in the country than there
has been since the yellow fever epidemic.
Chicago Herald.
Tbe Best Man.
"So, Browny, you're going to be married
at list f"
"And who is to be the best man at the
"I am." Harper's Bazar.
Direct Proof.
Mv wife has bAen tronhled
with Liver Complaint and Pal
pitation of the heart for over a
year. Ber case baffled the skill
of our best physicians. After
using three bottles of your
Burdock Blood Bitters she is al
most entirely well. We truly
recommend your medicine.
HontpeUer, William Co., O
W. L Douglas
1 CUrtlEr '8 THE BEST,
yt) w llvH NO 8QUEAKINQ.
3.5PP0LICE.3 Soles.
extra fine.
t. ?rMf1 POO fAT A i nrjic
Yon can lave money by purchasing W. I
Douglas Whites,
Because, we are the largest manufacturers of
advertised shoe in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name ana price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting and
wearing; qualities. We have them sold every
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Eaaossso r thi HiextsT Mibiou, Atmteamn
wave you f nrn rr.U
wstmma va Lfn nn
lNRALKn will cure you. A
wonderful boon to snfferen
fromColda, More Throat,
Inflaeaia, llrenehltla,
oriu YrrVEu. Airriu
immdarrl(. Aueniclent
rrmivi T. Vt nvanlant. ti earr
In pnet, ready to on Brut Indication of cold.
Continued I'te Effect remanent Onee.
Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price,
eta. Trial free at Drni(gliu. ltPolstered mall,
Weenis. B. J. CDSHHA11, Mfir., fins linn, Mick, 0. 8. i.
MFNTHfll The surest and safest remedy for
mtn i nUk a!lrtlndUeaes,Koema.lteh.Slt
Bhenmnld BnresHurns, Cute. Wonderful retr.
eilTforPII.E. Price, 5 eta. at Drug- n a I
Slits or by mull prepaid. AddrenN as above. DrlLr
For sale by Matthew Bros, and John
H. I'helpa
Complexion Present
Remove PrteUes, Pimple,
Liver Moles. Blaokhoada)
Sunburn and Ten, and rt
tores tbe skin to ita origi
nal freshness, vrodualns a
clear and healthy com-ii
k..M Bnm.-At9tim inn-
preparations and perfectly handles. At 'all
tlruggUts,ormailedior50cts. Bend for Circular,
VIOLA SKIN SOAP itnply tnanpvskb ss
Ikln purifying &otp, anaqotlM Sir th tollat, mod vnbmt a
rinl ft mm nuracry. Abwlutrty twit and diUoaUl smAV
wud. AtarairiMi, Priii 25 Cent.
G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O.
For sate by Matthew liros. and John
II. IMielpa . ,
j .... Wnelo ftn
edy v ondtr rotrinty, bukwl by pMjm nt. Jl. it. prooU ml 100-pwa book illtWrmM fraa
UftjfronipfbplvonMdiwbyoull ahmHotRprUit
mt llnwytjul. Our Wnnrlo Remedy will
poiutnlrmn. COOI lutail iKl Ckuars, III.
Third national
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
This bank offer to depositor ever
facility warrauted by their balances, busi
ness and re!Mnilbility.
Special attention Riven to business ae.
counts. Interast paid on time deposits.
OKO. H. CATUN, Vleo-Prmident.
William Council, Qeeree H. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. James Arehbald, Henry
llelln, Jr, William X oith- Lather
National Bank of Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000,
W. W. WATSON, Vice President,
A. B. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Sanvcl Hmn, james M' EvinnABT,
Ibvino A. Finch,
Joseph J. Jkkmtk
PlKllCR a FlNIJtV,
Cua, f. Matthcws,
John T. foKiau.
This bank invites the patronage ot business
men and Arms generally.
Seeds and
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Coal of the best quality for domestic rise, and
f all size, delivered la any part of til citj
at lowest prioe.
Order left at my offloa,
Bear room, first floor, Third National Bank,
or ant by mail or telephone to the mine, will
reoelve prompt attention.
Special contracts will be made for the cah
fid deliver; of Buckwheat Goal.
ROOF tinning and soldering: all dons away
with by the use of HAHTMAN'8 PAT
ENT PAINT, which consist of ingredients
well-known to all. It can be applied to tin,
galvanized tin, sheet iron roofs, also to brlok
dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any
crumbling, cracking or breaking of the
krick. It will outlast tinulng of any kind by
many years,and it' cost does not exceed one
fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by
the job or pound. Contracts taken by
frvta JiO.
Made a
rUwell M
1st Day. i
15th Day,
of Me.
produces the above results ln'30 day. It art,
powerfully and quickly. Cirre when all others fail
Voudr men will rciiain tboir lost manhood, and old
men will recover their youthful vtnor by usinii
REVIVO. It quickly and surely rmtoros Nervous
ness, Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Emissions,
Lost Power, Failing Memory, Wasting Diseases, and
all effects of self-ibuse or eicexaand indiscretion,
which unfits one for st udy, business or marriage. II
not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but
is a great nerve tonlo and blood builder, bring
ing back the pink fow to pale check and re
storing tbe lire of youth. It wsrds off Jnuanity
and Consumption. Insist on having RK VIVO, no
tllier. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mell
1.00 per package, or six for BS.OO, with a posi
'!ve written guarantee to cure or refund
lie money. Circular freo. Address
For sale by Matthews Itros,, Druggists,
Scranton, Fa.
'a Fowl
Ladies Who Value
A refined complexion mast on Pozxonl'
dor. It produce a soft and beautiful
Scranton Tribune
J well equipped with the latest styles of type.
' Superior 'Workmanship
Low Prices i
ought to be Inducements to Ui trad.
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many
patrons that they will this year hold to their usual
custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the
new crop is fully cured. New . wheat is now upon the
market, and owing to the excessively dry weather
many millers are of the opinion that it is already
cured,, an din proper condition for milling. Wash
burn-Crosby Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow
the new wheat fully three months to mature before
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Washburn-Cro3by Co.'s flour far above all
other brands.
Wholesale Agents.
Dealer in Choice Confections and Frnits,
1437 Capouse Avenue.
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal wei2ht,ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
All Grades, Sizes and
Of every description on band. Prompt shipments guar
Chains Rivets, Bolt3, Nuts, Washers, Turn
buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of
Carriage Hardware.
Scranton, Pa.
We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at
prices tbat warrant us in expecting a large
share of the trade.
Pacific Coast Red Codar Shingles. '
"Victor" and othor Michigan Pranda of
White Pine aud White Cedar Shingles,
Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum
ber aud Bill Timber.
North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yel-
low Pine.
Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Eails, Mine Ties, Mine Props
and Mine Snpplios in general.
. Commonwealth Building;, Scranton Pa,
TIEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
U. E. CRQFUT Proprtotor.
1HIS HOUSE is strictly tomporsnoo, is nsw
and well Curnisihoil and OPENED T(J
located midway butwuon Montrose an 1 Borsn
ton, on Moutroas and Lackawannt Railroad,
six miles from D., h, St V. R. R. at Alton!
Btatlon, and tlvs milxs from M.nitrou; ca-rai-ity,
eighty-Ave; tbree minutes' walk f rom
li. It. station.
Altitude about S.lfl0 feet, eqnnlllnar In this
respect tbe Adirondack and Catskiil Moun
tains. Hue groves, plenty of sbale and beautiful
scenery, making; a Biimniir Resort unex
celled in beauty and eliespness.
Llanoinir pavilion, swings, croquet er onnds,
&c Cold Hpring Water and plenty ot Milk.
Hutu, 7 to 10 per week. Sl.SO per
Excursion tickets sold at all stations onD.
L. A W. lines,
f orttr meets all trains.
iir Patrons
& Conned
Kinds kept in Stock.
Juniata Connty, Pennsylvania, White Oak.
Sullivan Connty Hemlock Lumber an!
Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Board.
Llk County Dry Hemlock Joist and 8tnd
. ding.
Uannfaetured at the Wapwattopea lliSa, L!f
aeroe county Pa and at WIV"
mington, Delaware.
General Agent for the Wyoming District,
118 Wyoming Ave)., Scranton f
third Katkmal Bank Building.
THOB. FORD. Ptttetnn, Pa.
JOHN B BM1TH A BON: Plymouth. Pit
K. W. MULLIGAN, Wllktc-Barra, Pa.
Agents for the Repaona Chamleal Oona
taw a High Ixpknivea. 1