c TIIE SCRAXTON TKmiTlTE-rTJlDAT SEPTEMBER 14. 1894.' FOR WRECKED BOATS. VN IMPROVED LIFE RAFT FOR VES . SELS IN DISTRESS AT SEA. kt Present There Doea Not Seem to Be Any Lifeboat That Answers All MieBe qulrementsof Ship About to Founder, boine Objection, to Host Boats. Tn loss of life at sea the use of lif eboattC lue rafts has not yet proved very success ful, aud it is doubtful if any great ocean steamer carries lifeboats with sufficient capacity to float the crew and the passen gers. If the vesst'. should go down at sea the Inadequacy of these lifeboats would be mnuifested in several ways. In u moderate heavy sea it would be a -difficult undertaking to lower them suc cessfully from the davits, and almost an impossibility to land the passengers in thein if once floated. The roll of the ship and the swells of the sea would very likely capsize them. Should they, however, es cape destruction so far the sudden sinking of the huge steamer would undoubtedly draw tbein down into the terrible vortex and swamp them. If a steamer is stranded iipon a deserted roast, and attempts are made to hind the crew upon the beach, an ordinary rough Rurf would make the lifeboat of steamers an insecure craft for the purpose. Many instances are recorded where . the boats were quickly swamped and finally washed upon the beach with the crew half dead aud drowned. Tor men-of-war the lifuboats are still less adequate to meet sudden emergencies of this character. Ammunition must be landed without gutting wet, and the sailors must bo transported to the shore in num bers on short notice. Previous to the bora barduient of Kort Fisher some forty boat loads of the fleet were dumped into the surf while tho troops were landing on the beach hear Cape Fear river. 'A life raft has been invented at the Kit lery navy yard, in Maine, which is de nned to surmount all these difficulties, md which may be used for war vessels lud for big ocean steamers. The raft re lembltiS in general shape that of acuta inuran, and it will be impossible to sink or awamp it ejecopt in the heaviest kind of Sea. The raft consists of two long floats made of tobin bronze and about the size and ihapeof canoes. These two floats arese :urely fastened totfetlrcr by metallic bands ind flanges so that the heaviest strain in a rough sea cannot part them. ' The level platform is constructed over the top with louts aud rowlocks attached. A mast and sail can also be quickly used If the float is cast away upou the sea. Inside the hollow floats lockers are built for storing water aud provisions, and in the roughest surf they could not get wet. On warshipsnrms and ammunition could be stored intheso water tight compartments. A sudden collision which mif.hr. into tire water tight floats would be tho omy way to swamp these improved life rafts. Each raft could Sustain fifty per sons in a rouch sea. and in r.hn ev,.nr nt l.n. itigcast away upon the ocean during a storm me mast nun sail could be used as a drag, and by means of oil. alwnvs lcnnr. in one of the compartments, tho "combing" 01 ineseascouia oe prevented from doing any great harm. i When the sturra was not merino- thnmnat. and sail could loputupand the lifeboat wouin mane nur time in almost any direc tion. CaiTVilllf itS loflH Ilf Twntllo llrftitlir over tho rolling waves. In landing upon a Deacn me rrmgn sun could easily be ridden by a raft of this nntirrp. and lm rukhJ people could be safely landed upon tho snore. The Improved life raft is not perfect in every sense of the word vpt. tnr Ira niM,t and cost make it impractical for many of me ocean steamers to carry it. Their size and shunt', however, am mich Mmt.th be stowed awsy without occupying much more room twin tno old rasriioned lifeboat, which all the vessels are compelled by law to carry. So light and buoyant are these metal rafts it is estimated that Tint PVAn t.lia hcaVV SUOtion Of tlin SUH Wlintl U lnrrrn - " steamer went down could draw them into the vortex with sufficient power to swamp them. No other lifeboat of tion has ever been supposed to be able to wrtnstana sucn a strain upon her floating powers. They are thus raw ticniiv Wironu. ble of swamping, and this is one of the greatest aangers experienced when steam ers become total wrecks at sea. Nearly every month some terrible calamity at sea illustrates the need of some such floating raft to Drevent shinnrpckni o.rnven otirl passengers from going to the bottom of the ocean. The question of launching the rafts and then of landing the passengers on them has been considerably Hiutiiusvi With both the raft and the disabled steamer rolling heavily ru the sea this would be no mean work to nndnrtnke. hut ft. hnn kn proposed to launch tfap float and then to l .1 . .aw . eeuu uk) passengers u-.vn wnat Is com roonlv known as the "London fi 11)6 Dassemrjers would bv tJiia mixna hp shot down mi inclined and inclosed plane to the very deck of the raft. This work would be Derformed over tli Ktrn nt flip vessel, where the rolling would be less se vere man elsewhere. The use of oil for caJmtnrr rh mm Ann inr the transfpronrp nt the steamer to the floating raft has aiso Deen wisely recommended as a good method of rjerformirur the wnrk milt un.l successfully. So generally valuable Is the use or. ou tor tius purpose that every steamer and vessel of any Imnnrfcunm pan. . ries sufficient quantities to calm the seas ior a longtime, it could probably be put to no better use than that suggested ef Ciuietinc the waters lone ennnrh tn pnolil the passengers to get-on board of the float ing nuts. ueiroit u ree x reaa. To Take Out Ink Oulrklv. Clerks and others who write in their shirt sleeves are-often annoyed by getting their immaculate linen ink stained. If the stain is alio weu to remain until the gar ment reaches the laundry, the process of washing will prodooe an indelible brown mark, but for a few ftenrji aiit wrlt-ai pan guard against annoyance and loss of this kind, for a little eh liu-inutpA nHo. will Nk- move every suspicion of ink stain almost lu.-Huiiuiueousiy. it, is only necessary to rub the soda in and thn rinap nr it. out with a few drops of water, and all trace vi iuo nut is gone. DUt ute remedy most be Annliivi i m m(vl i at. J v mftn f Via aMl. dent to be be effective, St. Louis Globe- Democrat. ' Hard Place to Fill. New Norse Please, mum, I can't do a thing with the baby. lie cries all the tune. " Mistress Well, I declarel How stupid oi mel Hra other nurses were colored girls. i ou'll lind some stove polish Id the kitchen. mew Xork Weekly. The Maitaehe Upheld. A groom's right to wear a mustache has been tried in England, with the court's de cision in his favor. When Mrs. Grlmshaw's groom wasngneed he was smooth shaven. bdt after a cold he grew a mustache by big doctor's advice, whereupon Mrs. Grimshaw ordered lnm to shave or go without notice. ine judge held that the demand was un reasonable. If he bad been a bouse servant, Wearing powder and white silk stockinm. he might have been required to shave, but ft groom was an outdoor servant, and a mustache was a natural protection against tho weather. The plaintiff got twenty-Jive dollars damages. Boston Transcript. A Luxury fa India, Pawn (properly pan) isaluxury much es teemed by the natives of India. It con sists of the fresh leaf of the betel vine (Piper betel), in which is placed a little red fcho, betel nut and quicklime. Ef v alpo often added and sometimes vbacco. Cloves and a piece v ttel vine are sometimes colds and coughs, utas a stimulant. nm eater he .win. When -auaitiods have been made tne leaf is folded in a particular way and eaten with its contents. The betel leaf is obtained from a creeper extensively culti vated by the Hindoos, who regard it as very sacred, and it is with the greatest difficulty that any one who is a follower of another religion can obtain admittance into a plantation of betel vines. The betel nut is obtained from tne arcca paim, anu is so called simply because it Is eaten with the betel leaf. The visible effect of eating pawn Is that the teeth, tongue and lips all become red, and the two latter much swollen, so much so that, after a long coarse of pawn chew ing, the utterance becomes thick and indis tinct and the teeth black. The expectora tion is also inuuh increased and is colored a deep red from the some cause. To our EogUah taste pawn is very or.- fensive, but the natives of India relish it and regard it as a necessity. It is much eaten by Mohammedans of both sexes and by the natives of BengiiL The Hindoos of northern India do not indulge in it so freely. Eurasians and the others of mixed races frequently chew it, and some are in tho habit of continually taking it; but it would be quite accurate to say that no person of pure English parentage is in tne habit of eating pawn. wiamners- jouruui, A Cat That Took to Water. The most interesting trait in our cat's character did not appear until he had been a week or so on board. Then he gave us a surprise. , It was when we were lying in Camden harbor. Everybody was going ashore to take a tramp among the mils, and Charlie, the cook, was coming, too, to row the boat back to the yacht. Middv discovered that he was somehow "getting left," Being a prompt and very decided cat, it did not take him long to make up his mind what to do. He ran to the low rail of the yaclit, put His lorepaws on it. and cave us a long, anxious looK. Then as the boat was shoved oil be raised his voice in a plaintive mew. We waved him a goodby. chaffed him pleasantly, and told him to mind the anchor and have dinner ready when we got back. That was too much for his temper. As quick as a flash he dived overboard and was swimming like a water spaniel after the dliiL'vl That was the strangest thing we nad ever seen in all our lives. We were quite used to elephant that could play at see saw and horses that could fire cannon, to learned pigs and educated dogs, bnt a cat that of his own accord would take to the water like a full blooded Newfoundland was a little beyond anything we had ever heard of. Of course tho boat was stopped and Middy was taken aboard drenched and shivering, but perfectly happy to bo onco more with the crow. He had been ignored and slichted. but he had insisted on his rights, and as soon as they were recognized he was quite contented. Baltimore Amer ican. How tho Burglar Was Reformed. When Uriah Heep was in tho model prison, enjoying all the favors which the system of reformation In vogue tnero con ferred upon its recipients, he imparted to a company of visitors the important in formation, "It would be better for every body if they got took np and was brought here." A burglar, whom the church army has enrolled in its ranks, is preaching much the same doctrine. He is only forty- two years of age, and has spent seventeen of them in jaiL Four or five years ago he invented a new implement for opening safes, which ulti mately led to the opeuing of his eyes. It was an excellent instrument for the pur pose of gaining entrance to locked offices; only the first time he brought it into opera tion it stuck in the safe, and his attempts to get it out made so much noise that a policeman heard mm. This caused him to bo "tooK up," and to that happy event he dates bis present en joyment. He is now assisting the army's work by preaching to members of his for mer "profession" how much better it would be for their own good if thoy all al lowed themselves to be "took up." Recently housebreakers havo been ar rested in nnusual numbers. The police force have hitherto received the credit of these hauls, but doubts may now arise whether it is not really due to the work of the converted burglar, who blesses the day when his own invention led to his arrest Million. Love's Ludicrous Names. There is nothing funnier to the woman than the names a man colls her when he is in love. The appositcuess of these at the time she takes for granted, but in less dis turbed moments it seems that they must have been a joke, and no one can so nppre date their humor as herself. "The sort of epithets that have been bestowed on me," confides one of the persons to whom such words are addressed, are Snowbird, 'Snowdrop,' 'Snowflower,' 'Whispering Dove,' I regret now I didn't make a full col lection as I went along. But the only name which seems to have had a grain of sen& was when a man called me a slim young pine.' Now, that is rather out of the or dinary, but I can detect in it a certain dis crimination ven at a moment when dis crimination can be scarcely expected. Since I have always respected that man." New York Evening Sun. Death In Their Work. Gilders, photographers aud those who handle the hydric and potasslo cyanides are liable to suffer from chronic poisoning by hydrocyanic acid. They have head ache, giddiness, noises in the ear, difficult respiration, pain over the heart, loss ot ap petitein short, show all the evidences of mild poisoning. Zine workers, too, suffer. Zino is used as a pigment In calico print ing, in discoloring glass, in polishing op tical glasses and in making artificial meer schaum pipes. So men die in the harness In these and a hundred other occupations, killed by the very air they breathe. And other men step into their shoes. New York World. A Valuable Addition to the Toilet. Many people now use as part of their toilet a spraying atomizer containing some harmless "antiseptic" solution. The prac tice is to be commended as a cleanly one, and in addition it has a considerable germ killing power. Under some circumstances a frequent spraying of the throat and nostrils with such an apparatus might well be the means of preventing infection from diseases like Influenza and diphtheria. Youth's Com panion, i A Youthful Merchant. The youngest and the smallest merchant that I have ever known does business In Senoia, Bis name is Frank Wells, his age Is eight years, his weight sixty pounds. Be does a frnit aud confectionery business, commands a fine patronage and makes good profits. The man who trades with him will be pleased, and he who tries to swindle him will be disappointed. Frank Is a great boy. Atlanta JanrnaL vThe use of electrio cranes is growing rapidly since it has been found that they o comparatively economical, easy to han dle and are ready for work at a moment's notice. , "THE ' MODERN JULIET'S BED." Uracil Lot. Bomantie Than the Old One, bnt Cleaner and More Comfortable. Next to chairs and tables, beds are about the most Important articles of domestic furniture. The European type of bed seems to have got itself fixed at a comparatively early date, and it did not change till very late. The theory apparently was to make the bed a sort of tcut or fortification aguinst the winds of heaven. The mediaeval upholsterer knew something about the mediiBval builder, aud realized that when you went to sleep In a room with no paper on the walhi, and huge windows which did not quite fit their frames, or little arrow Blits with no glass at all, you wanted some- thing to keep out the draft. Hence toe tremendous timber canopy of old bed steads, and the voluminous curtains and hangings In which the whole structure was enveloped. Ix)ng after there was any necessity for this tentlike arrangement It was kept up for the honor and glory of the thing, so to speak, because there wus an air of luxury aud costliness about these folds and lengths of silk or chintz which made jR-oplo reluc tant to part with them. Even now in France and other parts, of tho continent they will not willingly give up their elabo rately upholstered bedsteads for tho harsh looking structure of iron bars and brass tubes which is gradually usurping the place of honor in tho bedrooms of Anglo Saxondom. It must be admitted that if the modern British bedstead is, on the whole, cleaner and possibly healthier, it is certainly less romantic. One hardly likes to fancy Juliet's bed provided with round brass knobs at the corners for its sole adorn ment. At any rate, the old fashioned type of bedstead lent itself very well to ornate artistic treatment, and nothing can bo more magnificent than tho bedsteads de signed for Marie Antoinette and other French ladies in the great age of furniture during the latter half of the last century. But that was a period when the simplest objects of household use were treated by master hands; and it makes an amateur's mouth water to look at the pictures in Mr. Litchfield's book of Boule cabinets, lllcsencr bureaus, Gouthiero writing tables and Chippendale chairs which the workshops of that happy period turned out. It is a doubly melancholy reflection for the collector of these days that in the earlier portion of the present century these delightful objects could be purchased al most for a song. The splendor of the great decorative period brought with it a reac tion. The taste for rocco aud ' .Louis Quinsce" and "Louis Seize" died out so completely that forty years ago you could buy marqueterio tables and tortoise shell and ormolu cabinets by the best makers for sovereigns, for which you would now have to give hundreds of pounds. Hut that was in the days before the great re vival beforo everybody had becotne artis tic uud esthetic London Standard. Lincoln's Goose Nest Home. Near the graveyard where Lincoln's fa- thernnd stepmother rest, seven miles south of Charleston, Ills., in n place then known as Goose Nest, the Liunulus made thnir final settlement on removing from Indiana. Here Abraham Uneoln assisted his father in "getting settled," as they called it. llo helped him build a log cabin, and cleared for him a patch of ground, aud when ho saw him "under bind way" in the new country bade him goodby and started north afoot, lie found employment not far from Springfield, Ills., where the active part of his early life was spent. Though he did not linger long in the Goose Nest cabin, he was there long enough to stamp his indi viduality on every heart for miles around, and many aro the stories told of his so journ among these people. It was my lot to bo born and reared a few miles from the early homo of the Lineolns. I was shown a bridge he helped to build and many other relics of his boyhood days. One very old man told mo that he once rode up to Thomas Lincoln's cabin and inquired if ho could spend the night there. lie was informed that the house afforded only two beds, and one of these belonged to a son who was then at home; but if he would get the conseut of this boy to take him in as a bedfellow he could stay. Tho stranger dismounted and soon found the six foot boy in the back yard lying on a board reading. The boy consented ami the man slept with him that night. Tho boy wus Abraham Lincoln, and the other never tires of telling how he spent the night with the future president. Century. t Mythical Horses. Pegasus ("born near the source of tho ocean") was the winged horse of Apollo and the Muses, liellcrophou rode this an imal when he charged the Chimera. Sleipulr ("the black horse of Odin") had eight legs, and could carry his master on sea as well as laud. This animal is believed to tj-pify the wind, which blows from eight principal points. Al Dorak ("tho lightning") was the horse commissioned by Gabriel to carry Moham med to the seventh heaven. He had a hu man face aud the wings of an eagle. Every step he took was equal to the farthest range of human vision. According to Thessalian legend, the first horse was miraculously brought forth by Neptune striking a rock with his trident. tit. Louis Kepublic The Last Jewlnh Slesiilah. The last of tho Jewish mossinhs wag Murdccal, a Gorman who first claimed to bo of divine origin in tho year lGh'B. When the authorities threatened to pun lah him ai an impostor, ho fled and his end Is not known. SLEEP AND DEATH. s When sleep drops down beside my Love and me, Although she wears the countenance of a friend, A Jealous foe we prove her In tho end. In separate barkB far out on dreamland's sea She lares our wedded souls. Wild winds blow free. And drift ns wide apart by tides that tend Tow'rd unknown worlds. Not once our strange ways blend Through tho long night, while sleep looks on in glee. 0 Death! bo kinder than thy sister seems. When at thy cad we Journey forth some day, Though that .mysterious and nnatlased straight. fa lands raoro distant than tho land of dreams, Close, close together let oar spirits stay, Or else with ono swift stroke annihilntel -Ella Wheeler Wilcox. SEVERE EXPOSURE Often results in colds, fevers, rheumatism, neuralgia and kindred derangements. We do now' catch cold " if we are in good condi tion. If the liver is active, and the system in consequence doing its duty, we live in full health and enjoy life " rain or shine." To break up a cold there's nothing so valuable as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They keep the whole svstem re cu la ted in a nerfectlv natural way. If we do not feel happy, if we worry and grumble, if we are morbid, if the days seem dreary and long, if the weather is bad, if things go awry, it is the liver which is at fault, it is generally "torpid." i nommrm nenae wav in to talta Dr. Pierce1 Pleasant Pellets. Weeoncrallveat toomuch take insufficient exercise, by means ot which our tissue-changes become indolent and in complete. Be comfortable you re com fortable when well. You'll be well when you ha taken " Pleasant Pellets." No Constipation follows their use. Put up sealed in glass always iresn ana re- iwiie . . About Nervous i Prostration J I H R RHflPIM. K Editor St. Paul Pioneer Press. "After a most thorough trial and receiving: the most erat- 'ying results, I am glad to estify in favor of " By it I was brought up with remarkable rapidity from a ong siege of nervous pros tration." AU Physicians Endorse It n !! i ij.-i i i 11 - J I3UVUMIIC is an local iooq an uncquaucu huiiicmi, i. .1.- j-i. u A1.. 1. IMldldUIC IU IIC mW QCIlCaiC BIUIUdl.ll. I. will sustain strength fur weeks. It makes new blood. it contains the largest amount ot nutrition id tno smallest possible bulk. For sale at all druggists. THE BOVININE CO., NEW YORK. DRITKD BnOB CO., Ine'p. Capital, $1 ,000,009, liKST Dl.SU NHOE IN THE WORLD "A dollar laved it a dollar tamed." This Ladle' Holld French DongolitKiilBiiN ton Boot delivered f re uny whore In the U.S., on receipt oriwn.sioiMiy urncr, or Postal Note for 1.50. Equals evory way the boots sold la ell rend) stores for tlM. We aako tbU booi ouraerren, thoreforo we guar1 antte the Jit, ttylt and icnr. and If anyone is Dot saltan rd we win rent do mo money . or send another pair. Ooera l Tee or Common Beuae, J)w wl!th V, IV E, k KK, (i-.'-SySlies 1 to s and halt visC'1' Sendyourtite; -irViv "' fit voa. 5-:''M -rN Illustrated Dexted Shoe Co I'KJ FEDERAL ST., BOSTON, MA&W Special (rrM to Jttaler: PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT Z AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula P. P. P. purifies the blood, bulla's np tho weuk aiiil dobtllwtod, tvea atrength to woakr-noil nerves, expels diseuAtui. giving the patient health and bpili)OHs whore sickness, gloomr toolings .ind liissitudo Urnt prevnllod. b'tir primary, apcotiuary nnd tertiary yphllls, lor blood pols'-mlng, morou ri&l polHun, inftlarl:i, d'HHpsia, and In all blood and akin diseases, like blotohe. plmploa, old chronic uloors, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema- we may any, without fear of oontrudlctlon.ttiatP. P. P. In the brHt blood purifier In the world, and makes fiosltlvo, speedy and permanent ourea n aU cases. Ladies whose ayatems nre poisoned and whose blood is In an impure condi tion, due to menstrual Irregularities, aro peculiarly bencllted by the won derful touic and blood cloautdng prop erties of P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot nnd potassium. Bphinoxield, Mo., Aug. 14th, lh'J.'). 1 oanapeuk in the highest tortns of your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I wasnffeoted with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 85 years, waa treated by the Tory best fihvwk-lnns ana spent hundreds ol dol ars, tried evury known remedy with out undl.ig relief. I havo only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and caa chearCally say it has done me more food than anything I have ever taken, onn recommend your medicine to all SQlleror ol the abovo diseases. i MRS. M. M. YHARY.' 8pr jgfleld, Groon County, Mo. IT tSu CP The Original Raw Food mmm mm 2a mmm??mmmram Pa O - vJ3 H 0 TRY TRASS PHIKADSbPfUJI For Washing Clothes. CLEAN and SWfiBT It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps. . Price FIVE CENTS a bar. FMIIJQOD l.lfTv u A Uu...n.n.iAn tr InMjittv. NSSjJGi0W-' Rt mall prepaid. With wiii;i,jia,ii,ii,,rtnilijihiiiff. i;irculnrfree. Holdby all drureisu. Aiiwrmun bEFOREaNOAfTERUSINGjio other. Address SKITS SEKDCO.. Matonlo Temple, CHICAGO. ILL, For Sale in Soranton,'Pa., by H.' C.: SANDERSON, Druggist, cop. Washington iuu nuruue streets. ThA PIMtWHIHlr .ffi-i Die aenerative sumDtlonand DU'UUai ADO Anut UBUKa. For Sale by C. JH. HAftHlS, Drneglat, lfsw discoverv. 'iIUARAR i KK to Cure Involuntury Kmlsitons Befolt Uki Alwr Uuua. """"""I'""" For sale by 'JOHN H. PHEtPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Ka. l A tl. A. HULBERT3 City M usio Store, 4 WXOMIHQ AY. BCHAMXO WEiywAT son DECK Kit BROTH KM KBANIC1H BACK IULTZ BAUUH Ml Alloa large (took ot trat-elaas CUBICAL MERCHANDISE Rooms 1 and 2 CommonwealUi Bld'g, BCrtANTON, PA. MINING andBLASTING Made at the MOOS IO and BU33 DALE WORKS. Lafflin & Band Powder Co.'s ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electrio Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Safety Fnse and ' RepaunoChemical Co, ' High Explosive! ri l. nt . I -ewe7 rimpies, bioicnes and Old Sores k 3 r.afarrh Malaria and KidneyTrdubles -9 Are entirely removed by P.PJP. Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas sium, the greatest blood purluer on earth. ABitTtnrEN, 0., July 21. 1801. MBRnKa. Lit'PHAN Buoa. , Savannah. Oa. : Dkab Ulna I bought a bottle of ?our P.P. P. nt Hot Hprlngs.Ark.,and thas dono me more good than three months treatment at tlio Uoltspruiga. Hend three bottles C. u. D. Bespectlully yours, JA9. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, 0, Capt. J. D. Johnston. To all vhom it may concerni I here by testify to the wonderful nroportios of P. P. P. for eruptlonA of the uktu. 1 eufferod for several yotira with an un nightly and dlsntrreeabto eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy but In Tain, until P, P. P. waa used, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. 9 ss pavttuuaii, ua, Skin Cancer Cared. Tetttmonyfrom the Mayor of Setptlnjes, Seown, Tux., January 14, 1893. Mbhkrs. Lippman Bhos., Savannah, Oa.! Ventlemen 1 havo tried your P. V. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known aa skin cancer .of thirty years' Btandmg. and found frreat roUef; It purities the blood and removes all Ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the ores. I have taken Uve or aix bottles end feol oontldent that another course will effect a cure. It baa also relieved me from lndlgustlon and stomach troubles, Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. ED ST. Attorney at Law- 9 9 -O s9 n on Biocd Diseases km Fee ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, Uppman's Block,Savaniutli, Cm J-V. , MMK RESTORED!" NERVE 8EBD8, Tkh .Mlnftl ttmtdj tun ulttlln ll B.M.M Ai. 10IC POWDER POWDER eases, sueh aa Weak Memory, Una of Brain Power, Headaehe, Wakefulness, LostMunhood.Nbjhtly Knrlstlons, Nervousiiess.andiulnaaudlossof power In Ueuenttrreotvans or euner sexcautea xtj over exertion, yoaioiui jmm nf b,hMM. nnlnmnraHiiiitlftnli. l,kh ImuI to luOrniltr. Con- Can be carried I n vast nontet. Ml Der box. for &t a M order w. dve written KurDte tttirt RESTORED MANHOOD m.mm htEVEuISB PILLS fnrnnrvnna nmatmUnn mA oil ......ii.l...... rt organs of either aox. such as Nervous llwunuon. Fall- Ins or Lost Manhood, Impotency, Nlnhtly Kmlstlous. Youthful Errors. iiMJIeuttl Worrv.excesslTeiiseot Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Con. Insanity. With everv HA nrrinr wn trlvn a written iriiRn. snwe tocure or rwiunu uie money. rKiiu al 9i.uo perDox. u boxes for SUi.OO- Alii, lion's CUJEM1CAX. CO., CIctcUukI. Ohio. 1S7 I'ann Avenue. RESTORE LOST YIGOR Will braes vnn nntn a WMtk SaiiI with vptipttv Ntrvont Drtlhty, Lots of Htxual 1'ow.r in tlthoi i, from any eauio. If nealtcted, such troubles Ind l' ""7, ,.' pr 001 oy mail, 0 Doles lor is. w II n e-r .- r - -V -MM umrr hi- Ki.ti .iihdq Bnarntire 10 curt or raiuoo tut moaty. Adrtr PKAI, tHilJICIHB CO.. Uavalaud. Ohio. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and t, - BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL FUYSIt 1ANS ANU NUKUfcOM Da Q. KDOAB DEAN has removed to (U8 Spruce street, Bcrsnton, l a. CJuat op posite court-booae tiauara) DK. A. J. CON NELL, Office art Washington svenue, corner Sprue street, over Francke adrug store, Keaidoiiee, Wj Vina at. Oflice hours: 10.Hutol2a. m. and tot and 6.UU to 7.30 p. jn. Sunday, 8 to 8 pja DK. W. K. ALLEN, "offlce cor. Lacka wanna and Washington avea. ; over Leon ard shoe atore; office hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and 8 to p. ra.; evenings at residence, 6UN. vt aamngton sto. DH.C. L. FKEY, Practice limited to Dlj. eases of tho Eye, Ear, Note and Throat; oflice, La Wyoming avo. Residence, 62V Vlua street. DR. L.M. GATES. 125 Washington Avouuju Office hours, B to 9 a.m., U0 to 3 and to 8 p.m. Residence a Madison avenua TOHN L. WEN'rz,MruT"6mces ffi and ol O Commonwealth buildinpr: residence 711 Madison sye: office hours, iff to 1 )! to 1 J to 8; Sundays 2.80 to 4. evenings st residence. A specialty made of direawa of the eye, ear, nose tirl t hnn, . .... , .... Kjuwuiog-y. D R. K A Y, -Mi 1'ennAve. ; 1 to a p ro ; call SOIL'. 1 "".wuii, HUH UIS. Ol UIlll. LA ft Y it as. T I?' aKAKu'S Uw aud Collation of J . flee. No 817 tipruc. St., opposite Forest House. Bcranton, Pa; collectlouaa specialty throughout Ponnuylvania; reliable correauond ents lu every county. JbtibUfS A tlA.SU, Attorneys aud Counsel lors at Law, Commonwealth building Washington av. W. H. Jsshup, Horace E. Hand, W. H. JkMSUi-, Ja. vv 1LI.ARU, WAKHEN A K.N API', Attor- . i f I T .... IJ l.li builditw, Waahington are.. Bcranton, Pa. lJATTKli.SON & WILCOX, Attorneys and A CouuseUors at Law: offices s ana 8 Library building, bcranton, Pa Hoswr.t.u H. rA-mnso William A. Wilcox. A LKRKDHAND. WILLIAM J. HAND. At- V torneys aud Counsellors. Commonwealth Dniiinnpi. Kooms 19, 'M and 21. w F. BOYLE. Attornev at-Law.Nos.lv and t Zu, Burr bu Ud inn, WeDiugton avenue. II ENRY M. 8EELY - Law olHcea In Price buildiug, 120 Washington avenue. 'T'KANK T. OKH.LL, Attorney at Law. Room -a o, Loat r.xcnatien. scrauton. ra. MILTON W. LOWRY. I Atfys. 22T Washma OH. VON STOBCH, f ton ST., C. H. square. TAMES W. OAKPORD, Attorney at Law. rooms 63, 84 and 65, Commonwealth b'l'g. SAMUEL W. EDGAR, Attorney at Law. Office, 317 Spruce St., Bcranton, Pa. A. WATRES, Attorney at Law, 423 i. L,acsawanna sue., ncranton. m. ) P. SMITH, Counsellor at Law. Office, . rooms 54, 65, 58 Commonwealth bnildinK. I R. PITCHER, Attorney at Law. Com- monwoaitn Diiiaing. acranton, ra. U I'OMEOYH, 321 Spruce at D B. REPLOULE. Attorney Loans neo- tiatea on roai eatnte security, wn spruce. F. KILLAM, Attornev-at-Law, 120 Wj ominiravennn, Serauton. fiCHOOIA SCHOOL Ol' THE LACKAWANNA. Scran. O ton. Pa., nrenaroa bova and fflrls fnrmllnva or DusineHs: tnorougniy trains voting- cnildrea Catalogue st request. Oi ons Septembor 10. anv, THOMAB U. UAH. Walter H. Bubi.l. HIISS WORCESTER'S K1NDERQARTEN ill and School. 412 Adams avenua Pupils received at an times, next term wiu opon boptomnor 10. KKM1STS. p C. LAUDACII, burgoun Dentist, No, 115 Wyomtnfrave. H. M. KTRATTON. oftl. Coal Exchsnim. LOANS. X ciation will loan you monoy on easier terms auu pay you oetier on lUToatmunt man any uiuui nneuuiHbluu. KMll ou 0. J! , tauLU.I DKR, Pime Rank hnildinir SEKDS. GB. CLARK It CO., Soedamen. Florists t and Nurserymen; store 148 Washington avenue; green nousMdou JNortn Main avenue; atnretelephone lia. TEAS. GRAND UNION TEA CO.. Jonoe Bros. tVIKE SCItEKNS. TOS. KUETTEL. 6i5 Lackawanna avenua. r rirranton. n, mannr r of wire Screen. IIOTKLS ANU KK8TAURANTS. rpHE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 Franklin ave- m- uue. Anwfl ronsouaoie. P. Zieolrh, Proprietor. LbTJlLNSTER HOTEL. W. G. SCHENCR. Manaxrnr. Sixteenth stroet, one block east of Broadway. at union nauare. new I one American plan, $3.60 per day and upward, S'CRANTON HOUSE, near D., U W. pas ' lenger depot Conducted on the European inn. vicron HQCH, rTnpriotor. AUCttlTKCTS. I) AVIS Al HOITPT. Arr.llltuit Rnrona U. zn and M unnimonwenitn o ia'g, tx-rmntoa ," L.WALTER, Architect. Office, rear of iJ b'0 v ashlngtou avonuo. I? U BROWN. Arch B. ArcMtect, Price x bulidintr.iaj vtasnlntrton ATe.. Scran ton. MISCKM.ANKOI1S. IJAUER'S ORCHESTRA 11 USIO FOR 1J balls, rj cnics. Tjartles. receotiona. wed dinira and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conduotor, 117 Wyoming ave.. over nuioert s music store. TTORTON D. SW ARTS WHOLESALE li lumber, Price building, Bcranton, Pa, MKGARGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' BUDnlies. envelonos. naner baxra. twins. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Bcranton, pa. H ORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE St 1533 Caponse avenue. D. L. FOOTE, Agent "nRANK P. DROWN A CO.. WHOLE X' sale dealers in Woodwart, Cordage and Ol, Ulotn, tm w. Lackawanna avenue. E. Robinson's Sods Beer Brewery Kanaraetnrert of the Celebrate PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbli -Per Annum, HA88ATNTHEAb DEPOT HOTEL, FACTORY V1LLE. is prepared to receive summor boarders and furnish rigs for tourists to surrounding towns and summer resorts. For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equals Poasom'a Powder. jENTRAL RAILROAD OF K X LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION I A Fl . flA aAl TIClArl BTnlnelnal. 1 I-. Cleftulinea and comfort TIM! TA.BL1 IV BVTICT MAT 20. 189k TVamfna IskaVaa SrtanrAti ft. Diti.a vvt.i. ..aw wweauwM v a 1 1 Wilt CTUKfM Barre, .to . st8.U0, .l U.30 a. in.. 1111 ST w. J. " OS p. m. aundaya, .( i, u; LOO, For Atlantlo City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.29 (ezp parli T i ir leauroas wiw Buffet ' car), 8.J0 (ezprsis) p. m. Bunday, il p. m. Fob Macch Crunk, Alutbtows. Bsthls. lluO. J.80, 8.U) (except Philadelphia) p. m Buudav, J. 14 p. m. For Lokq Bbabch, OceAR Gnovs, .to. at tW (with throuah ear) a. m.. liM o. m. For Readms, Lebanon and HarrUburg, via AUentewn, 8.20 a, m., 12.10, 8.0ft p.m. Bunday. io p. m. For PotUvills, 8.20 a m., 12.60 p. m. - --vn auik, iuu, u, UIUDI IV ilreet. North river, at &10 (express) a, nw ui, i.w, i.w (.express wnn unset parlor car) , m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 8.01 , m., 2.00 and 4.A p. m. Sonday, 8.27 a m. Through tlckata to all nointa at Wmt ntam may be had on application in advauoe to the ticket agent st the station. a. r. BAi.uwir, Qen. Paw. Aiont. H. OLHAUSEN, Qen. Supt DELAWARE AND TiUD- 0K &AXLBQAD. Commencing Mooday.July 30, ail trains will arriveaud depart trum tilt new Lack awanna avenuo btatiou as follows: Trains will leave Scran- ton statian for Carbonduls and intermediato points ut 2.i0. S ti. J UU. S'ifl nrl 111 III ' n'Sv1100' Wi 8- s-1'". 10 DJ f''ew, Waymart and Honosdale at ' ' -?5,1"1 l0 V -m. 12.00,2.10 and 5.15 pm. Ftr Albany. UaraWga, tho A dirondackt and t-Hri- and intermediate polntt "'W1? W6. 1.20, Hi, il' 8-05, 1 ai U. P-m. Trains wUl arrlre at Scrautoii Station front lrf,rb?1ud.1,.ni.nU,'m1,t Po'uls st 7 40, !'S' f&fPn1?;10 f,u" ww. i-w. a.ai,ail 154,, B.ll and ll.Ws.tn. rrui ouneauaie. vvaymart and r'arTlow at 1.34 a.m... laOO, 117, 8.40. 5.55 and 7.45 p m, From Montreal, t aratoga, Albany, tc.. at 154 and 11.U3 p.m. From v llket-Barre and intermediate points st 2.15, 8.01, iat and 11 56 am., 1 lb. a, 14- 8.. 5.10, S.0B, l:Ht, .03 and 1L 18 p.m. MAY II, 1BV4. Train leavsa Rnrnntnn fnr PhllulalnhlA ins New York Tia. D. & H. R R. at 7.46 am.. 12.0. 2.88 and 11.38 p. m. Tia D., LtW, B, B, 8.O0, M.UM a. m., aud 1.30 p. m. Leave Bcranton for Pitteton and Wilkss Barre via D.. U A W. R. R., 6.00, a 08, UjM a m , 1.80, 860. 8.07. 8.50 p. m. Leave Bcranton for Whlto Haven, Hazleton, Pottflvllle and all Dolnta on the lieavnp Meadow and PotUvilfo branches, via E. A W. V., 40a.m., Tia D. H.R.R. at 7.45a.m.. U.05. m. 4.(0 pm., Tia D., L. A W. B. B.. &00, &.W, u.ai a.m., l.JU, o.cu p.m. Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem, Eajteu, Reading, Harrinburg nnd all Intermediate Doints vis D.& H.R.B. 7.45 am.. 12.06. 138, U-iJU p.n.,vU D LW, & B...00,8.08, llM a. m. ou p.m. Leave Scranton for Tuukhannock. Towanda, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all tntermadltta points via D. & H. R.B.,8.46 am.,lz.05and U.3S p. m.,Tla D. L. & W. R R,, M a.m..l.30p, m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all Dolnti wow, via u. w ix. a, s.o a,m,,i.oav.i9.ii.j p. m via D. L. & W. R. R. and Pittstoa Junotion, 808 am., 1J0, 850 p. m., Tia B. 4 W. R.R.,8.41n. m. For Elmira and the west Tia Salamanet, Tia D. A H. R. B. Mn a.m., UO5.S.06 p. m.. via D. L.SW.&&, ,8.08 am., 180 and 8.07 P. m. Pullman parlor and slooplng or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridrs. BOLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt. ntrio a r ire il tj , .... Phils p V, . . 1 1 . o, UnbJ U.U, A MO. ni , u .... w A,W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't GenJass. Ag't, South Bethlehem, Pa DELAWARE, " LAA'EAWAH'KA AND WESTERN RAJKKOAD. Trains leuvo Scranton as follows: Xxpreaa for Mow York and au nomts East 1.40, 2.50. 5.15, 8.00 and .6a a m.; 12.66 and 8.60 p. m. express rojr luuton, Trenton, rwiaaeipma and the South, 5,15, 8.00 and .5j a m.; U.6I ana a.i p. m. T, OHOIUWU auu wmj ihiuuu u.w K- Tobybanna aooommodatlon, 8.10 p. m. ,' Expr. as for Binghamton, Oswego, Elmira. Corning, Bath, DansvUls, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2 16 a. m. and 1.24 n. m making close connections at Buffalo to all points in th Weet. Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, lam, Binghamton and way stations, 1Z37 p. m, N icuolion accommodation, at 1 p. xa. a&4 110 p. m. Binghamton and Elmira Express, t.OS P. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. Utica and Rlclifldd But logs, 2.16 a m. and IM P'lttiica. 2.15 and Bath 8 a m. and 124 p. m. For NorthumberlamLPittston, Wllkes-Barrs, Plymouth, Bloomabarg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash, ington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate stations, 6.00. 6M5a m. and 1.80 and 807 p. m. Nanticoae ana intermediate stations, 8.01 and 11.20 a m Plymouth and intermediate sUtiona SiOand 8.62 p. m. ., Pullman parlor an4 sleeping coaches on all etc apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket ofllos, 8 Lsuka wanna avenue, or depot ticket offloe. PKIE AND WYOMlNa VALLEY BA1U TrainteaT. Bcranton for New York and In- sirsr H.wioJ and I local joints at 685. 9.15 am., and aAll the sbovs are through trains to and 'dCnai train Lake Ariel at 5.10 p.ni .and arrivei is Scran ton from the Lake at 8 26 a m. and 7.4i ' Trains ltare for wilkes-Barre st . a and 8.41 p. m. 8CRA1TON liITWION. la Efl'ecl Jan. Mik, 1804. Norm Bound. Moutk Bound, 2oeo42oa Stations W-ralns Dally, KxJ3 glS Jj'S P cept Sunday.) r Ig p H Arrive Leavoi i ii 7 40 7 69 810 N. Y. Franklin 6t West 42nd street weehawken Arrive LeaveU air - Ml 820 8101 1 l&j IM ....ilianoock JuncUon. 8(6, Hancock 6 00 2 II 76 12 56! I2 4fl Starlight Preston Park como Pqyntelle Belmont Pleasant Mt, Unlondale Forset City Carbondale White Bridge Mayneld Jermyn Archibald -Wlnton Peckville Olyphonl Dickson Tbroop Providence park Place Scranton 6 181 2221 71 525) 2 81 f4N18 4li Ml 6 82 2 41 r a T8 12 25 1 1U 11N 64 tf 450 7 88 12 1)410 01 451 2 58' 455 7IM 12 031 9 69 948 988 6 SM 8 06 6 05 t inw 16 58 8 09 6 08 Tori 1 4(H 7 lffl 8 19 6 18 6 51 11 8(1 9151 7 24l 8 34! 6 84 7 2718 881 637 6 4WU801 91J 16 481 If9 04 f I 82lt 48'f5 49 6 41 11 28 9 01 8 571 854 7 84 IS 4T 5 41 mi i6i 11)1 id 8E4t5 5l 7 481 8 59 5 59 7 Clh 4 (Ml 8 04 754 40T 607 758 410. 610 eool 4 14 en 8 0014 17 6 16 8051 4 S0 620 686 11 18 6 ft! f 11151 620 6 25 11 11 850 11 07 U 05 844 681 841 619 614 8 89 8 3U u on ft 18 610 f 10571 8 88 10 55 8 801 Leave Arrlvol A T U P M AU trains run dally except Sunday. t signlttes that trains slop on signal for ps- ""ecure rates Tia Ontario a Western before purchasing tickets and save money. Day ana Klhgt Express to the West. j. C. Anderson, Gen. rsss Agt. T. Flltcroft, Dir. Pass, Agt. Bcranton, Pa. Wt CAN aivc vou SATISFACTION ImI Come and see us about the Job Work you will need soon. . The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. 'Til S0SS03201 5 cu g w 3 . :::T?fJ:::: rod....