The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 13, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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J More Comprehensive Asm
sortinent, Greater Values,
Choicer Styles
Than ever before shown in me
dium price and choice dress goods
for Autumn and Winter. Me
dium price dress fabrics will be
among the most popular goods of
the season.
Some of the lower priced
weaves are tho same in quiility
and occupy the same positiou in
tho world of fashion as those
which, in former seasons were
shown among the higher priced
goods. The following iu particu
lar are worthy of your attention;
36-inch, All Wool Changeable
Mixtures at 29c,
40-inch Silk and Wool Mix,
tures at 49c,
40-inch Novelty Fane es at
Choice Single Dress Patterns.
First showing of tho beautiful,
handsome new dress patterns are
now on exhibition.
The new comers to the stock to
be seen almost daily.
They are -our own, and will
carry couvictiou to every one who
inspects the assortment, that they
havo strong charactor, and are
marked by a distinct individuali
ty. One pattern only of a kind.
Make your choico, you'll not
make a mistake or be disappointed.
No obligation to buy. All at price,?
to suit the times.
412 Spruce St,, Scrantoa.
Dr. TIeevCT Is certainly gaining tlio omifi
diinro of tho public Ho is dciilinir honestly
with tlio people of -Scran ton nnil vicinity. Ho
in good nml cmsicioruto to the poor aurt fronts
inir biui lon and varied oxjMjriunce in lirivulo
and hospital sarvice, ho Ntiuuls unequalled iu
hiK proli'Hsion Ho in lMjrfonnin.: some won
derful curos,and while his hMiusomo ollleos at
41H Spruce street, Scranton.are daily crowded
with sick nudsnlTorin . ,ho always has time and
n word of choor and comlVrt lor ovoiyoni.
, Ho Kiv advice, cr- rnff 1C fU 1)PC
vices oiiil cxHinhiatloiis IMLL UT UllillUL
No one is turned away. Those who take treat
monl nre speedily cured and he will not take
any case, in order to get one's money, which
lit knows is incurable. Ho deals frankly and
honesily with you and his opinion Is high au
thority. He treats men, women or ' children
ind all acute ami chronic diseases.
He, with his assistants, treat all diseases of
the n irvous system, diseasos of tlio cyo, ear,
)e and throat, dyspep-d i, rheumatism, lost
vitality, prematuro weakness or decay in
both sexes, female weaknesses and irregu
larities, nervous debility, catarrh, tumor,
cancers, eruptiotiR, Mood poisoning, fits, epi
ilepsy, indiscretion and errors of youth, lost
manhood, eczema, scrofula, St. Vitas' danco,
ttsthma, diseasos ot tho heart, hums, liver,
"kidneys, bladder, stomach, etc.
J Consult itlon :i ml I'ixitniliiRtlon Free.
Office hours: D'uly, 1) a.m. to 8 p. ra. Sun
days. ID to 12 and :J to 4.
Tako clovntor in Christian's hat storo, or
Remember tbo namo and numbci
412 Spmcs St., Scrantor
Mrs. Patrick Coney, of Philadelphia,
is visitiutf at James Connelly't, on
Main street.
Dr. Reeves, 412 Spraca straet, Scran
ton, enrea lost vitality in young and
.old. 0 a. m, to 9 p in-
Miss Annie Gomor, of Ashley, who
(IRS been vititing Mini Margin Con
nelly for tbe post few day, returned
home yesterluy.
G. T. Davis, of Greenwood, is lu
New York for a few juy.
Superintendent R. F. Fox, General
Manager J. R, Baetem and Cnr Dis
patcher Dubois were down inspecting
the new truck last uight. The rails
are laid to the lumuiit ot MooBio hill,
and it is expected that curs will bo rut
over tbe line in another month.
Marty Kune, a lad of 11 years, who
resides on Murphy's court, received a
Very serious injury on Tuesday after
noon and is now in a critical condition.
Tuesday whs payday atTuvW.and after
drawing bis pay, on his way home, he
went to take it swing at a hotel in Tay
lor and fell off. The board of the
swing struck hi in on the back of the
bead, inflicting a deep gtish.
Greenwood sooiety paopla gave a very
pleasant furewell party lust evening ut
Robert Mucklows for their friend, Miss
Ida Car dwell, who leuvea toduy for
Blininokin. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Hanks, Mr, and Mrs.
A. F. Doud, Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow
Colbangh, Misses Emu Iluiaer, Atmu
Lovering, Jennie Lovoring, Dela
Euapp, Sadie Knapp, Stotta HolJin
baeh, Emily Ruwion, Ella Rawson,
Sallie Reynolds, Messrs. H. J. Doud,
, G. B. W. Dond. T. A. Murray, a C.
Mahedy, D. J. Lovering. II. A. Curd
well, G. J. Thomas, F. P. Hollenbucb,
David Evans.
William Kivlen says be is not a
member of the Independent olub, -
Miss Anna Dale, of Greenwood, is
visiting her heme in Daloville for a
Lost A bnnoh of kttys between the
Minooka store and Meadow Brook
, shaft, about eight or nine in number,
attitoned to chain ring. Finder will
' pleas leave same at South SiiU (,
'Greenwood, or at Diskiu's. hotel ou
'Main street, Jl.i.ook.i.
Eighty-Seventh Anniversary of tho Abiug
ton Society.
Excellent Sermon by Rev. J. W. Ford.
Officers Elected for tha Current
Year Committees Appointed to
Look After Home and Foreign Mis
sions, Education, Etc. Officers
Chosen by the Woman's Mission
ary Society Rev. Frank M. Good
child's Address.
Sliccial to the Scranton TVbunn
Clahk's Giiekn, P.i., Sept. 12.
HE day dawned beuutit'uliy on
the Bnptists hosts gathered
at the annual association meet
ings. The session opened Ly singing "All
Hail tho Power of Josuf Name," Rev.
D. C. lluuhes, of Scruuton, tho mod.r
xtur of thj association was in the chair.
Prayer whs off 'red by Rev. A. B.
O'Neil, of Dnnmore, Pu.
R purt of the commiltee of arrang"
tin.'Utii was presonted by Rov. W, G,
The moderator then read the rules of
order governing tho association.
Tlio pastor of the Clark's Green
church gitvi a very ordial weloomu to
t'.iu lurge uuuibir of delegates asseui
bird. IIo said: "Our hearts aud homes are
open to you all. I trust that you will
fool welcome and believe that every
thing iu.1 Clark's Greeu and vicinity Ut
lonu's to you while you are our guests."
Rov. J. VV. Ford, of Gr.-on Ridge,
r-iu tlio Scriutures, John 17. Kinging,
"Come Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove.'
Tho introductory sermon was preiu'bod
i-y Rjv. J. V.r. Ford lroin John IMS,
''As thou bust sent me Into tbe world,'
tveu so have I also fent them."
As Cuviat acepteil a groat mission in
tho world, so the discirlos of Christ may
accept the great nils ion which he Kivej
to thi'm. It we are unfaithful to the trust
lie L'ives ub, then sinner wiil renmin nn-
savctl and must b ) forever lost. The dis
ciples accepted the trust and endured un
told suueiiug that they mi'Ut, suro.ia
Ilia tin til e. l'vrliuiis all of, except
Joun ami Pliilip, died a violent death bo-
cmii'rt or their lovnlty to Llirnt.
Christ came to reveal tho Father in nil
Ilis attributes, lien often looupon God
us a stern tyrant, void ot all love and
mercy. Christ enme to correct all tueso
wrong conceptions.
s-'eeund Christ reveals God in bis exact
Christianity can ilft mun out of bis
human weakness.
Christ took His disciploi by the hand and
led them forward to consecrate themselves
for the liberation of humanity. Tim
brotherhood of uiuu hai been revealed
aione by Christ.
Three The Christian Bhould hnvo deep
convictions concerning t'.iu claims of
Cliruit. Paul was a inuu full nf d "?p o n
victinns. Christianity must uicnu much to
tho Christian.
Tho church of today needs men and
women full of zeal and knowledge of the
truth. We can all live for truth's sako and
reveal tho truth in sincerity.
The summer was t xceeding nlyiiinu
luting to all those interested iu the
Lord's work; arousing a de3ire to re
consecrate rhennelvts to their Lord,
and to enter with increasrd determina
tion into the work of the Master.
The following officers wore elected
for the current year: Moderator, Rev.
M. J. Watkin?, of Fuctoryville. Pu. ;
clerk, A. C. Sisson, Factory ville;
treasurer, E. M. Peck, Carbondale, Pa.
The new moderator was introduced
to the audience by the retiring ofila. r.
The clerk then read the letter from tho
Clark's Green cuurob. They announce
a year of success and they ure looking
forward to continued blessings. After
this the clerk read the report of the
committee on church letters. This
report reveuls tho fact that there are
twenty-eight churches iu the associa
tion; that there have been 828 baptism
during tbe yeur, and that the present
membership is 4 378. The association
Miijourned with benodiotion by Rev.
D. C. Uoghea
Devotional meeting began n 2 o'clock
nnder the leadership of R v. William
B. Grow, of Carbondale. Business re
port of truesteeg. Report of treasurer
shows a balnnce of 1-18.07 in the treas
ury. Delegates appointed to attend the
state meetings were Ruv. D. C. IlUj'hcs,
of Scranton; R-v. A. Bergen Broom",
Waverly; R-v. James Fielding,
tnti, Pa. Report of committee on
benevolence was given by Rov, T. E,
Jepson, of Carbondale. The report
recommended that the following breth
ren look after the different benevolent
in the association claiming our atten
tion. Horn missions, Rev. II, II. Harris;
Foreign missions, A. B, Browe; Elocu
tion society, W. J. Ford; Publication
tociety, A. E. Douglas.
At 3 o'clock the Women's Missionary
society, which had been in session in
the Metboiist church, entered the as
sociation. Prayer was offered by the
president, Mrs. D. C. Hngho-t.
Reports were given by Miss M. E.
Bevan and Misi b. C. Krigbanm. The
work during the past year has been'
wonderful. God has abundantly blessed
our efforts. What God has done for ns
inspires us to take up every line of work
in His name.
The elected the following offoVsrs:
President, Mrs. D. C. Hushes; first
vice president, Mrs. S. B, Taylor, Fac
toryville; second vico president, Mrs.
V. J, Guest, Peckville; corresponding
sccretary.S.C. MissKrlgoanm, Scranton ;
recording secretary, Miss M. E, Bavan,
Clark's Gr-'en; treasurer, Mrs. S. P
Bedford, Wnverly.
Address by Mr. Newol Jones, of
Gil mores Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you
are suffering from weakness,
and feel exhausted and ner
vous; are getting thin and all
run down, Gilmore's Aro
matic Wine will bring roses
to your cheeks and restore
you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your
daughters. It is the best
regulator and corrector for
ailments peculiar to woman
hood. . It promotes diges
tion, enriches the blood and
gives lasting strength. Sold
by Matthews Bros., Scran-ton.
Philadolphin.statA secretary of Foreign
missions. A basket of missionary P's
waa presented with such taste uud
skill that it prove! a positive foist.
R marks by tuo President, Mrs. D.
C. Hughes, Are we all satisfied with
the work which we as women have
done for onr Lord? A collection of
$13 was taken for the Woman's Mis
sionary society.
The association work was again re
en mod.
Rov. Frank 8. Dubbins, of Philadel
phia, delivered an address ou Foreign
It wns a magni Scout plea for a broad
conception concerniim the kingdom of
our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ is the
only saviour for the whole world.
Report of tho committee on publica
tion society was presented by RjV. II.
II. Harris, of Taylor. Report of the
committee on temperance by R-iv. V.
G. Gue3t, of Pockvi:!,
Whereas, Tho drink traffic is the foe of
nil civil, social, moral and religious ad
vancements, tho causo of untold poverty,
wretchedness nud desolation, working
greater devastation than war, poslileuce
unrt famine combined.
Therefore, lie it reiolvbd that tho pas
toiB auit messengers of tho Aliinirton asso
ciation in convention assembled, horoby
unanimously express their abhoronci) of
this evil, mil pledge themselves to work
in every Scriptural way for its destruction
uud the salvation of those en' hived by it.
W. J. He est,
B. G. Hkdi)i:o, Committee.
J. h. Stunk, )
The following committees were ap
pointed by th moderator: On recep
tion of churches, W. G. Guest, James
Lowrv, A. W, Iner; on next ses
sion, 'Rev G It. Ellis, R-v. W. J.
Ford, J. L. Stone; on org-miz ition of
Young Peiplo's society, R-v. D C
Hughes, Uuv. T. E Jepson, Riv. A. B
Browe, It v A. 1$. O'Niel, R.-v. W. Gi
Watkins, Dmcon. C. Clay. Adlrosa
by Miss CurtH of Pi ilad dohi i: "
Claims of the B.iptist Training Sohool
f Philadelphia.
At C oO s-rvicj of song l-y the etioir
of the church. The sonit service vb
followed by h:i aide address by Rev.
Frank M. (loo lchil 1, of Philadelphia.
Siii j ct: "E'.iipn.'i'iiu F iitii and H r
vicu." "The m )t important (jinlitr
iu right clociii ;mii is call'd islivss. It
luulies uil the difl r uco that tlieto i
between a good up 'nuh au l ft bad one.
A fact less appreciated is that stress is
the most important thing in life. Tlio
Saviour was thinking of that when he
said, 'Sck ye lirst the kingdom ot Gil
and bis righteousness. ' In tbo Chris
tian life, the things to ba etuplnsiz d
.troth') commanleJ thitrj-t. Uitu-iu
we are not free to usa our own j'i la
ment. "
A prayer and testimony service led
by Rev, T. E. Jops-n clos -d a very ex
cellent :,nd proli table sesssion of asso
ciation. Visitors nre preseut from
many portions of the state.
9.3J. Song and prayer service by, Kev. A.
10.00. Report of association missionary
committee, by Rev. James Field
ing, followed bv reports from
churches aided thn year.
10.45. State missions. .Address by Kev. W.
11. Coimrd, U. 1).
11.00. Doctrinal si riaeii, by Key. H. JJ,
Iliirri , Mi.l), of Taylor, Pu.
Gp cirneii f.'naes.
B. H. Clifford, New Cas-sel, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
bis stomach was lii.-onlerod, his liver was
alioctvd to an nbiriiiiug degree, appetite
fell away, and ho was terribly reduced in
liisli and Htrengi h. Tlneo bottles ot Elec
tric Hitters rureil Litu.
Edward fchei herd, Harrisbtirg, 111., bad
a running sore on his leg of eight years'
Btnndini;. Used three bottle i of Electric
bitters and seven boxes of buck Inn's
Arnica S-alve and his leg is omul nud
well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had
live larao fever hores on his leg, doctors
snid he was incurable. One bottle Electrio
Hitters and one box bucklen's Arnica
tidvo cured him entirely, bold by Mat
thew bros. drug store.
Forest City.
Jaines J. Walk-'r and wife visited
relatives ot Aldxnvillo yesterd.iv.
Dr. Rieves, Hi Spruce street, Scran
ton, curs lost mauhool. 9 a. in. to 9
p. m.
II. F. Aldrich u having his block re
painted artistically.
The attraction this evening at the
opera honsn is tho emotional play,
"Tbe Clemencean Cise."
Mr. and Mrs. B-nj imin Maxey nnd
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Weatgnto were in
Scranton yesterday and liatonod to
Evangelist Moo ly.
Messrs, Thomas nnd L"wis, of C ir
bondale, rode their 1 "bikes" to this
place and return yesterday.
John II. Douglasg, of Cold Springs,
Pa., liasnp'iied an sttraotive store, in
the Thorn is Johns' block.
Proprietor Jo .n II, Cunningham, of
the Forest lions , spint u short time ia
Carboud.ilo vester lay.
Mi-s Nela II. Wilson, of Mi Idle,
town, N. Y., alter an extended vi iit iu
this pl ice as tho guest of Miss Bertha
Doipn, will return to hor lioin todv.
Mrs. John It. Jon s is visiting in
D 'tective Michael Mirnn, of Citr
bondale, whose aiirewiltiess srr well
known in this vicinity, was a c.iilur in
town yesterday.
John Rady and E inor B 'fiine Were
united in marriage bv R v. G. C. Ly
man last eveninu at 8 o'clojk at the
home of the brid 's parents on the cor
ner of Fiftli n 1 Susiiti'hnnna nvoiin s.
The bfi i;,v v.-.i ue.niy attired iu f iwn
lansd'ivvitu v.iili heavy poarl trim -inings.
T'.. brj lo's maid was Miss
Hauna'i It tidy. She wore a dres3 of
blue bins to-vtie with purl trimming;
Kent It. Jones acting as hist man.
The ceremony took pl ic? under a large
fl ral arch. Tho room was brilliantly
illtituinutej.' About 2U0 invited quests
from snrrouiuling towns were present.
They ware l"cipients of m my huud
Bome nnd useful presents.
Abrain Rinker, sr., and Abraui
Ritiker, jr., :nid wife an I Mr. and Mrs.
ElwinDd Wolf, attended tho reunioi
at Meshopneo yestorlay.
A nieeting of the citizsns was bold
at Music hall Tuesday evening to or
ganlzi a hose conipiuy. Dr. C. P.
Kuapp was nppointel president; A. W,
Gay, secretary. Three diff -rent com
lulttees were appointed and His meet
ing adjourned to uieH Wednesday
evening next.
The members of the German Lnther
nn church iutend erecting a new ehurch
edifice. Ttey are cousid 'ring the pur
chase of the lot corner Second nnd
Seventh etrocts, and havj the rofasal
of sain.'.
Ds-rmit O'Donnell, who e;o apod from
the county j ill here in July lust, was
captured in Port Jervis Sunday, by
Ofllc-r Colli--r and Chief Mead, nnd
brought to IIonHSlnle Tuesday by
Sheriff Murphy.
Dr. Jones, of St. Stephen's, Wilk's
Barre, was the ru at of R v. John M.
Lewis, yester lny.
TnR SncrtFTartof hentty lies cos
melies, hnt i-( ou'y in, taire hh oil, and u
bealthv ptti'lorniaDc -o'f ihe viinl l.i.icti ms,
to be ebiiiiued by usii;g Luidotl: Bio.d
Y-stord iy morning O 'cnrro ' the fn-ner.-il
nf tin. l.,t lrm Mi.l, 1 l urL-i,,
Servio?s wore held in St. Rose church
an i mo remains were laid away in St
ROSS flArttltt.urv 'Pho nll hauparl aura
James Bagley James Burke, Edward
l 1 T t . .
wurnu, uavvruuee uurse ana Jumes
R. P. Dodge, who has boon the man
ager of the new Hotel Armrio in since
tbe finnnini nf Mnt hAntal. hni nA
r ' " . ...... uuavuiiji ' ' v
copted a prominent position in the Ho-
u iiiimi 111 uiuKuuiufon. in win
leave for that pi wee, which was his
former hom. on Sitnrday.
The Fowler Hose company of Port
JervKKrlo's of Snsquehaoo'i aud Mon
trose No. 1 of Mcmtronn u tha rocuiit
comp inies who hnvu sent their accept
ance to tue invitation given them to
participate in the first ariuuat firemen's
tournamont, which will occur in this
citv on Sept. 20 and 27.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Wilcox, of Potts
villo, Bpent Tuesday evening in tbis
city as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, A.
S. Lawsley, of Hlirh street
County C'oiliMiirisiniierfi lilea ami VJ
S. Roberts were among the prominent
TiHuurn in uarnouuaie yesterday.
Miss Elith Norton has returned to
hor home in Hokendanqiiu after a
month's stay in this city as the guest of
Miss Lizzie Scurry.
The Delaware and Hudson steam road
employes wera paid in this city yester
day. Miss Helene Armstrong, of West
Pittston, has again taken up tier home
iu this city with the family of Dr.
Scurry on Washington street.
To lay the Lodge ut Preston park
clones for the senson and the annual
dinner will oeour at 9 o'clock p.m.
Carbondale will be largely represented
on the occasion.
Erie Dispalooer J. D. Purtell will
leave this week for a visit with friends
in New York state.
Miss Jonnio Prooert, d.iuorhtir of
Mrs. Mary Prober', and John R. Jones,
ot this place, were united in marriage
I'ist eveninu ut the home of tlio bride's
mother on Delaware street. The core
mony was performed by the Rev. Peter
Roberts. The bride wore a fawn col
ored costume und carried a boquet of
bridal roses. Mis.? Maggie F. Will
iams attended the bride, and John
Probert wus gronnisuvin. Mauy hand
some and usolul presents were received
frnn friends, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones
will co.nmencj honsskeeping iu tho
house lately by Dtvld X
Divis with the bust wishes of their
many friinda.
Mrs. Louise Price and son Tommie,
who have beon gnestn at the Lioka
wannn House, roturnoil to their home
in N.uiticoke.
Miss Lizzie Crippen is visiting Mr.
and Mri. Martin Crippan of Delaware
Miss Emily Williams is rusticating
nt Wuverly for a few weeks.
Mrs. Dayid Jones and Alias Maggie
Jones, of Williamsburg, It., are tho
yuests of their brother, Mr. Griffith
Jenos ou Delaware street.
Hirriet Jaiu'-s baa returned home
after a week's visit with her sister ut
Mi-i3 Annie Carrol, of Carbondalo, is
visiting her sister. Mrs. J. W. S.veeny.
Miss Josephine Anderson and Tnomiis
Gill, of this place, were married last
eveuintr ut the home of the bride's par
ents. Rev. Mr. B ill offijiated.
Misses Aituirt Jones, Rsb;cot Hague
and Nettio Powell have returned to
their homes in Plymouth after a pleai
ant visit with friends in this place,
Cri iclsina a Young Lady.
"Fho would be a pretty girl for but one
"What's thatr asked Charloy.
George Her face is always covered with
purple and red blotches.
Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis
posed of. Used to be the samo way my
elf, but I caught on to the trouble one
day, and got rid of it iu no time.
George What was it?
Charley Simply blood eruptions. Took
a short course of P. P. P. I tell you, it's
tho boss blood corrector. The governor
had rheumatism so bail that you could
bear him holler ciear across the country
every time ho moved. Ho tried it, und
you know what an athlolio old uent he is
now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy
a pointer, she would thank thorn after
wards. All the drug stores soli it.
The millinery business formerly cnr
riod on by Miss, s Harding nnd Wilcox
will in thn future be condncted by Miss
Wilcox. Miss Harding having iild her
Mr. mid Mrs. Sabine Walker were
a cloar skin, a clour ho;vl, a clear
system eonio lrom tuo Carlsbad
Sprurtd Halt. v
Partly, because of it? cleansing,
pai ifyiu; action upon tbo blood,
and bi'causo of its solvent,
sti'ciigtlieiiiii.9;, Blimulatiug action
upon tho liver, kidneys, stoma;;U
and bowels. It brings them back
to a healthy, natural condition, in
a natural way.
Habitual constipation, bilious
ness, I033 of appetite, defective
nutrition, dyspepsiaevery one
of these has a time-tried remedy
iu tha Carlsbad Sprudel Salt. It
is tho actual water of tho Sprudel
Spring, solidilied and put into
powder form on tho spot. For
chronic catarrh of tho stomach
and other stoinachich disoases use
tho imported Carlsbad Sprudel
Water, andarld a small doso ,of
tho Carlsbad Sprudel Salt to; a
tumblerful of tho water whenever
a laxativo action is desired, j
Do not be imposed upon by 'Un
scrupulous dealers, who will sell
you a mixture of Seidlitz Powder
or Giaiiber Salt as "Improved
Carlsbad Salt" or 'Artificial
Carlsbad Salt," "German silt,"
or under olh 'r names.
Insist upon tho gunuino article,
which mint havo the signature of
"Esu?r & Mendelson CD.,iSole
Agents, JSew Yoik," on every
bottle, -
called to Scranton, being notified that
ineir ion was seriously ill.
C. L Belle, of .Tormvn. visited Nich
olson Tuesd iy last.
li. II. Tiff my is visiting Mesboppen,
presumably look inir After nnlitical af-
. - n i
L. E. TilTunv vUltaA KintrViDmlon
fair Tuesday last.
N. F. Brown, general manager of the
Moosio Powder company, and family
started for New Jersey this morning,
accompanied by W. Golbraith. George
ii. real is In charse during Mr.Lirown s
Dr Rsovof, 412 Spruce stroot,
ton, cures diseases of both sexes. 9 a.
m. to 9 p. m.
Mrs. Albert Smith is visiting her
mother at Pluiusyille.
Perhaps if some of the teaonera of a
generation ago ware summoned on tha
school law suit, they oould a "tale ua-.
Fort rheumatism, lunibaco, neuralgia.
crump and colio there is no remedy supe
rior to the genuine Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio
llarper't IVeekly.
Here we cannot refrain from noticing
the unfortunate circumstance that while
President Cleveland is electrifying tbe
country with his stirrimr anneals, bis sec
retary of tho treasury, Mr. Carlisle, is eu
gaged lu a laborious effort to explain away
a charge accusing him of having been ia
suspiciously couttdoutial with
tbe sugar trust. We are willing to put ths
most favorable construction upon what
the secretary has to say for himself, but
the fact is undeniable that the public ut
terances of Mr, Carlisle, as well as the
part he took in framing the sugar legisla
tion iu tue senate tana mil, were uni
formly far more calculated to help
the interests of the sugar trust
than to hurt them. At tbe moment when
President Cleveland sounds his bugle note
against tbe corrupt despotism of the trust
it is, to say tbe least, deplorable that we
should see a secretary ot tho treasury at
his side whose character Is not high
enough nnd whose position is not clear
enough wholly to relieve him of tho neces
sity of making any explanations concern
ing his fidelity to tbe aims of bis chief.
vve rear Mr. Carlisle lias ceased to add any
thing to the moral weight of the adminis
tration. In fact, the administration
should not be exposed to tbe distrust
which Mr. Carlisle has managed to arouse
against himself.
Mr. Geo. II. Vlelterlvh
The Plain Facts
are that I have had Catarrh 10 Year. No
catarrh cure did me any good, but Hood's 8ar-
Hood's Sarsa
parilla aparilla helped me "V 4
wonderfully. Sly head fl OrSS
Isi-leaieil.senseof smell . . .
returning. Howl's Sar- aaaa
aparilla Is lining my
wife a world of good for That TJreJ Feel.
lag. HkohukH. Uikttkiuuh, Hobble, l'a.
. Hood's Pills are efficient and gentle. 23o
230 Lacka. Ave.
Do we hit the mark?
A few minutes
will tell.
Children's Knee Pants. Two
pair for 25 cents.
Boy's Doablc-brcasted School
Suits; regular price, $1.75.
Boys' Double-breasted Black
Wool Suita ; regular price, $3,
JIten's Suits, Single or Double
breasted; regular price, $7.
Men's Black Dress Suits; reg
ular price, $12.50.
Men's Dress Tants, 50 styles;
regular price, $5.
Above Goods Are AH New. ht
Latest Styles.
All good3 left from the
FIRE SALE, which are
damaged by water only, at
your own, price.
230 Lackawanna Ave.
Fsxt .loor to the burnol ba'.! :ing.
I ;. i
'400-401! Lackawanna Ave.
THESE goods willbe sold far below their
' value, and it will pay you to secure what
you need for the winter during this sale. BY
them stored FREE OF CHARGE until wanted.
1 case 10-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price 89a ; now only
1 case 10-4 Blankets, "White and Grey, winter
price $1.50; now only . -
1 caso 11-4 Blankets, White and Grey, winter
price, $2.25; now only
1 case 10-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price
$3.75; now only ......
1 case 11-4 White Wool Blankets, winter price
$5; now only
1 case 10-4 California Blankets, winter price
$7.50; now only
1 case 11-4 California Blanketa, winter price
$8.50; now only
2 bales Comforts, special, worth $3 and $3.25;
now only
amboo Easels
New lot just received.
50c, 90c, $125, $2, $2.25, $3 and $4,50
Japanese Screens
A fine cloth back Screen for 2.25
A fine cloth back Screen for JfJ3.50
An elegant one in cream and gold for
New lot Japanese Scrap Baskets.
Chenille and Yelonr Table Covers
;rass Tables
Onyx Top Tables at $6 each,
406 and 408
Ml the Railroads
Were kept busy landing goods to the Econ.
omy last week. At least it would seem so ii
you had seen our receiving and stock clerks
Kept Hustling
To get their several departments into
shape. Such jamming and slamming I Ham
mers and chisels were playing lively tunss
on the back of Bedroom Suits and Side
boards and other articles.
We aro ready for you. A better or larger
' stock never was presented k for your inspec
tion. Then there is our price the Econo
my's price that means a lower price than
any other. Another consideration is "Econ
. omy's Liberal Wait-a-While Paying Sys.
We Pay All the Freight
1" vSSC:Sf
Lacka' Avenue.