SOME FEATURE OF SPECIAL INTEREST APPEARS IN TH& TRIBUNE EVERY DAY. READ MISS KAISER'S SPRIGHT LY ACCOUNT ON THIS PAGE OF THE AMERICAN QUAR TETTE'S PLEASANT OCEAN TRIP. EIGIIT PAGE f 6 ? I "jfiwqn m SCRANTON, rA. TUESDAY MOENINQ. SEPTEMBER 11, 1804. TWO CENTS A COTY. THE TRIBUNE HAS fl LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SGRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER THE VETERANS AT Boys in Blue Swarming In the Streets of Smoky City. CNE THOUSAND SEAMEN IN LINE The City Presents a Holiday Appear ance with Decorations of Bunting. Contests Over the Election of Com mander in Chief The Navy Well Represented. riTTsr.uRO, Pa., Sept. 10, THE Smoky City is tonight in pos session of tne boys thitt worn tbe blue. Tbe cnpitulations of its citizons are complete. Tbe in vndiuR columns of Grand Army veter ans, sweeping like a torrent from tbe north and Booth, the east and the went, is tbe monarch of all it may survey. Acres of bunting, myriads of &k, all the contrivances and wonders of the electricity, aud every other feature bears testimony to tbe fact that tbe pledges upon which a year ago at Indianapolis the national encampment of '04 awardefltto tbe second city of tbe Keystone Mtuto. have been fully re detuned. Nearly 1,000 seamen, representing tome 8,000 un tubers scattered over tho couutry. participated in tbe seventh annuul parade of the National associa sion of naval veterans. The parade was tbe largest turnout and the finest in point of appearance in tbe history of tbe organization. Along the line of march which ex tended from tbe Smitlifield street bridge through the principal streets of tbe city to Cedar avenue to Allegheny, a distance of over three miles, the side Walks were pneked with spectators, and tbe ex-sailors were given repeated ovations. An effort was made by the Kansas delegation to start a boom for Topeka, in tbs belief that th rivalry between Louisville and St. Paul might become so bitter that a third city would be found available. It received no sup port, however, outside of tbe Kansas di legutiou themselves, and the indie tions are that the encampment of '05 will be voted to Louisville by an over whelming mujoriiy. CANDIDATES FOB COMMANDER With tie arrival this morning of the Illinois delegation the, contest between !be alberents of Colonel Thomas G. Liwl-r, of that slate and J. N. Walker, of ludiaau, the rival candidates for couimander-in-chidf, was commenced in earnest. Head quarters for each as pirant were opeued at tbe leading hotels and arguments of numerous kinds were employed in tbe efforts to secure votes. Most all western and northwestern delegates are counted in tbe Lawley column while the eastern lad southern strength, together with a uujority of the past commoners and ther voters are favorable to tbe Boos ter candidate. Tbe National Association of Army and Navy Chaplains elected R"V. T. H. Haggerty, chaplain of the Ninty tbird Illinois, as president and Chap lain C, C. licCabe, the famous Metho dist minister of tbe One Hundred and Twenty-second Ohio, as s-cretary. Delegates representing thirty-four naval associations participated this afternoon in the ninth annual conven tion of tbe National Association of Navnl Veterans at the Allegheny court bouse. In bis annual report Rear Ad miral Commanding Oiborn, of New York, congratulated the' association upon its excellent condition. THE BIDS OPENED. TJeual Excitement at the Fitteton Coun cil Booms Last NUht. f pedal to Hie Scranton Tribune. Pittston, Pa., Sept. 10 Tho coun cil chambers were packed this evening with representatives of the various paving companies of the country, ami others who had assembled to listen to the reading of tbe bids for the paving and sewering of the town. Previous to the reading of tbe bids, Chairman Mangan and Secretary Dempsey were observed in close confab. Mr. Donnelly noticing them aroae to bis feet and snid that he wanted noth ing smothered from the council. Mr. Langan became excited at this rem irk and said that he was as boaest as Mr. Don lolly. Secretary Dempsey chimed -in hers, and stated that be was consul ting with tbeohsirman over a bid that was not in accordance with tbe specifications. The seoretary also said that Mr. Donnelly bad bsen"howling ever since the mat ter came tip." Mr. Donnelly intimated that he wonld do more bowling and also gave an opinion that bis record was as good if not better than Dempsey's. The chairman rapped for order and further testimonials of character were excluded. The bids were read and it was decid. d to postpone the matter until Thurs day, when the secretary was lnitructed to provide typewritten eppies of the bids for eash member of tbs council. Just before the adjournment Mr. Donnelly echoed tbe suggestion made in Thb Tribune some time ago, to the effect that property owners should be consulted as to tbe kind of pavement desired, and gave as bis opinion that tbe pavement selected by the majority should be adopted by the councils. Mews. Kearney and Clifford objected to Mr. Donnelly's plan, aud, oratorical fireworks bnrned with brilliancy in the debate that followed nntil the close of the meeting. AGAINST SWEATERS. Fifteen Hundred Garment Workers Will Strike at Newark. Newark. N J.. Sept 10 By noon tomorrow 1,600 garment workers of this city will be on strike as a result or the aeltation started in New York atrninst the '-sweating" system. ' The local Workers are affiliated with tbe Unit'-d Garment workers of Amer ica, and District 49, Knights of Labor, which hag ordered tbe strike here. PITTSBURG They held off until late this uf ternoon ..MMilm, tn httur from tha ntttta hnaril of arbitration, which bad cqunseled moderation Dm raiiea to Keep me promise to meet tbe committee. MAINE HEARD FROM. Cleaves' Majority Exceeds Thirty-seven Thousand. Augusta, Me., Sept. 10. Chairman Manley sent the following telegram to Governor Cleaves tonight: The Repub lican party today has given you a ma jority exceeding 87,000 over Mr. John son, your Democratic opponent, being the largest majority ever given. We have carried every county in the state and will have at least 127 of the 151 members of the bouse of Representa tives, which insures ths re-election of Hon. William P. Frye to tbe United States senate, ho having no competitor. We have elected Hon. Thomas D. Reed, Hon. Nelson Dingier, Hon. Setb E. Mellikinand Hon. C. A. Boutulla to congress by majorities ranging from 8,000 to 0,500 with total voto will reach 110,000. Your vote ' will exceed 72,000. FORTY ARE KILLED. Terrible Railway Disaster in France No Americans Were Among the Victims. Paris. September 10 The disaster to the Paris and Cologne express train at Apilly, between Noyon and Cbnuny, yesterday, was more serious than at first supposed. The first estimates placed tbe number of persons killed at ten, with tweuty injured. It is now stated that from forty to sixty persons were Killed or injured. The bodies of twelve doad persons have already been taken from the wreck. Tbe minister of publio works, M. Barthou, and a number of railway officials have gone to tbe scene of tbe accident, ' It is knowji that the accident was due to the slow-shunting of a freight train at Apilly. Tne engineer of the express train saw the cars on tho track, and re versed bis engine, reducing the speed of bis train and thereby saving a num ber of lives. Tbe shoek of the collision was very great, but the three front cars sustained tbe brunt of the dam age, As soon as the accident became known a number of priests aud pbvsV cians hurried to the railroad station and did everything possible to assist the injured and dying travelers. Ter rible scenes jvere witnessed when the railroad ofUJlals and others began to clear awuy the wreck. Several of the dead were frightfully mangled, and some had tbeir heads severed from their b ii dies. It was reported, soon after the acci dent occurred, that tbe station-master at Apilly bad committed suicide by jumping in front of tbe express train wneu ne saw tnat a collision was in evitable. This was not true. He ran along the truck trying to signal to tbe freight train which was in its way and was caught hot ween the two traius and killed. According to last accounts, there were no Americans among tho killed or injured. FIREMAN'S ANNUAL PARADE. Organizations That Will Be In Line and Bouts to Bo Traveraed. Tho annual parade of the Scranton fire department will be held Tuasday, Sept. 25 According to the most recent inform ation the number of men in line will not exceed 600, bnt this number may be incressod by firemen guests from abroad. Tbe Monhagen Hoee company, of Middletown, N. Y., is the only pro.--pectivt) visiting company; they will be entertained by the Crystal Hosn com pany, which has engaged the Germania band especially tor its own use. Bauer's band hits been engaged by the Hook and Ladder company. The Citt un' band, Forrtst band, Thirteenth Regiment Drum corps an 1 the Lincoln Drum corp, of Newark, N. J., will be in Rue. A railroad men's excursion from Binghnmton on Firemen's D.ty prom ises to bring into tne city a large crowd from tho northern districts along the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad. The parade, which will start at 2 oV k in the afternoon, is alnnr last yr ;s' line of march as lollows: Right r ting on Lackawanna avenue to . ighth street and countermarch to Franklin, to Linden, to Adams, to Lickawanna, to Jefferson, to Vine, to Adams, to Pine, to Washington, to Lackawanna. Mayor Connill, council men and other city officials will review the depsrtinent from the steps of the municipal building. VICTORY FOR MISS GELBERTj Alderman's Dooket Did Not Specify That Offense Was Committed on Sunday, The opinion of Judgn Arcbbald handed down yesterday in the esse against Miss Emma Gulhurt, defendaut in a suit arising from tbe violation of the Sabbath law whs a victory for Miss Gelbert., Whon Alderman Post decided againBt Miss Gulbert a certiorari was taken and after a transcript from the alder man's docket was brought into court, ber attorney raised the point that there was no case against ber on tbe ground that the record did not spsoify whether or not thw offense against the statute was committed on Sunday, or words to that effect. It simply complained that on the 0;h day of May, 1894, the defendant had her place of business opsn and did cer tain specific worldlv ImKiuess contrary to tbe set of April 22, 181)4- The pith of JudgrtAroh bald's opinion is summed up in tbe following brief extract:. "Tbe act so referred lo is the well-kuown Snnday law, but there is nothing in the eompluint to suggest that the 6th day of May was Sunday. This is the very essence of the charge aud Without it no Violution of thn lw Jis made out." ITER GRAVE FORJTHE HI-YE1 Japanese Cruiser Attacks (he Pigtails and Gets tbe Worst of It SANK BEFORE REACHING A PORT The Hi-Yei Attacks the Chin-Yuen, a Chinese Vessel of English Manu facture, and Is Disabled In the En counterWhile Steaming Home ward the Japanese Vessel Goes to the Bottom of the Sea. Tien Tsim Sept. 10. n CCORDING to an official state ill nu-nt mndn here the Japanese n ,-rn'8,'r Hi-Yei has been sunk. Uu The Hi-Y'-i is a composite veisel of 2,284 tons, 2,227 horse power, carry ing twenty-four guns and estimated to have a sea speed of nineteen knots. Ili-Yei engaged the Chinese cruiser Chin-Yuen. The latter is n protected cruiser, built in England, of 2,800 tons, steaming 18 J knots per hour and carry ing three 8 inch Krupps, two 0-inch Armstrongs, protected by plintor-proof shields, in addition to eight 6-pound rapid-fire Hotchkiss gum, six Gatling iMiiis aud four torpedo tubes. Tbe Hi Yei was disabled, but she succte led in getting away and making for Japan, but sank on her way borne. It is presumed that the dispatch from Tien Tsin announcing the sinking of tbe Japanese cruiser Hi-Yei refers to tbe warship which was disabled in July last. Dispatches received by tbe Asso ciated Press from San Francisco con tained tbe following account of a buttle as given out by the Chinese authorities: CHINESE VERSION OP THE BATTLE. "On July 25 tbe Chinese twin screw steel cruise Cui-Ynen (Chin Yuen?), 2. 300 tons and 2,800 horse power, and a Japanese man-of-war met in Corean waters. The engagement commenced in tbe morning and lasted forty-ei'bt hours. At the commencement tho Chinose sailors refused to work tbeir guns, but five of tnem ware Bbot by tbeir own officers, and the others fought so well that tbey raked the Japanese fore and aft and carried away a bridge, killing tbe Japanese admiral. But tbe Japanese picked off all exposed persons on the Cut-Yuen and exploded a shell on ber deck, kill ing a lieutenant and a man working one of the guns. Tbe Chi-Yaen's steer ing gear was carried,, away and ber forward guns disabieJ, tut she steered with ber twin screws and replied to the Japanese with ber after gnn with tho effect that the Japanese surren dered, hoisting the drason - fhg over n white flag. But be fore tbe Chi-Yaen could take possession several Japanese men-of-war bove in sight and the Japanese hoisted tbe flag again, while tbe Chi Yuen hastened ito get away and suc ceeded in reuching Weihaiwui for re pairs. There is no doubt she was bad ly damaged. On tbe next night a fleet of nine Chinese vessels left Weiuaiwei to aveuge tbe disaster to tbe Chi Yuen." A REMINDER OF REINHAROT. Judge Arohbald Hands Down an Opin ion Opening Judgment. The rule to opn judgment in tbe oase of Jenkins township, Pittston township and Pittston borough vs. George C. Ruinhardt, Joseph Hannick, Michael Hannick, Michael Lally aud J. F. Taylor, whs made absolute in a Imigtuy opinion handed down yester day by Jndgo Arcbbald. In 1802 lieinhurdt was elocted tax collector of Old Forge township, and the other defendants became bis bonds men in the sum of $35,000. Roinhardt defaulted and bis bondsmen refused to indemnify the complainants, n dupli cate aggregating $4,604.93 being placed by them in the hands of Reinhardt for collection. The case has been hotly contested for the past two years in court Tho extract of Judge Archbnl's rul ing in wbich be makes tbe rule to open judgment absolute is as follows: The rale to show cnuse why the judg ment, as to tho Bum of Hfi'H !'-!, marked to the use of tho directors of the poor dis trict of Jenkins township, i'ittston borough and Pittston township, should not be opened is madu absolute and there upon an issue is directed to b made np by the declaration on which judgment was eutored, standing as an assignment of breaches, nnd the defendant pleadiug nil debet thereto. CHANGE OF VcNUE GRANTED. Equity Improvement Company's Suit Transferred to United Statue Court. In the civil suit of Patrick Mulherin nnd'B. E. Lionard against the Equiiy Improvement company, of Winchester, W. Va,, brought n'a;nnt the defend ants for a claim of $10,000 on a writ of foreign attachment, Judge Arohbald yesterday granted a rule for.a channe t f venue to remove the oase to the juris diction of the circuit court of the west ern district of Pennsylvania. The Equity Improvement company with John llaudli y and William Rich mond as snreties, filed a bond in the snm of $500 to the effect thnt it can prove that the snit wbb wrongfully aud unjustly brought as determined by tbe circuit court of the western dis trict when the case comes for trial. The conditions of the bond are that in such case it shall then beeoine void, otherwise the bond is to remain in sat isfaction of all costs of court, MOODY MISSION MEETINGS. Another Tent Will Be Brought to Soran ton by Evangelist Sobivera Tomorrow. Mr. Moody was absent from tbs city yesterday and conducted an all-day meeting at Pittston, whore he was as sisted by Major D. W. Whittle, Evan gelist Sobivera, E. A. Bliss nnd tbe musical coterie, George C. Stebbius, Messrs, Sankey and Weedon. Mr. Moody will return to Scranton today and resume Us addresses at 8 p, m. in tbe Elm Park obnrob, when bis subjsot will be "The Holy Spirit.", At 7 80 in the same church Mr. Moody will deliver an address to men, for whom the seats in the body of the bouse of the church have been reservod, Ladies are, however, invited to occupy thn seats in the galleries. Evaugelist Schivera bus been very suc cessful at Pittston, He possesses won derful influence with tho foreign ele ment. He will bring his tent to Stan ton tomorrow und at a meeting of the executive committee to be held this af ternoon at 5 p. m. at Elm Park church the location of the tent will bo decided upon. Mr. Schivera and the other members of the mission contingent will hold tho meetings during Sspt-mher. BOED DOESN'T LIKE IT. Ohjrcts lo lard linking- Near Prepara tory School. Ibi board f control met Inst even ing at 8.15 F. Li. Wormsr read the report of tne teachers' committoe. The committee recommended that with re gard to the communication from tho Grand Army f the Republic relating to the introduction of military instruc tion in tbe public schools, the matter be held under advisement for further consideration. The following teachers were rneom mended to b transferred: Miss Alice Evuns to No. 25. Miss Eliztbetb Williams to No. 14, Miss Margaret Vipond to No. 25, Miss Emily Evans to No. 31, Mrs. J. D. Knauos to No. 13. W. J. Welsh stated that continual complaints were made to him of the stench of the lard factory which was prejudicial to the health of the teachers and pupiU in the preparatory school on Wyoming avenue. Tbe sin-jll in the school was disgusting and it was sur prising bow tbe teachers and pupils could remain in the school He asked Mr. Carr, of the lard factory, if be could not do away with the stench, but be simply laughed and said "if the school board can compel me to retnovs the smell thou I will and no sooner." The nuisance was an outrage to the dis trict. It was proposed that the matter be referred to the building committee with power to act. After a lively debate and cross-fire conversation tho motion was carried by a vote of 7 to 0 U. S. Jacobs read tbe report of tbe supply committee and various accounts were ordered to be paid. It was resolvod that school No. 26 be rented from Mr. Ftothingbam for the ensuing year for the Bum of $G00, with ample security for fir-' insurance, etc The question of No. 30 retaining wall was referred to the building committee to report at the next meeting. The meeting was then , adjourned to Mon day evening. THE OPENING OF DAVIS' THEATER. Floe Vaudeville Company is tbe Attrac tion for Thie Week. Davis' tbeatre,.b.altflr, Jmiawp.-JQ' it numerous patrons as the Old Wonder land, on Linden street, was re-opened yesterday afternoon in the pressnoe of a large undienee. Tbe epeuiug of tbe fifth season was most auspicious, and Manager Davis is as attentive as of yore to the comforts of his patrons as well as to tbe ex cellence of the programme. The programme for tbe present week is vaudeville in character, and opens with a ''Drawing Room Reception," which was splendidly presented yester day. Miss Emma Cotrely's feats of juguling were highly applauded, but tbe most noteworthy feature of the re oeption is the exceedingly clever per formance of Little Tot, who accom panies herself with great skill on tbe banjo. The audience demanded a repi tltion, aud Bbe complied by singing "Keep it Dark," aud tbe pointed refer ence to a man in bine who was present was keenly enjoyed by all. Tne audience gave a prolonged en core to ISilford aud Elmore, two young ladies who gave a very good oommly sketch. This is one of the best items secured by Manager Davis. M'lle. Reziio's daring performances on the flying rings were of a very high order of merit. Tho choruses throughout are well sustained, aud Manager Davis is to be congratulated upon the excel lence of the program mo throughout. MISS COGHLAN'i WELCOME. Her Performance of Diplomacy Well Re oelved at the Frothinffhami It is not stating the case over-strougly to say that Victorien Surdou is the greatest living dramatist. It is not stating the case ovcr-strongly to say that Sardou's play, "Diplomacy," makes as muoU ndo with as fw and as intrinsically insignificant incidents as any other modern play. Indued this is where S.irdou's skill; nay, his genius, is most in evidrnco. It is tho triumph of this nrtist that ha touches trivialities and makes them tragic. "Diplomacy," in t:;o hands of Misi Cogulau's oapable players, with herself in her old part of Cjuutiiss Zlck i, as sumes an intensity of interest that is at once a tribute to tbe author's skill aud to tbe actor's art. Mr. De B.-lie-ville, Mr. Shannon and Mr. Sullivan, the latter, by the way, just arisen from a bed of illness, gave Impersonations that will live in memory; and next to Miss Coghlan, Miss Elliot as Djrn and Miss Huttle Russill its the eccentric innrqnistj will linger long in mind as masterpieces of well executed work. The performance was iu all respects n brilliant one and it was greeted, ns it deserved, by a brilliant audience. To-night's play, "A Woman of No Importance, will be well acted; each one must form his own opinion of the play's wholesomeuess and fidelity to life. - THE RISING GENERATION. It Ecored Another Last Evening at the Zoadomv. William Barry is rapidly winning a place for himself as the leading Irish comsdian of the oountry. His work in "The Rising Generation" at the Acad emy of Musio last night proves that he is entitled to the distinction. It natur alness and keeping close to nature is a proof of the highest form of siting then Mr. Barry deserves to be ranked among tbe best. His Martin McSbane is a deliolons bit of work. He Is naturalness itself and bis droll saying and still more droll actions keep bis audisuoo in n merry mood from one end of the per formance to the other. He is fortunate in having a good play and an excellent support company. PLEASURES OP OCJM TRAVEL The Cambro-Amorican Concart Company Have l Most Delifililfiil Voyage. LIVELY INCIDENTS ABOARD SKIP Not a Single Member of the Party Experienced the Slightest Incon venience in the Form of Illness. Humorous Diversions Graphically Narrated by Miss Kaiser An En tertaining Frenchman and His En thusiasm Over Paree Other Bright Glimpses at the Idyllic Life of Ocean Travelers. Special Correspondence. On Boakd TnE ) . 0, IT. S. M. S. bjcitixv. f A"S' "1- E have now been six days out, and are becoming accustomed to the ocean. None of us baa been sea-sick so far. as we have had beantifnl weather all tbe way out, except for a little roughness which we encountered lust evening. I am get ting very tired of the sameness of the horizon, aud long for the land, not withstanding tne fact that we have a ship full of jolly and intorosting passen gers. We have passed several sailing boats, and a largo but rather slow sail ing steamor, the Westernland, whioh sails to Antwerp. How swift we all felt as we steamed up to it, passed, and left it lumbering along in our rear. But today we can appreciate tbe feel iugs of the Westernland passengers, as there is an unmistakable ocean grey hound wbich bits overtaken ns this morning, and is now showing us her heels, as she passes us. We are upon deck watching it. Everything inter ests ns out hers. Tbe ocean is so mo notonous that tbe whole saloon just flies to tbe vessel's railing when any thing is reported as seen on the hori zon. Even porpoises playing in the water are interesting to ns. Steamer life is rather interesting, and n gam sometimes very dull. We rise from our berths in the morning, dress, run up on deck to breath tbe (rssb air, scamper down to the saloon again to breakfast, then, armed with our trash novels, shawls, pillow, rnes, ap we go on deck and pass tbe time reading, gossiping, promenading and wondering what we will have for din ner. We make a mad rush for tbe saloon npon the ringing of tbe dinner bell, and after dinner the routine is the same, with tbe variation of an after noon nup, und some little mild excite ment in the way of watching the var ious flirtations going on about tbe ship. HUMAN CURIOSITIES. The passengers are very interesting. We have with ns almost all tbe Euro pean nationalities and, of course, young America is holding his own with the rest of tbe world. There is a young Californian and bis sister on board who are on tbeir way to South Africa and who are already dead tired of traveling, poor things) We have plenty of Ger mans witb us and very nice ones they are, too. One of tbem is an entertain ing young man, something of a physi ognomist, who did me tbe kindness tbe other day to tell my fortune from a phrenological point of view. His anal ysis of character was not so bad, either. He read the bead of another of our party for me and bit tbe nail on the bead exactly. I was much amused at bis saccuts, as tho young man's nppsar aoce belies bis Bowery tondtncies with respect both to his speech and manner of judging other people. We have quite a social time in tho evening. At present we are scattered arouud tbe saloon at ths tables, soma playing cards, soma talking, others writing home. A picaninny baud, go ing to England by this ship, are mak ing night hideous with the strains of their music, as it floats up to us from the steerage, somewhere in tbe bowels of tho earth, or ship, rather. This band is made np of ten or twelve ao tual boys, colored ones, from the age of 8 or 9 up to young manhood, and they play like imps of darkness. Their loader is a man of rathor impressive appearance and stands iu tho center of the group when they play and waves bis hand nronn I iu the air as ho directs them. From tho results obtained it seems to b very poor guidance indeed Tlit-y haveetoppod plnying now and uro singing ne'ro molodios instead, a very pleasing change. They are o.i their way to Loudon to join some theatric il troupe like "Across tbe Sea" or "Old Kentucky Home." EXrLOUINO THF, STEAMSHIP. Today a young friend of mine, an American boy, took mi on an explor ing tour out in the front of this hnge boat. We stopped and watched tho fumades, and the stroker shoveling coal nnd culm into the big red holes.. That was too hot to look at long, und we went ou and visited the baker in his little marhle-fiuislied bake-roora. We talked with him awhile iu a very con titling manner and at last succeeded in cajoling him ont of son;e delicious small pastry, whioh we put in our pockets while we went to see tbe butcher und tbe other bukor, with both of whom we struck np an acquaintance with a well considered view to the benefits which might arise therefrom After "jollyiug" these personages rather systematically we loft witb our spoils and rejoined our party, causiug many mouths to water as we exaibitod our delicacies. As a matter of fact we are all always huugry. Tbe perfeet weather which we have bod has sharpened onr appetites, and we all wonder, when one meal Is done, what we shall have for tbe next. At present ws are wait for onr 0 o'clock p. m. lunoh and are all scattered about tbe saloon enuaeed in .various occupations, or in none at all in most eases, before it oomes on tbe table. Our mild-eyed French musical critio is reading Herbert Sponsor, every onoa in a while looking np to ask tbe meaning of some Euglish word like parson," or "drawbacks." wbioh we painstakingly explain to him, mostly by the ol j -ct lesson system. A skittish yonug lauy of about 45 years is prome nading around the room with bur little grip in h r hand. This grip contains all ber worldly wealth evidently, nnd instead of sensibly giving it to thj pur ser to keep for her in bis strong box, she carries it arouud all over, to meals, on dock, promenading, an-1 all. Tho othor day she fell itsleep on dock in her steamer chair, and tho suspicious little grip lay on the duck fljjr beside her, all unnoticed, and I pitied her so, that I sat down near her and becama her watchdog till she awoke, when I gavs her a sound lecture on her infantile way of advertising to the ship her pos session of valuables by carrying thorn around with her in that manner. She is a very odd little woman nnd bus many eccentricities, one of which is to come to tbe saloon with her front hair in yellow cnrl papers. Slid loks very funny, and tho man speak of her as Ophelia, because the papers look Iika little yellow fltwers. At tbe table, the other day, she electrified ns all by re marking that she could do just as she pleased nowadays, as ber father and mother were both dead. As a matter of fact she conld have done as she pleased twenty-five years bro or so, as she most certainly must have attained her majority by that time. DOWN IN THE STEERAGE. One of the yonng in3n of the boat took me slumming yesterday down in the steerage. There were two very pretty girls there among tbe dirt and bad air having just as good a time there as we have "abaft," as tbe sailors say. I saw a number of very fine look ing sailors lounging about and npon in quiry found tbat tbey were United States navvies, eighteen in number, Continued on Page 2. Gil AND CIRCUIT RACES Wind Up of the Turf Events of the Season of 1894. Philadelphia, S?pt. 10. The wind up of the grand circuit races for 1891 began this afternoon at tbe Philadel phia Driving park. Point iSreezs. The three events on tbe card were won In straight beats, and two of them were captured by favorites, The track was rather heavy because of last night's rain, but the weather was intensely warm. Tho attendance was but 600. Arena was the favorite for tbe first rase the Philadelphia Record $2,000 stakes but was taken sick and with drawn after the second heat. Snm merles: "Record" stakes, $2,000 for 4-year-old trotters, eligible to the 2.29 class. Rumbargen Live Stock company, Indianapolis, r.f., Sally Simmons, by bimmous, ally Adams by John Botline, (Golden) Ill George Scattercrood. Philudelnhia., Happy Minnie, (Scattergood) 3 8 2 Ketcbam Farm, Toledo, O., b.m., Miss Rachel, (Kerchum) 2 5 8 S. Walton, Falls Mills, Va., cb.m. Perrette, (Settle) 5 3 4 J. W. Knox, Chicago, b.c. Arena, (Goldsmith) 4 4 dr Time, a.a 2.24, 2.24. 2.18 class, pacing: purse, $1,000. W. Sheridan, Med ford, Mais., b. s, Abbott Wilkes, bv Bed Wilkes. utiunte ratcnen (snerioan) ill F. M. Dodge, Pittneld,Mas8., r.g., Judgo Sterling (Dodge) 2 2 2 Harry Hunter, Philadelphia, b. g Budd Doble (Hunter) 4 3 3 A. U. Nolan, Philadelphia, b. g., Dalgetty (Tumor)... ....3 0 6 Tlieo. L. Arthur, Brooklyn, b. g., Guesswork (Arthur) 5 4 5 George P. Hicks, Allstou, Mass., b. g G. O. Taylor (Demarent) 6 5 4 Montevideo Stock Farm, Great Har rington, Mass., b. b., Berkshire, Courier (Rites 7 dis. Time, 2.18, 2.14.& a. 14Ji. Bingham bouse stakes, $2,000 for 2.20 trotters: R. Arthur, Brookville, Pa., b. g. Dodgeville, by Oberliu Country Girl (Johns) Ill John Posg, Toledo, O., b. g,, Lough- ran W (Smith) 2 2 4 S. Walton, Falls Mills, Va., ch. m., Catharine Leubourn (Settle) 4 4 2 F. B. Look, Biughamton, N. Y., br. s., Bravado (Cook) 8 8 5 H. R. Tyson, Chester, Pa., b. m. Komola (Tyson) 5 5 3 Time, 2.18, 2.14, 2.10Jg'. THE TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Rain Again Interfered with the Play Yesterday. When yesterdav's tennis tournament of the Scranton Lawn club was inter rupted by the downpour of tbe after noon, tbe contests had simmered down to the reooguizid cream of Carbond.ile and Scranton players. In today's final games the local men should huve a shade the best of it from the fact tbat Joha 40u of Scranton is scheduled to play Torrance of Carbondilo in tbe eineles, and Fuller will play the winner. Yes terday's play resulted as follows: SINGLES. Second round-Johason won from Lath rop; Torrouce-Snyder, 6-0, 0-3; F. Fuller Torrey, 6 3, 0 5; Blair-II. Kirkpatrick, 0-1, 0-4. Final round Fullerton-Blnlr, 0-4, 0-20. DOUHI.ES. First round Archibald-Knapp-Brooks and Hunt, 5-G, ll-'J, ti ;i; Johnson und Ful-lor-Torrey aud Chittenilun, 0-3, 0-4; Tor ronce aud Mooa-Kirkpntriuk end Snyder, 0-0, 6-3: Kiugabury and Sandorsou-jones and Lov.-lund, 3-0. 0-4, 10-8. Second round Johnson and Fuller Archhuld and Knapp, 0-1, 61, Torrence and Moon-Kiugsbury aud Saudersou, 6-SL 0-i rfETURnS BY CONSTABLES. Thry Were Kedn to Judg-e Gunater In Court Yiiitsrday. As the constablts took their oaths yesterday before the clerk aud marched to the bar of justice, sworn to make trne re' urns, Judge Gunster snbjooted each offiner to a searching interroga tion. J But four had returns to m ike of vio lations of the excise law. The follow ing were reported for keeping tippllag bouses: Owen Flanntry, Greenfield; Abram Bush, Fell; Margaret Barry, Arcbbald, Seoond ward; Albert Burta. Scranton, Second ward. WEATHER FORECAST. 1 CLEAR. Washington. Sept. & For eattern ileiiasiiranto, fair till ttedn esday nitfM, cooler, hiyh northwestern tiiiide and ut'mtn- ichinq. For western I'ennsilvania. fair till W ednesday night, cooler, northerly winds. 1 FILETS Our Sew Stock of Laces and Dress Triuiming3 Compriso ilio Latest NOVELTIES Laces ia Point De Gene, Honitoii Guipure, Bordeaux Point Da Paris, Etc, Beaded Laces litii All Overs to Hatcb. Hand Made Gimps in Points i . . ana insertions and an at tractive line of the ever popular Jet Trimmings in Matched Suits. Our Stock of ' KID GLOYES For Fall Trade is Com plete, in addition to our standard makes. The CENTEMEEI, ALEXANDRE, ABBOTT. REGEN0E, ETC. We have a ful line of La dies', Gent's and Children's Street Gloves. Evening Gloves in all Shades. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBEK Mi. Lewis, fieilly k Davies School Shoes a t o I o I o 1 oho I o I J Yon know how that lively, enoruello boy of yotir'd knoekii out bis shoes. We've been thinking of him providing tor him and his destructive energy. We have areolar wear defying shoe from 60c. upward. Lewis, Reilly & Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE, We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor la needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES 1. J. ME The Jeweler, 08 Spruce Street 'I 1 l0 IIpo lo-- 1