4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1S94 t (Je Reunion Zxifon PuSUSHtO DUILT IN tCNANTOH, P., TM TaiauNB PUIlltHINa COMMNT. . t : g. p. KiNOsiunv. IIUL null HtwVeee tmni RAV, MAMMC. MTtM T TNI NITWfin T MWi " 1 "Printer' Ink," tho recognised Journal Tor advertisers, rate tho SCBAMTON J'K 1HUNE the but advertising medium In Northeastern Pennsylvania. "Printer' luk" know. ECRANTON. SEPTEMBER, 12. I8M. ' REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor: DANIEL H. HASTING ur CCNTKB. For Lieutenant Governor: . WALTER LYON, 0FALLKUBKN1T. For Auditor General: AM08 H. MYLIX, Of LAMCASTUB. For Secretary oflternal Affair JAMES V. LATTA, 0 PHILADELPHIA. For Congressmen-at-Large: GALUSHA A. GROW, OfSUSQUKUANNA. GEORGE F. HUFF, or wkstmouelanu. Election Time, Nov. a REPUBLICAN COUNT TICKET. For Conmess: JOSEPH A. SCRANTON. For Law Judy; HUBERT W. ARCHBALD. lor kheriff: FRANK H. CLEMONS. For County Treasurer: THOMAS D. DA VIES. For Clerk of tlie Courts: JOHN H. THOMAS. For Prothonotarp: CLARENCE E. PRYOR. For District A Horney: JOHN K JONES. For Recorder: CHARLES HEUSTER. For Register ct Wills: WILLIAM S. H0PKIN4 For Jury Comminsioner: T. J. MATTHEWS. Election Time. Nor. 0. A tlurality of 8,329 for Thomas B. Reed where, last time, he received only 1,677 is a whole volume of rich and juicy comment without saying an other word. An Economic Enigma. Air. Merrifield, the gentleman whom our friends, the enemy, have named for congress as a last resort, defines his position with reference to the over shadowing issue before the people of Lackawanna county as that of "a con servative tariff Democrat, after the school of the late Samuel J. Randall." The platform upon which he was nominated "heartily indorses" the Democratic national platform of 1802, that declared protection a sham, a fraud and a violation of the conatitu. tion; and in the very next paragraph "congratulates" the people upon the "passage of a tariff measure which protects labor, without fostering trusts." What does all this mean? A "conservative tariff Democrat of the Sam Randall school" means a Democrat who can, when noboody is looking, pocket a tariff schedule or two for the Uenefit of some favorite home industry. But according to the Democratic national platform of 1892, even this furtive and spasmodic pro tection is "fradulenf'and "unconstitu tional"; and according to Grover Cleveland the Democraticcougressman who tries to get a slice of this fraud is guilty of "party perfidy and party dis honor." In congratulating the country on the passage of a tariff measure that "protects labor," Mr. Merrlfleld'a sup porters have laid themselves open to a charge of vivid inconsistency, while in avering that this measure ''does not foster trusts" they exhibit humiliating evidence that they have failed lately to read the papers. We know that Mr. Merrifield's posi tion in this matter is one of great deli cacy. We appreciate his embarrass ment and sympathize with his obvi ous distress. Consequently we cannot find it in us to be severe with the man. He will doubtless do the best that he can, under the circumstances; and if the race which he Is running were a cake walk or a humorous procession for sweet charity's sake, we should even feel disposed to wish him success. The fact that he and those whom he protestingly represents are instead trifling with a subject of the utmost personal importance to the entire citi. zenship of this peerless industrial com munity a subject which means to the voters of Lackawanna county all the difference between prosperous employ ment at a fair wage and gaunt idleness under the shadow of prostrate business moderates our leniency, however, and induces to suggest that this is no fit time for economic burlesque. The attitude of Judge John Hand ley in this particular conglomeration of events will be watched with some interest by curious people. The movement of the county of ficials towards providing female at tendants at the jail could be wisely emulated . by the city authorities, There Is as much if not more need of a police matron at the station house as there is at the county bastile. The city at one time could afford to place an officer in the city hall corridor to show visitors about, and now that he has been dispensed with the matter of ex pense should not enter into the ques tion of employing a matron. It is possible that Mr. Amerman cad heard from Maine. Bbbck, Robinson, Campbell, Ly- nett, Howell, Fitzslmmons, Roche, arhart, Price, Boland, Amerman, Comtteys et al.. anv of these centle- inen coMd have had the Democratlo congressional nomination by mere ac quiescence, out none of them would 1 . acquiesce Mr. Merrifield, In the words of one of the party leaders, "is too sound and true a Democrat to re fuse the party's call," and unless his good judgment shall get the better of him he will carry the banner this fall until tired nature shall revolt on Nov. (i. Several hopes of the brave slate- makers appear to have been blasted in the hour of night. This is mow the Washington Post (Independent) editorially comments on the Maine elections: "What Maine did yesterday we expect the other states in the north, east and west, at least, to do when their opportunity presents itself. We expect, In a word, that the whole country will rise in protest against the foolish, mischievous aud untoward policy which the cuckoos, the mugwumps and the dem agogues have indicated. The country is always intelligent and patriotic, aud it can be relied upon, we think, to ac cept the Republican party as the safest, wisest and most wholesome custodian of the national welfare under the cir cumstances that now prevail in the Democracy." Professor Howell Is to be con gratulated upon his narrow escape. One Befuddled Organ. The Philadelphia Record of Tuesday morning remarked: "There is no de vice so well calculated to Insure party success at the polls as the nomination of lit, deserving and popular candi dates for elective offices. The Demo crats of Lackawanna county have con cluded to act on this theory. They will doubtless put a very strong ticket In the field today, headed by Hon. Lemuel Amerman for congress. Four years ago Mr. Amerman was elected in a close race with Mr. Scranton, the present Republican nominee, by a plu rality of 303 votes. Tile people of Lnckawanua, in case Mr. Amerman runs again, should take the opportun ity to compare the congressional rec ords of Amerman and Scranton and cast their votes with due regard for the service rendered by each to his particular constituency and the coun try at large. Mr. Amerman's plural ity of 1890 ought to be trebled. Mr. Scianton's vote against free wool, free lumber, free iron ore and free coal, was a vote specially antagonistic to Lacka wanna county, and to every industrial interest of eastern Pennsylvania. He ought not to be returned. " Apart from the inaccuracies of the Record's prophecy department, which are not to be too seriously criticized in view of the fact that the Democrats of Lackawanna county were fully as deep in the fog themselves, the foregoing extract is as good a Republican argu ment as if it were thus intended. Free iron ore means absolutely no good to Scranton. The Lackawanna Iron and Steel company gets its ore from the Cornwall ore banks in Lebanon county; and the removal of the duty on im ported ores, if it shall affect the local iron industry at all, will affect it by depreciating the value of its Lebanon properties. Free lumber means depre ciated values to the large timber inter ests of Scranton milling capital in Potter county, beside hurting the farmers of Wayne, Pike, Wyoming and Bradford. Free coal meant the loss of anthracite's seaboard Industrial mar ket, and free wool, unless soon changed, will mean the extinction of the sheep growing industry in the agricultural counties adjoining us an I the readjust ment of our textile industries on a lower wage basis in order to ward off the costly rivalry of German competit ors in the knit goods market. . Mr. Scranton's record as a protec tionist has been consistent The bit terest personal enemy of the present representative cannot truthfully charge him with inability to guard the ma terial interests of this Industrial dis trict. The gentleman who has been dragooned into standing as his antag onist defines his attitude as that of a "conservative tariff Democrat of the Samuel J. Randall type." Just what this means under present circum stances nobody knows and nobody seriously cares. The people of Lacka wanna county, quite irrespective of past party affiliations, have been taught by recent events to take no more chances on economic enigmas in congress. They want a man there who knows where he is at and realizes what he is there for. The candidate who was, It is said, offered his campaign expenses in ad vance if he would lead the ticket evinced good judgment in declining the contract, and in selecting a more comfortable berth where the drop will not be so unnerving. It is said that as many persons come to Scranton to spend their sum mer vacation as there are Scran tonians who go elsewhere on the same mission. It is a poor year when things are not somehow equalized. Judge Archibald is the equal of Mr. Smith in ability and his superior in experience. Tho people will not feel it necessary to move a substitu tion. The shrievalty nomination against such a popular and efficient business man as Mr. Clemons was scarcely worth the fuss that was made over it. The absence of fireworks yesterday is doubtless to be attributed to the long dry spell expected in November. Lackawanna Protectionists will scarcely be deluded this year in falling into the McAleer type of pitfall. The enemy's resolutions singularly failed to felicitate the party upon the returns from Maine. The two performances given by the Rose Coghlan company in this city Monday and Tuesday nights, in point of artistlo excellence have seldom been surpassed. The finished acting of Frederick do Belleville, J. W. Shan non and John T. Sullivan, and of Miss Coghlan, Miss Elliott and Miss Rus sell supplied a dramatic treat rarely equalled in provincial cities. It is pleasant to be able to add that the en gagement was properly appreciated by local theater goers. One argument made in favor of the Crawford county systemof choosing party nominees by direct secret ballot is that "it will bring to our primaries the men who now stay at home." The Inference to be gathered from this ar gument is that men who at present habitually nenlect their duty would perform it if they could do so under the Australian booth plan, whereby they could be screened from view. The logic of this course of reasoning is not altogether clear; but it deserves to be said that logic is not a strong factor in the ratiocinations of the Republi can who feels too good to attend his party's primaries. Temporary Chairman Horn was somewhat infelicitous in telling the delegates that they were to name a ticket "not of their own personal choice." This allusion to the secret deliberations of the slate makers was naturally little calculated to arouse en thusiasm among the rank and file. It would materially have acceler ated matters had the Democrats ad vertised for volunteer candidates, through the "want" column. Our Democratic friends can scarce ly expect the public to take as serious a convention of which they themselves have made a burlesque. "Protection to home industries" will not be imperilled by an opposi tion which only materialized at the eleventh hour. And with what an admirable as sumption of seriousness the Demo cratic farceurs played their burlesque through! Ie reminded one of old times to see Merrifield and Beamish figuring in Democratic slate-making. CONVENTION ECUOES. Among tie available Democratic timber scattered about tbe court room were C. G. Bolaud, Cornelias Comeys, Edward Ly uett, Hod. John E. Roche and F. J. Fitz Simmons, all of whom bad declined tbe nomination for congress. When Messrs. Burke, Robinson, Campb-U and Uowell are added to this list of "tio-thank-yous," it would lead one to believe tbat there were no bones broken in the clamor for congressional martyrdom. Mayor W. L. Connell, Adjutant W. P. Millar, Candidate John H. Thomas and Attorney Byron F. Akerly watched the proceedings of tbe morniug session of tbe convention from the little nook In the court room which the newspaper reporters occupy during the trial of cases. There were very few Republicans occu pying seats reserved for delegates, which is quite a contrast to the condition of af fuirs at tbe Republican convention of a week ago, wben nearly every good seat witnin the Dsr enclosure held a Democrat. Squire Gilday, ot Archbald, permitted bis ponderous magisterial dignity to adorn a large area in front of the judge's bench. Tbe 'squire is a far seeing man. He wore a yatcuing cap. They will be fashionable on the Salt river trip tbis year. Tbe Bix Democratio voters of the Third district of the Ninth ward were ably represented by T. P. Duffy. It was Mr. Duffy's first appearance as a delegate to a county convention and be bore his new laurels with becoming grace. In tbe matter of apportioning tbe offices little juagmenc was snown oy the Demo cratio convention, uunmore was given judge and recorder of deeds, Carbondnle jury commissioner and all the other offices went to bcranton. Editor E. J. Lynett in nominating James d. rieaiey maoe a aosperate effort to en thuse the convention over tbe merits of the ticket they were nominating, but it refused to be entbnsed. Ex-Mayor Frank Beamish wai present at the convention and greeted many of bis old time friends. HU health is now better than it has been for several years. Jack Colborn and W. H. Withers, each of whom reoently created a furore by epeech-making, occupied adjoining seats Wituin tne Dsr enclosure. Houet John Gibbons contented himself with being an ordinary spectator and feliciatated himself npon bis extraordinary good iuck in oeiug sucu. Charles P. O'Malley. Republican candi date for representative iu tbe fourth legis lative district, i right at home among tbe euemy, Owen Connelly, ot Minooka, father of tbe late Judge John F. Connolly, was an uninterested onlooker at tbe convention. Bad there been lets Scranton timber on tbe ticket Denis J. Roche would have been a winner for jury commissioner. Yesterday's convention wiil go down in history as one of tne tamest ever beld by tbe Democratic party. Not one of the candidates made a speech to tne delegates. TAMMANY'S FAT PULL. Kew York Correspondence CWcaao Record. Just now, when the air it full of tho lighteauB indignation of tbe people agalnat Tammany, it is not amiss to recall what an ImmouKe Job those who propose to over throw Tammany have undertaken. The city comptroller in bis annual report shows that the city government bas on iti rolls 15,000 salaried employes and expends S9, 000,000 a year. Tbis is more money and patronage than is dispensed by the state governments of one-bait of the states in tbe (Juiou. Tbe average salary of state governors aoesnot amount to5,uouayear. Tbe governors of only three states receive as much as $10,000 a year salary, bat in New York city there are 139 offices tbat pay $5,000 a year ana more, and forty-ono ot these pay yearly salaries of tlO.OoOand more. Tbe most lowly ward-heeler may hope to become an 13,000 a-year police jus tice if be labors faithfully in Tammany's interests, or ne may Deoorae a coroner and receive 15,000 a year for "sitting" on an occasional corpse. THAT TIRED MUGWUMP FEELING. Aifto York J imei. t Tbe fountains of order and of all our sanctities are being peisoned bonrly. The very earth, its stability distrusted by us, seems to undulate under our feet. The skies glow darker and darker, and the stars by which we used to sail are one br one goiug oat. We bear in tbe twilight, so ui-omeuea, a ciamor or voices nut all speak different things. We are barrassed by inexplicable fears, bnt no counsels re assure us for more tban an instant fleeting Instant. THIS IS TARIFF REFORM. Indianafiulis Journal. Those employe in the glass works who consented to a cnt of 22U per cent. In wages will be quite likely not to stamp i ue rooster at tne next election in Indiana, Besides being a loss to tbe employes aud tbetr families, the cut means a 22W per cent, reduction in the volume of their trade, and possibly building and loan stocks Will be sacrificed. Hat No Wilson Bill. Washington Pott. Recent advice from Mexico, received by tbe Bureau ot tne American Hepuollcs, in dicate a general condition ol Droaoerltv I that republic LABOR IS THE LOSER. Piltttmrg Times. It takes leu monev to transact the busi ness of the country under this administra tion tban it did under the last. There is less of it to transact. It takes less to par tbe wages of this country. There are not so many men at work, aud their wages are lower. Labor is undergoing the procesa of "liquidation" which President Cleve land Blandly predicted for it. Cameron Not Popular. There is no mistake about the existence ' a fltrnncp untlmant. imnnffthA Runnhll- of csns of the state generally against tbe re- icuuuu ui oenator ameruu at tue euu ui is present term. DAINT cracks. It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that ha3 been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil Strictly. Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or 6craped off on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: " '.tlantic," "Beymer-Bauman," "Jewett," "Davla-Chambers," " Faunestock," " Armstrong & McKelvy." For Colors. National 'Lead Co.'s Pure While Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keic of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it Is pos sible to put on wood. Send ua a postal card and get our book on paints und color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Jnat rsot!ytd a Dice new line ot SILK SHADES In choice oolori and styles. Oar stoslt of Banquet, Piano and Parlor Lamps is complete. Haviland China. Carlsbad and Amur. lean China, Dinner and Tea 8eta in many atylei; also a number of open stock patterns irotn wnicn yon can avisos wnai pieee you want, COURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. 422 Lacka. Avenue. ?.'w.S. 3. COMPLEXION BLEMISHES Hay be hidden imperfectly by cosmetics and powd irs. but can only be removed perma nuntiy by Eetsal's Superior Face Bleach It will positively remove Freokl-s, Tau, Moth, naLowin'., and cure any disease of the ekln, sueb as Pimples, Acne, Hlaolt heaiia. llinei and renders the skin soft and beautiful. Priceflper bottle- For sale at E. M. HETSEL'S 330 Lurk a. At?., Scranton, Pa. A. V. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BIOTCLKS AND SPORTING GOODS. '1tsOT( Geo iron. Eclipse, LovelL Diamoot and Other Wheel Hotel Waverly European Plan. Firet-elan Bar attaehel tepot for Berguer 4s Kngel'a Tanahaiuser Been U Cor, 15t)i and Filbert Sts,, Phlldi Most desirable for resident ct N.E. Ponn' sylvaula. All eoEveuleneee for traveler to and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Harket Street ataUon. le sh-able for vial tins: HorautonUas ami peo (le In tne Anthracite Hegtoo. T. d, VICTORY. PROPRIETOR. BUY THE For manv years this Piano xa if ..Ik " V MilasMsUILK pure, rich tone, that It has become a standard or tone quality, until it is considered the highest com pltment that can be paid any Piano to say "It resembles the WE BE R." We now have tho full control of this Piano for this section as well as many other fine Pianos which we are selling at greatly reduoed prioes and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you see our goods and get our prices GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE, GOLDSMITHS HOME A Good A SPECIAL SALE OF. . BEAUTIFUL PICTURES Sies 13x15, - Only 23 Cents Another line of still more artistic, mounted in White and Gold, and large in size, Sies 16x23, - Only 73 Cents Very useful, but not so ornamental, are DRESS FORMS. We have taken the agency for the sale of "The Standard" Folding Dress Form, which heretofore has retailed at $3.75. The price now is within the reach of everybody. ONLY $1 Goldsmith Brothers & Company. CLEARING SALE OF BICYCLES. A Child's Blcycle,Rubbor Tire, new...'.. A Child's Bicycle, Hnblier Tire, new 1 0 A Boy's Bicycle, Rubber Tire, new 12 A Boy's Bicycle, Rnbber Tire, new 18 4 Boya' or Girls' Bicycle Cushion Tire, now GO down to 28 1 Youth's Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire.new.. Sit 2 Victor B Blcyclos, Pneumatic Tire.seo ond band 10 1 Victor B Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, new 80 1 Secure B cycle, Pneumatic Tire, second-hand BO 1 Lovcl Diamond B.oycla, Solid Tire, socond-hand 10 1 Ladles' Bicycle, Solid Tire, second hand 25 2 Victor A Bicycles, Solid Tire, second hand 15 1 Viotor C Bicycle, in. cushion Tire, second-hand 35 1 Victor B Bicycle, 1HJ in. Cushion Tire, second-hand 40 1 Columbian 1tt BIcycle.PneumatloTire, 65 1 Chainlet Bicycle, Pneumatic Tire, nearly new 10O Come Early for Bargains. Lawn Tennis Racquets at a discount of one-third for two weeks. J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 314 LACKA. AVENUE. BLANK BOOtCS A Fall Assortment Letter Copying Books OUR SPECIAL: A 500-page 10x12 Book, bound In oloth, Bheep back and corners, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. PINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING; Reynolds Bros. Stationers and Engravirs, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Dentists Vet teeth, fl.80; beet set, V, tor (told cap and teeth without plates, called crown and bridge work, call for piioea and references. TONALOIA, for extraatia- teeth without pain. Mo ether. Noa-a. OYER 1B8X XATIOMAI. BANK. has stood in the front ranks. It 224 Y. M. C A. E3UIL.DINO. WEBER DECORATION Housekeeper's Pride. And it is now our pride to announce a special sale of Beautiful Pictures, in Water Colors, at a lower price than ever known before. All familiar and desirable subjects, and the work nicely executed. They are well-mounted, with mats and nice white corrugated and enamel frames. HlllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllIIIIIIIIBIIIII.IIIIIIllllllllllIIIIIIllmilIIIII9lf2 I Big Gut in School Shoes f a , :: 5 During the month of SEPTEMBER we will sell I MUNDELL'S SOLAR TIP SHOES I Nos. 6 to iy2 N03. 8 to 10 Nos. 11 to IZyi S K . KK lK STORM 227 LACKAWANNA S a uuvuju. uiivu mivuu, AVENUE. a a s niiiiiimiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiMiimiiiuuHigiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuiuniniunuH THEY ARE '.GOING; AND WILL SOON BE GONE 1 At Greatly ReM Prices t THE REMAINDER X OP OUR STOCK OP : ALASKA: REFRIGERATORS. f ? ICE t Cream Freezers, OIL AND QA8 8TOVES . Foote & Shear Co., 513 LACKA. ATE. FANCY "Jenny tM" Cantelonpes, HOME GROWN Green Coin ani Tomatoes, Lima Beans, Egg Plant, eta PIERCE'S MARKET and Get the Best. has been admired so much for its WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON, BAZAAR , BICYCLE BARGAINS During the month of SEPTEMBER we offer the very. Dat liarcains ever shown In this city. None but first clans Wheels in stock. Call and examine. Open even ings. COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY 'oVTa??""' 80 Cents 90 Cent3 .... $1.10 a M a rm a M m tm Ml m a Atlantic Refining Ca Manufacturer sod Dealer la! niuminating and Lubricating Linseed Oil, Napthaa and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Qmse, Pinion Greaw and Colliery Com. ponnd; also, a large line ot Par xafflae Wax Candles. We also handle the Famous CROWN ACME OIL, the only family safety burning oil in the market WILLIAM MASON, ManaQW. Office; Cool Exchange, Wyoming At. Work at Fine Brook. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Dentist TELEPHONE S9U. Prompt attention to calls for treatment of all domestio animals. Veterinary Hedi ernes carefully compounded and (or sale at reasonable prloea. Office at the Blume Carriage Works, 131 D1X COURT, gcrautoa. where! direct suoe lng afternoon. Graduate of the American Veterinary Cut kwe and tbe Columbian School of Compare tlve Mediciae. Well, Sir! "Spectacles!" Yes, sir! We have a special ist here to US you who dool nothing else. Sit right aowa If If T and have your lf If ' eyes fitted ia a scientific manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. Inserted In THE TRIBUNE At tfatf tat of ONE CENT A WORD. ill