THE SCTCANTON TRIBUNE -TUESDAY ; ' MORNINtt. SEPTEMBER 11, 1894. i A Foe to Dyspepsia : .1 GOOD BREAD -USE THE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO 11IE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Co, EEWARB 0? COUNTERFEITS J ' THE BENtllNE POPUUff Punch Cigare HAVE THE INITIAI9 G.. B. & Co., Imnrlntml (in Prtph CllfW. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr'B. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE WE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Spruco Street 0filceiw 11.30. i'USOXAL Judge Seaile, of Montrose, was in the city yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Parry went to Dan ville yesterday. , . Mrs. John Moir is spending a few day with Philadelphia friends. Auiour tho Scranton visitors yesterday was A. W. AlcC'ailuin, of Montroso. Miss Mary Bristol will be pleased to see her many friends at Haslacher's millinery. H. Lancfeld. of Haslacher's millinery has returned fronl a business trip to New York city. Dr. Trevertoin, of Harvey, 111., formerly a resideut ofi the West Side, is visiting friends in Professor Uarry C. Hoffman and wife, of &ew ork,i are spending week with 'friends iu he city. . , Colonel and Mrs. H. M. Boies will outer taiu a number of young people at their home on Clay avenue tonight. Philip J. Davies, of Eynon street, left yesterday for Exeter, N. H., to take a course of study at Phillips academy. W. W. Bryan, of Wilkes-Barre, travel- ins passenger agent or the Lehigh Valley railroad, was in this city yestertiuy. Alivs Gertrude A. Peet, of Monroe ave nue, has returned borne after a lengthy visit with friends in Deckertown.'N. f. . Street Commissioner Kirst loft Saturday evening for Lake Como and returned early yesterday morning with a large string of fish. . ' J. II. Gormloy, of Philadelphia, formerly superintendent for the Traction company in this cny, called on ticranton friends yesterday. A. B. Warman, proprietor of the Lacka wanna lhu" ry, left yesterday for t'oches. ter to attend the convention of the Lauu drymen's National association. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. On petition of twenty citizens of Jeffer son township, court vestordav ntiDointed I. S. Collins treasurer of said township to nil the unexpired term of office of H. A. Ziger, who died Sept. 1, 1894. Mary Muldoon, throned her attorneys, I. II. Burns and M. J. Donauoe, began an action in trespass against the Wilkes Bnrre and Scranton Railway compuny. Damages in the sum of $10,000 are claimed In the matter of Fell township road court yesterday appointed Oscar . Free man, and Judge H. M. Edwards, of Scran ton. and Walter Frick, of Carbondale, ns re-viewers in tho case to make report at the next term. Mary E. JWQuado, who was married to willmm J. al Uuade in tins city on Jan. 10, 1S89, was yesterday grauted a divorce nytna court, ma JUrtjnnans were united in matrimony by P.ov. li. D. Spencer, then pastor of the Penn Avenue Baptist church. Charles F. Nierneyer, of this city, wbb yesieruay registoreu lu tne oltlce of i'ro tbonotary Pryor as a student at law, hav ing passed a successful examination ns re quired by act of assembly. He will ente the law office of Attorney Thomas F, Wells. The petition of Mrs. Rebie E. Waters, of this city, througn attorneys Hulslander & Vosbnrg, praying court to issue a decree in the matter of the adoption of Gilbert W. Maynard was granted yestesday by Judge Archbnld. Maynard is 36 years of age, the sn of Thomas and Adah L. May nard, and thoir consent was granted to the adoption. Attornev John M. Harris yesterday pe titioned court to allow the following changes to be made in the polling places of Taylor borough: First ward, at the hotel of John K. Davis, Main street; Sec ond ward to the hotel of Roe V. Weisen flnh. Mnin street; Third ward to Weber's rink: Fourth ward to the house of James Mot ris, sr., Grove street; Fifth ward to the h'-nie of John J. Brice, Roudham. east siue oi jiain street. Marriage licenses were granted yester day by the clerk of the courts to Fred eritk O'Rourke, of Tobyhanna, and Katie Scanlon, of Moscow; Ernest David Carlyle and E. May Burns, of this city William n. inompson nna alary E. Frey, or this city; ratricic u. yutnn, of Horsehoads, N. Y.. and Bridget M. Bovle. of thia citv; Thomas Gill and Josephine Anderson, of luypnnut; uhcou curxnart ana imny vogeioacner, oi mauisou lownsnip. The transfer of the hotel limnnA nr Michael Dano to Joseph Koneiszny was continued for a hearing until Sept 13 at 9 a. m..'by order or the court. The transfer of the hotol license of Judge t.nd Uoaly, of Duntnore, to James F. Dyer was con tinued till bopt. tu at V a. m. The transfer of the hotel license or John J. Murphy, of Dnnmore, to William McHall was con tinued till Sept. 20 at 9 a. m. The trans. fer of the hotel license of James Mora, of Old Forge, to Mnthlas Pnchala was con tinued till Sept. 2(1 atu a. m. A petition signal by 145 voters of the First aistrics oi ine J. wenty-nrsi ward through attorneys WUlard, Warren & KnaDD has been filed in court aklntr that the present polling place in that district be removed from a stable on the rear of a lot owned by James Mearsand transferred to a vacant "lot owned by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad com pany, at the corner of Albright avenue and Providence road. They also pray that an election booth be erected there by the county commissioners. Their petition is assailed by a connter-docnment headed by T. V. Powderly. The application was re fused yesterday by the court . ' Mimkogiuphh and neostyles for, dupli cating and copying. Pratt's Book Stobk. FLOUR SCHOOLS Large Attendance Reported from All Portions of the City. 1 CHANGES IN TEACHING FORCE James Hughes Will Act as a Substi tute for Professor W. George Powell, Who Is III Some of .the Transfers That Were Made in Rearranging-the Force of Instructors. Big Class at High School. " Yesterday, the first day of the new school year, witnessed au increase in attendance in proportion to the in crease during years past. Superintend ent Phillips ac his office received during the (lay reports from nearly all the souools and iu tuiny cases It was said that the buildings would not accom modate the sobolars. According to the reports No, 33 school bad ten applications above its capacity and No. 13. the .new Dodge town school; No. 18, of the Fourth ward, and No. 10. of the Nineteenth ward, were similarly taxid beyond their capacity. . The ithools of, the central city were generally more large ly attended than those of the south bide and North 'End. Nearly all the llyde Park buildings are filled. In discussing the large attendance Superintendent Phillips averred that the oircumstauc might be compared to the first election returns in their un certainly. Many" scholars, be said, after only a day s attendance fail to re turn, the majority of them entering only ont of curiosity or iu a spirit of lun. Pmieipals and teacuers are apt to be flustered on tho first school day, and are more ituliued to over-estimate than under estimate the crowds. After tomorrow he thought the reports would be more normal and he did not believe that any would have to be re fused ndmittause from lack of accom modations. CHANGES OF TEACHERS. ' ' Changes in the assignments of teach ers have been numerous. Airs. R. J. Williams, formerlv Miss Potter, of No. 13, and Miss Z;U1j J, Stevens, of No, 85, have resigned. Professor J. F, Jn Jge and Miss Agnes Kully were de posed, and Professor Powell and Miss M. Louise Williams, both of No. 14, have retired, owing to ill health. James Hughes, a last year a graduate of Bncknell, has been temporarily en gaged sb prinoipal of No. 14 ProfesBor ti. Li. Morgan, of No. i'i. may eventu ally be appointed to Professor Powell's old school, in which ease Mr. Hughes will be transferred to No. 132. David Owens is assuming Miss Williams' po sition at No. 14 until the letter's health will permit her return. Miss Alice Evans, of No. 14 and Miss Bessie Williams, of No. 21, have exchanged rooms. The following other transfers have been made: Miss Emily Evans from No. 31 to No. 18; Mrs. J. D. Knnnss to No. 31, Miss Norma Nichols from Mo. sl to Mo. 15, Miss B. Judge to No. 11, Miss Biua Langan from No, 17 to No. 31, Miss Minnie Gibbons' to No. 17, Miss May Powell to No, 24, succeeding Miss Kelly; Miss Lillian O'Donnell to No. 22, tucceeding Professor Judge; Mrs. Mary Tierney to No. 22, Miss Clara Neimeyer to No. 45. succeeding Miss Stevens. The Belle vne (touchers have been re-engaged as follows: Professor Henry Kemmerling, Misses Phillips, Prici Watkins and Evans. The high school next rear will have the lurgest graduation i class in ' its history if thehfty-six members enrolled successfully pass the examinations. SOUTH SIDE. John MtfftlU Fall in Converting- Bapart- mont of South mill. John Moffiit, of 333 Ninth street. engaged as an assistant to the vessel men at the Sontb works, fell from the edge of a plank behind the converters last night, fortunately escaping with no greater accident than a broken ankle and a fractured wrist Moffat's fall nnder ordinary circumstances is enough to kill a man. It is not rightly known how bo met with the accident, but it is supposed that he walked too close to the edge of the vessel n or and stepped npon tne ena or a loose plank that pro jected too far and he fell to the ground. The Moses Taylor ambnlanse was summoned and he was conveyed to the hospital, ibe doctors estimate that his injuries will confine him for six week.'. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. The South Side barbers will moot this evening at Zang's barber BHop. James Connell lodge of Odd Fellows will meet tomorrow nigut at Fruehan's hall. MissFelber, of Hazloton. is visitinu her brother, George Fulber, of Pittston ave nue. The Scranton Athletic club will moet Thursday night In regular business ses sion. Patrick Barrett, of Pituton avenue, has returned irom west Virginia much im provi.a in liealtn. Thomas J. Moore, manager of the Mea dow Brook and Minooka stores, is again at worK aiter ms recent severe illness. District Enginoor Louis Schwass, of the Century Hose company, has purchasod a new helmet and bolt, and tho following members with belts. P. J. Hickey, John DHuer, in or ose nertz. Herman G. fcenkor, of 513 Stone avenue, win icave toaay tor ttie ew York Inter collegiate Hospital andi Infirmary to un dergo a very critical onoration. Hn is snf. foring from a tubercular growth in the necK ana a lew nays ago Dr. Wehlnu re moved a tumeroid. Mr. Senker will he treated by Dr. Rice, of Now York, a fam ous Bjieciaiisi, iu niiB nraucu or medical surgery. . '. f The young ladies of the South Ride young Women's Christian ' association, particularly those of the junior den-irt- ment, indulged in an evening's pastime Inst night. Refreshments were served by the reception committee. The following short programme besides an boa r spent in games was carried out: Piano solo, Miss Alice Sweet: vocal duet. Misses Alice Car- lyon and M. Helln; recitation, Miss Lena Scuueman, solo, miss Alice bweet; recita tion, JUiss unssie ocnuinan; . OFFICERS OF THE E. B..A. Installed at Msting Held in Provldanot on Sunday. At a meeting of Branch 141, Emerald Benefioial association, which was or ganized at Providence on last Thursday evening held Sunday afternoon the officers were installed by r. II. Kelly, of Altoona. national secretary, assisted by P, F. Horan, Joseph A; Sharp and John F. Hoileran, of Branob 110. of Greon Ridge, The principal officers of the new society are: President, Cap tain Joseph H. Daggan; vlo president, Richard Shevlin; fiuancial secretary, Auttiony Kane: recording Secretary Richard A Mitloney ; treasurer, Michael Leonard. - The1 meeting was largely attended and many new, names . were added to the list. Several interesting addresses were made by the visitors and from the interest and enthusiasm shown it is believed that Branoh 141 will soon cope with any of the older branches in numbers. It is expected that within the next six months the membership of 141 win exceed zuu. There are only two branches of the Emerald Benefioial association in Lack awanna county, while in Luzme thorn are at least fifteen. National Orsauizer Kelly expicts to institute several brajiches in this county next month. WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Miss Jennie Natris, of Lnfliu. is the guest of friends on this side. Bartley Weaver, of Luflin. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Fellows, of Tenth street. Tom Beels. of North Hyde Park avenue. is recovering from a severe attack of ty phoid lever. Mrs. James Mc Andrew, of Wllkes-Barre, has returned home from a visit with friends on this side. Charles Winewood and Harry Dawsou, of Chester, have returned home from a visit with friends on this si Jo. Robert James, of South Lincoln avenue, will go to Philadelphia in a few days, where he will study pharmacy. The Moodv meeting was not conducted In the tent lust evening by EvaugellsUiliss, owing to tho inclemoucy of the weather. The funeral of Mrs. P. F. Taylor, of Jackon street, will occur to-morrow morning at v o clock. A solemn nign mass of requiem will be celebrated in St. Pat rick's church. Interment in the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. St David's kindergarten openod yester day morning in tho school room of the church. The sessions are from 9 to 13 o'clock. Paronts having children between 8 and 6 years are invited to come aud wit ness the work which is being done. Miss Lillian Morris is principal and Miss Maud Fuher assistant. Rev. M. H. Mill, the ector is greatly interested in the work. aud lent much assistance in establishing tne school. The eighty-seventh session of the Abing- ton Baptist association will be held at Clark's Green tcday. The train will leave the Delaware, Laokawauua and Westorn railroad daiiot at 0 a. m. Among those who will attend as dolegates are: William B. Oweu, superintendent. Miss Ida Lewis, secretary; Misses Margaret Thomas, Jemima Roderick, Esther Parry, Colia Lewis, Sarah Davies and Harry Davies, John House, David Gibus and John b. Harris. A large number of the friends and rela tives of Richard Hall, of Hampton Street, aseeinnlou at ms homo last evening to uo honor to him on having passed his fiftieth birthday. The rooms were very prettily decorated with flowers. Miss Adeline Hall and Miss Lydia Steonbnck received the guests, and when all had assembled E. H, House delivered an appropriate address. Air. mil responaeu in a nanpy manner. Rev. A. W, Cooper, of the Hampton Street Metnodist -Episcopal cnurcn then prayed. after which, tuoso present lent thomselves to the enjoyments of the evening. -An ex cellent supper was served. 1 The manv friends of Miss Lottie Cnwell. of South Main avenue, gathered at her Home-last evening and tendered her a most pleasant party, bupper waB served -at a late uour. Among tnose present wore Misses badie Adkins, Jennie Foster, Jeuuie Klcuards. Lizzie Kicnards. LUUe Fletcher. Lottie Piieffer, Maud Steward, Marv Burke, Muggie Morgan, Margaret Reese, Uinily miliums. Hazel Lowell, and Ulnr- ence Lathropu, Ray Cole, of Dunmore: John Annemons, IredRouu, of unnmore: trunk Lott, Burt Gritman, Ross Ldwiirds, Will Harrington, Isaac Jones and Clyde Cowell. Miss CowelL for whom the social was held, returned lrom Ketta yesterday. A large number of the members of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society and their friends nssombled in the Welsh Philosophical society rooms last evening. where the opening exercises which were postponed from the preceding week were Held. Tne evening's literary programme opened with a selection by Messrs. Richards and Morgan, entitled "The Larboard Watch.-' John R. Ed wards, president of the society, gave a short address and Mr. Morgan rendered a comic selection entitled "Forever." Charles E. Daniels made a brief address and Samuel Davis then rendered the "Maid of Athens." The supposed speech of John Adams, written Dy Darnel Webster, was reoited by David J. Davis witn mucu ef fect. The speech of Patrick Henry fol lowed by Wallaoe Moser. The Btory of the organization of Tammany was given by John House, who stated that it was organized in Delaware and was at first asocial organization. He said tho influ ence of Tammany fermented New York Btate aud in tact the Uuited btates. NOKTH END BRIEFS, Mrs. Evan R, Jones, wife of the Welsh bard "Uruglas," aud son, arrived here on .Saturday iroro wales. Mr. and Mrs, Isaac White and wife, of Church avenue, are on a three weeks' pleasure tup through New York state. William Atkinson, of Breakor streot. was kicked by a mule when coming ont of the Dickson mine yesterday nioruhig at iu o'clock and was palurully injured, T. Myrddiu Jones, of Edna avenue, and Misses jNollie and Jennie Hartley, of Arlington Heights, left last evening for Olivet, Mich., where they will attoud school. Information has been rocived tfrom Phil adelphi that William J. Thomus. a' pa tient of the Eye bopital, has been under an operation and will lose the use of his in jurod eye. J. S. and Miss Amermnn, of Shamokin, returned tioiue tins moruiug attor a plesB ant two weeks' visit with their old pas. tor, Rev. W. G. Watkins, of the North Main Avenue baptist church. The members of the Welsh Baptist church Sunday School have arranged a oasKet picnic at Laurel urn parte to-morrow. Scholars and friends are requested to meet in tne vestry at .4S a. m. The members of .the general committee and the Indies who are selling tickets for the benefit concert for William J. Thomas are requested to meet lu the vestry room oi tne weisn Uongregational church to night at 7.30. The Brisbin mines of the Delaware. Lackawanna and Westorn company are ciosea and no date is given lor the re opening. Extensive repairs are being made to the breaker aud the mules have been taken away. Last Sunday evening's service -in the North Main Avenue Baptist church was observed as Sunday school night, and was held preparatory to the Sunday School convention held in Glenburn today. It was aiiurossoj Dy tne pastor, Kuv. G. W. watKins. A warrant was sworn out before Alder man Horan by Charles White, chanting JiimeB Clayton with nsiault and threat ening to kill. Constable Davis arrested Clayton yesterday, who entered bail be fore Alderman Fitzsimmons, Loreuz juiuiur ueuywmg un uouusmau. Wood, bamboo and brniss easels. Pkatt's Book Stork. ; Eat Bread made from Pillsbury's Best ana oe neaitny. Buy lbs Wbr and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. Coptino books and presses. Pratt's Book Store Whtn So Many people are taking and uenviug oeuenc irom uoou s darsaparllla, why don't von trv it vourself 1 It will build you np. Hood's Sursaparilla will uinae you- strong. Hotd'i Fills cure nausea, sick headache i nuigestion, muousness. Try a box. DIKD. COLLERAN In Scranton. Sept. 8, 1804, Francis Oulleran, son of John and Bar bara Colleran, aged 6 years and 8 months. Funeral at 8:80 Toesdny afternoon from tne residence, 000 nttb avenue. Burial at uyae rark, LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE Under thts hoadlnir short lottors of interest will be published when accompanied, for pub lication, by the writer's mime. TRK Thibuns will not be held responsible for opinions bore expressed. I . TALLIE MORGAN REPLIES, Editor of Tun Triiiunb: Hr: After reading lu this morning's Tribune Professor George B. Carter's crit icisms on a part of my letter in last Satur day's Truth, I feel that Handel, Haydn, lioethoven aud all the rest mentioned in Mr. Carter's catalogue, should ariso and tender this eminent musician and the Al bright library a ghostly vote of thanks for so ably defending thoir music from an imaginary attnek conceived aud born of Mr. Carter's overworked brain. If it were not for the fact that mv most amiable and peculiar friend, George, had totally misrepresented tho intent of my words in the Truth, I should have, as in tho past, permitted bim to occupy the lighting field himself, and got all the glory and notoriety out of it he desired. .Mr. Darter begins nis lotter by auotinir from me as a wbolo senteuce a part o( a sentence, which is only half a truth, and as somo say, the worst kind of a He. Here's his quotation: , "wmie tne mnsio or tno great compos ers is a grand study, yot it is mnro the music or tne head than or tne heart." What I sum was: "While the music of the great composers is a grand study, yet it in more me music oi tuo oeau tuan ot the heart, and does not roach the runmos." xousee. the last part or the sentence shows that I was discussing the 'relation of music to the massos and not to the musicians, but Mr. Carter very shrewdly omitted that part of the senteuce. In order to make the caso clear to the reador. I will hero give the whole paragraph as printed in the Truth: "During one of my talks with Mr. Steb- bins, he called my attention to one peculiar fact: Nearly all ot the best known gospel song writers and singors were all born in the same part of the nation, at least within a radius of two or three hundred miles. Take Philip Phillips, James McGranaban, Sankoy, Stebblus, E. O. Excoll, H. R. Palmer, C. C. Case, Professor Towner, P. P. hubs, it is lmpossiulo to account for this fact, but it is strangely true. There are musi cians who like to air their superior knowl edge and pose as lovers of "Wagner, " aud tne masters who declure tnnt the work of these giftod men li simply "trash," and should not be txtight or sung. Yet the fact remains that the thousands or gospel hymns written by these composers have done moro good in the world a million times than the work of the ''masters." While the music of the great composors is a grand study, it is more the muBic of the head than of the heart, and doe not reach the masses of the people. The music of these gospel hymns on the other hand has readied the greut heart of the people and has cheored thorn iu hours of (i miction, supported them in times of trial, comforted iu tbe hours of sorrow, and then lifted np into a highor, purer, better atmosphere. Eternity alone ran measure the good and grand work that has been done by these devoted gospel song writers and singers, aud no amount of "education" will educate the people away from their music" I say very plainly that tbe music of the masters is a grand study nud since man studies with the head, it becomes music of tho head before the Court and emotions enn very well be reached. But on tno other hand, the simple melodies and effect ive words of Gospel hymns reach the heart without any musical study on tbe part of tne singer and nstenor. Last Sunday night. in tbe meeting held in the Young Mou's Christian Association null, after the close of tbe great meeting held iu the Frothing- ham, while a crowd of four or live hundred meu were singing very sortly, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," lifty men arose iu response to Air. Moody's question if they would be come Christians, and nrmly said "1 Will." Of what urn would have been one of Beth oven's souutas or a selection from one ot the great oratorios at this point? Thousands npon thousands or people nave been con verted undor tbe iniuistratious of Mr. Moody, aud he says that as much credit is due to the singing of these Gospel hymns, wnicn are not music, according to Mr. Lat ter, as to ms preaching. "JUarcning xnrongn Georgia." Is not a classical song by a gun shot, but the rob- eis icareu it more than any battle cry, ror tne ooya in niue seemed .to get a won derful amount ot inspiration from its stirring strains, and many a battle was won nuder its magic lullnence. And even now, thirty years after the war, its strains win awaicon tne mosi intense enthusiasm. This feeling, Mr. Carter from his imagin ary neignt or Knowledge, judges to boot the same ordor as experienced by the Indians in the war dance he witnossed in Dakota. Mr. Carter asks me if be knows the flavor of a peach until he tastes it. When a man asks me a civil question I always try to give mm a civil answer. Yen can "know" the flavor of a peach without tasting tne peacn oy going to any of the soda fuuutalus in the city, Mr. Carter al.o aslis me whore and when I studied the croations of tho great composers. will answer by asking unothor ouestion: Mr. Carter, in what part of the world did you acquire such a stock of gall as to ask me thai question? morgan. Scranton' Bullosas Interests. The Tribune will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests ot Hcrnuton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in Dooit lor in, Deautiruuy illustrated with photogravure views of our rmblic build ings, business blocks. Btreets, etc, together with portraits ot loading citizens. No similar work lias evor given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's inanv indus tries. . It will be au iuvaluablo exposition of our business resources. bent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the , city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city at large. Kcpresentati ves or tub i riiions will call upon tiiosr whose namks are pksiwco in this edition and explain its nature more rimy. Tboso desiring views of their residence in tnis edition will please kave notice at tno olllce. 6 Bros.' Shoe Store Will be closed all day today to arrange for great sale of Bingharaton shoe. Wait for it, 11 will do the business of $3. Grocers and butchers' pass books. Pratt's Book Store. Rehthui, to tired toilers, bread made rrom t'lllsoury'a Host. FOR GASH We hsvo purr.hnsod from a rollnblo Watch Co. that needed monoy, a quantity of HIGH UltADE Watch es ut our own offer. All 15-yoar gold filled cases, beautifully en graved with 11-Jewolod American movement. All have Gold Enam elled Dials. Novor sol d J1 below fii They go at S w Raforl Jewelry OA, Lttth five, PRATT'S BOOK STORE We are prepared to furnish all kinds of School Books and School Supplies at short notice. We always have in stock a com ploto line of Blank Books, Sta tionory and Ouice Supplies. Wall Paper, Window Shades Pictures and Frames. V Meeting of Unlvarialitti. The Susauehanna Association of Univer salis will meet in auunal session with the Umversalist parish of Hopbottom cn W ednesday and Thursday. Councils will be organized at 10 a.m. on Wednesday. It is expected to be an Important meeting. Church missions will receive an earnest attention. Muslo Boxes Exclusively, Best made. Play Bny deidred number of tunes. Gautschi & Sous., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial orgaus, ouly $5 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tnuos. Wedding Presents Dinner, Tea and. Toilet Sets, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc. WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. CHANEC YOUR GHOE MAN WILL OI'KN DIKING WEEK OF SEPT. 10 New Store, New Goods, New Styles, New Prices. COME AND SEE US. 410 SPRDCE STREET . -'- -Aw? Wis . The nnmes are the same but onr "PufTn.' "Knots." and "Four-in-hands" are of a dif ferent kind, I Ours nro In tho neckwear lino and thoy sre in tho very latest colors, shades and com binations. If you are looking for Fall neckwear, don't miss looking at our lino. The same at both storoH. 412 SPU VCK ST. and U03 L.VCK'A. AVIiN UE, Christian, Ths Hatter. THE CELEBRATED PIANOS re it Present the Mot Fopnlsr and Preferred b, Loading Arm-A Warerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, 203 Washington Aw. Scranton.Pa, OOMtWINC NCW IN A HnTQ- For Fall Wear 305 Lackawanna Ave. 003h (!) to mm- j n if : S ti w J H J lllHEl GOWD RECEIVED T8BAY Martin & Belazxy Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE- H!nKEni!B.!M"!ll!!0!S3W IE 308 Lacka. Ave. I We are offering some Great Bargains in I 2 Cases 10-4 Heavy-Weight, worth $1, for 75c. 2 Cases 10-4 Extra Quality, worth $1.39, for 98c. p 1 Case 10-4, Very Fine, worth $2, for $1.49. 1 lot of 10-4, were $4.25, 1 lot of 11-4, were $5, BDBBBIBI3aaEIEI3SIIiaiIIllBIIlltBBIISBI!ISI!ES3BlZI3aa31BSa:E3Illii2SEE3i3!!B:3SlIS2aSl!3:iSI Scientific Eyo "On the Fence." Soon be over the season for ridinir. II you want a Bicycle now is tho tiino to got it. We are clearing up all stock, and will give you such a chance as you never had eel ore. Una ot our bargains: A First-class, High Grade $150 icycl for $05. Briiu your cash and GET OFF THE FENCE. CLARENCE M. FL0REY Successor to Floroy & Holt A I m Our Boys Is a Parent's Paradise I Ft ' Shorf-Pant Suits Short Tant Suits, sizes 4 to 11, iulects ..... Short Pant Suits, iu a variety Tlaids, sizes 4 to 14 A special lino of Dark Gray Pant Suits, all sizes 137 AND 139 Complete Outfitters. FBI CCIT1 & IE 1 JARGE'LINE Ok Mackintoshes in Blue and Black Box Coats. , Also, a first class stock of Imported Suitings and Trouserings. t m II i a M WW ft now $2.75. i i M now $3.50. Testing Free By DR. SIIIMBESG-, Tbe Specialist on tho Eye. Headaches and Ner vousness relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of Eyeglasses aud bpectacloi at the Lowest Price Best Artificial Eyes iusurtej for fj. 305 Sl'itl'CH ST., Oi p. Old Post Office. we leed Money And must raiso several tliou sautl dollars before Thursday evening at closing time. "Wo liavo no other nieaus of ac complishing this except by sacrificing a portion of ouu vast aud valuable stock. Bny at Your Own Price We'll positively refuso no offer within tho bounds of reason. C .W. Freeman Watchmaker and Jowolor, COR. PENN AVE. and SPRUCE ST. sariment 1 T MATTERS not what kind of a Suit you want for the lad . or 'what . .mi r. i-i li you want 10 pay, you n una u nerti--at the right price. Good, plain, serviceable suits for every-day wear; suits for Sunday and dress occasions. We not only show you more styles than you'll meet with in any other house in Scranton, but many of the styles shown can be seen only here, as they are styles which we create and control. NOVELTIES BY THE SCORE And a mammoth assortment of plain and moderate priced suits liko these: Dark Gray Cheviot : $i.2s of Dark Checks and . Mixed Chavlot Short .... 2.00 2.50 PENN AVENUE. S. L. GALLEN