THE SCItANTON TRIJUTNE-SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 8, 1894." A Social However great may ba the month of Jane for its reoords of rosea and wed dings, the list of nuptial oeremonies ushered ia with the first breath of autumn certainly claims for beptem ber a prominent position in the list of wedding months. Among: a large number of ceremonies whieh ocenrred during the week were those which follow: Thomas Mulhern, of this city, and Miss Bessie Gibbons, .of Moscow, were married in St Catharine's Catholic church at Moscow Tuesday morning. Rev. R. H. Walsh officiated. The marriage of Walter W. Mitchell, a prominent yonng business man of Utioa, N. Y., and Miss Anna May Downing, was celebrated at 320 Mifilin avenue, the residence of the bride's grandfather, Nathaniel Hallstead, Wednesday evening at 0 p. ru. The ceremony was performed by Rev. War ren G, Partridge and took place in the drawing room, the wedding party standing under a oanopy of mountain pine and before an exquisite bask ground of magnificent palms. The bride was dressed in white moire silk and laoe and wore diamonds, which in cluded a sunburst pin, the present of the bridegroom, and was attended by two ribbon children, Miss Margory Ilowe, of Uties, and Miss Mildred Campbell, as well as by two page-boys, Masters Walter and Frankle Hallstead. John & Thomas, of Utica, acted as best man and Thomas Moore acted as usher. Among the out-of-town wedding guests were Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Howo, Miss Ada Mitchell, John Thomas, Utica; Mr. and Mrs. I.J. Weatherby, Miss Dell Hallstead, Misses Rivenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rivenburg, . E. Finn, Mr. and Mrs. James Deeker, John Hallstead, Hiram Rivenburg, Clifford; Dr. and Mrs. Sehoonmakor, New York; Miss Rudd, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Downing, Miss Baylis, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Dowling, Stroudsburg; Dr. and Mrs. Van Doreng Arehbald ; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Utley, Forater; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kent, Hickory Grove, and Dr. and Mrs. Broome, Utica. Miss Myrtlo Adell Thomas, the el dest daughter of Professor Clark S. Thomas, the well kuown musician, and Harris Seibept, late of New York, but now of the West Side, were married Monday noon in their new and eoBlly furnished residenoe, 1014 Cedar ave nue, in the presence of their immedi ate friends and relatives, by Rev. E. L. Miller, of Trinity Lutheran ehurch. The bride was attired in a pretty trav eling costume of fawn cloth with brown surah silk trimmings. She wore diamond ornaments and carried a boquetof Dink rosebuds. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served, xne table was exquisite in Its arrangement and prettily and taste fully deoorated. Mr. and Mrs. Sei bort left for a short tour wbioh will embrace New York. Boston and Phila delphia. They will be at home to their friends after Monday, Sept. 10. One of the prettiest weddings wbioh has occurred in Plttston for some time was that at the home of Mrs. Josti ne Lazarus, of North Main street, Tues day evening when ner eldest daughter, M. Helen, was united in marriage to Ceeil 0. Dlckover, of Brooklyn. The large double parlors were profusely deoorated with cttt flowers and potted plants and presented a very pretty ap pearance. Promptly at 8 o dock the bride and groom preceded by the ushers, Harry Roth, and Harry Connor and the maid of honor, Miss Daisy Connor, of WiUces-Barre, and at tended by Miss Maggie Lazarus, a sister of the bride, as bridesmaid, and Edward Schooloy, of Plttston, as best man entered the front parlor and took their places under a large floral bell made of white daisies where the oeremony was performed by Rev. N. G. Parke. The bride was be comingly attired in a costume of figured white silk and carried a bouquet of bride roses. The brides maid's dress was of pink orepe do ohene and she, too, carried bride roses, Mr. and Mrs. Dickovcr left at midalght on a short wedding trip through the prin cipal cities of New York state and will return to Plttston today for a few days before leaving for their new home al ready prepared at Blytnebourne, Long Island. Over 100 guests were present and among those frtsn a distance were Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Seeteok, Miss Wallow and William Diekoyer, of Brooklyn; Mrs. Charles Devine, Mrs. Robert Richardson and Mrs. John Ritter, of Indianapolis, Ind., and Miss Roh wed der, of New York. As tokens of tbc esteem In which the bride is held.many elaborate and beautiful presents were received from friends. The marriage of Jacob Brandwan, a well-known resident of Seranton, to Miss Mamie Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Cohen, of Penn avenue, Was celebrated Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock. The Rev. N. Dronk, of the Penn Avenue synagogue, officiated, and William Viaeburger acted as Srcomsmaa, while Miss Ethel Ponner, fiss Lottie Stone, Miss Mamie Block and Mrs. Shimburg, of Syracuse, were bridesmaids. Wa H. Malta, Honesdalc represen tative of the Boranton Truth, and Miss Julia Drumm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Drumm, of Honesdale, were married in that city on Tuesday in St. John's nburoh by Rev. John Griffin. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Jennie Drumm, and the grooms- IHDM V Fh A IT.A T)i . 1 vice-president of the Glass Workers of the United States and Canada. The ushers were J. V. Clifford, T. J. O' Boyle, John J. Murphy, ot Boranton, and Frank Ryan, of Honesdalc, Miss Jean Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Freeman, and Drank Yon Sobrader, of Ottnmwa, Iowa, were united in marriage Wed nesday evening at the home of the oriae s parents on Sonth Main avenue, by Rev, D. K. Freeman, in the pres ence of a large number of friends. The oriae wae attired in a dress of black satin and carried a bonnet of cane jasmines. The maid ot honor was Alias Laura Von Sbrader, sister of the groom. John H. Murrell was grooms man. The nshere were William a freeman and Otto Von Sobrader. Bauer's orchestra furnished mnsto for dancing, following the oeremony. Alfred Roberts was married Wednes day morning to Miss Carrie Thomas. daughter of Daniel Thomas, of North Bromley avenue. A large number of friends assembled to witness the cere mony, which was performed by Rev. D. C. Hagbes, pastor of the Jaokson Street Baptist ehurob. The bride wore a fawn color costume, with pearl trimmings. At the close of the cere mony a wedding breakfast was served and the yonng couple left on a tour to Philadelphia, New York and Washing ton. When they return tney win commence housekeeping in their newly furnished home on Rebecca avenue. .ii. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner, of Jefferson avenue, gave a danolng party in honor of the letter's brother, Eugene Liven thall, on Wednesday evenioir. The fol lowing were present: Mrs. Gilpatriek.of New York ; Mrs. Angleutyre, the Misses Coleman, McHale, M. Hughes, B. Mo Ginniss, M. Bannaa, a Giblin, M. Roderick, R. Massey, M. Joyce, N. MoGinness, A. MoUoanell, 11. bally, W. Brennen, M. Massey. M. Holmes, A. MoGinness, D. Layborne, of Scran- ton, and Miss Katie liarrett, or wuues- Barre ; Messrs. J. Gor4on, H.Taylor, M. Murnby. M. Rooney, 11. liuber, T. O'Malley, M. O'Boyle. V. Nlebell, Mr. Kellv. tt. Gardner. U. Angiemyre. U. Evans, Professors G. Taylor and M.jMo Glnness, of Seranton; Mr. Dewitt, J. Halligan, J. Layborne, of Providense. John Payne was tendered a very pleasant party at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Payne, oa North Bromley avenae, Tuesday even ing, the oeoasion being the celebration of hia twenty-first birthday. Many of his friends were present. He was the recipient of several beautiful presents, among them being a valuable gold watch from his father and a handsome pair of cuff buttons from his mother, At a late hour refreshments were served. Miss May Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benton Davis, of 209 North Lincoln avenne, entertained a number of ber intimate friends last evening at a birthday party. During the evening Miss Louise .Dlynn and Misses Marlon Hutchinson, Jessie Owen and Bertha Deeker lent their assistance to the en tertainment of the young folks. Those present were: Misses Ethel Peck, Etta ana Ktnei wooarua, tstber reebene, Florence t owier. uarrie Brill, lorenoe Brill, Carrie Core, Bessie Nealy, Emma JSealls, Lizzie Uateber. urace buow. Carrie Lever, Jessie Beavers, Katie and AUIe Uurril, Lizzie and Cordelia Owen, Annie and Susaa Jones, Eva Kittles, Hattie Farrel, Kate, Alice, Blanche Bauman, Alioe Evans, Eva and Ada iioberts, Nettie Davis, Helen Reese, "bad Messrs. John Edwards, John Owen, Stanley Phillips, Claude and Norwood Pitober, wordie Annie, Steward Richards, Harry Gresnwood and Jacob Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Bauman, Mrs. Thomas Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Owen, George Hutchinson, Miss May neete ana otuers. At a dancing party given Tuesday evening by Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fuller for their sou, Mortimer, the following guests were present: Misses Helen Sanderson, Edith Pierson, Grace Kingsbury, May Kingsbury, Anna Arohbald. Lillle Gearbeart. Gertrude and Lulona Warner, ot Goschen, Ind. ; umma uaniey. Miss Snerer. Bess Tor rey, May Torrey, Miss Hunt, Mary Linen, Eleanor Anderson, Angusta Arohbald, Miss Blair. Miss Decker. Florence U'lnoh, Miss Gould, of Seneca Falls, N. Y. : Alice Matthews. Clara Simpson. FiVelyn Gllmore, Jossle Uour sen. Miss Morse. Janet Law. Misses Jermyn, Miss Lindsay, Miss Fuller, of waveriy, JN. i. : Joe Boles. Warren Pierson, Selden Kingsbury. John Brooks, Ned Moffat, Robert Arch- DBia, Harry Klrkpatriok, Willis Kirkpatrick. Albert Watson, Jim (iearnart. Edwin Gearbart. Will lian ley, Will Torrey, Everett Hunt, Ed ward Holland. Windsor Deeker. Bert Merrill. James Blair, jr.. Carl Welles. Claudy Walker, Rob Frey, Rob Sny der, Nelson Gillespie. Julius Morse, George Morse. Jim Sanderson. Ed. Nettleton, Frank Spencer, Frank Ful ler, Casslus btaekbouse, Will Hutck lns, R, Hutohios. The engagement of Miss Lena Mat thews, of Green Ridco street, and Mr. Will Matthews, of Olyphant, has been announoed. The wedding will take place on Sept. 27, at the Green Ridge Presbyterian church. Miss Agnes Moyles was tendered a surprise party last evening by a num ber of her young lady and gentlemen friends, at the borne of her uncle, W. U. JJnigan, on Jeuerson avenue. Personal Mention: Owing to the Illness of Professor W. George Powell, of No. H school, Profes sor H. L. Morgan, ot No. 31. will assume Professor Powell's position. James Hughes, a recent graduate of BncKnell university, wui probably oe aesignea ins proiessor snip at ho. 81. Robert T. Black, jr., accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Judson, will sail on the La Boulogne, Saturday, Sept, 15. from New York for Havre. They will spend the winter in Fans. Rov. Thomas Boll, of South Dartmouth. Mass., who recently accepted the pastorate or tne nymoucn congregational cnurcn, West blue, Has arrivea wun nis ramny, The Rev. A. W. Cooper, pastor of the Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal cnurcn, ba roturnea rrora bis vacation and will occupy the pulpit tomorrow. Miss E. Nina Thomas, of the West Side, has returned home from a two weeks' visit at Lake Benry, and while there she was the guest or Mrs. W. B. Boeiey. Robert Black, jr.. and tats sister. Mrs, Judson. will start next month for a six months' tour of the British Islea and the European continent. J. D. Naaman and family, of South Bromley avenue, are home from an ex tended tour of Columbia, Sullivan and Lycoming counties. Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Bosert and family are home from a delightful visit at At lantio City and other delightful sea coast resorts. Miss Mnbel Leonard and Miss May Tier ney, of this cltr. returned on Monday to tbeir studies at Villa Maria academy, Mon treal. Alderman John Fltziimmons is spending tne day on tne Farview imountatns wftn company of Carbondale friends. j Miss Grace R. Peck, of Price street, has returned from Honesdale, whereshe has been conducting a kindergarten. Franklin S. Bovev and Mrs. It. D. Mat- tack, of Philadelphia, are guafcts ot Mr. anu Airs, wunam ii. freeman. I Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Conwav and child' reu, have returned to the city from their summer cottage at Lake Ariel. I Miss Nellie Fern is at Boston! where she will spend a few wookj arao.ig friends and relatives in tliat vicinity. W. W. Brownlmr and family are home from Now York and the sea shore, after an absence of eight days. MIks Kate Brennan. of Made street li home after a two weeks' visit with ber sister in Now York city. Miss Rosa Roberts returned Wednesday from Bag Harbor, N. Y., where she has been for two months. Miss Delia Gower. of Prospect avenne. hias returned home after visiting relatives n Carbondale. Mrs. John Purceil. of New York, is visiting friends in this citv. She will BDeud a month here. i Mr. and Mrs. F. E Nettleton. who have been summering at Dalton, have returned to the city. Mr. and Mrs. 'William Kelley have closed their cottage at Lake Ariel and returned to the city. Miss Bertha Kelly, ot Evnon street, is attending the Bloomsburg State Normal sohool. Fred O. Hand has returned from Asbary Park, where be has been spending a few weeks. A W. Cook has returned to the city. after spending the summer in New York state. Dunmore, are visiting relatives in New York. Miss Julia Allen visited her home at Whltnoy's Point, N. Y., duriug the week. MiBs Lula Deppen. of Price street, has returned from a visit In Lanoaster county. Miss Carrio French, of Say re, Pa., lathe guest of Miss Bkolllnger, ot Price Btrcet. W. G. Haunt, of Willlamsport, has been In the city during the week. Lieutenant Governor L. A. Watres was in Harrisburg Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Holmes are visiting in Elmira and Buffalo. Mrs. Emma Cobb Is visiting friends in Blugbamton, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wells, of Philadelphia, are in the city. Miss Cora Leach, of Jackson street, is at the seashore. Fred Emrlch spent Yesterday at Mount Pocono. C. B. Pitcher is enjoying a trip in the west. MUSIQ AND MUSICIANS. Many ot our local musicians were in clined to qnestion some of the decisions made ov Dr. Ferry at tne elsteddtod neia this week at Laurel Hill park, though to the credit of all interested in the adjudi cations it should be stated, the remurks upon the subject have bson of a friendly and joking nature. This seems a good In dication that the world of music here abouts 1b growing better. The work of adjudication at an eisteddtod isaimcuit at all times, ana especially so on occasions where contestants are so evenly balanced as they were at Laurel Hill. In giving opinions as to the merits of cer tain renditions Dr. Parry, no doubt, took into consideration many points that would not be noticed by the average listener and his trained ear noticed grave defects that would be concealed from the audience by the dasb and brilliancy or tbe singers, Upon the whole It would seem that the deolslons or tne adjudicator were impar tially given and nis manner or expressing ideas showed a thorough knowledge of tne subject. II II II Austere musicians about us claim that the one serious drawback to the Moody meet ings in tale city is tne awakening or a oe sire on part of many good people to sing tne gospoi cymns. wmie it is undoubtedly true that a greater portion or tne songs ot the tent are of an exceedingly trashy na ture, musically speaking, there are many meritorious works in tne gospel collection. It Ib indeed to be regretted that a higher class of music is not utilized in divine worship. The musical offerings should b) of its best. But while the gospel hymns do not perhaps oome up to the ideas of the educated musician, they perform a mission in elevating the taste of the novice to har mony and melody or a more ambitious grade, and what may sound like clap-trap today may in future stimulate a desire for tbe soul inspiring strains that are worthy of tbe hymns of praise offered up to the Creator. II The selection of the Toreador's song irom "uarmen," as a competitive pieoe ror baritone singers, was an exhibition of good udgment on part or tne committee at jaurel Hill park on Thursday, There are few solos that allow the opportunities for line work that are presented in tne song ol tbe Toreador, rne vocalist wno rails to gain Inspiration from thU grand composr tion Is certainly lacking in natural taste for music end should never attempt to sing in public In the matter of selections for tbe part song competitions, it is thought, better taste conld have been dis played. While a song of the class of tbe Tortador never grows old. some of the other pieces rendered were ot the grade that grow rusty very young. Tney were too familiar, in fact, to be enjoyable. II II II The next eisteddfod of importance to singers in the Lackawauna and Wyoming valleys will bo held at Allentown on Thanksgiving Day. Representatives of the enterprise wore at Lnurel Hill park yesterday in consultation with well known local vocalists on tbe subject. II II II The Personal Gamut: Musical Director Fred Wbltteraore has returned from Boston, where he passed his summer vacation. Llewollyn Jones acted as one ot the ac companlsts ac the eisteddfod, and presided at tne piano wun nis usual taste and skill Professor D. Protheroe. of Milwaukee. Wis., was among the spectators t the eis teddfod yetterday. Professor Protheroe is visiting old friends in the city for a few days. Richard Lindsay has issued circulars calling a mass moeting of musicians for Sept. 12, when his scheme for tbe wintor musical oampaign will be fully explained to tnose wno attend. The charmiug young soprano. Miss Hay lor, was among tbe prominent competitors at Laurel Hill this week. Miss Hay lor led a double quartette that made a commend able showing in the compotltlon for part songs and her voice was hoard to advant age la otner selections. Mrs. Powell, of Bellevue, and Mrs. Nellie Moses Thomas, displayed much ability as conductors In leading the female choruses on Thursday afternoon. Their ease in di recting the singers before them was re markable and it Is doubtful it auy of the celebrated conductors p'esent could have done so well. D. G. Johns, the operatlo oomnosor. seems to be giving excellent satisfaction as leador of tbe choir of St. Mary's Catho- lio church, of Dunmore. Mr. Johns re ceived his musical education in Boston and is one ot tbe earnest and talented conduc tors who have done much toward improv ing the standard of mnsio In the churchos, Gilmore's Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies. If you are suffering from weakness, and feel exhausted and ner vous; are getting thin and al! run down, Gilmore's Aro matic Wine will bring roses to vour cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it lor your daughters. It is the best regulator and . corrector for ailments peculiar to woman hood. It promotes diges tion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by Matthews Bros., Seranton. vm iiypiiEi Short Subjxls of Interest to Euthiulas'.s Over tbe Silent Steed. CYCLERS TO GO INTO POLITICS President Luscomb Urges Them to Take an Active Part in the Forth coming Elections, with a View to Promoting the Cause of Better Roads Other Paragraphs of Live Interest to All Admirers of the Wheel. For the Saturday Tribune. The success which Zimmerman, Banker and Wheeler have attained in the professional ranks in Europe has lea ine supporters oi casn prize racing in this country to believe that there ie still an opportunity to popularize the sport in America. In spite of the con siderable money lost by the promoters of the cash prize league last season, a movement is now afoot, well backed financially, to bring the American pro fessionals and a party of foreign racing men to this country this fall and hold a series of professional meetings throughout theicountry. The schonie, it is reported, is supported by some well-to-do sporting men, who have be come rather enthusiastic over the big crowds who are attending the profes sional races abroad, and believe that tney see a big luinncial return in the promotion of similar races in this country. W. B. Troy, the manager of the American profes sionals, is said to be interested in the scheme. Bo sanguine are the promot ers of this professional scheme that it is proposed to hire a track in the sub urbs of Gotham and arrange some big races upon the return of Zimmerman. The latter, upon his departure for iiingiana in tne spring ,asseruiu uiut this would be his last season upon the track; and, as ho is at present booked to compete at a number of indoor meetings this full, It does not seem likely that he will arrive in this coun try until the early part of December, in which event indoor races win nave to be promoted. To launch the pro fessional racing scheme in America again will require big financial back lug, ana in tne event or uig purses Deing ottered there is no doubt but what a number of the class B men would de sert the League of American Wheel men. Whirrs op tub Wheelmen: The girl of the bicycle bloomer Is a boon to the writers ot humor They bail with delight A new subject to write Of, and that's why they boom 'er. Indianapolis Journal. England has 8,000 soldiers mounted on bicycles. J. F. Gunther, of Chicago, holds the world's record for the century run 0.50.00. There is every indication of a revival of cash prize racing in this country the cominc autumn. The Hying start mile in 1.50 isn't so far off by a good many seconds as it appeared two years ago. Tne uiass is circuit cnasers require two Pullman sleepers and a special baggage car in order to travel comfort ably. A young man or Jeiiersonvuie, xna., was recently blinded by the bursting or nis pneumatic tire, wmcn ne was engaged in repairing. UniMand is slowly but surely catch' ing on. They had their first relay ride there on Aug. 10. The route was from London to Edinburgh. The firemen of 1'arls have been sup plied with twenty-eight bicycles, to facilitate communication between the different engine houses. The French claim that the wooden rim is not an American invention, as a Frenchman named Gras constructed a bicycle with wooden rims in 1873 A bicycle club has recently been or ganized in Medicine Hat, Manitoba and its members have had tho bad taste to name the club after the town It Is estimated that there are 800,000 bicycles in use in this country. At an average cost of $100, this would amount to sno.uw,uuu-quite a neat little sum, It Is said that in tho races open only to policemen, which are frequently held in Ireland, the contestants ride in full uniform heavy boots, holniet and all. Mrs. Michael Angelo Kelly, wife of tho $10,000 beauty, is one of Chicago's most enthusiastic cycleresses, and an earnest advocate ot tho rational cos tunio. Nelson, the Springfield crack, is still a victim of the fever which sent him to the hospital in Vienna, and is now at his home. It is not likely that he will do any more raclnc: this season, Bergen county, N. J., derives quite a neat little income from the fines imposed upon wheelmen who are nabbed whilo riding foot-paths. It costs a rider each time no is caught, It has been estimated that the actual earnings of the ten leading Class B crackajacks will approximate $7,500 each for the season, exclusivo of sal aries, which, if true, would indicate that the trado of a speed merchant is a paying one. E. M. Highley. of Now Hampshire, has invented a unicycle which prom ises to double the speed of the fnstest bicycle, it is seven lect in diameter, is worked with pedals and gearing connected with two wheels in tho cen ter of the machine, which act on the outer wheel, and it is steered by the action ot tho body of tho ruler. THE CHOLERA SCARE. Investigation of Waltoer Case Prov.s There Is No Cause for Alarm. Pittsburg. Pa., Sept. 6 A careful investigation made today by the Leader, of the faots surrounding tbe reporis of the death of an immigrant, John Waltoer, at Cumberland. Md., lust night, eives no ground for tbe as sertlon that tbe death was due to Asiatio oholera. Dr. J. Gny MeCandlese, of the bureau of health, stated that be had reoeivea a report rroin tbc inspectors sent to look after the quarantined com panions of the dead man, aud that every member of the ptrty was well and no signs of the least disorder were evident. Superintendent Baker, of the Pittsburg bureau of health, was also seen and stated that he had a report that there was no obanife la the ooadl tion of tbe quarantined people, and no signs of any disease. Superintendent Baker lert ror ttaaner tbls morning to look after the quarantined Immigrants and took with bint an immense amount of disinfectants. Superintendent Patton, of the Balti more and Ublo railroad, to whose en. ergetio conric and prompt aotlon are due all of the precautions taken, said that bis report from Sbaner was of a kind to allay all fear of oholei a. He was very emphatlo In his statement that he did net believe mere wae any oholera in tbe party. ' AT THE THEATERS. A short sketch of Rout rVichlari. the distinguished aotress, to be with os at the Frothtnsham Monday and Tuesday even ings, will be of interest. For more than a quarter of a century, or until tbe death ot uis son anu successor, Leutor wallaok, the theater founded by James W. Wsllack. sr.. was the theater of America, and in fact, of tbe English speaking world, sharing iu its renown squally with the tamed Cotnedle Franeaise. An engagement at this famous home ot high comedy could only be had by those who stood on the oinnacle of art and with a passport of having been one of wauaca's company onecouia secure an en gagement anywhere with this potent open sesame. For years tbe charming Mrs. Hoey reigned supreme as leading lady in this cultured borne of Thespls. Retiring with her husband (of Adams Express memory) to her beautiful estate, "Holly, wood," Mew Jersey, she was succeeded by that rare actress. Laura Keene, whose triumph was instantaneous and complete. Ambition proved ber ruin, (or in severing her connection with Wallack's to become her own mnnaser. after repeated upsand downs, and with reverses bringing on dis sipation, this charming and most brilliant Encliph girl died poor and friendless. A successor had to be chosen, and one was found in Ada Dyas. But here again, at tbe zenith of her fame, came whispering Plutus, that deceiving god, and Lester Wallsek again had to search for a peer to those who had gone before, and to be the worthy inhabitant of n temple that had contained the three Wallnck', Blake, Brougham. Walcot, Sothern. Holland. Mrs. Veron, Mary Qannon and Sara Stevens a galaxy to be graven in enduring brass. Such an one was found, and this new candidate for hlstrlonio honors, to take ber place at the hend of such associates, bowed before a "Wallack" audience at tbe openiug of tbc next season in the person of Koie cognian. witn tne lovely ungush bloom upon her cheeks, rivalling that of Laura Keene, with a wealth of beautiful balr, with a sumptous beauty or form ana grace of movement outveighing any of her predecessors; witn rare taste in ricn cos tuming that brought back memories of Mrs. Hoey with all these, and more, a mistress of her most diffloult art her suc cess was instantaneous, complete and lasting. She easily stood foremost of all that had gone before, and seemed, "like the lovely chef d' osurve of the Greek n soolptor, to exhibit in one glow of associ ated beauty the pride of every school, the perfection ot every master." Such was and is Rose Coghlau. t t t "Billv" Barry, the jolly comedian, who is to be seen at the Academy of Music on Monday evening in that great comedy, 'The Kising ueneration," which made such a great hit here last season, invites his many frionds to join him in a little gameot "draw poker," and promises to give them a few pointers on how to make a sure winner. The "Lulu" hand always takes the pot. This is one of the best comedy scenes ever introduced. t t t Fitz and Webster will be at the Academy of Music Tuesday evening in their entor- taining farce comedy, "A Ureezy Time." The Mauch Chunk Times Buys of it: "A crowded bouse greeted Fitz and Webster and their merry compnny ot comedy play, ers, in 'A Breezy Time,' last night. There KATHRYN WEBSTER. was bright, sparkling music new Bonus and pretty dances, and from beginning to end tuore wasn't a dull moment. Mr. Fitz appeared at bis best, and he was ably sup ported by Miss Kathryn Webster and a company or competent players, Tbe cos tumes were bright nnd dazzling, contribut ing largely to the effect of the play. Alto gether, a very 'Breezy Time' was bad, and tne audience was wen pleased. t t t No one who appreciates keen, witty, yet stingless satire, can fail to enjoy the fun Charles II. Hoyt bns put togotber under the title of "A Texas Steer," which is to oe presented at tho Academy of Music on Wednesday evening. From :the "hurrah" with which (Maverick Branded is unwill ingly elected to oongress, to, and through the excruciatingly fuuny scenes of bis in itiation into national politic", and tbe in itiation of his family into society at Wash ington, this Texau family furnish fun fast and furiously. Said Mr. Hoyt: "1 have soloctod, I think, tbe best cast that has ever pluyed the parts in 'A Texas Steer.' George Woodward, who plays Maverick Brander, is one of the most capable char acter comedians on the stage. Miss Bet tina Gerard is a comedienne of rare abil ity. Will H. Bray is well known in the part of George Washington jr Fisbbaok. The unctuous :Bras8ey Gall will be in the capable care ot O. H. Barr, land the Com mittee from Texas will be In the hands ot artists." Beecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills 25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. BeCocwMLAn. VJ WEAK MEN your attention IB GAIXHD TO TBI Urent English Bemedy, Gray's Specific Bedlclna IF YOU SUFFER N?r. aiwiMiai vous Lia bility, Wenes of Body and Mind, Sperma torrhea, and Impoteuuy, aud all diseauee thai arise from over-lndulKonea and eelf abuse, a Loss of Memory and l'owor, Dimness ol Via Ion, t'romature Old Aire and many other dis ease that load to Insanity or Consumption and an early Bravo, write for a pamphlet Address 0RA7 MEDICINE (X)., Buffalo, N. Y. Tbe Bpeotflo Medicine Is sold by all druniftsta at I per package, or six packages tor ti.or sent by mail on reeelpt of money.and with every 15.00 ordor WE GUARANTEE a core or money rerunuoa IWOn account of counterfeits we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine, bold in Seranton by Matthews Bros. PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. Let Railway's Beady Relief be need oa the Urst Indication of Tain or Uneasiness; If threatened with Disease or Blokneae, the Core will be made before the family doctor would ordinarily reach the house. CURES THE WORST PAINS In from ono to twenty minutes Not one hour aftor read ing this advertisement neod any one SUF FER WITH PAIN. ACHES AND PAINS For hnadaehe fwhother sick or nervous), toothache, neuralgia, rhoumatlsm, lumbago, natus and weakness In the back, spine or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swollluir of the taints and nalnn of all kinds. thn application of Ksdway's Keady Roller will afford immodiatneueo, and Its continued umt tor a row aays cu jet a permanent cure. A CURE FOR ALL Summer Complaints, Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus. A halt to ateaspoonful of Ready Relief In a half tumbler of water, repeated as often as the discharges continue, and a flannol sat urated with Ready Koliof placed over the stomach and bowels will afford immediate relief and soon eftoot a cure. Internally A, half to a teanpoonful In half a tumbler of water will, in a few minutes, cure Cramps. Spasms. Sour Htomach, Nausea, Vomltinir. Hourtburn. Nervousness. Bloen- lossnese. Sick Headacbe, Flatulency and all Internal pains. Malaria in Ita Various Ferine Cured and Prevented. 1-bore is not a remedial apencv in the world that will cure fever and ague and all other mnlarlous. bilious and all other fevers, aided by RADWAY'S quickly as BAD- ItAIB KB, AD KtLlJir. Travolors should always carry a bottle of Rud way's Ready Relief with them. A few drons In wator will nrevont sickness or nalna from change of water. It is better than French brandy or bitters as a stimulant Miners and lumbermen should always be provided with it. Price 60 cents per bottle. Bold by all drug gists. PIBeaLag mm RELIABLE PURELY VEGETABLE Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse and strengthon. BADWAY 8 PILLS for the cure of all dis orders of the Stomach. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diaoasos, D zzlneaa, Ver. tlgo, Costiveness, Pllos, sick headache; FEMALE COMPLAINTS. BILIOUSNESS. INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AND ALL DISOHDERS OF THE LIVER. Observe the following symptoms rosultlng from diseases of the dlgostire organs: Con stipation, Inward piles, fullness of blood In the head, aeldity ot tho stomach, nausoa, hoartburn, disgust ot food, fullness ot weight ot the stomach, sonr eructations, sinking or llutterlng of the heart, choking or suffocat ing sensations whon in a lying posture, dim mss of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the h'ad, deficiency of Dorsptratlon, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain In the side, chest, limbs, and sud den flushes of heat, turning In tho flosh. A few dosesof KADWAY'8 PILLS will free tbe system of all the abovo namud disorders, l'rloe S5c per box. Sold by druggists or sent by mall. Bend to DR. BADWAY St CO., Lock. Box S06, flew York, for Book ot Advice. Psntorrlnkoe REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a Well Man 1st Day. 18th Day. of Me. THE GREAT 30th Bar. rXlETNTOII IlEMEDY produces the above results bClO tln.vs. It scti powerfully and quickly. Cures when all others (all Young mitu will regain tbolr lout manhood, and old mim will rooover their youthful visor by using It K VIVO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous nous, Lost Vitality, Ira potency, Nightly Emission, Lout Power, Filling Memory, Wutina Diseases, and all effects of sclf-abiim or eicuitsaud indiscretion, which untltH one (or study, buHlness or marriage. It not only euros by starting at tho seat ot disease, but is s great nerve tnnlo and blood builder, bring ing back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing the lire of youth. It wards elf Insanity and Consumption. Insist on having REVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pockut. By mci! S1.00 per package, or all lor SB.OO, with a post tlvo written guarantee to cure or refund the money. Circular (too. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO.. 63 Rlvsr St., CHICAGO. ILL For sale by Matthews Tiros., Druggists, Seranton, l'a. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market Tbe Finest In tlie Citj. The latest Improved far nlBbingi and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and egga. 9S Wyoming Ave. nWfP rsr irua um. THtriprsoAP: , HunsmiiisMiM For Washing Clothes ClAN and SrfEETl It LASTS LONGER than other Soaps. Price PlVli CENTS a bar. ...... Third National Bank of Seranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 mss aad reapuBalbllUT. WItriAM roifwrx, President BO. . C ATLC?, SBa-7rafdBl rTULUAM II. PUCK, feeble DIRECTORS. William Cornell, Gaant H. Catlla, Alfred Hand. James Arelihald, Bear Bella. Jr WillWan X feottkv Lather THE TRADERS National Bank of Seranton. CRQAKIZED U9QL CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,ooa BAMUETj HmESJPreeMeirt. W. W. WATSON, Vice President, A. a WILLlAUi Caahiec DIRECTORS. Sampil Binm, jawxs m- EvnnARiv IRVIMO A. FlNOH. PlKllCS B. FlNLSX, Joseph J. Jihmyn, M. B. Kisisss, Cbas. P. MiTiajtws, JojiN T. Poaxaa. ; W. W. Watsoa PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This Kink Invites tbe patreaagf of faislnsas men and Arms generally. Seeds and Fertilizers Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & GONNELL GO. POWDER CO. Booms 1 ind 2 CommonNealtb Bld'g, SORANTON, PA. MINING andBLASTINQ POWDER Had at the MOO3I0 and BUBO DAUS WORSJ8. ) Lafflln ft Band Powder Co.V ORANGE GUN POWDEB Etectrio Batteries, Fuses for explod ing blasts, Bafety Fuse and fcepftunoChemical Co. ' High Explosives. MTU MM M- InrfMeelUMMWIW. BEST tL.0 SHtaH M tI WORLIJ. "A dtUmr emu Ml e4-" TalsLarflee' Mid ftmah Dasfete KMIrat. tuKoot tritona in Mrki la a V.6.. neatot of Oua, umej won, Jhthl Rota far tl.60. qtafls era w the boots aoU in all ntatl atone tot 2.N. We naaa thta boot oanalma, tharafore m guar arte taajU, ityle ant mar. N ; we will refund UM money . ...a ana u aarona ia nw mouh 'F t. or aaad another niir. UDera TV or Ittmnon uentt, widths C, D, B, k KM. ktbrn 1 to I aad halt Jd year Km; s viUJU . Uluitnttd rati Dexter Shoe Co7&" &ciI Itrmt fieoter. B100DP0IS0S;E dV, imUt ranatr. kkd bj M Ml' tniin prookuiS 100. H took, inmnMd boa UtfraspMprl.MraS.fMbrailL WkaSprhi tad atmnrhli, Oar MbrIo Remedy poaMnlT . COOI asa&I OS, Otmf. IB. MQOSIC