The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 12, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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ft Foe to Dyspepsia
6000 BREAD
And always have
Good Bread.
The Weston 11 Co,
Punch Cigars
G.B. Se Co.,
Carney, Brown & Co. Mix's.
Dr. H. B. WARE
406 Spruce Street.
Office Honrs: j"130'
l 2 To 5.
Walter Dellnrt, of Philadelphia, i9 vis
iting the Misses Deppen, of Price s treat.
Mr. anil Mrs. Theodore Wolf returned
home yesterday from Stroudsbnrg, after a
pitman nt vieit.
Mrs. Adele Hallstead Trinp, sister-in-law
of the late Colonel Ira Tripp, died at
Newark, N. J., Monduy afternoon.
Attorney John F. Scragg and family re
turned yesterday from their cottage at
Lake Ariel, where they spent the summer.
T. J. Duffy, late of Thk Tribune repor
torial staff, will depart for Uorgetown, D.
C, college to-morrow, to enter upon the
ltiHt year of bis school term.
Madame Blnnvelt has been engaged to
ping at the Frothingham in a concert for
the benefit of St. Luke's Kiudergnrten
school. The concert will be sung some
time in October.
James H. George, of Wilkos-Barre, stop
ped off in this city yesterday, en ronte for
Bingharaton as representative of his soci
ety to the Grand council of Red Men of
the United States.
Mathew Cramer, formerly of this city,
but at present engaged in Holentbal'sdrug
store in New York, who has been visiting
his parents on Ninth street, returned to
his dn ties yesterday. ,
Under this heading short lottnra of interest
B'ftl be itil)liheil wlion accompanied, tor pub
frb.nfion, ly tlio writer's name. Tmp, TnnuiMt
will not be held responsible fur opinions here
expressed. I;
Editor of The TninuNi:
Sir: When the defaulting caahior is
first discovered in his acts and accused, be
culls "Liar:" 1 am thus accused Jor leav
ing ont the second statomnnt of a sen
tence containing two statements. Allow
ine to ask, "Why do not the works of the
great composers reach the masses ?" Bo
cause they are more of the head than of the
heart. Now, is Mr. Morgan more pleased r
Possibly I am mistakeu in his moaning;
Mr. Morgan now indicates that the trou
ble in in the ignoranoe of the masses, and
therefore he gives to them gospol hymns
which "reach the heart without any musi
cal study on the part of the ticger or lis
tener." I regrot Mr. Morgan has such a
poor opinion of the majority as to think
them too ignorant to be educated. I quote
from Saturday's article1 "No amount of
'education' will educate the people away
from their music." If Scran ton people
are too ignorant to be educated, then they
are the first race discovered incapable of
enlightenment. I deny it.
. Then comes the startling information
that "Marching Through Georgia" is
separated from classic music by a "gun
shot." I am frank to give Mr. Morgan the
credit for this information as no library I
ever visited contained tho information as
to the distances in music. It is said by
veterans of the late war that as the strains
of ".Marching Through Georgia" began to
resound the borses became almost unman
ageable in their excitement to niBh for
ward. Thus we have man and beast upon
the same plane in music, according to Mr.
Morgan. The Egyptians went to battle
pounding upon ail kinds of instruments,
making a noise culled by them music, that
they might bave courage. Am I to call
thai music because it assisted men to fight?
Any noise produces an exciting effect upon
the nerves. Today, knowledge is arbitra
tion, and as the nations of the earth be
omo bettor educated the Ingredients that
issisted war are more and more frowned
upon and the true music is the encourage
ment of arbitration. We no longer desire
the "so culled music" that produces the
lighting instinct. Its effect is of the darker
As to the "flavor of the peach;" provid
ing you go to tho soda fountain for peach,
cau you bnow the flavor before tasting the
liquid? Are yon then certain the dispen
ser of the soda has eivon von the nennh
flavor, and is the soda peach as welcome
as the true peach? I am too fond of the
real article to always subsist upon the ex
tract, and I regret that you, Mr. Morgan,
should for an inBtant publish your willing
ness to be satisfied with an extract.
As to my seeming impudence in asking
ior lmormauon, 1 am indebted for that to
my studies with renowned teachers, asso
ciations with most of the ereat artists.
superior musical literature and several
concert trips from Maiue to California.
Are you content? I never deal in person
alities, owing to a sympathy for the fail
ings of mankind; therefore, until some
better arguments for the musical success
of Gospel hymns are presented, I closo
with -one question to Mr. Morgan: If
Gospel hymns were no study, either to the
singer or listener, kindly state the reason
for rehearsals of the Gospel chorus?
I Georue B. Carter,
The BioRhamton Shoe Sale
of the 6-Bro.'s shoe store Is a regular ex
plosion of high price. Values are scattered
to the fonr winds. Fifty cents will buy $1
worth of good honest shoes. SU8 Lacka
wanna avenue.
Mimeographs and neostyles lor dupli
cating and copying.
Pratt's Book Store.
Real Merit fs the characteristic of
Hood's Sarsaparllla, and it is manifested
every day in tbe remarkable cures that
medicine accomplishes. Hood's Barsapa
rilla is tbe kind. -Iry it
.Hood's Pills are the best family cathar
tic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable,
ma white
Concluded from Page I.
erowd present nt the afternoon session,
but it did not compare in nombors
with the immense throng that attended
the Republican convention of a week
During tbe noon renss a rumor
spread rapidly to the effect that Mr.
Merrifield bud refused to be a candi
date for oongrcss. Although tbe load
ers denied it tbe rumor was widely
circulated and bad a demoralizing ef
feot on the delegates who discussed the
sitnution in an animated way.
Very few of the candidates were
seen abont the court house. The ma
jority of them knew they had no oppo
sition and kept at a safe distance from
the delegates. At 2.45 Chairman Horn
called tbe body to order again and the
report of the committee on contested
seats was called for. It recommended
the seating of the following:: Seventh
ward, Third district. M. F. Gilroyj
Spring Brook, J. W. Htiines; Carbon
d ile. North End district, Peter Mo
Dermottj Archbuld, First ward, Sec
ond district, Thomas Price; Taylor.
Fir6t ward, TbomHS Hesaon; Dunmore.
Fifth ward, Martin McAudrews aud
Edward Dnffy, one-half vote each;
Scran ton, First ward, First district,
John Lynch and Patrick Cannon, one
half vote each; Scranton, Seventh
ward. Second district, John II. Burke
and Putriuk V. Scunlon, one half vote
each. '
The committee on permanent organi
zation then presented its report. It
mimed George S. Horn for chairman,
but tbe temporary secretary, M. F.
Gilroy, came in for a slash. He did
not please the committee and Joseph
Brennan, of Carboudale, was substi
tuted for him. To break Gilroy'sfall
he whs named with W. W, Baylor for
assistant secretaries. Both reports
were adopted as rend.
W. J. Bnrke rend the resolutions.
He paused for cheers after the name of
Cleveland, but he did not grow impa
tient wuiting for the tumult to subside.
Even at the conclusion of the resolu
tions the damaged roof of tbe court
house was not in danger for a moment.
There whs little enthusiasm. Here are
tbe resolutions:
The Democratic party of Lackawanna
county, in convention assembled, hereby
reaffirms its devotion to Democratic prin
ciples and heartily indorses the national
platform of 181KJ and the platform of the
recent Democratic state convention.
We congratulate tbe people of this conn
try upon the passage by the Democratic
party of a tariff measure which protects
labor without fostering trusts, which re
moves uncertainty from the business world
and opens up an era of prosperity which
will be nnparallolod in the history of the
We point with pride to tbe splendid rec
ord made by the national administration
under the wise guidance of that great
statesman, Grovor Cleveland; to tho re
demption of party pledges and tho purity
of tho civil service under it, and we heart
ily ondorso the clean and able ndininistra
tion of Governor Pattisou in the old Key
stone state.
We hi'ld that purity in politics Is tbe
only hope of preserving the liberties of the
peoplo as tbey were established by the
fathers, and we denounce and execrato
tho shameless mid uotorious purchase of
delegates nt the recent Republican county
convention as a burning disgrace to the
county and the Republican party. We
call upon the voters of Lackawanna
county to rebuke tho dishonorable meth
ods that shut out from the poor and the
honest the hope of political pref'irmout
and which encourage tbe dishonest aud
unscrupulous, and lead to malfeasance in
office, scandal and corruption in high
We urge upon the legislature to bo el
ected this fall to enact laws looking to the
establishment of a system of mediation
and arbitration in effecting the settlement
of disputes between employers and em
ployes to tho end that peaceful aud amica
ble arrangement may tako the place of
strike and strife upon the iudmtrial held
and that a better mutual understanding
may be established between the represent
atives of capital and labor.
Wo heartily tho excellent ticket
nominated by tho recent Democratic state
convention and pledge our united effort to
secure Its election.
We pledge our earnest and hearty sup
port to the ticket to be nominated by this
convention today.
After the resolutions were adopted
Mr. Blewitt eullod the senatorial
convention to order and Secretary
Stokes read tbe Hat of delegates. It
was moved that the temporary organ
ization be made permanent and Mr.
Blowitt and Mr. Stokes continued at
tbe belm. E J. Keating was directed
to assist Mr. Stokes ax assistant secre
tary. Nominations for senator were
railed for by Mr. Blewitt and P. W.
Stokes arose.
He said that owing to the amount of
business to be transacted, be would
not indulge in any extended remarks.
After paying a compliment to the past
services of M, E. McDonald in the sen
ate, he placed bim in nomination.
Major Broadbead, on behalf of tbe Lu
zerne delegates, seconded the nomina
tion. Mr. McDonald was notrluated
bv acclamation aud A. J. Gavin, of
Jermyn, P. W. Stokes and T. P. Duffy;
of this city, were sent out to find the
candidate. They returned in a short
time with the report that tbey could
not find Mr. McDonald, and after the
convention, on motion of T. P. Duffy,
bad instructed tbe candidate and chair
man of the convention to name tbe
standing committee, tbe senatorial
convention adjourned.
'Chairman Horn called for nomina
tions for additional law judge as the
first business of the county oonventlon,
whereupon Colonel F. J. Fitzsimmons
arose and placed in nomination the
name or Hon.P. P. Smith. Tueeloauent
colonel contented himself by merely suy-
iuic mat iuo man wnose name ue would
present for the thoughtful considera
tion of the convention needed no ex
tended comments from bim. "He bus
been tried iu tbe position and has made
a brilliant record. His fitness and pop
ularity ure unquestioned." The nomi
nation wag made by acclamation.
When nominations for congress were
called for by Chairman Horn there was
a silence painful to even a sympathetic
outsider. - Then followed whisperings
and hasty glances around the room
which betokened that the oonvsntlon
was anxious to know where it was at.
To relieve tbe oppressive silenoe Ed
ward Frable suggested that Judge
Smith besent for. VV. J.Bnrke.F.J.Fitz
Simmons and Lawrenoe Zf idler were
appointed a oommitteefor that purpose.
Chairman Horn again reminded the
convention that he was ready to re
ceive nominations for congressman.
Another silenoe. It was broken bv
Billy Craig who rushed across the bar
enclosure very much ont of breath and
whispered to Colonel Filzslmmons.
The colonel looked at W. J. Burke and
the three consulted in whispers for a
moment "Well." said the chairman.
after a short wait, "if there are no
nominations ror congress we will pass
that business for the time being."
At this Junoture it was apparent
that something had to be done, some
thing desperate and that desperate
something soon. Billy Craig looked a t
Colonel Fitzsloimons the colonel looked
intensely at the boards beneath his feet
and the grand culmination of all this
was tbe rising of Billy Craig with a
half smile, halt scorn and the determi
nation to fill up the blank space on tbe
ticket "l nominate Edward Merri-
field for congress" was all he said. P.
J. McCormiuk, of Blakley, mored that
tbe nomination be made by acclama
tion and tbe motion was carried with
out oppositiou, only two men votlug
on the motion.
For sneriff Attorney C. Comegys
nominated Jam s G. Bailey, He said
the latter would adorn the office aud
make an official of whom the people of
.Lackawanna might be proud. There
was no other nominee and the nomina
tion was made by acclamation.
Ldward Frable, of tbe Twelfth ward.
nominated Charles H. Schadt for
county treasurer, and he was given a
place ou tbe ticket by unanimous oou-
sent. -
John J. Durkln was placed in nomi
nation for the office of clerk of tbe
courts in a neat speech by T. J. Mo-
iigbe, or Carbondale. Like bis prede
cessors he was named by aoclaraation.
The same was true of sheriff John J.
Fabey, who was nominated for pro
thonotary by John E Roche in a
tpeooh in which he paid high tribute
to Mr. Fahey's services to the party,
and his sterling qualities as a fighter
for party success. Mr. Fahey's name
was greeted by cheers.
It wus not until John P. Kelly was
nominated for distriot attorney by
James J. O'Neill, however, that the
convention began to enthuse. Mr.
O'Neill beoanie truly eloquent as he
dwelt on the merits of Mr. Kelly. In
closing he said: "The candidate I
name for you has never been defeated;
be is honest, courageous, with a wide
knowledge of the commou and statute
law, .and if 'you nominate him you
will find him a wiuuer again."
Mr. Kelly wus given the nom
ination by unanimous . consent,
and E, J. Lvnett then arose
and renominatod James J. Healey, of
Dunmore, for recorder of deeds. He
referred to bim as a man of the people,
a great vote "getter" and a person who
wo uld be a tower of strength to the
ticket. Incidentally Mr. Lynett ex
pressed his gratification at the good
judgment the convention showed in
placing P. P. Smith and Edward Mer
rifield at the head of the ticket. There
was no opposition to the candidacy of
Mr. Healy and he, too, was accorded a
renomiuatiou by acclamation. H. T.
Koehler was unanimously renominated
fi r the office of register of will and
tiieu the struggle for the office of jury
commissioner began.
There were hulf a dozen delegates on
their feet when tbe nominations for
jury commissioner wore called for. All
began talking at once and it was some
time before order was restored. Fin
ally the following were duly plaoed iu
nomination: W. J. Campbell, Provi
dence; Dentils J. ltnolie.Seventa ward.
Leopold Yearintr, Eleventh ward; An
thony Mellugb, West Side; George
Shoemaker, Eleventh ward; i Thomas
H-ffron, Twentieth ward; Thomas II,
Kelly, Niuoteonth ward; Joliu P. Fee-
ney, Fourth ward; John J. Mannion,
A little diversion was created, before
balloting begau, by tbe appearance of
the diminutive Major Shoemaker, who
mounted tbe platform in front of the
bench and made an appeal to tbe dele
gates for support. He was interupted
frequently by oheers, hisses, cries of
"Sit down' "Shut up," "That's not
fair," eto., but nothing daunted ti e
little man said his little say.
Michael J. Gilroy, one of the secre
tnries, arose with a well-if-all-yoiv
small-fry-arfl-throngh-I'll begin air, aud
began to (alk about the "Hub of Dem
ocracy, The Keystone of Licka
wanna County," and finally came bnck
on earth with the lnformatiou that lie
was seconding the nomination of Din
nis J. Hoc lie, of the Seventh ward.
During his dissertation he took occasion
to comment on the majority which the
Seventh bad rolled up for Judge Smith.
As he was sitting down one of the del
egates in the rear of the room shonted.
"Well, tbe Seventh was rotten when
Reese Brooks ran for office." When
tbe laughter following this sally had
subsided tbe balloting was begun.
On the first ballot the vote tor jury
commissioner was as - follows: Camp
bell, 20; Rocho, 8; Yearing. 1; Mo
Hugh, 10; Kelly, 28; Feeney, 7; Shoe
makor, 8; Mannion, 07 J; Heffron, 1.
The names of Feeney, Yearing and
McHugh were withdrawn and a second
ballot was taken. The result was:
Campbell, 28; Roche, OJ; Klly, 37;
Shoemaker, 10; Mannion, 03; Huffron,
0. Bafore the ballot had been taken a
motion was passed that at its conclu
sion the four lowest candidates be
dropped. That left in the field only
Mannion and Kelly. The former re
ceived 83 votes and was d"clared tbe
nominee. Kelly received C7 votes.
When the balloting for jury commis
sioner was completed W. J, Burke of
fered the following resolution:
Resolved, That the rules of the Demo
cratic party of Lackawanna county relat
ing to the election of delegates to the state
convention be so amonded and the some
are hereby amended that ' hereafter dele
gates to tbe state convention shall ba el
ected by the delegates iu the several repre
sentative distriot conventious which shull
have been called for that purpose.
"How are they elected now?" aakud
Secretary W. W. Baylor.
"By tbe county committee," replied
Mr. Burke.
"Well, that way is good enough de
clared Mr. Biylor.
"The resolution is there and is sec
onded," declared Mr. Burke with dig
nity, "and if you want an argument iu
its fnvor I'm prepared to mak it."
' Vote it down I" shouted Mr. Baylor;
but on the contrary the convention
adopted it.
After a motion offered by P. J. Mo
Cjrmack, of Blukely, that tbe chair
man of tbe county convention and tbe
candidates be empowered to name tbe
county committee and fill any vacan
cies in the ticket that may occur had
bieo passed, the convention adjourned.
Edward Merrifield was seen at his
home on Wyoming avenue last evening
by a Tribune reporter.
"I am not prepared at this moment,"
h said, "to say what I shall do about
this nomination that has been tendered
me. I told the committee that wailed
on me this morning that I would not
be a candidate, that I bad no desire to
get inixsd up in politics. In a general
disonssion which followed I remarked
that I believed it was tbe duty of a pa
triotic American to accept a nomina
tion when tendered him, if he reason
ably could do so. I pi'snme it is to
this sentiment that I a if indebted for
tbe nomination, I will have to consult
with some of those who are in charge
of the affairs of the party, however,
before I can give a definite answer con
cerning what I shall do in the prem
ises." Mr. Merrlfield says that be is a pro
tection Demoorat of the Samuel J,
Randall school. ' '-"
Sjrious' Offence With Which Gustave A.
Kerlin, of Fig Street, Is Charged,
Attempted to Assault Fifteen-year-old
Girl at Meadow Brook Silk Mill
William Lotz Banishes His Wife
from His Roof Tree Excursion of
Century Hose Company to Wilkes
Barre To-morrow.
Gustave A. Kirlin, of 329 Fig street.
who has passed tbe sixtieth mlle-stonn
in his earthly pilgtimage, Is charged
with a serious ouenee.
Kirlin is a first-class carpentor and
was employed until last Friday at the
JUeadow lirook silk mill on pattern
work. His work-room was on tho top
floor of the mill and in one corner of it
was stored away a miscellaneous heap
of spools, bobbius, eto. To this room
girls were in the habit of going several
times daily for supplies.
Lost Friday a girl named Thomss. 15
years of .age, whose parents live on the
West Side, went to the attle, and her
story is that Kirlin attempted to as
sault her, but was foiled in his pur
pose oy ner ioua screaming.
Manager John II. Brooks heard both
sides of tbe case and be discharged
iviriiH, wno immediately lect town ana
has not siuce been beard from. Tbe
parents of tbe girl visited tbe mill tbe
next day. But for the rapid disap
pearance of Kirlin, tbelr wrath would
not be satisfied until he . received the
full benefit of the law,
The South Side board of trade will meet
Friday night.
A good carpenter, who understands fac
tory work, wanted at the Meadow Brook
Silk mill.
Schneider Bros., hardware merchants,
are erecting a one-story .addition to their
John Rosen, of New York, will return
home Saturday, having been called here
by the death of his father.
John Westpfnhl's friends will be pleased
to learn that he is recovered from the re
cent mishap which befel him.
P. J. Hickey and 8. S. Spruks were In
Wilkes-Barre yehterday arranging for the
visit of the Century Hose company tomor
row. Patrick Qninn, of Homeheads, N. Y.,
and Miss Bridget Boyle, of Fig street, both
(leaf mutes, will be married today at St.
John's church.
Tho South Sido silk mills, as stated to a
Tribune reporter yoeterday by the man
ager of one of these Industries, cannot pro
cure sulllciont bolD, the demand for the
product of the mills being so great.
A lncky discovory was made yesterday
by Johji J. Coyne, of Minooka, whose store
was destroyed In the recent conflagration.
His ledger, blackened and singed, but still
so preserved that every account is legible.
was unearthed from the embers, it is
snpposed that a water pipe, which ran
along the desk, and that burst with the
heat, is responsible for this fortunato cir
cumstance. A month or moro ago the members of the
Century Hoso compauy accepted an invi
tation to attend the annual parade of the
Wilkes-Barro' fire depurtment, as the
guests of the Mechanic Steamer company,
No. 1, and have been training in drill tac
tics and vocnl exercises. Captain James
O'Hara has boen assiduously drilling tbe
boys, and thoy have reached a praise
worthy degree of excellence. Tbey havo
also kept abreast in construing to their
sense of harmony a full aisortment of
choruces aud glees. Profeisor Frederid, u
skilled musician, will accompany the boys.
The family peace in the household of
William Lotz, of Willow street, is nt an
end. On Sunday he cruelly launched bis
wife on the waves of tbe world and ad
vised her never to darken bis door ngain.
She appeared before Aldorman Wright
yosterduy nud swore ont a warrant, which
was served by Constable Wilsou, who
found his person and brought him to the
alderman's oflloe for a hearing. Lotz re
fused to tako his wife back aud was re
quired to furnish bail for bis appearauce
at court.
Ecranton's Business Intsrastt.
Thk Tribune will soon publish a care
fully compiled and classillod list of the
leading wholesale, banking, manufactur
ing and professional interests of Scran ton
and vicinity. The edition will be bound
In book form, beautifully illustrated with
photogravure view of our pnblic build
ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together
with portraits of leading citizens. No
similar work has ever given an equal rep
resentation of Sorauton's many indus
tries. It will be an invaluable exposition
of our business resources. Kent to
persons ontside the city, copies of
this handsome work will attract
new comers and be an unequalled
advertisement of tbe city. The circu
lation is on a plun that cauuot fail of good
results to those concerned as well as the city
at largo. Representatives of The TiunuNie
will call upon those wuosk names
are debired in this edition aud explain
its naturo more fully.
Those desiring views of their residences
In this edition will please Uave notice at
the oflice.
Buy the Wbr
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros.
Grocers and bntcbers' pass books.
Pratt's Book Store.
Restkul to tired toilers, bread made
from Pillsbury's Best.
We have purchased from a reliable
Watch Co. that Hooded money, a
quantity of HIGH UKADE Watch
es at our own offor. All 15-j oar
Bold (11 1 nil chros. b-'nutifnllv pn-
(iravod with 11-Jeweleil American
movement. All have Gold Enam
elled Dials. Never sold Ck-I -
below t'ii
Tnoy go at S w.
We aro prepared to furnish all
kinds of School Books and School
Supplies at short notice.
We always have in stock a com
plete line of Blank Books, Sta
tionery and Office Supplies.
Wall Paper, Window Shades
Pictures and Frames.
fob um
Rexford Jewelry Ca)Lac13k
Mrs. Ann Buckley, of Wyoming, has re
turned from visiting her brother, John
William E. Daviea, of Spring street, left
for Marietta, O., where he will resume bis
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Coles, of Caponso
avenue, has returned from a brief visit at
J. R. McDonougb, the prescription clerk
at II. M. Coles' pharmacy, has accepted a
Sosition with a former employer, J. O.
one, of Dunmore.
Tbe pastors of this part of the oily held
a meeting In the Methodist Episcopal
church yesterday afternoon and appointed
Dr. R. S. Jones and Rev. M. D. Fuller a
committee to. consult with the central
committee having the Moody campaign iu
charge., The probabilities aro that a tent
will be pitched on Klectrie City park a
weuk next Friday, to remain at least two
Xffuslo Boxes Exclusively.
Best made. Play any deMred number of
tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers,
1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Won
derful orchestrial organs, only $5 and $1(1.
Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re
paired aud improved with new tunes.
Wood, bamboo and braisi easels.
Pratt's Book Store.
Copying books and presses.
Pratt'8 Book Store.
Wedding Presents
Dinner, Tea
and Toilet Sets,
Silverware, Cut
Glass, Etc.
Ii6 Wyoming Ave.
Hew Store,
New Goods,
New Styles,
New Prices.
5w --yAsiik. i I
7.C cw'?;v.
The names are tho same but our "Pults,"
"Knots." and "Four-ln-hauds" aro of a dif
ferent kind.
tiui s aro In the neckwear line and thoy
aro In tho very lut jst colors, shades aud com
binations. If you ure looking for Fa'l neckwear, don't
miss looking at our lino. The same at both
418 SPRVCK ST. and
ChristiaUi Hatter.
ip mmmtm
Ift jt FnMt tlx Mm! Popnlar tad Prsfemd. 19
Wsrammc: Opposite Columbus Uoaivnent,
20 8 Wsnrhlrrgton Av. ScrarrrorvPa.
1.3: W t
(0 W i
1 w
-i ' U j
Ft J
4Il '
Martin & Delany
Custom Tailors and Clothiers,
r.i fjji a
ii M
308 Lacka. Ave.
fi We are offering some Great Bargains in f
2 Cases 10-4 Heavy-Weight, worth $1, for 75c.
2 Cases 10-4 Extra Quality, worth $1.39, for 98c,
1 Case 10-4, Very Fine,
1 lot of 10-4, were $4.25,
1 lot of 11-4, were $5, now $3.50.
Scientific Eye
"On the Fence,"
Soon be over the soason for riding. II
you want a Bioycle now is the time to get
it. We aro clearing up all stock, and will
give you such a chauoe as you nover had
before. One ot our bargains:
A Firtt-class, High Grade $150 Eieycle
for $05.
Bring your cash and GET OFF THE
Successor to Florey & Holt
k'V-'iv''-v '4- i'jUSA
Avoid tho scorns and win tbe
approving glances of tho people
by wearing one of our
Black and Eosewood
Brown are the leading
Wide D'Orsey Curl, full brim and
full crown are tho special feat
ures. Our salespeople aro expe
rienced hat men not boys or
amateurs. You can depend on se
curing only BECOMING Blocks,
How do these prices becomo your
$1.24, $1.49, $1.98,
$2.50, $2.93.
187 AND 139
Complete Outfitters.
i I
1 k SHOE
in ' Blue and Black
Box Coats.
Also, a first-class
stock of Imported
Suitings and Trouserings,
- bi
worth $2, for $1.49.
now $2.75.
Testing Free
The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner.
vonaness relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of
Eyeglasses and Spectacles at th Lowest Prices.
Best Artificial Eyes inserted for t5.
805 SPllVCS ST., 0;p. Old Post OfflCR.
fie Heed
And must raise several tlion
sand dollars before Thursday
evening at closing time. Wo
have no other means of ac
complishing this except by
sacrificing a portion of our
vast and valuable stock.
Boy at Your Own Price
We'll positively refuse no
offer within the bounds of
C. VV. Freeman
Watchmaker and Jowelor,
These chilly mornings and
evenings are a menace to
one's health unless properly
The first essential is proper
We have opened up an
immense assortment of medium-weight
Underwear for
fall wear in natural wool,
camel's hair, white and fancy
A price range of from