The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 11, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Railway managers agree in laying
that tha demand for freight aara ia
steadily i a or eating, and tbey expeot to
see their rolling atock In (all use within
month. No great gain in the pas
aenger traffic ia anticipated for the
present, bat ae by far the larger por
tion of earnlnga cornea from freight, it
ia that branch of business whieh in re
garded with tht oloieat attention.
Epeaklog of the reported find of an
threoite coal in Damaacns township,
Wayne county, tbe Honesdale Herald
aya: "A contract haa been made
with aome expert drillers to sink a
well at least 800 feet deep, to more
thoroughly teat its preieooe in that
neighborhood. If coal in paying quan
tities should ba found on thia aide of
the Hoosic, tbe disoorery wonld be
another hard nut for tbe geologists to
crack. Tbey claim that oar minerals,
it we erer bad any, were dag oat or
scraped away by the big ieebergj dur
iDg tbe glacial period. Whether tbe
eoientista are correot or not ia a ques
tion that some of the prominent busi
ness men of Damaioas are determined
to find out"
William a Spelrr, the Lehigh Rail
road company's western freight agent,
with office at Chicago, has resigned,
and E. J. Henry haa been appointed by
General Trafflo. Manager Taylor as hla
successor, Mr. Henry baa been the
local agent at Chicago of the Lehigh
Valley Transportation company for
aome years, and takea into bia new po
rtion a large experience. He bas re
cently been aetlng as export agent for
all tbe lake lines controlled by the
trunk line railroad companies. At
western freight agent, lie will have
charge of tbe Lehigh Valley's east
bound business, both all rail and lake
end rail.
v The prolonged Issue between the Le
high Valley railroad and the Trunk
Lines association haa practically re
sulted in a victory for the former. Too
Lehigh Valby claimed ttbat tbe per
centage of passenger business nllowed
by tbo association waa inadequate.
nd, with tbe view of forcing a more
liberal allowance, it placed tbouiaada
of cut-rate tickets on sale in its numer
ous offices. Tbe effect was not unex
pected. Competing lines united in a
vigorous protest to the Trunk Line as
sociation. The Lehigh Valley, how
ever, refused to witbdraw ita eut-rate
tickets, and through General Traffic
Manager Taylor practically told tbe
association that the war would end
only by the exercise of a more liberal
polioy toward bis company. The
steadfast policy won tbe tight. Tbe
association yielded, deciding that the
Lehigh Valley's altotmeot on all busi
ness in tbe Central Trafflo association
territory waa to be increased from 8 to
5 per cent, and on tbe business to Buf
falo and Canadian pointa the percent
age was to be increased from 8 to 8 per
The last inns of the Financial Chron
icle contains a lengthy article from
from whiob one can get aome idea of
the intensity of tbe depressing influ
ences nnder which transportation busi
ness suffered the first six months of
1894. .While tbe losses in earnings
have been distributed all over tbe
conntry, s few of the large systems
bave sustained phenomenal decreaaes.
Tbe Penniylvanla (eastern and western
linen combined) bas fallen over $12,.
230.000 behiud; the Atchlfon and the
Union Pacific each over $5,000,000, the
Burlington and Qalney. $3,375,000; tbe
Northern Pacific, $3,500,000; the Erie
ver $3,000,000; tbe Reading nearly $3
100,000; the New York Central, $2,750
000: the Baltimore and Obio,$2.750.000;
the St. Paul, tbe Lake Shore and the
Southern P.cifio each $2,500,000; tbe
Missouri Pacific and the Chicago end
Northwestern, eaeh over $2,000000;
the Great Northern, $1,750,000; the
Louisville and Nashville,$l,600,000,eto.
David H. Fisher, of Mt. Carmel, baa
invented a mine ventilating fan which
is highly apoken of. Mr. Fisher ex
perience as a miner taught mm tbat
tbe deeper the mines became the
stronger tbe current of air should
necessarily be. At the same time he
found tbat one of the great problems
of the day waa the proper manipulation
of these currents. To this end be la
bored zealously for a time and baa been
awarded in the completion, construct
ing and patenting of a powerful aerew
propelling ventilator. One of tbe feat
ures that miners will appreciate ia that
by reversing the engine you reverae the
air, thus keeping tall control of the
current. Imbedded la the frame of
tbe fan la an upright engine wbish
will be a mean of economy in room
and In building
The Schuylkill and Lehigh Valley
Railroad company bave pnrohased from
James Mudey, exeeotor of tbe last will
and teetament of Joseph Dolan, de
ceased, the seventeen . twenty-fourths
interest in a piece of ground located in
Yorkville, and containing 64.000 square
feet ' The ground la situated on the
north side ot tbo main atreet. immedi
ately opposite the hotel, until recently
tinder the proprietorship or August
Wachter. The land is in close prox
imity to tbe tracka of the Ltbigh run
ning to York Farm oolliery. Jnst
what use tbe company intenda makinat
of the tract could not ba ascertained by
me rousvme unronieie.
It Is autboritlvely atated that the
com mil we or. sue general mortgage
bondholders, ot which General Fitz
gerald is chairman, the income bond
holders' committee, of which W. Mer
tens is chairman, and thn firm nf Trr.
el, Morgan & Co. are not anywise al
lied who or commuted to tbe consoli
dation movement headed by G. H.
Earle. The Earle movement was in
tended to harmonize ell Rat(n int...
eats, but up to date tbey seem to have
aceompiwueu uuiy lurtuer aietraotion
in New York. Tbla movement may
yet lead to peace bat it looks as if tbe
i was not over. .'
"Aotlon on the question ot a dividend
. will be taken by tbe direotcra of the
Lehigh Valley at their regular month
ly meeting tomorrow, and there 11 no
apparent reason why tbe dividend will
not again be passed. This will make
the tbird dividend period for which
-.a .atnrn haa haen mada tft tha atuilr.
holders, but tbe nuanoial eondition of
tbe company ana us earnings, certain
ly do not warrant any division of its
proDta at tbia time. Sbonld the direc
tors declare a dlvideaa it wonld be
merely to maintain tbe credit of tbe
iinmnin An A hlffh buifl. Tha rati.
roada bave suffered a very heavy 4 on
In earnlnga daring me present year,
and It will require all the ability of
their officials to pull them through
with any aort of a respeotable showing.
As it ia, a i majority of tbe railroads
will And it pretty dlffleult to make
both ends meet and pay their fixed
charges, and the payment of a divi
dend where each bad not been earned
would, in the opinion of many, be a
serious mistake. . .
Tbe Pennsylvania is constantly im
proving ita passenger engines No two
new engines are exsotly alike. This
oompany baa been trying to reaob a
atandard type for years, but it is not
satisfied to stop with anything yet pro
duced. Comnound enginee nave oeeu
found unsatisfuotory by its master me
chanic for fast servloe.
The Avondale colliery, saya the
Wiilr-Riirr Reoord. has been idle
itlinnt fira weeks nendiog: repairs to the
shaft in tbe way of retimberlng and
during that time eome excellent work
baa been done. New guides tbat will
aerve for tbe next fifteen or twenty
tears have been put to, while other im
provements nave been accomplished
during the suspension tbat bave mater
ially added to tbe prodaolng capacity
of the mine. This will give immediate
employment to 500 bands, and aa there
is a fair demand for anthraoite the men
will be accorded a good amount ot em
Mi nob Industrial Notes:
Orders have been issued by tbe Reading
Coal and Iron comuaov to run its collier
ies only three days a week until further
The executive committee of the Lake
Shore road stutea that tbe position of pres
ident ot tbat line will remain vacant for
the present.
Vice President Voorhees. nf tbe Beading,
denies that be bas been offered either tbe
presidency of the Lake Shore railroad or
tbe general managership.
Albert S. White. General mauaeerof the
Erio fast freight liues. will remove bis
headquarters from New York to Cleveland
about the middle of October.
The Pennsvlvania company Is expending
a large sum of money in decorating tbe
Union station at Pittsburg for tbe Grand
Army of tbe Republic encampment.
One of the Vanderbilts is quoted as sav
ins that tbe Appointment of D. W. Cald
well as general manager of tbe Lake Shore
was only temporarily, be being tbe most
available man at the present time.
O. M. Banks, who for somo time has
been agent of tbe Lake Erie and Western
at Blullton, has accepted tbe position ot
chief clerk of tbe general superintendent
of the Pullman company at Chicago.
Lehigh Valley officials say that tbe vol
ume nf general merchandise trafflo is
highly satisfactory; every box car they
own is lu use. Lako and rail rates, which
were demoralized all summer, bave been
restored aud will be rigidly adhered to tbe
balance of season.
Tbe Reading company is still pushed for
gondola cars and has borrowed a number
Irom tbo Jersey Central road in order to
accommodate the trade. Tbe employes at
tbe car shops are repairing a number of
gondolas daily and the work le being
pushed as rapidly as possible. The freight
business continues to pick up aud extra
trains are being ran dally.
Tbe new cars tbe Pullman company Is
building will bave an upper berth high
enough to permit the occupant of tbe
lower berth to sit on tbe edge of tbe berth
witn neaj ereot witnout bumping it. 1.
Leyton, local superintendent of the Pull
man company, who for twenty-live years
was a Pullman conductor, says this will
save twenty million oaths a year.
Etocka and Bonds.
Tbe range ot today's prices for tbe ac
tive stocks of tlioNew York atock market are
given below. The quotations are furnished
Tub TiimuNS by G. da B. Dimmiuk. manager
oi Willla u Linn Allen St Co., stock brokers,
lii bpruce street, tecranton.
Opeu- tlish
Am. Cot. Oil..,
Am Sugar....,
A.T. &8.F...,
Can. So 63U
Chespenke & Ohio... KljJ
unic. uas, S
Chic A N. W IW2
C, B. Q 7Vs
C, C.C. A8t. h.... 40
C. M. 4 81 Paul.... mi
Chlcago.R. I. & Pao. Il-Ui
d., l. w mn
D. A C. F 1U
a. E. Co 41
Ills. Cent
bake Khore 136M
L. AM !i6l
Manhattan 114.
Mlcb. Cent M8
Miss. Pao
Nat. Cordage 18
Nat. Iead
New Jersey Cent... 115
N. Y. Central 101
N. Y.AN. E.
N. Y..L. E.AW.... W,i
M. Y... A W
N. Y., 8. A W., pr
North Pao 6V4
North Pac. pr ml
O. A W 17
Phil. A Beading 2IW
Rich A W.P lSJj
T., C. A L
Texas Pac loafi
Union Pacific ViH
Wabash pr 17
Western Union 919$
21 4
Open High- Low- Clo.
est. esc. inf.
Hay ,
1 S1H
. HiJa
Loir Clos
est, eat. mi,
84 W
lUt". Wii 104
84 7 VA
63U 63 83M
2il U
74V4 7414
1IDIU 100 106
n :m
4i WH 4UU
67 (WW W
1 4 ' W VH'yi
ml im isn
4H 4 41!
67 5U tUH
n lie ill
68 08 93
'SM 3'IM
IS 18 18
115 115
101 101
uh w m
m m
57 67
Sorantoa Wholaaale Marktt .
Scrarton, Sept. 10. Fruit and Produce
Dried apples per pound, Qa7a : evap
orated apples, lOallo. per pound; Turkish
prnnea, 6a5o.: English currants, SaSJi'a.;
layer raisins, ll.75al.80-. muscatels, SI. 00a
1.40 per box; new Valencies, 6a7c per
DKAnB w arrow-rats, i3.4ua3.5u per
uuHuei; meuiums,
PiAS-tireen, tl.l&aL80 per bushel; split,
tS.50a2.eO: lentels, 5 to 8a per poind.
Potato New, 70 to 75c. per bushel
Onions Bushel, 70 to 75c
Botter-170. to 23a per lb.
CHBiea taila penb.
Eoes Fresh. 171 He.
Meats Hams, 12Xa; small hams, 13c;
skinned haras, 14a; California hams,
9c.: shoulders, 8a; bellies, 10a; smoked
breakfast bacon, 12c.
Smokio Bke Outaidee, 18Wc; seta.
15c.; iusidea and Knuckles, 10Xa Acme
sliced smoked beel, 1 ponnd cans, 12.45
Pork Mess at $18.50; short cut, 117.50.
Laud Leaf In tierces at lOe.t In tabs,
10)i.( In 10-pound pails, 10e. per puondj
5-pound pails, 10c. per pound; 8-pound
palla. lie. per ponnd; compound lard
tieries, 7xa; tons, 7Hc; 10-pound palls,
8&a per pound; 5-pound pails, 8K0. per
pound; 8-pound pails, 8io. per pound.
Flooh Minnesota paten 1; per barrel.
U.00a4.20; Ohio and Indiana amber, at
I8.2B; Graham at 13.21; rye Uonr, at
Faxo Mixed, per cwt, at $1.25.
GftAiir-Bye, 65e.; corn, 64to67e.t oats,
40 to 50e. per bushel
Ktb Straw Per ton, $12all
Stand at the Head.
For thirty years
Ducbcr Watch Cases
havo been endorsed by
every promincut dea
lcrinthcUnltcdStatcs. Tho Duobar trade
mark in this country,
1 end tho Hall mark In
I England are a guaran
tee ot pore metal. 17-
Jewel Hampden move
ments In Dueber oases
stand at the head.
If yonr dealer does not keep our watebea nail
us your addrcita and we will aeod you the
nam of a Coaler who dots. T I)olB
Waicn Woaiuii Cautva, O. -
Uere Ia Men Who Has Little Faith In
tbe Judgment of Headers.
"I have had something to do with the
business of story writing In my time, both
as a producer and a judge ot other people's
work," said a man of letters. "Tbe latter
occupation I nnally abandoned, because
the labor of inspecting manuscript con
tributions in bulk was too wearing. I don't
think it la fonnd particularly so, aa a rule,
by readers for magazines, because they ne
glect it. Often it is Impossible tbat It
should be otherwise. One great monthly
In New York oity receives 1,200 manuscripts
every week in the year. It ita reading staff
was multiplied by aix proper exomimation
could not be given to them all. Aa it la, it
is tbe exception that ia so fortunate as to
be looked at. 1
"Persona send contributions to the big
magazines with the notion that they will
be read. Tbey are victims of a delusion,
usually. I, who haveseeo the Inside works
of such concerns, say it. Tbe task ot get
ting through the vast number of manu
scripts submitted is so hopeless that little
more la attempted with the great majority
than to return them, ordinarily after many
days. If yon are at all known by reputa
tion your offering ia likely to be inspected,
but not otherwise.
"Games have often been tried upon the
great monthlies for the purpose of seeing
whether this waa so or not. George W.
Cable, the famous author, published the
results of a few such experiments of his
own awhile ago. lie sent two or three of
his stories, uuder an assumed name, the
rounds of the New York magazines. They
were refused by every one found 'not
available' whereupon he dispatched them
over bia own signature, and tbey were
promptly accepted.
"Before he achieved hla reputation be
was unable to secure tbe printing ot many
of tbe tales which have since come to bo re
garded as classical. 'Poason Jone' waa
hawked about the metropolis in vain; not
an editor would buy it. It was this early
experience which led Mr. Cable to bin sub
sequent experiments, the result ot which
pointed to the conclusion that a contribu
tion offered to one of these monthlies
bad scarcely the slightest show upon its
merits unless a known name was attached
to it.
"Several years ago when I was alto
gether unknown I myself used to try some
little tricks upon the magazine readers,
such as putting the smallest possible daub
of glue between two of the pages of my
manuscript or turning one of tbe leaves
upside down. Invariably upon the return
of the contribution I would find tbe two
pages still stuck and tbe turned leaf as be
fore, proving that It really bad not been in
jected. It was discouraging, though not
so much so as to auppoae that my work had
been fairly read by an expert and pro
nounced not worth publishing. You may
try the trick yourself, and you will find
that it will go every time.
"On one occasion I sent a story to a cer
tain important monthly, entitled 'The
Crystal Hall.' The editor returned it with
tbe usual thanks, saying: 'We are sorry to
find tbat your contribution called "The
Cheerful Bull" ia not available for our pur
pones.' It reminded me ot the famous
translation of 'Triste Lupus,' by a class
mate of Tom Brown at Rugby, aa 'The
Sorrowful Wolf.'
"I wish I could remember all the funnv
things I came across in the manuscript
submitted to me for perusal when for a
time I served as reader for a magazine.
There was one story that reached ita dra
matic climax when the hero and his family
were besieged in a wooden cabin by Indiana.
The savages, several hundred In number,
had lighted a fire all around the dwelling
and were breaking in though the roof with
axes. At this critical juncture the hero re
marked thoughtfully 'It la time that we es
caped.' "Washington Star.
Flexible Glass Interior Conduit.
Aa new residences and new buildings 01
all kinds are now almost always wired tor
current, the matter ot an efficient interior
conduit that shall have flexibility, insula
tion and ability to resist fire has com.i to
be of tbe utmost importance. Such a con
duit will even allow of an installation be
ing made in an old building without undue
cutting ot tbe walls. The best insulatoi
in use is glass, and a glass conduit which
Is at the same time flexible and waterproof
nas exoepuonai advantages.
Such a conduit was shown at the elec
trical exhibition in Providence, where a
section of it was connected with a lighting
circuit and passed through a glass tube
tilled with water. Thia tube was bent
twice at right angles lu a sharp curve, thue
showing the great flexibility and water
proof qualities of the conduit. Tbe con
duit is inclosed in a string woven jacket,
which gives it a high tensile strength aud
a strong abrasion resistance, and the whole
la then soaked in an Insulating material.
The systems of connections is simple, and
its cost ia small. New York Commercial
Advertiser. -Tfie
Boy's Idea.
This is a story that goes to ahow what
the association of ideas or perhaps it
would better be called tbe association oi
words without ideas will bring' about in
the mind of a child. Hart a
seven years old, told bis mother with glee
aoout a new playmate whose namewae
Douglas. "Is he Douglas, tender and truer"
wsaeu uia ijipioar.
"I'll ask bian." said Pnrl mvl;
The next day he came back to hit
mother. "Will you write down what you
said yesterday about Douglas?" he said to
1.1 .1
111a muiiuur.
"What did I say yesterday p she In
quired, "I have forgotten."
"Well, you write and I'll tell you. Writ
Douirlas'" Rim did
"Now write what he was 'rare and
Alas for the tmetrv nf thn nl!
"Tender and true" hod suggested a piece ol
steak to the child. New York Evening
Misplaced Jaw Cracker. '
A certain handsome junior of our State
university was as bright aa a child as he is
now brilliant as a young man. He read
much when he was a little fellow, and his
memory held fast to any fine sounding
word that came In his way. In his grand
mother's household he often caused amuse
ment by a mistaken or exaggerated use of
the pbllysyllable words that struck hla
fancy. One day he rushed into his grand
mother's room; out ot breath as he was
with haste and anxiety he panted out: .
"Grandmal Grandma! send a man to the
new oat' field. Quickly I Tbe pigs have
broken In and are eating tbe beautiful oats
most elaborately." W ide Awake.
Foor Bobble.
"No, Bobble," said his mother; "one piece
01 pie is quite enough lor you."
"It's funny," responded Bobble, with an
Injured air. "You say you are anxious for
me to learn to eat properly, and yet you
won't give me a chance to practice." Ex
change. .
There is a Venue carved in stone, '
Far famous for its sculptured charms)
TIs qneeuly, fair, and marred alone
By this; the goddess bos no arms.
Those shapely arms-wero interlaced
For oenturlee with dust aud mold; ,
So close their marble clasp embraced
They broke ere they released their bold.
Those fair limbs mingled with the earth;
. Sut nature .yields all she Immures;
Aad now they heva their saooud birth,
Aud we see them here restored in yours,
Could that white Venus but possess
Your arms in girlish graoe so sweet,
Then would her calm, cold loveliness ,
In all its glory be complete.
r Shm Wantad to Know.
A woman wearing a mackintosh and
sarrying an umbrella atood at the ticket
window at the Barclay atreet ferry the
ither day. Six men were behind ber In
Una A boat was due to leave In about
;wo minutes.
"Do boats leave here tor Hoboken?" she
asked, and the man inside answered,
"How long will it be before the next one
"About a minute," was the reply.
"Does the boat go straight to Hobokenf"
ksked the woman.
"Yes," said the ticket seller.
"How long could I wait in Hoboken be
fore there was another boat back?" asked
the woman, while the men behind her
grew nervous rapidly,
"Aa long as you please," said the patient
ticket seller; "they are going and coming
all the time."
"Could I get from Hoboken to Jersey
City without coming back here?"
"Yes; street cars run regularly," was the
"Would it be quicker to go by a car or
come back and take a ferry to Jersey City?"
the asked.
"I don't know," was the answer. Then
tbe ticket seller asked Impatiently, "How
"How many what?" said the woman.
"Tickets. How many tickets do you
want?" The bell was ringing tor the boat
to move and the men in line were Bwearing.
"I don't want any tickets," she said.
"My sister lives in Hoboken, and it I
thought I had time to go and see her and
call on my brotber'a folks in Jersey City
I was going over tomorrow." New York
The Conductor Knew Bis Business.
"You know where to leave me," said a
lady on a Third street car the other day as
the conductor took her fare.
"Yes'm; Columbia street Is your street,
I believe," he replied.
The lady retired in a brown Btudy, and
one of those men who know it all and never
gets left, and Isn't anybody's fool, took up
the attention of the conductor with a long
yarn about how street cars should be run
and what rapid transit wonld do for the
people, and when the conductor thought
of that woman again he was just crossing
Willis avenue.
"She'll have me discharged it I tell her,"
he said to himself, and cold drops ot terror
stood out on his manly brow.
Once the passenger did look out of .the
car window, but seeing an unfamiliar part
ot the city concluded ahe was still en route
to Columbia street.
The car went to the end of the line and
returned on its way downtown again.
"C-o-l-u-m-b-i-al" called the conductor
bravely, and the lady gathered up her
traps and stepped out on the platform.
"Good gracious, conductor," she began.
"Hurry up, madam," urged the con
ductor, aud after assisting her off he has
tily rang the bell and the car started again.
And the astonished woman was heard to
"No wonder the cars go slow; they travel
backward." Detroit Free Press.
A Kind Word for the Owl.
The tiny saw whet, or Acadian owl, stays
with us in winter, though, being entirely a
"bird of the nighttime," it is seldom seen;
and the tremendous vibrating note of the
screech owl is well known in a rural neigh
borhood. The virtues of the entire o.vl
tribe combine in tblsgentle, mild mannered
bird, and he does not deserve hla inappro
priate, repelling title. With spring in his
heart, his ambition leads htm to attempt a
song, resulting In a suoceyion of soft, sub
dued notes tbat may be exceedingly pleas
ing. He may even take up his residence in
unused buildings, or small bouses placed
for his accommodation, and It disturbed
flies about in a bewildered manner, con
fused by the sunlight.
His work begins when the night comes
down, and through him woe overtakes
many a mouse walking out under tbe cover
of the darkness. In the little hollow where
his housekeeping begins for you kndV ha
is scarcely larger than a robin the four to
six spherical eggs lie upon tbe leaves and
feathers provided to receive them, and it is
to be regretted that the blinking owlets are
sot regarded in a friendlier light. Frank
Leslie's Monthly.
- Tha Wealth of Croesus.
Croesns was the king of Lydla, a state in
Asia Minor, and ascended the throne about
562 B. C. His name has ever been a syno
nym for wealth, "as rich as Croesus" hav
ing been a proverb from his own time, but
the most liberal estimates of his property,
so far as descriptions of it have come down
to us, make it worth in our money about
(10,000,000. His riches were derived from
gold mines near Sardis, the capital of Lydla,
and from the plunder of numerous sur
rounding states. Tbe kingdom of Lydla
waa overrun by Cyrus, the Persian con
queror, and, according to the best authori
ties, Croesus was taken prisoner and kept
la the train of Cyrus, Tbecourt of Croesus
was considered one of the most refined and
elegant of ancient times, and the ruins of
tbe royal palace and the other magnificeut
buildings are still to bo seen on the site of
Sardis. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Combined Chair and Desk.
. A combination chair and desk has been
designed for use in apartments where
economy of space Is necessary. Tbe bock:
of the chair constitutes the desk, which is
held In position by bolts passing through
tbe rear standards ot the chair back. In
this manner it is pivoted and can be read
ily turned down. A pair of jointed braces
pivoted to the sides ot the desk and to tbo
inner sides of the standards supports tho
desk at a proper inclination. It is sup
plied with a swinging inkwell, pen and
trays and compartments for stamps and
stationery. A large drawer under teie seat
forms a receptacle for books and heavy sta
tionery. When not in use as a desk it is
closed up, being held in position by torn
buttons. New York Commercial Adver
tiser. .
They Changed the Address.
George Gro3smlth tells a story of bow
the income tax people once overreached
themselves. After his fathor's death they
sent in a first uotice, assessing hla income
at 2,000. Taking the documeut George
wrote across the face of it: "I am glad to
learn my father ia doing so well in the
next world; 2,000 a year ia a good deal
more than he ever earned In this. Kindly
forward this notice to bis new address,
and remember me affectionately to him."
He then posted tbe notice back to the
ofllca They presumably took the bint,
for no more claims have been received at
George, junior's, house. London Tlt-Blta
. Cuolo Simon IUmarks.
Having heard of the attempt of a citizen
of tbe town to commit suicide by cutting
his throat. Uncle bimon augcly remarked
"Well, if he'd a aeverated the bugle vein
there wouldn't a bin any alternlty under
the penickes o' heaven!" Lewiston Jour
nal , . t , ,
A Million Friend
A friend In need ia a friend Indeed, and
not less than one million people bave
fonnd just such a friend In Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and
Colds, If vou have never used this Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
you tbat it nas wonaenui curative powers
In all diseases ot Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle ia guaranteed to do all that is
olaimed or money will be refunded. Trial
bottles tree at JUatnews tiros', urog ernra
Large bottles 60a and tLOa '
lit thousands of oases tbe cure ot crush
is tbe preventive ot consumption. Tbe
surest cough medicine in the world Is Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all
dealers on a guarantee 01 satisiaction.
How's Xcrur ChlnT
John Williams, an English sailor, who
waa oat away in the south seas, would
have been killed and eaten but tor his
double ohln, the first of the kind the na
tives had ever seen. Instead ot trying and
eating him they named him Two Chins and
made him a chief. Detroit Free Press.
Tha Way to Realize on It.
"Jack has insured hU life in my favor
for 30,000," remarked Mrs. N cowed to her
most intimate friend.
"How nice I Now you must kill him
with kindness, dear." Enoch.
WEAK MEN your attention
to MU a.atU IV 101
Great English Remedy,
Gray's Specific Medicine
IP vr.ll Ritrrro from Nor-
...(a ruiM una iimmi
biUty, W eakneas of Body and Mind, Sperma
vuua a-
torrhea, and Imootencv. aud all dlaeaaea that
aria from over-indulgence and self -abuse, as
Loss of Memory and Power, Dimness of Vis
ion, Premature Old Age and many other dis
eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption
and an early grave, write for a pamphlet.
N. Y. The Bneolflo Medicine Is sold by all
druRtrlsta at $ per package, or six packages
for jo.or sent by mail on receipt of money. and
with every 15.00 order WE GUARANTEE
S cure or money rernnuea.
tr-On account of counterfeits we hava
aduuted the Yellow Wraoner.. the onlv eenn-
hie. Bold in Bcranton hi Matthews Bros.
Third Rational
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
This bank offers ta dapotltors even
fMlIlty warranted ay their balance, bait.
nas and reapanalbllitv.
Ananl-l .ttantlnn t..
counts. Interest paid on time deposits.
UKO. B. OA TUN, Vic President
WILLIAM H. tUCH, Caablea
William ConnolL Geora-e F. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. James Arohbald, Henry
Balls, Jr, William X aitb Lot liar
National Bank of Scra&toiL
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000,
f.W. WATSON, Vice President.
B. WILUAM3, Cashier.
fiAKtriL Hrmtn, jakts M' E mm art,
iktiku a. r irion, nsBon n. iiaur,
Joseph J. Jerhvr. M. B. Kimerir
Chab, P. Mattbiws, Joh T. Poniia, i
This bant Invites the patronage ot VuslnBi
Di0U uu utuia gtutrtUiy.
Seeds and
Large Medium and .
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
R 007 tinning- and soldering; all dons away
with by the use of HAHTMAN'8 PAT
ENT PAINT, which consists of Ingredients
well-known to alL It can be applied to tin,
yalvanlsed tin, sheet iron roofs, also to briok
welllnea. which will prevent absolutely anv
crumbling, cracking or breaking of the
brick. It will outlast tinning o( any kind by
many yaars.and It's cost does not exceed one
fifth that of the cost of tinning. Ia sold by
ine 100 or pouno. uomracts isuen oy
What is More Attractive
Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright
complexion? For it, use Pozzoni's Powder.
a a -i .
lstDay.KJ !rsViWeii Man
Tab,'. If eW ,J,.,1' 3 E' iV a a a aa mm
iotbD.y.flW of Me
THE QREAT 30th bay.
produces tbe above results In 30 days. It acts
powerfully aud quickly. Cures wben all others fail.
Young meu will regain tbelr lost manhood, and old
men will rerover their youthful vigor by using
KEVIV O. It quickly and auroly restores Nervoua
neas, Lout Vitality, lmpotency, Nightly Eiuiaaions,
Lost Power, r ailing Memory, Wastiuk Dlaeaaea, and
all effect o( aelt-abuae or exeexa and lndlacration,
which uulita one tor atudy, business or marriage. It
not only cures by starting at the teat of diaeaae, but
is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring
ins back tbe pink alow to pale cheeks and re
storing the fire of youth. It wards off Inaanity
and Consumption. Insist on having
other, it can tie carried in vest pocket. By mall
1.00perpackaira,or six for 88.00. wlthanoal
tlvo written guarantee to enra or refund
the money. Circular free. Address
For sal by Matthews Bros., Druggists,
eranion, i a.
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their manv
patrons that they will this
custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the
new crop Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the
market, and owing to the
many millers are of the
cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby
Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow
the new wheat fully three
This careful attention to
placed Washburn-Crosby
other brands.
Wholesale Agents.
Dealer in Choice Confections and Frnits.
1437 Capouse Ayenwo.
That we will GIVE yu beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
PORKS for an equal wei2ht,ounce for ounce,
of your . silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
All Grades, Sizes and Kinds kept in Stock.
Of every description on hand. Prompt shipments guar
Chains, Rivets, Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn
buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of
Carriage Hardware.
Scranton, Pa.
We have the following supplies of Lumber secured, at
prices tbat warrant us in expecting a large
share of the trade.
Pacifio Coast Bed Cedar Shingles.
"Victor" and other Michigan Brands of
White Pine aud White Cedar Shingles,
Micbljtan White and Norway Pine Lum
ber and Bill Timber.
North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yel
low Pine.
Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Bails, Mine Ties, Mine Props
and Mine Supplies in general.
Commonwealth Building, Scranton Pa.
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
U. E. CROFUT Proprietor.
' - 1
rpHIS HOUSE Is strictly temperance, is new
I and well furuisUeil and OPENED TO
located midway between MoutroM anl Soraa-
ton, on Montrose and Lackawanna Railroad.
six miles from D.. L, A W. II. R. at Alton!
Station, and live mllas from Mntroi)i ca-
Snclty, eighty-five; three minutes' walk C rom
, R. station.
Altitude about 2,000 feet, equalling in this
respect the Adirondack aad Uatiiiu Moun
tains. Hn groves, plenty of shade and beantlful
scenery, making a Summer Resort unex
celled In baautr and cheapness.
Dancing pavilion, swings, croquet gr ounds,
&a Cold Sprint Water and plenty of M II k.
Hates, 7 to 10 per week. SI.oO per
Excursion tickets sold at all stations on IX I
h. & W. Unas.
Porttr meets all trains.
Our Patrons
year hold to their usual
excessively drv weather
opinion that it is already
months to mature before
every detail of milliner has
Co.'s flour far above all
& Oonnell
Jonlata County, Pennsylranla, White Oak.
Sullivan Connty' Hemlock Lumber and
Tioga Connty Dry Hemlock Block Boards.
Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Stud
UannXaetttred at the Wapwallopen KiUfc L
serne county Pa. and at WU
mlBftoa, Delaware.
General Agent for tha Wyomist District, -uS
Wyoming Av., Iiristen Pat
third yattoaal Bank BaUdU
Aceats for the SUpaoM Uhetaieal Qessi
tux's Blah ExBloaiTe ,