THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING," SEPTEMBER 11. 1894; BASE IS 01 CENT BALL Solomon Once Said It Was Not, but Afterwards Changed His mind. Cheer for the Despondent. A Word. PLEASURES OF OCEAN TRAVEL Concluded from Page I. LIFE WORTH LIVING Connolly & Wallace EASTERN HAGUE. All Eastern league games tobidaled to be played yesterday were postponed by rain. THE RAIN SAVED US. Eprlagfitld Sid Not Have a Cheaoi to Climb Up. When the time arrived yeeterday afternoon to eall the game at tbe ball park between Scranton and Springfield, a light rain waa blown across the dia mond by a stiff brsaze. Soon tbe rain began to descand in torrents, and tbe small crowd of spec tators made desperate efforts to get tinder shelter. The wind blew tbe rain abont in aach a way that tbe grand atand offered little protection, and almost erery one that went ont to aee tbe game carried home wet clothes with their rain cheeks. The game will be played today, as it is an open date. GLINTS FROM THE OIAMOND. Pitcher Wallace, of tbe Franklin club, bat joined the Pittsbnrg club. He is the man Scranton was negotiating with early in the season. The Springfield Union in forecast of tbe Eastern league flnich places the clubi in this order: Providence, Erie, Springfield, Syracuse, Buffalo, WUkes-Barre, Scranton aud Yonkers. - Suit will be entered shortly by tbe mem bers of tbe ex-Troy toam against Proprie tor Russell, of Troy, who was in partner ship with Maloney nntil the team began to lose money, when he withdrew. It is be lieved that the courts will hold him re sponsible for the back salaries of the play ers. President Powers says that be will not be a candidate for the presidency of the Eastern league next year, as it interferea with other plans be has in view, and he la content with the record of finishing two seasons with a complete circuit, last year without a break, something no minor league had evor done before. Springfield Union. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. "Johnny" Gorman, the ex-champiin 135-pound pngllist, and "Jaok" Skelly have been matched to fight ten rounds, The contest will probably take place be fore the recently organized Atlantic Ath letio club of Coney Island. Colonel Tom Stevens will sell his racing Stable this fall. Fleischman & Son and John Rodegap will also dispose of their Burplus stock. Eugene Leigh has an nounced the sale of forty of his brood mares, to take place at Lexington shortly. The pleasantest riding season of the year is yet to come. Fall is undoubtedly the most desirable time for cycling, especially for long distance tonr. The roads are in a far better condition than at any other time, and the temperature Is such that tbe riders feel less fatigue than in warmer Weather. Tbe fiercest struggle for records the World has ever known will occurr this fall. Almost immediately after the Springfield meet tbe teams will commence to prepare. Some will remain in tbe east, some go west and others south. At pres ent Johnson, Bliss. Titus, Tyler and the Columbia and Sterling teams are known to be enrolled for tbe fight. Tbe Saratoga Racing association is to have a Produce stakes, modeled on the fmttern of tbe Futurity and Matron, tbe atter of which will be soon out of exist ence. The entry will be made cheaper and will probably be W, to be paid on nominat ing tbe mare, while either $3,000 or $10, 000 will be added. If high class racing is to be maintained at the Springs, this is an excellent move. Dick Burge, the English welter-weight, announces that he has not retired, and is prepared to make a match against any man in England, America or Australia for 200 to SO0 a side and the best purse of fered. Having been to America so many times on a fruitless errand, Burge con siders It would be an act of international courtesy if an American came to his coun try and box him on English soil. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Cleveland Cleveland 0 8001000 0-4 New York....O 2 0 0 1 0 5 0 5-13 Hits Cleveland.' 9: New York, 17. Er rorsCleveland, 2: New York, 1. Bat teries Snllivan and O'Connor, Rnsie and FarrslL Umpire Betts. At Chicago Chicago 1 1 3000008-8 Boston 0 5 8 1 1 8 5 0 x-25 Hits Chicago, 12; Boston, 21. Errors Chicago, 8; Boston, 6. Batteries Terry and Schriver; Stlvetts, Tenny and Qansel. Umpire Lynch. At Louisville- Louisvtlle 3 0 1 1 0 1 0- 6 Baltimore 2 0 3 3 8 1 815 Hits Louisville, 11; Baltimore, 12. Er rors Lonisvllle, 6: Baltimore, 2. Batter ies Inks and Lake; Esper and Robinson. Umpire Keefe. No other National league games were played. STATE LEAGUE. At Philadelphia-Philadelphia, 8; Read ing, . At Pottsville-Pottsville, 7; Ashland, 2. At Lancaster Lancaster, 6; Hazleton, fi. At Harrisburg Harrisbnrg vs. Shenan doah, postponed, rain. HOW THE PUBLIC IS I BEWARE OF FRAUDS For the Sake of Profit They Will Sacrifice Principle, Health, Etc. Unscrupulous dealers are trying to sell or dinary Glauber Bait or a mixture of BoldliU Powder as "Artificial Carlsbad Bait," "Spru del Bait," "Gorman Salt" or "Improved Carl bad Bait," and nnder other similar names. The Natural Remedies of Carlsbad csn not be Imitated. "What Mature makes, man can not im prove upon." Artlfloial made wines will nover replace the natural juice of the grapes. Neither can the natural waters of Carlsbad nor the Carlsbad Bpradol Bait be replaced by tbe choap substitutes offered to a guileless public for tbe sake of the larger profit made thereon by these unscrupulous dealers. No one would buy artificial wines know ingly. Why buy the Imitation of the Carls bad products when your health Is at stake? The Carlsbad Sprudel Waters are a specific for all diseases ot the stomach, liver and kid neys, and have been used with great benefit by hundreds of thousands of people. The Carlsbad Sprudel Salt, which is evaporated from the Sprndel Water at Carlsbad, la an ex cellent Aperient, Laxative and Diaretic; Is an alterative and ellmlnatlve remedy, which dis solves tenacious bile, allays irritation, and removes obstruction by aiding nature, and not by saddeb and excessive irritation, as moat cathartics do. Use the imported Carls bad waters, or If it Is not convenient to use the waters, or when a more decided laxative effect is desired, use tbe Carlsbad Bprudel Bal. - Insist upon the genuine, which Is Imported dirtlt from Carlsbad, and must have tbe sig nature of Eisner A Mendelson Co., Sole Agents for tbe United BUtes, U2 and 164 f ranklin street, JNew Fork, on every bottle. I9P0SED and are being sent on this ship to Sontbampton. there to be transferred to the United States warship Cbioago, on which they ssil to Korea to protect United States interests there. I had quite an interesting talk with one of them. Tbe steerage would be interest ing it it were not so dirty. Tbe people are lying about on what look like little shelves, some smoking aud, like the people upstairs, playing oards, while others lie around on boxe and bundles and play tbe violin, mouth organ, bag pipes or any thing at all It sounds just like the Midway Plaisance some times. Tbsre are, ot eourie, some very interesting types ot people down there too. The nnarcbistio looking Italian and Russian are there, tbe Welshman going home to see the old country, the little German, and, iu fact, almost all other nationalities are rep resented, jast as they are above decks, only there is tbe social difference be tween then. We passed a German Lloyd on ber way to New York last night. We all west upon deck to see ber, or, rather, ber lights, as that was all we could see in the black night. It was a very large eteamer, we could see. A DANCE OH THE DECK. Tonight there are to be some groat doings. Tbe psssengers are to have a danoe on tbe deck, and the picka ninny band is to furnish tbe dance music. Tomorrow night, the last evening on board ship, will be made memorable by a concert, and a very lively one It bids fair to be, as nearly every man, woman and child possessed ot tbe power of speech is to take part.. One young man is to recite in Chinese. By the way, we passed a large Chinese man o' war today. I was glad to get the chance to see it. It, like the Chi nese himself, was peculiar. Very high rigging and sails, and it was a vary Urge ship, indesd. Everyone on board looked at it with a great deal of inter est. This noon there was some Rteat fun on deck, Tbe men bad a tng ot war and, of conrse, the women sat iu their chairs and cheered on tbe combatants. There was a great straight-as-a-stick ex-offlcer in tbe Austrian army whose side always won and, of course, I was glad, as this gentleman is a lovely man. So you see we bad runny and pleasant diversions, which added to the the charms of tbe delightful weather for we bad a voyage which the steward calls "one in a hundred, ma'am" has kept us in tbe best of health and spirits, We sometimes laugh almost all day long, and I am sure tbe trip has bsen most beneficial, THAT FRENCHMAN AGAIN. I was talking to the French critio this afternoon on deck, and was so for tunate as to see his credentials as foreign correspondent for the Frenoh press on matters "musical and dram itique " He is a wonderfully brilliant man and knows abont everything in that line, besides being a great literary student in tbe different modern lan guages. He happened to be au acquaintance of Mile. Cnlve, and Sibyl Sanderson and almost all tbe other ar tists who have risen to fame and for tune in his beautiful "Parse." He keeps talking up tbe advantages of tbe National Conservatory of France, in Paris, to me all tbe time. He is really a very brilliant man, but I am afraid I cannot go to bis beautiful Paris for my lessons. He has beard Mr. Barns and me slog and compliments ns both on our voices, and vehemently continues to talk Paris, Paris, to ns at almost every chance. . Today there were some beautifnl little books sold on the ship souvenirs ot tbe voyage with everything in them that one con'.d wish to learn of the aubjsot of ocean steamship traveling, and cabling, not to mention that very important item tipping. The pictures of the ships, officer, (etc., are in them, too, besides a large space for auto graphs. One of the gentlemen on board very kindly presented me with one, and I have been.gettlng my "auto graph album" filled with little tquibs, and even kind words, from the dear friends I bave been so fortunate as to meet on this good ship. Assuredly, no one ever bad snoh a delightful voy age as this one. It has been idyllic. Tomorrow afternoon and evening we will be banging over the railing look ing for the first sight of land. An Englishman on board said this noon at lunch, that now we will soon be getting to real civilisation oaoe in our lives, but of course we silenoed him with three cheers and a tiger-r-r for Amerioa. LAND IN SIGHT. Next Day. We shall see land the purser informed ns this noon at dinner, about 5 o'clook this afternoon. So, of course, everyone will be on deck on the lookout all afternoon, and I shall write no more, mailing this at Southampton. Everyone is overjoyed at tbe prospect of treading firm land once more, tbongb for my part I would be content to stay on board a fortnight yet, it is such an indolent do-nothing life, be sides being so interesting. It is amus ing to watch tbe effect of tbe coming end of tbe voyage upon us all. Tbe romantically inclined are discovered in quiet corners, winding up their little flirtations, and we praotioal ones are arranging our plans for the land jour neys. Tbe stewards and waiters have suddenly beooine alert and swift to an ticipate our every wish, and so on, all over tbe ship, it is rather different, to say the least, from the start of the voy age. OFF FOR TERRA FIRMA, P. S , Ang. 81. This wouldn't be a woman's letter without a postscript, and I write mine to tell yon abont a huge fog which most provokingly de layed ns six valuable hours this morn ing just as we were all eagerness to get ashore. As I write we are passing the Isle of Wight, Osborne palace and Cowes, where the beantiful yaahts are. The view is tbe most beautifnl 1 have ever seen. And tbe yaohtsl How shall I describe them? They seem like spirits afbat on an Emerald sea. By the time you get this the races between tbe vigilant ana the Britannia will bave been an old story. Bat imagine bow we mnst feel without any knowl edge of the results. Anyhow, we all give three cheers for the Yankee boat and hope that they will not be given in vain. Mrs. Barns, while yet aboard ship, has just received a most delightful letter of welcome for the party. Tbe pilot brongbt it to us, from Miss JJris coll, of tbe Welsh Ladies' choir. The Kllarney this morning rescued ns from the fog and in a few moments we shall be en route for "merri England" and for tbe successes or failnres that await ns there. Sadie E. Kaiser. Henkt Schokhhals, foreman Henry Krug Packing company, Ht. Joseph, Mo., nses Dr.Thomaa1 Eolectric Oil with his men for sprains, cuts, bruises, chapped hands, etc. It is tbe best, . - The Rev. Dr. Talmage. who is now touring in Australia, considered this question of sufllcient importance to make it tlie subject of a recent sermon. Happiness is not a nuestion of bank account or material prosperity, but rattier ot neaitn. ana tnis can oniy do enjoyed where the digestive organs are performing their proper functions. Were the question addressed to a chronic dyspeptic, a negative answer would probably be returned. Dr. j. Miliner f othcrgui, ot Lonaon, whose name is a household word in England, says of this dread but preva lent disease, "More distressing tnan the actual paiu is the sense of misery experienced by many, the mental dis comfort, the sense of wretchedness, of utter uniittuess for work, the mental attitude of gloom, distress and inca pacity, me Duyaioii uiscomiort, tenas to cause the sufferer to have misgiv ings that the malady is something more than mere indigestion. A haunt ing fear that the brain is the seat of tlie disease, where tuere is neauaciie, the heart, where there is milnitatiou or irregular action tortures the un happy sullerer. The remembrance oi this impression hangs like a dark cloud over the intervals of compara tive health. Not only does the brain reel exhausted, but tlie wnole system appears lauguid aud weak, instead bf the man being able lor a twenty or thirty mile walk, one or two miles pro duce fatigue,and sometimes an intense languor is relt without any exertion at all. When he goes to his medical at tendant to describe his case, he says: "I take all sorts of strengthening thing, and yet I feel so weak." If instead of usiug these words he were to say, "because I take all sorts of tilings I feel so weak," he would ex press a part at least of the truth. Mai-products of indigestion are posi tive depressent poisons. Strong food docs not necessarily involve strength, rather the opposite when the diges tion is impaired. A little, well diges ted, feeds the blood, and from it again the the tissues, better than a large meal of which none, or very little in deed, is properly digested. In this condition, the more a person eats, the worse he thrives, because he digests little or non, and unless he is restrict ed to proper meals, hertually eats him self to death, and he dies ofhunger of actual starvation, In the midst of unlimited food and everlasting eating. To eat and digest them, is not one and the same thing. Dr. Fotuergill speaks of artificially digested starch in the following un mistakable terms: "As the cooking of starchy foods In volves their partial digestion, we see that intuitively and without the light of science, man commenced the arti flcial digestion of starch when only a savage aud long before the dawn of history. We at thepresent,are emerg ing out of the early darkness and step ping by morning light on the path to the artificial digestion of starch, by so doing, economizing the body energy which would otherwise be consumed inpreparing such food for absorption." Paskola is such a vfood, being a p re digested starch combined with or ganic ferments, possessing the prop erty of digesting other foods in the stomach, thus virtually resting the diseased digestive organs and yet in suring strength and nourishment to the body. Paskola has passed beyond the ex perimental stage, and is now be em ployed with the greatest success and satisfaction by thousands of sufferers. Many the man and woman who would have answered the question "Is life worth living ?" with an emphatic "No ! now comes forward to sound the praises of Paskola and tell how it has rescued them from a living death. Mr. L. W. Crisy, agent of the South ern RailwaA company, Fort Hill, 8. C. writes as follows under date of July 20, 1894: "Just five years ago I quit the farm to take up office work, I was in per fect health and for two 'years follow ing continued to be robust and strong. At the expiration of that time, which was three years ago, I began to be troubled with dyspepsia, but gave the matter little attention thinking I would soon come around all right. Instead, things went from bad to worse, and In the last six months I have suffered frightfully. It has been necessary to call a doctor a number of times. My appetite has been good all this while, while my digestive organs bave been absolutely unable to digest any food. I have tried everything that has been recommended, without experiencing any benelit. Have used the medicine of some of the best phy sicians in this country. They would sometimes help me for three or four days, then I would be just as bad off as l was Derore consulting them. "I have lost flesh untill do not look like the same person, only weighing l.'BJ pounds, making a loss of 33 pounds 111 MIX. 111UI11US. "I had begun to think that I had better look around for a coffin and a place to put Is, when Just four weeks ago 1 came across a little pamphlet describing Paskola. I read every word ot it ana was inspired with such conn dence that it was decided to give it a trial. 1 Dt'L'iiu taking the product early in July, aud by the time the first bottle was half gone, I ordered three more, as I found it was doing me mucti good. I ceased to lose flesh. had no further headaches, nor did I vomit aTter eating as previously. In fact I did not feel as though I had anything the matter with me at all. I have now taken two and a half bottles and am still using It, everybody having noticed that I am improving and my complexion being better than it hail been for two years. "Paskola has done for me more good in' the past twcitty days than any other medicine I have ever taken. In fact it is the ;nly thing that has ever done me any good. I sleep well at night, do not dream as I did before using it and awake in trie morning fully refreshed and ready for my work' Such statements as these are Incou trovertable. If you are suffering, if an emaciated form and general lack of strength shows that you are not properly nour ished, send for a pamphlet on food and digestion, which will be mailed free upon application to the Pre-Diges-ted Food Co., 30 Keade street, New York. Mother.! Motberall Mothers!! Alrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrap has been nsed for over fifty years by millions of mot here for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soot hes the child, softens the Rams, allays all pain; cores wind colio. and is the best remedy for di arrhoea. Fold bydiuggiste in every part of tbe world. Be sgre and ask tor "Mrs. Wtnalow's Boot bins Syrup,'' and take no no other kind. Twenty-fire cents a bottle. touts tf aU Mnrf eotC ttof me ea ft Situation WanUd,vhich are inter fHX. Agent Wanted. A GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO a. 11 fV.A aluminum nnvaltlAS. nOf inoui profits, sell at eight, delivered free, se cure territory. Sample in velvet lined case with full information, 10c Catalogue fre Aiumiuuin novelty uo.. ooj orwunnji mw Yorlr. "ANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN wanted at r oote uvery, uroen niun. AIT ANTED WILLING WORKERS; MUST ' WlltepiBia Bail UVKIU vuvn ..... man $8(1 monthly. Call 8 to 10. Room 2, Li brary Building. Helo Wanted Femalea. WANTED LA DIES OR MEN ON GUAR antee (alary. Room 15, Old PostotHee Building. WANTED SEVERAL LADIES TO As sist in publishing work, also learners; will pav from 'i to 812 a week. For particu lars address, with stain J. H. U., TuiBl'H,! ollice. For Sale. RETAIL UKOCKRY. STORK FOR SALE doltlfr a frofd huKinnsn Rare chance for l'Wht party. Good reason for soiling. Ad dress "K. W.," Tribune oillce. For Rent. K'OK KENT-TWO OFFICE ROOMS IN A 1 omple Court Building, Spruce street. Rent very low. Apply to Dr. E. Urewer, Old Postoffice Building. UR RKN C ONE-HALF STORE. 120 j- Penn avenue, g.'M per month. L'OB KEXT-NICELY-FUttNlSHED HALL 1 auitubla fur lodge rooms. JOHN JliK MYN, 1IU Wyotmug avenue. Special Notices. YOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT Frank Leslie's illustrated Weekly War uiusirauous idol-is?)., two voiumos f olio, J1M.S); payable monthly, $ii)0. Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, 61H Uibjon streot, Scranton, Pa. KLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAHa" lines, etc., bound or rebound at Tna Timhunk ollice. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BS HAD AT Hi corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.SU. Good table board. legal. f N RE! TRANSFER OF HOTEL LICENSE J- of Jacob Yerke in the First Ward of the Borough of Dickson City to John Hemheckl. Notice is hereby given that the Court has fixed Monday, September 10, 1MI4. Ht o'clock a. m. as the time and place for the hearing of the ubovo transfnr. WILLARD, WARRFN & KNAPP, Atty's for Applicant ESTATE OF HARRIET LYMAN, LATE of the township of Madison, Lackawanna county. Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above-named estate having been granted to the under signed, all perrons having claims or demands aitainst the said estate will present them for payment, and those indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to C P. VAN BRUNT, MILES A. LYMAN, ' Exeou' ors. WATSON DIEIIL, Attorneys for Estate. Notice of Dissolution. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE co-partnership existing between James T. Dearney ana Patrick P. Cannon, carrying uu uusiuess ae unteineepers on uacason street, this citv. was dissolved hv mutuHl congfmfc nn Sept. 1. James T. Kearney has ceased to bave any connection witn tne ooainew, wnicn In future will be carried on by Patrick P, Can non. Situations Wanted. A YOUNG MANOFOOOD HABITS AMD experience would like a position as clerk in store. Address C. P. H., Clifford, Pa., Lock box 87. BARKEEPER A STEADY, SOBER AND Industrious young man wonld like to se cure a position; understands his business and Is a good, quick mixer; would like a position in city or country and can furnish eood refer- ences from last employer. Address, Bar- aoeper, ow L.aciawanna ave scranton. Central Railroad of New Jersey SPECIAL EXCURSION BATES TO WilkesBarre roil the FIREMEN'S PARADE ON- Thursday, September 13, 1894. For this occasion special excursion tickets from Scranton will be sold gcol to go on all trains Sept. 12 and 13, and for return nntil FARE FOB THE ROUMD TRIP, '60c. Rupture Can bo cured by simple treat ments and the truss thrown aside in a short time. No detention from business. A safe and radical cure for every variety of hernia by a new method. Iso charge for consultation and examination. Scranton German Ruptore Core Co. (LIMITED.) 203 WASHINGTON AVE. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market . Tbe Finest in the Citfa The latest Improved for nlsblnRi and apparatus for keeping- meat, batter and egga. 28 Wyoming Ave. There is no use in staying be hind when all the world is pushing ahead. " Progress " is the motto of The Scranton Tribune Bookbinding Dep GENT'S WHITE SHIRTS AT 50c. LADIES' FAST BLACK HOSE Seamless, 2 pair for 25c, or 70c. for a kx of 6 pairs. Two of the Best Bargains we have ever offered. CONNOLLY & Do IToui Sleep Well? If not, get one of nature's BEST SEDATIVES, iL Pine Mattress They Are Inexpensive. THESCiMOT! BED THE FR0TIIINGHAM Tuesday. Sept 11. MISS Rose : Coghlan Supported by the Coghlan Company, In eluding Frederick (Is BelWlllo, JobnT. (Sullivan, Cecil M York, Murine Elliott, Hattia Russell and Marion A. Erl. FIRST f Oscar WIMo's Sntire, TIME jAWoman of No Importance BE HE Kale of Beats commences Friday morning, Sept. 7, a.ui., at tbe Frothing bam box ollice, at tlx following prices: Orchestra, $1.50; or chestra circle, SI; Balcony, rows A and B, )1; Balcony, rows C and U,75c; Balcony, balance, 50c, ; Gallery, li&c. ACADEMY OF MUSIC TUESDAY, SEPT. XV FITZ and WEBSTER -IN- A Breezy Time Crisp, Breezy and Entertaining. Everything New. A Novel, Original and Hilarious Musical Comedy. Cl I M M V Comodiam.Bpaclaltlea, Dialogue a, I U IN 11 I Situations and Climaxes. PPFTTV GlrI' Blnirera, Dano I n L I I I era aud Costumes. Sale of seats opens Saturday at the box offlca. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12 CHAS. H. HOYT'S Highly Successful Political Satire, A Texas Steer Every Smile. Every HowL Every Orin. Just as it Always War. "Maverick Braniler," "Beisy hrander," Geo. Washington Jr. Fishbnck and Tbe Committee FROM ' TEXAS Will all be there in their usual entertaining way. Company is stronger than ever. Sal j of a rate opens Monday at the box office. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. THIRSDAY, SEPT. 13. COMEDIAN JAMES E3. MACKIE (GRIMSEY ME BOY) In the New Circo-Comedy, The Side Show A decided novelty In tbe line of faro a-com edy. Presented by a large and competent com pany of artists. NOVELTIES Is s In Costumes. ALL NOVEL! IK'S. Special scenery Is car ried for the production. All laughter. No smiles. Sale of seats opens Monday at tbe box office. Davis' Theater, WONDERLAND. Week Commencing Monday, SEPT. 10. Every afternoon and evening. THE BEWITCHING ALL-LADY .VAUDEVILLE ST Alls. EVERY PERFORMER A LADY. ' EVERY LADY AN ARTIST. This Is not a so called "Beauty Show," al though composed ot handsome women; but it la a remarkable aggregation of genuine ar tistic excellence. admission; io, 20 6r 30 cents Two Performance Dally at i. 30 and 8.13 p.m. TZS' 10 CENTS. WITH FREE BEATS. This Coupon AND $16.00 GOOD FOR l Regular $32 Turkish Chair Until, 21, Choice in Covering and Style of Up holBtering, BENTON, 331 Adams Avenue. lob Work .... ' 5T?5 ThsSoftirtoaTrfcaiie TABTY oatoky 9 Job Dept WALLACE 209 ESTABLISHED 1806. 86,000 IN USE Instrument In every tense of the term as applied to Pianos. Exceptional In holding their original fulnaw of tone. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE, No. 80 Fifth avenue. SOLD BY E.C. Ricker&Co- 115 Adams Avb. New Telephone Bdg We Linn Allen & Co, STOCK BROKERS. Bay and sail S'ocka.Bondi and Grain on New York Exoaangta and Chicago Board of Trade, either for cash or on margin. 412 Spruce Street. tgLoeal Stooka a Specialty. TELEPHONE 8,0O. Maloney Oil and Uanufaciur'g Co. , VINEGAR AND CIDER HI TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We sell Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hu 205 AMD 207 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. SCRANTON AND WILE ES-BARKK, PA. MANUFACTURERS 0 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office, SCRANTON. FA uisini.guiiiiiiiniHiiiiiBiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiniiauiinii.iiuiianiiaiiuiaianuu jSTELLE & SEELEYf 3 134 WYOMING AVENUE. I I THE BEST S OF PROPHETS s 1 S for the future li (he put Daring the more than forty yean ot it 5 exlitenoe orer 65,000 people hare parohased and played nd praiaaa g 1 The Emerson Piano. I There are tome plane that will eott yon more than tbe Emerson will If yooeojoy paying high prlooa juat for the sake of paying them, probably you will bay one of these. Bat no matter what yon fay yon'll not gt a better piano, aor handsomer, nor one more durable. It ia impossible to improve on the beat, , ! REASONABLE PRICB-CASH-IHSTAIXHENTSr-BENT.V S iiiuiiinunuiuuiiimun WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Hou.39. Dr. B. Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, and his aMoclatad staff of English and German physicians, are now permanently located at oui ..... 1 v...u c I'cnn iiv.-iifti '' 8 mire -.Iroi't The doctor Is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania,formerly demonstrator of physi ology and surgery at tbe Medico-Chimrglcal College of Philadelphia. A specialty of Chronic, Nervous, Skin. Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE 9ERV0US SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness In men anCwo nan, ball rising in the throat, spots floating before tbe eyes, loas of memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subject, easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per forming the actual duties of life, making hap- ?lneas impossible; distressing the action ot be heart, causing flush of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, oonfusion of thought, depreBsion.constlpation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected sv "Id consult us immediately and be restor iff? perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician eall upon the doctor and be examined. lie enrea tbe worst cases of Nervous Debility.Scro fuia.Old Sores. CatarrhPiles, Female Weakness, Affections of tbe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Asthma. Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours daily from V a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday 8 to 2. cu,:iutie nve i-cvui utamps for symptom blanks and my book called "New Life." I will pay one thousand dollars in gold to anvone whom 1 caunot cure of EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS or FITS. DR. E. BREWER, Old Post Office Building, corner JPenn ave nue and bpruce street. 4 Co. HIOHlNG.Am D a