THE SCBAHTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 12, 1894. GENERAL NEWS OF In the village of Tempe, about twelve mos irom rucBoix, id eapicai or An ona territory, lis tha rains of the ancient city whioh Frank H. Cashing discovered som years ago sod in wbiah conclusive evidence was foand proving uie existence or a ore-UoIainDian olvll izttion, belonging to&rao known at me loiters. On of the supreme nays teriei of tbeie ancienta liea in the dlt oovery within the lait few weeke of true anthratite coal within the boon darlea of one of the rained cities. It . created a decided excitement among the few In Pbcenix who were admitted to the aecret of the discovery, writee correepondent of the Sin Fraotiaoo Chronicle. An option wae aeeured upon the land, which lay three miles northwest of Los Muertos, and work was began at once oh the de velopment of what was tbongbt to be tbe main cropping of a coal ledge, us black stain beine traced in tbegranitio conntry rock for folly a mile. Bat tbe lead was soon exhausted and tbe rain ere were amszad to find that tbey had been cleaning oat tbe cbnteats of a gigantic olla, an urn bnried to its lip in tbe eartb. Tbe coal to the amount of over three tons was eontalned in a cornnoopia in the center of tbe jar, the termluation of tbe cornacopu being filled with clean charcoal. Aronnd and supporting tbe coal and the obarooal tbe olla was filled with dry eartb of a limestone character. The olla bad been made of a cement, me main ingredient or wnicn was plainly tbe hydranlio lime of the re gion. Tbrongh sash a combination needs no hardening from fire, the lip of tbe nm, in it briek-red color, shewed tbe effect of intense best Tbe olla was fonnd to be about twelve feet, nine inches across tbe month and materially wider at half tbe depth in nowise dif ferent in form from tbe drinking jars of that region today. The wall tapered in thickness from about eight inches at the lip to a maxium of eighteen inches near toe bottom. The material was readily distinguishable from tbe decomposed granite into which the .urn bad beea built The coal found is genuine anturaolte, on tbe authority of several of the best mineralogists of tbe coast, and sustains every test of the assayer. It was fonnd closely packed, though far from solid, and regularly stratified as though in trne coal blanket. In a atraigbt line to tbe southeast, paralleling at a shor. distance tbe eoorse of an anoient canal, bits of coal were fonnd strewn upon tue around ana, following; this ''lead five other ollae were discovered, much smaller, bat in every way similar in construction and contents to that first explored. One was not over three feet in depth, yet it contained the cone of coal, Without donbt a careful search along this line wonld develop many more sncn pits. The discoverers, after secretly nsinu every effort to locate coal in the nearby mountains, at last confessed entire in ability to solve the pnzzle. The forma tionfor miles around is mnebthe same, changing from porphyry to granite and tnen to sandstone, with occasional cold bearing veins of copper and iron-tinged quartz, a region where the geologist wouid scout tbe existence of a de posit from the carboniferous age, A hundred miles to the northeast is the nearest coal, a sulphurous J"!ltt ' in plsces may be nth tof noui. In fuct. this "Dotted atriotlo Ittalt Kiver Valley is the tbe ft e ever found west of the DDlauded loe ollas lie within one sDeeob orb pueblos. A few hundred me largest are tue ruins or e, tbe walls of whioh were y the work of tbe Heming- pedition. Under the circum stances tbe Question is natural. "Can this coal be an artificial product, made by these Toltecir Modern seieooe can take wood and by heat and preesnre and at great ex pense prodnoe a lignite. Cbarooal, a pure carkon, is, of eourse, easy to ob tain, but ths production of anthraoite, with Its baser percentage of earthy mitter, is beyond the skill of the modern TnrimAnr.alfafc Tf mann. factured by the Toltecs It is probable mat it was maae in tne great retorts where fonnd, though not a sign of an air blast hole could be detected nor an implement that wonld aid in a lucid explanation. Fragments of tpottery fairly covered the gronnd nearby, all marked with tbe common Tolteo orna mentation of terraces, lightning flisbes and wave lines, bnt in no manr do they throw light upon the subject. There seems to be no logical or plausi ble theory to offer. The anthraoite is there, let him who can read the riddle. i Minor Industrial notes t All ef the collieries of the Cross Creok Coal company worked full time last week. The Tresckow waahery bas drawn tbe dead line on non-nglish-speaking for eigners. The New York, Susquehanna and West ern directors will probably meet for or ganization today. Tbe other day the Beaver Brook colliery prepared and damped 667 mine care in nine hours, breaking the colliery's record, Kuyle Bros., who some time ago received a contract to strip a large piece of coal land at Eckiny, for the Cross Creek Coal corn pan t, began operations Saturday. The stripping will give employment to about 800 men. A Pardee & Co.'s No. 8 colliery was last Friday shut down for an indefinite period. The foreman and superintendent were transferred to other operations, and indi cations point to a long term of idleness at that plant The Beading Coal and Iron company is about to erect a 9x88 pump on the grounds of tbe Anthracite Powder company, which will be used to force the water np to tbe Keystone waahery, and the Potts' colliery at LocuBt Dale. The Schuylkill and Lehigh Valley Rail road company has purchased a tract of land containing 54, 000 square feet at West Woods, within a mile ol Pottsville, and: it iajUMed that a large machine and car shop will be erected there. All the Reading and Lehigh Valley col lieries in tbe Schuylkill region closed down on Wednesday evening for the week. The shot down is complete and In clude engineers and firemen. These col lieries will not work more than four days this month. Tbe Lehigh and tfilkes-Barre Coal com pany will soon begin the construction of a large reservoir a mile west of Honey Brook. It will be built be built large enough to hold asupply of 8,000,000 gallons of water, and will supply all tbe com pany's collieries. , The largest steel plate ever rolled in the world was successfully made at the Well man iron and Bteel works at Chester last Friday. The great plate measnred 450 inches long, or NX feet, by 130 lnobee wide, or nearly 11 feet, while its thickness was , inches. Tbe finished plate, sheared to its proper size, Will be 4 Winches long by 120 lncbee wide. ' Tbe coal and coke originating on the Pennsylvania Railroad company's lines east of Pittsbnrg and Erie for the week ended Sept. 1 werei Coal, 884,725 tons, aud INDUSTRIES nterf for way i coke. 89.411 tons, a total of 421138 tons. For tbe year, to Sept 1, tbe total of coal and coke was 9,702,631 tons, a decrease a compared with tbe corresponding period m inva or D,iai,oui ions. The demand for anthracite coal is so light that tbe Reading bas rented a num ber of its coal barges to soft coal shippers. This never baa happened before in tbe neretoiore so-called busy season. The Milneiville colliery of A. a Van Wickle, is the only colliery in that region that is working full time. When the con necting link, whioh is now being eon strncted is completed, the collieries at Coleraine will also work steady. General Agent Latta. of tbe Pennsvlva nia railroad, spenks in glowing terms of the increased buineM of the company, "Business is picking up," says be. "Our equipment is rnsbed as bard as it can go, aud we have not sufficient box cars to sup ply the demand. Everybody appears to want to do something and the idle capital of the country is rapidly finding its way Into tne cnanceis or traue." Dick & Mantz evidently intend to do ex tensive stripping at Upper Lehigh this winter for preparations are well nnder way to remove one of their steam shovels from Tresckow thence. A small station ary engine ana a loaie, wnich hauls cars to and from the shovel, will also be re- uiutdu, h wen bj an tne employes neces sary to operate tbe concern. Tbe coal shipments over the Hunting don & Broad Top railroad for tbe week ended HeDt. 1 a2erezatd fid S tnna an increase over the corresponding period of 1883 of 33, M3 tons. The company is grad ually makiug np the tonnage lo.t during the big strike, and the total shipments for the year np to Sept 1 are only 165,640 tons ueumu toe corresponding period or last year. Frank Dwyer ranks among tbe best of the league pitchers. In answer to tbe question, "Who are probably the best eight pitchers in the National league?" I should say Rusie, Meekin, Nichols, Brelt enstein, Kennedy, Dwyer, McMabon and Mercur. Young is nowhere in bis last year's form and seems to have dropped out almost entirely, and Stein cannot pitch well when he takes his regular turn. Cnppy is np and down, while the Phila delphia twiriers are spasmodical. Such is the opinion of O. P. Caylor. Mothers! Motbersll Mothers Ml Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions Of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic and is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Sold by dinggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no no other kind. Twenty-dye cents a bot tle. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Etooks and Bonds. New York. Sent. 11. For davs oast some of the benr traders in stocks have been predicting tbat tho govrenment crop rryuri, ior oepiemDer woum snow tne con dition of tbe corn to be onlv 55 tier cent. The reporr. however, which was made public late yesterday gave tbe condition as 63.4 per cent., and, as a result, there was a wild rush on the part of tbe shorts at the opening to get back their contracts. In the closing dealings tbe market was nrm, a prominent trader having bid np tbe prices all around, nut chancres for the day showing advances of to per cent. In tbe inactive issues Baltimore and Ohio advanced 2V to 78? Total sales were 182,850 shares.' Tue range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the Now York stock market are given below. The limitations ara f nrnlaliul TUB TkiuuNS bv O. du H. Dimmirlr. m AI1AGTPF of Willi, ii Lnm Ailen ft Co., stock brokers, u6 opruuti airuvt, ocraniou. Open- Hlzh- Low in?. est; ml Clos ing. a llM?i m nil lott Am. Cot Oil Uii M'4 $M Am Sugar. 1(16 l(X)i 1(M A.T. &8.F 8 a s Can. 8a Cheepeake & Ohio... M aW iiw Chic. Has. t UU U Chic A H. W IUU KM 100 C. M. SU Paul.... 671 07W etai Cblcago,H. I. ft Pac. ml iO K,1 D. ft U im 1 A 1.15 d i,. & w w. jtwu ami U.AC. F IS 10W V7. DOM 135' . E. Co 41W 4M 41' " 41 Ills. Cent Lake Shore L. AN !ui 57W Mi Manhattan 11 118 Hsu Mich. Cent , ' 5fi MlM. Pur :1L4 iu Nat. Cordage 1TW 17U Id Nat. Lead 43j tlM New Jersey Cent 43fc N. T. Central. N. Y. A N. E.. lmw 27 lOKfj Ml 5U 21 Vi 10l 15?lS 11U' 8 101 m litts 414 N. Y.,L. E.& W... N. Y.. 8. A W N. Y., R W pr. N orth Pao North Pac. or O. A VV Phil. & Roading.... Kith & W. P T C. & L Texas Po Union Pacific l' iw ii OH iu?s it Wabash 8 Wiibanh pr 17 Western Union VM 8 17 8 5, CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES. Open- High- Low- Clos ing. est est lng. WHEAT. May 6tH neot Doo. 61 (Hi; OATS. May.. ....... SeDt m i)4 5i 5ti-M 143) 827 3i)H Deo CORN. May I-opt Dec. fi.ij 1444 , 845 MM KM 1445 845 m 67 66)4 POhK. Jun 1437 LAUD. Jan New York Froduci Market. New York. Sept. II.-Flodr Dull. weak, freely offered. Wheat Dull, firmer: with options! No. 2 red store and elevator, 58a58c.; afloat, omovxa.; i. o. o.. oaovc.: ncgraaea red. 53h&Kc. Mo. 1 northern, 5V to arrive, op tions closed firm at Ke up, with a fair trade. Oohk Strong, fairly active: No. 2. 64' 64X; elevator, e5nu6o.; afloat; options closed unchanged io c. up, following tbe west and firm; May and December most active; September, 61c; October, 63 Wc; November, oSJic; December, 60a00c: m ay, oyjic UAT8 Boots fair IV act ve: Arm- nntinna dull firmer: September. 34 Uc- Or'tntur 3Xc. November, 36Xc; December, 87Wc; Wo. a white, October, 87c,i spot prices. No 2, 848340.; No. 3, white, S7c; No. 2 Chicago, 85c.; No. & 83 Wc: No. white. SOkc: mixed western, mv 35c; white do., 80h41c: white state. 80a41c. Bskf Dull, steady; famlly.tl0.00a12.0O; extra mess, t8.O0at&30. 1SEKF HAMS-ynlflt, $23. TlGBCKD BEEF Dull. firm, city rtr. India mess, (17.50. (JOT Meats Fair demand, flrmnf. pickled bellies, 12 lbs, fljc; pickled noumers, Himci pickled ham.llallc! middles nominal. Lard Quiet, closed fl steam. 19.04 asked; city, 8KsUc; Septem ber closed, 19.40 asked: December. H 7S asked; refined qniet, firm; continent, 19.75; Eoutb Amerloa, f 10; compound, 6 a7c PORK Ltgnt aemana and firm: mess tis a!6; extra prime, 18.50.al4. BUTTKB iancy, nrm ana fairlv act ve: state dairy, 14a22c; do. creamery, 18a24o. rennsyivania, loasio.; western aalry, VJX al7c; do. creamery, 16a34la; do. factory, 12al0c.( elgins, 24a24c; imitation creamery, lSal8& Cheibi Unlet, steady; stats, 8al0x&; ancy, 10o.; do. small. bXalOJic; part skims, 48Ko.i full skims, 38c. Eqgs Fair demand, steady; state and Pennsylvania, 18)al9o. Ioebouse,14Xal0a j western iresn, lOfiac. When Baby was sick, we gave her Caitorta. When sbe was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Hiss, she clung to Oastorta. Whan sbe had OMldrn.she cave them Oastorls. IndQstrleaa Indians. The efforts of tbe United States govern ment to render the Indian tribes self sup porting and industrious have been most successful in cases where it haa been pos sible to take advantage of and develop some kind of industry already known among them in at least a rudimentary form. With such a tribe as the Navajos, for in stance, the government has had no trouble since the wan with tbe tribe ceased, be cause theee Indians are natural horse and sheep raisers. Thay have been able to sup port themselves by dealing in horses and sheep. An attempt to make them farmers In the sense known in the eastern states would probably have not only failed, but would have demoralized tbe Indians and made them dependent upon tbe govern ment. Other far western tribes of Indians have subsisted largely In the past by digging room wmcn grew spontaneously over great extent of conntry. It is hoped that these Indians, now that they no longer have free range over a vast tract, may be easily taught that they caii make a living Dy planting other Kinds of roots on a more limited area. One of tbe difficulties with which the government bas to contend in the process of civilizing the great mass of tbe Indians now classed as "wild" is the fact that they occupy a conntry of dry plains, where very little agriculture was practiced when the Indians were in their primitive state, and where it was comparatively easy and pleas ant to derive a living from the herds of buffalo and other game that were to be found ranging the plains, Such a people must almost be made over again in order to be rendered agricultural. But they bave a kindly feeling toward cat tle which are a sort of natural successors to the buffalo. They make excellent herd ers and very good drivers of oxen. Cattle raising, therefore, seems to be the Tioti.iMiT mnana 1 i .. I, T.J: and they are being encouraged with gifts of stock and instruction in the best means of taking care of it. Youth's Companion. Mauagtng Mothers. It Is often said that romance is shocked at the idea of a mother finding a husband for her daughter, but delicacy is equally shocked at a young girl hunting a husband entirely by herself. Mother and home throw a charm and a refinement aronnd such efforts, and no good young man will refuse to acknowledge the wisdom aud re spectability of the English custom that "a wife is to be courted on her father's hearth stone." It is very easy to resent this sup posed necessity of guarding girlish inno cence, but it is a necessity in spite of all protestations to the contrary. If, indeed, the young are capable of self direction, then mothers are a mistake, and all that Holy Writ and wise men have said is false and antiquated, and behind the youth of this generation. ISutstirelya mother who has modeall the conditions of her daughter's life for eighteen years may at least advise her child on the muklng of her marriage aud her home. For if she be a good mother she will always consider that within due limits a marriageable daughter should be intrusted with her own destiny. Slio will know that it is one of the secrets of wise management to manage as little as possible, and never to interfere iu things of small moment. Mothers, then, ought to supple ment by their own experience the Inex perience and emotions of their daughters and to warn them. Amelia K Burr in Ladies' Home Journal, Good Authority. There is a little circle of clever people in town who have fallen into tho habit among themselves of using grammar that would make the schoolmistress's hair stand on end. Finally, after an outsider hod heard one of them say "1 done it" a'dozen times or so in the course of tbe evening, he ap proached the speaker. "Will you tell me." he said, "why you say 'I done it' instead of I did it?' It isn't good English, you Know." "It's Shakespeare's English," said the other, "and that's enough for me." So the questioner went home and got out his concordance and painfully labored through it to find Shakespeare's authority ior saying "i done it." But be couldn't. Then be came back to the first man. "Will you show me where you got Shakespeare's authority ior the '1 Uono it?' " he said. "Certainly," suid the other, turning to juocoem. "Mere Macbeth says it 'Thou canst not say 1 did it.' "New York Even ing Sun. Sam Feminine Answers. The members of a girt? class were asked a few questions. One was interrogated as to what was meant by "bearing fulse wit ness against your neighbor." "It was. said she, "when nobody did nothing and somebody went and told of it." Anothei was asked how beef tea was mude, and she replied, "Uuy a tin of beef extract, and fol low the directions on tbe lid." "What are warmth producing foods?" a tblrd girl wus asked. The reply was, "Cay enne pepper and Jamaica ginger." Cas- seiis Journal. A Long Felt for Want. Mr. Biiton (on the secoud story Wliv have you put tliut top step of the stairs above the level of tho floor? Architect I thought you wanted all modem improvements. That's the step a fellow always reaches for when he gets to the top or l.ic stairs in the dark. Puck. Chnrlnh the Living. Regard for the living is fur more helpful to tbe world than regret for the dead. The truest life cur.ijmtiion is he or she who would prefer to have the one left behind make another lmppy rather than spend thetlmo in enervating memories of an uu recallublo past. Detroit Free Press. Completing the Collection. . Maiden of Forty Summers (after view ing collection of antlquitios) You have wonderful taste, Mr. Poandro. 1 Mr. Poaudro (owner of collection) ! need one thing to make the house com plete, Miss Posse. Will you marry me? Harper's Bazar. The Bat Was Lost. The other day a West Windsor (Vt.) larmer on going out to bis sheep pen no ticed a bunch on one of his long wool sheep, and upon examination found a rat, which bad got his tail woven into the wool and was unable to get away. Boston Her ald. In the Theater, "Who is that ragged looking fellow in the wings?" "He's our property man." "Really? He doesn't look like a man of property." Munsey's Weekly. For a Consideration. Hawkins I thought Jones gave the min ister an extraordinarily large fee. , Miller It was large, but you must re member the old gentleman had to kiss the bride. Epoch. A Million Friends A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found lust such a friend in Dr. K inn's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and uojas, u yon nave never used this Ureat Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it bas wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at Uatbews Bros', drug store, Large bottles Soe. and IL 00. In thousands of cases the cure of ccnih is tbe preventive of consumption. Tue surest congh medioine in tbe world is Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Byron. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Tact. Some men have tact in different degrees, while other are wanting in it altogether. It hi the outcome of intellectual and of temperamental qualification and implies the possession of clear perceptions, quick imagination and delicate sensibilities. It is these that give the tactful person his subtle intuition of another's mental pro cesses and modes of feeling, and in the same moment show exactly the right method of action. New York Ledger. Presence of Mind An eccentric man went to church and seated himself in tbe uearost pew. Soon the owner came in, eyed the stranger critic ally, and then, writing "My pew" on tbe fly leaf of a prayer book, banded the book to tbe intruder. The man read the mes sage, smiled a beautiful smile and wrote underneath: "Nice pew, what do you pay for it?" He kept his seat, and after service dined With the pewholder. Exchange. Spain's American Dominions. Spain's dominions on the Amorican con tinent comprise Cuba and Porto Kico. Cuba has an area of 43,220 sqnare miles and Porto Rico 8,550. The population of Cuba is now 1,000,000, and of Porto Rico about 800,000. In area Cuba Is the size of Virginia, and in inhabitants it is the size of North Carolina, while Porto Rico is half way between Delaware and Connecti cut in area and slightly exceeds Connect! cut In ponnlwtinn. Kxrhango. Are out of the question when tor. tured and disfigured with Eczema. It is the cause of more intense suffering than all other skin diseases combined. Tender babies are among its most numerous victims. They are often born with it. Most remedies and the best physi cians generally fail even to relieve. If CUTICURA did no more than cure Eczema, it would be entitled to the gratitude of mankind.' It not only cures but A single application is often suffi cient to afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, permanent cure. Cuticura works wonders be cause it is the most wonderful skin cure of modern times. Sold throujtiout the world. Price, CimcoiiA, 50c.; Soap, 15c. ; Resolvent, $i. Pottii Diiug akd Chum. Cor., Sole l'root., Bottoo, Mus. "All shout the Skin and Blood," 64 pages, mailed free. A PAIN REMEDY. For nearly fifty years this wonderful rem dy has proved itself the best, quickest, saf tst aud surest antidote for pain iu he world. THE TRUE HELIEF. RADWAY'S READY BPLD3F is safe, re liable and effectual because of the stimulat ing action f tbe body, adding tone to the one tnd inciting to renewed and increased vljur the slumbering vitality of the physical struc ture, and throngb this healthful stimulation ind increased action the causa of the PAIN Is driven away and a natural condition re itored. It is thus that tho HEADY RKLIEF is so admirably adapted for the CURE OF PAIN and v. il hoot tbe risk of injury which la sure to result from the use of many of the so-called pain remedies of the day. In using medicines to stop pain we should avoid such as iufl ct injury on the system. Opium, Morphlue. Ether. O calna and Chloral stop pain by destroying 'he sense of percep tion, when the patient loses the power of feeling. 1 his i the most destructive prao tice; it masks the symptoms, shuts up, and, Instead of removinc troubl, breaks down the stmach, livornnl bowels, and, if con tinued lor a length 01 time, kills the nerves and produces local or general paralysis. There is no necessity for using thiwe un certain aernti-, when a positive remedy like KAD WAY'S KEADV RKLIEF will stop the most exoruciatinir nain ouiiiker. without n. tailing theleut difficulty in either infant or suuic A CUllK FOR ALL Summer Complaints Dysentery, Diarrhea, . Cholera Morbus. R null tumbler of water, repeated us often as tho disc.iHi-ges continue, and a flannel sal umivu wiiu n,Huv nenvi piacea over tn MtniDA'h And 1inwla will ofTl 4tYii.4 f relief una ion effect a cure. a uair t o a t-HHpo jntul In half a tumbler of iriltnt in farm nilni,.i, t. Bpasnii, Sonr Stomach, Heartburn, Nervou nesa, Sleeplessness, Sick Headache, Diarrhea. pains. Malaria DHLS AND FKVI-K, IEVEU AND AGVE OMJU1 ItEO. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Not only cures the patient seized with this terrible lo to settlers in newly-settled dis tricts, whore the Malaria or Aa-ue exiati hni If people expose! to it will every morning, on getting nut of bed, take twenty or thin y drops of the Ready Relief la water, and eat, ear, a cracker, they Kill esoape attacks. This must bo done before going out. 1 here is not a remedial anent in tho world mac win cure r ever ana Agus ana all otlmr Malarious, Bilious aided by RADWY'8 P UA so quick as K ADWAY'd READY RELIEF. SOo. Per Bottle, (old by DrunaUta. ."..PILLS,- . The Great Liver and Stomccii Remcdv For the cure of a'l disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, ervous Diseases, Lost of Appetite, Head"b, Cos tiveness, Indigestion, Biliousneu. Fever. In- ll.m..lln. ... IH. H.,.l. U 1 1 . .1 ..II 1 1 derangements of th 1 internal Viscera. Poruly voicriaujv, nuuimuiui lv iuvrourj, minerals or deleterious drugs Price. 25 cents per box. Sold bv all drno. gista. - ' v.. .- " J " - turn - V, 11. u lur H1H uuw nln I n. TH, H.ln .,..1,.1. .U. A and enable it to perioral its functions. The symptom 01 isyapspRiB owappear, ana with them the liability of the If stem to contract ,i .lrA k . 1 i -J - . directions,and obsorvs what we say of "7ilae and True." respeoting diet IVBend a letter stamp to DR. RADWAT CO., Lock Box 806, New York, for "False and True. " BE SURE Tv GET RADWAY'S. SLEEP 4 REST Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SDRPLDS, $250,000 This bank offers to depositors evert facility wnrrautrd by their balances, bu.i. ness and responsibility. Kpecial attention given to bualneas ao eouuta. luterest paid on time deposit, W1L7.IAM CONNKLI, Pretldent tiEO. II. CATLIN, Vlee.Prealdent. WIIXIAM a. FKCK, Cashier. DIRECTORS. William ConnelL George H. Catllo. Alfred H &mf Jmmstm a m v. 1.. 1 .1 . Balio, Jr., William Kmithv ' Lntha. Kali- Ms and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. P OOF tinning and soldering nil done away with by the use of HAKTMAN'8 RAT ENT PAINT, which consists of ingredl nts well-known to all It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sheet iron roofs, al so to brick dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, cracking or breaking of the trick. It will outUat tinuing ot any kind by many yanrs.and it's cost does not exceed one fifth that ot 1 he cost of tinning. Is sold by the job or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAUIAIANN, 621 Birch 81 W. L. Douglas S3 SHOEnosqueak?nq. 3. CORDOVAN, CDCUPUA CHiAlJCi f enin r 4.5.5PFlNECAlf&lft)JGAJ!0a 3.5PP0L!CE,3SoiS. 2.l7-5BOYSSCH00LSH0Ei LADIES' OENU FOR CATALOGUE WLDOUCLAS. RPArvTAU MJtncm Yea can save moner lr purchasing VV. L. Dmifflns Hiaes. Dccausc, wc are tue largest mauutacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, essy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value given than sny other make. Take no substitute. If your ueaier cannot supply you, we can. bold by E. J. LEONARD. Eaaoasse ar vh. Hlhsst Uu,cai Amwoamr. HFJnAr.HFnEUWUiW a-1 .J - " This MSNTBor from Colds, MnreTbront. sunurnia, nronciiHU. mmrtnuiTUUT. ADeWCieilt In pocket, rearty to ue on Ufrt IndlcatfiVu Wt cold! (oDtlnned I'm ttui Permnnent Cnre. SatlafacUuriCTarnnteed or money refunded. Price, oR Vila irlAl Trnn nt Ilrtuririaia ri ..! 60 cent JU i, crMif mETSS sSWW' , -1 wt v. a, MENTHOL 2'i,i0J'i"rjrt ncl S.'08t remedy for "! ",lna eaaes, Kciema. ltcu.Rnlt nneunijoin rnreo, iiurna, ruta. Wonderful rem e;lr fur FILKM. Price, CS rta. ,t )niVr, i I s Bjgta or bj mall prepaid. AiljroiaiiaboT. dALF" For sale br MutiltMiv. m.i H. l'helus. w.plsxion Presarved DR. HEBRA'S - VIOLA CREMi! Bemoves Freckles, Pimples, Liver Moles Clackheads, Sunburn aud Ten, ond ru. stores the skin to its orli-l- , . i-. . . u ul uraiiina, prxjiuoiDg Bip-y' Vj:; ploar and healthy com-3Jfe XwzFtJP'L.' ploxlon. Superior to all faee i: preparations and perfectly hnrmless. At all druggists, or mailed ior SOcts. Seud ior Circular, VIOLA SKIM 80AP U tlmplr liKaaparabla as ft kla purirtlog Kocp, UKqnltal (tr tlia Inlkit, and without a rival fur tea aunwr. Abiolutnlr pum aad wUoatal BMdi eMod. Atdrwrlna, Price 23 Cnts. G. C. BITTNEH4,CO.,To!.edo,0. For sale by Matthew llros. and John II. Phelpa, For Delicacy, For purity, and for improvement of tho com pleilon, nothing equals Pozzoni's Powder. rhoUmnkM REVIVO rroia Uiu RESTORES VITALITY. jTi,-1 hae. VL3 fm-mK Iv Made a i.tb.V.ffWWell Man THE GREAT 3Oth la.v. FZIEVOH IX133VrX3I3Y prodnees the above results In 30 days. It sets powerfully aud quickly, cures when allbthersfall Voung men will regain their lout manhood, and old meu will recover tlicir youthful vigor by using KEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, Inipotency, Nightly Knilasions, Lost Power, Faillug Memory, Wasting Diseases, and all cflects ot self-abuse or esccseand Indiscretion, which unAts one for study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of dlsesse, but Is s great nerv tonic snd blood builder, bring ing bsck the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the Are of youth. It wards off Tnnanity and Consumption. Inslat on having RKV1 other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By mall 1.00 per package, or Six iorCS.OO, with a poal' tlve written guarantee to cnre or refund the money. Circular frea, Address WYAl MEDICINE CO., 63 River St., CHICAGO, ILL. For sal by Matthews Bros., Druggists Seranton, Pa. ' CAUTlE To Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many patrons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owinsr to the excessively drv weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow the new wheat fully three . months to mature before grinning. This careful attention to placed Washburn-Crosby other brands. HEGARGEL k Wholesale Agents. LOUIS B. Dealer in Choice Confections and Frnits. BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM I 1437 Capouse Avenue. YOU ECIMOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight.ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at fiercereau 807 LACKAWANNA AVENUK All Grades, Sizes and Of every description on hand. Prompt shipments guar anteed. Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn buckles, BoltEnd3, Spikes and. a full line of Carriage Hardware. BITTENBENDER & CO. Scranton, Pa. We have th9 following supplies of Lumber secured, ai. prices tb at warrant U3 in expecting a large share of the trade. Pacific Coast Red Cedar Sbinglos. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of Wliite Pine ana White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Tine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Bbort and Long Leaf Yel low Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER CO, Commonwealth Building, Scranton Pa. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. U. E. OROFUT Proprietor. mHIB HOUSE Is strictly temparanno, is new I and woll furnlshml ami OPENe".!) To THE PUBLIC TUK YEAR KiJUND; is located midway botwotm Montrose anil Scran ton, on Montrose and Lackawanna Railroad, ix Dillon from l., h, ft W. R. R. at Alford Citation, and fivo miloi from Montrose; ca pacity, elelity-flve; three minutes' walk f rom K. R. station. GOOD BOAT4. FISHING TACKLE, C, HIKE TO UtKSIS. Altitude about 2,000 feet, cua!Unqf In this respect the Adirondack and Catsklll Moun tains. Una gTovea, plenty of shade and beautiful scenery, making a Sumintr iteaort unex celled lu beauty and cliespnuss. Dancing pavilion, swings, croquet gronnds, Aa Cold (Spring Water and plenty of M 11k. Hates, 7 to 10 per week. K1.6U per day. Excursion tlckots sold at all stations on D. L. ft W. lines. Porter meets all trains. Hir Patrons everv detail of milling haa Co.'s flour far above all SMITHS ( PARLORS OPEN FROM T A.M. TO 11 P JL oi uv-iau fliiijiiiiun uivcn 1IJ BUfW PL VI NUt FAMIUB WITH ICK CRBAH. & Connell Kinds kept in Stock. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, WMt Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga Connty Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Stud ding. DUPONT'S MININO, BLA6TINQ AND BPOBTENO POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mill La aene county Pa and at Wtt mlngton, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming DMrloi, ti8 Wyoming Av.a Scranton Pa, Tblrd Katfeoal Bank Bonding. A own eras. THOS. FORD, Mtta ton, Pa. John B smith ft son Plymontb. Pa B. W. MULUQAN, WOkm-Barrs, Fa Agents for the Hop an Uhamloal Ooaa taoy's Hlga Kxcloalves. CONNELL