THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 12, 1894; BASE BALL Stf&ntu'i -Numerous Errors Aid Springfield In Winning a Came. FIRST WON AND THEN LOST The Leaders Suffer Defeat at Syracuse Wilkes-Barre Wins a Game from Erie and the Bisons Lose to Yon- kers National and State League Summaries General Sporting News. ITH the end of the Eastern league sea son fast drawing to a close, interest in the game is waning, as Providence can not be ousted from ber strongly en trenehed position at the head of the list in the table of par centages. In the gomes played yester day Syracuse defeat ed the coming champions, Wilkes-Barre took a game from Erie, pasting Buffalo and going into fifth plaee; Eelley's Yonkers sggrsgation defeated the Bi sons and Scran ton spoiled her chances of bettering the position sbe now holds by almost "givinir" a gams to the Ma roons, of Springfield. The following table gives the per centages of the otabs, the number of games won and lost by each and tholr standing in the championship race: Won. Lost. PerCt, A ft A Providence 72 35 .673 Syracuse 61 52 .640 Erie .... 53 69 .815 Springfield 65 63 .809 WIlkes-Barre... 58 52 .505 Buffalo 61 61 .600 Peraoton 60 67 .407 Yonkers 80 75 .287 IQST IH THE SEVENTH Bcranton Had the Oame Well In Hand Until That Fateful Inning-. The Scranton clnb, after practically Winning the game from Springfield yesterday, lost it in the unlucky sev enth lining, when by grievous errors on the part of the home team, the 11a joons were enabled to score eight rnns. By safe hits the Scranton men were -enabled to tie the seore in the eighth "Inning. When the Springfield men again earns to bat, Delaney pitched with apparent indifference and four more rnns were made, whish settled the Issue. The game was marked by some very brilliant as well as bad playing on the part of the home clnb. Among the brilliant features was Johnson's run ning catch, stopping what appeared to be a base bit and afterward throwing ont a runner who had made second base and was unable to get back to first base; and a doable play in which Cx hill, Patoben and Lebane figured, pat ting men oat at borne and first bases, The score: SCKANTOX. R. H. P.O. A. E. Cahill, Sb 1 2 1 2 1 Johnson, c f 1 8 6 1 1 I'atchen, e 0 12 2 0 Hog era, . rf... 0 12 0 1 Hsss,L f ..... 0 0 1 0 0 Lebane, lb 8 1 10 0 0 Phelan,Sb 112 0 2 Smith, s.s 3 2 0 8 1 Delaney, p 11 0 0 Total. 0 12 24 12 1 SPRINGFIELD. R. IL P.O. A. I. Shannon, ss 1 2 0 6 0 Donnelly, 8b......... 8 10 0 1 Ljncb. 2b.... 8 4 3 1 1 Scbeffler, rf 112 0 1 Teahy, o 2 2 5 1 0 fiottenu?, cf 1 2 2 0 2 Nadeau, If 0 0 2 0 0 Brecklnridza. lb. 2 8 13 0 0 CoogMin. p .......... 1 10 8 0 Total... 14 16 27 11 5 8cranton....0 0 2 1 0 2 O S 0-10 Springfield. ...0 0 0 0 2 0 8 4 014 Earned runs Scranton, 7; Springfield, 7. First base on errors Scranton, 8; -Springfield, a. Left on bases Scran ton. 7; Springfield, 3. First base on balls-Off Celaney, 8; Conghlin, 2. Strnek ont-By Deiany, 1; Conghlin, 2. Three bane bits Cahill, Johnson, Smith, Lynch, Brecken rldge. Two base bite Cahill, Johnson, Leabv. Bottenns. Breckinridge. Couehlln. Sacrifice hits Delaney. Stolen bases Patchen, Phelan, Schrffler, Leahy. Doable clays Delaney to Patchen to Lebane; pohnson to Cahill to Lebane. Hit by pitcher By Delaney, 8. Umpire Swart- wooa. 'lime icuo. OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS. At Buffalo- Yorkers 0 34002000-8 Buffalo. 0 01200 0 104 Bits Yonkers, 10; Buffalo, 5. Errors lookers, 6: iSoflalo, 7. Batteries Duryea and MiUigan; Sigsby, Vickery and Boyd. umpire uoescner. At Syxactue Syracuse 0 81220100-9 Providence-.. 0 8002000 06 Hits Syracuse, 14: Providence, 11. Er rorsSyracuse, 8; Providence, 5. Batter ies Kilrov and Rafter, Rudderham and Dixon, umpire UeorgeUear. At Erie Wilkee-Brre..4 0010002 x-7 Erie 1 0010010 1-4 Hlte Wilkes-Barre, 11; Erie, 12 Errors Wilkes-Barre, 2; Erie, 1. Batteries Eeenan and Warner; Herndon and Gun eon. Umpire Corcoran. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Cleveland First game Cleveland 2 8 1 0 0 5 0 2 0-13 New York....O 0100001 1-3 Hits-Cleveland, 17: New York, 9. Er rorsCleveland, 1; New York, 8. Bat teriesYoung and Zimmtr, Meekin. Uor man, Farrell and Wileon. Second game New York 0 0 0-1 0 0 8 1-9 Cleveland 0 010000 1 Hits New Yorit, 10; Cleveland 6. Er rorsNew York, 0; Cleveland, 5. Batter ies Meekin and Farrell; Cnppyand O'Con nor. Game called, darkness. At Pittsburg Pittsburg. 2 1100802 x- 9 Philadelphia. .0 0104001 1-7 Hits Pittsbnrg, 12; Philadelphia, 12 Errors Pittsburg, 5; Philadelphia, 8. Batteries Colcolough and Sugden; Taylor and Grady. Umpire McQuada. Beeond game Pittsburg 2 0022010 2-9 Philadelphia. .0 0040810 0-8 Hits-Pittsburg.ll; Philadelphia, 14. Er rors Pittsburg. 4; Philadelphia, 3. Bat teries Ebrett and Fugdeo; Johnston, Tay lor and Clements. Umpire McQnade. ' At Chicago Chicago 0 0 7 1 0 2 1 0 6-17 Boston 0 0010000 12 Hits Chicago, 20; Boston, 6. Errors Chicago, 4; Boston, 8. Batteries Hutch ison and Schriver; Staley and Oanzel. Umpire Lynch. STATS LEAGUE. At Pottsville-Potteville, 14; Ashland,8. At Harrisburg Harrisbnrg, 5. Shenan. doab, 4. Second game, Harrisburg. 2; Shenandoah, 6. At Lancaster Lancaster, 0; Eazleton, a At Pniladelphia Read ing, o; rniladelphla, 6. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. The New Yorks have arranged to i)lay a game in Toledo on Sunday, Sept SO. According to the Baltimore Sun Anson has offered to trade Hutchinson for Staley, ot Boston. Sullivan and Cuppy, of the Cleveland, use a clove on the left hand while pitching so as to handle hot groundera with safety. Dennv Lvons will not be able to play again this season on account of a sprained ankle. Denny has signed a St. Loma con tract and will be with the team next sea ton. Jack Stlvetts' biceps measure seventeen inches. His arm isamnsnuUr monstrosity, and physicians who buve examined him gay he will last longer than any pitcher in the game. Stivetts, however, is not in love with his work. He says that ba pre fers playing the outfield. In the New York-Cleveland game of last Thursday, in the fifth inning, McAleer tried to imitate McCaithy's famous trap ball trick in the outfield, and made a mess of it Clark was on second and Tiernan on first, with one man out, when Davis sent a Bhort fly to McAleer. The lattei, instead of "trapping" the ball, hold it momentarily, and then dropped it. He then threw to Child, who tonched Clark and the bag and made a claim of two out. Hurst, however, declared Davis out, as McAleer had held the ball momentarily. Foreman, of the Toledos, almost started a riot at Grand Rapids by throwing a ball into the grand stand at a boy who had guyed him. The ball narrowly missed a lady, and almost in an instant a rush for the field was made by a number ot men bent on teaching the irate pitcher a lesson. Bofore they could go too far, however, they were pacified. The spectators did not forget the act, notwithstanding, and a mob waited for Foreman after the game. It might have gone hard with him if the Toledo players had not left the park by a tonndabout way. JACKSON 'REFUSES. He Positively Will Not Accept the Terms-Offered by the Sioux City Club. Chicago, Sept 11. The conference to-day between Mr. Edward Lloyd Webster, of the Sioux City Athletic club, and Peter Jackson, the object of which was to have Jackson sign the articles of agreement for a fight with Corbet t, which articles have already been signed by the latter, ended in the refusal of Jaskson to pat his name to snch an agreement. "I would not sign those artioles if SoO.OOU were at stake." said Jackson. "They are too vague. I will fight Cor bett within three months for our side stake and any parse you offer, provid ing yoa name the positive date and location of the fight before signing the articles, or I will fight him before the National clnb of London, on precisely the same conditions. Jackson held that the artiolsa were not honest and that thsy were drawn np in Corbett's favor, without consid eration of himself. "Yoa do not specify where the fight is to be held and may compel me to fight in the woods or in a barge in some river, lie expressed his doubts aa to the existence of the Sionx City Athletic clnb. The weight of the gloves, be claimed, was also fa vorable to Corbett and unsatisfactory to him. Henry Pcuoenhals, foreman Henry Krug Packing company. St. Joseph. Mo., uses Dr. Thomas' Ecleotric Oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped bands, etc. It is the best. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Directum is at Hartford, where he will go in training for the great stallion race at Mystic park bepc hj. An earth coating is being placed on the cinder filling of Franklin fild. the new athletic grounds of the University of Pennsylvania. This week's trotting meeting at Fleet wood park will probably be the last big meeting at that place, as the ground will De cnt tnrongn Deiore next year. Coxswain G. H. Perkins, of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania crew, and Can' tain G. M. Coates, ot the track team, are members of an exploring party now in the wuas oi j-iSDrauor. A match has been arranged between the American middle-weight. Frank Craig. and the Welsh champion, O'Brien. The fight will take place In October in the arena ot the National Sporting club, Lon don, Eng. George Green, a yonng boxer whom Champion James Corbett brought out some time ago. won the championship of the Pacific coast on Thursday night by de feating "Spider" Kelly in fourteen ronnds at como, uu. It is proposed that at its next annual meeting the intercollegiate Athletic Asso ciation send a challenge to Oxford-Camb ridge for an annual meeting between the winners ot the Berkley Oval meet and the American college championship. Four six-ronnd glove fights have been arrangea ror the opening Atbletlo club, Scboolkill Navy, boxing entertainment on September 27J Black and Folev are matched at 150 pounds; Leonard ana Moore at 125 pounds; Bachman and Han Ion 118 pounds; and Burke and Boyle at 1US pounds. Fred Woods has written to the New York Sun, challenging Jack Dempsey, Frank Craig, the Harlem Coffee Cooler. Mike Dunn or any 150 to 154-pound mnn in the country. Woods can get a match nearer home, as the Cuban Wonder will meet bim in any kind of a contest. THE OLD STANDBY One dozen bottles of the genu ine Joliann Hoff's Malt Extract gives as much strength and nour ishment as a cask of ale, without being intoxicating. It is highly beneficial for use at meal time for convalescents, weak children and ladies, and as a general tonic for the weak and debilitated. ; Insist upon ths genuine Johann HofFs, which must have the sig nature of 'Johann Hoff" on the neck label. Beware of imitations, Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, New York. . W w WILD OATS IS TOVORITE and Major Wonder Upset Calculations la the 2.10 Race. EVENTS IN GRAND CIRCUIT RACES The Opinions Upon the Norwood Gelding So Favorable That His Price in the Pools Was $55 Scran ton Belle Was Second Choice The Wonderful Work of Major Wonder, Who Won the Turf Club Stakes. Philadelphia, Sept. 11 EADING race goers were attracted to tbe seoond day's grand circuit races today and the events were more interest ing than were those of yesterdsy. It took six heats to deoide ths 2 10 Dftoe. Uni T Wonder winning first money after be had lost the first three beats, rani, 2 09, the chestnut gelding by Bald Hornet, was not permitted to start In this rsoe because his original entry had not been reoeived. The first event, the 2 23 trot, had nine starters. Wild Oats was tbe fa vorite. So well did the talent think of the Norwood Raiding that bis prioe in tne pools was 805. Scranton Belle was second choice at $17 and tbe field brought $21. Scranton Bells, who bad tbe pole, took tbe lead in ths first heat, with Wild Oats second, bnt she went Into tbe air at tbe balf-mile post and was paesid by the favorite and Com mercial Girl. The latter pair trotted liks a double team to the three- fourths pole, bat then Wilde O.its drew away and won tbe beat with Com mercial Girl a length behind. In tbe second heat Wild Oats was not beaded, bnt in the third JN ntsbell led to the quarter. The favorite passed Nutshell at the half, however, and won by two lengths from Commercial Girl, who was a length ahead of Nutshell. Prior tntbeseeond heat Wild Oils sold for $50 and the field brought $10. No pools were sold after the second heat. wonder's wonderful work. With Paul S. Scranton in the 2:10 pace, the fiild brought $35. and Guin- ette $20. The latter was dUtanced in the first heat, and then Vitello com manded $23 against $12 for tbe field. Prima Donna s victory in the second heat eansed Vitello stock to dron to $13, the field being $7 higher. Vitello won tt third beat and his prioe went np to $25, while tbe fijld dropped to $12. Major Wonder upset all calcala- 10ns by winning tbe fonrth heat end pools sold thereafter at $25 for Wonder and $12 for the field. Wonder won the fifth and sixth heats and the raoe. Out of thirteen entries in the Phila delphia Tattersall stake rsce for two-year-olds, bnt two appeared Siiadow and fiidit King. Tbe former led all the way aronnd by 100 yards or mors, and easily distanced her competitor. It was Shadow's first race, and the time, .2S. is tier record. THE SUMMARY. 2.22 clas!. trot tins, purse $1,000! J. Golden, Bedford, Mass., b. g., vvua untes, oy nor wooa (uoi den) 1 1 1 W. Hopps, Baltimore, b. in., Com mercial Girl (Brawley) 3 E. R. Bowne, North Branch, N. J., b. m.. Nutshell (Bowne) 6 5 3 2 8 4 4 8 5 J. V. D. Beekman, Hiebscown, N. J., nr. m.. uaav ai Morton) 3 H. Dernest, Philadelphia, br. h., Ike Wilkes (Ernest) 7 Eli Ager, Scranton, Pa., br. m., scranton weue (rayue). 4 P. V. Hoy, Norristown, Pa., br. g., 9 6 iirown Jim (ueviunoy 5 7 8 R. Grnly, Academy, Pa., br., Alexis (GradT) 9 6 7 8 9 A. Sanders, Belmont, Pa., c. g., 1iauuiuB v huut; g Tims, 2.1DK, a.lS't', 218. Turf clnb stakes, $2.000 3.10 nacers Gil Curry.Naabville.Teuu, 1). g. Major Wonder by Major Edstill, jr., dam by Brieham (Curry).... 2 4 4 1 1 1 C. 8. Upton, New York,br. s. Vitello, by Lrfgnl Ten der, jr., Rnbville Maid by Blue Bull (Bver).... 1 3 18 4 8 W. l. Simons, Lexinittou, Ky., 6. m. Prima Donna by Bettortonnt, dam Tansey (Turner) 8 12 2 2 2 J. C. Pock, East Ornnge, jn. J., 0. m. .Lucille a, (Smith) 4 3 8 4 Mills and Webber, Boston, b. h. Gulcette (Sheri dan) dis. 3 ro Time, 3.13J.d', 2.14, 2.16, 2.17K. 2. S. JO. Philadelphia Tattraall atntrna 1 nnn for 2-year-old, trotters, eligible to the' 8- nnuuiB cibb. vv.ij. nimmons. Lexington, Kv.. b. f.. Shadow, hv Ni,.h TT.-b-,l Prinresi, by Kentucky Prince (Slm'monn), 1. Liii Agar, ncrunton, t'a., cn. r., Hilda King (Payne), distance. Time, 2.28, FINE CARD AT GRAVESEND. Domialo Diaws Awy from ths FUld A ftor a Bad Start, Graveb end, Sept 11. A mammoth card 11c a tbe a.-ltgntfal weather brougat here to-day tbe larges t atteo danes of the meeting and some of the best racing of the season was witness ed. Tbe principil event of the day was tne race . ror the Uolver stakes, in which tbe cracks Dominio and btoneiie clashed. The two- rear-old Llsalk was tbe other candidate, Dmlnio was in bad temper and rernsta to gni away, out after sev eral breaks the fU finally fell, Llsalk took tne lead, LiJtntnio kept oloae up and when the etretob was reached took oharge of matters, had everything bis own way ths rest of ths j mrney horn and won in a gallop by ai; open length Stonenell nil but beat Lisalk eight lengths for the place. Another big event on ths programme was tbe Brez stakes for 8-year old, which was ctptnred by Galilee. Ta handicap rao for 8 year-olds and up ward was won by tbe old campaigner, Banquet, who easily drew away from Suragossa in the strstob and won with out any apparent effort by a length. WANTS THEM ARRESTED. Jadg Dupas Charges Grand Jurymia Cocatrnlca Corbett's Fight. Newark, N. J., Sept 11 Julg Dupue, in bis oharge to the grand jury today, directed searching investiga tion into the finish fight between Champion Corbett and "Jack" Court ney before the kinetosuopj atElison's laboratory, O.angs, on Tnnrsday last. The ebarge was very speeiflo and de clared that an indiotment be found against the principals and spectators, if tbe facts as pnbiiibsd were correct. The evidence could b procured, he said, from newspaper men who are not amenable and consequently would not be inorimintticg themselves, 01 CENT A Word. TCnnfm n? nil Vfai9mnt. that mUcL when paid for, in ad vane. When a book ae cnunt is made, ho charge will be let than is cents. This rule applies to an smau want eds. excenl Situations Wanted, which are inserted FRUE. Agents Wanted. A GENT8 WANTED EVERYWHERE TO 0.1 bllV l.tUll KIUIUIUUUI www. mom profits, aslln at sight, delivered free, as cure tor rltory. Sample iu velvet lined case with full information, 10c. Catalogs fre Aluminum Novelty Co.. 335 Broadway, New York. Help Wanted-Male. BOY WANTED APPLY TO THE TRIB UNE'S Honesdale office. PAUL GARD NER. W4 ANTED A GOOD OYSTER OPENER budIv at Carr'a murkat. Washington avenue, Scranton. Pa. Helo Wanted Femalea. WANTED LADIES OR MEN ON GUAR rantea K&larv. Room 1A. old Poatofflca building;. WANTED SEVERAL LAD E8 TO AS- ' sist In publish nir work, also learners; will pay from $5 to $12 a week. For particu lars address, with atamu. J. U. (i.. Tbibumv. office. For Sale. RETAIL GROCERY STORE FOR SALE doing a ffood buslnaaa. Kara chance for runt party. Good reason tor selling Ad dress "K. W.," Tribune office. For Rent. WR KENT-TWO OFFICE KOOMd IN TemDle Court Bulldiuff. Snruca atreet. Rent verv low. Annlv to Dr. IL drawer. Old xwonica uunuing, F OR RENT ONE-HALF STORE. 120 renn avenue. Situ per month, FOR RENT NICELY-FUtt.lHHED HALL suitable for lodge rooms JOHN JER- mxb, uv Wyoming avenno. Sheriffs Sale. I WILL EXPObE TO PUBLIC SALE, AT the premises of Philip Bartron, 7 West Lackawanna avenue. Scranton. Pa., on Fri day, September 14, at 10 o'clock .m., the personal property, consisting of two lumber wagon, baggy, blacksmith tools, harness, one mare, a can ana alarence, ana other property on tbe premises, J. J. FAHKY, Sheriff. Real Estate. CMALL FARM WE HAVE NAMES OF kJ twentv Dersoua who want to tmv nmnll farms. Send full particulars. Make price low. a. tnnJiBT uuutijiri, rrlce building. In Pound. TN HYDE PARK POUND, ) SOUTH jl stain avenue, a neirer about a years old, red sides, white over shoulder, white streak over the back and small, short horns. It not called tor In five days from date, will be sold accoraing to law. JACOB MELLICK, Pound Master. Instruction Musical, MR. A. GROSS, THE FORMER ORGAN iat at St. Peter's Cathedral la readv to receive pnpus who wish to siuuy music near ot 718 Adams avenue. Special Notices. YOU WANT THIS BELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations IStH-lTO. Two Volumes Folio, Slfl.50; payable monthly, JiOO. Del vered by eiruw complete, prepaiu. Aauress r. u. aiuuui, 010 uioson street, Scranton, Pa. ULANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. MArtA AJ tines, etc., bound or rebound at Ths thibunb oiuce. (juick work. Heasonable prices. UTEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 14. It! corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for I3.W, Good taoie ooara. Incorporation. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF X the County of Lackawanna. September Term. 1894. No. MM, Notice is hereby given that an application win ue maue 10 aoove court on Tnursaay, September, 20th, 18114, at ten o'clock a. m.. under the "Coruoration Act of lt74." nf tha Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania, and tbe sup plements mereto, ior tue cnartor or an m- tenaea corporation to be called 'The Wil liam a. aim Lawrence Colliery Keg Fund tbe charier and object of which Is for beneficial and protective purposes from funds collected therein and for these onrnnua to h ve, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits ana privileges oi tne said act oi assembly and its supplements. The proposed charter is now on file in the tr rotnonotary s omce. JOHN M. HARRIS. SoHciter. legal. TN RE. HOTEL LICENSE OF JAMES X Mora, Old Forge Township. otice is neroiyy given mat tne application of Mat thias Puc hula for the transfer of the above stated license will be heard In open court on Thursday, Sept. 20, 1SU4, at 8 o'clock in the forenoon, E C. NEWCOMB, Attorney. Scrnntoa, Sept. 12. im. TN RE. TRANSFER OF HOTEL LICENSE 1 of O. S. Maine. In the borough of Jor myn, ti H. A. Eeebee. Notice la hereby given that the Court of Quarter Sessions ot Lackawanna county ha fixed September 21. 1894, at II a.m., as the time for hearing said application for trausfer. TAYLOR & LEWIS, Attorneys for Petitioner. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVLN THAT THE co partnership existing between James T. Dearney ana Patrick P. Cannon, carrying on business as hntelkeenera on Jackson street, this city, was dissolved by mutual consent on Sept. 1. James T. Kearney has ceased to have any connection with the business, whicn in future will be carried on by Patrick P. Can non. Situations Wanted. A YOUNG MAN OF GOOD H ABITS AMD experience would like a position as clerk in store. Address a P. H., Clifford, Pa., Lock box 87. ' BARKEEPER A STEADY, SOBER AND industrious young man would like to se cure a position; understands his business and is a good, quick mixer; would like a position in city or country and can furnish good refer ences from hut employer. Address, Bar keeper, GU0 Lackawanna ave Scranton. AYLESWORTH'S Heat Market Tbe Finest In the Citj, The latest improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. t8 Wyoming Ave, There is no use -t m staying be- Jj - hmd when all the world is pushing ahead. "Progress" is the motto of The Scranton Tribune . Bookblndlno ' Der onno GENT'S WHITE SHIRTS AT 50c. LADIES' FAST BLACK HOSE Seamless, 2 pair for 25c, or 70c. fr a kx of 6 pairs. Two of the Best Bargains we have ever offered. COHHOLLY & Do You Sleep Well ? If not, get one of nature's BEST SEDATIVES, iL Pine BZtattress They Are Inexpensive. THE SCRANTO ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. la CHAS. H. HOYT'8 Highly Successful Political Satire, A Texas Steer Every Smile. Every Grin. Every UowL Just as it Alwsys Was,. "Maverick Brandor." CDClM "Bessv Hrander." rrvUIVI Geo. Washington Jr. Flshbaok and The Committee TEXAS Will all be there in their usual entertaining way. Company is strouger than ever. Sals of state opens Monday at ths box office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13. COMEDIAN JAMES E3. MACKIE (QRIMSEY ME BUT) In the New Clrco-Comedy, The Side Show A decided novelty in tbe Una of f aros-oom-sdy. Presented by a large and competent com pany of artists NOVELTIES 6 Sgpsr In Costumes ALL NOYEII IKS. Special scenery is car ried for the production. All laughter. Ho smiles. Sale of seats opens Monday at ths box office. Davis' Theater, WONDERLAND. Week Commencing Monday, SEPT. 10. Every afternoon and evening. TBE BEWITCHING ALL-LADY VAUDKVILLE STARS. EVERY PERFORMER A LADY. EVERY LADY A.V ARTIST. This Is not a so called "Beauty Show," al though composed of handsome women; but it is a remarkable aggregation of genuine ar tistic excellence. ADMISSION, 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS Two Performances Daily at St 80 and 8.15 p.m. Children on Saturday A - PI? WTO Afternoons Only, W VllAS ID. WITH FREE BEATS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC MONDAY, SEPT. 17. THE EMINENT TRAGEDIAN, THOS. W. KEEN EJ AND A 8TKONO COBII'ANY, In Bulwer Lytton's Great Drama, RICHELIEU. A Performance of Genuine Artlstlo Merit A Rare Dramatto Treat. Complete Details. This la oneot Mr. Keene's greatest charac ters and he Interprets it In his usual dra matic anility. Pricea-ffi. 60, TS and 11. Bale of seats opens i nuij m ine oox omce. Central Railroad of New Jersey SPECIAL EXCURSION BATES TO WilkesBarre FOB TBE FIREMEN'S PARADE OS Thursday, September 13, 1894. For this occasion special excursion tickets from Scranton will be sold good to go on all trains Kept. 12 and 13, and for return until sept, it inclusive. FARE FOR THE IDDU TRIP, 60c. Rupture Can be cured by simple treat ments and the truss thrown aside in a short time. . No detention from business. A safe and radical cure for every variety of hernia by a new method . No charge for consultation and examination. Scranton German Pnpture Cure Co. (LIMITED.) 203 WASHINGTON AVE. lob Work . I MBAT TA.TTr OAIOKT Ts8crsntoTui JohDtaL lly& Wallace WALLACE 209 ESTABLISHED 1808. 86,000 IN V&B, pia-TSaTS'O, SF . Instruments In every sens of the term aa applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original folneui of tone. NEW YORK WABEHOOSE, No. 80 Fifth avenue. BOLD BY E.C. Ricker & Co. 1 1 5-Adams Ave. New Telephone Bug We Lion Allen & Co. STOCK BROKERS. Bay and ssl! SckaBoo4aNM4 Grain on Nsw York ExobaBgw a& Caicaf o Board of Trade, aitnerfor oaab or on margin. 412 Spruce Street t&Local Stocks a Specialty. TELEPHONE 6,K. MaToney Oil and Manufactur'g Co. OILS, ms. VINEGAR AND CIDER HI TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. M BEDDBiiS WHY ml See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set? We sell Furniture as cheap as any house In the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull SOS US m THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ ECR ANTON AMD WILK ES-BARRE, PA, llANTTFACTORKBS 09 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Offloa, SCBANTON. FJL BiiiiiiniiintinitwnHWMniiMniiHiiiMillliimiinnnmnnHniminnim STELLE & SEELEYf 134 WYOMING AVENUH. THE BEST I OF PROPHETS for ths fotnrs is tbe past Daring ths'mors than forty year tj ! sxlstenos over 65,000 psspl bars pareaaMd and played andwaawd I The Emerson Piano. Thsra are soma planes that will sst yon more tbn kva BrW will. If yon anjsy paying high prioee josk for the auk ot wjfK tbsm, probably yoa will buy on of these. Bat no-HeMT JVt pay you'll not gst a bettsrpiano, nor a bandsaratr, nor'' oneiwra ' dorable. It i impossible to improre on the host REASONABLE PRICK-C !twwiw"Wii!nninn!iwiBmnm!!m WASHINGTON AVE.' Opp. Court House. COO, Dr. I. Grewer The Philadelphia'l his asxociaUid staff of FntcHsh and German pbysiciais, are now permanently located at Old Post Office Building, Cerner Pena venue anil Spruce street The doctor Is a graduate of the university of Pennsylvania, f rroerly demonstrator of physt nloirv and snrtrerv at the Medioo-( himrsical oolleite of Philauelphia. His specialties are lliroulo. nervous, bKin, Heart, wouio ana bloud disoases. DISEASES OF THE KESYODS SYSTEM The nvmntoms of which diczinnsa. lack of cnuttdence, wiuil weakness in n en and wii- man, boll rii-lnir in the throat, sn-n imaxiirg before the eyes, l.esof memory, usiabte to con centrate the mind on one sub-loot, easily startled when suddenly spoken no, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits thfem for per forming tbe actual duties of life, niaklnif hap piness impossible, di'tresslnif the! actl n of vhe heart, rauslnit fluf h of heat, depression of , spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling "S tired in the morning as When retir ing, lark of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of thouaiit depression, constip tion. weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consul us immodiatoly and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cared. If yon have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor a-id be examined. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Debility, HcTofula, Old Sorea, Catarrh. Piles, Female Weakness, Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose, and Throat, Asthma, Deafness, Tumors, Can cers and Cripples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential Ofliee hours daily from V a. m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 to t. Enclose five 2-cent stamps for symptom blanks and my book called "Nsw Life." 1 will puy ons thousand dollars In gold U anvone whom 1 cannot cura of EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E. GREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner Penn avs nue and 8rruce atreet. & Co. YH0K1KG HE. A