"THE TRANSLATION OP A , SAVAG E. "THE TRANSLATION ' OF- A SAVAGE." EIGHT ' PAGI 5 3 OuLTJMNS. SCRAXTON. FA.. FRIDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 14, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS fl LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SGRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER T Illinois Secures the Commander la Chief of the Grand Arm; of the Republic. INDIANA ELEVEN VOTES BEHIND The National Grand Army of the Re public Breaks Through Previous Records in the Rapid Transaction of Business The Election of Offi. cers In Many Instances Closely Con tested Prepared to Shake Hands with Their Old Enemies in 1895. Pittsburg. Pa.. Ssrjt. 13. FT REARING all previous records in L-V beginning and ending its bnsi n j nees withia two days, the twen s ty-eichth national enoaraDmeot of the Grand Army of ths Ripublio adjourned sine die tonlifut, A year from next Monday the boys in bluo. crossing Mason and Dixon's line for tbe first time in tbe history of tbe order, will fraternize with their opponents of tbe sixtias and thus make visible demonstration of tbe oft repeated assartion that there is no longer a north or a south, bat one country, free and nndivided. And it bnt tithe of the pledges and promises mad by the visiting Kentuckians art redeemed, the encampment of '93 will never be forgotten either by tbe uuion or Confederate veterans that are fortu nate enough to be amonjf the partici pants. The encumpment transacted its busi ness today with electric speed. When tbe noon recess was tulwn all the na tional offiocrs had been eleoted. COLONEL LAWLEIt ELECTED COMMANDER Colonel Thomas G. Lawler, of Rock ford, III., was elected commander-in- chief of tbe Grand Army of tbe Re public by a majority of 11 votes over Colonel I. N. Walker, of Indianapolis. It was tbe closest contost in the his tory of the Grand Army of tbe Re public. Major A. P. Bnrcbfiold of this eity, was nominated for senior vice ooui-mander-iu-cbiof, and as ihere was no opposition was elected unanimously For junior vice commander Corporal Tanner proposed Philip S. Biglin. When Charles Shute was put forward in nomination for the sums offioe by the present department commander of Louisiana, Mr. Biglin withdrew, and nanes ouuie was eiectea wrous a ballot. The next election was that for sur geon Kenernl. Comrade O. W. Weeks, of Marion, O , was without opposition unanimously eleoted. For chaplain in chief, Chaplain T. II. Hajr gerty, of St. Louis, and Comrade South ard, of Mflne. were nominated. The United Stites Veterans' Signal Service Corps association held its eigh teen annual reunion in Columbia Hall, nnd elected the following officers: President, W. H. Holmes, Independ ence, Is. j vice presidents, Dr. W. IL Fulton, of Pittsburg, A. O. Ravenaugb, of Louisville, and J. C. Donabauer, of Minneapolis: secretary-treasurer, C. D. W. Marcy, of Boston; historian, J. Wlllard, of Boston; quartermaster, Evan Russell, of Williamsport, Pa.; chaplain, John S. Speer, of Canons burg, 'Pa. More than 100 mombers, representing nearly every state in the union, were present THE DAUGHTERS OP VETERANS. Tbe Daughters of Veterans this morn ing elected tbe following national offi cers: President. Mrs. Ellen M. Walker, Worcester, Mass. ; senior vice presi dent, Miss Anna Sshmid, St. Louis; junior vice president, Miss Gladys FoeUr, Kansas; chaplain, Miss Lena Stevens, Massillon, 0. ; treasurer, Mrs. I la J. Alleu, Newtonville, Mass. ; in spector, Miss Addle Yorke, Somerville, Mass., installing officer, Miss Anna Roberts, Connellville. Ind. ; trustees, Anna Moore, New York; Minnie Tree cott, Obio; Nellie King, Obio; Cora Pike, Mas lobusetts, Bnd R. Evelyn, Monroe. 0. BAKElt BALLOT LAW. Attorney General Henaal's Opinion E ffirdlntr Seotlon 8. Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 13 Attor ney General Hensel has given the sec. retary ot the commonwealth an opin ion regarding a construction of tbe third clause of section 3 of the Biker ballot law, which requires nomination paper to be signed by at leasf 3 per cent, of the largest entire vote for any officer elected at the last preeediog election. He says the law means just what it ays and that the election for congress-man-at-large in any particular distriot oannot be made the basis of distriot nominations. Tbe opinion was given because of a question raised by the chairman ot the People's party as to whether the vote of 1892 or February 1894 should be tbe basis of computa tion. A WOMAN HONORED. Mrs. Fearer Nominated for Superintend ent of Publio Instruction of Colorado. Denver, Sept. 13. Tbe Republican state convention today nominated Hon. C, C. Parker for auditor of state, Byron L. Carr for attorney general, Mrs. A. J. Peaver, superintendent of publio in struction; C. M. Griffin and W. R. Dudley for agents of tbe state univer sity. Mrs. Peavey thanked the convention for its tribute to tbe women ot Colo rado. ' ANOTHER RECORD BROKEN. Remarkable Work of Fantaiy at Terre Hants. Terre Hautb, Ind.. Sept 18. It was too dark to tell the drivers' colors this ivening when the free-for-all paoe in which Hal, Braden had won a heat, a-unt over, as did tbe 2.14 trot, of which there bad been one heat. 3ut one world's record was owered today by Fantasy, who vent a mile in 2.08, lowering her own EKCIPIFi ADJOURNED record, made this year, of 2 07 for a 4-year-old. It was a perfectly trotted mil and the middle half was made in 1 Olf. In tbe free-for-all pace Hal Braden oould have made a new world's pacing record it be bad been driven the last quarter as fast as ho was tbe first quar ter, which was 30 He was at the half in 1.012. 'the three-quarters in 1.33, and home in 2,09. ' AN EYE ON BLUEFIELDS. Tno Navy DipartmeDt In Touch with the Office re There. Washington, Sept. 18 The navy de partment is in almost daily communi cation with the commanders of the United States vessels stationed at Nica ragua regarding tbe course of events at Bluefieds. It is Impossible to learn the import ot the telegraphic correspondence p.ise ing, although Assistant Secretary Mo Adoo says that some of the published eonjeetures are entirely incorrect. SENATE SUGAR CASES. Demurrers of Brokers Chapman and McCartney to Be Argued on Sept. 28. Washington, Sept. 13 On Sept. 28 the demurrers ot brokers, Elverton R, Chapman, of New York, nnd John MaCartney, of this city, to tbe indict ments charging them with unlaw fully refusing to answer questions before the seuate sugar investigat ing committee, will be argued in tbe distriot of Columbia criminal court. The arguments will be on constitutional grounds that is. the contention will be that the senate com mittee had no power to compel wit nesses to answer questions. In the event that the demurrers are sustained no further action will be taken in the matter, as the government has not the right of appeal in a criminal case. bbonld the decision of the court be against the defendants, the cases will be carried to the court of appeals, and if that court, too,decides against them, tbe matter will go to the supreme court of the United States. J. W. Shriver, of the New York Mail and Express, and E J. Elvrards, the New York correspondent of a Philadelphia pap', have also been in dicted for the same reasons as the two brokers. The. newspapar men have tiled demurrers to the indictments, but they will not be argned until some ac tion is taken in the other cases. Should Messrs. Chapman and McCartney suc ceed in haviug th indictments against them quashed, those against Messrs. Shrivor and Edwards may never com e to trial. The cases of the othor two recalci trant senate committee witnesses. President Henry O. Havemeyer and Secretary John E. Searles, of the American augur Refining company, were certified to tbe grand jury by Vice Presideut Stevenson last August, and witnesses have appeared and have given testimony. The grand jury met this week for the fall term, and indict ments may now be expected against aiessrs. mvemeyer and Sauries at any time. The distriot attorney today said that there was no disposition on the part of tbe government to nolle prosse these cases. Qn tbe contrary, he said, the government would prosooute tbe mat ter with all possible vigor. 1UEER CATTLE DISEASE. Ihe Affioted Animals Loss Their Sight and Beooms Oraitd. Columbus. O . Sept. 13. A new and dangerous cattle plague has appeared in Champaign county in this state. R. C Moulton, a farmer in whose herd it first appeared, laid the mattor before tbe btate Live Stock association today. It affects tbe eyes first, These organs turn white and resemble hard-boiled eiRs with the shells removed, the sight being, or course, lost. lb affected animals seem to suffer great pain in tbe eyes and become era zed. Mr. Moulton killed those first affected, but it did not prevent tbe dis ease spreading to other animals in the herd. Tbe veterinarians do not under stand tbe disease. PENNSYLVANIA POINTERS. Eastern' new S82 000 hlcrh anhnnl hnllfl. ing was dedicated. The Snortxmnn'a rlnh lino atanlrail I n. zerne county with SS0 pheasants. An aged Johnstown woman, Anna Mar burg, ended her life by inhaling gas. Pennsylvania M.ntn cnlw. nnanarl with 350 students, of whom 125 are freshmen. Reading's councils contemplate filter beds for tbe purification of the city's water supply. Cancrlit hv a. halt. In h sn.i. n Paper mill. York, Benjamin ilvHrs was squeezed to death. Lehich university hen president has been selected to succeed the into ui, uamoerton. On the nrnnnil that, ha vhij u 1. Baanola in eelf.drifnnao .Inhn T.h.n. j. s. ' u u u UU UUI , II,, was acquitted at Pottaville. William C. Dershuok succeeds to tbe ownership of the Hazlelon Plain Bpeaker after the retirement of James U Morris WASHINGTON BREVITIES. Secretary Herbert is homeward on the Dolphin. Tbe United States is seeking bnttnr Mm. mercial arrangements with Egypt. Dr. Gmteras, yellow fever eiwrt neve there is one case at Quarantine Station, off Cape Charles. Ron. Clifton R. Biecklnrldc. inlnlntar to Russia, will sail from Now York today for his post of duty. Three Johnson ten-inch cast steel shell were fired at a snventean-lnch nrnria Harveylzed plate, at ilndian Head proving grounds, Tuesday, without conclusive re sults. , A clever con n tor f nit. tS nnt.a on thn Fifth National Bank of Cincinnati, cbeok letter A. series of 1881 and a. nnnr ennntsrfnit $10 silver certificate, check letter A, series tow, an in circulation. The St. Louin Bunk- Nntn mm nnnr which printed the Mississippi state war rants Id the similitude of United States money, wants the government to send oue test case of tbe Indicted to the courts. Secretary Morton linn, at th Columbia Typographical nulon, Increased the wages of tbe uuion printers employed in the branch printing oCDoe iu the depart ment of agriculture to conform to the nnion scale. BATTLE OCCURS PIG i The Result of the Engagement Is Still Id Doubt. VIEW OF THE EASTERN SITUATION Mohammedans Object to Campaign Music of the Hindus at Bombay and a Riot Follows The Czar of All Russias Is III Slave Dealing Egyp tians Under Arrest Spain Visited by Destructive Storms James An thony Froude in Danger Trouble with Turkish Students. Shanghai, Sept. 13. T7TJM0RS have reucbtd bere that a U) battle has been fought between m the Chinese and Japanese near J U Eai Cbeug, Korea. Tbe en gagement is said to have taken place about Sept. 2 Nutiv newspapers of Sept. 10 say that the fight lasted two days, nnd that it was still undecided when this news was forwarded to the native press. The Chinese papers of Sept. 12 au nounce that Qauerul Yen, tbe Chinos commander, reports having gained a victory over tbe Japanese, It is sup ponod bere, however, that the Chinese have met with a reverse at Ping-Yaug. A private dispateh roceived here eon linns tbe news that more fighting bus occurred with undecided results. The floods in Korea still prevent the Chinese troops from crossing the Im chin river in order to attack the Japan ese entrenchments. Another report current bere says that the Kirin division of the Chinese army has crossed the Kulin river, and that it is now holding the city of Sua iiing while awaiting the advanoeof the main body of tbe army bofore attack ing tbe Japanese right fl tnk. The Hupao reports that tbe Chinese admir ilty has determined to order to Pei-Yang from the Yang-Tse ooast all war ships tof a certain touunge and armament. A number of torpedo boats from the squadrons at Foo Chow, Can ton and Nanking will accompany the war ships. Tbe intriguing enemies ot Viceroy LI Hung. Chang have reported to the throne tbe presence at Tientsin of Chang Pei Lun, the viceroy's son-in-law, who was banished in 1831 The tbrone has ordered his return to exile. SERIOUS RIOT AT BOMBAY. Mohammedans Objiot to the Clasilo Mueio of Hindus. Bombay, Sept. 13 A serious riot oc curred lit midnight last night near the Daravala bridge, Poonah City. Some Mohammedans who were listening to the reading of the Koran in a moique near the bridge ol j 'cteu to the music of a procession ot Hindus. Tbe latter, however, persisted, and the Mohamme dans raised a war cry. . . A fight lasting threa hours followed. It is estimated that 4,000 people, mostly Hindus, flockd to th scene in order to take part in tbe conflict. The mofqtie was sacked, and an att mpt was made to destroy it by Cr. Daring tbe fight one man was killed and many were more or less severely injured, Illness of the Tsar. Vienna, Sept 13 News received from St. Petersburg indicates that th czur's illness is oerebral, complicated with an ailment of tbe kidneys. Prayers for his recovery have been ordered twice at the court When the rzar went to Ujeloveas be made tbe journey on a bed. He is mentally de pressed. He gets tired after the shortest period of work. His stay in tha desert is reported to have been very beneficial. Cestruo'lva Storm la 8piin. Madrid. S-pt. 13 The southwest nnd Meditrranean towns of Spain have been visited by severe storms. The towns of Gita and Javea have been flooded and many lives lost. A number of lions s have been destroyed and several vessels iu the Bay of Gat a bave been wrecked. Slave DtaUna- Egyptians. Cairo, Sept. 13 Alt Cherlff. presi dent of tbe legislative ceuncll, and Hassan Wacyf, a retired general of the Egyptian army, who were arrsted Ang. 28, charged with purchasing slave girls, have been convicted after a judi cial Investigation into the case, Turkish Students Arretted. Constantinople, Spt. 13 A seeret society, the members of which are stndents, was discovered by tbe police here yesterday. Twonty-two of the members bave been arrested. No in formation la given as to the objeots of the society. Sootoh Hlnera Sesame. Edinburgh, Sept. 13. Tbe etrike of the Scotch miners is over, the delegates to the miners' congress, representing 57,000 men, btvimr voted to resume, providing the employers will grant tbe proposal mad by tbe board of concilia tion to that effjot. James Anthony Fronds III. ' London, Sapt. 13. Tbe illness ot James Anthony Froude. the historian, has taken suoh a serious turn that it is now feared he will not reoover. FUN AT M'KEESPORT. The Town Painted Bed on I la Hundredth Annlyereary. One- McKebsport, Pa.. Sept. 13 With booming cannon, atirrinir munln nnd jubilant citizens in holiday attire. Mo- neespori. tn metropolis of tbe Monon gabela Valley, fittingly celebrated the hundreth .anniversary of its fonndlmr. Tbe city Is adorned with beautiful decorations emblematical of local and national pride, Large arohss spanned thn nrinninul etraAta nnd nnmamm bands surrounded by thousands of peo- ( pie awaited at Dimmer, viewing the United States iron and tin plate works. Tbe governors with thvlr party com posed of a number of prominent peo ple arrived at Dimmer and entered McKeesport through tbe fine tin urch built by tbe United States lion aud Tin Plate compauy. Mayor Aa ire, of McKeesport, in a neat speech, pre sented Governor Pattison with the key to tbe city and Governor McKinley with a star made or tin manufactured at the De miner works. Promptly at 2 o'clock tbe booming of cannon gave the signal for the parade to move. About 5,000 men were in line. Tbe parade was reviewed at Evaas' park by tbe governors. During the afUrnoon tbe barbecue was served. Addresses were made by several prominent gentlemen, and a general round of merry-making was indulged in. The evening programme included a fine pyrotechnio display and tbe centennial ball. Tomorrow's programme iaelndes the industrial and school parades, speeches by prominent citiztns, a balloon ascen sion and a grand centennial concort SELECT KNIGHT SUICIDES. E. B. DennUon, Grand Treaaurer, Dies at Olean. Olean, N. Y., S'pt. 13. E. R. Den nison, of Olean, N. Y., grand treasurer of tbe Select Knights, died, or commit ted suicide at Buffilo this evening. He is said to huve been over $1,000 short in bis accounts, and his arrest was asked for by the Buffalo police, who thought be had left that place for Olean, when later developments showed that be was dead. He leaves a widow and three children bore. DEBS AM) FIREMEN. The Noted Strike Leader Confers With the Brothorhood at Harrisburg. IlARRiSBURa, Spt. 13 Tbe Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen were in session but a short time this morning, an adjournment having bsen taken to allow tbe committees to consider the important suggestions nnd recommen dations contained in the various re ports submitted by the general officers, These committees will probably not be ready to report until tomorrow. Strong resolutions were adopted at the" morning session endorsing certain amendments to existing laws in the interest of labor whish are now be ing considered by tbe New York con stitutional committee in session at Albany, and encouraging the cham pions of labor wbo have charge of these measures. Eugene V. Debs did not attend the convention this morning, but met a lsrge number ot the delegates at his rooms at the Loohiel hotel. GARZA NO LONGER GREAT. The Mexioin Revolutionist Manajlng- a Chinees Store la Costa Rica. Corpus Christi, Tcx. Sopt 13. Cadet J. M. Lubo, ot the United States navy, stationed at Port Limou, Costa Rioa, writjs that be has seen Catarino E. Garza in that place. Garza is man ager ot a Chinese store and not a lead ing officer of the Costa Rican govern ment, as was reported. Three years ago Q.xtz gained a na tional reputation by filibustering on Texas soil, while claiming to be the head of a gigantio revolution, which was to overthrow President Diaz, of Mexico, AN IMPORTANT WILL. BiQieat for the Founding- of an Asylum for ffl oted. San Francisco, Sept 13 Tbe will of the late Jqse De Litvega, the Santa Cms millionaire, has been filed for probate her. Its most important pre vision is a bequest for tbe founding of an asylum for the blind, dumb, lame, paralytic and aged people of both sex es. For this purpose Sun Francisco real estate valued at more than $000,000 is bequeathed as a sustaining fund, MONROE'S KICKER. John E. Drlnkhouse an Independent Candidate for Congress. Stroudsburo, Pa., Sept. 13. John E. Drinkbous, of Eis'on, has come out as an independent Democrat can didate for congress iu the Eighth dis trict. He to-day made application bere for nomination papers. LIVE WIRE TICKS. Master car painters are in annual con vention at Buffalo, N. Y, Christopher Jarrett a Mexican war hero, is dying in a 'Frisco hoipital. nnldiDg up a stage near Congress, Ariz., two bandits got IjUO worth of booty. The post office clerks will bold their next annual convention at St. Paul, Minn. Silver counterfeiters are numerous in Baltimore aud several arrests have been made. Over 15,000 acres of Kentucky coal laud has been bought by a Baltimore syndicate for $5, WO. An apturned boat in Lake St. Louis, Que., told the fato of Joseph Taylor, of Beaconsfield, and two companions. Threatened with arrest for abusing his family, Morris Gipple, formorly a success ful New York salesman, took poison. Judge J. L. Snodgrass was chosen by his associates on the bench aa chiof jus tice of the supreme court of Tennessee. Ill hpalth caused Seymour Harris, ex editor of the Shannon City (la.) Sun, to shoot himself at North Yuklma, Wash. By a full from the eighth story or the Minneapolis Tribune building, Frederick Budweiser and J, Linder were fatally hurt. As reforce, Edward Jacoh, of New York, will take evidence lu Kuebne Beve ridge's divorce case against Actor Charlej Coghlan, After spending two yoars iu Maysvillo (Ky.) ronveut, Miss Josephine Buchmau.of Now York, escaped in disguise, with her brother's aid. , Within a day after Moses Cbristopbor, colored, outraged little Morel! Carter, near Bowling Green, Ky., he was arraigned, tried, convicted and sentenced to ueath on Nov, 14. ' Van Buran Triplar, of Chicago, and Ed ward Mines, of Mt Clemens, Mich., notor ious bunco men, have benn caught at Day ton, O., where they knocked down a China man ana robbed him of 1300, G NEARS IIS END Pittstoa's Council Decides to Pave Street with Sliest Asphalt. Main THE VOTE STANDS SEVEN TO ONE Councilman Tigue Sheds Light on the Mannerln Which the Decision Was Reached, and It Is Probable That Some of the Financial Brokers of That Town Will Be Called Upon to Explain Matters in Court. Flecial to the Scranton Tribune, Pittston. Pa, Sent. 13. r FTER two months of flatulent A wangling and reerimination, the council of this borough to il u night came to a temporary con clusion with reference to street paving. By a vote of 7 to 1 it was decided to award the contrast for 44,000 square yards of new paving to the Barber Asphalt company. The contract cills rorraorethau this; but 44,000 square yards are what the borough will nave to pay for. They will have to pny at the rate of $2.24 per square yard, if to night's aotion staudd. But its standing ie in doubt. Those who know, Intimate that boforo tbe job is ended some mem bers will be lying prostrate "outside the breastworks." if not clad in stripes. Conncilman Donnelly led tbe as phalt forces. His resolution to award tbe contract to tno Barber comoany called forth a spirited debate, but it was curried by tbe votes of Donnelly, Reap, Clifford, Lynett, Knowles and Patrick Maloney, the member from Oregon. Conncilman Hennigan, see ing resistance was useless, voted aye also, President Mangan voted nay. Conncilman Kourney refrained from committing himself, and Councilman Tigne was absent with the firemen who went to Wilkee-Baere during the day. money freely offered. The Citizens' Advisory commute, which has encouraged the street paving roform through all its devious pro cesses, on Wednesday afternoon almost unanimously recommonded the selec tion ot vitrified brick. Public senti ment, too, as nearly as can be ascer tained, is in favor of briek pave. But brick pave was not adopted, despite tbe fact that it was the council's original choice. Councilman Tigne, the ehegetio pro prietor of tbe American house, got wotd at Wilkes-Barre how things were going and took the first car back. He reached the council room too late to vote, bnt when the vote was an nounced, be stld. in front of Glick's drug store, and in the presence of R. B. Cutler, John Connell, Charles Curry, School Director M. J. Brennan, J. M, Fahy and more than a aeore of others, that he bad Intended to vote for tbe lowest reliable vitrified brick hid, as a matter of publio duty; but that, had he cared to bave accepted bribes, he conld have made a good sum of money by voting for asphalt. TIOUB GROWS SPECIFIC. "Within the past few days," con tinued Mr. Tiguu, "I was approached by a representative of tb nsnhalt com pany who offered me $500 'spot cash for my vote aud said 'ther'd be more in it' if bis side carried. At another time a fellow councilman, whose name I am prepared to ttivn to the proper parties, offered me $000 to vote for as phalt, and said that tlier-) would be $1,000 in it only that $100 had to be given to a certain third party. Further than that, I was offered $000 by a prominent man to vote for the Hol lowood brick pave. This man is a borough official and I am prepared to make my affllavit, stating the. full names, if it is desired." Theso'names are in The Tribune's possession. They are witheld pending the drawing up of paptrs necessary to a rigid investigation. That money was used on council would seem to be a reasonable inference from this testi mony; but positive proof will be plaoed in the proper bands before many days nnd a turning of the calcium light may be expeoted. BOLTERS IX EARNEST. Old Line Democratio 8uitar Planters Or ganialng- Against Their Party. New Orleans, S pt. 13 The bolt ing sugar planters from the Demo cratio party and a great many of the old line Republicans held a meet ing yesterday in Plaquemine parish, at Point la Haclie, near the borne of ex-Governor Warmoth. There were about 300 bolters, Republican negroes and about 100 Democrats in the meet ing. The meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the situation in sugar, but turned . out to be a straight Republican meeting got up by the bolt ers in order to organize the party in the First congressional district. Two special trains were run down from New Orleans, nnd the ride, to friends, was free. The meeting was lively, James Wilkinson, brother ot the collector ot the port and a bolting planter, addressed tbe meeting, coming out squarely for tbe R 'publican party. TOO MANY OFFICES. Attorney Ganetal Hoosel Ie Af.er Pooh Bah HoCarty. Harrisbdro. Sept. 13 Attorney Gdneral Uensel is after Davis MeCiirty, the burgess aud postmaster of New Kensington, Westmoreland county, who is one and the same person. He has instituted quo warranto pro ceedings to oast McUarty from the of fice of burgees. THE SHEEP WAR IN COLORADO. An Armed Body Gone to Capture Sus pected Bango-Riders. De Beqob. Col, Sept. 13 The re ported killing of 5 .000 sheep at the Book Cliffs is verified, both us to the number and detail. It is estimated by some that 600 men would bs required to do tbe work in the short time re ported. The sheepmen bave armed in PHI REFORM a body and goue to the scene of the slaughter. The abject ot the expedition is re ported here to be the capture of eertain range riders who bave been employed on adjaoent territory, whom they sus pect of having been implicated in the destruction of the sheep. They are re ported to bave declared that they in tend to hang these suspects or oompel them to divulge the names ot their accomplices. WARD'S SON KIDNAPPED. The Boy Stolen on the Street at Putnam While Going- to School, Putnam, Conn., Sept. 13. Clarence, the 10 year-old son ot Ferdinand Ward, of Grant & Ward fame, living with his uncle, Fred D. Gser, at Thompson, was kidnapped at 9 o'clock this morning in a publio street while on his way .to sohool, by two men in a carriage, wbo drove towards the Mas sachusetts line on a deserted road, tbe boy soreaming lustily. Ward hss tried several times to get peaceful possession of the child. The Ward boy eomes into possession of a trust fund of $80,000 when of age, which sum was left him by bis mother. CONVICT AND A RAZOR. Shocking Tragedy at Lebanon tylrs. Garrett Murdered by Her Husband. Lebanon, Sept. 13. Mrs. Charles Garrett was murdered here at 9 o'clook this morning by her husband, wbo cnt ber throat from ear to ear. Garret had just been released from the eastern penitentiary, after serving three and a half years for assaulting Israel Light, and arrived here from Philadelphia at midaight. He mot a number of old time companions who told him that dnring his Incarceration his wife bad been unfaithful. Mrs. Garrett lived at Third and Chestnut streets, and she was standing at the doorway when her husband came down the street. She nttered a scream of terror and run. He followed and caught her in the yard of a neigh bor. Grabbing ber by the hair he bore her to the ground, and whipping ont a ruzor threw it from ear to ear. She staggered a few feet, when she fell iu a bloody pool and expired. Ths murder was witnessed by several persons, but they seemed powerless to interfere. This aftornoon three men were ar rested at Pine Grove, and it was be lieved that one of them was the mur derer. He gave bis name as William Garrett and answered the description of tbe husband. It was expected that he would be brought in on tbe after noon train, bnt tho offiaers tailed to arrive with him and 400 people wbo had gathered at the depot were disap pointed. Mrs. Garrett was but 31 years of age and possessed of considerable beauty. Garrett waa a worthless fellow. GUATEMALAN BANDITS. They Boh and Murder FtaoeaWe Citi zens and Seek Border Towua, Oaxaca, Mexico, Sept. 13 Late of ficial advices from Chiapas state that tbe troubles on the Guatemalan border are growing more serious, and the in dications are favorable for bloodshed unless tbe two governments come to some understanding us to what shall be done with the b.tndsof brigands aud cut-throats, wbo make the border coun try their rendezvous, aud war espec ially upon the pauceaole citizens of tbe two countries. Several villages nlong tbe border in tbe Republio of Guatemala have boon attacked and sacked by these outlaws, nnd many murders and other outrages committed by them. LATEST FROM MAINE. Cleaves' Mojjrlty Approach Iflf Forty Thousand. Augusta, Me., Sept. 13. Chairmtn Mauley today announced the official resnlt of the election in a tviogrntn to Governor. Mr. Manloy 8'iys that the completed returns show that 107,240 votes were cust and that Governor Cleaves' majority is 33.428. Oyer 5,000 defective vote cast were not ooun ted. The Republicans eleot every senator and all hut four members of the hmiu of representatives. SATOLLI TO BE MADE CARDINAL. Bevlval of the Rumor Seye Hie Nomi nation Will Occur in Doembar. New York, Sept. 13 A cablegram from Rome to the Herald says; It is stated that tbe pope will bold a con sistory in Deoembjr, at which Mgr. Satolli, the papal ablegate in tbe United States, will be nominated a cardiual. It is expected that Cardinal Gibbouti and possibly Archbishop Corrigan wil! be present at tbe consistory. FRESH FOREIGN NEWS. A London syndicate is said to be buyiug tbe old Baring stock. Tbe now issuo of Panama Canal stock is expected to carry on the work for eighteen months. Tbe sultan of Turkoy and the Khedive of Egypt are said to be on far from friend ly terms. Inoculation with Dr. Haffkine's cholera vims failed to save soldiers during the epidemio at Lockuow. Bocnnsn of bis bitter criticism ot the authorities of Cairo. Pietro Ouarnierl, an Italian editor, hat boon expelled. Ex-Postmaster General James, of Now York, waa banquuted at London by repre sentatives of ocean steamship lines. Holland's government aunounres that "a friendly power" has oiToied to help tbo Dutch with troops in the subjugatiou or Lombok. Tbe toast of Emperor Francis Joseph, of Austria, at tbe imperial banquet, at Lem berg, to his "dear friend, the czar," was londly cheered. The acceptance of Thomas Sexton of the position of resident commie doner for the board of education, is likely to canse a fresh disturbance in tbe Irish party. "WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, Sept. 13. For eastern 'ennsycanta, generally fair; sUiwly rising temperature; eastwindi. For wenturn I'ennsvl- tania, thowers in early morning, followed by fair, tovthcaat winds. clear FINLEY'S Oar New Stock of Laces and Dress Tiimniiag3 Comprise the Latest NOVELTIES Laces ia Pont De Gene. Honiton Guipure, Boardoa Point De Paris, Eta Beaded Laces with All Overs to Mi Hand Made Gimps in Points and Insertions and an at tractive line of the ever popular Jet Trimmings ia Matched Suits. Oar Stock of KID GLOVES For Fall Trade is Corn , plete, in addition t3 our standard makes. Tha CENTEHEBI. ALEXANDER, ABBOTT, BEGENCE, ETC. We have a ful line of La dies', Gent's and Children's Street Gloves. Evening Gloves in all Shades. 610 and 512 Lackawanna Avs MINERS' OL Wholesale and RetaiL H. A. Kingsbury 313 Sprues Street. TELEPHONE NUJ'.BEE Lewis, Reilly S. D&vles School Shoes IL You know how that lively, onercetio boy of four's knock out bis slung. Wo ve beun. thinkinu ot hiin providing lor him aaJ Iu aoatructive energy. We havo arcgulkr woar defying shoe from 60c upward. Lewis, Reilly & Davie? i 14 WYOMING AVENUE. We Examine Eyes Freoof charge. If a doctor is needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVEB NOVELTIES J.MCHEL The Jeweler, AO 8 Spruce Street t