The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 10, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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The annual renort of General Man
agar Jamis M. Swank, of the Ameri
can Iron and Steel association, whioh
i:as inst been coranlsted and will be
preiented to the members of the asso
ciation during the next few days, ii
especially interesting from the fact
mat it deals with a nerlod of the lowest
prieea for iron and steel produota ever
oeior Known in the history of trie
trade. While crises snowed a declin
tag tendency during the whole of 181)3
production also grew less from montu
to month. The course of trade daring
the year is well shown by the statistics
of actual production, as taken from
the report. The production of iron ore
in the United States in 1803 wsll.
687.G29 gros tons, against 16,2110,011(1
tons in a decrease or i.WJ.wt
tons. The shipments of iron ore from
tne Lake bunsnor mines in ioim
nuwunted to 'C,0G0,4!)3 tons, agaiost
0,069.556 tons in 181)3, a decrease of
a,()iil).004 tons. Our imports of iron ore
in 181)3 nmounted to 620.051 gross tons,
neainat 800.585 tons in 181)2. The im
ports iu 181)3 were the smallest siuoe
The produetion of eoal of all kinds
in the United States in 1893 was 162,
814.077 gross tons, against 160,115,243
tons in 1893. The shipments of antura
cite conl from the Pennsylvania mines
in 1893 amounted to 43,039,537 gross
tons, ugainst 41,893.821 tons in 1892, an
increase or l,t)t,2lu tons, The produo
ttun of coke in the United States in
1S93 was 9,477,580 net tons of 3.000
pounds, against 12,010.829 tons in 1892,
a decrease ot 3,533,249 tons. The shin
merits of Connellsville coke in 1893
mountad to 5.054 797 net tour against
aoo 091 tons In 1893, a decrei leof 1,-
i5.o94tous. The shipments of Poca
h'jidlas Flat Top coke in 1893 amounted
to 01Li723 net tons, against 499 777 tons
in 1SUJ-. and 406,010 tonsiu 1891. The
produetion of pig iron in the United
Mates in 18U3 was 7,124,51)2 cross tons.
against 9,157,000 tons in 18C2, a deursse
or 8,033,498 tons. This decrease was
almost entirely in the second half of
1893, the production of the first half
being 4,nb2,9l9 tons, and in the second
hair only 3.561,584 tons. As compared
with the first half of 1893 the produc
tion in the second half shows a decrease
of Beady 44 per cent., the largest semi
annual decrease in production of which
there is any statistical record, The
ontpntinth first half of 1894 was 3,-
717,983 tons, a quantity but slightly in
fxchss ot that in tue second nail or
The produetion of Bessemer steel in
gots in 1893 was 3.315,080 eros tons.
against 4,103.435 tons iu 1892, and
8,247,417 tons in 1891. There was a de
crease of 952,749 tons, or over 23 per
cent, in 1893 as oompared with 1893.
The production in 1893 was the small
est annnal production since 1339. The
prod notion of open-hearth steel ingots
in 1893 was 737.890 gross tons, against
609.839 tons in 1893, an increase of 03,
001 tons, or over 10 per cent. Tba pro
duction of all kinds of rails, including
light and heavy and street and mine
rails in 1893 was 1,130,457 cross tons,
against 1,551,844 tous in 1893, de
crease of 415,303 tons, or 20 7 per cent.
Ia the following table is given a com
parison of the production of the lead
ins artiolsa in 1893, compared with
1893. The quantities are iu gross tons,
except for nails, which are given in
kegs of 100 pounds.
Articles. 1S03. 1693.
Pig iron , 9,157,000 7,124.502
Bars, rods and shapes. 1,061,208 3,029.709
Wire rods, included
above 027,829 537,272
Plates and sheets 751,400 074,345
Cut nails, kegs 4,507,310 3,048,9:13
Wire nails, kegs 4,719 524 5,041.945
Bessemer steel rails... 1,537,588 1,129,400
Open hearth steel rails. 3,8111 90S
Iron rails 10,437 6,000
street rails lll.ssu 133,423
Bessemer steel ingots. .4,168,433 3,215,080
Open hearth steel
ingots 609,889 737,890
Crucible steel Ingots... 84,709 03,613
Pennsylvania's prominence as a
manufacturer of rolled Iron and steel
is exhibited by the following figures of
the output of all forms of rolled ma
terial, including bars, shapes, rails,
platea and nails, In 1891, 1892 and 1893.
Districts. 1891. 1892. 18113.
Philadelphia.. 101,010 102,611 96,950
Eastern Penna 025,075 570,:il 415,277
central Penna 005,oaij 087,005 050,802
Allenheny Co. 1,327,741 1,437,0118 1,240,504
Western Pen'a 421,496 499,883 444,150
Total for Pa 8,041,254 3,312,500 2,862.833
for U.S..... 5,390,903 0,165,814 4,973,685
Pa.'s p. c. of
total 06.4 53.5 07.5
The decline in output in 1893 over
1893 was well distributed throughout
the various districts of the state.
Roports from the manufacturing
centers of Ohio and Indiana show a
general revival of industries. At
Springfield, Superintendent Charles
Bauer, of the Warder, Buehnellsnd
Glessner harvesting factory, stated
Saturday that they would start up
Monday. When all departments cau
begot running 1,300 men will be em
ployed, There are prospects of a good
season. At I 'on the Bslfont fur
nace, Foster Stove company, Yellow
Poplar Lumber company's mills, New
man & Spanner's Saw and Planing
mills, the Kelley Nail mill, the Penn
Lumber company's planing mill and
Belfont Rolling mill and nail factory
all went into operation, running
full time. The large furnaae of
the Meas-Kyle eompany at Hanging
Rock will "blow iu" in about thirty
days. Ia addition to this every f aotory
and furnace in Lawrence county, with
three exceptions, is in active operation,
and;all report a healthy inerease in busl
ness. At Muncie, Ind., the C. H. Over
window glass works and the Muneie
flint glass works resumed work with
nearly 300 hands. All Muncie glass
faotories are preparing to start this
month. About Elwood, Ind., there is
unusual activity. The United window
glass factory commenced operations
with 500 hands, who have aceepted the
Z2i per cent cnt. Two extra gangs of
grinders were put on at the diamond
plate glass factory. Franklin window
glass plants are getting ready to start
up sines the wage soale has been ad
justed. They employ 800 men.
' Never since the discovery of coal In
this section, says the Hazleton Plain
Speaker, bave soch great strides beea
made toward increasing the output, im
proving the 'mining facilities and In
every way furthering the possibilities
of the great industry than are being
Snade at present by the various com
panies. The movement Is not confined
to one corporation, but is general,
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are
being spent in opening np new slopes,
strippings. washerles, etc., while the
aim of every superintendent seems to
be toward improving the mines under
his ear as greatly as the best mining
engineer can, by the nse of recent in
ventions. Every thingidone tends toward
increasing the output and preparing the
mines to respond to the great demands
which will be made upon them during
the next few years. That these pro
ceedings are productive ot "good
times" is evident from the size of
last month's pay rolls, many of the
companies paying. out larger amounts
than they ever did for one month.
Friday morning the washery at Trees
kow, operated by the Conlock Coal
company, resumed operations, having
been idle since last June. Over sixty
men and boys were given work. The
material run through the colliery is
secured from the Tresckow oulm banks,
over 00 per cent ot which is the finest
of coal. The plant, which has been
remodeled and fitted out with the latest
modern machinery, will be capable of
handling 100 tons of coat daily. Exca
vations for a reservoir to supply water
for the plant have been begun. Prepa
rations are being made by the Lebigh
and Wilkei-Barre Coal company to
open another stripping. The "Big
Vein," located between Honeybrook
and Audenried, is to be unearthed, and
for this purpose men are now employed
clearing away brush, troes, culm and
other debris, after whioh planes will be
erected and two steam shovels placed
in position to remove the clay, which
runs from ten to twenty-five feet thick.
The seam of coal is one of the largest
and best on the South Side and is ovr
eighty feet thiok. When everything is
in readiness fully 200 men will be given
Minor Industrial Notes:
Lewis Kantuer, of lit, Carmel, has
aguin taken charge of the Royal Onk col
liery at Sbamokiu and will iu the future
operate it alone.
John Bailey, formerly mine boss for
HutcuinB & Co. at the Morning Star col
liery has sccepted a position with Simp
son & Watkins as coal insneotor at Forty
Fort ami Harry E."colliories. "
A, S. Vanwickle & Co., who lately pur
chased the Roberta colliery at New Castle,
from Tyler & McTurk, are preparing to
open up that work on a large scale. They
are now hard at work on the plans of a
mammoth breaker with a'capacity of 1,000
tons a day, to be in full blast by 1390.
Etocki and Bonds.
New Yokk. Sept. 8 Affairs at the
stock exchango ruled quiet today, the
total sales Laving amounted to only 64,236
suaros. At tho opening the market was
strengthened by the report of the St.
Paul road for tho fiscal year ended June 30,
1804, which was favorably interpreted by
local and foreign oporators.
Hallway and miscellaneous bonds were
irregular. Hales were $034,000. Erie sec
ond mortgage advanced to 115, Galves
ton, Han icburg and Snu Antonio seconds
1 to 90, Northern Pacific und Montana
firsts 1 to 87, Oregon Improvement firsts
15 to 63.V, and Pittsburg. Cincinnati. Chi
cago and St. Louis 4's, Series A, to
iuo. Heading 4 rell to KocU Island
deb. 5s, U to b8W. and Texas Pacific sec
onds to 20.
Tiie range of to;Inv'a prices for the ac
tive stocks of Hid Now York stock market are
given liclow. 'J ho (juotutmiis are furnlshl
Tub Thiui nb liv 1. lu B. Dimnik-k. nmiiaL'er
ol William Linn A'leu & Co., stock brokers,
4111 Spruce street, bcranton.
Opun- Ulan- Low Clos
ing, est. et. inir.
Am. Tot. Oil XV &
Am Sugar. ll'". V-,!4 lufr ltnij.
A. T. 8. F.
Can. So.
Chespe.iko & Ohio...
Mi t
-.i'.H U 741(1
h; ion ion
:n j.v 7:H
4U1-4 IV illl'ti
fcri,i w& mi
tdlo. Oas. 74 W
Chin ft N. W 11.11
C, B. & Q 7lll
C, C.C. ft St. L.... 40W
C. M. &SU Paul.... (Ii'.tg
Cliicntto.K. I. & Pnc. Co
u. as u
D., L. ft W
D. & O. F 141
(4. E. Co 4iM
Ills. Cent
Lake Hhora 1.17
137 wtnj
L. ft N M
(WIS ), m4
Manhattan 11!' llll Ul 11 J
Mich. Cent U 7'4 U7M i;i4
Minn. Pao il6 iiliy SilQ
it Ul. voi uugo
Nat. Lead 4iiaj 4:;: W 4
Now Jersoy Cent
. x . Central 1014 lull lul 4
N. Y. ft N. E .. . .... . .
N. Y., L. E. ft W
N. Y H. ft W Ui$ KM lti lt
N. Y., H. & W., jjr.. .... ..?. .... ....
nuriu rao ,
North Pac. Br W-H 'Jl SIK 'JlTii
O. ft W I'M UK 7Z 174,
Phil. & Reading 21 ill Wl'd
Klch A: W. P If lsjii laj,
1 ., l. OC L
Texas Pao lny lnu lui w.
i iinm i-acinc j., i Pi, i.i, mi
WaliaHh 7W
Wabnsh pr "& 175
Western Cnion Do4 tiojg
Nw York Product Market.
New Yoiik. Sept. 8.-Flour Dull.
wenc. liRht demand.
Winter Wheat Low erades. tl.85a
2.40: do., fair to fancy. S2.40a2.90: do..
patent, J2.65a3,10; Minnesota clear, 12.25a
.o.'i; uo., siraigniR. saao.iu. do uatenls.
:i.40a3.7,: low extras, tl.83a2.40: city
muis, fj.o.)aj.iis; ao. pateuts, ?4.25a4.a!i;
rye mixture, t2.25R2.50; snuorflne, J1.60a
a.iu; nne, fi.nai,vr.
BofTHKBN Fi-oub Dull, weak: common
to fair extra, J2.10a3: good to choice do..
Kye Fr.oDii Steady, $2.G0a3.10.
Coun Meal Dull, steady: yellow west-
em, ,90n3. i
Ii RANDY WINE 13.20.
Kye Nominal: western. 4 4Sa4.fi7!
barly malt quiet, western, 6ra85.
i ease Canada, nominal, 03c.
Wheat Dull, linner: with options: No!
2 red store and elevator, 585c; afloat,
5ilfi5'.ic.; f. o. b., 5yia60c.; ungraded red.
53auUlc.; No. 1 northern, 64KaC4c; op
tions wore uun an nrm at fico. advance
on firmer cables: foreicu buyiue. better
west and "local covering: December most
active; September, 58c; December,
61o.; May, 60e.
corn Dull, mixed nominally ; np
firm, No. 2, 6 , elevator, 65n659i;c. afloat;
options were quiet ana nrm at nc.; ad
vance, following the wot end on local
covering, May most active; September,
63c.; October, C3,Vc; November 62c.;
iecemoer, o'ic; aiay, oyftu.
Oats Quiet. Arm: options dull
September, 84c; October, 3Sc. ; No
vember, 36'c.; December, 87Jfic.; spot
prices, No 3, 84a343c; No. 2, white, 87o.;
No. 2 Chicago, SSctNo. . 83c.: No.
3. white, 30)4 c. ; mixed western, 35a35c,
wmio no., ounic! wnite state, comic. .
J V .....
reeii orau w);c.
Midd lings-85a00c.
Rye feed 83c.
Hay Largo supply, dull, weak; ship
ping 45a50c, good to choice 65a7Sc.
Hops Dull. weak. Btate common to
choice 5a0c, Pacific Coast 7al0c; London
marget unchanged.
Wool Steady, quiet; domestic fleece.
18a2c. ; pulled, 15a44a; Texas, 10nl4o.
J3EEC Dull, steady; fomlly.f lU.0Ua$12.00:
extra mess, f8.00af8.50.
13EKF FIAMH-fillet, WJ.
Tierced beef Quiet. Arm. citv extra
India mess, til 7. 50.
Cut Meats Moderate dull: firm:
pickled bellies, 12 lbs, OaOVc: pickled
shoulders, 7a7c; pickled hams, Halite;
miuuios nominal.
Lard Firm, nuiet: western steam.
?9.05; city, (jc; September, $9 10; Janu
ary, $3.60, nominal; refined, firm; conti
nent, y.5ii: toutn America, 17.85; com
ponnd. 7a7c,
PouK-Firm, auiet: mess J15.50al5.75:
extra prime, $13.50.ai4.
BuTTER-Qaiet, fancy firm; state dairy,
14a22Xc; do. creamery, 18a2;c.; Penn
sylvania, do. 18a23Xo.; western dairy, 13f
al7c; do. creamery, 15h21c ; do. factory,
12Xal6c.( elgins, 24a; imitation creamery,
Cheese Quiet, steady; state largo, 8a
lOc; fancy, lOtfo.; do. small, 8KalUc.i
part skims, 48Kc! full skims, 3a3Jc.
fcoos-QulHt, steady; state and Penn
sylvania, 18al8c.; icehouse, 14Wal0c;
western freBh, 16al7c: icehouse per case,
1.75a3; Canadian, 17Kal8c.
Fhiladalphia Tallow Uarktt.
PniLADELPniA. Sept. 8.-Tallow was
dull and, weak. Prices were: Prime
city in hogsheads, 4s4K&; prime,
country, a barrels, 4a4&cj do. dirk In
barrels, 4)fc.; cakes, 6c.; grease, 4o.
Too Much Knowledge.
The foreman of a room In one of the
lurnest manufacturing establishments in
the country told a friend recoutly the cir
cumstances of lila llrst Roing to work
there, and tho brief story contains a moral
which it. would be well for many a lad
starting out in life to lay to heart. He was
Bent to. the foreman of th factory by a
frieud who was anxious to get him into the
employ of the company, and the following
conversutton took place:
"Well," the foreman said, "I understand
you want to come horo to work. What do
you know about machines?"
"Nothing," the other answered. '
"Nothing!" echoed' the foreman, In sur
prise. "You do not mean to say that you
never saw a machine, I suppose?"
"I literally never saw a machine work in
my life," waa the reply, "except a locomo
"Where do you come from?"
"Cnpo Cod."
"Hum!" the foreman remarked, study
ing the face before him. "I came from
the Cape myself. Do you suppose that
there is unything in our business that you
will not know nil about iu six uionth.s, if
you como hereto work?"
The Cape Cod man was puzzled how to
nnRwor, and contented himself with say
lug that ho was aure he could not tell.
"Tho truth is," the foreman explained,
"wo can get plenty of meu, but by the
time they have been here six months or u
year they know so much that we hnvc to
send them away. They know a vast deal
more than we men who have been here
twenty yoara, and they are mostly willing
to tell us all they know, too.
"Now if you think thcro are things that
you cannot learn in a? week or two, we
should like to hire you; but if you are one
of the abominably wiso kind you had bet
ter move along and give us a chanco to
find somebody who doesn't know quite so
mucu," xoutu'a Companion.
Bow a Malno Woman Saved Her Watch
"Wasn't it strangcl"
"Who ever heard of such n thing!" And
then they both smiled and both kept silent.
One of tho ladies is married and lives in
Lcwiston. Her husband told the writer
whut they were talking about.
"My wife," said he, "hns a small gold
watch she wears in front of her dress. The
day you overheard her she had been in a
storo rather crowded, and a man grabbed
tho watch by tho chain and ran. During
the uftcruoon she had met with an acci
dent, und a roll of tape which she was car
rying concealed about her person had be
come viciously loose and was bothering
her. blie took It and thrust it in next to
the watch.
"In somo way the wutch had caught it,
and as the thief started oway the tapo be
gan to run out like a ship's hawser. The
thief, turning around quickly, saw what
was following mm, and iu consternation
ho dropped the watch, and my wife recov
ered it. That's a true bill, und 1 cuu prove
It." Lewistou Journal.
He Knew Memphis.
He was a backwoods Teunessean seeing
Washington with an official friend, and
tho last night they did "Cleopatra" as pre
sented by Bernhardt.
Ho was greatly impressed by the per
formance, and in that scono where the
Kgyptian queen sits upon the terruce over
looking Memphis his enthusiasm bubbled
"Mooushine and molasses!" he ejaculated
in a whirring whisper; "ain't that a sucker
from the headwaters? Whut is it, any
"It's Memphis," whispered the official,
bolding bim down.
"Come oil'" he said, after a moment's
reflection, "it uin't. They don't tulk
French iu Memphis. I sold a car load of
mules down there last fall." Washington
Dreams Are Wonderful.
Dr. Pieid had a blister applied to his
head, and plaster which was put on after
ward causiug excessive paiu, ho dreamed
of falling into tho bauds of Indians und
being scalped. A whisper iu the ear is suf
ficient to produce a dream, and it is re
lated of a certain officer that his compan
ions in this way conducted him through
the whole process of a quarrel, which
ended in a duel, aud when the parties were
supposed to meet a piSuil was put iuto his
hand, which he fired, and was awakened
by tho report. Cassell's Magazine.
Ways and Means.
Homesceker (inspecting u flat) How in
the world are people to live iu such little
cubby holes as these?
Agent Kiusy enough, mum. All you
need is folding beds and camp chairs and
self doubling up tubles and a few things
like that.
"Humph! I can hardly turn around in
these rooms myself."
"I see, mum. It's too bad to be so afflicted.
mum. You should take anti-fat." New
York Weekly.
Cause for Dissatisfaction.
Merchant The postal service is iu a
wretched condition.
Friend Never noticed it.
"Well, I have. During last month I sent
out one hundred and fifty statements of
account, with requests for immediate pay
ment, and, so fur as I can learn, not more
thun two of my customers received their
letters." Exchange.
The hardy Finns today have their sweat
houso in every village, where the weekly
or semi-weekly bath is taken, till the bather
reeks with perspiration, aud the men rush
out and throw therayolves in tho snow for
relief. They find by experience that such
alternations onablo them to bear tho rigors
of their winters, and centuries would have
shown their error if thoy were mistaken.
An Egyptian scytho is exhibited among
tho antiquities in tho private museum of
Flinders Petrie in London. The shaft of
tho instrument is wood, supporting a row
of flint aaws, which are securely cemented
iuto it. This sets ut rest tho speculations
which have been mado as to how the crops
of tho land were gathered in the Hint und
early copper ago.
In thousands of casos the enre of cough
is the preventive of consumption. The
surest cough medicine in the world is Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. Sold by all
dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction.
Having suffered from DyJ
pnpsia for three years, I aaJ
cidml to try Burdock Blood
Bittkhs. aud after using one
bottle I found myself ho much
better that I waa encourntcedj
to one another ; after taking
this I And myself go fully rH
stored that I do not need atiyi
more medicine, feeling truly
grateful to B. B. H.
Mas. O. Whit.
TaborR.OnHida Co., M.T.
ROOF ttnnlnjr and soldArlng all done away
with by the use of IIAUTMAN'B PAT
ENT PAINT, which consist of lngredl nts
well-known toalL It can be applied .to tin,
galvanized tin, sheet Iron roofs, al so to brick
well In pa, which will prevent absolutely any
crumbling-, cracking or breaking of the
brick, it will outlast tinning ot any kind by
many years.and it's cost does not exceed one
flfth that of theoost of tinning. Is sold by
the job or pnnnd. Contracts taken by
, R. MURRAY, M. D.,
Surgeon General ( Retired ), U. 3. A.
I Dyspepsia J
"As a dietetic preparation
I believe Boviuine of great
value. I have used it for more
than a year in a very aggra
vated case of nervous dyspep
sia, and found it very much
superior to
extract food.
any other meat
" I also find it keeps in the
warmest weather. It is easily
prepared for administration,
and has been successful in
every case where I havetriedit."
Sold by all druggists.
For nearly fifty yenrs this wonderful rom
' hns proved itself the best, quickest, suf
!st and surest antidote for pain m; he world.
liable aud eltuotual beeauso of tho Htimulut
inn action of the body, adding tone, to tho one
and inciting to runowod nnd Increased vlor
tno siumtiornn vitality or the physical struc
ture, and through this healthful stimulation
tnu increased acilon the cause or the PAIN
Is driven awav and a natural condition re
stored. It Is thus that the KEADY KKLIEF
is ' admirably adapted for the CURE OF
rAia ana witnout tno hbk or injury which
is sure to result from the use of many of the
so-called pain romedles of the dny.
In nnine medicines to stop pain we should
avoid such ns hill ct injury on the system.
Opium, Mnruhino. Ether. C icainn and Chloral
stop pain by destroying iho sense of percep
tion, wuen tno patient iosos tne power of
reeling. -jnisH tne most destructive prac
tice; it masks the symptoms, shut up, and,
instoad of removing trouble, breaks down
the str much, liver and bowels, and. if con
tinued tor a length ul timo, kills tho nerves
anil produces ucai or general paralysis.
Thoro is no necessity for usinu then nn
certain aiffnt", when a positive remedy like
HAD WAY a KEADr RELIEF will stop the
must excrucmmiK pain quiver, witnout en
tailing tue least uiuicuity in eituor lntaut or
Summer Complaints
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus,
Ahalf toa toasnOOTful of Ready Rolief in
a half tumbler of water, repealed as olfen
as the discharges continue, and a flannel sat
urated with Ready Relief placed over the
stomach and bowels, will afford immediate
relief and foon effect a cure.
A half to a toaspoonful In half a tumbler ot
water will in a few minutes cure Cramps,
Spasma, Pour Stomach. Heartburn, Nervous
ness, iMoepiossncsa. dick neauacno, Diarrhea,
Dysentery, Colic, Flatulency and all internal
Not only cures the patient seized with this
terriblo fo to settlers In newly-settled dis
tricts, where tho Malaria or Aguo oxiU, but
If people exp ose-1 to it will every morning,
on gutting out of bed, tako twenty or thirty
drops of the Ready Relief in water, and cat,
say, a cracker, they ill esoapo attack. This
must be done before nolng out.
Thoro is not a remedial agent in tho world
that will cure Fever and jgu and all other
Malarious, Dillous Bided by RADWAY'S
P LL1. so quick as RADWAY'S READY
50c. Per Bottle. Sold by Druaoists.
The Great Liver and Stomecli Remedy
For tho euro of al disorders of the Stomach,
Liver, Kowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous
Diseises, I.cb-i of Appotite, Header-he, Ci
tivonows, Indigestion, Bilinuiness, Fever, In
flammation of the Kowels, files and all other
aeraiiKemouis or idb internul Viscera. Purely
voiMable, containing to msreury, minerals
or deletorions druga
I'rico, 25 cents per box. Sold by all drug
Dr. Rad way's Pills aro a cure for this com
plaint. They restore strength to the stnnuoh
and onablo it to perform Its functions. Tho
symptoms or uysponsia uianppear, and with
them tho liability of tho a v atom to contract.
diseases. '1 ake the medicine according to
airections.ani outorve wnat we say ot "False
and True." respecting diet.
CiSend a letter stnmp to DR. RADWAY
ft CO., Lock Box MIS, New York, for "False
and True "
W. L. Douglas
3.5JP0LICE,3 Soles.
extra fine.
You can invc money by purchasing V. L.
ouglna Hhacn.
UCUHK, " . 11 I V. till 1 1 1 1 (S 1- H1UUUI1I, LU1CIB US
advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee
the value by stamping the name and price on
the bottom, which protects you against high
prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes
equal custom work in style, easy fitting aud
wearing qualities. We have them sold every,
where at lower prices for the value given than
any other make. Take no substitute. If your
dealer cannot supply you, we can. Sold by
Ladies Who Valuo
A refined complexion must nse Poizonl's Pow
der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin.
1 The Original Raw Food '
Third National
Bank of Scranton,
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
This bank offers to depositors eyery
facility warranted hy their balances, butt,
ness ami responsibility.
Special attention given to biulneiis as
couats. Interest paid on time deposits,
TVILi.TAM CONNKf.T, President.
ULO. II. CATMN, Vlee-1're.ldent.
WILLI A 31 H. fUCli, Cashloa
William Council, (ienrgn II. Catlln,
Alfred Hand. James Archbnld, Henry
llulln, jr. William X "with- Luthor
National Bank cf Scranton
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000,
W. W. WATSON, Vice president
A. & WILLIAMS, CasUior.
fAJtrtEr. TlTNri, jamus It- EvrnnAni.
Joseph J. Ji:h.mys, M. . Klmkhkk.,
CUAS, F. JlAT't'UKWS, JfiltN T. ollllill.
This bonk Invites the patronage of business
nicn aud llrnw geuvrally.
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Beams 1 and 2 Commonwaaltta fill's
Hade at tba MOORIO una" RUSH
Lifflin & Rand Powder Co.'
Electrlo Batteries, Fuse? for explor
ing blasts, Htaty Fuse aud
RepaunoChetnical Co. ' High Explosives
DRXTKn fsnoK co inc'
"A dollar mrtd ii a Mlar tarnttl."
ThlsT.ndlua'Sollil French IonffolaKl(l Ttut
toniioot delivered freo anywhere In tho U.S., gn
rotnipioicnnn, Money Order,
er Postal Note for Jl.fiO.
Equals every way the hontn
old 111 all retail stores for
i.SO. We mnko this boot
ourselves, thercforo we guar-
jii, ntie ann trrtir,
font U not satlillril
refund the money
anothcrpilr. Ojiera
or Common Penr,
thsC, U.K. k KH.
mid half
tytir site;
VI yon.
Dexter Shoe CP43 FEDERAL ST-
cjcctui term to viaiert-
roai urn. K'i
lift ..z
rtmr- w e ". v ane
Made a
1st Day. Xtjr
,We!I Man
lBth Day.
of Me.
THE GREAT noth U,.
proonees tno above results In'HO days. It a t(
powerfully and quic kly. Cures when all others fall
Yfluns men Will regain lntf ,n.,l,n.i
meu will recover their youthful vigor hy ualnn
KEVIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous-
neH. T.nnt V(tnll( I.. .............. xk..i.,i..
L"8t Power, tailing Memory, Wautinif Diseases. ami
... . ...i, ui BiMi-Kiiuse or eirchH and lndlm retion
which unfits one for study, buslnesa or nisirlnite It
not only cures by starting at the seat of disease hut
iBaijreat nerve tonic ami blood builder, briiiir
liw back the pink Blow to pulo rhoeks and ro
storing the lire of youth. It wards off Inanity
Slid COIlslinilltlon. limiut nn ttnvi.. kl.'..... ...
other. It can bo carried In vest pocket, by ine.ll,
ver isunuKe, or six tor wo. 00, with a post
tlvo written Biuinintee to enro or refund
...uiit-.T. ircuiurireo. auaress
For sale by Matthews Bros., Drursittt,
ovrsuiou, i n.
Seeds and t
P JTIOI: To Our Patrons
Washburn-Crosby Co. vish to assure their many
patrons that they will this year hold to their usual
custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the
new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the
market, and owing to tha excessively dry weather
many millers are of the opinion that it is already
cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby
Co. will take NO RISKS, and will allow
the new wheat fully three months to mature before
This careful attention to every detail of milling has
placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above all
other brands.
Wh ofosale Agents.
f;i r,.
- Mm
9 Iflip
f---f!h$ M 6 i f.;??ff2sH
1 i.:r i'thMJi t:k&
r 1
r ' 1 t
rt .
Dealer in CMce Confections and Frnits.
1437 Capouse Avenue.
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
All Grades, .Sizes ami
Of every description on hand. Troiiipt shipments .guar
anteed. Chains, Rivets, Eolts, Nuts, Washers, Turn
buckles, Bolt Ends, Spikes and a full line of
Carriage Hardware.
icranton, Pa.
We havo the following supplies of Lumber secured, at
prices that warrant us in expecting a large
share of the trade.
Pacific Coast Red Cednr Shingles.
"Victor" nnd other Michigan Frnnds of
White I'ineaud White Cedar Shinnies,
Michigan White mid Norway Piuo Lum
ber and Lill Tinitor.
North Carolina Short and Long Lenf Yel
low l'iuo.
Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Hails, Mine Ties, Mine Props
and Mino Supplies in general.
Commonwealth Building, Scranton Pa.
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
fllMS HOl'SE is Htrintlv tomprT.virn, is now
I bihI woll furnish') I" iiml OI'KN'KI) TO
'IHK PiJHI.ll! Til Ii YKAU HOUND: is
locnti'il miilwny botwoun llonlrow mi I Mi-rnn-ton,
on Montrmo ami Larkawaun Kallriia.l,
nix niilcH from II., I,, & V. K. It. at Alford
Biation.nnd tlvo milt-i frmn Mmtmii; oii
nnpity, nighty-llvo; throo inhintus' walk f rom
li. Ii. station.
J ltKE Tl (.1 I SIS.
AHItiulo alimit 2,iHM foot, ociiullinir In this
reapcut tho Adirondack and Cutikill Moun-
Hue Rrovos, plontv of shalo and boantiful
Kponcry, mnkhiK a Suiiiinur Kosort uuox
vullud in bounty and clKupnoss.
Linni'iti); iiavillon, nwiivix, croiiunt irronnd'),
Su. Cold Spiliiji Water nnd pliMity of Milk
ItiilBi, 7to 810 per week. fcl.AO per
LxrurMnn tlrkota gold at all utatlout ou D.
L. & W. lin.'H. i
1'ui'Ur ueutsall trains,
e,a. - .i. - 'K''i,
Kinds kept in Stock.
Juniata County, Pennsylvania, White Oak.
Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber end
Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards.
Llk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Stud
ding. DUPONT'S
ilauufacturod at tba Wapwnllonen Mill L
curne rounty I'u and at WU
mini: tun, Leluwaxn.
General Agent for th Wyoming Dlitrlct,
118 Wyoming Av., Scranton Pa,
Shlrd National Bank Building.
THOS. FORD, Plttaton, Pa.
JOHN B I5M1TI1& HON; Plymouth. Pa.
E. W. MULLIGAN, Wllkea-Uarrs, Pa.
Afenta for the Kepaun Chuuioai Cwa
lanj'a IligU Exploaivw.