TIIE SCUANTON TKIBUNK WEDNESDAY MOUSING, " SEPTEMBER 12, 1894. . The strength of Cleveland's baking powder comes from pure cream of tartar and soda only. It effervesces more slowlv than powders containing alum, ammonia or tar' fc acid. - (Pure Hand's lJ9akiijgPt)wIer (Sure! To have the best result REMEMBER. the oven should not be too hot, and it is not necessary to hurry the dough into the oven. Cleveland Halting Powder Co.,New Tork, Suocessor to Cleveland Urotliers. Norrmanfi Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenuo X)OIT'T Hare your COLLARS starched to tk atl way, hen yon can hare them done with toft VUable Buttonhole! lor TWO CENTS KACH. Lackawanna THE l LAUInUKT New and Very Choice Line of JET Trimmings Mears & Hagen 415 Lacka. Ave. If you want Carpets. Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. Williams k lilcAoultf 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. The Girls Friendly society of St. Lake's church, gave a pleasant social on the lawn at the church last night. Professor A. Gross, for years organist at St. Peter's cathedral, has opened a musical studio in the rear of 718 Adams avenue. The regular weekly prayer meeting of tne renn Avenue Baptist church will be held this week on Friday evening. Wo service on Wednesday night. The sacred cantata entitled "Bethany" will be given a few weeks hence in the Simpson Methodist Episcopal chnrob. The cantata la under the supervision ot Profes sor wunam J ones. William Connell yesterday purchased a strip of land having a frontage of fifty feet on Washington avenue, alongside of the building recently erected by him, which is occupied by BUI and Connell. The pur chase was made from the Alfred Gil more estate. The young women who frequent the lunch rooms of the Young Women's Chris tian association have been enjoying the noon service wbiob Mr. Bliss has con ducted. Today at 18 o'clock Mr. Btebbins will conduct a praise service and wll 1 siog several selections. AU young women are invited. Isaac Mills, teamster for A. M. Ather ton, of Providence, met with an accident in returning from Dickson City yesterday, caused by the running away of the horses, The wagon npset and was smashed, and the driver seriously bruised about the head. Dr. Kennedy, of Prlceburg, dressed the wounds and he was shortly after conveyed home. On Sunday afternoon Bauer's band will give a sacred concert at Laurel Hill park and among the numbers that will thrill the visitors are Rossini's "Stabat Mater" and "Zampa Overture," whioh is the piece played by the band at the recent musical festival at ths park and for which a prize of 1300 was offered. The concert may be postponed if the weather is unfav orable and in the event ot sunshine provis ions are made for accommodating several thousand visitors. Two months ago Henry H. Bursohell, a West Side milk desler, was driving down Spruce street in his van, which was struck by a Providence street ear at the Intersec tion of Wyoming avenue. The collision threw him from the wagon and he struck heavily on the curbing, head foremost. The Injury was so painful that he has not recovered from its effects yet. Yesterday, through his attorney, E. C. Newcomb, he began a trespass suit, claiming damages in the sum of 15,000. The committee of councils, especially appointed to investigate the Frsble charges against South Side members, will meet at the municipal building to-night. Mr. Frable has been requested to be present, fcince the committee was appointed it has made several ineffectual efforts to secure Mr. Frable't attendance. If he fails to attend this evening it is probable that ths committee will report no evidence and the matter will be dropped. Members Laaer, Tbomat and McCaun are the select body's representation, and tnembers Golden. Rogers and Simoo Thorns, the common council's part oX the committee. A Gospel service will be held at the South Side Young Women's Christian association Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, led by Rev. G. L. Aldrion, of Grace church, to which all women are invited. A song service of interest will preeede the meeting.- The gymnasium classes at the association rooms will open the first week iu October, nnder Miss Sbardlow, ot Brook lyn, All wlshiug to enter these olasses are requested to leave their names with the secretary. Miss bbardlow will take measurements this year and give only those exercises as will strengthen each pupil. The terms will be as easy as one conld desire. Pabst's Milwaukee Bksr, cool and sparkling, at Lob man's, Spruce street PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENT. Young; Psopls Batsrtalnsd at the Bolsa Btsldenos. One of the largest and most enjoy, able young people's parties ot the early season was that given last night by Mrs. H. M. Boies for Henri Oernean, of Si. Louis, Mo., the Yale friend of her aod, Joseph Boies. The large reeeption parlors were olearsd and crashed for dancing, and were beautifully decorated with ex quisite vari solored roses tastefully ar ranges:, me Droaa piazza was lighted by red and bine ineandescsnts. Prome nading was enjoyed in the large con servatory. Musio was furnished tor dancing by Baner, and Huntington served the refreshments. Among the guests were The Misses Archbald, Augusta Archbald, Mudd, St. Louis; Plerson, Law, PltUton; Gearbart, Finch, Anderson, Kingsbury, (trace Kingsbnrv, Mary Besssll, Jones, Mott, Eveline Gilmore, Simpson, Kauf inann, Torrey, Bessie Torrey, Sherer, Pecnypacker, Banley, Margaret lianley, Wintou, Hunt, Gould, Seneca Falls, N, Y.; Blair, Phelps, Matthews, Alice Mat thews, William, Jay and - Band; Messrs. Blair, Archbald, Jessup, Wolf, Windsor Decker, Bevan Decker, Beliu, Wa'ker, Fry, Moffat, Ed and James Gear hart, Merrill, Theodore and Ezra Connell, belden Kingsbury, Johnson, Percy, Mott, Fred Piatt, John and George Brooks, Moi timer Fuller, Frank Fuller, Fred Fuller, Theodore Fuller, Torrey. Banley, Willis and Harry Klrkpatrick, Jamie Handerson, Edward Sanderson, Everett Hunt, Albert Hunt, Jones, Knapp, South Norwalk, Conn. ' AT THE THEATERS. That laughable creation of Charles H. Boyt, "A Texas Steer,', will be seen at the Academy of Music to-night. The plays of Charles B. Boyt are always warmly re ceived in this city, but none of them is a greater favorite than "A Texas Steer." James B. Jfackie's new play, "The Side Show," which will be the attraction at the Academy of Mnsio Thursday evening, is said to be one of the most amusing come dies known to the modern stage. It deals with life as it exists at the present day in the town of Georgetown, Muss., where the scene is laid, especially on circus day. "The Side Show" tells a coherent story, which is carefully adhered to throughout the play. It serves as an excellent me dium for the introduction of many pleas ing specialties. Be has gathered to bis support a very strong coterie of come dians, acrobats, singers and dancers, whose efforts to please prove highly satis factory. The ensemble of the company consists ot the following well known ar tists: George Topack, George Steele, Waldo Whipple, George Turner, John T. Hanson, Walter Phillips, B. E. Mosler, Louise Sanford, Kittie Gilmore, Laura Ashby, M'lle Addle, Nellie Russell and James B. Mackie, the only Grimesoy, Me Boy. t t t In the galsxy surrounding Mr. Keene are the following well-known people: t-dwin Ardeu, Frank Bennig, Carl Ahrendt, Thomas Eagleson, George Buckler, Lawrence- Lowell, Lillian Lawrence, Gene vive Beaman, Juliette Downs and Mrs. S. A. Baker. Mr. Keene will be seen at the Academy of Music on Monday evening next in "Richelien," a powerful and en tertaining drama from the fertile pen of Bulwer Lytton. The flue acting of Mr. Keene is well known to Scrantonians, the easy manner with which he handles the different and difficult role commands the admiration of all. The company, as seen above, is a strong one, and thoroughly competent to srive ''Kicbelieu" its proper interpretation. Every attention will be given the little minor details which often make a performance so delightful. This promises to be the dramatic evect of ths season. Sale of seats will open at the box office on Friday morning at V a. m. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Naturalization papers were yesterday issued to Stephen Uall, Erica Audrlen and John Brown, . Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday by Clerk of the Courts John H. Tbomas to John B. Jones and Jennie Probert, of Oly phaut; John F. Joyce and Kittie Mahon, of this city. The Dunmore Gas and Water company. through Attorneys Watson & Diehl, began equity proceedings yesterday against the Moosie Mountain Coal company and the Muosic Mountain Water company. The hardware firm of Foote & Shear, of this city, yesterday began an action in re plevin against Thomas Kutules for the value oi one cook stove ueiainea Dy ae fendant, which is claimed by the plaintiff. T. E. Davis. P. F. Griffin and J. D. Riobard, co-partners in the firm of Davis & Grimn, began in the orace or rrotnono tary Pryor yesterday additional assumpsit suits against three insurance companies, namely, the Niagara Fire Insurance com. f any, of New York, for $500; the Reliance nsurance company, of Philadelphia, for 13,500; and the Firemen's Fund Insurance company, or San Francisco, lor ?a,uuu. WOOD'S COLLEGE Of Business and Shorthand. The best business since the college was organized. Both sessions largely attended. (5,000. This year a large number of people find it inconvenient to pay lor the scholarship on entering. The management has set aside a fund of $5,000 to accommodate those who wish to pay on the instalment pinn. Persons interested are Invited to calL F. E. Wood, Principal Miss Hardsnbsrsh'a Pianoforte fchool TAnnnna Mnnrtnv fl.nL 17 A thnrnnrvhlv high grade school for the study ot the pmuu-iuriiv, luoury, uonnuoy, musical His tory and analysis; in the famous Mason system ui ivcumcs, v lrgii rraciice uiavier aim tue mguer art oi musical interprets inn A special training course for teachers. 437 Wvomins avenue. Oxford. Bagster, International and family Bibles. Pratt's Book Store. ' It' a Go. The great sale of Binghamton shoes at the 6- lire's shoe store. Regular prices are cut square in two. Don't miss this chance to set some oi the bargains. ' EXPERIENCED NURSE would like to have engagements for Sep- temDerana uctoDer. itererence rrom aoc tors. Mrs. Thiku 223 Penn avenue. City and Sobool Taxes, 1894. The city and school tax duplicates for the year 1884 are now in my hands for collection. Persona wishing to pay can do so now, or any person requiring state ments of taxes by giving ward and loca tion of property wll) be promptly answereu. R. G. Brooks. Cltv Treasurer. Municipal building, Washington avenue. Office hours from (am, to o D. to., ex cept Satuurday, this office will be closed at noon. - I NOTJB-NICHT ? Was the Subject of Evangelist Moody's Im pressive Appeal Last Night. TOBACCO SMOKING DENOUNCED Farewell Address Will Ba Delivered at the Elm Park Church To-night. An Eloquent Address on "The Holy Spirit" Was Given in the Afternoon. Will Be Continued This Afternoon. Plans for the Future. Mr. Moody resumed his services yes terday, when he addressed a large gathering; at Elm Park ehnrch at 3 p. ra bis snbjest being the "Holy Spirit." Messrs. Stebbins and Caswal- Ion Davies again conducted tbe pre ceding musioal services. Mr. Moody in his address said : There are two scenes nrominent in mv life which I hope I will never forget as long as I live. The first was when! was born of tbe Holy Spirit end the second when God baptised me with tbe Boly Ghost in 1871 and as I believe annotated me for bis service. Life since then as well as the work, has been altogether differ ent. I was an older man in 1871 than I am now and feel myself set tin it younger ev ery day. You bear of ministers brsaking down from overwork. It I were to ask the au dience "What did Christ come to the world forf ' almost every child could read ily answer that he came to seek aud save that which is lost, but if I ask what is tbe work of the Holv Ghost a large number of the audience would be bewildered and confused. Tbe Father, the Son and the Boly Ghost each have their own work, and the work ot the SDirit is to convlnoe people of their sin. People like to be flat tered and to be told of their good points, but they cannot appreciate being told of their weak points, their failures or faults, and that is tbe reason why people do not like the meetings when the Spirit ot God manifests itself. Let us preach the gospel and tbe Holy Spirit will do the rest. ANOSLS WOULD AIL. If an aneel from heaven came down to preach be would not convince siuners of their sins and wickedness aud men have no power to do so, it is tbe work of the n oly spirit. let us Keep that in mind. We sometimes see a man rise from the meetings in an angry mood and slam the dood behind him. (I prefer that to those who come up and' thank you for the ser mon and then forget all about it as soon as they get Into the street. The first man dm beeu convicted of bis sin and has seen his wickedness. Mr. Moodv then enumerated the work of the Holy Spirit as follows: After conversion it sheds the love ot God abroad In the heart; imparts hope; gives liberty; testib.es of Jesus Christ; "tie shall teach yon all things and guide into all truth In tbe latter end of bis address Mr. Moody mads a tern- no onslaught on tobacco smokers, in tbe following terms- I am now going to hurt the feelings of some or you, but 1 am going to say what 1 honestly believe. If these bodies of ours are going to be kept sweet, no child ot God ought to be saturated with tobacco. Why make a smoke stack or yourselves? Give up the bablt for Christ's sake, and you will have more power and influence to work in his cause. At the conclusion of his address the evangelist invited all to stay for an hour s prayer meeting; and asked those wbo did not care to do so or who were not able to remain to walk ont quietly while a nymn was otine sung. The majority of tbe audience remained in response to the invitation. As a result of the invitation, 800 peo ple adjourned to tbe basement when Mr. Moodv engaged! In a general con versation, and fifty came forward and signed the eards pledging themselves to tbe Christian faith. SERVICES AT NIQHT. Io the evening Mr. Moody addressed tbe male portion of his audience in compliance with an invitation whicb be bad Issued, and arrangements were made whereby tbe body of tbe Elm Park church auditorium was reserved exclusively for the men, ths ladies being seated in tbe gallery. All the availa ble seating aeoommodation was occu pied. Tallie Morgan conducted ths singing, while Mr. Stebbins accom panied and contributed some of his ex cellent solos. Rev. Warren G. Partridge announced an offtrtory in aid of tbe expense of tbe mission, Mr. Moody hoped tbe audience would give liberally as they did not want the money, it would be spent in Seranton. Mr. Bliss sod Mr. Bcnivera wouia continue to bold the mission services until Out. 1. Couven (ton after convention had been held to decide tbe question as to how they could reach tbe masses, and be was sure from bis experience that tbe tent meeting was tbe best means. If but 100 tenls were arranged, about 600,000 people could be rsaehed by tbeir meet lugs. He hoped that this was but the beginning of a great work that was going right through the country. When Mr. Schivera arrived, meetings would wonld be held in Providence. In de livering bis address Mr. Moody opened py saying: I have three texts, one Is a question, the other is an exhortation and the last is a command. Some men have a great Cbrlt and others have a little Christ it is just as yon make Bim to be. A great many, upon the advent of Christ, followed 11 im for what they could get, and they were ths disappointed ones. Some thought Be Was a temporal King ana expected cmces, sucb as postmaster, secretary ot state, etc.. and when they found that Be was a spiritual king they left Bim. Others went for curiosity to see what He bad to say, Others went after the loaves and fishes and did not care for the pure doctrine Be hsd bronght from heaven. Another class followed Him to engage Bim in theological discussions lias higher criticism or to make Bim blasphemy. Another class slmnlv followed the crowd and couldn't give the reason why, and here and there a man sought Bim for what He was. Through all the 1,800 years human na ture bad not changed and such a crowd can be found in Seranton and tbe same motives which animated the crowd in these days have prompted many of yon to be present tonight. If I could only get at Jour consciences and knew the real reason would find that some have come to hear the singing,- they are;the people who don't like a sermon; soms have come to please their wives; another man has come because his mother entreated bim to. SERVICES FOB TODAY. ' Today Mr. Moody will continue his excellent address upon "Tbe Holy Spirit" at 8 p. m. at ths Elm Park church, and will also speak at the even ing meeting at 7.80 p. m, Evsngeliat Bliss will eonduct the meetings at the gospel tent, Hyde Park, at 7.80 p. m. Mr. Bliis is very well satisfied with the large audienses in ths gospel tent, notwithstanding the thousands who attend ths Elm Park chnrob to hearMr. Moody, and states that it speaks well of the great interest taken by Scranton isns in the mission serviocs that auoh large congregations are gathered to la ther at tbe same time. ' Evsngslist Sobivsra it taking a few days' rest and is expected t'i commence bis duties on Sunday next in the new tent wblsh will be located in the oity. Mr. Moody will not conduct the mis sion services aftw today and will de liver his last address at the Elm Park church this evening. TRANSFER OF THE TIMES. The Nw Kaaacemsnt Will Assume Control next Monday. Next Monday the Seranton Times will pass from tbe bands of the present ownership to the control of Messrs, Bell and Hudson, two experienced rniiaaeipbta newspaper men. Under the new regime tbe readers of the Times will be supplied with full telegraphic servioe and aa interesting supply of local and suburban nsws. The Times will continue to espouse tbe canse of Democracy. Mr. Bell is now In this city busily en gaged in perfecting all the details ot transfer. WEST SIDE JIEWS NOTES. Miss Battle Reynolds, ot Decker's court is visiting friends at Binghamton. N. Y. The Druid Glee society will have an im portant meeting this evening in Doug herty's ball. Mrs. David James, of Ecklev. has re- turned home from a visit with West Bide friends. William Riley, a driver in the Hyde Park sbaft, had his jaw broken on Monday by a kick from a -mule. Bis home is on the South bide. The members of the Simpson church choir are requested to meet in tbe church on Wednesday evening to rehearse for tbe cantata "Bethany." Professor Jones is conductor. The following programme will be ren dered at the entertainment and drawing for the benefit of Abram Thomas this evening in Mears' hall: Selection, Druid glee party; solo, Edwin Bowen; recita tion, Charles Cadogan; solo, Mrs. David Lewis; bass solo, Philip Warren; solo, David Stephens; recitation, Charles Cadugan; duet, Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Owens. At an earlv hour yesterday morning Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, an sued lady re siding with bor daughter, Mrs. Rosser Reynolds, in Decker's court, was found dead in bed. Mrs. Roberts retired to bed tbe evening before in comparatively good health. She did not disturb any of the family during the night, or complain of any illness. Yesterday morning her daughter went to her room with the pur pose ot waking her and was shocked to find her dead. Coroner Kelly was sum moned but found that an inquest would be unnecessary as aeatn was aue to heart failure. Mrs. Roberts was born In Wales and was about- 63 years of age. She has several married children residing in Car- Donaaie ana on tne west mae. me iu neral announcement will appear later. Impressive services over the remains of the late Charles Phillips, who was killed on Saturday last in the Delaware, Lack awanna and Western yards, were con ducted by Rev. A. W. Cooper, pastor of the Bampton Street Methodist Episcopal church at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A very large number ot friends gathered at tbe family home, 817 Bampton street, wnere tne services were neia. Liscxa wanna lodge No. 95. Brotherhood of Rail road Trainmen, were in attendance. Among tne large number of floral offer ings were two wreathes, one of which bore the inscription "Charles.'1 Inter ment was made in the Washburn street cemetery. The flower bearers were R. H. Matthews and George K Hammett; pall bearers, W. B. Payne, John Harris, B, 8, Ketchum, J. C. Peck. Samuel Beavers and G. M. Wallace. The regular meeting of the West Side hoard of trade was held last evening in St. David's hall William Farrell presided. It was reported that Mr. Kirst had been seen in regard to approaches to Fillmore avenue, ana saia mat ne was now uuabie to do anything. D. D. Evans suggested that it more publio meetings were held on the viaduct question it would probably be the means ot creating more enthusiasm. The petitions which were circulated will be presented at the next meeting of councils, Tbe viaduct committee was continued. The matter of consolidation of tbe boards of trade was brought up. It was thought that if tbeir could be a general meeting of tbe several city boards Quarterly they could co-operate more successfully. The viaduct matter was freely discussed, and a second publio demonstration will no doubt be held in the near future. SCRANTON ORATORIO SOCIETY. The persons who are interested in the Seranton Oratorio society will kindly meet the undersigned at tbe inirteentn regiment armory on Thurs day, Sept 13, at 8 o'clock. The ob jects of the society will then be set lortri by tne conductor. All will be made welcome. Richard F. Lindsay. Dr. E. L, Xtatvaa. Dr. Reeves, who is permanently located at 412 spruce street, seranton. is perform ing some wonderful cures and has already gained the confidence of the people of seranton ana vicinity. Having bad thirty seven years of hospital and private prao- tire aud tbe association of many "leadine? lights" In his profession, he stands first among the learned and experienced and can and does treat successfully all acute and cbroulc diseases or men, women and children. Office hours daily from 9 a. m. to 0 p. m. Consultation and examinations rree io all. Is This Tru.P It was stated yesterday on good author ity that a lending jeweler in this city bad called a meeting ot his creditors to be held the latter part ot this week, with a view to arranging for an extension of time, This will probably be granted, as the stock is koown to be worth much more than the liabilities. Great Sals of Einghamtoa Shoes opens at the 5-Bro.'s shoe store this morn ing. It will be a red hot roaster from start to finish, it will be a hammer and $1 will do the business oi fj. The &40.000 School Hons fnr CnlnmhiA avAnnn hn hatn lnt anil will be commenced immediately. There are still a lew lots lert at a low price. Arthur Frothinoham, . Office, Theater Lobby Bill books, memorandums, time books and blank books, in stock or made to or der. Pratt's Book Store. VIED. ROBERTS In Seranton, Sept. 11', 1894, Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, at the residence of Rosssr Reynolds, 519 Decker's court. Funeral notice hereafter. Grapes 10 pound baskets, 25c,; Fancy Del aware s, 25o. Watermelons Large, ripe Melons, 15c. to 20c. each. Fancy Peaches CHEAP. You buy di rect if you buy of ua. E. G. COURSES, 429 Lacka, Ave. Mrs. HcQua.de Married to W. H. Thompson on His Deatb Bed, ROOF OF THEIR DEVOTION Mr. Thompson Clung Tenaciously to Life Until Mrs. McQuade Secured a Divorce at IO O'Clock Monday Morning Their Marriage Followed Immediately Afterwards and a Few Hours Later the Groom Calmly Expired. A romantio love story culminated Monday in a decree of divorce issued at 10 o'clock in the morning, a mar riage at noon and the death of the groom a few hoar's later. Tbe princi pal aetors in the pathetlo story were W. H. Thompson, last year s county chairman of tbe People's party, well known in this eltv's labor ciroles, and Mrs. Mary E. McQuade, who became a widow within three hours. Tbe marriage osremony was per formed by Rv. Warren O. Partridge, of ths Penn Avenne Baptist shuroh, at the bedside of the dying man in the presence of a few friends and wit nesses. It was the third time Mrs. McQuade had become a wife. Her maiden name was Miss Mary E, Fry and soon after the deatb of her first husband, named Bebrens, she was mm ried to William J. MeQaade, Juue .10, 1889, by Rev. D. D. Spencer, then of the Penn Avenue Baptist ohuron, and lived with him at 83 Dana street, Wilkes. Barre. McQuade deserted her Nov. 6, 1891, and has not been heard from since. Soon after her desertion Mrs, MeQaade came to Seranton and for a time was a clerk in White s bakery at 825 Penn avenue. BECOMES STRONGLY ATTACHED. During last year a strong bond of friendship existed between her and Thompson. He was foreman In the printing establishment ot the People company, and prior to that had edited the industrial JNews, of which he was tbe founder. Mrs. MeQaade soon became known as Mrs. Tnomosou. and his friends suppossd Mrs. McQuade was his wife. in December, through her next friend. John Carlson, she instituted dlvoroe proceedings against McQuade on the ground of desertion. In June of the present year ample proof was offered that tbe defendant could not be found and evidence was heard by Judge Archbald, whose decree, granting the woman complete release from her vows to McQuade, was obtained only Mon day morning at 10 o'clock, Meanwhile, during the period of di vorce proceedings, a disease bad fast ened itself npon Thompson and he was dying slowly but surely at bis home, 628 Forest court Mrs. MeQaade nursed bim tenderly, submitted to personal deprivations and made every possible effort toward his comfort. TbomDson anally really realized that his life was in immediate danger, and, wishing to ln-ike Mrs. McQuade bis wife, solloited tbe assistance of Albert B. Clay, wbo is associated with a loan association and has an office in tbe Dime Bank building. Uu baturday Mr. Clay and others knew that the sisk man's lease on life wss short, and mane strenuous efforts to obtain Mrs McQuaJe's divorce de cree. However, owing to tbe interven tion of Sunday thevnlued ppr could lot oe secured nntu Monday morning. BE CLCNO TO LIFE. Many men with less will power would have died under tbe strain, bat Thompson hung tenaciously to ths last glimmer of mortality and spent tbe morning praying for a few hours res pite from death. With tbe Ink almost undried on tbe favorable decree and with scaresly strength to respond to tbe clergyman's nuptial questions, he became Mrs. McQaade's legal husband at noon. The form of bis will, lenvinz his wire a nominal sum of insurance and some real estate, bad been drafted. Tbe dates were filled in, bis signature attacnea, ana wiuin two hours Mrs Thompson was a widow. Thompson hss always been respect ed, and, bis friends say, was a member or tbe ttaptlst eburch and a professed cnrisiian. mat Mrs. Thompson loved i. t . . . mm, mere is no aouoi. Mr. Thompson was a member of the Seranton Typographical union and was held in high esteem by tbe mem bers of that and other labor organiza tions. His funeral will take placa to day at 2 o'clock from bis late home. Pillsburt's Best makes best bread. Room and picture mouldings, wall and ceiling decorations, in water colors aud linspar relief. Something new. Pratt's Book Storb. A large line of new books and novels at hair price. 1'ratt s Book Stokk. WAKE IIP Buy one of Berry's Best Alarm Clocks ONLY $1 THE JEWELER, 417 Lacka. Avenue. Best SetsofTeeth,$8.oo Including the painless extracting ot teeth by an entirely new ptm BERRY PPB1 I HATS &. C. Snyder, D.DS. 18tt WYOJJlXNa AVE. giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDiiiiiniigiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ! CREAM CITY I rp i S FLOUR BIN AND SIFTER ifl1l. xn iv... lofin . ssn l!5Ilis. tnihs. 100 lbs 82. U). Sd.UU. 5 H.Battin&Co. SSS 4 M V .1 I T . m T a t i Bvr liiO IMSN.V AV15XUE. n 7saiiiiaiiiiiiisaiEEg!ii!i!ceii;i3DstiiiiB New -AT- Wool worth's, You will bo surprised how good a broom we can sell you at 10c Better Brooms at UUc. to 'Sic. Cabbage Cutters, a good one 15c Decorated English B erry Saucer 8c, Decorated Wax Candles 10c. Wine Ulisses Sc. Glass Berry Saucors. 3c. Lamp Chimuoys...., 3c. Bund Tumblors , 3c. China Egg Cups 3o. Individual Butter Dishes , 3c, A now Child's Chair, in eithor pink, bluo or white enamel flnish a beauty, for.. $1.00 Five O'clock Tea Kottlcs-all brass with alcohol lamp, complete. A beauty for. l.gu Cut Olaes Tumblors, nor dozen 4.00 Cut (liana Toothpick Holdor 45 Cut Glass Oil Bottle 1.39 Cut Glass Handled Oilvo Dish 2.3U New lino Stand Lamns, Fine Det ora tions, from , (Cc.up C. S. W00LI0RTH. 319 Lacka. Ave. 100 Different styles in The newest things and all latest shades FOR $2.50 Come early and have your pick. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Ave. Next to Dime Bank. Look over your Pars and see that they aro all right before the cold weather eets in. Have them repaired by a Furrier. J. BOLZ. Goods September Is Here And pretty soon you will commence to think of FALL FOOTWEAR. BANISTER wants you to watch, for the many surprises in the NEW PALL LINES. His BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES are Uie best that can be made and will cost you no more than j ou are now paying for inferior shoo. It will pay you to trade at DAMIOTCD'O Cor- Lackawanna DiiilOlCllO Wyoming Aves. dm ' Early Fall Styles in Millinery, Cloaks, Men's Hats, Neckwear, etc. General agents for Dr. Jaeger s Woolen Goods. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. OSLAND'S 128 Wyoming Ave. A FRENCH COUTEL CORSET FOR 58c. On exhibition in our window- 8EH THEM. !3 For Fall Wear 305 Lackawanna Ave. We are now prepared to do business at our new build ing, 322 Washington Ave. EUREKA LAUNDRY CO. COME AND BEE U8 CONCKKNING THE PKINTUfO YOU NEED SOON. We can please your taste ant vunU. Get an estimate. Tbe Seranton Tribune Job Dept. Hats,CapsJack ets, Umbrellas, Dresses, Gossamers, &c. CONRAD