The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 11, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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f One rounded v8
1 ' teaspoonful ' of j
l does more "and better work if
than a heaping $
v teaspoonful of others.Ef
Vj ' Cleveland Caking Powder Co., New Yofk, ' $
Successor to Cleveland lirolhen. Jf
Norrman& Moore
320 Wyoming Avenue
Save your COLLARS starobod ta the els
Way, when yon ran have them don with eof
pliable Buttonhole! tor TWO CENTS EACH.
New and
Very Choice
Line of
Mears & Hagen
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
Williams k McAnulty
127 Wyoming Ave. ;
Thirty-two new students entered Wood's
college yesterday in the shorthand and
baiiness departments.
Today the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western company will pay Its employes at
the Pyne, Taylor and Holden mines.
The Girls' Friendly society will bold a
lawn social and festival on the lawn next
to St. Luke's church on Wyoming avenue
this evening.
James B. Mackle, with a big oompanv,
appears at the Academy ot Music, Tnurs
day evening, in "The Bide Show." Dia
gram opens this morning at the box of
fice. Remember the entertainment to be
given, weatber permitting, this evening
on the lawn adjoining St. Lnke's church,
by the Girl's Friendly society, in aid of
their rnnas lor enemy.
The mortality report of the board of
health for the past wees shows three new
cases of typhoid fever, one new esse and
one death from scarlet fever, and three
new cases of diphtheria. There were
twenty-seven deaths from all causes.
SeDt. 25 is the data fixed for the conven
tion of the Republicans of the Third Leg
islative district The candidates for the
legislative nomination are C P. O'Mallev.
Olyphant; John Q. MoAskie, Dnnmore;
mr. turner, or jermyn. and Mr. McCarthy,
of Carbondale.
Michael Conlon, aged 18 years, one of
the four young men who assaulted Miohael
Bretohel on Elm street Sunday night, was
arrested yesterday and committed tojnil
to await the results of Bretcbel's wounds'.
List evening the Moses Taylor hospital
Officials said his Condition was not Hflrinnn
At a meeting of the Volunteer Firemen's
asionaiion to ds nem tomorrow evening
in Durr's hall the picnio committee will
recommend that the outing be held at
Central park, Sept. 25, the day of the par
ade of the city fire department. The old
Neptune double-decker hand engine, re
named tbs Dr. George B. Throop, ig being
repaired and repainted and will be on ex
hibition during the day. It is proposed to
have Charles Roesler, the well known vet-
sran flrAmnn. ItAlAGtl Rrnur anA ili.nlnw tv.
old machine's water-throwing power as
one oi ms uay s atiraguoas ai me garden
Pabbt's Milwackkb Beer, cool and
sparkling, at lxbman's, Spruce street
Of Baaloesa aad Shorthand.
The best business since the college was
Both sessions largely attended,
v 15.000. -
This year a large number of people find
' It Inconvenient to pay lor the scholarship
on entering. The management has set
aside a fund of $5,000 to accommodate
those Who wish to pay on the instalment
plan. ....
Persons Interested are Invited to call
F. E. Wood, Principal.
Democratic Slate Makers Waiting for His
'Answer at 2:19 this Mornlni
A Candidate Would Not Be Named for
Judge in the Event of Mr. Smith
Accepting a Place at the Head of the
Ticket Professor Howell's Reasons
for Declining to Become a Candi
date. The Demooratio slate makers found
themselves in a quandary last night.
Prof. George Howell sent a letter to
them declioing to be a candidate for
congress and this coming on the heels
of the American declination caused
great uneasiness among the Democratic
At 2 o'clock tbis morning they were
uncertain as to what they should do
and devoutly wished that the conven
tion was at least a week away.
After Professor Howell's declination
the slate-makers got together again
and by midnight it was decided to
make an effort to induce ex-Judge
Smith to beoome a candidate for con
gress. John E, Roche wasdispatehedina
cab to bring Mr. Smith to the Seran
ton House and at 2.15 tbis morning ex
Sberlff Robinson. Sheriff Fahey, Col
onel Fitziimmons. Senator McDonald,
H. T. Eoebler, George S. Horn and
William Craig were anxiously awaiting
the appearance of Mr. Smith and Mr.
While the slate-makers were at work
yesterday many prominent Democrats
were discussing the availability of Edi
tor E. J. Lynett for the congressional
If Mr. Smith accepts the congres
sional nomination, no candidate will be
named lor Judge.
Professor George Howells was seen
by a Tbibdne reporter last evening and
be gave the following reasons for re
fusing to accept the Democratic nomi
nation for congress:
"I have declined to have my name
presented for the Democratic congres
sional nomination and my decision is
Irrevocable. The party leaders were so
notified by me tonight. I would folly
appreciate the honor of being selected
as the party s candidate for so impor
tant a position, bat my reasons for de
clining to have my name suggested in
the convention oan certainly not be
questioned by any conservative man.'
W hen asked by tbe reporter to state
his reason for refusing to become a
candidate, Professor Howell siid:
"1 have aspirations in my profession
ss a teacher in wbioh I am and would
be more interested than in politics.
I was nevsr active in the politioal
world and have no inclination to begin
now. At present all my spare time is
engaged in the preparation of two
pedagogical works, one on psychology
and another on philosophy of numbers.
It is my ambition to succeed profes
sionally rather than shine politically.
"Another reason, and an important
one, is that I am not financially pre
pared to meet the expenses of a vigor
ous eampaign. If the two reasons I
have mentioned did not exist I sheuld
not have any excuie for declining to
accepr, bnt under these conditions I
have no alternative."
Minnesota Han Who Wants Informa
tion Concerning Them.
Prothonotary Pryor yesterday re
ceived the following letter and has
handed it to the aewspapers for publi
cation. He would be pleased to reoeive
correspondence from any person who
may be able to give any information
regarding the persons inquired about
Hastings, Minn., Sept. 6, 1694.
To Clarence E. Pryor, Prothonotary,
Scranton, Pa.
Dsar Sir: I desire to learn the where
abouts of the two brothers and one sister
of David Downing. Downing was born
and raised in Maryland, and came west In
the forties, settling in Minnesota. The
name of one brother is William Downing,
home in Pennsylvania. Please inform me
whether any of the family are in your
county. I have information of interest to
such relatives, lours very truly,
Jesse S. Field,
Hastings, Dakota county, Miun.
Miss Hardenbersb'a Pianoforte Echool
Re-opens Monday, Sept. 17. A thoroughly
high grade school for the study of the
piano-forte, theory, harmony, musical his
tory and analysis; in the famous Mason
system of technic, Virgil Practice Clavier
and the higher art of musical interpreta
tion. A special training course for teachers.
437 Wyoming avenue.
5 Bros.' Shoe Store
Will be closed all day today to arrange for
the great sale of Binghamton shoes. Bale
opens Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.
Call and see onr fall styles of wing
tipped shoes, in calf, russett, patent leather
and pig skin. Commonwealth Shoe store,
Washington avenue.
City and School Taxes, 1894.
The city and school tar duplicates for
the year 1894 are now In my hands for
collection. Persons wishing to pay can do
so now, or any person requiring state
ments of taxes by giving ward and loca
tion of property wil) be promptly
R. O. Brooks, City Treasurer.
MnniclDul building, Washington avenue.
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., ex
cept 8atuurday this offioe will be closed
. at noon.
to the Grand Jury by Judge Gun
ster In His Charge.
t ' III!
That Is a Change That in Judge
Gunster's Judgment, Is Necessary.
He Also Suggests That the Pris
oners Should Be Separated An
Enlargement of the Court House Is
Considered Advisable.
Judge Gunster's charge to the grand
jury yesterday was a thoughtfully pre
pared address. Court opened at 10
o'clock and the nsual hour of begin
ning aotlve business dnring grand jury
week being 2 o'eloek in the afternoon,
There was a little delay in starting the
machinery of the law, many of the
constables, believing they bad plenty
of time on hand, were slow in making
their returns and Judge Guuster re
buked several of them.
Judge Gunster appointed John Gib
bons, jr., foreman of the grand jury
and then began his address. He said
that if the law were observed to the
extent that the constables report it to
be, Lackawanna county ought to he
proud of itself. The potnt In his
oharge on which Judge Gunster laid
special stress was the need of a sick
ward at the couuty jail to care for
wounded prisoners brought there. The
court, be feared, exceeded its powers
in grunting leave to remove prisoners
from the county jail to the hospital,
although the case was sufficiently seri
ous to warrant it.
Tbe colonizing of prisoners at the
jail was another topic on which be
spoke at length. This should be the
case where children and accidental
prisoners sre sent to tbe jail. There
should be a separate wing for them
from the one where Inmates serving
sentences are confined.
A matron and a few female wardens
should be appointed, as there are many
female prisoners confined, and tbe
limited attention they reoeive should
not be the oase.
Jndge Gunster spoke impressively on
tbe subject of separating tbe inmates.
It is wrong to pan up a moral persor.
with one who may be steeped in crime.
Then again there are many persons
sent to jail for months being unable to
furnish bail while awaiting trial.
These are not always criminals and
should not be regarded as sue a until
Turning away from this penological
snbjeot Jndge Gunster turned bis at
tention to the need of enlarged facili
ties at tbe conrt bouse. Two addi
tional jury rooms are needed, likewise
another conrt room. Court is in ses
sion now three-fifths of tbe year and
requires greater accommodations.
After bidding them do full justice in
all cases brought to their disposition
Jndge Gnnster delivered the jury over
to tbe district attorney.
Central Republican Club Arranging for
a Large Meeting.
At last night's meeting of tbe Central
Republican club, Thursday evening,
Sept. 87 was selected to ratify the state
and connty Republican tiokets at a
large meeting to be held in the olub's
Resolutions were adopted substan
tiating the wisdom of the selection of
Major Everett Warrsn to tbe presi
dency of the State Lesgus of Republi
can clnbs. Within a few days the
headquarters of the State league will
be established in tbe Central Republi
can Cinb rooms and will be oontinned
there indefinitely.
It is proposed to make the meeting
of Sept 27 a prononnoed campaign
opener, which will be addressed by
many prominent speakers. The en
gaging of speakers was referred to the
campaign committee with full power
in tbis and other matters involved in
the preparations inoident to the mset-
This evening "A Breezy Time" will be
produced at the Academy of Musio. There
Is no let-up in the fun-making from tbe
first rising of the curtain until the going
down of the same. Songs, dances, jokes,
comical situations and more comical
actors follow each other with bewilder
ing raDiditv. E. B. Fitz. as Reuben Merri
field, is the chief of tbe fun makers, his
jolly countenance and immutable smile be.
ins enough to set his bearers in a roar.
Katbrya Webster is right with blm all
the time and divided honors easily,
t t t
"A Texas Steer," the attraction at the
Academy of Music tomorrow evening, is
familiar to Scranton t beater-goers, who
have on several occasions been amused by
its odd conceits. No one who appreciates
keen, witty yet stlngless satire, can fail to
enjoy the ton Hoyt has put together under
tbe title of "A Texas Steer." From the
"hurrah" with which Maverick Brander
is unwillingly elected to congress, to, and
through the excruciatingly funny scenes
of bis initiation into naiioual politics, and
the initiation of his family into society,
his Texan family furnishes fun fast and
- t. t t . .
George C. Jeuks says he has never
written so (rood a play as "The Side Show.
or Wait for the Wagon," in which that
clever character comedian. James B,
Mackle, is starring tbis season, and which
will be the attraction at the Academy of
Music, Thursday evening. Wherever pro
duced both star and play have made the
most profound impression and tbe per
formance is claimed as one or tne popular
hits of the season. Mr. Mackle is well
known here, ai everywhere, as the best
exponent of character comedy on tbe
American stage, liis clever danoing and
facial contortion has made Mr. Mackle
tamous from Maine to California. Nothing
finer or more catchy is to be seen on tbe
contemporaneous stage. The engagement
here is sore to prove a profitable one to
the star, and a delight to lovers of pure
unadulterated fun.
Be opening of Normal School.
The fall term of the East Strondsburg
State Normal school opened -under moat
favorable circumstances again this year.
Fully as many have enrolled as last year
and many are coming on tbis week, whioli
will place the enrollment beyond that cf
last year at this time. Professor Park, a
graduate of tbe Drexel institute, will have
charge of tbe work in manual training and
will introduce clay modeling, plaster paris
casting aud mechanical drawing.
Cornar Stone Will Be Laid with Im
pressive Ceremonies at Bina-hamton.
In tbe month ot Ootober tbe grand
master, assisted by tbe Grand Lodge of
Free and Aooepted Masons of New
York state will lav tbe corner stone of
the Commercial Travelers' Home asso
ciation, In Binghamtou.
Invitations from tbe Mason's com
mittee of Binghamtou, whioh will have
in charge tbe eremoulea attending tbe
corner stone laying, have been sent to
si! the lodges in the vlslnlty and
throughout New York state, that the
ocoason may be largely attended by
Masons and made notable through their
interest In tbe affair. It is probable
that many Scranton Masons will be
present The Binghamtou lodge has
arranged to provide entertainment and
dinner for visiting brethren on the day
of the ceremony.
Governor Flower will bs present ss
will also the governors of adjoining
states, and Chaunuey M. Depew is an
nounced ss the orator of the day.
Strenuous effort is being made to as
oure tbe attendance of President Cleve
land, with fair prospect of success.
Tbe parade will occur early in the af
ternoon, and it is anticipated that 15,
000 commercial travelers will be in
The Commercial Travelers' Home
Association of America is a national
organization composed of commercial
men and the home is intended to be
similar in soope to the Masonlo home.
Meadow Brook Water Company Asks
for an Extension of Time to
Construct a Reservoir.
The application of the Meadow
Brook Water company for an exten
sion of time in constructing a reservoir
on the Stafford Meadow brook was ar
gued yesterday in the main court room
before Judges Gunster aud Edwards.
Yesterday's proceedings in the case re
called tbe famous Degan case.
Degan, who owns a farm in Roaring
Brook township adjoining tbe Scran
ton city line, bas been at variance with
the officers of the water company, in
sisting that they were depriving him
of certain property and timber land,
and in defense of what he asserted to
be bis right, a few years ago he drove
off the employes of the Seranton Gas
and Water company at the point ot a
The Meadow Brook Water company
was chartered Dec. 27, 1887. nnder the
set of 1870, and immediately began to
build its reservoirs. Afterward the
enlarged demand for water by the
growing pnblio necessitated the build
ing of another large storags reservoir.
The act of assembly nnder which the
oompany was shattered was later
amended under ths act of 1889 and in
its provisions the company was re
quired to complete its works within
seven years, otherwise its charter and
property would be confiscated to tbe
commonwealth. The company applied
tor an extension ot time to complete
the additional reservoir and ex-Judge
Smith, then ou the bench of tbis county,
allowed the attorneys of the company
to argue the case. Attorneys Alfred
Hand and W. J. Hand represented the
company and Aglb Rlcketts, of Wilkes-
tsarre, tbe plaintiff, Mr. Degan. At
torney Rioketta filed a bill in equity
and reasons for a preliminary injunc
tion and tbe first hearing was called up
Attorney W. J. Hand opened tbe case
for tbe water company anil argued the
law as interpreted by Judge Smith, who
so oonstrned it as to raise a grammat
ical point in the wording of the act
The relation ot a relative pronoun In
the clause to its proper antecedent
raised a point whether ths company
was legally allowed to apply for an ex
tension of time after five years had
elapsed from the date of granting let
ters patent. Tbe application of the
water company for extension was filed
not earlier than between six aud seven
years from tbe date of issuaaoe of let
ters patent, but Judge Smith ruled
tbst it was a proper proceeding to make
such application any time withta seven
Tbis was tbs point that kept a half
hour's legal eros9fire going yesterday
before the attorneys on both sides
sgreed to adjourn the case until Mon
day, Oct 1.
Mr. Ricketts in arguing the unten
able ground of Judge Smith's rulings
Introduced ludicrous clippings from
some of the Wilkes-Barre newspapers,
Beorganisi After Vacation and Heatings
Will Be Held Weekly.
The Presbyterian, Ministers' aesocia
tion reassembled yesterday after vaca
tion term at tbe residence of Rev. Dr.
S. C. Logan, on Quinsy avenne. Those
present were Rev. George E. Gnild, of
Providenoe ;Kev. Charles K.Kobinson.D.
D.. Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Arehbald; Rv.
R. G. Jones, Hyde Park; Rev. a C
Logan, D.D., Rev. T. N. Cann.Rev. E
McLane, Elmhurst; Rev. W. J. Will
iams, Dnnmore; Rev. L. Dana, Italian
missionary, and Rev. D. ;H, Brooks,
The following officers for the ensuing
year were eleoted: Kev. George E.
Guild, president; Rev. W. J. Will
iams, Vice president; Rev. C. E. Rob
inson, treasurer; Rev. S, C. Logan,sec
Tbe meeting considered the question
of sppropriating funds to country
chnrches for mission work snd steps
were taken for payment of the quota
due to Sash church. A discussion was
held as to the benefits and experiences
of ministers' vacations and rsrions
pastors gave highly entertaining inci
dents of their recent vaOations.
Tbe meetings will now be held on
eaoh Monday excepting the Monday
devoted to tbe general pastors union.
Bill books, memorandums, time books
and blank books, in stock or made to or
der. Pratt's Book Store.
The 5 Bros.' shoe store, all day today, to
arrange for great sale of Binghamton
More Pillsbury Flour sold than any
other brand made In tbe United States.
Oxford. Bagster, . International and
family Bibles. Pratt's Book 8tork.
10 pound baskets, 25c.
Fancy Delaware?, 25c.
Large, ripe Melons, 15c.
JOc. each.
Fancy Peaches
CHEAP. You buy
rect if you buy of us.
429 Lacka. Ave.
i conn point
How Iwo Lengths of Ralls Hake a Rail
Last Week's Council Was in a Bad
Humor, So the Traction Company
Gets One Franchise or Nothing.
They Take the Franchise The
Story Reveals a Pretty Plot and the
Company's Proverbial Modesty.
Msyor Connsll has reoalled his let
ter of about two months' ago revoking
the Scranton Traction company's fran
chise to build new lines of railroad on
the South Side. His.aotloa is another
chapter in the select eounoil's indefin
ite postponement last week of an ordi
nance granting a franchise to the Val
ley Passenger railway ;oompany to
build snd operate a trolley line on tne
South Side. Tbis ordinance involved
tbe lame territory bnt different streets
from that which was revoked by the
mayor who now recalls the action.
On Jan. 23 tbe Scranton Passenger
Railway company, leased by the Trac
tion company, obtained a franchise for
extending its lines on the South Side.
A olaust requited that work should be
begun within three months. About
two months ago Mayor Connell was in
formed that the company bad not con
formed to the commencement clause
and bis letter revoking the franchise
was tbe result.
No effort wss made by the Traotion
company to review it uutil the select
oonncll meeting of Thursday night.
Mr. Mauley then introduced a measure
granting the Valley Passenger Railway
company, also leased by the Traotion
company, tbe privilege of building
new lines on various South Side streets
in tbs same territory involved by the
mayor s letter of revokement. beveral
speeches not at ull complimentary to
tbe company were delivered and action
upon the matter was indefinitely post
poned. It hss sinoe developed that the
Traction company bas no particular
reason for desiring the passage of tbe
second ordlnsnoe.
The whole affair, though rather in
tricately interwoven, reveals the his
toric delicacy of tbe company toward
asking a favor until a first resort has
failed. In tbis case the first resort
might be construed as an nnsuooesafnl
attempt to whip the devil around the
While waiting for the passage of the
measure of last week, the Traction
company were secure in the knowledge
that its tracks, if but for a few rods,
bad been laid in Hemlock street in ao
cordanoo with the time clause in the
January franchise. The oompany
convinoed the mayor that suoh
was tthe case and hla recall
of the revoking letter is the result. In
uemiook street two lengths of rails set
upon ties and spiked were laid within
tnree months after seouring tbs fran
chise. City Solicitor Torrey advised
tbe mayor that tbis fact was sufficient
to substantiate the company's claims.
The possibilities of tbe affair might
in the future have been more interest
ing than its plainer recital now. If tbe
company bad secured the recent ordin
ance and had laid two lengths of rails
it would have owned two . valuable
Yesterday a permit wss issued by
Street commissioner burst psrmittlng
tbe oompany to begin Its construction
work on tbe new lines. The aomoanv
also secured a permit to repair its
Green Kidge Suburban and Dnnmore
lines along Spruce street, between
Wyoming and Adams Avenues, and
along Adams avenue to Gibson street
Luther Leagues, Take Notice.
Train leaves for tbe convention at White
Haven on the Central Rai road of New
leave white Haven at 8. 85 p. m., arriving
ut iu.-j. r are lor ronna trip i. w.
Mr. A. Gross, the former organist at St.
Peter's cathedral, is ready to receive pu
pils who wish to study music. Rear of 718
Auams avenue.
The $40,000 School House
for Colnmbia avnnnA tin. Vwum 1t mnA will
be commenced immediately. There are
tin a iew iors leu at a low price.
Arthur Frothinoham,
Office, Theater Lobby.
RnnU Anil tlfatnr mnnldm.. wall nr
ceiling decorations, In water colors and
It K . o . i
iiuBuiti rouui. ounieiDinir nnw.
Pratt's Book Stors.
CloainCf ont mimotf nrfnril and niutl
dluchers at reduced prices. Also ladies'
oug, lozeu, congress razor toes, pretty
Commonwealth building.
A large line of new books and novels at
hair price. Pratt's Book Stork.
Buy one of
Berry's Best
Alarm Clocks
417 Lacka. Avenue.
p 1
Best Seta of Teeth,$8.oo
.Including tbe painless extracting
of teeth, by an entirely new pro-
0HLV $1
S. O. Snyder, D.D.S.
a ft
CO lbs.
100 lbs
Ton will be surprised how good a broom
we oau soil you at 10c.
Better Brooms at !c.to25o.
Cabbage Cuttors, a gool one 15c
Decorated English B erry Saucer M So
Decorated Wax Candles 10c
Wine 01sses , Sc.
Glass Berry Saucers 8c.
Lamp Chimneys 8c,
Band Tumblers , 3c.
China Egg Cups 8c.
Individual Butter Dishes So.
A new Child's Chair, In either pink, blue
or whlto enamel finish a beauty, for.. (1.00
Five O'olock Tea Kettles-all brass with
alcohol lamp, complete. A beauty for. 1.B9
Cut Qiaos Tumblers, per dozen 100
Cut Glass Toothpick Holdor 45
Cut Glass Oil Bottl 1
Cut Glass Uandlod Olive Dish 2.39
New line Stand Lamps, Fine Decora
tions, from. 9So.up
C. S. W00LW0RTH,
319 Lacka. Ave.
Different styles in
The newest things and all
latest shades
FOR $2.50
Come early and have your
138 "Wyoming Ave.
Next to Dime Bank.
Look over your Furs and
see that they are all right
before the cold weather sets
in. Have them repaired by
a Furrier. J. BOLZ.
w$mmkM mm
September Is Here
And pretty soon you will commence to
BANISTER wants you to watch for the many surprises in
His BOYS' AND GIRLS' SHOES are the best that
can be made and will cost you no more than you are njw paying for
inferior shoe3. It will pay you to trade at
id I Lit u
Early Fall Styles in Millinery, Cloaks,
Men's Hats, Neckwear, etc.
General agents for Dr. Jaeger's Woolett
Goods. (
128 Wyoming Avo.
On exhibition In onr wludor- 8B
OFFSBS the bi
business education
ot any Uetttatlon
of Its kind in the
country, at mini
mom cost. The pro
prietors are Initrao
tors with yean of ex
perience and know
tbsnsceesrUes of the
business work. In
strootlon Is thor
ough and practical
Oollsa-e bnlldlnsU
a beautiful structure, wsil ventilated
and possessed of ali modern ooa vi
olences and is located on Conrt Hons
Day and Evening Sesiions.
Onr Journal tells all about us and eat
methods. Send ns you same and foa
will get it by mail.
Buck, Whitmore & Go.
tor, ndams k and Linden Street
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new build
ing, 322
Washington Ave
We can please your taste ani
wants. Get an estimate.
Tbe Scranton Tribune Job Dept.
' Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves.
Hats,Caps, Jack
ets, Umbrellas,
Gossamers, &c.
- i