THE SCIiANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 10, IStfL' GRACEFUL MOTIONS. A WOMAN'S ACCOUNT OF HER FIRST LESSONS IN DELSARTE. A. Yivaclnn Description of Interesting Scenes In tlin Class IConm Whore llcuuty Learn l 5Iove with (ll-icm Bittl somciioss Silling iui.1 Wnlktnjr. "tin you, tern, Ix'IntiK to tho Dolsnrtc dis tiplo cla-sf" I )ic:inl a mini sny to a irtty tvoimiu at, n (lililliT. "i'ray, liovv do yon know?" with nnlic;lit lifting of the eyebrows mid a suspicion of u lilunli. "From tin1, niunncr in which you silt down lit t.-ible, then took tli.'tt olive und now nibble it. You hik unconsciously con sciuns of h ni'w in:inmrism in vliirh you an no', perfect,, hut which yon pnictico tvlicncvi r you icincmlicr to do so. 1 have di'Uvti'il ii dozen women within the last two weeks making tliu same eil'ort. Come, own ii. Aren't you a lb lsiirtcan?" The pretty woimin halted no heartily ns to nth-nut yeneral nttrMtlpn. A rotivi'ii ieut lull in tlie service pivu opportunity for a hroadsicle of qno-dions. Tho pret ty woman, now thoroughly roused to a spirit, of repartee, confessed rent she did beloiio; to a female class who had heen makini; study of the Delsartean methods; that nil her set were in it." Oil, yes, our spirited little informant, was quite willing to "ia the wholo snap nw;ty," with illustrations too. "You all lauuhi'dat the manner in which I took an olive. Now I'll show you the dilV'Tcnee l -t v-'n the old way and the new. Mary," tnmii"; tnour hostess, "just help yourself out of that, dish." v- . Mrs. Ii (nit her hand straight, nut, to the dish, captured the olive and drew it St raiuht hack to her moot h, evidently 1)0 llevin.; that the shortest distance liotHifli two p iints is the .straight, lino that joins them. "Oh! hut that istoonwful," shrieked the Delsartean. "Now watch me." The little hand was poised, the wrist moved slowly downward in a gentle curve, the linger tips dropped on the olive like a lmtterllv on a rose, the hand returned to the mouth in an upward curve, the whole motion descrihiiii; a paranoia, and with the slightest tarn of tho wrist olive, met, its fate. The movement was so pretty ami grace ful that we applauded vigorously and uskud for more. COYIT.ASTS IV coi.ons. So she went on: "It was very funny the first day our class nssemhle 1. 'e all went in-street costumes, and were drawn up in a line feeling rather ashamed and inclined to sigi'ln as our very stern and .esthetic looking teacher stalked in and eyed us keenly. She wore no stays. "The first thins she did after looking us over was to march tip to Mrs. 15 , w ho, you know, has a bright color, and touch ing a tunpiois brooch which pinned her bonnet strings said, severely: 'Don't you know that hluo and red, being opposite colors, should never ho worn in juxtaposi tion? Your blue pin simply emphasizes the redness o your cheeks, which, I pre sume, you wish to subdue' Mrs. B blushed from ml to scarlet, but meekly took her turqiioia oft and put it iu her pocket. "Turning immediately to Mrs. C , who is stout and was tryiutf to suppress a snicker, our teacher remarked coldly: 'May I ask, niadnme, why you stand with your arms lumpily against, your hips? You sim ply increase your breadth by t ho width of your arms. Clasp you hands thus just lie low the point of your stays, and you will materially reduce your nppearaneo of beam.' "Just then, as a happy diversion, Miss G , who, you know, is iiliout as graceful a woman as there is in town, came surging into tho room with a 'Hello! girls,' and her regular little wrigylo of her Land in the air. srniNO dowx. "Our apostle eyed her keenly for a mo ment and then spoke; 'Madam, your en trance into tho room was as graceful a movement, as I have seen since I left Kiir land; but I he charming effect of your frco and easy carriage was completely marred by that, alximinablo littlo flourish of tho hand. Never raiso your hand above your head if you can avoid it. But, let us revert to other matters more physical than aes thetic, Will you ladies pleaso sit down and then rise again?' "As we sank into chairs, fauteuils nml divans and then struggled to our feet again the spasm of pain which shot, across onr instructress' severo features told tho tale that we had ilono something awful to her at. least, Her voico sounded almost Kepnlchral as she uttered her dictum: "'Not one no, not one of you ladies knows how to sit down or rise aaiu. Watch me!' "She approached cloe ton chair, brought her heels close together anil sat flown gent ly in a perfectly perpendicular line, with out, any lurch orswaying backward against Mir cushions. As she arose the heels wont slightly under the chair and sho resumed the perpendicular without, any other mo tion than a straightening 'of tho knees.' "We were all conscious now of having made a terrible botch of the simple daily processor sitting down. Some of us had thumped down, others sprawled, and in rising all of us had leaned forward, with a jerk, while a majority had used hands on the kni"t or hips as sort of levers to pry us up. fiOlVfi IIP STAIRS. "Wo werp now asked to go up stairs oito by one. Jolly little Miss N , who is full of mischief, grablied up her skirts doubled over forward, anil went up with a rush. Wo all followed more slowly, sup- Jxising wo were on precisely the right track. "Again the Incisive, steely voice blighted our hopes: " 'Y'ou all bend forward humpbacked, with ynnr shoulders rounded and your lungs contracted. You need nir in your lungs in climbing. Keep thcliody perfectly erect, as iu rising from a chair. The strain will fall on the calves of your legs and hips, and that, is where it, belongs.' So we all marched up again, straight-as broom sticks, and really you know it, is ever so much easier, und I can now go up three flights to tho nursery wit hont ever a gasp for trreaj.h. " 'Now, ladies, I want to sec bow you can fall down. At the words "All fall" I want to see you all lying on tho floor. '"All fall!' "There was a most absurd giggling and wabbling and squatting and wallowing for a moment until our teacher said: 'As I unpposcd. Now rise, If you pleaso.'. Only three of us could get up without help." " 'Please watch me,' and without an ef fort she sank gracefully on one kneo, then Inclined over on her hip, and turning side ways lay flnt on her back. Then reversing the movement sho was on her feet again in oond, We all tried this over and over again, nnu In miuseqimnt lessons n lot of us have cmtghtthe trick quite well. "Now XorK Herald. Thorn nro nliout 2,R00 counties in tho Union, with an avorago sizo of about 1,000 Hanaro miles, but thisaverago Is enormous ly excelled- in many Instances, and is also frequently fallen below, lowing out tho great unsettled counties of tho west, tho averogo county would bo about 000 square nines in extent. It is said of Charles I that he sent from prison locks of his own hair to such of tho gentry as were favorablo to his cause, that the ladies of their households, when em broidering the royal portraiture in col ored silks, might with deft needle weaving put npon the head the genuine article. IN THE FAR NORTH. Ilemnrkablo Arctic Voyage of the Steam ship Thetis Id Unknown Waters. The next day tho Thetis overhauled eev fral whaling vessels, one of which, tho Jane Grey, manned her rigging and cheer ed for tho Thetis, a compliment returned by Uncle Sam's ship. The Thetis had res cued the Grey in 1KSS, when tho latter had been capsized, and the captain of tho Grey had resolved always to honor his preserver; o up in the Arctic, with tho pack only a tuile away, the vessel manned her rigging and passed the most stately of murine com pliments. At half past 13 of Sunday, Septcmlier 8, tho Thetis, standing westward, sighted Herald Island, high, gloomy and forbid dinga littlo, inaccessible rock in the mid dle of the groat Arctic ocean. Ten years ljffore, almost to the day, Captain Delxing rd been caught in the ice where the Thetis now sailed free; not a trace of ice was vis ablo now, the high rock bore but little snow, and the Thetis plunged along within two miles of what, until within a few years, had been deemed an out laying spur of a vast Arctic continent, so seldom had it lieon seen. Still westward steamed the There,, and ns gloomy Herald Island sank behind her gloomier Wraugel Island rose U'foro her like Herald Island, Udieved to lie an out post of an unknown continent. The island lifted itself up plainly; Berry's I'eak tow ered aloft as the Thetis drew near, grander ami more gloi any than over, in the dusk of nn autumn day. There were no sails in sight, and Captain Stockton dcU'riuiueil to put about, more than satisfied with the trip he had nm.l'v from Hcrschel Island to Wraugel Island wit bin thirty days! Never before hail such a voyage been made. Si the Thetis turned eastward ngnin, leaving the grr-at, lonely island behind her, and the land sank slowly back into tho ocean whence it hail risen, mid the sun went down and tho moon came up; and from the land of ico tho Thetis steamed southward, out of the frozen ocean, victor in a hand-to-hand struggle wit h the pow ers of the A ret ic, ami floor of deeds that no vessel ever before her had done. Itohort Gordon Butler iu Seribner's. An Angel In IINgulso. If the wives of our employers were to lake the trouble to inquire a little closer into the domestic lives of the men em ployed by their husbands this world would bo a far brighter ono for many a hard worked woman who buries her trouble in her heart and wipes away tho only out ward traeoof it with her apron. I know of nn employer whoso wife her self in the lives of tho people in his store so that, she ascertained the birthdays of t heir wives, their children and even the wedding days. It was dono so quietly and so sweet ly that none suspected her purpose, but now on each festive day in thews fifty odd families there comes some pleasant remem brance. It is never the sumo, but always something that H just needed In that fam ily at that time. Kvery six month those husbands find a lit tle difl'ereiiee in their salary envelopes. At Thanksgiving a splendid bird goes to each of the houses in t he employer's name, at, Christmas time tho hand of the wife is visible. Now that is practical charity. God only knows how many burdens that, one woman has made easier, how many lives she has made brighter. None of the wom en whose paths this ono woman has so pleasantly smoothed has ever seen her! To them sho is Hke an invisible nng"l of good ness, but many are tho silent prayers that go up iu those fifty homes for her gentle consideration for others. Edward W. Bok iu Ladies' Home Journal. Two Kinds of Walks. Look at the methodical walk of tho ser ried mass cf clerks and others in a position more or lessdependent. They are slaves to tho clock, and to the routine to which their daily hours aro devoted. Do they not walk oddly alike? And well they may, for they ore alike at least iu so far as they are integers to help forward tho routine business work of tho world. Their very steps seem to say: "I um one of those who havoto be here at such and such a time, and there at such a time. I must not do lay. I must hie mo to my work." It is the samo with soldiern. They, too, aro like so many spokes in a great wheel. In sweet contrast thero is tho self made man. Ho may have been a clerk like others in his younger days. If so there is a touch of it still iu ids gait. But there is also much more. It lias dcvcloie.d into a strut of tho first water. He holds his head high so that all may look at him, and if they will follow an example may model themselves upon him. "Behold me!" ho seems to say; "I am what I have mafic my self! Did you everseeanythingsoremark ablcf" All tho Year Hound. Attacking Ant Hills Willi Cannon. Iu the forest of Guhina dwell some very laryo and exceedingly ferocious black ants, which throw up hiils fifteen and even twenty feet in height. They will not hesi tate to attack man, and their headquarters nro usually given n wide berth. Tho trav eler Maloue.t stM'aks of having witnessed tho destruction of fine of thesn fortresses ati-i its inhabitants iu a way that was cer tainly extraordinary. A trench was dug entirely around it and tilled withdry wood. which was set tire to simultaneously at, all points, Ihen a train of artillery was brought to liear and the hill knocked to pieces with tho cannon balls. The nnts, seeking to escape, were all burned in their attempt to cross tho fiery gutter. Inter view in Washington St-iir. Antl-ltust C'niil Tar. A simple and economical way of tarring sheet iron pipes to keep them from rusting is us follows: The sections as made should lie routed with coal far and then filled with light wood shavings, anil tho latter set on lire. It is declared that theelTect, of this treatment will be to render the iron prac tically proof against rust for an indefinite, period, rendering future painting unneces sary. It is important that the iron should not lio mailt! too hot, or kept hot too long t time, lest the tar should 1ms burned oir. Hence the directions for the use of light shavings instead of any other means of heating. New Y,rk Journal. Trno to Ills Gallant J,over (of tho U. S. A.W would adorn yon, sweetheart, were It only for your colors. Sweetheart My colors? G. L. Yes, for the red of your lips, the white of your brow and tho blue of your eyes. Sweetheait (hlnshingly) Then these shall bo t ho flag of our union. 1'itt.shnrg Bulletin. Tepid wator 1b an admirsblo miotic, and hot water, taken freely half an hour before bedtime, Is an excellent cuthivrtlo, sure, If persevered In, in most obstinate canes. Hot water at meals continued for a few months, with proper attention to diet, will euro any curable, uaso of dynpepsla, A learned Frenchman says tho way to overcomo tho disagreeable crackling in a telephone is to leave a small space under neath tho diaphragm, which can be done by lining the telephone boxes witli felt. When flaby was sick, wo gave her Onstorta, When shn was a Child, sho cried for Castorla. When she became Miss, she cluni? to Custorla. When she had Children, she gave them Ctutorla The First Worsted Mill. It is now just KM) years ago since John Sug den crossed ever from Jlawortb and settled at Dockroyd. That was an important period in the commercial history of our country, for the great discoveries of Hargreaves, Wyatt, Arkwright aud others, followed by Watt with his improved steam engino, were about to effect, a complete revolution in our industries, and about Unit time was laid the foundation of tho trado which hod done so much for that valley. It might lie said that that district, had been tho very cradle of tho mechanical spinning of wor sted. Mr. John Siigden employed about half n dozen hand couiliers, and used to send his tops into t he hamlets or the farm houses of the district, where the good wile's shuttle could then be seen merrily Hashing through the loom. The manufacturers at that time carried many of their pieces to thu Halifax l'iece hall. In the year 1 sot) a great event, took place in that village by the founding by John Siigden of l'rovidence mill, anil ter ror was si ruck into the hearts of the hand spinners, who feared they would lose their occupation, by which women could earn two shillings and strong gii Is one shilling and six pence per week. Mr. Siigden be gan with three spiniiiirjf frames of proba bly sixty to eighty spindles each, and from that time the linn hail steadily progressed, interview iu Manufacturer. 1'act im.i -limtion. When man knows in part he is eager to know in full. He is sure to make elTort to know. His mind works from the known toward the unknown by varied processes. He reasons, i le traces analogies. Ho im agines. Ho adds surmises Iu his certain ties. And after awhile one is puzzled to know how much of his story is dream stun" and how much the substance tint of which true history is made. But thus it has always been. Homer's pix'ms are to such a degree the product of his own fertile and splendid fancy, and of the myths which he found ulloat iu the air of the old world he lived In, that peo ple forgot, how much reality had place in the works of his genius. When Srhlie lnaun liogan to unearth the facts of mar ble, bronze and gold long buried in Groero and Asia Minor everybody was surprised to find so much in the Iliad and the Odys sey that may he called history. Sir Walter Scott lias put his own dream power into the ancient times of which ho wrote. Ono who reads him needs a well schooled critic and interpreter at hand to distinguish lietween the historical facts and tho creations of fancy which the "Wiz ard of tho North" has so bewitchingly blended. Bishop Vincent in Harper's Young People. Tho Music of the Man I'.uters. The natives of the New Hebrides who are still addicted to the practice of anthro pophagy, form a curious study. Nothing is more curious than their musical instru nients. These consist of hollow tree trunks contaluing apertures connected by n ver tical slit. These trunks are ornamented at tho upper part with sculptures represent ing heads, feet, war clubs and ships. By striking each of them with a stick tho na tives produce sounds resembling those of the tomtom. They perform their fiances to the sonnd of these instruments, ntter having Issiiueared their faces with red and black. They have also three other musical in struments a sort of a trumpet made of a shell perforated at tho side or extremity; a syrinx wit h six or seven or eight pipes, from which they sometimes obtain har monious sounds, and a long flute perforat ed at the lower extremity, and consisting of a single piece of bamboo with three boles and a mouthpiece. These instruments nre used only within doors to amuso children. New York Ledger. A Colorado Mull's Queer Superstition Mr. Daily remarked, when the subject of superstition was introduced In some inex plicable manner, that ho was most forcibly reminded of that old saw, "When the house is finished the hearse is at the door,' by a visit to a town not a thousand miles from Denver, where lives a well known public character, a man of immense wcalt h who startled thetown by building a Iieauti- ful anil costly stone residence. Upon the granite feucc which surrounds tho spacious grounds ho spent enough money to almost build another house. Butt he tall granite, porticos of the portals do not overlook a beautiful bronze goto, such as one might imagine there would bo there. Theowner lias a gatoof rough pi no planks, and not for architectural eifect cither. It looks very much like a make shift for a floor in an unfinished house, The eccentric rich mau avers that as long as he refrains from finishing that gate just so long tho hearse will be kept from lioforo his door. Chicago News. WOKEN XmO SUFFER pain each month, can find relief and euro in Dr. I'lorco s Favorite Proscription, m It regulntes ond restires tho monthly tunction, braces up tuo cxiiaustetl , run-down, overworked ana ilclicate; allays ana banishes all Nervous Weakness, Spasms, Hysteria, Mts, Chorea, or M. Vitus Dance; cures Weak nesses, Bearing Down Sensations. Backache, Catarrhal Inflammation, Ulcera tion and kindred maladies. For those aliout to lieeome mothers, it is a priceless lioon, for it lessens tho pain anil IM-rils of childbirth, shortens "labor" and he period of confinement, and promotes tho secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child. Thomas Thihi-wrm, of 7fn?itrf!iJe, Pit., Rflvs: "I cnenut" suthcientlv exrirem to von my grstltirle for the benefit your 'Favorito I'rcscrlption lias conrerred upon my dnugn ter. of Into phe has mifTerod no pain whatever, u isaimpiy marvelous. EnaosstD nr THt HiawtsT Mcmcm Airmosrnrs 'Sf101Ti10LinHflLCR -untie VAII aMA Ant 9 XWE YOU "nTADDU HFAHSHriF NEURALGIA JLj lx inAT.Kii will cura vim. A J fiTJ J Wworuleriul lnnn to niiiTtTrrr m IJW VLT ' irnmi'oliU. HornT turn ill Infltipnra. Hrnnrhtt Im immnthttt tflxrf. A 11 M).eli'nt Trnii'i v. mnvrnirnt tit mrr In nnrkot. rpftrtr to tio on flint Itulli fition m' mill Continued V.flcg JVrmnncnt fliro, HnilcOnti'in (ni.'irnnttMHlormonfv retiinflod. Prion. r r (i. Trial Trno nt Iniuif mf Km; tutored mull. (jUt'i'UM. a, B, lUSUMAN, lr.,Tbn Rivera, Hicix, U.S. M PMTHfl I '''h ,m'Ht puft'st nunMy for w h an m in niPiiriMF, i':rr.Tnm, ih'Ii.mik Hhoum.nid unrn, mirn, ruts. Wonderful rni ly Itir I'll.r.N. I' (. nt DniK-Q A If BlutK or by m nil prrnriiil. AdilrcnnnHnhove. Dpi L. II For sale by Matthews llros. and Jolin II. -IH. Complexion Prcssrvcfl DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA cm Removes Freckles, Plmptot, Liver Molai Blaolihetida, Bunctirn aim inn, ana re. stores mo si.ia 10 its origi ho skin to Ita prtgl- tAs'd&' shness, produclnR a A&i -jA',,, and houltliy cra-i!Sf. yWV. i. Superior to fill f'leo' ' ' . " nal ircsnncKH, clear and h iiliitlnn. Rlinevli prepnratlons and perfectly hnrmless. At all jnui;lt3,or moU-d lor SOds. bciid for Circular, VIOLA 8KIN 80APi7TmplT lnmtrhl a ItVIn piirllvlnq Hit, urn qnW fl Shn , Mill wllhont I rival fur tho imm-ry. AUolutMr wiro sad ddksl! modi etM. M firamiiita, Pride 25 Cent. Fur sale by Matthew llros. and John 11. rholps. iVv MA .or i i MS -a k. esr -vj kv I kF.n-iWrl It'll U.-Ujni BfW P l VI rl ' H -NT Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a liarnilcss substitute, for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea, and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teethinff troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria Is an excellent niediclno for chil dren. Mothers liavo re "'a'cdly told mo of its pood eflect upon their children." Db. 0. C. Osnoon, Lowell, Mof-H. " rastnrla Is the best remedy for children of which 1 am aciiinint. 1 hope tho day is not far distant when mothers willconsidor the real Interest of their children, and uso Castoria In stead of thevarloimqiiack uostriimRwhieh aro flestrovlns their loved ones, by forcing opimn, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurl ful agents down their throats thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. P. KiNomaoK, Conway, Ark. Tho Contanr Company, TT Murray Street, New York City. fTHETTOGi. PH1UADSUPHIH For Washing Clothes cm AN and SrfnETl It LASTS IQNCm than other Soaps. Price Fivn CENTS a bar. la 1 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Marvelous Cures ... . . in biooa Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula CJ 67- P. P. P. pnrlllMMie blood bnlldsnp the wonk niul flebllitatoil, Klres strengili to woitkenud nerves, expels iliKeiist'S, giving the pntlimt healtti and bnpnlnuifs where sli-kneHH, gloomy toolings nml litBaltudo lirst iiroviilleif. For primary, iM'oomlnry and tfirtfiiry (.Viiliilirt, tor lilooil poiHontug. mercu rial poison, matiirin, d'.-4ptpHln, hiuI In nil blood and ukfn dlHoaMcs, liko bh'ti hoa, ptmiiles, old chronic ulcers, teller, f Hid hm, bolls, uryslimlits. eczema- we nmyHsy, without, fear or C"Ulr:i(lir-tlon,tlmt P. V. V. Is thelifiit blood piir tier In the world, and ninkes poMltlvo, speouy and permiiDeut curus In all canes. . i. imiiw ! W Ladton whoso syst.onis nre poiMoncd and whose hlond In in an imptiru comil tlnn, duo to menstrual Irregularities, are peculiarly henxtlled hy tlio wmt doriul tonic unit tiloou cloiuiHlnir pir;) erti.-sot I'. V. P. Prickly Ash, jko Hoot anil I'oiasHlum. tS2- Hl'KlNul'lKl,'), Mo., Aug. 11th. liO.I. t o.iii sieiik In llio highest terms of J rour medicine from my own personal tnowloilgo. I wa.-altccteil well heart disease, pleurisy and rlieuniHlism tor yr, ve-ir. whs Ireiited ly the very he.t physicians anil spent humlreilsot did InrM, tried every known remedy with" out llmh.ig relief. I have only taken ono noitlu of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say It his done mtwnnro good tliaii anything 1 h.ivo over lakon. 1 csu rocomiuend your medicine Wall BUflorersol the above discuses. MIIS. M. M. VHARY. Spr. jgllold, Qreen County, Mo. C- t'W.'iWEaJ,,rreriiii.l file mnnev. 13 1 bEFOREANUAFltRUSIIlG.uo other. AiUlre.s NKKVK MI KIHO. , lasonlo Teuiple, CUICA00.1U. For Salo in Suranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Dru-Ttrist, cor. WiishinirtoD inrt bnruco Btrools. ;'- Thoifrcatrpnieiiv ii Hl.,ll IV. ,m, 'iilXitSX' hlut OlUii AND st jMCTbLj- anmiaiiHi and Insanity. With every W,. ui-dcr wo ilve a written guar- Ai'iKit uuiMu. ':"':yiix'i,?'XL'y.r;:'"r:":7-..r""i at i..eiri,.,. ForSulobyC. M. II A KKIS, Druggist, Kiw disrriferT. Ay,S)i'a,,A!lANliK locate iiliiJ4 llcfio iiid ilui "i"' - B erner wi- pive s sritK-n i'tAL Ml.lil'INL 00.. For male by JOHN H. PHELPS, apvuee Street, Scranton, Pa. CANNOT SEF HOW Y00 DO IT AND PAY FREIGHT. Ttnvi onr fl driwer wnlnot or Okk f tJ Tl ,r(ITCd nigh Am Nl(iritnln(rm. hint i Tliifly bnUiird, nicKcl pllfl ,'lpta lo itch! Mtitl hfury wurk; (Tiiarntcit fr 10Tmn with AHlvmtlie lion in n w mtirr, tvii-1 arvsainit 1,7 u dfr Hbn((lf,Niir.Hftlliif fil und ft oninplct net of HlrH 4tUlimnnt(Hh!pTt nf broB MO tlHv'i Trlil. No tnoncT rrnutnd In ilvtnri 9 VB.OOOnow fflilM. Wo UlH fair Mdl wili(l mnchlnt anrliuci tnenli. 11"? trm t iclory and aav dfiltr'i and agent' protita. rnrr Cot ThUfnt and nni Ut-Anf for mMblrtf or larrt fro I ntt rWloffu,lM1iiwnlii and (.limpatf of lh World! Fair, OXFORD MFO. CO.iiSIWpMMCHICAGO.ILl, iiat is Castoria. " Cnstoria is so well adapted tochlMren thai I recommend ItassujioriortoauyprcHcription known to me." H. A. Ancnita, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Hrooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside pnictico with Castoria, mid although we only havo among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet wo aro frco to confess that the merits of Castoria lias won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass At.lrn C. SMiTn, Pres., LEY SOAP) Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores J Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Arc cnllrrly nmorM by P.P.P. Prickly Ash. Poke Itont and Potas sium, the blood purifier on earth. AnFMimm. 0.. July 21, 1S01. Mrsshs. Lici'MAN Duos., Savannah, Git.! DkahHiks-I bought a bottle of f our P. P. P. ut Hot Hprings.Ark., anil t has dono me more good than three months' treatment at the Hot HnrlafS. ' Head throo bottles t'. n. D. Kespectfully yours, JAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, llrown County, 0. t'npt. J. U. Johnston. To nil irhnm it may ronrern: I hern" by testify to the wonderful properties ol P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I suffered for several years with :tn un sightly and tllMiigrefiabli) eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy but In vnln, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cureU. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. Buvai.uau, US. Nkln Cancer Cured. TetHmony jrom the Mayor of Sequin,TcX, Smji'iN, Tkx., January ii, lwtn. Mkskks. Ijiei'MAN He.os.. tinvannah, On.: tieittlrnifnl have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of tliesklu, noisily known a.i nkln ancor.of t lurtv yi-art' paimling, and found great relief: It piii'ltleatnn blood and removes nil Ir ritation from tho seat of the dlteaso nod prevents any spreading of tho sores. I have taken llveor sii bottles and fool conlldent that another course will ellect a euro. It ha also relieved mo from Indigestion and Htumacb troublc-3. Yours truly. 49 uaci. w. in. itifc. Attorney nt Law. M on Bloc!! Diseases Melted u. ALL DUUGOISTS SKLL IT. . vSJ LIPPMAW BROS. & PnOPRIUTOHS, 39 J.llipmnn". i;icU,Snvnnnli,Gi BESTOREDr NERVESEEDS, ThbW'itKtprlul ri-mvily fiM' Riil.rU In r ilrr si l ni-ron. illi- ea-ics. such as Wank Memory, Lessor Brain l'owcr,Ileailaclie,Vaketilliie. lisl ManliiNHl, Nightly remissions. Nervousness, allflralna and loimot power liilieiiiTiitlvetlrKiinsof either sex caii!eii hy over exertion, yonlliliil error., excessive use ol' toliac-co. opium or Btltnuliiiits, which lend to liitlnnll v, f im IsuninilonorliiiaiiilT. Can he carrleti 1 11 vest pitckot. l per hoi, 41 for ., I,... .. ..o ,...,.i tCoh n sr.iKi.airiD.. m-! i ten uiiihrn litre lo enre Circular five. Sohl hv all ilrutnlsls. Ask for It, tfise DR. MOTT'S m-uykuim: Miiw-miKSx&si 1 I L.L.O fornrrvotis nrostnitlen nml allncrvousdlseascs of RFsmRFn mwm int? or Lost MiuiIhioiI. iniitotencv. Nii'htlv KiiiIhmIiiiih.VihiiIiIiii l-lrrors. cn,.,lo u fl.,l .,..., I. I I... 17 I'eim Avenue. RESTORE LOST IG01 Will brnM vimi nnln a werk fold with WBITTSN Horvous Debility, l,.ofexual Power in nthniwx " tiPifiei'iea, suco irnnnips load 1 1 J, .l.nii per i.oxnj man, ti ui.xi-s inr t. nil ,rrl ullfltiillleo to cursor ruluuu lliu Dlbuuv. AUur'i- Cl.felmiil, Ohio. Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and 6iy, ondBT (mtnnrf , uni ny .MMi.uwciKf- 1 Pi iltiT. pronli anil lou-pagv book, illuitntfil Imp lir.fmmpM,plaurei1,rrMlirmaU, Hh.nHotHprlni nd Mtroumfoil, o,ir Mnsilo Rontndv will I ooilllmlT mra. Clllll IlknKur Ctl. I kUwo, III. f BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL PllYoK IANS AU M KfiKONS. DR. . KIKJAR DEAN Iish removed tofllfl Spruce street, Hcruutou, Pa. (.Just oi posfts court-house butiare.) 1 lt. A. J. CON NELL, Oltlce Jul Washington XJ avenuo. corner Spruce street, over h rancKo s drug store, liunidoiico, 72i Vino at. CUiicu hours: lu.SitolUa. m. and to4 aud Ui p. in. Sunday, ii to p. ra. D1 K. W. K ALLKN. Otlice cor. Lack. wautia und Washington uvea. : over Leon ard shim store; olbce hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and a to 4 p. in.; evening rualdeuutt, &11H. Wnsliington avn. MtHY. Practlcn limited to l)i cases of the Kye, Ear, Noso and Throat; ulli, lJ NV joining avu. Uusideuca, Vlu Street. DK. L.M. UATKS. U'fi WasluiiBton Avenuo. Otlice 8 to U a.m., I. JO to U and to S p.m. Ho iiloiK-eiJill MadiMin uvemir It'll.N L. WKNXZ. M. U Orticot M and ')! t'omnionwciilth buiMing: ri'sidencu 711 ladistmiive: oltico hours, 10 to IU 2 to t ? to ; t-imdiiys i! .11 to i. cvenincn nt residence. A iectlty luiulo of liceni.-s ot the eye, ear, nosa ml throat and gyncoologi-. J) It. KAY.aiiil't-nn Avo"; 1 to ; cull MM. 1'ls.or WOIII..U. olistnll-ies I1M, ,lis. Ill' cllil. i. A vim: us. M.U KANI'k s Ijivv iind rTuiTTtloTror lice, No. UI7 Spruce st.. oniiiiKito .'.,riMt . nco, no. nn Mu-ucu tlironghout l'ctuisylvaniit; reliable correspond flits iu every county. l';ssu K AttoT-uovs mTd-inw lots at Law. Coniinnnweiilili IniU.iii. I.oiir.. Ill lllllinil, 1 11.: rillleeTli.t,,, a un,. tv W oahington avu. W. 11. .Iuksup HoiiAcK b. Hand, W. 11. .iKsstir, j it U,MId,AKD Wa'kkKN Ai KNAI'l', AUr neys and Counselors at Imw, lieniiblicaa building, Washington ave.. Scriinton, Pa. IlA'l'lhliWl.N it WILCOX, AUoi-m-ys iia.l Counsellors at Law; ollicos U und H Library building, Scrunton, l'n. Hoswv-r.r. n. rArmnsnw. WlM.IAM A. VVILPOX. LKKHIMIANMr V ILLIA.M I. HANliT At- birneys and Connsejloi-s. ConiuionwealtU buililiiig. UoDins III, i.11 mid :;l. vv K. HfiYLK, Attorney nt-Low.Nos.l'J niifl 20, Burr building, Washington avenuo. J EN KY M. SKF.LV Law otll.-os la Price building. Ixifi Wnsliington avenue. IKANK T. liKKLL, Attorney nt Law. Koora 1 a. Coal r.xcnango. hciitnton. l'o. MILTON W. LliWItY, I Att'ys, '7 Washing V. II. VON STOHCII, (ton nv., C. H. siiinro. IAMKSW. OAKI-'Olil), Attorney at Law. I rooms IU, CI and (lii, Coniinonwealth b'l'g. OAMULL W. LUllAR, AtWrnoy at Law. 0 Oflico, 31 T Spruce St., Hcrnnton. l'n. 1 A. WATIMCS, Attomoy at Law, I J. Lackawanmi nue.. Si iiinton, l'n. P. SMITH. Counsellor nt Law. Office, rooms r4, iVi, fsi C'oitunonwealth bniliiiug. ' li. PlTCHKlt. Attorney at Law, Coia ninnwenlth boiluiiig, rtcranton, 1'a. C. COMKOYS, :t!l Spruce st. DIl. HKl'LOULi;, Attorney Loans nogo- tinted on roalpstato security.408 Spruce. 1) F. KILL AM, Attoiuiiv-itt-Luw, oniinir avenue, Si-j-anton. i ai Wy schools. SCHOOL Ol' THE LACKAWANNA, Hcran O ton, Pa., prepares boys and girls forcollega or business: thorouglily trains vouug chilurea. Catalogue at rouutut. (1; ens Scptemliur la Rev. TnoMAR M. carm, ' H. BllKI.L. IISS WOHCK.STKlt'd K1NDEKQAHTK.N I'l and School, 41i Adams avenue. PupiU reemvea at all tiraos. JNcittorui wm opoa Setiteniber ill. KI-.N I IMTS. Ci C. LAUIIACH, burgeon jjuntist, No, 11J J . Wyoming uve. It. M. STHATTON. otlleo c.,n Exehnnw LOANS. riHE KEPUBLIU Savings and Loan Asso- X ciatiou will lo-ia you uionny on easier terms nna pay you better on nivostmunt taan any otner assoilation. Call on a. JN. fJALLl-.N IKR. Dime Bank buildinc SKKIIS, K. CLARK & CO.. Seeilsmen. Florists and NiirHcrymun; store 14(1 Wnsliington avenue; green nouae,ijjj aonu juara avcuuo; store telephone ,H. 'J'KAS. KRANLl UNION TEA CO.. .lones Una. AY IKK SCHEKNS. "IOS. KUETTKL, 5i5 Lncknwanna nvonne. ft Scranton. I'll., mantif'r of Wire Moreen. 1IOTK.I.S ANI ICKSTAl'KAKTft. riMlE ELK CAFK, la riwUW Franklin avo- J- nue. lliites reasonnblo. 1'. ZiKOi.r.n, Proprietor. IiTK&XjiiInsTKU HOTEL. V V W. O. SCUENCK. Manairor. Bixteentb street, ono block cant ot Broadway. nt union qllne, INow lork. American plan, S:i 50 nor day and upward. OCUANTON HOUSE, near D L. & W. pas kJ icngor depot. Conducted on tlie K.uropoan lan. Vif-Tim Koch. Proprietor. AKf IH ll.f I S. AV18 " HOUi'AfciiTttipta. KoomaTar 25 and 3ft roninionwealth b'ld'e. Scranton. J) , L. WALTLH, Architect. Ollico, rear of J, lilkl Washimttou nvemiK. ? L. HUOWN. Arch 11. Arcliltent, Trine I 1 ,tti Itl incr. Washington Avo.,Scrnnton. iiis( i:i i,am:im s. IIAUKR'S OllClllCSTHA - 11US10 FOR Ji balls, plcnfcs, parties, receptions, wod dines and ooncert work furnished. For terms nt! dress It. .1. Ilatier, conductor. 117 Wyoming ave . over Iliilbort's music storo. II ORTON a KWAHT3-WHOLEHALR lumber, Prico buildiii?, Pcrnnton, l'n. A I KUAIUIEE RK0THEH8, PRINTEHS' oi stippues, envelopes, paper pairs, twine, Warehouse, VJU V ashiuRtuii ave., iScrauton, l'n IUKSKrt AN1 CAKKIAOhS FOB SALE at MM Capons nvonuo. D. h. FOOTE, A(tont HA. NIC 1'. liKtnVN CO., "WHOLE salo dcalera in Woodware, Cordntfo and ii Cloth, 7'Jtl W. Lackawanna avenue. E. Robinson's Sons1 Laqed Beer Brewery Kannfuctnrers of tha Celeliratel PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Pop Annum, HASSON STARK. AT THE OLH DEPOT HOTEU FACTORY VILLE. Is prepared to receive summer boarders anil furnish riiis for tourists to surrounding towns and summer resorts. For Delicacy, For purity, and for improvement of thocom plexion, nothing equals Pozzom's Powder. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF Ii I LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION cleauiinei and I wmfort TIIU TABLl IH WTBCI MAT 30, 1804. Trminn 1a7m RpmntAi. ru . ...... -r Aiiautic wuy, o.w a. m. Fur Nnu; Yi-trlr NoittnHtr - - u.uu vciirnM p. in. Buuday, ila Fon MAccn CnnNg, Ai,i.r.NTOWN.Br.Tiii,. IKM. KAk'llilt Won i, "".OHIII, man im sai i;;;;;ri,:: . -m Sunday, U.lfi p. m. J or l.ONO U HA HOB, OOKAK ailoV8,oto at m (with through car) a. ra.. lirxip m? ' l;or Keading. Lobanon and Harrisbnrg. via kllentnwn. R 'M a m to rjl nm K,,vl VP- m. " v,m- BU"a-y. ror i'ottsville, s.'.fia. m., 12.7) p. m. Kpturning, li ave New York, tout of Llbortr .10, l.JO, 4..m (oxpross with Dulles parlor carl i. m. Hundny, 4.:l a. m. Lcavo Philadelphia, Rending Terminal 9.M l m., ZOO and 4 1 p. ra. Hiinday, .W a. tr. Thmilirll tlelrula .11 r,..;..... V I T. ' . Inav be had nn Ann hejitlon in au,. tickot agent at tha Blatioa. U. P. BAbDWIN, I. H. OLHATTREN, Agent Oon. Rupt. DELAWARE AND ntJD- HON RAILROAD. Comineni ing Mnnrtay,.Iuly ,10, all trains will arrive ami depart irom the now Lnok awanna avenuo station as -taioiiowH: V Traiiil will Inavo Scran ton stution for Carbnndulo and intermodiato ioints at 2.Zt). 5,'i. 7.011. H.2r, nd In. Ill a.m., 12.00, 2,21), 8.55. n.15, ai", 7.'.'r, 8.10 and ii-o p.m. For Fnrview, Woyinnrt and Ilonetdulo at 7.0(1 K.".-, ;,il Kl in .m.. and fi.lft am. Fr Albiuir, Saratoga, tho Adirondacksanii Montreal nt !.4-i am. and 2,211 p.m. ror Wilkes llarrn and intormediatn point J' .' 4-V;im and, ilto, 1,20, lii, i.m.n.U 0.U5.,i,ndll.:mp m. Iraum will arrive at, Scruntim Station from S n'-,, "!"' intermediate points at 7 40. Jf"' r1' '", 10.W am., Iiiio. 1.17, M, :J.I0, l.iil, 5. Sri .1.4.., 11.11 and H.:i:i p.m. j-rora Ilonosdalii. Wuyninrl and F.ti view n D, I2.U0, 17, 9.40. 5 54 and 7.1.'. p.m. from 1 Montreal, i-arat-.z, Albany, etc, at 4..M and 11. in p.m. fj?In., N' "1f"S-Harre and intermcrtlato poinM ft 2 15, ROI. 10.15 and 11 f'. a.m., 1 Hi, 2 14 3 m. 5.10, O.OS,7.2), O.IWand 11.10 p.m. ' MAY 13, 18.H. Train loaves Scranton for rhl!alolphia an New York via, D. & H. R R. at 7. 15 a.m.. 12.0 2.3H and ll.IW p. m. via D., L. & W. R. R., 4.00L 8.0H, 11.20 n. in., and 1.30 p. m. Loave Scranton for Pittston and Wilks. Barre via U.. L. & W. R. It., O.OU, b Oi 11 2J a. ra., l.DO, .150. U.07. tf.-,n p. in. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ila.loton, Pottsville and all points on the Bearer Meadow and Fottsvilh branchew. via E W. V.. 0 40 a.m., via D. & 1LR.U. at 7.(5 a.m.. 12.115, 2.1W, s.iOp.m., via D L. & W. R. R., 0.00, b.OD, 11.20 a.m., 1.30, arillp.m. Lenvo Scranton for Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Harrisbnrg and all intormedlnta noints via H.K.B. 7.45 a.m., 12.05, 2.:ii, 11. Ji p.n.,via U, L. & W. R. R.,0.00,8.03, 11.20 a. m., ijil p.m. Loave Scranton for Tankhannoclc, Towandi, Elmirn, Ithaca, Oenov-a and all intormodht? points via 1). & H. R R.. 8.4,-1 Hi.tti and 11.3a p. m.,vla D. L. & W. P.. K., 8 0S a.ra.,1 JO p. m. Loave Scranton for Itocbettor. Buffalo, Kl gara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all rwlntl westTiaD. & 11. R. R., s.45 a-ra.,12.0j,!i.lA.ll.8-l p. ra., via D. L. & W. R. R. ond Pittston Junction, .(W , 1J0, 8.5U p. m via E. Ss W. U.K.. 3.41 D. m. For Elraira and tho west via Saliminoi. vU D. A H. K. R. M.I a.m., 12.0.'i,ti.O") p. m.. via U.. U W. K.R., ,8.06 a.m., l.W and O.II7 p. m. Pullman parlor and glooplng or L. V. chair cava on ail trains botwoen L. & B. Junction or Wilkes-llarre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo aDd Snsponsion Bridge. ROLL1N H. WILBUR. (Ion. Supt. CHAR. S. LKE. Oun. Pas.4. Ag't, Phlla.,P.'t Quu Pais. Ag't, South Bethlehem, pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN" RAILROAD. Trains loave Scranton as follows: Kxnress for Now York and alt points East. 1.40, li.Mt lh, H.Uland 9.ooa. m.; IZ to p, m. ' E i nross for Eastou. Tronton. Pbdadtilphln and thn South, 5.1 8-00 and 9.5i (V m.; UQI and :i.iill p. m. waslilnvton ana way stations, a.aa p. u. Tobybanna accouimodation, ll.lll p.m. Expr ss for Bitdiainton, Osweiot Elmlra. Corning, Hath. Dausvlllo, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2 15 a. m. and 124 p. ru mnking close coniiociions at BufTalo to all points in tin Wost, Northwest and Southweat. Bath aocoiiimodatioll. 9 a, m. Binghauiton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicnol-,on accomniodutlon, til p, m. and 6 in p. in. Binghamton ami Elmlra Express, 6 05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswngoj Utica and Riuhfldd Springs, 2.15 a. m. aud 1.2 P'l!Siaca. 2-15 and Bath. 9 a. m. and 1.24 p. m. For Northuinberland.Pittwfcin, Willi os-llarr. riymollth, Bloonisburg and llanvillis making closo oouuections at Northumberland for Willlaiusport, Harnsburg, Baltimore, Wash higton and tho South, Northumberland and Intermediate station 6.00, .! a in. and 1.3U and 6 07 p. m. Nautlcoo ana intermediate stations, and 11.311 n. m. Plymouth aud iutorinoaiata stations, 8i0and bf:.' n. in. , Pullman parlor and slooplng coaehos on aU "U&if ormatlon, pocket timetable etc.. apply to 11. L. Smith, city ticket offlo iBS Lttciawanuttavonuo, or depot ticket tllte. TTtRIFi AND WYOMlNa VALLEY RAIL. Tralns Wve Scranton for Now York andin termedite poinU en the F;ne in and 8.-J4 n- m. Also for Hotiewiaii , Hawioy and local points at 9.4,. a. n... and 3 Ail'l alve sro through trains to and 'Sfonal train Lake Ariel at ft.10 p.m. and arrives at St ran ton from the Lake at 20 a in. an. I 7.. Trains leave lor wukos-Barre at W a. uv and ii.41 p. m. SCR AMTON IHVISION. In i:iloct June 21lh, I SO I. Nnrlh Hjiiiind. Moulh Bound, 20.-i 2011 vill 202 201,21X1 I Stations L, B ? ,kL - 8 a'3 S C3 r w .rt in a a k o a .m ,.,i.. t- 9 fr, i W 0h I rraiiis i.;oi., r.- t I I I nunun.T.f Ip m lArrtve Lcavni m: n. l. rraiiKiiu m. West 42ud street Wcchawken 7 4 7 in 7 io! 7 55 Nil) I Ml Arrive Lcavcl Ml- M H -JOl I 1'1 - 8 io! 1 on . rfiMlS.MI . r niha-wi . 7 Will 4ii'a Hniicnck ilunctlon Hancock 8lui-ll";ht, Preston park Coinn Pnyntelln llelinonr, Pleasant Mt. Uidondalo (l im a"i 5 II Ml 2 1 1 0 18' v'2 Oil: 2 41 r h 4 M 7:'Kiii2:.d0 to II 4 8 5ll an! iki 10 01 (1 45 2 5S 4 5,1 7 a? is 11 M H IR S55 8 (fi 510 7 Iti-flSMi (II IW II UK' SlH 7 IN 40, 9 Fin-net, cli.y Cnrbondaln White Hiidgo Way Held lernivn Arch I bald Wlt'ttm rcckvlllo Olvphant jjlckson Throop rrnvldcnco pnrk Place scranton 7 10 II 19 5 PI 7V4l 8 Sll 6fll 7 sr: fft jih 5 a? I : l3 4H'f5 4'i 7 ail 3 4AI 5 4S 7 40 9 51 5 51 7 43! 8 M' 5 54 7 48 8 50' 5 59 7 52 4 01 (104 7 54 4 HT 8 07 75(1, 410; 6 10 III 4 11 6 It 8C2M 17 H 1( 8 0,-ii 4 24 6 20 6 51 ii ail n i.v fi isi fl! -I.'tl rilKII; 9 l'.'l . ITS. 0 f. 41 llt IMIV 11 IN 8 eaai 6S flll5l HM 11 11 HM) II T 8 441 2I 11 05 8 41 D1U (I 14 fft IS 10 II Oil 8 SO It O'i 8. 'Ii finr,7i 8 si ,10 &fi; g 8o! r Ml Leave Arrive! A Ml' HP B All trains run dally except Sunday. I. slgnlllcs that trains stop on signal for pas. so peters M'cuin rates via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets and save money. Day and NlligtlCxpreiiStothe Wi'Ht, J C. Anderson, Oon. Pass. Agt. T. Flltcrof t, Dlv. Pass, Agt. scranton, Pa. WC CAN OIVE YOU SATISFACTION 1 11 Come and sec us about the Job i Work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. f,