The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 10, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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Bread and
cake raised with
and flavor.
Pure " and " Sl
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Have your COLI.AK8 itarohcd In the M
way. whon yon can have them done with efW
pliable Buttonholes for TWO CENTS fcAOa
New and
Very Choice
Line of
Mears 4 Hap
415 Lacka. Ave.
If you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
Williams k McAnuity
127 Wyoming Ave.
St. Thomas' college on Wyoming avenue
Will resume today.
"A Texas Steer" is the attraction at the
Academy of Music for Wednesday even
ing. Diagram opens this morning at the
box oflice. fc
The members of the Yonne Men's Chris
tian Association Glee club, which sang at
the Moody meeting in the Frothiugham
last PveniDcr, are requested to be at the
Moody tent in Hyde Park this evening at
7.3U o'clock.
The exchanges at the Scranton Clearing
Hnnw during the week were: Monday,
15).9S8.10; Tuesday. 1S6,T8'J.54; Wednes
day, $U7,581.5; Thursday, $100,740.72;
Friday, 10i'.'64.50; Saturday. $81,a7.S.
Total, S743,1)C'J0.
For the firemen's parade and celobration
at Wilkes-Barre Sept. 13, the Delaware
and Hudson railroad will tnnke a rate of
one fare for the round trip from all sta
tions between Carbondale and Yatesville
Inclusive. Tickets good to go Sept. 12 and
18, and to return on or before Sept. 14.
A special meeting for women will be
held tonight, at 8 o'clock at the rooms of
the Young Women's Christian association.
Rev. Dr. Robinson and Dr. Pearl will be
present to atelst. Young women willing
to assist in th chorus are requested to be
present at 7.45. Tuesday at noon Mr. Bliss
will conduct a half honr meeting, and
Wednesday at 12 o'clook Mr. Stebbins will
lead a praise service.
Pabst's' Milwackee Eekr, cool and
sparkling, at Lohman'u, Spruce street
Largs Amount of Business to Engage Its
Today tbe grand jury will meet for
the October term and the constables
of the county make their quarterly re
turn to court
While there wilj be a large number
of oases to engage tbe attention of the
Jury this week, the stock of transcripts
is not so large as that which confronted
the grand jury after tbe summer vaca
tion one year ago. In only a compara
tively small number of cases are crimes
of a grave character charged.
When court resumes today It will be
In session almost continuously until
Charles A. Phillips Meets Death In D. L,
& W. Yard.
At 8 o'clock Saturday afternoon,
Charles A. Phillips, a married man
living at 817 Hampton street, employed
as a brakemsn in the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western yard, was run over
by oars and his body was almost cot in
two. He died a few minutes after be
ing brought to the Hoses Taylor hos
pital The funeral will take place tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Of Business and Shorthand.
The best business since the college was
Both sessions largely attended.
This year a large number of people find
It inconvenient to pay for the scholarship
on entering. The management has set
aside a fund of 15,000 to accommodate
those who wish to pay on the instalment
Persons Interested are Invited to call.
F. E. Wood, Principal.
kkeep their
Democratic Leaders of tbe County Have
Serious Task Before Tliem.
He Is Now the Favorite for the Nomi
nation P. P. Smith Will Op
pose Judge Archbald for the Judge
ship and James G. Bailey Will Be
Tendered the Nomination for Sher
iff-Sheriff Fahey May Be Placed on
the Ticket.
There was a lively scurrying among
Democratio politicians Saturday. The
primaries of the party were being held
tut they reeeivea nine or no attention
from the bosses who wore deeply inteut
on the task of constructing a slate so
balanced that it would have a chanoe
of weathering tbe big gale that is com
ing iu November.
Much interest is centered in this con
gressional district this year and the re
sult of the pending finht will be closely
watched by William U. ilarrity aud
others who are high in the councils of
the Democratic party of the state nnd
uution. They want this district to
point to 08 an evidence that the recent
tariff legislation by a Democratio con
gress is endorsed in great manufactur
ing centers, such as this is. Ex-Sheriff
Hobinson has had tbe disposing of the
federal patronage hereabouts and to
him was" assigned tbe duty of swinging
this county into the Demooratio column
us a proof that the offices doled ont to
him wero not misplaced.
Mr. Robinson and the other Demo
cratio leaders were not unmiudful of
the desperate task the national leaders
assigned them to nnd for several weeks
they have been on the outlook for a
candidate for congress. John E. Roche
was approached on the snbjeot, but re
fused to consider a proposition to bs a
candidate. He is not looking for office
this year. W. II. Uenrhnrt and Pro
fessor George Howell were also consid
ered. A conference of the leaders was
held Saturday morning, but adjourned
until evening to give ex Sheriff Robin
son an opportunity to have a talk with
ex-Judge Smith. It was Mr. Robin
eon's idea that Mr. Smith would make
an excellent candidate for cougress and
he wanted tbe es-ju lge to relinquish
tbe idea of again becoming a candidate
for jndge and instead accept the con
gressional nomination.
That was a proposition to which Mr.
Smith would not agree. It would
mean the indorsement of Judge Arch
ibald nnd, as Mr. Smith put it, leave
him open to the charge of having de
serted when bis party needed a candi
date. If he accepted any nomination
IS would be that of jade, and Mr.
Robinson thereupon went back to re
join bis colleagues a somewhat disap
pointed man. That was at 0 p.m.
Another conference was held in the
Scranton House after supper. In the
meantime the congressional field had
b?en surveyed with all kinds of tele
scopes and the only person who loomed
np its a possibility was ex-Congressman
Amertnan. True, be had publicly
stated Unit he wouid not be a candidate
for the office, but it was thought be
might be induced to reconsidor his de
termination. He was sent for.
The relations between Mr. Robinson
and Mr. Amerman have been some
what strained since the latter' recom
mendations with regard to federal ap
pointments were ignored in the inter-f-xts
of Mr. Robinson. At the confer
ence between these notables, however,
it wus hoped tbe differences of the past
would be bridged, and an agreement
concerning the future entered into.
This done, it was hoped Mr. Amerman
would agree to become the candi
date for congress. That disposed of
the head of the ticket and P. P. Smith's
name next went down on the slate af
ter the oflke of judge. Next came
sheriff and here was another rub.
James O. Bailey would rather be
a candidate for clerk of the
courts, but John Durkin, another as
pirant for that postion, bad made an
earnest canvass for delegates and if set
nsido might be in a position to break
tbe slate in the convention which would
leave Mr. Bailey out in tbe cold.
It was therefore resolved to slate
Bailey for sheriff and Charles Sohadt
will be the candidate for county treas
urer as agreed npon weeks ago. The
nomination for diatriot attorney is ao
corded to John P. Kelly and Jamas J.
Healey will have no opposition for re
corder. John Durkin is on tbe Blate
for clerk of the courts.
II. T. Koehler is Blnted for register
of wills although Frank Deckert's
name is still mentioned for the office.
Notwithstanding Sheriff Fahey's oft
repeated statement that be does not
want a nomination this year be may
be found on the ticket as candidate for
prothonotary, Matthew Norton of
C'arbondale and JJobn Lentns of the
South Side are also mentioned for tbo
cilice. Denis J. Roche will probably
receive the nomination for jury com
missioner. Lust night another conference was
held at tbe Scranton House and the
question of a candidate for congress
discussed. It is highly probale that
Professor George Howell, of the WeBt
Side, will be tbe man who will be de
cided upon. Mr. Howell is not pursu
ing tbe nomination, but tbe leaders
think be would make a strong candi
date. Sheriff Fahey stated last night that
he did not know whether or not he
would accept the nomination for pro
tbonotory. Saturdav afternoon a oer
tain condition of affairs had existed
and be consented to take a nlaoe on
the ticket. The aspect of affairs bad
altered later andibe was not prepared
last night to say what be would do.
Tbere was little interest displayed
in the primaries Saturday and in
some districts only tbe form of an
election was conducted. Tbe conven
tion will be called to order Tuesday
morning ot 10,80 in tbe court house by
Sheriff Fahey who is chairman of the
oounty committee.
At a late hour last night the follow
ing card was received by Tub Tribune
from D. P. Battle, of the Twentieth
I do hereby declare myself a candidate
for sheriff, subject to tbe will of tbe
Democratic convention on Tuesday next.
D. P. Battle.
Officer Dyer Tried la Vela to Persuade a
Drunktn Man to so Home.
James Mulherin, of the West Side,
was drnnk, disorderly and blockading
the sidewalk near tbe Lackawanna
Valley bouse Saturdav night. Officer
Dyer was notified and advised Mul
herin to get on a street car and go
He began to abuse the officer, called
bim insulting names and when plaocd
under arrest attempted to assault tbe
guardian of tbe peace. Officer Dyer
reoeived a conple of jibs in the face
while trying to put the nippers on his
prisoner. County Detective Shea was
near at band and assisted in subduing
Mulherin, who was fined $1 for his
Petejr Finnerty, a BuffUo Carpenter, Was
on That Mission Bent.
At 8 43 Saturday night Officer Fla
herty arrested a drunken man on Lack
awanna avenue. At the police station
be gave his name as Peter Flnnerty.
bis age 43 and bis place of residence
Buffalo, His sole purpose in coming
here, he stated, was to get on a glorious
drunk and paint the town a brighter
red than any coat of carmine bued pig
ment it bad received in years.
Alderman Fuller charged him $3 for
his hoard over night at police head
quarters, which he paid after inquiring
what time tbe first train left for
Wilkes-Barre. He considers that a
better field for his artistic efforts in tbe
decorating line.
Luke Riley, of This City, Murdered
at Berea, O., by Farmer
John Beyers.
The following telegram was received
by Chief or Police Simpson Saturday:
Cincinnati, O., Sept. 8. Luke Riley of
your city murdered. Please notify his
father, who W a furnace keepui.
Q. W. Arbuckle, Coroner.
The chief sent out instructions to nil
police officers to make investigation in
their precincts concerning the relatives
ot Riley, but at a late hour last night
the police bad been unable to locate
any of them. The chief expects today
to be able to find Riley's friends.
Tbe following special dispatch to
The Tribune from Cleveland, O.,
throws light on the affair:
A man who game to this city from
Scranton, Pa., not more than a mouth ago,
was murdered last night in a farm house
northwest of Berea, near here, after
which his murderer drugged him to the
yard and loft him there over night, giving
himself up to the authorities in the morn
ing. The murdered man was Luke Riley,
of Scranton, Pa., a Inborer on the new
Cleveland, Lerain and Wheeling extension.
The blow that ended Riley's life was
dealt by John Beyers, a well known and
well-to-do larmer living on Prospect road,
between Strongsville and Berea. Beyers'
story is that he was interrupted while
milking his cows by a doer s furious bark
ing, lie followed tbe doe aud as he en
tered his house he heard Riley making an
insulting proposal to Mrs. Beyers. With
out waiting for anything further Beyers
picuea up a whllllntree aud struck Kiley a
terrible blow on tho bead, klllins bim in
'I he body was uraccel to the kitchen
and left till morning. Then Beyers took
the remains to the yard, put a blanket
over them and gave himself up to the
otrongvuie trustees.
A man named John Riley, who re
sided on tbe South Side, went to Cleve
land, O., about two years ago to ac
cept a position with a street railway
company as a line man. He is known
to nave resided there since and is the
only person by tbe : name from Scran
ton who is known to be in that portion
of tbe county.
Deputy Prothonotary Mvron Hanson re
turned Saturday evening from Williams
port, where he attended the United States
court as a juror. It was a short term and
Mr. Kassou and his follow jurors were
correspondingly grateful.
PnnnrilmftTl V. PnhntTinn iwl TWr,.-
gist Thomas H. Jones, of the West Side,
tciuiLcu cany ouuuuy uiuruiug irom ineir
European trip. They wero coated with
tan, but demonstrated by their appear
ance that the trip across the herring pond
bad boen Immeasureably beneficial. They
speak in glowing terms of the pleasure de
rived from their trans-atlantic jaunt.
James Nallin, of New York, Bpout ves-
terday with bis wife and children, who
are the guest of his parents on Pittstou
avenue. Mr. Nalliu learned telegraphy in
this city and then went to New York to
carve out a future ;for himself. In the
course of time he drifted into the broker
age business for which he bad a natural
aptitude,and in it be has been very success
ful. Although still a young man, he is one of
the leaders in tbe exacting business in
which be is engaged.
George C. Stebbins. who is in charge of
tbe singing at the Moody meetings, is one
of tbe leading composers ot sacred music
In the world, tie was born in the western
part of New York state and in lb09 moved
to Chicago, where he entered the musical
profession. During bis residence there he
became acquainted with Moody and Sankev
and in lbTU became identified with them in
evangulistto work. Since that time he
has been one or the authors of the Uosnel
Hymns series, bis associates being
Ira D. Sankcy and James Mc
(i ran ah nil. Mr. Stebbins' compositions
have been uniformly popular. Some
of his best known hymns arx: "There Is a
Green Bill Far Away." "I Know That My
Redeemer Lives," "Evening Prayer," "Je
sus Is Calling," "Come Unto Me," "In the
Secret or tils i'resenco," "I've round a
Friend," "Beyond the Smiling and Weep
ing," "Throw Out the Lifo Line," "Satis
fied," "True Hearted, Whole Hearted,"
and "Crown Him." Mr. Stebbins possesses
a voice combiniug rare sweetness and
power, his enunciation being so clear that
his words can be readily recoenized. Be
sides bis talent as a singer, Mr. Stebbins
is a zealous Christian worker and renders
valuable service in the after meetings
wnicn are usually neia in connection with
Mr. Moody's services.
Rose Coghlan is stopping at tbe Wyom
ing, having arrived from Rochester with
tier company. uunug a cuat with a
Tribune reporter she said' "In presenting
Sardou's great play, 'Diplomacy,' at tbe
rrotningnam to-morrow evening my
audience will see one one of tbe most in
teresting plavs from tbe pen of this great
dramatist. It is iu this phy that I mada
a pronounced success as theCountoss Zicka
when it was nroclucoil for the uist time in
this country at Wailnck'a theatre,
New York. I cannot give you
a detailed description of my drosses
because I do not think that any
description would adequetly explain their
beauty and elaborateness. I will say,
however, that they are a revelation aud
nothing more handsome ha- ever been scan
on the stage. The ladios of my enmpnuy
are also handsomely guwnHrt. Tuesday
night 1 shall present Oscar Wild s play, "A
Woman of No Importauca." It Is a strong
play and presents many phases of charac
ter common in English society. Mv part
in the thy is more emotional than any
thing I have done of late and is In strong
contraut to the character of the Countess
Zicka in "Dimploinacy." Miss Coughlin is
looking la tbe beet ot henl.h and says that
her season, so far, which begun at Saratoga
week before last, has been very successful
and np to her expectations. 1
The $40,000 School House ,.,
for Columbia avenue has beou let and will
be commenced Immediately. There are
Still a few lots left at a low price.
Arthur Fhothinoham,
. Office, Theater Lobby.
Bill books, memorandums, time books
and blank books, in stork or made to or
der. Pratt's Book Stork.
More Pillsbury Flour sold than any
Other brand made in the United States.
Oxford. Bagster, International and
family Bibles, Pratt's Book Store. '
Evangelist Moody Speaks to Over 2,
them of God's Love.
Mr. Moody Preaches on Sowing and
Reaping Popular Sins Powerfully
Condemned Sowing Lies and
Reaping Lies Sins of Trade Scath
ingly Denounced Tallie Morgan's
Choir of 100 Male Voices Assist at
Evening Service.
Tbe Frothingham theater was over
crowded at the men's service last night
when Mr. Mooly addressed over 3,000
men. Excellent musio was piovided
by a special choir comprising 103 male
voices seleoted from the Sacred Musi
cal society and conducted by Tallie
Morgan. George C Stebbins, the
musical colleague of Mr. Moody, and
Caswallon Davis, of the Moody quar
tette, also contributed selections with
their usual skill.
The preliminary services wer con
ducted by Secretary Ponrsall of the
Railroad Young Men's Christian nsao
cintiou and Secretary Many of Young
Men's Christian association.
Mr. Moody took bis text from
atiaus vi, 7., "Di not deceived; God is
not mocked, for whatsoever n man
soweth, that shall he also reap." The
evangelist introduced his subject in
the following language:
Nine years ago I did not sw the truth of
that versa as I see it tonight, and it has
been burning deeper dowu in mv heart
ever since. It is astonishing how blind
people must be that thay don't see the
gravity of this verse, which is one of
God's fixed laws and one which meets man
iu every turn of his life, nod from which
no one is exempt tho priest at tho altar,
tho peasant, the congressman r the pr?i
dent of the United Slates. "Bo not de
ceived." We are deceived by our neigh
bors, and to come nearer to homo we may
be deceived by our twin brother, nnd
above all your own heart is more deceitful
to you than nil thiugs; but one thing is
sure the Uod of that Bible never was and
never will bo deceitful. Tuere aro a class
of peoplo who, In cause they don't lelieve,
declare that a thin a must not b.i trno, but
that makes no (lilference to the truth nv
ertheloss, Thoao men don't want to be
lieve. I am not in the habit of dividing my ser
mons into beads as I fear of getting lost
before concluding, but this eveuiug I pro
pose to divide my sermon into four por
tions. (1) A man expects to reap where hn
sows. Would a fanner sow if ho expected
no uarvestr u ue expecteu n drought or
blight would he sow tho seed? Rather
would be not leave tho laud aud go and
work at something ol.-e?
The first head does not reiinire anv more
explanation a? you all uuileratnud its
meaning, so 1 will pass over to the second.
A man expects in the natural world to
reap what be has sown. No mnu who
plants wnter melons expects to get tur
nips, neither would a mau sow wheat aud
expect to grow cucumters. Neither
would a man who had learned tbo trade of
a blacksmith expect to know all ubout
medicine, aud just as true it is in tho spir
itual world, that a man is going to reap
the same kind of seed he sows. If you sow
lies you are certain to reap lies.
btorekeepershave asked me to account for
the large number of dishonest clerks and
I have told thuui that wlwu they compel
these very clorks to sell all woolen goods
when they are half cotton. t!jer nro sim
ply sowing the lies and reaping what they
uave sown, anu is it tneie ore nnvtnng to
be surprised at that if yon that'll them to
cheat they are bound to ch-at youf If
you sow lies be cortnin tnat ynu s'jall reap
lies. I wouldn't sell whisky, and whyy I
would be making a drunkard of your son
and would reap what I was sowing by
someone making a drunkard of my son.
I challenge any rum-seller if he is present
to find me a man who has beeu in the
whisky business twenty years and who
has not a family skeleton either in a
drunkard son or near relative.
My friends you canuot afford t o sell.
Don't sell out but knock in the end of
your whiskey barrels aud empty it in the
bewer. Rise as oue man and keen the
cumed thing out of tbo land. Tiiev are
sowing in the flesli to reap iu corruption.
ine same tiling applies to the church
member who rents his propertv for these
purposes, or the man who holds stock in
ineui. lou cannot u-nt about the bush
with the devil. You will reap what vou
bow aud hnd better look after your invest
ments. Ijook wnetner tins is not the
truth and if it is not to be found in the
Bible and if you dou't care for it. co out.
as 1 am goiug at it still harder.
Mr. Moody then faithfully carried
out bis promise and went at it very
much harder and rung out pluin truths
which every man iu the 3,000 mnnt
have felt their force in one rjspct or
tbe other.
"Supposing," s:ii J he, "that a man
steals my pocketbook wnat do I lose a
few greenbacks, what does he lose?
He loses a clear conscience, he loses his
soul and forfeits beavon."
After demonstrating bow Jacob nnd
David had reaped tbe sins they bad
sown and how adultery, rebellion and
imirdtr occurred iu David's family
and were just tbe sins be had sown the
evungelut passed on to third head ; a
man will reap mors than he sows. A
farmer told him that from one bean he reaped no less than 1,000
beans. Jacob reaped for twonty years
what took but an boar to sow aud
while ho ' whs preaching there were
men iu Scranton sowing sins which
would take all their natural life in re
peating. Young men tulk about just
sowing their "wild oats." Do they
realize that in the reaping they will
reap in shams involving a devoted
wife, a sainted mother, the little inno
cent children. Where are the bank
clerks, cashier nnd president who by
small sius developed their sowing until
now wo read of them reaping tbelr
harvest for ten, fifteen, nay twenty
A lot of Fine White
Peaches for Canning
SO and 75c.
429 Lacka. Ay.
years in the penitentiary. In the fourth
place the kind of seed makes no differ
ence. Pnt it to yourself, said the evangelist
selecting a few of his audience; what
am I sowing today? Let the question
swtep through this hall 1 Lit every
one question himself deeply as to
whether he is sowing the wheat or tnres?
Everyman knows what he is sowing.
You know! If so you are going to reap
eternal remors. You or sowing in
tbe rlosh to reap in corruption. Do you
spend yonr evenings in the whisky
shops? I would prefer being a slave,
as they were in the South, under tho
meanest master than be a ser
vant to the devil, cbnined to
him and sweeping along to hell. To
you I say what are you sowing? How
do you treat your parents? Do you
talk abont them as being "too relig
ious?" What an utter ooutempt I fee!
for the young wretch who lightly
speaks upon tho stroot to his scorning
companions of the "too religious" but
sainted mother. ,God have mercy upon
such a wrotch.
Mr. Moody then dealt with varions
phases of tbe fourth division of bis
sermon and closed with an earnest ap
peal to his audience to examine them
selves as to what they were reaping
lest they sow tbe wind' and reaped the
whirlwind in eternity.
The ladies' meeting ut Elm Park
church nt 4 o'clock ufternooa drew a
large congregation of ladios to that
magnificent church. It was crowde l
beyond its capacity with ladies of nil
ages, nnd tho effect of tho various
pretty dresses, nnd contrasting colors
was oue not to be forgotten.
After several seleatious had hfon
sung undur the direction of Mr. Steb
bins, prayer was offered by Mr. Moody
in terms most iinpri89ive. IIo asked
diviuo help for those women curaed
with drunken husbands and for the
blessing of the hoavouly Father upon
the young maidens who were entering
the battle of lifo. In tuo coursj of nu
oxcolleut address delivered by Mr.
Moody for th special beueiit of the In
dies, he observed:
I shall spsiik on these wordy which nre
found in the epistle to St. John, chanter
4: "Uod is Love." The lovo of GoJ is an
unchangeable lova not fickle liiia tbo way
we, love. There are many that you lovod
u few years ngo but who you would now
pass on the streets uneb'ervod and there
lies the dilferuuce between tho human aud
divine love.
THE LOVE Ol' 001).
When our friends betrav us and
deoitful, we ccaae to lovo them, but God's
love is unchangeable, and llo loves those
who lovo Iliui as well us thosa who do nut
The ctrongest human love is tho love of u
mother. Mho lovn of n father to a son ninv
beestranged, or the love of n wife to her
husband may cease, but not through tiio
wido, wide, world will you find a tnio
mothor who will cease to love her baha.
After this introduction which s?-
enred the close attention of his hearars,
Mr. Moody proceeded to illustrate tho
many points of his eloquent nddresa
with thrilling incideuts. which iu simi
lar be applied with his usual
incisiveueas to bis large nullenoe. liis
plain method of applying his dedno
tions made n powerful Impression upon
the ladies present and there is no doubt
that w. ilo the address would
consolvi m to raauy hungry souls there
were many also to whom it would he
instructing upon the great sul j -ctof
love and particularly the duties of
Christian psople with regard to tbe
love they should bear to ono nnothor
ns well as to their Heavenly Father.
A very lnrgo uumber enthered be
neath tho ennvna tent on North Main
avenue at 3 30 o'clock yesterday after
nooi:. nt. the services conducted by E.
w. b us. ihe choir was in superb
conniuun aud rendered Bweet mnsio
dnri:ix tho service. Professor William
W. Ji ne conducted the singing nnd
Miss J'arian Hutchinson presided at
tho ortan. After the regular soug ser-
vi :e u':v. i. j. uollins prayed.
Mr. lilies took the text of his after
noon discourse from Paul to the IIo
brews i v., 22, He sail:
The Bible is a unit. There is no discord
whatever in its construction. It is the.
same as an organ when touched by a
BKiueu iianu. inero is uanuony. The
Beeds of truth were sown in (ionosis und
developments following iu the rest of its
books. There is one vsry erroueous view
which some people have, aud that is wheu
Christ comes, that it will be the end of the
world. For 1,800 years tho Jews have
been blinded aud tho Ueutiles illuminated.
At the end of this age a most wonderful
transformation scene will occur. Koine
sny that Christ is only wailing for n car
tain development iu tho peonle to make
them ready to receive him. Hn cuiuj into
this world to put uway sin, and it nevi r
was put away nutil he camo. We uow say,
"How about the saints of tho Uld Testa
ment?" By virtue ot the covenant of grace, God
had only pictured to the minds of thesb
Old Testament saints iu such wavs as thu
Passover aud the spotless lunib, b it the
ronl action was takeu whon Christ ap
peared. He will return hero nnd take His
own. We shail see Him as Ho is. liusten
the day and lot it como quickly aud Ujd
will take care of His disciples.
A prayer followed. The ovening ser
vicos were very largely attended. A
service of song and prayer was held,
aner wnicn an eicquont 6ermon was
preached by Mr. Bliss. A larga num
ber attended.
A laror line of new books and novels nt
half price Pratt's Book Stouk.
di i ;i.
LARNARD Vharlec, son of Theodora nnd
Mary Larnnrd,of Bridgeport, Conn. Fune
ral nt the houso of Mrs. Lydia Edwards,
SJO'Falrvinw avenue, Sept. II. Intormeiit
at Lackawanna.
Buy one of
Berry's Best
Ai7 Lacka. Avenue.
Best Sets of Teeth,$3i00
Including ths painless extracting
ot teeth by an entirely new pru-Com.
si clocks
- S1IH V 01
UivL I V"
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Erpirei at Her Home Yaeterday After a
IiOrT Illness.
Mrs. John O'Ronrke died yesterday
at her home, Cl'J River street, after
long illness. Mrs. O'Rourke was 23
years of age nnd is survived by a hus
band and two children. She is mourned
by a large circle of friends and ac
Her funeral will take place Tuesday
morning at ft 30 A requiem mass will
be celebrated at St. Peier'e cathedral.
Interment will be nude in Hyde Park
Catholio cemetery.
Two Eorantonlaoii Who Will Partici
pate la a Reunion There.
S. II. Stevens and LeGraud Wright
leave this morning for Albany, N. Y.,
to pnrticipato in the annual reunion ot
the One Hundred nnd Soventy-Seventh
regiment, Now York volunteer?, which
will be held today nt Tho Abbev, a pic
turesque spot on one of the charmiug
hills overlooking the Empire statu cap
ital. 1
Mr. Stovens is vice presidont of the
regimental association.
Room nnd picture mouldings, wall nnd
ceiling decorations, iu water colors and
hnspar relief. Something new.
Pratt's Book Store.
art saw
L: Here
I :i v J
I They Come s
ii Tho new lino of I inn- "
K btove.i you littvo been
X wnititur Jur have arrived, Z
S and aro exposed
km ii
LM ,
a in the S
23 Leciitisc! 1 hey will boar ST.
f. inspection. First-class in j
f3 every respect, and ?om l.U
H And the Frice
Pi iri
i in Plain Figures
H is marked on every one.
li Wo propose to induce j
and hold your trade. rJ
"j Call and see what you V
can do on 1 eaters. ?s
53 !:
I H.Bsttin&Co. I
ri l'." 1M .NX A VMM K.
Woo I worth's,
You will bo surprised how uooU a broom
wo can soli you at UV.
Better lirooins at to'Si:.
t'aliba'.i Cntt.'is, a uol one Lie.
l)ucoi .i!o(l Enjlisli It ui ry S iucor uc
Decorated Wax Candles lfle.
Wino :!.-.
Glass Den y Saueers. tie.
Lamp Chimneys 'A:.
Hand Tumblers ;.'
China V.gj Cups I).-.
Individual Mutter Disho.i 3.-.
A new Child's Chair, in either pink, blue
or white enamel lluMi a beauty, for.. J 1.00
Fivo ( )"elo::k Tea KetU.-s-all brass w ith
alcohol lamp, complete. A in-auty lor. I P.' I
Cut lilacs Tumbler, per du-,:m -I.lii
Cut Ulass Toothpick ltuldor 4".
Cut Glass Oil tlottto
Cnt Glass Handled Olive Dish 'iw
New lino Stand Lamps, Fine Decora
tions, from i'j-.up
G. S
319 Lacka. Ave.
And pratty soon you will commence to
EAXISTKK watita yon to watch for tlie many surprises in
the N12W FALL L1XK3.
His HOYS' AND GriiLS' SHOES arc the best that
can he marto anil will cost you no more than you are uow paying for
inferior shoes. It will pay you to trade at
ASCTEB'Q Cor' Lackawanna and
SflBySd 1 K Si d Wyoming Aves,
Early Fall Styles in Millinery, Cloaks,
Mens Hats, Neckwear, etc.
General agents for Dr. Jaeger s Woolen
They Cannot Be
Beat Oar Prices
On Goats and Gapes
We are selling a $5 Coat
for $1.93.
A $14 Black Clay Worst
cd Coat for $7.
$4.50 Capes for $1.98.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits
in Serge, latest cut, for
?6.50, worth $12.
Mackintoshes for HALP
Coma and ssa for your
self. This sale will only
last for a few days.
3 feita J Durins the Summer.
1S3 Wyoming Ava.
128 Wyoming Ave.
fl" exhibition in our window SEE
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new build
ing, 322
Washington Ave.
'v.'-'.t'V.'-i Ivv"''-
Meat Market
The Fines t in the Citv.
The latest improved fur
nishings and apparatus for
kflepinj; meat, butter and eggs.
S33 Wyoming Ave.
I Hats, Caps, Jack
ets, Umbrellas,
I Gossamers, &c.